/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // eslint-disable-next-line spaced-comment /// import { test as _test, expect as _expect } from '@playwright/test'; import fs from 'fs'; import os from 'os'; import path from 'path'; import debugLogger from 'debug'; import { Registry } from './registry'; import { spawnAsync } from './spawnAsync'; import type { CommonFixtures, CommonWorkerFixtures } from '../config/commonFixtures'; import { commonFixtures } from '../config/commonFixtures'; export const TMP_WORKSPACES = path.join(os.platform() === 'darwin' ? '/tmp' : os.tmpdir(), 'pwt', 'workspaces'); const debug = debugLogger('itest'); /** * A minimal NPM Registry Server that can serve local packages, or proxy to the upstream registry. * This is useful in test installation behavior of packages that aren't yet published. It's particularly helpful * when your installation requires transitive dependencies that are also not yet published. * * See https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/REGISTRY-API.md for information on the offical APIs. */ _expect.extend({ async toExistOnFS(received: any) { if (typeof received !== 'string') throw new Error(`Expected argument to be a string.`); try { await fs.promises.access(received); return { pass: true }; } catch (e) { return { pass: false, message: () => 'file does not exist' }; } }, toHaveLoggedSoftwareDownload(received: any, browsers: ('chromium' | 'firefox' | 'webkit' | 'ffmpeg')[]) { if (typeof received !== 'string') throw new Error(`Expected argument to be a string.`); const downloaded = new Set(); for (const [, browser] of received.matchAll(/^.*(chromium|firefox|webkit|ffmpeg).*playwright build v\d+\)? downloaded.*$/img)) downloaded.add(browser.toLowerCase()); const expected = browsers; if (expected.length === downloaded.size && expected.every(browser => downloaded.has(browser))) return { pass: true }; return { pass: false, message: () => [ `Browser download expectation failed!`, ` expected: ${[...expected].sort().join(', ')}`, ` actual: ${[...downloaded].sort().join(', ')}`, ].join('\n'), }; } }); const expect = _expect; export type ExecOptions = { cwd?: string, env?: Record, message?: string, expectToExitWithError?: boolean }; export type ArgsOrOptions = [] | [...string[]] | [...string[], ExecOptions] | [ExecOptions]; export type NPMTestFixtures = { _auto: void, _browsersPath: string tmpWorkspace: string, nodeMajorVersion: number, installedSoftwareOnDisk: (registryPath?: string) => Promise; writeFiles: (nameToContents: Record) => Promise, exec: (cmd: string, ...argsAndOrOptions: ArgsOrOptions) => Promise tsc: (...argsAndOrOptions: ArgsOrOptions) => Promise, registry: Registry, }; export const test = _test .extend(commonFixtures) .extend({ _browsersPath: async ({ tmpWorkspace }, use) => use(path.join(tmpWorkspace, 'browsers')), _auto: [async ({ tmpWorkspace, exec, _browsersPath }, use) => { await exec('npm init -y'); const sourceDir = path.join(__dirname, 'fixture-scripts'); const contents = await fs.promises.readdir(sourceDir); await Promise.all(contents.map(f => fs.promises.copyFile(path.join(sourceDir, f), path.join(tmpWorkspace, f)))); await use(); if (test.info().status === test.info().expectedStatus) { // Browsers are large, we remove them after each test to save disk space. await fs.promises.rm(_browsersPath, { recursive: true, force: true }); } }, { auto: true, }], nodeMajorVersion: async ({}, use) => { await use(+process.versions.node.split('.')[0]); }, writeFiles: async ({ tmpWorkspace }, use) => { await use(async (nameToContents: Record) => { for (const [name, contents] of Object.entries(nameToContents)) await fs.promises.writeFile(path.join(tmpWorkspace, name), contents); }); }, tmpWorkspace: async ({}, use) => { // We want a location that won't have a node_modules dir anywhere along its path const tmpWorkspace = path.join(TMP_WORKSPACES, path.basename(test.info().outputDir)); await fs.promises.mkdir(tmpWorkspace); debug(`Workspace Folder: ${tmpWorkspace}`); await use(tmpWorkspace); }, registry: async ({}, use, testInfo) => { const port = testInfo.workerIndex + 16123; const url = `${port}`; const registry = new Registry(testInfo.outputPath('registry'), url); await registry.start(JSON.parse((await fs.promises.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '.registry.json'), 'utf8')))); await use(registry); await registry.shutdown(); }, installedSoftwareOnDisk: async ({ _browsersPath }, use) => { await use(async (registryPath?: string) => fs.promises.readdir(registryPath || _browsersPath).catch(() => []).then(files => files.map(f => f.split('-')[0]).filter(f => !f.startsWith('.')))); }, exec: async ({ registry, tmpWorkspace, _browsersPath }, use, testInfo) => { await use(async (cmd: string, ...argsAndOrOptions: [] | [...string[]] | [...string[], ExecOptions] | [ExecOptions]) => { let args: string[] = []; let options: ExecOptions = {}; if (typeof argsAndOrOptions[argsAndOrOptions.length - 1] === 'object') options = argsAndOrOptions.pop() as ExecOptions; args = argsAndOrOptions as string[]; let result!: Awaited>; await test.step(`exec: ${[cmd, ...args].join(' ')}`, async () => { result = await spawnAsync(cmd, args, { shell: true, cwd: options.cwd ?? tmpWorkspace, // NB: We end up running npm-in-npm, so it's important that we do NOT forward process.env and instead cherry-pick environment variables. env: { 'PATH': process.env.PATH, 'DISPLAY': process.env.DISPLAY, 'XAUTHORITY': process.env.XAUTHORITY, 'PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSERS_PATH': _browsersPath, 'npm_config_cache': testInfo.outputPath('npm_cache'), 'npm_config_registry': registry.url(), 'npm_config_prefix': testInfo.outputPath('npm_global'), ...options.env, } }); }); const command = [cmd, ...args].join(' '); const stdio = result.stdout + result.stderr; await testInfo.attach(command, { body: `COMMAND: ${command}\n\nEXIT CODE: ${result.code}\n\n====== STDOUT + STDERR ======\n\n${stdio}` }); // This means something is really off with spawn if (result.error) throw result.error; const error: string[] = []; if (options.expectToExitWithError && result.code === 0) error.push(`Expected the command to exit with an error, but exited cleanly.`); else if (!options.expectToExitWithError && result.code !== 0) error.push(`Expected the command to exit cleanly (0 status code), but exited with ${result.code}.`); if (!error.length) return stdio; if (options.message) error.push(`Message: ${options.message}`); error.push(`Command: ${command}`); error.push(`EXIT CODE: ${result.code}`); error.push(`====== STDIO ======\n${stdio}`); throw new Error(error.join('\n')); }); }, tsc: async ({ exec }, use) => { await exec('npm i --foreground-scripts typescript@3.8 @types/node@14'); await use((...args: ArgsOrOptions) => exec('npx', '-p', 'typescript@3.8', 'tsc', ...args)); }, }); export { expect };