/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import domain from 'domain'; import { folio } from './fixtures'; import type { ChromiumBrowser } from '..'; const fixtures = folio.extend<{}, { domain: any }>(); fixtures.domain.init(async ({ }, run) => { const local = domain.create(); local.run(() => { }); let err; local.on('error', e => err = e); await run(null); if (err) throw err; }, { scope: 'worker' }); const { it, expect } = fixtures.build(); it('should work', async ({browser}) => { expect(!!browser['_connection']).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should scope context handles', async ({browser, server}) => { const GOLDEN_PRECONDITION = { _guid: '', objects: [ { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [ { _guid: 'Browser', objects: [] } ] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Playwright', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Selectors', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Electron', objects: [] }, ] }; await expectScopeState(browser, GOLDEN_PRECONDITION); const context = await browser.newContext(); const page = await context.newPage(); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await expectScopeState(browser, { _guid: '', objects: [ { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [ { _guid: 'Browser', objects: [ { _guid: 'BrowserContext', objects: [ { _guid: 'Frame', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Page', objects: [ { _guid: 'Request', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Response', objects: [] }, ]}, ]}, ] }, ] }, { _guid: 'Playwright', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Selectors', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Electron', objects: [] }, ] }); await context.close(); await expectScopeState(browser, GOLDEN_PRECONDITION); }); it('should scope CDPSession handles', (test, { browserName }) => { test.skip(browserName !== 'chromium'); }, async ({browserType, browser}) => { const GOLDEN_PRECONDITION = { _guid: '', objects: [ { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [ { _guid: 'Browser', objects: [] } ] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Playwright', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Selectors', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Electron', objects: [] }, ] }; await expectScopeState(browserType, GOLDEN_PRECONDITION); const session = await (browser as ChromiumBrowser).newBrowserCDPSession(); await expectScopeState(browserType, { _guid: '', objects: [ { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [ { _guid: 'Browser', objects: [ { _guid: 'CDPSession', objects: [] }, ] }, ] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Playwright', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Selectors', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Electron', objects: [] }, ] }); await session.detach(); await expectScopeState(browserType, GOLDEN_PRECONDITION); }); it('should scope browser handles', async ({browserType, browserOptions}) => { const GOLDEN_PRECONDITION = { _guid: '', objects: [ { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [ { _guid: 'Browser', objects: [] }, ] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Playwright', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Selectors', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Electron', objects: [] }, ] }; await expectScopeState(browserType, GOLDEN_PRECONDITION); const browser = await browserType.launch(browserOptions); await browser.newContext(); await expectScopeState(browserType, { _guid: '', objects: [ { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [ { _guid: 'Browser', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Browser', objects: [ { _guid: 'BrowserContext', objects: [] } ] }, ] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'BrowserType', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Playwright', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Selectors', objects: [] }, { _guid: 'Electron', objects: [] }, ] }); await browser.close(); await expectScopeState(browserType, GOLDEN_PRECONDITION); }); it('should work with the domain module', async ({ domain, browserType, browserOptions, server, isFirefox }) => { const browser = await browserType.launch(browserOptions); const page = await browser.newPage(); expect(await page.evaluate(() => 1 + 1)).toBe(2); // At the time of writing, we used to emit 'error' event for WebSockets, // which failed with 'domain' module. let callback; const result = new Promise(f => callback = f); page.on('websocket', ws => ws.on('socketerror', callback)); page.evaluate(port => { new WebSocket('ws://localhost:' + port + '/bogus-ws'); }, server.PORT); const message = await result; if (isFirefox) expect(message).toBe('CLOSE_ABNORMAL'); else expect(message).toContain(': 400'); await browser.close(); }); async function expectScopeState(object, golden) { golden = trimGuids(golden); const remoteState = trimGuids(await object._channel.debugScopeState()); const localState = trimGuids(object._connection._debugScopeState()); expect(localState).toEqual(golden); expect(remoteState).toEqual(golden); } function compareObjects(a, b) { if (a._guid !== b._guid) return a._guid.localeCompare(b._guid); return a.objects.length - b.objects.length; } function trimGuids(object) { if (Array.isArray(object)) return object.map(trimGuids).sort(compareObjects); if (typeof object === 'object') { const result = {}; for (const key in object) result[key] = trimGuids(object[key]); return result; } if (typeof object === 'string') return object ? object.match(/[^@]+/)[0] : ''; return object; }