/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { test as it, expect } from './pageTest'; async function giveItAChanceToResolve(page) { for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(f => requestAnimationFrame(() => requestAnimationFrame(f)))); } it('should select single option @smoke', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.selectOption('select', 'blue'); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onInput)).toEqual(['blue']); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onChange)).toEqual(['blue']); }); it('should select single option by value', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.selectOption('select', { value: 'blue' }); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onInput)).toEqual(['blue']); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onChange)).toEqual(['blue']); }); it('should select single option by label', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.selectOption('select', { label: 'Indigo' }); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onInput)).toEqual(['indigo']); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onChange)).toEqual(['indigo']); }); it('should select single option by handle', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.selectOption('select', await page.$('[id=whiteOption]')); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onInput)).toEqual(['white']); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onChange)).toEqual(['white']); }); it('should select single option by index', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.selectOption('select', { index: 2 }); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onInput)).toEqual(['brown']); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onChange)).toEqual(['brown']); }); it('should select single option by multiple attributes', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.selectOption('select', { value: 'green', label: 'Green' }); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onInput)).toEqual(['green']); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onChange)).toEqual(['green']); }); it('should not select single option when some attributes do not match', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.$eval('select', s => s.value = undefined); try { await page.selectOption('select', { value: 'green', label: 'Brown' }, { timeout: 1000 }); } catch (e) { expect(e.message).toContain('Timeout'); } expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('select').value)).toEqual(''); }); it('should select only first option', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.selectOption('select', ['blue', 'green', 'red']); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onInput)).toEqual(['blue']); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onChange)).toEqual(['blue']); }); it('should not throw when select causes navigation', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.$eval('select', select => select.addEventListener('input', () => window.location.href = '/empty.html')); await Promise.all([ page.selectOption('select', 'blue'), page.waitForNavigation(), ]); expect(page.url()).toContain('empty.html'); }); it('should select multiple options', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.evaluate(() => window['makeMultiple']()); await page.selectOption('select', ['blue', 'green', 'red']); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onInput)).toEqual(['blue', 'green', 'red']); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onChange)).toEqual(['blue', 'green', 'red']); }); it('should select multiple options with attributes', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.evaluate(() => window['makeMultiple']()); await page.selectOption('select', [{ value: 'blue' }, { label: 'Green' }, { index: 4 }]); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onInput)).toEqual(['blue', 'gray', 'green']); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onChange)).toEqual(['blue', 'gray', 'green']); }); it('should select options with sibling label', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.setContent(` `); await page.selectOption('text=Choose a pet', 'cat'); expect(await page.$eval('select', select => select.options[select.selectedIndex].text)).toEqual('Cat'); }); it('should select options with outer label', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.setContent(``); await page.selectOption('text=Choose a pet', 'cat'); expect(await page.$eval('select', select => select.options[select.selectedIndex].text)).toEqual('Cat'); }); it('should respect event bubbling', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.selectOption('select', 'blue'); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onBubblingInput)).toEqual(['blue']); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onBubblingChange)).toEqual(['blue']); }); it('should throw when element is not a element'); }); it('should return [] on no matched values', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); const result = await page.selectOption('select', []); expect(result).toEqual([]); }); it('should return an array of matched values', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.evaluate(() => window['makeMultiple']()); const result = await page.selectOption('select', ['blue','black','magenta']); expect(result.reduce((accumulator,current) => ['blue', 'black', 'magenta'].includes(current) && accumulator, true)).toEqual(true); }); it('should return an array of one element when multiple is not set', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); const result = await page.selectOption('select',['42','blue','black','magenta']); expect(result.length).toEqual(1); }); it('should return [] on no values',async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); const result = await page.selectOption('select', []); expect(result).toEqual([]); }); it('should not allow null items',async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.evaluate(() => window['makeMultiple']()); let error = null; await page.selectOption('select', ['blue', null, 'black','magenta']).catch(e => error = e); expect(error.message).toContain('options[1]: expected object, got null'); }); it('should unselect with null',async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.evaluate(() => window['makeMultiple']()); const result = await page.selectOption('select', ['blue', 'black','magenta']); expect(result.reduce((accumulator,current) => ['blue', 'black', 'magenta'].includes(current) && accumulator, true)).toEqual(true); await page.selectOption('select', null); expect(await page.$eval('select', select => Array.from(select.options).every(option => !option.selected))).toEqual(true); }); it('should deselect all options when passed no values for a multiple select',async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.evaluate(() => window['makeMultiple']()); await page.selectOption('select', ['blue','black','magenta']); await page.selectOption('select', []); expect(await page.$eval('select', select => Array.from(select.options).every(option => !option.selected))).toEqual(true); }); it('should deselect all options when passed no values for a select without multiple',async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.selectOption('select', ['blue','black','magenta']); await page.selectOption('select', []); expect(await page.$eval('select', select => Array.from(select.options).every(option => !option.selected))).toEqual(true); }); it('should throw if passed wrong types', async ({ page, server }) => { let error; await page.setContent(''); error = null; try { // @ts-expect-error cannot select numbers await page.selectOption('select', 12); } catch (e) { error = e; } expect(error.message).toContain('options[0]: expected object, got number'); error = null; try { // @ts-expect-error cannot select numbers await page.selectOption('select', { value: 12 }); } catch (e) { error = e; } expect(error.message).toContain('options[0].value: expected string, got number'); error = null; try { // @ts-expect-error cannot select numbers await page.selectOption('select', { label: 12 }); } catch (e) { error = e; } expect(error.message).toContain('options[0].label: expected string, got number'); error = null; try { // @ts-expect-error cannot select string indices await page.selectOption('select', { index: '12' }); } catch (e) { error = e; } expect(error.message).toContain('options[0].index: expected number, got string'); }); // @see https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/issues/3327 it('should work when re-defining top-level Event class', async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.evaluate(() => window.Event = null); await page.selectOption('select', 'blue'); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onInput)).toEqual(['blue']); expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['result'].onChange)).toEqual(['blue']); }); it('should wait for option to be present',async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); const selectPromise = page.selectOption('select', 'scarlet'); let didSelect = false; selectPromise.then(() => didSelect = true); await giveItAChanceToResolve(page); expect(didSelect).toBe(false); await page.$eval('select', select => { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = 'scarlet'; option.textContent = 'Scarlet'; select.appendChild(option); }); const items = await selectPromise; expect(items).toStrictEqual(['scarlet']); }); it('should wait for option index to be present',async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); const len = await page.$eval('select', select => select.options.length); const selectPromise = page.selectOption('select', { index: len }); let didSelect = false; selectPromise.then(() => didSelect = true); await giveItAChanceToResolve(page); expect(didSelect).toBe(false); await page.$eval('select', select => { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = 'scarlet'; option.textContent = 'Scarlet'; select.appendChild(option); }); const items = await selectPromise; expect(items).toStrictEqual(['scarlet']); }); it('should wait for multiple options to be present',async ({ page, server }) => { await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/select.html'); await page.evaluate(() => window['makeMultiple']()); const selectPromise = page.selectOption('select', ['green', 'scarlet']); let didSelect = false; selectPromise.then(() => didSelect = true); await giveItAChanceToResolve(page); expect(didSelect).toBe(false); await page.$eval('select', select => { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = 'scarlet'; option.textContent = 'Scarlet'; select.appendChild(option); }); const items = await selectPromise; expect(items).toStrictEqual(['green', 'scarlet']); });