/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const fs = require('fs'); const colors = require('colors/safe'); const {MatchError} = require('./Matchers.js'); class Reporter { constructor(delegate, options = {}) { const { showSlowTests = 3, showMarkedAsFailingTests = Infinity, verbose = false, summary = true, } = options; this._filePathToLines = new Map(); this._delegate = delegate; this._showSlowTests = showSlowTests; this._showMarkedAsFailingTests = showMarkedAsFailingTests; this._verbose = verbose; this._summary = summary; this._testCounter = 0; } onStarted(testRuns) { this._testCounter = 0; this._timestamp = Date.now(); if (!this._delegate.hasFocusedTestsOrSuites()) { console.log(`Running all ${colors.yellow(testRuns.length)} tests on ${colors.yellow(this._delegate.parallel())} worker${this._delegate.parallel() > 1 ? 's' : ''}:\n`); } else { console.log(`Running ${colors.yellow(testRuns.length)} focused tests out of total ${colors.yellow(this._delegate.testCount())} on ${colors.yellow(this._delegate.parallel())} worker${this._delegate.parallel() > 1 ? 's' : ''}`); console.log(''); const focusedEntities = [ ...this._delegate.focusedSuites(), ...this._delegate.focusedTests(), ]; if (focusedEntities.length) { console.log('Focused Suites and Tests:'); for (let i = 0; i < focusedEntities.length; ++i) console.log(` ${i + 1}) ${focusedEntities[i].fullName()} (${formatLocation(focusedEntities[i].location())})`); console.log(''); } } } _printFailedResult(result) { console.log(colors.red(`## ${result.result.toUpperCase()} ##`)); if (result.message) { console.log('Message:'); console.log(` ${colors.red(result.message)}`); } for (let i = 0; i < result.errors.length; i++) { const { message, error, runs } = result.errors[i]; console.log(`\n${colors.magenta('NON-TEST ERROR #' + i)}: ${message}`); if (error && error.stack) console.log(padLines(error.stack, 2)); const lastRuns = runs.slice(runs.length - Math.min(10, runs.length)); if (lastRuns.length) console.log(`WORKER STATE`); for (let j = 0; j < lastRuns.length; j++) this._printVerboseTestRunResult(j, lastRuns[j]); } console.log(''); console.log(''); } onFinished(result) { this._printTestResults(result); if (!result.ok()) this._printFailedResult(result); process.exitCode = result.exitCode; } _printTestResults(result) { // 2 newlines after completing all tests. console.log('\n'); const runs = result.runs; const failedRuns = runs.filter(run => run.isFailure()); const executedRuns = runs.filter(run => run.result()); const okRuns = runs.filter(run => run.ok()); const skippedRuns = runs.filter(run => run.result() === 'skipped'); const markedAsFailingRuns = runs.filter(run => run.result() === 'markedAsFailing'); if (this._summary && failedRuns.length > 0) { console.log('\nFailures:'); for (let i = 0; i < failedRuns.length; ++i) { this._printVerboseTestRunResult(i + 1, failedRuns[i]); console.log(''); } } if (this._showMarkedAsFailingTests && this._summary && markedAsFailingRuns.length) { if (markedAsFailingRuns.length > 0) { console.log('\nMarked as failing:'); markedAsFailingRuns.slice(0, this._showMarkedAsFailingTests).forEach((testRun, index) => { console.log(`${index + 1}) ${testRun.test().fullName()} (${formatLocation(testRun.test().location())})`); }); } if (this._showMarkedAsFailingTests < markedAsFailingRuns.length) { console.log(''); console.log(`... and ${colors.yellow(markedAsFailingRuns.length - this._showMarkedAsFailingTests)} more marked as failing tests ...`); } } if (this._showSlowTests) { const slowRuns = okRuns.sort((a, b) => b.duration() - a.duration()).slice(0, this._showSlowTests); console.log(`\nSlowest tests:`); for (let i = 0; i < slowRuns.length; ++i) { const run = slowRuns[i]; console.log(` (${i + 1}) ${colors.yellow((run.duration() / 1000) + 's')} - ${run.test().fullName()} (${formatLocation(run.test().location())})`); } } let summaryText = ''; if (failedRuns.length || markedAsFailingRuns.length) { const summary = [`ok - ${colors.green(okRuns.length)}`]; if (failedRuns.length) summary.push(`failed - ${colors.red(failedRuns.length)}`); if (markedAsFailingRuns.length) summary.push(`marked as failing - ${colors.yellow(markedAsFailingRuns.length)}`); if (skippedRuns.length) summary.push(`skipped - ${colors.yellow(skippedRuns.length)}`); summaryText = ` (${summary.join(', ')})`; } console.log(`\nRan ${executedRuns.length}${summaryText} of ${runs.length} test${runs.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}`); const milliseconds = Date.now() - this._timestamp; const seconds = milliseconds / 1000; console.log(`Finished in ${colors.yellow(seconds)} seconds`); } onTestRunStarted(testRun) { } onTestRunFinished(testRun) { if (this._verbose) { ++this._testCounter; this._printVerboseTestRunResult(this._testCounter, testRun); } else { if (testRun.result() === 'ok') process.stdout.write(colors.green('\u00B7')); else if (testRun.result() === 'skipped') process.stdout.write(colors.yellow('\u00B7')); else if (testRun.result() === 'markedAsFailing') process.stdout.write(colors.yellow('\u00D7')); else if (testRun.result() === 'failed') process.stdout.write(colors.red('F')); else if (testRun.result() === 'crashed') process.stdout.write(colors.red('C')); else if (testRun.result() === 'terminated') process.stdout.write(colors.magenta('.')); else if (testRun.result() === 'timedout') process.stdout.write(colors.red('T')); } } _printVerboseTestRunResult(resultIndex, testRun) { const test = testRun.test(); let prefix = `${resultIndex})`; if (this._delegate.parallel() > 1) prefix += ' ' + colors.gray(`[worker = ${testRun.workerId()}]`); if (testRun.result() === 'ok') { console.log(`${prefix} ${colors.green('[OK]')} ${test.fullName()} (${formatLocation(test.location())})`); } else if (testRun.result() === 'terminated') { console.log(`${prefix} ${colors.magenta('[TERMINATED]')} ${test.fullName()} (${formatLocation(test.location())})`); } else if (testRun.result() === 'crashed') { console.log(`${prefix} ${colors.red('[CRASHED]')} ${test.fullName()} (${formatLocation(test.location())})`); } else if (testRun.result() === 'skipped') { } else if (testRun.result() === 'markedAsFailing') { console.log(`${prefix} ${colors.yellow('[MARKED AS FAILING]')} ${test.fullName()} (${formatLocation(test.location())})`); } else if (testRun.result() === 'timedout') { console.log(`${prefix} ${colors.red(`[TIMEOUT ${test.timeout()}ms]`)} ${test.fullName()} (${formatLocation(test.location())})`); const output = testRun.output(); if (output.length) { console.log(' Output:'); for (const line of output) console.log(' ' + line); } } else if (testRun.result() === 'failed') { console.log(`${prefix} ${colors.red('[FAIL]')} ${test.fullName()} (${formatLocation(test.location())})`); if (testRun.error() instanceof MatchError) { const location = testRun.error().location; let lines = this._filePathToLines.get(location.filePath()); if (!lines) { try { lines = fs.readFileSync(location.filePath(), 'utf8').split('\n'); } catch (e) { lines = []; } this._filePathToLines.set(location.filePath(), lines); } const lineNumber = location.lineNumber(); if (lineNumber < lines.length) { const lineNumberLength = (lineNumber + 1 + '').length; const FROM = Math.max(test.location().lineNumber() - 1, lineNumber - 5); const snippet = lines.slice(FROM, lineNumber).map((line, index) => ` ${(FROM + index + 1 + '').padStart(lineNumberLength, ' ')} | ${line}`).join('\n'); const pointer = ` ` + ' '.repeat(lineNumberLength) + ' ' + '~'.repeat(location.columnNumber() - 1) + '^'; console.log('\n' + snippet + '\n' + colors.grey(pointer) + '\n'); } console.log(padLines(testRun.error().formatter(), 4)); console.log(''); } else { console.log(' Message:'); let message = '' + (testRun.error().message || testRun.error()); if (testRun.error().stack && message.includes(testRun.error().stack)) message = message.substring(0, message.indexOf(testRun.error().stack)); if (message) console.log(` ${colors.red(message)}`); if (testRun.error().stack) { console.log(' Stack:'); let stack = testRun.error().stack; // Highlight first test location, if any. const match = stack.match(new RegExp(test.location().filePath() + ':(\\d+):(\\d+)')); if (match) { const [, line, column] = match; const fileName = `${test.location().fileName()}:${line}:${column}`; stack = stack.substring(0, match.index) + stack.substring(match.index).replace(fileName, colors.yellow(fileName)); } console.log(padLines(stack, 4)); } } const output = testRun.output(); if (output.length) { console.log(' Output:'); for (const line of output) console.log(' ' + line); } } } } function formatLocation(location) { if (!location) return ''; return colors.yellow(`${location.toDetailedString()}`); } function padLines(text, spaces = 0) { const indent = ' '.repeat(spaces); return text.split('\n').map(line => indent + line).join('\n'); } module.exports = Reporter;