/** * Copyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { test, expect } from './playwright-test-fixtures'; test('should work', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const { results } = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test = pwt.test.extend({ asdf: async ({}, test) => await test(123), }); test('should use asdf', async ({asdf}) => { expect(asdf).toBe(123); }); `, }); expect(results[0].status).toBe('passed'); }); test('should work with a sync test function', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const { results } = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test = pwt.test.extend({ asdf: async ({}, test) => await test(123), }); test('should use asdf', ({asdf}) => { expect(asdf).toBe(123); }); `, }); expect(results[0].status).toBe('passed'); }); test('should work with a sync fixture function', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const { results } = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test = pwt.test.extend({ asdf: ({}, use) => { use(123); }, }); test('should use asdf', ({asdf}) => { expect(asdf).toBe(123); }); `, }); expect(results[0].status).toBe('passed'); }); test('should work with a non-arrow function', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const { results } = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test = pwt.test.extend({ asdf: async ({}, test) => await test(123), }); test('should use asdf', function ({asdf}) { expect(asdf).toBe(123); }); `, }); expect(results[0].status).toBe('passed'); }); test('should work with a named function', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const { results } = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test = pwt.test.extend({ asdf: async ({}, test) => await test(123), }); test('should use asdf', async function hello({asdf}) { expect(asdf).toBe(123); }); `, }); expect(results[0].status).toBe('passed'); }); test('should work with renamed parameters', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const { results } = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test = pwt.test.extend({ asdf: async ({}, test) => await test(123), }); test('should use asdf', function ({asdf: renamed}) { expect(renamed).toBe(123); }); `, }); expect(results[0].status).toBe('passed'); }); test('should work with destructured object', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const { results } = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test = pwt.test.extend({ asdf: async ({}, test) => await test({ foo: 'foo', bar: { x: 'x', y: 'y' }, baz: 'baz' }), }); test('should use asdf', async ({ asdf: { foo, bar: { x, y }, baz } }) => { expect(foo).toBe('foo'); expect(x).toBe('x'); expect(y).toBe('y'); expect(baz).toBe('baz'); }); `, }); expect(results[0].status).toBe('passed'); }); test('should work with destructured array', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const { results } = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test = pwt.test.extend({ asdf: async ({}, test) => await test(['foo', 'bar', { baz: 'baz' }]), more: async ({}, test) => await test(55), }); test('should use asdf', async ( { asdf: [foo, bar, { baz}] ,more}) => { expect(foo).toBe('foo'); expect(bar).toBe('bar'); expect(baz).toBe('baz'); expect(more).toBe(55); }); `, }); expect(results[0].status).toBe('passed'); }); test('should fail if parameters are not destructured', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test = pwt.test.extend({ asdf: async ({}, test) => await test(123), }); test('should pass', function () { expect(1).toBe(1); }); test('should use asdf', function (abc) { expect(abc.asdf).toBe(123); }); `, }); expect(result.output).toContain('First argument must use the object destructuring pattern: abc'); expect(result.output).toContain('a.test.js:11:7'); expect(result.results.length).toBe(0); }); test('should fail with an unknown fixture', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` pwt.test('should use asdf', async ({asdf}) => { expect(asdf).toBe(123); }); `, }); expect(result.output).toContain('Test has unknown parameter "asdf".'); expect(result.output).toContain('a.test.js:5:11'); expect(result.results.length).toBe(0); }); test('should run the fixture every time', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const { results } = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` let counter = 0; const test = pwt.test.extend({ asdf: async ({}, test) => await test(counter++), }); test('should use asdf 1', async ({asdf}) => { expect(asdf).toBe(0); }); test('should use asdf 2', async ({asdf}) => { expect(asdf).toBe(1); }); test('should use asdf 3', async ({asdf}) => { expect(asdf).toBe(2); }); `, }); expect(results.map(r => r.status)).toEqual(['passed', 'passed', 'passed']); }); test('should only run worker fixtures once', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const { results } = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` let counter = 0; const test = pwt.test.extend({ asdf: [ async ({}, test) => await test(counter++), { scope: 'worker' } ], }); test('should use asdf 1', async ({asdf}) => { expect(asdf).toBe(0); }); test('should use asdf 2', async ({asdf}) => { expect(asdf).toBe(0); }); test('should use asdf 3', async ({asdf}) => { expect(asdf).toBe(0); }); `, }); expect(results.map(r => r.status)).toEqual(['passed', 'passed', 'passed']); }); test('each file should get their own fixtures', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const { results } = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test = pwt.test.extend({ worker: [ async ({}, test) => await test('worker-a'), { scope: 'worker' } ], test: async ({}, test) => await test('test-a'), }); test('should use worker', async ({worker, test}) => { expect(worker).toBe('worker-a'); expect(test).toBe('test-a'); }); `, 'b.test.js': ` const test = pwt.test.extend({ worker: [ async ({}, test) => await test('worker-b'), { scope: 'worker' } ], test: async ({}, test) => await test('test-b'), }); test('should use worker', async ({worker, test}) => { expect(worker).toBe('worker-b'); expect(test).toBe('test-b'); }); `, 'c.test.js': ` const test = pwt.test.extend({ worker: [ async ({}, test) => await test('worker-c'), { scope: 'worker' } ], test: async ({}, test) => await test('test-c'), }); test('should use worker', async ({worker, test}) => { expect(worker).toBe('worker-c'); expect(test).toBe('test-c'); }); `, }); expect(results.map(r => r.status)).toEqual(['passed', 'passed', 'passed']); }); test('tests should be able to share worker fixtures', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const { results } = await runInlineTest({ 'worker.js': ` global.counter = 0; const test = pwt.test.extend({ worker: [ async ({}, test) => await test(global.counter++), { scope: 'worker' } ], }); module.exports = test; `, 'a.test.js': ` const test = require('./worker.js'); test('should use worker', async ({worker}) => { expect(worker).toBe(0); }); `, 'b.test.js': ` const test = require('./worker.js'); test('should use worker', async ({worker}) => { expect(worker).toBe(0); }); `, 'c.test.js': ` const test = require('./worker.js'); test('should use worker', async ({worker}) => { expect(worker).toBe(0); }); `, }); expect(results.map(r => r.status)).toEqual(['passed', 'passed', 'passed']); }); test('automatic fixtures should work', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` let counterTest = 0; let counterHooksIncluded = 0; let counterWorker = 0; const test = pwt.test; test.use({ automaticTestFixture: [ async ({}, runTest) => { ++counterTest; await runTest(); }, { auto: true } ], automaticTestFixtureHooksIncluded: [ async ({}, runTest) => { ++counterHooksIncluded; await runTest(); }, { auto: 'all-hooks-included' } ], automaticWorkerFixture: [ async ({}, runTest) => { ++counterWorker; await runTest(); }, { scope: 'worker', auto: true } ], }); test.beforeAll(async ({}) => { expect(counterWorker).toBe(1); expect(counterHooksIncluded).toBe(1); expect(counterTest).toBe(0); }); test.beforeEach(async ({}) => { expect(counterWorker).toBe(1); expect(counterTest === 1 || counterTest === 2).toBe(true); expect(counterHooksIncluded === 1 || counterHooksIncluded === 2).toBe(true); }); test('test 1', async ({}) => { expect(counterWorker).toBe(1); expect(counterHooksIncluded).toBe(1); expect(counterTest).toBe(1); }); test('test 2', async ({}) => { expect(counterWorker).toBe(1); expect(counterHooksIncluded).toBe(2); expect(counterTest).toBe(2); }); test.afterEach(async ({}) => { expect(counterWorker).toBe(1); expect(counterTest === 1 || counterTest === 2).toBe(true); expect(counterHooksIncluded === 1 || counterHooksIncluded === 2).toBe(true); }); test.afterAll(async ({}) => { expect(counterWorker).toBe(1); expect(counterHooksIncluded).toBe(2); expect(counterTest).toBe(2); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.results.map(r => r.status)).toEqual(['passed', 'passed']); }); test('automatic fixture should start before regular fixture and teardown after', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test = pwt.test; test.use({ auto: [ async ({}, runTest) => { console.log('\\n%%auto-setup'); await runTest(); console.log('\\n%%auto-teardown'); }, { auto: true } ], foo: async ({}, runTest) => { console.log('\\n%%foo-setup'); await runTest(); console.log('\\n%%foo-teardown'); }, }); test('test 1', async ({ foo }) => { }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.output.split('\n').filter(line => line.startsWith('%%'))).toEqual([ '%%auto-setup', '%%foo-setup', '%%foo-teardown', '%%auto-teardown', ]); }); test('automatic fixtures should keep workerInfo after conditional skip', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test = pwt.test; test.use({ automaticTestFixture: [ async ({}, runTest, workerInfo) => { await runTest(); expect(workerInfo.workerIndex).toBe(0); console.log('success test fixture') }, { auto: true } ], automaticWorkerFixture: [ async ({}, runTest, workerInfo) => { await runTest(); expect(workerInfo.workerIndex).toBe(0); console.log('success worker fixture') }, { scope: 'worker', auto: true } ], }); test.skip(({ }) => false); test('good', async ({ }) => { }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.output).toContain('success test fixture'); expect(result.output).toContain('success worker fixture'); expect(result.results.map(r => r.status)).toEqual(['passed']); }); test('tests does not run non-automatic worker fixtures', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` let counter = 0; const test = pwt.test.extend({ nonAutomaticWorkerFixture: [ async ({}, runTest) => { ++counter; await runTest(); }, { scope: 'worker' }], }); test('test 1', async ({}) => { expect(counter).toBe(0); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.results.map(r => r.status)).toEqual(['passed']); }); test('should teardown fixtures after timeout', async ({ runInlineTest }, testInfo) => { const file = testInfo.outputPath('log.txt'); require('fs').writeFileSync(file, '', 'utf8'); const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` const test = pwt.test.extend({ file: [ ${JSON.stringify(file)}, { scope: 'worker' } ], w: [ async ({ file }, runTest) => { await runTest('w'); require('fs').appendFileSync(file, 'worker fixture teardown\\n', 'utf8'); }, { scope: 'worker' } ], t: async ({ file }, runTest) => { await runTest('t'); require('fs').appendFileSync(file, 'test fixture teardown\\n', 'utf8'); }, }); test('test', async ({t, w}) => { expect(t).toBe('t'); expect(w).toBe('w'); await new Promise(() => {}); }); `, }, { timeout: 1000 }); expect(result.results[0].status).toBe('timedOut'); const content = require('fs').readFileSync(file, 'utf8'); expect(content).toContain('worker fixture teardown'); expect(content).toContain('test fixture teardown'); }); test('should work with two different test objects', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test1 = pwt.test.extend({ foo: async ({}, test) => await test(123), }); const test2 = pwt.test.extend({ bar: async ({}, test) => await test(456), }); test1('test 1', async ({foo}) => { expect(foo).toBe(123); }); test2('test 2', async ({bar}) => { expect(bar).toBe(456); }); `, }); expect(result.results.map(r => r.workerIndex).sort()).toEqual([0, 0]); expect(result.results.map(r => r.status).sort()).toEqual(['passed', 'passed']); }); test('should work with overrides calling base', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test1 = pwt.test.extend({ dep: async ({}, test) => await test('override'), foo: async ({}, test) => await test('base'), bar: async ({foo}, test) => await test(foo + '-bar'), }); const test2 = test1.extend({ foo: async ({ foo, dep }, test) => await test(foo + '-' + dep + '1'), }); const test3 = test2.extend({ foo: async ({ foo, dep }, test) => await test(foo + '-' + dep + '2'), }); test3('test', async ({bar}) => { expect(bar).toBe('base-override1-override2-bar'); }); `, }); expect(result.results[0].status).toBe('passed'); }); test('should understand worker fixture params in overrides calling base', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test1 = pwt.test.extend({ param: [ 'param', { scope: 'worker', option: true }], }).extend({ foo: async ({}, test) => await test('foo'), bar: async ({foo}, test) => await test(foo + '-bar'), }); const test2 = test1.extend({ foo: async ({ foo, param }, test) => await test(foo + '-' + param), }); const test3 = test2.extend({ foo: async ({ foo }, test) => await test(foo + '-override'), }); test3('test', async ({ bar }) => { console.log(bar); }); `, 'playwright.config.ts': ` module.exports = { projects: [ { use: { param: 'p1' } }, { use: { param: 'p2' } }, { use: { param: 'p3' } }, ]}; `, }); const outputs = result.results.map(r => r.stdout[0].text.replace(/\s/g, '')); expect(outputs.sort()).toEqual(['foo-p1-override-bar', 'foo-p2-override-bar', 'foo-p3-override-bar']); }); test('should work with two overrides calling base', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test1 = pwt.test.extend({ foo: async ({}, test) => await test('foo'), bar: async ({}, test) => await test('bar'), baz: async ({foo, bar}, test) => await test(foo + '-baz-' + bar), }); const test2 = test1.extend({ foo: async ({ foo, bar }, test) => await test(foo + '-' + bar), bar: async ({ bar }, test) => await test(bar + '-override'), }); test2('test', async ({baz}) => { expect(baz).toBe('foo-bar-override-baz-bar-override'); }); `, }); expect(result.results[0].status).toBe('passed'); }); test('should not create a new worker for test fixtures', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('base test', async ({}, testInfo) => { expect(testInfo.workerIndex).toBe(0); }); const test2 = test.extend({ foo: async ({}, run) => { console.log('foo-a'); await run(); } }); test2('a test', async ({ foo }, testInfo) => { expect(testInfo.workerIndex).toBe(0); }); `, 'b.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; const test2 = test.extend({ foo: async ({}, run) => { console.log('foo-b'); await run(); } }); const test3 = test2.extend({ foo: async ({ foo }, run) => { console.log('foo-c'); await run(); } }); test3('b test', async ({ foo }, testInfo) => { expect(testInfo.workerIndex).toBe(0); }); `, }, { workers: 1 }); expect(result.output).toContain('foo-a'); expect(result.output).toContain('foo-b'); expect(result.output).toContain('foo-c'); expect(result.passed).toBe(3); }); test('should create a new worker for worker fixtures', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('base test', async ({}, testInfo) => { console.log('\\n%%base-' + testInfo.workerIndex); }); const test2 = test.extend({ foo: [async ({}, run) => { console.log('foo-a'); await run(); }, { scope: 'worker' }], }); test2('a test', async ({ foo }, testInfo) => { console.log('\\n%%a-' + testInfo.workerIndex); }); `, 'b.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; const test2 = test.extend({ bar: async ({}, run) => { console.log('bar-b'); await run(); }, }); test2('b test', async ({ bar }, testInfo) => { console.log('\\n%%b-' + testInfo.workerIndex); }); `, }, { workers: 1 }); expect(result.output).toContain('foo-a'); expect(result.output).toContain('bar-b'); const baseWorker = +result.output.match(/%%base-(\d)/)![1]; expect(result.output).toContain(`%%base-${baseWorker}`); expect(result.output).toContain(`%%a-${1 - baseWorker}`); expect(result.output).toContain(`%%b-${baseWorker}`); expect(result.passed).toBe(3); }); test('should run tests in order', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('test1', async ({}, testInfo) => { expect(testInfo.workerIndex).toBe(0); console.log('\\n%%test1'); }); const child = test.extend({ foo: async ({}, run) => { console.log('\\n%%beforeEach'); await run(); console.log('\\n%%afterEach'); }, }); child('test2', async ({ foo }, testInfo) => { expect(testInfo.workerIndex).toBe(0); console.log('\\n%%test2'); }); test('test3', async ({}, testInfo) => { expect(testInfo.workerIndex).toBe(0); console.log('\\n%%test3'); }); `, }, { workers: 1 }); expect(result.passed).toBe(3); expect(result.output.split('\n').filter(line => line.startsWith('%%'))).toEqual([ '%%test1', '%%beforeEach', '%%test2', '%%afterEach', '%%test3', ]); }); test('worker fixture should not receive TestInfo', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test = pwt.test; test.use({ worker: [async ({}, use, info) => { expect(info.title).toBe(undefined); await use(); }, { scope: 'worker' }], test: async ({ worker }, use, info) => { expect(info.title).not.toBe(undefined); await use(); }, }); test('test 1', async ({ test }) => { }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('worker teardown errors reflected in timed-out tests', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const test = pwt.test.extend({ foo: [async ({}, use) => { let cb; await use(new Promise((f, r) => cb = r)); cb(new Error('Rejecting!')); }, { scope: 'worker' }] }); test('timedout', async ({ foo }) => { await foo; }); `, }, { timeout: 1000 }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.failed).toBe(1); expect(result.output).toContain('Test timeout of 1000ms exceeded.'); expect(result.output).toContain('Rejecting!'); }); test('should not complain about fixtures of non-focused tests', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const { test } = pwt; test.only('works', () => {}); test('unknown fixture', ({ foo }) => {}); `, }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(1); }); test('should not complain about fixtures of unused hooks', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.test.js': ` const { test } = pwt; test.only('works', () => {}); test.describe('unused suite', () => { test.beforeAll(({ foo }) => {}); test('unused test', () => {}); }); `, }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(1); });