/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import type { Page, Frame, ElementHandle } from '@playwright/test'; import { contextTest as it, expect } from '../config/browserTest'; import { attachFrame } from '../config/utils'; import type { TestServer } from '../config/testserver'; async function checkSlowMo(toImpl: (api: any) => any, page: Page, task: () => Promise) { let didSlowMo = false; const contextDebugger = toImpl(page.context()).debugger(); contextDebugger._slowMo = 100; const orig = contextDebugger._doSlowMo; contextDebugger._doSlowMo = async () => { if (didSlowMo) throw new Error('already did slowmo'); await new Promise(x => setTimeout(x, 100)); didSlowMo = true; return orig.call(contextDebugger); }; await task(); expect(!!didSlowMo).toBe(true); } async function checkPageSlowMo(toImpl: (api: any) => any, page: Page, task: () => Promise) { await page.setContent(` `); await checkSlowMo(toImpl, page, task); } it.describe('slowMo', () => { it.skip(({ mode }) => mode !== 'default'); it('Page SlowMo check', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkPageSlowMo(toImpl, page, () => page.check('.check')); }); it('Page SlowMo click', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkPageSlowMo(toImpl, page, () => page.click('button')); }); it('Page SlowMo dblclick', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkPageSlowMo(toImpl, page, () => page.dblclick('button')); }); it('Page SlowMo dispatchEvent', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkPageSlowMo(toImpl, page, () => page.dispatchEvent('button', 'click')); }); it('Page SlowMo fill', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkPageSlowMo(toImpl, page, () => page.fill('.fill', 'foo')); }); it('Page SlowMo focus', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkPageSlowMo(toImpl, page, () => page.focus('button')); }); it('Page SlowMo goto', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkPageSlowMo(toImpl, page, () => page.goto('about:blank')); }); it('Page SlowMo hover', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkPageSlowMo(toImpl, page, () => page.hover('button')); }); it('Page SlowMo press', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkPageSlowMo(toImpl, page, () => page.press('button', 'Enter')); }); it('Page SlowMo reload', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkPageSlowMo(toImpl, page, () => page.reload()); }); it('Page SlowMo selectOption', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkPageSlowMo(toImpl, page, () => page.selectOption('select', 'foo')); }); it('Page SlowMo setInputFiles', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkPageSlowMo(toImpl, page, () => page.setInputFiles('.file', [])); }); it('Page SlowMo type', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkPageSlowMo(toImpl, page, () => page.type('.fill', 'a')); }); it('Page SlowMo uncheck', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkPageSlowMo(toImpl, page, () => page.uncheck('.uncheck')); }); it('Frame SlowMo check', async ({ page, server, toImpl }) => { await checkFrameSlowMo(toImpl, page, server, frame => frame.check('.check')); }); it('Frame SlowMo click', async ({ page, server, toImpl }) => { await checkFrameSlowMo(toImpl, page, server, frame => frame.click('button')); }); it('Frame SlowMo dblclick', async ({ page, server, toImpl }) => { await checkFrameSlowMo(toImpl, page, server, frame => frame.dblclick('button')); }); it('Frame SlowMo dispatchEvent', async ({ page, server, toImpl }) => { await checkFrameSlowMo(toImpl, page, server, frame => frame.dispatchEvent('button', 'click')); }); it('Frame SlowMo fill', async ({ page, server, toImpl }) => { await checkFrameSlowMo(toImpl, page, server, frame => frame.fill('.fill', 'foo')); }); it('Frame SlowMo focus', async ({ page, server, toImpl }) => { await checkFrameSlowMo(toImpl, page, server, frame => frame.focus('button')); }); it('Frame SlowMo goto', async ({ page, server, toImpl }) => { await checkFrameSlowMo(toImpl, page, server, frame => frame.goto('about:blank')); }); it('Frame SlowMo hover', async ({ page, server, toImpl }) => { await checkFrameSlowMo(toImpl, page, server, frame => frame.hover('button')); }); it('Frame SlowMo press', async ({ page, server, toImpl }) => { await checkFrameSlowMo(toImpl, page, server, frame => frame.press('button', 'Enter')); }); it('Frame SlowMo selectOption', async ({ page, server, toImpl }) => { await checkFrameSlowMo(toImpl, page, server, frame => frame.selectOption('select', 'foo')); }); it('Frame SlowMo setInputFiles', async ({ page, server, toImpl }) => { await checkFrameSlowMo(toImpl, page, server, frame => frame.setInputFiles('.file', [])); }); it('Frame SlowMo type', async ({ page, server, toImpl }) => { await checkFrameSlowMo(toImpl, page, server, frame => frame.type('.fill', 'a')); }); it('Frame SlowMo uncheck', async ({ page, server, toImpl }) => { await checkFrameSlowMo(toImpl, page, server, frame => frame.uncheck('.uncheck')); }); it('ElementHandle SlowMo check', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkElementSlowMo(toImpl, page, '.check', element => element.check()); }); it('ElementHandle SlowMo click', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkElementSlowMo(toImpl, page, 'button', element => element.click()); }); it('ElementHandle SlowMo dblclick', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkElementSlowMo(toImpl, page, 'button', element => element.dblclick()); }); it('ElementHandle SlowMo dispatchEvent', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkElementSlowMo(toImpl, page, 'button', element => element.dispatchEvent('click')); }); it('ElementHandle SlowMo fill', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkElementSlowMo(toImpl, page, '.fill', element => element.fill('foo')); }); it('ElementHandle SlowMo focus', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkElementSlowMo(toImpl, page, 'button', element => element.focus()); }); it('ElementHandle SlowMo hover', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkElementSlowMo(toImpl, page, 'button', element => element.hover()); }); it('ElementHandle SlowMo press', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkElementSlowMo(toImpl, page, 'button', element => element.press('Enter')); }); it('ElementHandle SlowMo selectOption', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkElementSlowMo(toImpl, page, 'select', element => element.selectOption('foo')); }); it('ElementHandle SlowMo setInputFiles', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkElementSlowMo(toImpl, page, '.file', element => element.setInputFiles([])); }); it('ElementHandle SlowMo type', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkElementSlowMo(toImpl, page, '.fill', element => element.type('a')); }); it('ElementHandle SlowMo uncheck', async ({ page, toImpl }) => { await checkElementSlowMo(toImpl, page, '.uncheck', element => element.uncheck()); }); }); async function checkFrameSlowMo(toImpl: (api: any) => any, page: Page, server: TestServer, task: (frame: Frame) => Promise) { const frame = await attachFrame(page, 'frame1', server.EMPTY_PAGE); await frame.setContent(` `); await checkSlowMo(toImpl, page, task.bind(null, frame)); } async function checkElementSlowMo(toImpl: (api: any) => any, page: Page, selector: string, task: (element: ElementHandle) => Promise) { await page.setContent(` `); const element = (await page.$(selector)) as ElementHandle; await checkSlowMo(toImpl, page, task.bind(null, element)); }