#!/bin/bash set -e set +x trap "cd $(pwd -P)" EXIT cd "$(dirname "$0")" if [[ ($1 == '--help') || ($1 == '-h') ]]; then echo "usage: $(basename $0) [firefox|webkit] [--check] [zip-path]" echo echo "Upload .zip as a browser build." echo echo "--check pass |--check| as a second parameter instead of a zip-path to check for" echo " the build existing in the CDN" echo echo "NOTE: \$AZ_ACCOUNT_KEY (azure account name) and \$AZ_ACCOUNT_NAME (azure account name)" echo "env variables are required to upload builds to CDN." exit 0 fi if [[ (-z $AZ_ACCOUNT_KEY) || (-z $AZ_ACCOUNT_NAME) ]]; then echo "ERROR: Either \$AZ_ACCOUNT_KEY or \$AZ_ACCOUNT_NAME environment variable is missing." echo " 'Azure Account Name' and 'Azure Account Key' secrets that are required" echo " to upload builds ot Azure CDN." exit 1 fi if [[ $# < 1 ]]; then echo "missing browser: 'firefox' or 'webkit'" echo "try '$(basename $0) --help' for more information" exit 1 fi BROWSER_NAME="" BUILD_NUMBER="" BLOB_NAME="" if [[ ("$1" == "firefox") || ("$1" == "firefox/") ]]; then # we always apply our patches atop of beta since it seems to get better # reliability guarantees. BUILD_NUMBER=$(cat "$PWD/firefox/BUILD_NUMBER") BROWSER_NAME="firefox" if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then BLOB_NAME="firefox-mac.zip" elif [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]]; then BLOB_NAME="firefox-linux.zip" else echo "ERROR: unzupported platform - $(uname)" exit 1 fi elif [[ ("$1" == "webkit") || ("$1" == "webkit/") ]]; then BUILD_NUMBER=$(cat "$PWD/webkit/BUILD_NUMBER") BROWSER_NAME="webkit" if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then MAC_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION=$(sw_vers -productVersion | grep -o '^\d\+.\d\+') BLOB_NAME="minibrowser-mac-$MAC_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION.zip" elif [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]]; then BLOB_NAME="minibrowser-linux.zip" else echo "ERROR: unzupported platform - $(uname)" exit 1 fi else echo ERROR: unknown browser to export - "$1" exit 1 fi BLOB_PATH="$BROWSER_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER/$BLOB_NAME" if [[ $2 == '--check' ]]; then EXISTS=$(az storage blob exists -c builds --account-key $AZ_ACCOUNT_KEY --account-name $AZ_ACCOUNT_NAME -n "$BLOB_PATH" --query "exists") if [[ $EXISTS == "true" ]]; then exit 0 else exit 1 fi fi if [[ $# < 2 ]]; then echo "missing path to zip archive to upload" echo "try '$(basename $0) --help' for more information" exit 1 fi ZIP_PATH=$2 if ! [[ -f $ZIP_PATH ]]; then echo "ERROR: $ZIP_PATH does not exist" exit 1 fi if ! [[ $ZIP_PATH == *.zip ]]; then echo "ERROR: $ZIP_PATH is not a zip archive (must have a .zip extension)" exit 1 fi az storage blob upload -c builds --account-key $AZ_ACCOUNT_KEY --account-name $AZ_ACCOUNT_NAME -f $ZIP_PATH -n "$BLOB_PATH" echo "UPLOAD SUCCESSFUL!" echo "-- SRC: $ZIP_PATH" echo "-- SIZE: $(du -h "$ZIP_PATH" | awk '{print $1}')" echo "-- DST: $BLOB_PATH"