/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import type { Fixtures } from './test-runner'; import type { Browser, BrowserContext, BrowserContextOptions, BrowserType, LaunchOptions, Page } from '../../index'; import { removeFolders } from '../../lib/utils/utils'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as os from 'os'; import { RemoteServer, RemoteServerOptions } from './remoteServer'; import { baseTest, CommonWorkerFixtures } from './baseTest'; type PlaywrightWorkerOptions = { tracesDir: LaunchOptions['tracesDir']; executablePath: LaunchOptions['executablePath']; proxy: LaunchOptions['proxy']; args: LaunchOptions['args']; }; export type PlaywrightWorkerFixtures = { browserType: BrowserType; browserOptions: LaunchOptions; browser: Browser; browserVersion: string; }; type PlaywrightTestOptions = { hasTouch: BrowserContextOptions['hasTouch']; }; type PlaywrightTestFixtures = { createUserDataDir: () => Promise; launchPersistent: (options?: Parameters[1]) => Promise<{ context: BrowserContext, page: Page }>; startRemoteServer: (options?: RemoteServerOptions) => Promise; contextOptions: BrowserContextOptions; contextFactory: (options?: BrowserContextOptions) => Promise; context: BrowserContext; page: Page; }; export type PlaywrightOptions = PlaywrightWorkerOptions & PlaywrightTestOptions; export const playwrightFixtures: Fixtures = { tracesDir: [ undefined, { scope: 'worker' } ], executablePath: [ undefined, { scope: 'worker' } ], proxy: [ undefined, { scope: 'worker' } ], args: [ undefined, { scope: 'worker' } ], hasTouch: undefined, browserType: [async ({ playwright, browserName }, run) => { await run(playwright[browserName]); }, { scope: 'worker' } ], browserOptions: [async ({ headless, channel, executablePath, tracesDir, proxy, args }, run) => { await run({ headless, channel, executablePath, tracesDir, proxy, args, handleSIGINT: false, }); }, { scope: 'worker' } ], browser: [async ({ browserType, browserOptions }, run) => { const browser = await browserType.launch(browserOptions); await run(browser); await browser.close(); }, { scope: 'worker' } ], browserVersion: [async ({ browser }, run) => { await run(browser.version()); }, { scope: 'worker' } ], createUserDataDir: async ({}, run) => { const dirs: string[] = []; // We do not put user data dir in testOutputPath, // because we do not want to upload them as test result artifacts. // // Additionally, it is impossible to upload user data dir after test run: // - Firefox removes lock file later, presumably from another watchdog process? // - WebKit has circular symlinks that makes CI go crazy. await run(async () => { const dir = await fs.promises.mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'playwright-test-')); dirs.push(dir); return dir; }); await removeFolders(dirs); }, launchPersistent: async ({ createUserDataDir, browserType, browserOptions }, run) => { let persistentContext: BrowserContext | undefined; await run(async options => { if (persistentContext) throw new Error('can only launch one persitent context'); const userDataDir = await createUserDataDir(); persistentContext = await browserType.launchPersistentContext(userDataDir, { ...browserOptions, ...options }); const page = persistentContext.pages()[0]; return { context: persistentContext, page }; }); if (persistentContext) await persistentContext.close(); }, startRemoteServer: async ({ browserType, browserOptions }, run) => { let remoteServer: RemoteServer | undefined; await run(async options => { if (remoteServer) throw new Error('can only start one remote server'); remoteServer = new RemoteServer(); await remoteServer._start(browserType, browserOptions, options); return remoteServer; }); if (remoteServer) await remoteServer.close(); }, contextOptions: async ({ video, hasTouch, browserVersion }, run, testInfo) => { const debugName = path.relative(testInfo.project.outputDir, testInfo.outputDir).replace(/[\/\\]/g, '-'); const contextOptions = { recordVideo: video ? { dir: testInfo.outputPath('') } : undefined, _debugName: debugName, hasTouch, } as BrowserContextOptions; await run(contextOptions); }, contextFactory: async ({ browser, contextOptions }, run) => { const contexts: BrowserContext[] = []; await run(async options => { const context = await browser.newContext({ ...contextOptions, ...options }); contexts.push(context); return context; }); await Promise.all(contexts.map(context => context.close())); }, context: async ({ contextFactory }, run) => { await run(await contextFactory()); }, page: async ({ context }, run) => { await run(await context.newPage()); }, }; const test = baseTest.extend(playwrightFixtures); export const playwrightTest = test; export const browserTest = test; export const contextTest = test; export { expect } from './test-runner';