/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { contextTest, expect } from './config/browserTest'; import { InMemorySnapshotter } from '../lib/server/snapshot/inMemorySnapshotter'; import { HttpServer } from '../lib/utils/httpServer'; import { SnapshotServer } from '../lib/server/snapshot/snapshotServer'; import type { Frame } from '..'; const it = contextTest.extend<{ snapshotPort: number, snapshotter: InMemorySnapshotter, showSnapshot: (snapshot: any) => Promise }>({ snapshotPort: async ({}, run, testInfo) => { await run(11000 + testInfo.workerIndex); }, snapshotter: async ({ mode, toImpl, context, snapshotPort }, run, testInfo) => { testInfo.skip(mode !== 'default'); const snapshotter = new InMemorySnapshotter(toImpl(context)); await snapshotter.initialize(); const httpServer = new HttpServer(); new SnapshotServer(httpServer, snapshotter); await httpServer.start(snapshotPort); await run(snapshotter); await snapshotter.dispose(); await httpServer.stop(); }, showSnapshot: async ({ contextFactory, snapshotPort }, use) => { await use(async (snapshot: any) => { const previewContext = await contextFactory(); const previewPage = await previewContext.newPage(); previewPage.on('console', console.log); await previewPage.goto(`http://localhost:${snapshotPort}/snapshot/`); const frameSnapshot = snapshot.snapshot(); await previewPage.evaluate(snapshotId => { (window as any).showSnapshot(snapshotId); }, `${frameSnapshot.pageId}?name=${frameSnapshot.snapshotName}`); // wait for the render frame to load while (previewPage.frames().length < 2) await new Promise(f => previewPage.once('frameattached', f)); const frame = previewPage.frames()[1]; await frame.waitForLoadState(); return frame; }); }, }); it.describe('snapshots', () => { it('should collect snapshot', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter }) => { await page.setContent(''); const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot'); expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot)).toBe(''); }); it('should preserve BASE and other content on reset', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter, server }) => { await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); const snapshot1 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot1'); const html1 = snapshot1.render().html; expect(html1).toContain(` { await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await page.route('**/style.css', route => { route.fulfill({ body: 'button { color: red; }', }).catch(() => {}); }); await page.setContent(''); const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot'); const resource = snapshot.resourceByUrl(`http://localhost:${server.PORT}/style.css`); expect(resource).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should collect multiple', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter }) => { await page.setContent(''); const snapshots = []; snapshotter.on('snapshot', snapshot => snapshots.push(snapshot)); await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot1'); await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot2'); expect(snapshots.length).toBe(2); }); it('should respect inline CSSOM change', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter }) => { await page.setContent(''); const snapshot1 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot1'); expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot1)).toBe(''); await page.evaluate(() => { (document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[0] as any).style.color = 'blue'; }); const snapshot2 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot2'); expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot2)).toBe(''); }); it('should respect node removal', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter }) => { page.on('console', console.log); await page.setContent('
'); const snapshot1 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot1'); expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot1)).toBe('
'); await page.evaluate(() => document.getElementById('button2').remove()); const snapshot2 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot2'); expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot2)).toBe('
'); }); it('should respect attr removal', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter }) => { page.on('console', console.log); await page.setContent('
'); const snapshot1 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot1'); expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot1)).toBe('
'); await page.evaluate(() => document.getElementById('div').removeAttribute('attr2')); const snapshot2 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot2'); expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot2)).toBe('
'); }); it('should have a custom doctype', async ({ page, server, toImpl, snapshotter }) => { await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await page.setContent('hi'); const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot'); expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot)).toBe('hi'); }); it('should respect subresource CSSOM change', async ({ page, server, toImpl, snapshotter }) => { await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await page.route('**/style.css', route => { route.fulfill({ body: 'button { color: red; }', }).catch(() => {}); }); await page.setContent(''); const snapshot1 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot1'); expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot1)).toBe(''); await page.evaluate(() => { (document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[0] as any).style.color = 'blue'; }); const snapshot2 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot1'); const resource = snapshot2.resourceByUrl(`http://localhost:${server.PORT}/style.css`); expect(snapshotter.resourceContent(resource.response.content._sha1).toString()).toBe('button { color: blue; }'); }); it('should capture iframe', async ({ page, server, toImpl, browserName, snapshotter, showSnapshot }) => { it.skip(browserName === 'firefox'); await page.route('**/empty.html', route => { route.fulfill({ body: '', contentType: 'text/html' }).catch(() => {}); }); await page.route('**/iframe.html', route => { route.fulfill({ body: '', contentType: 'text/html' }).catch(() => {}); }); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); // Marking iframe hierarchy is racy, do not expect snapshot, wait for it. let counter = 0; let snapshot: any; for (; ; ++counter) { snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot' + counter); const text = distillSnapshot(snapshot).replace(/frame@[^"]+["]/, '"'); if (text === '') break; await page.waitForTimeout(250); } // Render snapshot, check expectations. const frame = await showSnapshot(snapshot); while (frame.childFrames().length < 1) await new Promise(f => frame.page().once('frameattached', f)); const button = await frame.childFrames()[0].waitForSelector('button'); expect(await button.textContent()).toBe('Hello iframe'); }); it('should capture snapshot target', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter }) => { await page.setContent(''); { const handle = await page.$('text=Hello'); const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot', toImpl(handle)); expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot)).toBe(''); } { const handle = await page.$('text=World'); const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot2', toImpl(handle)); expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot)).toBe(''); } }); it('should collect on attribute change', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter }) => { await page.setContent(''); { const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot'); expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot)).toBe(''); } const handle = await page.$('text=Hello')!; await handle.evaluate(element => element.setAttribute('data', 'one')); { const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot2'); expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot)).toBe(''); } await handle.evaluate(element => element.setAttribute('data', 'two')); { const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot2'); expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot)).toBe(''); } }); it('should contain adopted style sheets', async ({ page, toImpl, showSnapshot, snapshotter, browserName }) => { it.skip(browserName !== 'chromium', 'Constructed stylesheets are only in Chromium.'); await page.setContent(''); await page.evaluate(() => { const sheet = new CSSStyleSheet(); sheet.addRule('button', 'color: red'); (document as any).adoptedStyleSheets = [sheet]; const sheet2 = new CSSStyleSheet(); sheet2.addRule(':host', 'color: blue'); for (const element of [document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('span')]) { const root = element.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); root.append('foo'); (root as any).adoptedStyleSheets = [sheet2]; document.body.appendChild(element); } }); const snapshot1 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot1'); const frame = await showSnapshot(snapshot1); await frame.waitForSelector('button'); const buttonColor = await frame.$eval('button', button => { return window.getComputedStyle(button).color; }); expect(buttonColor).toBe('rgb(255, 0, 0)'); const divColor = await frame.$eval('div', div => { return window.getComputedStyle(div).color; }); expect(divColor).toBe('rgb(0, 0, 255)'); const spanColor = await frame.$eval('span', span => { return window.getComputedStyle(span).color; }); expect(spanColor).toBe('rgb(0, 0, 255)'); }); it('should work with adopted style sheets and replace/replaceSync', async ({ page, toImpl, showSnapshot, snapshotter, browserName }) => { it.skip(browserName !== 'chromium', 'Constructed stylesheets are only in Chromium.'); await page.setContent(''); await page.evaluate(() => { const sheet = new CSSStyleSheet(); sheet.addRule('button', 'color: red'); (document as any).adoptedStyleSheets = [sheet]; }); const snapshot1 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot1'); await page.evaluate(() => { const [sheet] = (document as any).adoptedStyleSheets; sheet.replaceSync(`button { color: blue }`); }); const snapshot2 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot2'); await page.evaluate(() => { const [sheet] = (document as any).adoptedStyleSheets; sheet.replace(`button { color: #0F0 }`); }); const snapshot3 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot3'); { const frame = await showSnapshot(snapshot1); await frame.waitForSelector('button'); const buttonColor = await frame.$eval('button', button => { return window.getComputedStyle(button).color; }); expect(buttonColor).toBe('rgb(255, 0, 0)'); } { const frame = await showSnapshot(snapshot2); await frame.waitForSelector('button'); const buttonColor = await frame.$eval('button', button => { return window.getComputedStyle(button).color; }); expect(buttonColor).toBe('rgb(0, 0, 255)'); } { const frame = await showSnapshot(snapshot3); await frame.waitForSelector('button'); const buttonColor = await frame.$eval('button', button => { return window.getComputedStyle(button).color; }); expect(buttonColor).toBe('rgb(0, 255, 0)'); } }); it('should restore scroll positions', async ({ page, showSnapshot, toImpl, snapshotter, browserName }) => { it.skip(browserName === 'firefox'); await page.setContent(`
`); await (await page.$('text=Item 8')).scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'scrolled'); // Render snapshot, check expectations. const frame = await showSnapshot(snapshot); const div = await frame.waitForSelector('div'); expect(await div.evaluate(div => div.scrollTop)).toBe(136); }); it('should work with meta CSP', async ({ page, showSnapshot, toImpl, snapshotter, browserName }) => { it.skip(browserName === 'firefox'); await page.setContent(`
`); await page.$eval('div', div => { const shadow = div.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); const span = document.createElement('span'); span.textContent = 'World'; shadow.appendChild(span); }); const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'meta'); // Render snapshot, check expectations. const frame = await showSnapshot(snapshot); await frame.waitForSelector('div'); // Should render shadow dom with post-processing script. expect(await frame.textContent('span')).toBe('World'); }); it('should handle multiple headers', async ({ page, server, showSnapshot, toImpl, snapshotter, browserName }) => { it.skip(browserName === 'firefox'); server.setRoute('/foo.css', (req, res) => { res.statusCode = 200; res.setHeader('vary', ['accepts-encoding', 'accepts-encoding']); res.end('body { padding: 42px }'); }); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await page.setContent(`
`); const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot'); const frame = await showSnapshot(snapshot); await frame.waitForSelector('div'); const padding = await frame.$eval('body', body => window.getComputedStyle(body).paddingLeft); expect(padding).toBe('42px'); }); it('should handle src=blob', async ({ page, server, showSnapshot, toImpl, snapshotter, browserName }) => { it.skip(browserName === 'firefox'); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await page.evaluate(async () => { const dataUrl = ''; const blob = await fetch(dataUrl).then(res => res.blob()); const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); const img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = url; const loaded = new Promise(f => img.onload = f); document.body.appendChild(img); await loaded; }); const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'snapshot'); const frame = await showSnapshot(snapshot); const img = await frame.waitForSelector('img'); expect(await img.screenshot()).toMatchSnapshot('blob-src.png'); }); }); function distillSnapshot(snapshot) { const { html } = snapshot.render(); return html .replace(/