/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { test, expect } from './playwright-test-fixtures'; test('should reuse context', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'src/reuse.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; let lastContextGuid; test('one', async ({ context }) => { lastContextGuid = context._guid; }); test('two', async ({ context }) => { expect(context._guid).toBe(lastContextGuid); }); test.describe(() => { test.use({ colorScheme: 'dark' }); test('dark', async ({ context }) => { expect(context._guid).toBe(lastContextGuid); }); }); test.describe(() => { test.use({ userAgent: 'UA' }); test('UA', async ({ context }) => { expect(context._guid).toBe(lastContextGuid); }); }); test.describe(() => { test.use({ timezoneId: 'Europe/Berlin' }); test('tz', async ({ context }) => { expect(context._guid).not.toBe(lastContextGuid); }); }); `, }, { workers: 1 }, { PW_TEST_REUSE_CONTEXT: '1' }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(5); }); test('should not reuse context with video', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'playwright.config.ts': ` export default { use: { video: 'on' }, }; `, 'src/reuse.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; let lastContext; test('one', async ({ context }) => { lastContext = context; }); test('two', async ({ context }) => { expect(context).not.toBe(lastContext); }); `, }, { workers: 1 }, { PW_TEST_REUSE_CONTEXT: '1' }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(2); }); test('should not reuse context with trace', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'playwright.config.ts': ` export default { use: { trace: 'on' }, }; `, 'src/reuse.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; let lastContext; test('one', async ({ context }) => { lastContext = context; }); test('two', async ({ context }) => { expect(context).not.toBe(lastContext); }); `, }, { workers: 1 }, { PW_TEST_REUSE_CONTEXT: '1' }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(2); }); test('should work with manually closed pages', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'src/button.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('closes page', async ({ page }) => { await page.close(); }); test('creates a new page', async ({ page, context }) => { await page.setContent(''); await expect(page.locator('button')).toHaveText('Submit'); await page.locator('button').click(); await page.close(); await context.newPage(); }); test('still works', async ({ page }) => { await page.setContent(''); await expect(page.locator('button')).toHaveText('Submit'); await page.locator('button').click(); }); `, }, { workers: 1 }, { PW_TEST_REUSE_CONTEXT: '1' }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(3); }); test('should clean storage', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'src/reuse.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; let lastContextGuid; test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.route('**/*', route => route.fulfill('')); await page.goto('http://example.com'); }); test('one', async ({ context, page }) => { lastContextGuid = context._guid; // Spam local storage. page.evaluate(async () => { while (true) { localStorage.foo = 'bar'; sessionStorage.foo = 'bar'; await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 0)); } }).catch(() => {}); const local = await page.evaluate('localStorage.foo'); const session = await page.evaluate('sessionStorage.foo'); expect(local).toBe('bar'); expect(session).toBe('bar'); }); test('two', async ({ context, page }) => { expect(context._guid).toBe(lastContextGuid); const local = await page.evaluate('localStorage.foo'); const session = await page.evaluate('sessionStorage.foo'); expect(local).toBeFalsy(); expect(session).toBeFalsy(); }); `, }, { workers: 1 }, { PW_TEST_REUSE_CONTEXT: '1' }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(2); }); test('should restore localStorage', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'src/reuse.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; let lastContextGuid; test.use({ storageState: { origins: [{ origin: 'http://example.com', localStorage: [{ name: 'foo', value: 'fooValue' }] }, { origin: 'http://another.com', localStorage: [{ name: 'foo', value: 'anotherValue' }] }] } }); test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.route('**/*', route => route.fulfill('')); await page.goto('http://example.com'); }); test('one', async ({ context, page }) => { lastContextGuid = context._guid; { const local = await page.evaluate('localStorage.foo'); const session = await page.evaluate('sessionStorage.foo'); expect(local).toBe('fooValue'); expect(session).toBeFalsy(); } // Overwrite localStorage. await page.evaluate(() => { localStorage.foo = 'bar'; sessionStorage.foo = 'bar'; }); { const local = await page.evaluate('localStorage.foo'); const session = await page.evaluate('sessionStorage.foo'); expect(local).toBe('bar'); expect(session).toBe('bar'); } }); test('two', async ({ context, page }) => { expect(context._guid).toBe(lastContextGuid); const local = await page.evaluate('localStorage.foo'); const session = await page.evaluate('sessionStorage.foo'); expect(local).toBe('fooValue'); expect(session).toBeFalsy(); }); test('three', async ({ context, page }) => { await page.goto('http://another.com'); expect(context._guid).toBe(lastContextGuid); const local = await page.evaluate('localStorage.foo'); expect(local).toBe('anotherValue'); }); `, }, { workers: 1 }, { PW_TEST_REUSE_CONTEXT: '1' }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(3); }); test('should clean db', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { test.slow(); const result = await runInlineTest({ 'src/reuse.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; let lastContextGuid; test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.route('**/*', route => route.fulfill('')); await page.goto('http://example.com'); }); test('one', async ({ context, page }) => { lastContextGuid = context._guid; await page.evaluate(async () => { const dbRequest = indexedDB.open('db', 1); await new Promise(f => dbRequest.onsuccess = f); }); const dbnames = await page.evaluate(async () => { const dbs = await indexedDB.databases(); return dbs.map(db => db.name); }); expect(dbnames).toEqual(['db']); }); test('two', async ({ context, page }) => { expect(context._guid).toBe(lastContextGuid); const dbnames = await page.evaluate(async () => { const dbs = await indexedDB.databases(); return dbs.map(db => db.name); }); expect(dbnames).toEqual([]); }); `, }, { workers: 1 }, { PW_TEST_REUSE_CONTEXT: '1' }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(2); }); test('should restore cookies', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'src/reuse.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; let lastContextGuid; test.use({ storageState: { cookies: [{ name: 'name', value: 'value', domain: 'example.com', path: '/', }] } }); test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.route('**/*', route => route.fulfill('')); await page.goto('http://example.com'); }); test('one', async ({ context, page }) => { lastContextGuid = context._guid; { const cookie = await page.evaluate('document.cookie'); expect(cookie).toBe('name=value'); } // Overwrite cookie. await page.evaluate(async () => { document.cookie = 'name=value2'; }); { const cookie = await page.evaluate('document.cookie'); expect(cookie).toBe('name=value2'); } }); test('two', async ({ context, page }) => { expect(context._guid).toBe(lastContextGuid); const cookie = await page.evaluate('document.cookie'); expect(cookie).toBe('name=value'); }); test('three', async ({ context, page }) => { await page.goto('http://another.com'); const cookie = await page.evaluate('document.cookie'); expect(cookie).toBe(''); }); `, }, { workers: 1 }, { PW_TEST_REUSE_CONTEXT: '1' }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(3); }); test('should reuse context with beforeunload', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'src/reuse.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; let lastContextGuid; test('one', async ({ page, context }) => { lastContextGuid = context._guid; await page.evaluate(() => { window.addEventListener('beforeunload', event => { event.preventDefault(); return event.returnValue = "Are you sure you want to exit?"; }); }); }); test('two', async ({ context }) => { expect(context._guid).toBe(lastContextGuid); }); `, }, { workers: 1 }, { PW_TEST_REUSE_CONTEXT: '1' }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(2); }); test('should cancel pending operations upon reuse', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'src/reuse.test.ts': ` const { test } = pwt; test('one', async ({ page }) => { await Promise.race([ page.getByText('click me').click().catch(e => {}), page.waitForTimeout(2000), ]); }); test('two', async ({ page }) => { await page.setContent(''); // Give it time to erroneously click. await page.waitForTimeout(2000); expect(await page.evaluate('window._clicked')).toBe(undefined); }); `, }, { workers: 1 }, { PW_TEST_REUSE_CONTEXT: '1' }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(2); });