#!/usr/bin/env node /** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const assert = require('assert'); const https = require('https'); const util = require('util'); const URL = require('url'); const SUPPORTER_PLATFORMS = ['linux', 'mac', 'win64']; const colors = { reset: '\x1b[0m', red: '\x1b[31m', green: '\x1b[32m', yellow: '\x1b[33m' }; class Table { /** * @param {!Array} columnWidths */ constructor(columnWidths) { this.widths = columnWidths; } /** * @param {!Array} values */ drawRow(values) { assert(values.length === this.widths.length); let row = ''; for (let i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) row += padCenter(values[i], this.widths[i]); console.log(row); } } if (process.argv.length === 2) { checkOmahaProxyAvailability(); return; } if (process.argv.length !== 4) { console.log(` Usage: node check_revisions.js [fromRevision] [toRevision] This script checks availability of different prebuild chromium revisions. Running command without arguments will check against omahaproxy revisions.`); return; } const fromRevision = parseInt(process.argv[2], 10); const toRevision = parseInt(process.argv[3], 10); checkRangeAvailability(fromRevision, toRevision, false /* stopWhenAllAvailable */); async function checkOmahaProxyAvailability() { const lastchanged = (await Promise.all([ fetch('https://storage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/Mac/LAST_CHANGE'), fetch('https://storage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/Linux_x64/LAST_CHANGE'), fetch('https://storage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/Win/LAST_CHANGE'), fetch('https://storage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/Win_x64/LAST_CHANGE'), ])).map(s => parseInt(s, 10)); const from = Math.max(...lastchanged); checkRangeAvailability(from, 0, true /* stopWhenAllAvailable */); } /** * @param {number} fromRevision * @param {number} toRevision * @param {boolean} stopWhenAllAvailable */ async function checkRangeAvailability(fromRevision, toRevision, stopWhenAllAvailable) { const table = new Table([15, 7, 7, 7]); table.drawRow([''].concat(SUPPORTER_PLATFORMS)); const inc = fromRevision < toRevision ? 1 : -1; for (let revision = fromRevision; revision !== toRevision; revision += inc) { const allAvailable = await checkAndDrawRevisionAvailability(table, 'chromium', revision); if (allAvailable && stopWhenAllAvailable) break; } } async function canDownload(revision, platform) { const serverHost = 'https://storage.googleapis.com'; const urlTemplate = new Map([ ['linux', '%s/chromium-browser-snapshots/Linux_x64/%d/chrome-linux.zip'], ['mac', '%s/chromium-browser-snapshots/Mac/%d/chrome-mac.zip'], ['win64', '%s/chromium-browser-snapshots/Win_x64/%d/chrome-win.zip'], ]).get(platform); assert(urlTemplate, `ERROR: Playwright does not support ${platform}`); const url = util.format(urlTemplate, serverHost, revision); return await headRequest(url); } /** * @param {!Table} table * @param {string} name * @param {number} revision * @return {boolean} */ async function checkAndDrawRevisionAvailability(table, name, revision) { const promises = SUPPORTER_PLATFORMS.map(platform => canDownload(revision, platform)); const availability = await Promise.all(promises); const allAvailable = availability.every(e => !!e); const values = [name + ' ' + (allAvailable ? colors.green + revision + colors.reset : revision)]; for (let i = 0; i < availability.length; ++i) { const decoration = availability[i] ? '+' : '-'; const color = availability[i] ? colors.green : colors.red; values.push(color + decoration + colors.reset); } table.drawRow(values); return allAvailable; } /** * @param {string} url * @return {!Promise} */ function fetch(url) { let resolve; const promise = new Promise(x => resolve = x); https.get(url, response => { if (response.statusCode !== 200) { resolve(null); return; } let body = ''; response.on('data', function(chunk){ body += chunk; }); response.on('end', function(){ resolve(body); }); }).on('error', function(e){ console.error('Error fetching json: ' + e); resolve(null); }); return promise; } /** * @param {number} size * @return {string} */ function spaceString(size) { return new Array(size).fill(' ').join(''); } /** * @param {string} text * @return {string} */ function filterOutColors(text) { for (const colorName in colors) { const color = colors[colorName]; text = text.replace(color, ''); } return text; } /** * @param {string} text * @param {number} length * @return {string} */ function padCenter(text, length) { const printableCharacters = filterOutColors(text); if (printableCharacters.length >= length) return text; const left = Math.floor((length - printableCharacters.length) / 2); const right = Math.ceil((length - printableCharacters.length) / 2); return spaceString(left) + text + spaceString(right); } async function headRequest(url) { return new Promise(resolve => { let options = URL.parse(url); options.method = 'HEAD'; const request = https.request(options, res => resolve(res.statusCode === 200)); request.on('error', error => resolve(false)); request.end(); }); }