/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import formidable from 'formidable'; import http from 'http'; import zlib from 'zlib'; import fs from 'fs'; import { pipeline } from 'stream'; import { contextTest as it, expect } from '../config/browserTest'; import { suppressCertificateWarning } from '../config/utils'; it.skip(({ mode }) => mode !== 'default'); let prevAgent: http.Agent; it.beforeAll(() => { prevAgent = http.globalAgent; http.globalAgent = new http.Agent({ // @ts-expect-error lookup: (hostname, options, callback) => { if (hostname === 'localhost' || hostname.endsWith('playwright.dev')) callback(null, '', 4); else throw new Error(`Failed to resolve hostname: ${hostname}`); } }); }); it.afterAll(() => { http.globalAgent = prevAgent; }); it('get should work @smoke', async ({ context, server }) => { const response = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/simple.json'); expect(response.url()).toBe(server.PREFIX + '/simple.json'); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); expect(response.statusText()).toBe('OK'); expect(response.ok()).toBeTruthy(); expect(response.headers()['content-type']).toBe('application/json; charset=utf-8'); expect(response.headersArray()).toContainEqual({ name: 'Content-Type', value: 'application/json; charset=utf-8' }); expect(await response.text()).toBe('{"foo": "bar"}\n'); }); it('fetch should work', async ({ context, server }) => { const response = await context.request.fetch(server.PREFIX + '/simple.json'); expect(response.url()).toBe(server.PREFIX + '/simple.json'); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); expect(response.statusText()).toBe('OK'); expect(response.ok()).toBeTruthy(); expect(response.headers()['content-type']).toBe('application/json; charset=utf-8'); expect(response.headersArray()).toContainEqual({ name: 'Content-Type', value: 'application/json; charset=utf-8' }); expect(await response.text()).toBe('{"foo": "bar"}\n'); }); it('should throw on network error', async ({ context, server }) => { server.setRoute('/test', (req, res) => { req.socket.destroy(); }); const error = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/test').catch(e => e); expect(error.message).toContain('apiRequestContext.get: socket hang up'); }); it('should throw on network error after redirect', async ({ context, server }) => { server.setRedirect('/redirect', '/test'); server.setRoute('/test', (req, res) => { req.socket.destroy(); }); const error = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/redirect').catch(e => e); expect(error.message).toContain('apiRequestContext.get: socket hang up'); }); it('should throw on network error when sending body', async ({ context, server }) => { server.setRoute('/test', (req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, { 'content-length': 4096, 'content-type': 'text/html', }); res.write('A'); res.uncork(); req.socket.destroy(); }); const error = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/test').catch(e => e); expect(error.message).toContain('apiRequestContext.get: aborted'); }); it('should throw on network error when sending body after redirect', async ({ context, server }) => { server.setRedirect('/redirect', '/test'); server.setRoute('/test', (req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, { 'content-length': 4096, 'content-type': 'text/html', }); res.write('<title>A'); res.uncork(); req.socket.destroy(); }); const error = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/redirect').catch(e => e); expect(error.message).toContain('apiRequestContext.get: aborted'); }); it('should add session cookies to request', async ({ context, server }) => { await context.addCookies([{ name: 'username', value: 'John Doe', domain: '.my.playwright.dev', path: '/', expires: -1, httpOnly: false, secure: false, sameSite: 'Lax', }]); const [req] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/simple.json'), context.request.get(`http://www.my.playwright.dev:${server.PORT}/simple.json`), ]); expect(req.headers.cookie).toEqual('username=John Doe'); }); for (const method of ['fetch', 'delete', 'get', 'head', 'patch', 'post', 'put'] as const) { it(`${method} should support queryParams`, async ({ context, server }) => { const url = new URL(server.EMPTY_PAGE); url.searchParams.set('p1', 'v1'); url.searchParams.set('парам2', 'знач2'); const [request] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest(url.pathname + url.search), context.request[method](server.EMPTY_PAGE + '?p1=foo', { params: { 'p1': 'v1', 'парам2': 'знач2', } }), ]); const params = new URLSearchParams(request.url.substr(request.url.indexOf('?'))); expect(params.get('p1')).toEqual('v1'); expect(params.get('парам2')).toEqual('знач2'); }); it(`${method} should support failOnStatusCode`, async ({ context, server }) => { const error = await context.request[method](server.PREFIX + '/does-not-exist.html', { failOnStatusCode: true }).catch(e => e); expect(error.message).toContain('404 Not Found'); }); it(`${method}should support ignoreHTTPSErrors option`, async ({ context, httpsServer }) => { const response = await context.request[method](httpsServer.EMPTY_PAGE, { ignoreHTTPSErrors: true }); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); }); } it('should not add context cookie if cookie header passed as a parameter', async ({ context, server }) => { await context.addCookies([{ name: 'username', value: 'John Doe', domain: '.my.playwright.dev', path: '/', expires: -1, httpOnly: false, secure: false, sameSite: 'Lax', }]); const [req] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/empty.html'), context.request.get(`http://www.my.playwright.dev:${server.PORT}/empty.html`, { headers: { 'Cookie': 'foo=bar' } }), ]); expect(req.headers.cookie).toEqual('foo=bar'); }); it('should follow redirects', async ({ context, server }) => { server.setRedirect('/redirect1', '/redirect2'); server.setRedirect('/redirect2', '/simple.json'); await context.addCookies([{ name: 'username', value: 'John Doe', domain: '.my.playwright.dev', path: '/', expires: -1, httpOnly: false, secure: false, sameSite: 'Lax', }]); const [req, response] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/simple.json'), context.request.get(`http://www.my.playwright.dev:${server.PORT}/redirect1`), ]); expect(req.headers.cookie).toEqual('username=John Doe'); expect(response.url()).toBe(`http://www.my.playwright.dev:${server.PORT}/simple.json`); expect(await response.json()).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' }); }); it('should add cookies from Set-Cookie header', async ({ context, page, server }) => { server.setRoute('/setcookie.html', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', ['session=value', 'foo=bar; max-age=3600']); res.end(); }); await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/setcookie.html'); const cookies = await context.cookies(); expect(new Set(cookies.map(c => ({ name: c.name, value: c.value })))).toEqual(new Set([ { name: 'session', value: 'value' }, { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' }, ])); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect((await page.evaluate(() => document.cookie)).split(';').map(s => s.trim()).sort()).toEqual(['foo=bar', 'session=value']); }); it('should support cookie with empty value', async ({ context, page, server }) => { server.setRoute('/setcookie.html', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', ['first=']); res.end(); }); await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/setcookie.html'); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.cookie)).toBe('first='); const cookies = await context.cookies(); expect(cookies.map(c => ({ name: c.name, value: c.value }))).toEqual([ { name: 'first', value: '' }, ]); }); it('should not lose body while handling Set-Cookie header', async ({ context, server }) => { server.setRoute('/setcookie.html', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', ['session=value', 'foo=bar; max-age=3600']); res.end('text content'); }); const response = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/setcookie.html'); expect(await response.text()).toBe('text content'); }); it('should handle cookies on redirects', async ({ context, server, browserName, isWindows }) => { server.setRoute('/redirect1', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', 'r1=v1;SameSite=Lax'); res.writeHead(301, { location: '/a/b/redirect2' }); res.end(); }); server.setRoute('/a/b/redirect2', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', 'r2=v2;SameSite=Lax'); res.writeHead(302, { location: '/title.html' }); res.end(); }); { const [req1, req2, req3] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/redirect1'), server.waitForRequest('/a/b/redirect2'), server.waitForRequest('/title.html'), context.request.get(`${server.PREFIX}/redirect1`), ]); expect(req1.headers.cookie).toBeFalsy(); expect(req2.headers.cookie).toBe('r1=v1'); expect(req3.headers.cookie).toBe('r1=v1'); } { const [req1, req2, req3] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/redirect1'), server.waitForRequest('/a/b/redirect2'), server.waitForRequest('/title.html'), context.request.get(`${server.PREFIX}/redirect1`), ]); expect(req1.headers.cookie).toBe('r1=v1'); expect(req2.headers.cookie.split(';').map(s => s.trim()).sort()).toEqual(['r1=v1', 'r2=v2']); expect(req3.headers.cookie).toBe('r1=v1'); } const cookies = await context.cookies(); expect(new Set(cookies)).toEqual(new Set([ { 'sameSite': (browserName === 'webkit' && isWindows) ? 'None' : 'Lax', 'name': 'r2', 'value': 'v2', 'domain': 'localhost', 'path': '/a/b', 'expires': -1, 'httpOnly': false, 'secure': false }, { 'sameSite': (browserName === 'webkit' && isWindows) ? 'None' : 'Lax', 'name': 'r1', 'value': 'v1', 'domain': 'localhost', 'path': '/', 'expires': -1, 'httpOnly': false, 'secure': false } ])); }); it('should return raw headers', async ({ context, page, server }) => { server.setRoute('/headers', (req, res) => { // Headers array is only supported since Node v14.14.0 so we write directly to the socket. // res.writeHead(200, ['name-a', 'v1','name-b', 'v4','Name-a', 'v2', 'name-A', 'v3']); const conn = res.connection; conn.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'); conn.write('Name-A: v1\r\n'); conn.write('name-b: v4\r\n'); conn.write('Name-a: v2\r\n'); conn.write('name-A: v3\r\n'); conn.write('\r\n'); conn.uncork(); conn.end(); }); const response = await context.request.get(`${server.PREFIX}/headers`); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); const headers = response.headersArray().filter(({ name }) => name.toLowerCase().includes('name-')); expect(headers).toEqual([{ name: 'Name-A', value: 'v1' }, { name: 'name-b', value: 'v4' }, { name: 'Name-a', value: 'v2' }, { name: 'name-A', value: 'v3' }]); // Comma separated values, this matches Response.headers() expect(response.headers()['name-a']).toBe('v1, v2, v3'); expect(response.headers()['name-b']).toBe('v4'); }); it('should work with context level proxy', async ({ browserType, contextOptions, server, proxyServer }) => { server.setRoute('/target.html', async (req, res) => { res.end('<title>Served by the proxy'); }); const browser = await browserType.launch({ proxy: { server: 'http://per-context' } }); try { proxyServer.forwardTo(server.PORT); const context = await browser.newContext({ ...contextOptions, proxy: { server: `localhost:${proxyServer.PORT}` } }); const [request, response] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/target.html'), context.request.get(`http://non-existent.com/target.html`) ]); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); expect(request.url).toBe('/target.html'); } finally { await browser.close(); } }); it('should pass proxy credentials', async ({ browserType, server, proxyServer }) => { proxyServer.forwardTo(server.PORT); let auth; proxyServer.setAuthHandler(req => { auth = req.headers['proxy-authorization']; return !!auth; }); const browser = await browserType.launch({ proxy: { server: `localhost:${proxyServer.PORT}`, username: 'user', password: 'secret' } }); const context = await browser.newContext(); const response = await context.request.get('http://non-existent.com/simple.json'); expect(proxyServer.connectHosts).toContain('non-existent.com:80'); expect(auth).toBe('Basic ' + Buffer.from('user:secret').toString('base64')); expect(await response.json()).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' }); await browser.close(); }); it('should work with http credentials', async ({ context, server }) => { server.setAuth('/empty.html', 'user', 'pass'); const [request, response] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/empty.html'), context.request.get(server.EMPTY_PAGE, { headers: { 'authorization': 'Basic ' + Buffer.from('user:pass').toString('base64') } }) ]); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); expect(request.url).toBe('/empty.html'); }); it('should work with setHTTPCredentials', async ({ context, server }) => { server.setAuth('/empty.html', 'user', 'pass'); const response1 = await context.request.get(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(response1.status()).toBe(401); await context.setHTTPCredentials({ username: 'user', password: 'pass' }); const response2 = await context.request.get(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(response2.status()).toBe(200); }); it('should return error with wrong credentials', async ({ context, server }) => { server.setAuth('/empty.html', 'user', 'pass'); await context.setHTTPCredentials({ username: 'user', password: 'wrong' }); const response2 = await context.request.get(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(response2.status()).toBe(401); }); it('delete should support post data', async ({ context, server }) => { const [request, response] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/simple.json'), context.request.delete(`${server.PREFIX}/simple.json`, { data: 'My request' }) ]); expect(request.method).toBe('DELETE'); expect((await request.postBody).toString()).toBe('My request'); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); expect(request.url).toBe('/simple.json'); }); it('get should support post data', async ({ context, server }) => { const [request, response] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/simple.json'), context.request.get(`${server.PREFIX}/simple.json`, { data: 'My request' }) ]); expect(request.method).toBe('GET'); expect((await request.postBody).toString()).toBe('My request'); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); expect(request.url).toBe('/simple.json'); }); it('head should support post data', async ({ context, server }) => { const [request, response] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/simple.json'), context.request.head(`${server.PREFIX}/simple.json`, { data: 'My request' }) ]); expect(request.method).toBe('HEAD'); expect((await request.postBody).toString()).toBe('My request'); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); expect(request.url).toBe('/simple.json'); }); it('patch should support post data', async ({ context, server }) => { const [request, response] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/simple.json'), context.request.patch(`${server.PREFIX}/simple.json`, { data: 'My request' }) ]); expect(request.method).toBe('PATCH'); expect((await request.postBody).toString()).toBe('My request'); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); expect(request.url).toBe('/simple.json'); }); it('post should support post data', async ({ context, server }) => { const [request, response] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/simple.json'), context.request.post(`${server.PREFIX}/simple.json`, { data: 'My request' }) ]); expect(request.method).toBe('POST'); expect((await request.postBody).toString()).toBe('My request'); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); expect(request.url).toBe('/simple.json'); }); it('put should support post data', async ({ context, server }) => { const [request, response] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/simple.json'), context.request.put(`${server.PREFIX}/simple.json`, { data: 'My request' }) ]); expect(request.method).toBe('PUT'); expect((await request.postBody).toString()).toBe('My request'); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); expect(request.url).toBe('/simple.json'); }); it('should add default headers', async ({ context, server, page }) => { const [request] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/empty.html'), context.request.get(server.EMPTY_PAGE) ]); expect(request.headers['accept']).toBe('*/*'); const userAgent = await page.evaluate(() => navigator.userAgent); expect(request.headers['user-agent']).toBe(userAgent); expect(request.headers['accept-encoding']).toBe('gzip,deflate,br'); }); it('should send content-length', async function({ context, asset, server }) { const bytes = []; for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) bytes.push(i); const [request] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/empty.html'), context.request.post(server.EMPTY_PAGE, { data: Buffer.from(bytes) }) ]); expect(request.headers['content-length']).toBe('256'); expect(request.headers['content-type']).toBe('application/octet-stream'); }); it('should add default headers to redirects', async ({ context, server, page }) => { server.setRedirect('/redirect', '/empty.html'); const [request] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/empty.html'), context.request.get(`${server.PREFIX}/redirect`) ]); expect(request.headers['accept']).toBe('*/*'); const userAgent = await page.evaluate(() => navigator.userAgent); expect(request.headers['user-agent']).toBe(userAgent); expect(request.headers['accept-encoding']).toBe('gzip,deflate,br'); }); it('should allow to override default headers', async ({ context, server, page }) => { const [request] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/empty.html'), context.request.get(server.EMPTY_PAGE, { headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Playwright', 'Accept': 'text/html', 'Accept-Encoding': 'br' } }) ]); expect(request.headers['accept']).toBe('text/html'); expect(request.headers['user-agent']).toBe('Playwright'); expect(request.headers['accept-encoding']).toBe('br'); }); it('should propagate custom headers with redirects', async ({ context, server }) => { server.setRedirect('/a/redirect1', '/b/c/redirect2'); server.setRedirect('/b/c/redirect2', '/simple.json'); const [req1, req2, req3] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/a/redirect1'), server.waitForRequest('/b/c/redirect2'), server.waitForRequest('/simple.json'), context.request.get(`${server.PREFIX}/a/redirect1`, { headers: { 'foo': 'bar' } }), ]); expect(req1.headers['foo']).toBe('bar'); expect(req2.headers['foo']).toBe('bar'); expect(req3.headers['foo']).toBe('bar'); }); it('should propagate extra http headers with redirects', async ({ context, server }) => { server.setRedirect('/a/redirect1', '/b/c/redirect2'); server.setRedirect('/b/c/redirect2', '/simple.json'); await context.setExtraHTTPHeaders({ 'My-Secret': 'Value' }); const [req1, req2, req3] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/a/redirect1'), server.waitForRequest('/b/c/redirect2'), server.waitForRequest('/simple.json'), context.request.get(`${server.PREFIX}/a/redirect1`), ]); expect(req1.headers['my-secret']).toBe('Value'); expect(req2.headers['my-secret']).toBe('Value'); expect(req3.headers['my-secret']).toBe('Value'); }); it('should throw on invalid header value', async ({ context, server }) => { const error = await context.request.get(`${server.PREFIX}/a/redirect1`, { headers: { 'foo': 'недопустимое значение', } }).catch(e => e); expect(error.message).toContain('Invalid character in header content'); }); it('should throw on non-http(s) protocol', async ({ context }) => { const error1 = await context.request.get(`data:text/plain,test`).catch(e => e); expect(error1.message).toContain('Protocol "data:" not supported'); const error2 = await context.request.get(`file:///tmp/foo`).catch(e => e); expect(error2.message).toContain('Protocol "file:" not supported'); }); it('should support https', async ({ context, httpsServer }) => { const oldValue = process.env['NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED']; // https://stackoverflow.com/a/21961005/552185 process.env['NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED'] = '0'; suppressCertificateWarning(); try { const response = await context.request.get(httpsServer.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); } finally { process.env['NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED'] = oldValue; } }); it('should inherit ignoreHTTPSErrors from context', async ({ contextFactory, contextOptions, httpsServer }) => { const context = await contextFactory({ ...contextOptions, ignoreHTTPSErrors: true }); const response = await context.request.get(httpsServer.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); }); it('should resolve url relative to baseURL', async function({ server, contextFactory, contextOptions }) { const context = await contextFactory({ ...contextOptions, baseURL: server.PREFIX, }); const response = await context.request.get('/empty.html'); expect(response.url()).toBe(server.EMPTY_PAGE); }); it('should support gzip compression', async function({ context, server }) { server.setRoute('/compressed', (req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Encoding': 'gzip', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', }); const gzip = zlib.createGzip(); pipeline(gzip, res, err => { if (err) console.log(`Server error: ${err}`); }); gzip.write('Hello, world!'); gzip.end(); }); const response = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/compressed'); expect(await response.text()).toBe('Hello, world!'); }); it('should throw informative error on corrupted gzip body', async function({ context, server }) { server.setRoute('/corrupted', (req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Encoding': 'gzip', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', }); res.write('Hello, world!'); res.end(); }); const error = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/corrupted').catch(e => e); expect(error.message).toContain(`failed to decompress 'gzip' encoding`); }); it('should support brotli compression', async function({ context, server }) { server.setRoute('/compressed', (req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Encoding': 'br', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', }); const brotli = zlib.createBrotliCompress(); pipeline(brotli, res, err => { if (err) console.log(`Server error: ${err}`); }); brotli.write('Hello, world!'); brotli.end(); }); const response = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/compressed'); expect(await response.text()).toBe('Hello, world!'); }); it('should throw informative error on corrupted brotli body', async function({ context, server }) { server.setRoute('/corrupted', (req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Encoding': 'br', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', }); res.write('Hello, world!'); res.end(); }); const error = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/corrupted').catch(e => e); expect(error.message).toContain(`failed to decompress 'br' encoding`); }); it('should support deflate compression', async function({ context, server }) { server.setRoute('/compressed', (req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Encoding': 'deflate', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', }); const deflate = zlib.createDeflate(); pipeline(deflate, res, err => { if (err) console.log(`Server error: ${err}`); }); deflate.write('Hello, world!'); deflate.end(); }); const response = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/compressed'); expect(await response.text()).toBe('Hello, world!'); }); it('should throw informative error on corrupted deflate body', async function({ context, server }) { server.setRoute('/corrupted', (req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Encoding': 'deflate', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', }); res.write('Hello, world!'); res.end(); }); const error = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/corrupted').catch(e => e); expect(error.message).toContain(`failed to decompress 'deflate' encoding`); }); it('should support timeout option', async function({ context, server }) { server.setRoute('/slow', (req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, { 'content-length': 4096, 'content-type': 'text/html', }); }); const error = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/slow', { timeout: 10 }).catch(e => e); expect(error.message).toContain(`Request timed out after 10ms`); }); it('should support a timeout of 0', async function({ context, server }) { server.setRoute('/slow', (req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, { 'content-length': 4, 'content-type': 'text/html', }); setTimeout(() => { res.end('done'); }, 50); }); const response = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/slow', { timeout: 0, }); expect(await response.text()).toBe('done'); }); it('should respect timeout after redirects', async function({ context, server }) { server.setRedirect('/redirect', '/slow'); server.setRoute('/slow', (req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, { 'content-length': 4096, 'content-type': 'text/html', }); }); context.setDefaultTimeout(100); const error = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/redirect').catch(e => e); expect(error.message).toContain(`Request timed out after 100ms`); }); it('should not hang on a brotli encoded Range request', async ({ context, server }) => { it.info().annotations.push({ type: 'issue', description: 'https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/18190' }); it.skip(+process.versions.node.split('.')[0] < 18); const encodedRequestPayload = zlib.brotliCompressSync(Buffer.from('A')); server.setRoute('/brotli', (req, res) => { res.writeHead(206, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', 'content-length': 1, 'Content-Encoding': 'br', 'content-range': `bytes 0-2/${encodedRequestPayload.byteLength}`, 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes', }); res.write(encodedRequestPayload.slice(0, 2)); }); await expect(context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/brotli', { headers: { range: 'bytes=0-2', }, })).rejects.toThrow(`failed to decompress 'br' encoding: Error: unexpected end of file`); }); it('should dispose', async function({ context, server }) { const response = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/simple.json'); expect(await response.json()).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' }); await response.dispose(); const error = await response.body().catch(e => e); expect(error.message).toContain('Response has been disposed'); }); it('should dispose when context closes', async function({ context, server }) { const response = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/simple.json'); expect(await response.json()).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' }); await context.close(); const error = await response.body().catch(e => e); expect(error.message).toContain('Response has been disposed'); }); it('should override request parameters', async function({ context, page, server }) { const [pageReq] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForRequest('**/*'), page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE) ]); const [req] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/empty.html'), context.request.fetch(pageReq, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'foo': 'bar' }, data: 'data' }) ]); expect(req.method).toBe('POST'); expect(req.headers.foo).toBe('bar'); expect((await req.postBody).toString('utf8')).toBe('data'); }); it('should support application/x-www-form-urlencoded', async function({ context, page, server }) { const [req] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/empty.html'), context.request.post(server.EMPTY_PAGE, { form: { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', file: 'f.js', } }) ]); expect(req.method).toBe('POST'); expect(req.headers['content-type']).toBe('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); const body = (await req.postBody).toString('utf8'); const params = new URLSearchParams(body); expect(req.headers['content-length']).toBe(String(params.toString().length)); expect(params.get('firstName')).toBe('John'); expect(params.get('lastName')).toBe('Doe'); expect(params.get('file')).toBe('f.js'); }); it('should encode to application/json by default', async function({ context, page, server }) { const data = { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', file: { name: 'f.js' }, }; const [req] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/empty.html'), context.request.post(server.EMPTY_PAGE, { data }) ]); expect(req.method).toBe('POST'); expect(req.headers['content-type']).toBe('application/json'); const body = (await req.postBody).toString('utf8'); const json = JSON.parse(body); expect(json).toEqual(data); }); it('should support multipart/form-data', async function({ context, server }) { const formReceived = new Promise<{error: any, fields: formidable.Fields, files: Record, serverRequest: http.IncomingMessage}>(resolve => { server.setRoute('/empty.html', async (serverRequest, res) => { const form = new formidable.IncomingForm(); form.parse(serverRequest, (error, fields, files) => { server.serveFile(serverRequest, res); resolve({ error, fields, files: files as Record, serverRequest }); }); }); }); const file = { name: 'f.js', mimeType: 'text/javascript', buffer: Buffer.from('var x = 10;\r\n;console.log(x);') }; const [{ error, fields, files, serverRequest }, response] = await Promise.all([ formReceived, context.request.post(server.EMPTY_PAGE, { multipart: { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', file } }) ]); expect(error).toBeFalsy(); expect(serverRequest.method).toBe('POST'); expect(serverRequest.headers['content-type']).toContain('multipart/form-data'); expect(fields['firstName']).toBe('John'); expect(fields['lastName']).toBe('Doe'); expect(files['file'].originalFilename).toBe(file.name); expect(files['file'].mimetype).toBe(file.mimeType); expect(fs.readFileSync(files['file'].filepath).toString()).toBe(file.buffer.toString('utf8')); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); }); it('should support multipart/form-data with ReadSream values', async function({ context, page, asset, server }) { const formReceived = new Promise<{error: any, fields: formidable.Fields, files: Record, serverRequest: http.IncomingMessage}>(resolve => { server.setRoute('/empty.html', async (serverRequest, res) => { const form = new formidable.IncomingForm(); form.parse(serverRequest, (error, fields, files) => { server.serveFile(serverRequest, res); resolve({ error, fields, files: files as Record, serverRequest }); }); }); }); const readStream = fs.createReadStream(asset('simplezip.json')); const [{ error, fields, files, serverRequest }, response] = await Promise.all([ formReceived, context.request.post(server.EMPTY_PAGE, { multipart: { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', readStream } }) ]); expect(error).toBeFalsy(); expect(serverRequest.method).toBe('POST'); expect(serverRequest.headers['content-type']).toContain('multipart/form-data'); expect(serverRequest.headers['content-length']).toContain('5498'); expect(fields['firstName']).toBe('John'); expect(fields['lastName']).toBe('Doe'); expect(files['readStream'].originalFilename).toBe('simplezip.json'); expect(files['readStream'].mimetype).toBe('application/json'); expect(fs.readFileSync(files['readStream'].filepath).toString()).toBe(fs.readFileSync(asset('simplezip.json')).toString()); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); }); it('should serialize data to json regardless of content-type', async function({ context, server }) { const data = { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', }; const [req] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/empty.html'), context.request.post(server.EMPTY_PAGE, { headers: { 'content-type': 'unknown' }, data }), ]); expect(req.method).toBe('POST'); expect(req.headers['content-type']).toBe('unknown'); const body = (await req.postBody).toString('utf8'); expect(body).toEqual(JSON.stringify(data)); }); it('should throw nice error on unsupported data type', async function({ context, server }) { const error = await context.request.post(server.EMPTY_PAGE, { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, data: () => true }).catch(e => e); expect(error.message).toContain(`Unexpected 'data' type`); }); it('context request should export same storage state as context', async ({ context, page, server }) => { server.setRoute('/setcookie.html', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', ['a=b', 'c=d']); res.end(); }); await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/setcookie.html'); const contextState = await context.storageState(); expect(contextState.cookies.length).toBe(2); const requestState = await context.request.storageState(); expect(requestState).toEqual(contextState); const pageState = await page.request.storageState(); expect(pageState).toEqual(contextState); }); it('should send secure cookie over http for localhost', async ({ page, server }) => { server.setRoute('/setcookie.html', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', ['a=v; secure']); res.end(); }); await page.request.get(`${server.PREFIX}/setcookie.html`); const [serverRequest] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/empty.html'), page.request.get(server.EMPTY_PAGE) ]); expect(serverRequest.headers.cookie).toBe('a=v'); }); it('should accept bool and numeric params', async ({ page, server }) => { let request; const url = new URL(server.EMPTY_PAGE); url.searchParams.set('str', 's'); url.searchParams.set('num', '10'); url.searchParams.set('bool', 'true'); url.searchParams.set('bool2', 'false'); server.setRoute(url.pathname + url.search, (req, res) => { request = req; server.serveFile(req, res); }); await page.request.get(server.EMPTY_PAGE, { params: { 'str': 's', 'num': 10, 'bool': true, 'bool2': false, } }); const params = new URLSearchParams(request.url.substr(request.url.indexOf('?'))); expect(params.get('str')).toEqual('s'); expect(params.get('num')).toEqual('10'); expect(params.get('bool')).toEqual('true'); expect(params.get('bool2')).toEqual('false'); }); it('should abort requests when browser context closes', async ({ contextFactory, server }) => { const connectionClosed = new Promise(resolve => { server.setRoute('/empty.html', (req, res) => { req.socket.on('close', resolve); }); }); const context = await contextFactory(); const [error] = await Promise.all([ context.request.get(server.EMPTY_PAGE).catch(e => e), context.request.post(server.EMPTY_PAGE).catch(e => e), server.waitForRequest('/empty.html').then(() => context.close()) ]); expect(error instanceof Error).toBeTruthy(); expect(error.message).toContain('Request context disposed'); await connectionClosed; }); it('should work with connectOverCDP', async ({ browserName, browserType, server }, testInfo) => { it.skip(browserName !== 'chromium'); const port = 9339 + testInfo.workerIndex; const browserServer = await browserType.launch({ args: ['--remote-debugging-port=' + port] }); try { const cdpBrowser = await browserType.connectOverCDP(`${port}/`); const [context] = cdpBrowser.contexts(); const response = await context.request.get(server.PREFIX + '/simple.json'); expect(response.url()).toBe(server.PREFIX + '/simple.json'); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); expect(await response.text()).toBe('{"foo": "bar"}\n'); } finally { await browserServer.close(); } }); it('should support SameSite cookie attribute over https', async ({ contextFactory, httpsServer, browserName, isWindows }) => { // Cookies with SameSite=None must also specify the Secure attribute. WebKit navigation // to HTTP url will fail if the response contains a cookie with Secure attribute, so // we do HTTPS navigation. const context = await contextFactory({ ignoreHTTPSErrors: true }); const page = await context.newPage(); for (const value of ['None', 'Lax', 'Strict']) { await it.step(`SameSite=${value}`, async () => { httpsServer.setRoute('/empty.html', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', `SID=2022; Path=/; Secure; SameSite=${value}`); res.end(); }); await page.request.get(httpsServer.EMPTY_PAGE); const [cookie] = await page.context().cookies(); if (browserName === 'webkit' && isWindows) expect(cookie.sameSite).toBe('None'); else expect(cookie.sameSite).toBe(value); }); } }); it('should set domain=localhost cookie', async ({ context, server, browserName, isWindows }) => { server.setRoute('/empty.html', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', `name=val; Domain=localhost; Path=/;`); res.end(); }); await context.request.get(server.EMPTY_PAGE); const [cookie] = await context.cookies(); expect(cookie).toBeTruthy(); expect(cookie.name).toBe('name'); expect(cookie.value).toBe('val'); }); it('should support set-cookie with SameSite and without Secure attribute over HTTP', async ({ page, server, browserName, isWindows }) => { for (const value of ['None', 'Lax', 'Strict']) { await it.step(`SameSite=${value}`, async () => { server.setRoute('/empty.html', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', `SID=2022; Path=/; SameSite=${value}`); res.end(); }); await page.request.get(server.EMPTY_PAGE); const [cookie] = await page.context().cookies(); if (browserName === 'chromium' && value === 'None') expect(cookie).toBeFalsy(); else if (browserName === 'webkit' && isWindows) expect(cookie.sameSite).toBe('None'); else expect(cookie.sameSite).toBe(value); }); } });