/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // @ts-check const child_process = require('child_process'); const path = require('path'); const chokidar = require('chokidar'); const fs = require('fs'); const { workspace } = require('../workspace'); /** * @typedef {{ * command: string, * args: string[], * shell: boolean, * env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv, * cwd?: string, * }} Step */ /** * @typedef {{ * files: string, * from: string, * to: string, * ignored?: string[], * }} CopyFile */ /** * @typedef {{ * committed: boolean, * inputs: string[], * mustExist?: string[], * script: string, * }} OnChange */ /** @type {Step[]} */ const steps = []; /** @type {OnChange[]} */ const onChanges = []; /** @type {CopyFile[]} */ const copyFiles = []; const watchMode = process.argv.slice(2).includes('--watch'); const lintMode = process.argv.slice(2).includes('--lint'); const ROOT = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..'); /** * @param {string} relative * @returns {string} */ function filePath(relative) { return path.join(ROOT, ...relative.split('/')); } /** * @param {string} path * @returns {string} */ function quotePath(path) { return "\"" + path + "\""; } async function runWatch() { function runOnChanges(paths, mustExist = [], nodeFile) { nodeFile = filePath(nodeFile); function callback() { for (const fileMustExist of mustExist) { if (!fs.existsSync(filePath(fileMustExist))) return; } child_process.spawnSync('node', [nodeFile], { stdio: 'inherit' }); } chokidar.watch([...paths, ...mustExist, nodeFile].map(filePath)).on('all', callback); callback(); } for (const { files, from, to, ignored } of copyFiles) { const watcher = chokidar.watch([filePath(files)], { ignored }); watcher.on('all', (event, file) => { copyFile(file, from, to); }); } /** @type{import('child_process').ChildProcess[]} */ const spawns = []; for (const step of steps) spawns.push(child_process.spawn(step.command, step.args, { stdio: 'inherit', shell: step.shell, env: { ...process.env, ...step.env, }, cwd: step.cwd, })); process.on('exit', () => spawns.forEach(s => s.kill())); for (const onChange of onChanges) runOnChanges(onChange.inputs, onChange.mustExist, onChange.script); } async function runBuild() { /** * @param {Step} step */ function runStep(step) { const out = child_process.spawnSync(step.command, step.args, { stdio: 'inherit', shell: step.shell, env: { ...process.env, ...step.env }, cwd: step.cwd, }); if (out.status) process.exit(out.status); } for (const { files, from, to, ignored } of copyFiles) { const watcher = chokidar.watch([filePath(files)], { ignored }); watcher.on('add', file => { copyFile(file, from, to); }); await new Promise(x => watcher.once('ready', x)); watcher.close(); } for (const step of steps) runStep(step); for (const onChange of onChanges) { if (!onChange.committed) runStep({ command: 'node', args: [filePath(onChange.script)], shell: false }); } } /** * @param {string} file * @param {string} from * @param {string} to */ function copyFile(file, from, to) { const destination = path.resolve(filePath(to), path.relative(filePath(from), file)); fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(destination), { recursive: true }); fs.copyFileSync(file, destination); } // Update test runner. steps.push({ command: 'npm', args: ['ci', '--save=false', '--fund=false', '--audit=false'], shell: true, cwd: path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'tests', 'playwright-test', 'stable-test-runner'), }); // Build injected scripts. const webPackFiles = [ 'packages/playwright-core/src/server/injected/webpack.config.js', 'packages/playwright-core/src/web/traceViewer/webpack.config.js', 'packages/playwright-core/src/web/traceViewer/webpack-sw.config.js', 'packages/playwright-core/src/web/recorder/webpack.config.js', 'packages/html-reporter/webpack.config.js', 'packages/html-reporter/playwright-ct/webpack.config.js', ]; for (const file of webPackFiles) { steps.push({ command: 'npx', args: ['webpack', '--config', quotePath(filePath(file)), ...(watchMode ? ['--watch', '--stats', 'none'] : [])], shell: true, env: { NODE_ENV: watchMode ? 'development' : 'production' } }); } // Run Babel. for (const pkg of workspace.packages()) { if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(pkg.path, 'src'))) continue; steps.push({ command: 'npx', args: [ 'babel', ...(watchMode ? ['-w', '--source-maps'] : []), '--extensions', '.ts', '--out-dir', quotePath(path.join(pkg.path, 'lib')), '--ignore', '"packages/playwright-core/src/server/injected/**/*"', quotePath(path.join(pkg.path, 'src'))], shell: true, }); } // Generate channels. onChanges.push({ committed: false, inputs: [ 'packages/playwright-core/src/protocol/protocol.yml' ], script: 'utils/generate_channels.js', }); // Generate types. onChanges.push({ committed: false, inputs: [ 'docs/src/api/', 'docs/src/test-api/', 'docs/src/test-reporter-api/', 'utils/generate_types/overrides.d.ts', 'utils/generate_types/overrides-test.d.ts', 'utils/generate_types/overrides-testReporter.d.ts', 'utils/generate_types/exported.json', 'packages/playwright-core/src/server/chromium/protocol.d.ts', ], mustExist: [ 'packages/playwright-core/lib/server/deviceDescriptors.js', 'packages/playwright-core/lib/server/deviceDescriptorsSource.json', ], script: 'utils/generate_types/index.js', }); // The recorder and trace viewer have an app_icon.png that needs to be copied. copyFiles.push({ files: 'packages/playwright-core/src/server/chromium/*.png', from: 'packages/playwright-core/src', to: 'packages/playwright-core/lib', }); // Babel doesn't touch JS files, so copy them manually. // For example: diff_match_patch.js copyFiles.push({ files: 'packages/playwright-core/src/**/*.js', from: 'packages/playwright-core/src', to: 'packages/playwright-core/lib', ignored: ['**/.eslintrc.js', '**/webpack*.config.js', '**/injected/**/*'] }); copyFiles.push({ files: 'packages/playwright-test/src/**/*.js', from: 'packages/playwright-test/src', to: 'packages/playwright-test/lib', ignored: ['**/.eslintrc.js'] }); // Sometimes we require JSON files that babel ignores. // For example, deviceDescriptorsSource.json copyFiles.push({ files: 'packages/playwright-core/src/**/*.json', ignored: ['**/injected/**/*'], from: 'packages/playwright-core/src', to: 'packages/playwright-core/lib', }); if (lintMode) { // Run TypeScript for type chekcing. steps.push({ command: 'npx', args: ['tsc', ...(watchMode ? ['-w'] : []), '-p', quotePath(filePath('.'))], shell: true, }); } watchMode ? runWatch() : runBuild();