/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @param {Map} apiCoverage * @param {Object} events * @param {string} className * @param {!Object} classType */ function traceAPICoverage(apiCoverage, api, events) { const uninstalls = []; for (const [name, classType] of Object.entries(api)) { const className = name.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + name.substring(1); for (const methodName of Reflect.ownKeys(classType.prototype)) { const method = Reflect.get(classType.prototype, methodName); if (methodName === 'constructor' || typeof methodName !== 'string' || methodName.startsWith('_') || typeof method !== 'function') continue; apiCoverage.set(`${className}.${methodName}`, false); const override = function(...args) { apiCoverage.set(`${className}.${methodName}`, true); return method.call(this, ...args); }; Object.defineProperty(override, 'name', { writable: false, value: methodName }); Reflect.set(classType.prototype, methodName, override); uninstalls.push(() => Reflect.set(classType.prototype, methodName, method)); } if (events[name]) { for (const event of Object.values(events[name])) { if (typeof event !== 'symbol') apiCoverage.set(`${className}.emit(${JSON.stringify(event)})`, false); } const method = Reflect.get(classType.prototype, 'emit'); Reflect.set(classType.prototype, 'emit', function(event, ...args) { if (typeof event !== 'symbol' && this.listenerCount(event)) apiCoverage.set(`${className}.emit(${JSON.stringify(event)})`, true); return method.call(this, event, ...args); }); uninstalls.push(() => Reflect.set(classType.prototype, 'emit', method)); } } return () => uninstalls.forEach(u => u()); } /** * @param {string} browserName */ function apiForBrowser(browserName) { const events = require('../../lib/client/events').Events; const api = require('../../lib/client/api'); const otherBrowsers = ['chromium', 'webkit', 'firefox'].filter(name => name.toLowerCase() !== browserName.toLowerCase()); const filteredKeys = Object.keys(api).filter(apiName => { if (apiName.toLowerCase().startsWith('electron')) return browserName === 'chromium'; return !otherBrowsers.some(otherName => apiName.toLowerCase().startsWith(otherName)); }); const filteredAPI = {}; for (const key of filteredKeys) filteredAPI[key] = api[key]; return { api: filteredAPI, events } } /** * @param {string} browserName */ function installCoverageHooks(browserName) { const {api, events} = apiForBrowser(browserName); const coverage = new Map(); const uninstall = traceAPICoverage(coverage, api, events); return {coverage, uninstall}; } module.exports = { installCoverageHooks };