/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { test, expect } from './npmTest'; import http from 'http'; import net from 'net'; import type { AddressInfo } from 'net'; const CDNS = [ 'https://playwright.azureedge.net', 'https://playwright-akamai.azureedge.net', 'https://playwright-verizon.azureedge.net', ]; const DL_STAT_BLOCK = /^.*from url: (.*)$\n^.*to location: (.*)$\n^.*response status code: (.*)$\n^.*total bytes: (\d+)$\n^.*download complete, size: (\d+)$\n^.*SUCCESS downloading (\w+) .*$/gm; const parsedDownloads = (rawLogs: string) => { const out: { url: string, status: number, name: string }[] = []; for (const match of rawLogs.matchAll(DL_STAT_BLOCK)) { const [, url, /* filepath */, status, /* size */, /* receivedBytes */, name] = match; out.push({ url, status: Number.parseInt(status, 10), name: name.toLocaleLowerCase() }); } return out; }; test.use({ isolateBrowsers: true }); for (const cdn of CDNS) { test(`playwright cdn failover should work (${cdn})`, async ({ exec, installedSoftwareOnDisk }) => { await exec('npm i playwright'); const result = await exec('npx playwright install', { env: { PW_TEST_CDN_THAT_SHOULD_WORK: cdn, DEBUG: 'pw:install' } }); expect(result).toHaveLoggedSoftwareDownload(['chromium', 'ffmpeg', 'firefox', 'webkit']); expect(await installedSoftwareOnDisk()).toEqual(['chromium', 'ffmpeg', 'firefox', 'webkit']); const dls = parsedDownloads(result); for (const software of ['chromium', 'ffmpeg', 'firefox', 'webkit']) expect(dls).toContainEqual({ status: 200, name: software, url: expect.stringContaining(cdn) }); await exec('node sanity.js playwright chromium firefox webkit'); await exec('node esm-playwright.mjs'); }); } test(`playwright cdn should race with a timeout`, async ({ exec }) => { const server = http.createServer(() => {}); await new Promise(resolve => server.listen(0, resolve)); try { await exec('npm i playwright'); const result = await exec('npx playwright install', { env: { PLAYWRIGHT_DOWNLOAD_HOST: `${(server.address() as AddressInfo).port}`, DEBUG: 'pw:install', PLAYWRIGHT_DOWNLOAD_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: '1000', }, expectToExitWithError: true }); expect(result).toContain(`timed out after 1000ms`); } finally { await new Promise(resolve => server.close(resolve)); } }); test(`npx playwright install should not hang when CDN closes the connection`, async ({ exec }) => { let retryCount = 0; const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { ++retryCount; res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Length': 100 * 1024 * 1024, 'Content-Type': 'application/zip', }); res.end('a'); }); await new Promise(resolve => server.listen(0, resolve)); try { await exec('npm i playwright'); const result = await exec('npx playwright install', { env: { PLAYWRIGHT_DOWNLOAD_HOST: `${(server.address() as AddressInfo).port}`, DEBUG: 'pw:install', }, expectToExitWithError: true }); expect(retryCount).toBe(3); expect([...result.matchAll(/Download failed: server closed connection/g)]).toHaveLength(3); } finally { await new Promise(resolve => server.close(resolve)); } }); test(`npx playwright install should not hang when CDN TCP connection stalls`, async ({ exec }) => { let retryCount = 0; const socketsToDestroy = []; const server = net.createServer(socket => { socketsToDestroy.push(socket); ++retryCount; socket.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'); socket.write('Content-Length: 100000000\r\n'); socket.write('Content-Type: application/zip\r\n'); socket.write('\r\n'); socket.write('a'); }); await new Promise(resolve => server.listen(0, resolve)); try { await exec('npm i playwright'); const result = await exec('npx playwright install', { env: { PLAYWRIGHT_DOWNLOAD_HOST: `${(server.address() as AddressInfo).port}`, DEBUG: 'pw:install', PLAYWRIGHT_DOWNLOAD_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: '1000', }, expectToExitWithError: true }); expect(retryCount).toBe(3); expect([...result.matchAll(/timed out after/g)]).toHaveLength(3); } finally { for (const socket of socketsToDestroy) socket.destroy(); await new Promise(resolve => server.close(resolve)); } });