/** * Copyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * ============================================================================= * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE * EDIT THE ONE IN @playwright/test and copy it over here. * ============================================================================= */ import { config, folio as baseFolio } from 'folio'; import type { Browser, BrowserContext, BrowserContextOptions, BrowserType, LaunchOptions, Page } from '../index'; export { expect, config } from 'folio'; // Test timeout for e2e tests is 30 seconds. config.timeout = 30000; // Parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------ // ... these can be used to run tests in different modes. type PlaywrightParameters = { // Browser type name. browserName: 'chromium' | 'firefox' | 'webkit'; // Whether to run tests headless or headful. headful: boolean; // Operating system. platform: 'win32' | 'linux' | 'darwin'; // Generate screenshot on failure. screenshotOnFailure: boolean; // Slows down Playwright operations by the specified amount of milliseconds. slowMo: number; // Whether to record videos for all tests. video: boolean; }; // Worker fixture declarations ------------------------------------------------- // ... these live as long as the worker process. type PlaywrightWorkerFixtures = { // Playwright library. playwright: typeof import('../index'); // Browser type (Chromium / WebKit / Firefox) browserType: BrowserType; // Default browserType.launch() options. browserOptions: LaunchOptions; // Browser instance, shared for the worker. browser: Browser; // True iff browserName is Chromium isChromium: boolean; // True iff browserName is Firefox isFirefox: boolean; // True iff browserName is WebKit isWebKit: boolean; // True iff running on Windows. isWindows: boolean; // True iff running on Mac. isMac: boolean; // True iff running on Linux. isLinux: boolean; }; // Test fixture definitions, those are created for each test ------------------ type PlaywrightTestFixtures = { // Default browser.newContext() options. contextOptions: BrowserContextOptions; // Factory for creating a context with given additional options. contextFactory: (options?: BrowserContextOptions) => Promise; // Context instance for test. context: BrowserContext; // Page instance for test. page: Page; }; const fixtures = baseFolio.extend(); fixtures.browserName.initParameter('Browser type name', (process.env.BROWSER || 'chromium') as 'chromium' | 'firefox' | 'webkit'); fixtures.headful.initParameter('Whether to run tests headless or headful', process.env.HEADFUL ? true : false); fixtures.platform.initParameter('Operating system', process.platform as ('win32' | 'linux' | 'darwin')); fixtures.screenshotOnFailure.initParameter('Generate screenshot on failure', false); fixtures.slowMo.initParameter('Slows down Playwright operations by the specified amount of milliseconds', 0); fixtures.video.initParameter('Record videos while running tests', false); fixtures.browserOptions.init(async ({ headful, slowMo }, run) => { await run({ handleSIGINT: false, slowMo, headless: !headful, }); }, { scope: 'worker' }); fixtures.playwright.init(async ({ }, run) => { const playwright = require('playwright'); await run(playwright); }, { scope: 'worker' }); fixtures.browserType.init(async ({ playwright, browserName }, run) => { const browserType = (playwright as any)[browserName]; await run(browserType); }, { scope: 'worker' }); fixtures.browser.init(async ({ browserType, browserOptions }, run) => { const browser = await browserType.launch(browserOptions); await run(browser); await browser.close(); }, { scope: 'worker' }); fixtures.isChromium.init(async ({ browserName }, run) => { await run(browserName === 'chromium'); }, { scope: 'worker' }); fixtures.isFirefox.init(async ({ browserName }, run) => { await run(browserName === 'firefox'); }, { scope: 'worker' }); fixtures.isWebKit.init(async ({ browserName }, run) => { await run(browserName === 'webkit'); }, { scope: 'worker' }); fixtures.isWindows.init(async ({ platform }, run) => { await run(platform === 'win32'); }, { scope: 'worker' }); fixtures.isMac.init(async ({ platform }, run) => { await run(platform === 'darwin'); }, { scope: 'worker' }); fixtures.isLinux.init(async ({ platform }, run) => { await run(platform === 'linux'); }, { scope: 'worker' }); fixtures.contextOptions.init(async ({ video, testInfo }, run) => { if (video) { await run({ videosPath: testInfo.outputPath(''), }); } else { await run({}); } }); fixtures.contextFactory.init(async ({ browser, contextOptions, testInfo, screenshotOnFailure }, run) => { const contexts: BrowserContext[] = []; async function contextFactory(options: BrowserContextOptions = {}) { const context = await browser.newContext({ ...contextOptions, ...options }); contexts.push(context); return context; } await run(contextFactory); if (screenshotOnFailure && (testInfo.status !== testInfo.expectedStatus)) { let ordinal = 0; for (const context of contexts) { for (const page of context.pages()) await page.screenshot({ timeout: 5000, path: testInfo.outputPath(`test-failed-${++ordinal}.png`) }); } } for (const context of contexts) await context.close(); }); fixtures.context.init(async ({ contextFactory }, run) => { const context = await contextFactory(); await run(context); // Context factory is taking care of closing the context, // so that it could capture a screenshot on failure. }); fixtures.page.init(async ({ context }, run) => { // Always create page off context so that they matched. await run(await context.newPage()); // Context fixture is taking care of closing the page. }); fixtures.testParametersPathSegment.override(async ({ browserName, platform }, run) => { await run(browserName + '-' + platform); }); export const folio = fixtures.build(); export const it = folio.it; export const fit = folio.fit; export const xit = folio.xit; export const test = folio.test; export const describe = folio.describe; export const beforeEach = folio.beforeEach; export const afterEach = folio.afterEach; export const beforeAll = folio.beforeAll; export const afterAll = folio.afterAll; // If browser is not specified, we are running tests against all three browsers. folio.generateParametrizedTests( 'browserName', process.env.BROWSER ? [process.env.BROWSER] as any : ['chromium', 'webkit', 'firefox']);