/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import { test, expect, parseTestRunnerOutput, countTimes } from './playwright-test-fixtures'; test('it should not allow multiple tests with the same name per suite', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'tests/example.spec.js': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test.describe('suite', () => { test('i-am-a-duplicate', async () => {}); }); test.describe('suite', () => { test('i-am-a-duplicate', async () => {}); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.output).toContain(`Error: duplicate test title`); expect(result.output).toContain(`i-am-a-duplicate`); expect(result.output).toContain(`tests${path.sep}example.spec.js:4`); expect(result.output).toContain(`tests${path.sep}example.spec.js:7`); }); test('it should not allow multiple tests with the same name in multiple files', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'tests/example1.spec.js': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('i-am-a-duplicate', async () => {}); test('i-am-a-duplicate', async () => {}); `, 'tests/example2.spec.js': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('i-am-a-duplicate', async () => {}); test('i-am-a-duplicate', async () => {}); `, }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.output).toContain('Error: duplicate test title'); expect(result.output).toContain(`test('i-am-a-duplicate'`); expect(result.output).toContain(`tests${path.sep}example1.spec.js:3`); expect(result.output).toContain(`tests${path.sep}example1.spec.js:4`); expect(result.output).toContain(`tests${path.sep}example2.spec.js:3`); expect(result.output).toContain(`tests${path.sep}example2.spec.js:4`); }); test('it should not allow a focused test when forbid-only is used', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'playwright.config.ts': ` module.exports = { forbidOnly: true, }; `, 'tests/focused-test.spec.js': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test.only('i-am-focused', async () => {}); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.output).toContain(`Error: item focused with '.only' is not allowed due to the 'forbidOnly' option in 'playwright.config.ts': \"tests${path.sep}focused-test.spec.js i-am-focused\"`); expect(result.output).toContain(`test.only('i-am-focused'`); expect(result.output).toContain(`tests${path.sep}focused-test.spec.js:3`); }); test('should continue with other tests after worker process suddenly exits', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.js': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('passed1', () => {}); test('passed2', () => {}); test('failed1', () => { process.exit(0); }); test('passed3', () => {}); test('passed4', () => {}); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.passed).toBe(4); expect(result.failed).toBe(1); expect(result.skipped).toBe(0); expect(result.output).toContain('Error: worker process exited unexpectedly'); }); test('should report subprocess creation error', async ({ runInlineTest }, testInfo) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'preload.js': ` process.exit(42); `, 'a.spec.js': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('fails', () => {}); test('skipped', () => {}); // Infect subprocesses to immediately exit when spawning a worker. process.env.NODE_OPTIONS = '--require ${JSON.stringify(testInfo.outputPath('preload.js').replace(/\\/g, '\\\\'))}'; ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.passed).toBe(0); expect(result.failed).toBe(1); expect(result.skipped).toBe(1); expect(result.output).toContain('Error: worker process exited unexpectedly (code=42, signal=null)'); }); test('should ignore subprocess creation error because of SIGINT', async ({ interactWithTestRunner }, testInfo) => { test.skip(process.platform === 'win32', 'No sending SIGINT on Windows'); const readyFile = testInfo.outputPath('ready.txt'); const testProcess = await interactWithTestRunner({ 'hang.js': ` require('fs').writeFileSync(${JSON.stringify(readyFile)}, 'ready'); setInterval(() => {}, 1000); `, 'preload.js': ` require('child_process').spawnSync( process.argv[0], [require('path').resolve('./hang.js')], { env: { ...process.env, NODE_OPTIONS: '' } }, ); `, 'a.spec.js': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('fails', () => {}); test('skipped', () => {}); // Infect subprocesses to immediately hang when spawning a worker. process.env.NODE_OPTIONS = '--require ${JSON.stringify(testInfo.outputPath('preload.js'))}'; ` }); while (!fs.existsSync(readyFile)) await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 100)); process.kill(-testProcess.process.pid!, 'SIGINT'); const { exitCode } = await testProcess.exited; expect(exitCode).toBe(130); const result = parseTestRunnerOutput(testProcess.output); expect(result.passed).toBe(0); expect(result.failed).toBe(0); expect(result.didNotRun).toBe(2); expect(result.output).not.toContain('worker process exited unexpectedly'); }); test('sigint should stop workers', async ({ interactWithTestRunner }) => { test.skip(process.platform === 'win32', 'No sending SIGINT on Windows'); const testProcess = await interactWithTestRunner({ 'a.spec.js': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('interrupted1', async () => { console.log('\\n%%SEND-SIGINT%%1'); await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 3000)); }); test('skipped1', async () => { console.log('\\n%%skipped1'); }); `, 'b.spec.js': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('interrupted2', async () => { console.log('\\n%%SEND-SIGINT%%2'); await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 3000)); }); test('skipped2', async () => { console.log('\\n%%skipped2'); }); `, }, { 'workers': 2, 'reporter': 'line,json' }, { PW_TEST_REPORTER: path.join(__dirname, '../../packages/playwright/lib/reporters/json.js'), PLAYWRIGHT_JSON_OUTPUT_NAME: 'report.json', }); await testProcess.waitForOutput('%%SEND-SIGINT%%', 2); process.kill(-testProcess.process.pid!, 'SIGINT'); const { exitCode } = await testProcess.exited; expect(exitCode).toBe(130); const result = parseTestRunnerOutput(testProcess.output); expect(result.passed).toBe(0); expect(result.failed).toBe(0); expect(result.didNotRun).toBe(2); expect(result.interrupted).toBe(2); expect(result.output).toContain('%%SEND-SIGINT%%1'); expect(result.output).toContain('%%SEND-SIGINT%%2'); expect(result.output).not.toContain('%%skipped1'); expect(result.output).not.toContain('%%skipped2'); expect(result.output).toContain('Test was interrupted.'); expect(result.output).not.toContain('Test timeout of'); const report = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(test.info().outputPath('report.json'), 'utf8')); const interrupted2 = report.suites[1].specs[0]; expect(interrupted2.title).toBe('interrupted2'); expect(interrupted2.tests[0].results[0].workerIndex === 0 || interrupted2.tests[0].results[0].workerIndex === 1).toBe(true); const skipped2 = report.suites[1].specs[1]; expect(skipped2.title).toBe('skipped2'); expect(skipped2.tests[0].results).toHaveLength(0); }); test('should use the first occurring error when an unhandled exception was thrown', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'unhandled-exception.spec.js': ` const { test: base, expect } = require('@playwright/test'); const test = base.extend({ context: async ({}, test) => { await test(123) let errorWasThrownPromiseResolve = () => {} const errorWasThrownPromise = new Promise(resolve => errorWasThrownPromiseResolve = resolve); setTimeout(() => { errorWasThrownPromiseResolve(); throw new Error('second error'); }, 0) await errorWasThrownPromise; }, page: async ({ context}, test) => { throw new Error('first error'); await test(123) }, }); test('my-test', async ({ page }) => { }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.passed).toBe(0); expect(result.failed).toBe(1); expect(result.report.suites[0].specs[0].tests[0].results[0].error!.message).toBe('Error: first error'); }); test('worker interrupt should report errors', async ({ interactWithTestRunner }) => { test.skip(process.platform === 'win32', 'No sending SIGINT on Windows'); const testProcess = await interactWithTestRunner({ 'a.spec.ts': ` import { test as base, expect } from '@playwright/test'; const test = base.extend({ throwOnTeardown: async ({}, use) => { let reject; await use(new Promise((f, r) => reject = r)); reject(new Error('INTERRUPT')); }, }); test('interrupted', async ({ throwOnTeardown }) => { console.log('\\n%%SEND-SIGINT%%'); await throwOnTeardown; }); `, }); await testProcess.waitForOutput('%%SEND-SIGINT%%'); process.kill(-testProcess.process.pid!, 'SIGINT'); const { exitCode } = await testProcess.exited; expect(exitCode).toBe(130); const result = parseTestRunnerOutput(testProcess.output); expect(result.passed).toBe(0); expect(result.failed).toBe(0); expect(result.interrupted).toBe(1); expect(result.output).toContain('%%SEND-SIGINT%%'); expect(result.output).toContain('Error: INTERRUPT'); }); test('should not stall when workers are available', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.js': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; const { writeFile, waitForFile } = require('./utils.js'); test('fails-1', async ({}, testInfo) => { await waitForFile(testInfo, 'lockA'); console.log('\\n%%fails-1-started'); writeFile(testInfo, 'lockB'); console.log('\\n%%fails-1-done'); expect(1).toBe(2); }); test('passes-1', async ({}, testInfo) => { console.log('\\n%%passes-1'); writeFile(testInfo, 'lockC'); }); `, 'b.spec.js': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; const { writeFile, waitForFile } = require('./utils.js'); test('passes-2', async ({}, testInfo) => { console.log('\\n%%passes-2-started'); writeFile(testInfo, 'lockA'); await waitForFile(testInfo, 'lockB'); await waitForFile(testInfo, 'lockC'); console.log('\\n%%passes-2-done'); }); `, 'utils.js': ` const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); function fullName(testInfo, file) { return path.join(testInfo.config.projects[0].outputDir, file); } async function waitForFile(testInfo, file) { const fn = fullName(testInfo, file); while (true) { if (fs.existsSync(fn)) return; await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 100)); } } function writeFile(testInfo, file) { const fn = fullName(testInfo, file); fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(fn), { recursive: true }); fs.writeFileSync(fn, '0'); } module.exports = { writeFile, waitForFile }; `, }, { workers: 2 }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.passed).toBe(2); expect(result.failed).toBe(1); expect(result.outputLines).toEqual([ 'passes-2-started', 'fails-1-started', 'fails-1-done', 'passes-1', 'passes-2-done', ]); }); test('should teardown workers that are redundant', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'helper.js': ` const { test: base, expect } = require('@playwright/test'); module.exports = base.extend({ w: [async ({}, use) => { console.log('\\n%%worker setup'); await use('worker'); console.log('\\n%%worker teardown'); }, { scope: 'worker' }], }); `, 'a.spec.js': ` const test = require('./helper'); test('test1', async ({ w }) => { await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 1500)); console.log('\\n%%test-done'); }); `, 'b.spec.js': ` const test = require('./helper'); test('test2', async ({ w }) => { await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 3000)); console.log('\\n%%test-done'); }); `, }, { workers: 2 }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(2); expect(result.outputLines).toEqual([ 'worker setup', 'worker setup', 'test-done', 'worker teardown', 'test-done', 'worker teardown', ]); }); test('should not hang if test suites in worker are inconsistent with runner', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'playwright.config.ts': ` module.exports = { name: 'project-name' }; `, 'names.js': ` exports.getNames = () => { const inWorker = process.env.TEST_WORKER_INDEX !== undefined; if (inWorker) return ['foo']; return ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']; }; `, 'a.spec.js': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; const { getNames } = require('./names'); const names = getNames(); for (const index in names) { test('Test ' + index + ' - ' + names[index], async () => { }); } `, }, { 'workers': 1 }, { TEST_WORKER_INDEX: undefined }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.passed).toBe(1); expect(result.failed).toBe(2); expect(result.skipped).toBe(0); const expectedError = 'Test not found in the worker process. Make sure test title does not change.'; expect(countTimes(result.output, expectedError)).toBe(2); // Once per each test that was missing. }); test('sigint should stop global setup', async ({ interactWithTestRunner }) => { test.skip(process.platform === 'win32', 'No sending SIGINT on Windows'); const testProcess = await interactWithTestRunner({ 'playwright.config.ts': ` module.exports = { globalSetup: './globalSetup', globalTeardown: './globalTeardown.ts', }; `, 'globalSetup.ts': ` module.exports = () => { console.log('Global setup'); console.log('%%SEND-SIGINT%%'); return new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 30000)); }; `, 'globalTeardown.ts': ` module.exports = () => { console.log('Global teardown'); }; `, 'a.spec.js': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('test', async () => { }); `, }, { 'workers': 1 }); await testProcess.waitForOutput('%%SEND-SIGINT%%'); process.kill(-testProcess.process.pid!, 'SIGINT'); const { exitCode } = await testProcess.exited; expect(exitCode).toBe(130); const result = parseTestRunnerOutput(testProcess.output); expect(result.passed).toBe(0); expect(result.output).toContain('Global setup'); expect(result.output).not.toContain('Global teardown'); }); test('sigint should stop plugins', async ({ interactWithTestRunner }) => { test.skip(process.platform === 'win32', 'No sending SIGINT on Windows'); const testProcess = await interactWithTestRunner({ 'playwright.config.ts': ` const _plugins = []; _plugins.push(() => ({ setup: async () => { console.log('Plugin1 setup'); console.log('%%SEND-SIGINT%%'); return new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 30000)); }, teardown: async () => { console.log('Plugin1 teardown'); } })); _plugins.push(() => ({ setup: async () => { console.log('Plugin2 setup'); }, teardown: async () => { console.log('Plugin2 teardown'); } })); module.exports = { _plugins }; `, 'a.spec.js': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('test', async () => { console.log('testing!'); }); `, }, { 'workers': 1 }); await testProcess.waitForOutput('%%SEND-SIGINT%%'); process.kill(-testProcess.process.pid!, 'SIGINT'); const { exitCode } = await testProcess.exited; expect(exitCode).toBe(130); const result = parseTestRunnerOutput(testProcess.output); expect(result.passed).toBe(0); expect(result.output).toContain('Plugin1 setup'); expect(result.output).toContain('Plugin1 teardown'); expect(result.output).not.toContain('Plugin2 setup'); expect(result.output).not.toContain('Plugin2 teardown'); expect(result.output).not.toContain('testing!'); }); test('sigint should stop plugins 2', async ({ interactWithTestRunner }) => { test.skip(process.platform === 'win32', 'No sending SIGINT on Windows'); const testProcess = await interactWithTestRunner({ 'playwright.config.ts': ` const _plugins = []; _plugins.push(() => ({ setup: async () => { console.log('Plugin1 setup'); }, teardown: async () => { console.log('Plugin1 teardown'); } })); _plugins.push(() => ({ setup: async () => { console.log('Plugin2 setup'); console.log('%%SEND-SIGINT%%'); return new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 30000)); }, teardown: async () => { console.log('Plugin2 teardown'); } })); module.exports = { _plugins }; `, 'a.spec.js': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('test', async () => { console.log('testing!'); }); `, }, { 'workers': 1 }); await testProcess.waitForOutput('%%SEND-SIGINT%%'); process.kill(-testProcess.process.pid!, 'SIGINT'); const { exitCode } = await testProcess.exited; expect(exitCode).toBe(130); const result = parseTestRunnerOutput(testProcess.output); expect(result.passed).toBe(0); expect(result.output).toContain('Plugin1 setup'); expect(result.output).toContain('Plugin2 setup'); expect(result.output).toContain('Plugin1 teardown'); expect(result.output).toContain('Plugin2 teardown'); expect(result.output).not.toContain('testing!'); }); test('should not crash with duplicate titles and .only', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'example.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('non unique title', () => { console.log('do not run me'); }); test.skip('non unique title', () => { console.log('do not run me'); }); test.only('non unique title', () => { console.log('do run me'); }); ` }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.output).toContain(`Error: duplicate test title`); expect(result.output).toContain(`test('non unique title'`); expect(result.output).toContain(`test.skip('non unique title'`); expect(result.output).toContain(`test.only('non unique title'`); expect(result.output).toContain(`example.spec.ts:3`); expect(result.output).toContain(`example.spec.ts:4`); expect(result.output).toContain(`example.spec.ts:5`); }); test('should not crash with duplicate titles and line filter', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'example.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('non unique title', () => { console.log('do not run me'); }); test.skip('non unique title', () => { console.log('do not run me'); }); test('non unique title', () => { console.log('do run me'); }); ` }, {}, {}, { additionalArgs: ['example.spec.ts:6'] }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.output).toContain(`Error: duplicate test title`); expect(result.output).toContain(`test('non unique title'`); expect(result.output).toContain(`example.spec.ts:3`); expect(result.output).toContain(`example.spec.ts:4`); expect(result.output).toContain(`example.spec.ts:5`); }); test('should not load tests not matching filter', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; console.log('in a.spec.ts'); test('test1', () => {}); `, 'example.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; console.log('in example.spec.ts'); test('test2', () => {}); ` }, {}, {}, { additionalArgs: ['a.spec.ts'] }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.output).not.toContain('in example.spec.ts'); expect(result.output).toContain('in a.spec.ts'); }); test('should filter by sourcemapped file names', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'gherkin.spec.js': ` import { test } from '@playwright/test'; test('should run', () => {}); //# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJzb3VyY2VzIjpbImdoZXJraW4uZmVhdHVyZSJdLCJuYW1lcyI6WyJOb25lIl0sIm1hcHBpbmdzIjoiQUFBQUE7QUFBQUE7QUFBQUE7QUFBQUE7QUFBQUE7QUFBQUEiLCJmaWxlIjoiZ2hlcmtpbi5mZWF0dXJlIiwic291cmNlc0NvbnRlbnQiOlsiVGVzdCJdfQ==`, 'another.spec.js': ` throw new Error('should not load another.spec.js'); //# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJzb3VyY2VzIjpbImFub3RoZXIuZmVhdHVyZSJdLCJuYW1lcyI6WyJOb25lIl0sIm1hcHBpbmdzIjoiQUFBQUE7QUFBQUE7QUFBQUE7QUFBQUE7QUFBQUE7QUFBQUEiLCJmaWxlIjoiZ2hlcmtpbi5mZWF0dXJlIiwic291cmNlc0NvbnRlbnQiOlsiVGVzdCJdfQ==`, 'nomap.spec.js': ` throw new Error('should not load nomap.spec.js');`, }, {}, {}, { additionalArgs: ['gherkin.feature'] }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(1); expect(result.output).not.toContain('spec.js'); expect(result.output).not.toContain('another.feature.js'); expect(result.output).not.toContain('should not load'); expect(result.output).toContain('gherkin.feature:1'); }); test('should not hang on worker error in test file', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'example.spec.js': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; if (process.env.TEST_WORKER_INDEX) process.exit(1); test('test 1', async () => {}); test('test 2', async () => {}); `, }, { 'timeout': 3000 }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(result.results[0].status).toBe('failed'); expect(result.results[0].error.message).toContain('Error: worker process exited unexpectedly'); expect(result.results[1].status).toBe('skipped'); }); test('fast double SIGINT should be ignored', async ({ interactWithTestRunner }) => { test.skip(process.platform === 'win32', 'No sending SIGINT on Windows'); const testProcess = await interactWithTestRunner({ 'playwright.config.ts': ` export default { globalTeardown: './globalTeardown.ts' }; `, 'globalTeardown.ts': ` export default async function() { console.log('teardown1'); await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 2000)); console.log('teardown2'); } `, 'a.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('interrupted', async ({ }) => { console.log('\\n%%SEND-SIGINT%%'); await new Promise(() => {}); }); `, }); await testProcess.waitForOutput('%%SEND-SIGINT%%'); // Send SIGINT twice in quick succession. process.kill(-testProcess.process.pid!, 'SIGINT'); process.kill(-testProcess.process.pid!, 'SIGINT'); const { exitCode } = await testProcess.exited; expect(exitCode).toBe(130); const result = parseTestRunnerOutput(testProcess.output); expect(result.interrupted).toBe(1); expect(result.output).toContain('teardown1'); expect(result.output).toContain('teardown2'); }); test('slow double SIGINT should be respected', async ({ interactWithTestRunner }) => { test.skip(process.platform === 'win32', 'No sending SIGINT on Windows'); const testProcess = await interactWithTestRunner({ 'playwright.config.ts': ` export default { globalTeardown: './globalTeardown.ts' }; `, 'globalTeardown.ts': ` export default async function() { console.log('teardown1'); await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 1000000)); } `, 'a.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('interrupted', async ({ }) => { console.log('\\n%%SEND-SIGINT%%'); await new Promise(() => {}); }); `, }); await testProcess.waitForOutput('%%SEND-SIGINT%%'); process.kill(-testProcess.process.pid!, 'SIGINT'); await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 2000)); process.kill(-testProcess.process.pid!, 'SIGINT'); const { exitCode } = await testProcess.exited; expect(exitCode).toBe(130); const result = parseTestRunnerOutput(testProcess.output); expect(result.interrupted).toBe(1); expect(result.output).toContain('teardown1'); }); test('slow double SIGINT should be respected in reporter.onExit', async ({ interactWithTestRunner }) => { test.skip(process.platform === 'win32', 'No sending SIGINT on Windows'); const testProcess = await interactWithTestRunner({ 'playwright.config.ts': ` export default { reporter: './reporter' } `, 'reporter.ts': ` export default class MyReporter { onStdOut(chunk) { process.stdout.write(chunk); } async onExit() { // This emulates html reporter, without opening a tab in the default browser. console.log('MyReporter.onExit started'); await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 100000)); console.log('MyReporter.onExit finished'); } } `, 'a.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('interrupted', async ({ }) => { console.log('\\n%%SEND-SIGINT%%'); await new Promise(() => {}); }); `, }, { reporter: '' }); await testProcess.waitForOutput('%%SEND-SIGINT%%'); process.kill(-testProcess.process.pid!, 'SIGINT'); await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 2000)); await testProcess.waitForOutput('MyReporter.onExit started'); process.kill(-testProcess.process.pid!, 'SIGINT'); const { exitCode, signal } = await testProcess.exited; expect(exitCode).toBe(null); expect(signal).toBe('SIGINT'); // Default handler should report the signal. const result = parseTestRunnerOutput(testProcess.output); expect(result.output).toContain('MyReporter.onExit started'); expect(result.output).not.toContain('MyReporter.onExit finished'); }); test('unhandled exception in test.fail should restart worker and continue', async ({ runInlineTest }) => { const result = await runInlineTest({ 'a.spec.ts': ` import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; test('bad', async () => { test.fail(); console.log('\\n%%bad running worker=' + test.info().workerIndex); setTimeout(() => { throw new Error('oh my!'); }, 0); await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 1000)); }); test('good', () => { console.log('\\n%%good running worker=' + test.info().workerIndex); }); ` }, { retries: 1, reporter: 'list' }); expect(result.exitCode).toBe(0); expect(result.passed).toBe(2); expect(result.failed).toBe(0); expect(result.outputLines).toEqual(['bad running worker=0', 'good running worker=1']); });