// This is generated from /utils/protocol-types-generator/index.js type binary = string; export module Protocol { export module Accessibility { /** * Unique accessibility node identifier. */ export type AXNodeId = string; /** * Enum of possible property types. */ export type AXValueType = "boolean"|"tristate"|"booleanOrUndefined"|"idref"|"idrefList"|"integer"|"node"|"nodeList"|"number"|"string"|"computedString"|"token"|"tokenList"|"domRelation"|"role"|"internalRole"|"valueUndefined"; /** * Enum of possible property sources. */ export type AXValueSourceType = "attribute"|"implicit"|"style"|"contents"|"placeholder"|"relatedElement"; /** * Enum of possible native property sources (as a subtype of a particular AXValueSourceType). */ export type AXValueNativeSourceType = "figcaption"|"label"|"labelfor"|"labelwrapped"|"legend"|"rubyannotation"|"tablecaption"|"title"|"other"; /** * A single source for a computed AX property. */ export interface AXValueSource { /** * What type of source this is. */ type: AXValueSourceType; /** * The value of this property source. */ value?: AXValue; /** * The name of the relevant attribute, if any. */ attribute?: string; /** * The value of the relevant attribute, if any. */ attributeValue?: AXValue; /** * Whether this source is superseded by a higher priority source. */ superseded?: boolean; /** * The native markup source for this value, e.g. a