/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; // Note: this file should be loadabale with eval() into worker environment. // Avoid Components.*, ChromeUtils and global const variables. const SIMPLE_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_NAME = 'juggler:simplechannel'; class SimpleChannel { static createForActor(actor) { const channel = new SimpleChannel(''); channel.bindToActor(actor); return channel; } static createForMessageManager(name, mm) { const channel = new SimpleChannel(name); const messageListener = { receiveMessage: message => channel._onMessage(message.data) }; mm.addMessageListener(SIMPLE_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_NAME, messageListener); channel.setTransport({ sendMessage: obj => mm.sendAsyncMessage(SIMPLE_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_NAME, obj), dispose: () => mm.removeMessageListener(SIMPLE_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_NAME, messageListener), }); return channel; } constructor(name) { this._name = name; this._messageId = 0; this._connectorId = 0; this._pendingMessages = new Map(); this._handlers = new Map(); this._bufferedIncomingMessages = []; this.transport = { sendMessage: null, dispose: () => {}, }; this._ready = false; this._disposed = false; } bindToActor(actor) { this.resetTransport(); this._name = actor.actorName; const oldReceiveMessage = actor.receiveMessage; actor.receiveMessage = message => this._onMessage(message.data); this.setTransport({ sendMessage: obj => actor.sendAsyncMessage(SIMPLE_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_NAME, obj), dispose: () => actor.receiveMessage = oldReceiveMessage, }); } resetTransport() { this.transport.dispose(); this.transport = { sendMessage: null, dispose: () => {}, }; this._ready = false; } setTransport(transport) { this.transport = transport; // connection handshake: // 1. There are two channel ends in different processes. // 2. Both ends start in the `ready = false` state, meaning that they will // not send any messages over transport. // 3. Once channel end is created, it sends `READY` message to the other end. // 4. Eventually, at least one of the ends receives `READY` message and responds with // `READY_ACK`. We assume at least one of the ends will receive "READY" event from the other, since // channel ends have a "parent-child" relation, i.e. one end is always created before the other one. // 5. Once channel end receives either `READY` or `READY_ACK`, it transitions to `ready` state. this.transport.sendMessage('READY'); } _markAsReady() { if (this._ready) return; this._ready = true; for (const { message } of this._pendingMessages.values()) this.transport.sendMessage(message); } dispose() { if (this._disposed) return; this._disposed = true; for (const {resolve, reject, methodName} of this._pendingMessages.values()) reject(new Error(`Failed "${methodName}": ${this._name} is disposed.`)); this._pendingMessages.clear(); this._handlers.clear(); this.transport.dispose(); } _rejectCallbacksFromConnector(connectorId) { for (const [messageId, callback] of this._pendingMessages) { if (callback.connectorId === connectorId) { callback.reject(new Error(`Failed "${callback.methodName}": connector for namespace "${callback.namespace}" in channel "${this._name}" is disposed.`)); this._pendingMessages.delete(messageId); } } } connect(namespace) { const connectorId = ++this._connectorId; return { send: (...args) => this._send(namespace, connectorId, ...args), emit: (...args) => void this._send(namespace, connectorId, ...args).catch(e => {}), dispose: () => this._rejectCallbacksFromConnector(connectorId), }; } register(namespace, handler) { if (this._handlers.has(namespace)) throw new Error('ERROR: double-register for namespace ' + namespace); this._handlers.set(namespace, handler); // Try to re-deliver all pending messages. const bufferedRequests = this._bufferedIncomingMessages; this._bufferedIncomingMessages = []; for (const data of bufferedRequests) { this._onMessage(data); } return () => this.unregister(namespace); } unregister(namespace) { this._handlers.delete(namespace); } /** * @param {string} namespace * @param {number} connectorId * @param {string} methodName * @param {...*} params * @return {!Promise<*>} */ async _send(namespace, connectorId, methodName, ...params) { if (this._disposed) throw new Error(`ERROR: channel ${this._name} is already disposed! Cannot send "${methodName}" to "${namespace}"`); const id = ++this._messageId; const message = {requestId: id, methodName, params, namespace}; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._pendingMessages.set(id, {connectorId, resolve, reject, methodName, namespace, message}); }); if (this._ready) this.transport.sendMessage(message); return promise; } async _onMessage(data) { if (data === 'READY') { this.transport.sendMessage('READY_ACK'); this._markAsReady(); return; } if (data === 'READY_ACK') { this._markAsReady(); return; } if (data.responseId) { const message = this._pendingMessages.get(data.responseId); if (!message) { // During corss-process navigation, we might receive a response for // the message sent by another process. // TODO: consider events that are marked as "no-response" to avoid // unneeded responses altogether. return; } this._pendingMessages.delete(data.responseId); if (data.error) message.reject(new Error(data.error)); else message.resolve(data.result); } else if (data.requestId) { const namespace = data.namespace; const handler = this._handlers.get(namespace); if (!handler) { this._bufferedIncomingMessages.push(data); return; } const method = handler[data.methodName]; if (!method) { this.transport.sendMessage({responseId: data.requestId, error: `error in channel "${this._name}": No method "${data.methodName}" in namespace "${namespace}"`}); return; } try { const result = await method.call(handler, ...data.params); this.transport.sendMessage({responseId: data.requestId, result}); } catch (error) { this.transport.sendMessage({responseId: data.requestId, error: `error in channel "${this._name}": exception while running method "${data.methodName}" in namespace "${namespace}": ${error.message} ${error.stack}`}); return; } } else { dump(`WARNING: unknown message in channel "${this._name}": ${JSON.stringify(data)}\n`); } } } var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['SimpleChannel']; this.SimpleChannel = SimpleChannel;