/** * Copyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { test, expect } from './playwright-test-fixtures'; test('should retry predicate', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('should toPass sync predicate', async () => { let i = 0; await test.expect(() => { expect(++i).toBe(3); }).toPass(); expect(i).toBe(3); }); test('should toPass async predicate', async () => { let i = 0; await test.expect(async () => { await new Promise(x => setTimeout(x, 50)); expect(++i).toBe(3); }).toPass(); expect(i).toBe(3); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(2); }); test('should respect timeout', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('should fail', async () => { await test.expect(() => { expect(1).toBe(2); }).toPass({ timeout: 100 }); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.output).toContain('Timeout 100ms exceeded while waiting on the predicate'); expect(result.output).toContain('Received: 1'); expect(result.output).toContain(` 4 | await test.expect(() => { `.trim()); }); test('should not fail when used with web-first assertion', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('should fail', async ({ page }) => { let i = 0; await test.expect(async () => { if (++i < 3) await expect(page.locator('body')).toHaveText('foo', { timeout: 1 }); }).toPass(); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(1); }); test('should support .not predicate', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('should pass', async ({ page }) => { let i = 0; await test.expect(() => { expect(++i).toBeLessThan(3); }).not.toPass(); expect(i).toBe(3); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(1); }); test('should respect interval', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('should fail', async () => { let probes = 0; const startTime = Date.now(); await test.expect(() => { ++probes; expect(1).toBe(2); }).toPass({ timeout: 1000, intervals: [0, 10000] }).catch(() => {}); // Probe at 0 and epsilon. expect(probes).toBe(2); expect(Date.now() - startTime).toBeLessThan(5000); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should compile', async ({ runTSC }) => { const result = await runTSC({ 'a.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('should poll sync predicate', async ({ page }) => { let i = 0; test.expect(() => ++i).toPass(); test.expect(() => ++i, 'message').toPass(); test.expect(() => ++i, { message: 'message' }).toPass(); test.expect(() => ++i).toPass({ timeout: 100 }); test.expect(() => ++i, { message: 'message' }).toPass({ timeout: 100 }); test.expect(async () => { await new Promise(x => setTimeout(x, 50)); return ++i; }).toPass(); test.expect(() => Promise.resolve(++i)).toPass(); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should use custom message', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('should fail with custom message', async () => { await test.expect(() => { expect(1).toBe(3); }, 'Custom message').toPass({ timeout: 1 }); }); ` }); expect(result.output).toContain('Error: Custom message'); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.failed).toBe(1); }); test('should work with soft', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('should respect soft', async () => { await expect.soft(() => { expect(1).toBe(3); }).toPass({ timeout: 1000 }); expect.soft(2).toBe(3); }); ` }); expect(result.output).toContain('Received: 1'); expect(result.output).toContain('Received: 2'); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.failed).toBe(1); }); test('should not accept TimeoutError', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('should fail', async () => { await test.expect(() => {}).not.toPass({ timeout: 1 }); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.failed).toBe(1); }); test('should not spin forever', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; let log; test('spill toPass', async () => { expect(() => { log?.push('poll'); throw new Error('Polling'); }).toPass().catch(() => {}); }); test('should not see toPass', async () => { log = []; await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 1000)); expect(log.length).toBe(0); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(2); }); test('should show intermediate result for toPass that spills over test time', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('should fail', async () => { await expect(() => { expect(3).toBe(2); }).toPass(); }); ` }, { timeout: 1000 }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.output).toContain('Expected: 2'); expect(result.output).toContain('Received: 3'); });