/** * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { it, expect, options } from './playwright.fixtures'; import utils from './utils'; it('should think that it is focused by default', async ({page}) => { expect(await page.evaluate('document.hasFocus()')).toBe(true); }); it('should think that all pages are focused', async ({page}) => { const page2 = await page.context().newPage(); expect(await page.evaluate('document.hasFocus()')).toBe(true); expect(await page2.evaluate('document.hasFocus()')).toBe(true); await page2.close(); }); it('should focus popups by default', async ({page, server}) => { await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); const [popup] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('popup'), page.evaluate(url => { window.open(url); }, server.EMPTY_PAGE), ]); expect(await popup.evaluate('document.hasFocus()')).toBe(true); expect(await page.evaluate('document.hasFocus()')).toBe(true); }); it('should provide target for keyboard events', async ({page, server}) => { const page2 = await page.context().newPage(); await Promise.all([ page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html'), page2.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html'), ]); await Promise.all([ page.focus('input'), page2.focus('input'), ]); const text = 'first'; const text2 = 'second'; await Promise.all([ page.keyboard.type(text), page2.keyboard.type(text2), ]); const results = await Promise.all([ page.evaluate('result'), page2.evaluate('result'), ]); expect(results).toEqual([text, text2]); }); it('should not affect mouse event target page', async ({page, server}) => { const page2 = await page.context().newPage(); function clickCounter() { document.onclick = () => window['clickCount'] = (window['clickCount'] || 0) + 1; } await Promise.all([ page.evaluate(clickCounter), page2.evaluate(clickCounter), page.focus('body'), page2.focus('body'), ]); await Promise.all([ page.mouse.click(1, 1), page2.mouse.click(1, 1), ]); const counters = await Promise.all([ page.evaluate('window.clickCount'), page2.evaluate('window.clickCount'), ]); expect(counters).toEqual([1,1]); }); it('should change document.activeElement', async ({page, server}) => { const page2 = await page.context().newPage(); await Promise.all([ page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html'), page2.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html'), ]); await Promise.all([ page.focus('input'), page2.focus('textarea'), ]); const active = await Promise.all([ page.evaluate('document.activeElement.tagName'), page2.evaluate('document.activeElement.tagName'), ]); expect(active).toEqual(['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA']); }); it('should not affect screenshots', test => { test.skip(options.FIREFOX && !options.HEADLESS); }, async ({page, server, golden}) => { // Firefox headful produces a different image. const page2 = await page.context().newPage(); await Promise.all([ page.setViewportSize({width: 500, height: 500}), page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/grid.html'), page2.setViewportSize({width: 50, height: 50}), page2.goto(server.PREFIX + '/grid.html'), ]); await Promise.all([ page.focus('body'), page2.focus('body'), ]); const screenshots = await Promise.all([ page.screenshot(), page2.screenshot(), ]); expect(screenshots[0]).toMatchImage(golden('screenshot-sanity.png')); expect(screenshots[1]).toMatchImage(golden('grid-cell-0.png')); }); it('should change focused iframe', async ({page, server}) => { await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); const [frame1, frame2] = await Promise.all([ utils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html'), utils.attachFrame(page, 'frame2', server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html'), ]); function logger() { self['_events'] = []; const element = document.querySelector('input'); element.onfocus = element.onblur = e => self['_events'].push(e.type); } await Promise.all([ frame1.evaluate(logger), frame2.evaluate(logger), ]); const focused = await Promise.all([ frame1.evaluate('document.hasFocus()'), frame2.evaluate('document.hasFocus()'), ]); expect(focused).toEqual([false, false]); { await frame1.focus('input'); const events = await Promise.all([ frame1.evaluate('self._events'), frame2.evaluate('self._events'), ]); expect(events).toEqual([['focus'], []]); const focused = await Promise.all([ frame1.evaluate('document.hasFocus()'), frame2.evaluate('document.hasFocus()'), ]); expect(focused).toEqual([true, false]); } { await frame2.focus('input'); const events = await Promise.all([ frame1.evaluate('self._events'), frame2.evaluate('self._events'), ]); expect(events).toEqual([['focus', 'blur'], ['focus']]); const focused = await Promise.all([ frame1.evaluate('document.hasFocus()'), frame2.evaluate('document.hasFocus()'), ]); expect(focused).toEqual([false, true]); } });