/** * Copyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import assert from 'assert'; import childProcess from 'child_process'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import util from 'util'; import os from 'os'; import type { Browser, BrowserContext, BrowserType, Page } from '../index'; import { Connection } from '../lib/client/connection'; import { Transport } from '../lib/protocol/transport'; import { installCoverageHooks } from './coverage'; import { folio as httpFolio } from './http.fixtures'; import { folio as playwrightFolio } from './playwright.fixtures'; export { expect, config } from 'folio'; const removeFolderAsync = util.promisify(require('rimraf')); const mkdtempAsync = util.promisify(fs.mkdtemp); const getExecutablePath = browserName => { if (browserName === 'chromium' && process.env.CRPATH) return process.env.CRPATH; if (browserName === 'firefox' && process.env.FFPATH) return process.env.FFPATH; if (browserName === 'webkit' && process.env.WKPATH) return process.env.WKPATH; }; type WireParameters = { wire: boolean; }; type WorkerFixtures = { toImpl: (rpcObject: any) => any; }; type TestFixtures = { createUserDataDir: () => Promise; launchPersistent: (options?: Parameters['launchPersistentContext']>[1]) => Promise<{ context: BrowserContext, page: Page }>; }; const fixtures = playwrightFolio.union(httpFolio).extend(); fixtures.wire.initParameter('Wire testing mode', !!process.env.PWWIRE); fixtures.createUserDataDir.init(async ({ }, run) => { const dirs: string[] = []; async function createUserDataDir() { // We do not put user data dir in testOutputPath, // because we do not want to upload them as test result artifacts. // // Additionally, it is impossible to upload user data dir after test run: // - Firefox removes lock file later, presumably from another watchdog process? // - WebKit has circular symlinks that makes CI go crazy. const dir = await mkdtempAsync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'playwright-test-')); dirs.push(dir); return dir; } await run(createUserDataDir); await Promise.all(dirs.map(dir => removeFolderAsync(dir).catch(e => { }))); }); fixtures.launchPersistent.init(async ({ createUserDataDir, defaultBrowserOptions, browserType }, run) => { let context; async function launchPersistent(options) { if (context) throw new Error('can only launch one persitent context'); const userDataDir = await createUserDataDir(); context = await browserType.launchPersistentContext(userDataDir, { ...defaultBrowserOptions, ...options }); const page = context.pages()[0]; return { context, page }; } await run(launchPersistent); if (context) await context.close(); }); fixtures.defaultBrowserOptions.override(async ({ browserName, headful, slowMo }, run) => { const executablePath = getExecutablePath(browserName); if (executablePath) console.error(`Using executable at ${executablePath}`); await run({ executablePath, handleSIGINT: false, slowMo, headless: !headful, }); }); fixtures.playwright.override(async ({ browserName, testWorkerIndex, platform, wire }, run) => { assert(platform); // Depend on platform to generate all tests. const { coverage, uninstall } = installCoverageHooks(browserName); if (wire) { require('../lib/utils/utils').setUnderTest(); const connection = new Connection(); const spawnedProcess = childProcess.fork(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'lib', 'driver.js'), ['serve'], { stdio: 'pipe', detached: true, }); spawnedProcess.unref(); const onExit = (exitCode, signal) => { throw new Error(`Server closed with exitCode=${exitCode} signal=${signal}`); }; spawnedProcess.on('exit', onExit); const transport = new Transport(spawnedProcess.stdin, spawnedProcess.stdout); connection.onmessage = message => transport.send(JSON.stringify(message)); transport.onmessage = message => connection.dispatch(JSON.parse(message)); const playwrightObject = await connection.waitForObjectWithKnownName('Playwright'); await run(playwrightObject); spawnedProcess.removeListener('exit', onExit); spawnedProcess.stdin.destroy(); spawnedProcess.stdout.destroy(); spawnedProcess.stderr.destroy(); await teardownCoverage(); } else { const playwright = require('../index'); await run(playwright); await teardownCoverage(); } async function teardownCoverage() { uninstall(); const coveragePath = path.join(__dirname, 'coverage-report', testWorkerIndex + '.json'); const coverageJSON = [...coverage.keys()].filter(key => coverage.get(key)); await fs.promises.mkdir(path.dirname(coveragePath), { recursive: true }); await fs.promises.writeFile(coveragePath, JSON.stringify(coverageJSON, undefined, 2), 'utf8'); } }); fixtures.toImpl.init(async ({ playwright }, run) => { await run((playwright as any)._toImpl); }, { scope: 'worker' }); fixtures.testParametersPathSegment.override(async ({ browserName }, run) => { await run(browserName); }); export const folio = fixtures.build(); folio.generateParametrizedTests( 'platform', process.env.PWTESTREPORT ? ['win32', 'darwin', 'linux'] : [process.platform as ('win32' | 'linux' | 'darwin')]); export const it = folio.it; export const fit = folio.fit; export const test = folio.test; export const xit = folio.xit; export const describe = folio.describe; export const fdescribe = folio.fdescribe; export const xdescribe = folio.xdescribe; export const beforeEach = folio.beforeEach; export const afterEach = folio.afterEach; export const beforeAll = folio.beforeAll; export const afterAll = folio.afterAll;