/** * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { browserTest as it, expect } from '../config/browserTest'; it('should intercept', async ({ browser, server }) => { const context = await browser.newContext(); let intercepted = false; await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { intercepted = true; const request = route.request(); expect(request.url()).toContain('empty.html'); expect(request.headers()['user-agent']).toBeTruthy(); expect(request.method()).toBe('GET'); expect(request.postData()).toBe(null); expect(request.isNavigationRequest()).toBe(true); expect(request.resourceType()).toBe('document'); expect(request.frame() === page.mainFrame()).toBe(true); expect(request.frame().url()).toBe('about:blank'); route.continue(); }); const page = await context.newPage(); const response = await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(response.ok()).toBe(true); expect(intercepted).toBe(true); await context.close(); }); it('should unroute', async ({ browser, server }) => { const context = await browser.newContext(); const page = await context.newPage(); let intercepted = []; await context.route('**/*', route => { intercepted.push(1); route.fallback(); }); await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { intercepted.push(2); route.fallback(); }); await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { intercepted.push(3); route.fallback(); }); const handler4 = route => { intercepted.push(4); route.fallback(); }; await context.route('**/empty.html', handler4); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(intercepted).toEqual([4, 3, 2, 1]); intercepted = []; await context.unroute('**/empty.html', handler4); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(intercepted).toEqual([3, 2, 1]); intercepted = []; await context.unroute('**/empty.html'); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(intercepted).toEqual([1]); await context.close(); }); it('should yield to page.route', async ({ browser, server }) => { const context = await browser.newContext(); await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { route.fulfill({ status: 200, body: 'context' }); }); const page = await context.newPage(); await page.route('**/empty.html', route => { route.fulfill({ status: 200, body: 'page' }); }); const response = await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(response.ok()).toBe(true); expect(await response.text()).toBe('page'); await context.close(); }); it('should fall back to context.route', async ({ browser, server }) => { const context = await browser.newContext(); await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { route.fulfill({ status: 200, body: 'context' }); }); const page = await context.newPage(); await page.route('**/non-empty.html', route => { route.fulfill({ status: 200, body: 'page' }); }); const response = await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(response.ok()).toBe(true); expect(await response.text()).toBe('context'); await context.close(); }); it('should support Set-Cookie header', async ({ contextFactory, server, browserName, defaultSameSiteCookieValue }) => { it.fixme(browserName === 'webkit'); const context = await contextFactory(); const page = await context.newPage(); await page.route('https://example.com/', (route, request) => { route.fulfill({ headers: { 'Set-Cookie': 'name=value; domain=.example.com; Path=/' }, contentType: 'text/html', body: 'done' }); }); await page.goto('https://example.com'); expect(await context.cookies()).toEqual([{ sameSite: defaultSameSiteCookieValue, name: 'name', value: 'value', domain: '.example.com', path: '/', expires: -1, httpOnly: false, secure: false }]); }); it('should ignore secure Set-Cookie header for insecure requests', async ({ contextFactory, server, browserName }) => { it.fixme(browserName === 'webkit'); const context = await contextFactory(); const page = await context.newPage(); await page.route('http://example.com/', (route, request) => { route.fulfill({ headers: { 'Set-Cookie': 'name=value; domain=.example.com; Path=/; Secure' }, contentType: 'text/html', body: 'done' }); }); await page.goto('http://example.com'); expect(await context.cookies()).toEqual([]); }); it('should use Set-Cookie header in future requests', async ({ contextFactory, server, browserName, defaultSameSiteCookieValue }) => { it.fixme(browserName === 'webkit'); const context = await contextFactory(); const page = await context.newPage(); await page.route(server.EMPTY_PAGE, (route, request) => { route.fulfill({ headers: { 'Set-Cookie': 'name=value' }, contentType: 'text/html', body: 'done' }); }); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(await context.cookies()).toEqual([{ sameSite: defaultSameSiteCookieValue, name: 'name', value: 'value', domain: 'localhost', path: '/', expires: -1, httpOnly: false, secure: false }]); let cookie = ''; server.setRoute('/foo.html', (req, res) => { cookie = req.headers.cookie; res.end(); }); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/foo.html'); expect(cookie).toBe('name=value'); }); it('should work with ignoreHTTPSErrors', async ({ browser, httpsServer }) => { const context = await browser.newContext({ ignoreHTTPSErrors: true }); const page = await context.newPage(); await page.route('**/*', route => route.continue()); const response = await page.goto(httpsServer.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(response.status()).toBe(200); await context.close(); }); it('should support the times parameter with route matching', async ({ context, page, server }) => { const intercepted = []; await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { intercepted.push(1); route.continue(); }, { times: 1 }); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(intercepted).toHaveLength(1); }); it('should support async handler w/ times', async ({ context, page, server }) => { await context.route('**/empty.html', async route => { await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 100)); route.fulfill({ body: 'intercepted', contentType: 'text/html' }); }, { times: 1 }); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await expect(page.locator('body')).toHaveText('intercepted'); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await expect(page.locator('body')).not.toHaveText('intercepted'); }); it('should overwrite post body with empty string', async ({ context, server, page, browserName }) => { await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { route.continue({ postData: '', }); }); const [req] = await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest('/empty.html'), page.setContent(` `), ]); const body = (await req.postBody).toString(); expect(body).toBe(''); }); it('should chain fallback', async ({ context, page, server }) => { const intercepted = []; await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { intercepted.push(1); route.fallback(); }); await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { intercepted.push(2); route.fallback(); }); await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { intercepted.push(3); route.fallback(); }); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(intercepted).toEqual([3, 2, 1]); }); it('should not chain fulfill', async ({ context, page, server }) => { let failed = false; await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { failed = true; }); await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { route.fulfill({ status: 200, body: 'fulfilled' }); }); await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { route.fallback(); }); const response = await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); const body = await response.body(); expect(body.toString()).toEqual('fulfilled'); expect(failed).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should not chain abort', async ({ context, page, server }) => { let failed = false; await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { failed = true; }); await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { route.abort(); }); await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { route.fallback(); }); const e = await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE).catch(e => e); expect(e).toBeTruthy(); expect(failed).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should chain fallback into page', async ({ context, page, server }) => { const intercepted = []; await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { intercepted.push(1); route.fallback(); }); await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { intercepted.push(2); route.fallback(); }); await context.route('**/empty.html', route => { intercepted.push(3); route.fallback(); }); await page.route('**/empty.html', route => { intercepted.push(4); route.fallback(); }); await page.route('**/empty.html', route => { intercepted.push(5); route.fallback(); }); await page.route('**/empty.html', route => { intercepted.push(6); route.fallback(); }); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(intercepted).toEqual([6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]); }); it('should fall back async', async ({ page, context, server }) => { const intercepted = []; await context.route('**/empty.html', async route => { intercepted.push(1); await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100)); route.fallback(); }); await context.route('**/empty.html', async route => { intercepted.push(2); await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100)); route.fallback(); }); await context.route('**/empty.html', async route => { intercepted.push(3); await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100)); route.fallback(); }); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); expect(intercepted).toEqual([3, 2, 1]); });