/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { playwrightTest as it, expect } from './config/browserTest'; import { parseComponentSelector, ParsedComponentSelector } from 'playwright-core/lib/server/common/componentUtils'; const parse = parseComponentSelector; const serialize = (parsed: ParsedComponentSelector) => { return parsed.name + parsed.attributes.map(attr => { const path = attr.jsonPath.map(token => /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/i.test(token) ? token : JSON.stringify(token)).join('.'); if (attr.op === '') return '[' + path + ']'; return '[' + path + ' ' + attr.op + ' ' + JSON.stringify(attr.value) + (attr.caseSensetive ? ']' : ' i]'); }).join(''); }; function expectError(selector: string) { let error = { message: '' }; try { parse(selector); } catch (e) { error = e; } expect(error.message).toContain(`while parsing selector \`${selector}\``); } it('should parse', async () => { expect(serialize(parse('[foo="]"]'))).toBe('[foo = "]"]'); expect(serialize(parse('[foo="10"s]'))).toBe('[foo = "10"]'); expect(serialize(parse('[foo="10" s]'))).toBe('[foo = "10"]'); expect(serialize(parse('[foo="true"]'))).toBe('[foo = "true"]'); expect(serialize(parse('[foo=""]'))).toBe('[foo = ""]'); expect(serialize(parse('[foo="=="]'))).toBe('[foo = "=="]'); }); it('should parse short attributes', async () => { expect(serialize(parse(`BookItem [ name ]`))).toBe('BookItem[name]'); expect(serialize(parse(`BookItem ['name' ] [ foo."bar".baz ]`))).toBe('BookItem[name][foo.bar.baz]'); expect(serialize(parse(`BookItem ['na me' ]`))).toBe('BookItem["na me"]'); }); it('should parse all operators', async () => { expect(serialize(parse(`BookItem[name = 10]`))).toBe('BookItem[name = 10]'); expect(serialize(parse(`BookItem[name = 'foo']`))).toBe(`BookItem[name = "foo"]`); expect(serialize(parse(`BookItem[name *= 'foo']`))).toBe(`BookItem[name *= "foo"]`); expect(serialize(parse(`BookItem[name ^= 'foo']`))).toBe(`BookItem[name ^= "foo"]`); expect(serialize(parse(`BookItem[name $= 'foo']`))).toBe(`BookItem[name $= "foo"]`); expect(serialize(parse(`BookItem[name ~= 'foo']`))).toBe(`BookItem[name ~= "foo"]`); expect(serialize(parse(`BookItem[name |= 'foo']`))).toBe(`BookItem[name |= "foo"]`); }); it('should tolerate spacing', async () => { expect(serialize(parse(` BookItem[ name = "Foo " ]`))).toBe('BookItem[name = "Foo "]'); expect(serialize(parse(` BookItem [ name = "Foo" ] `))).toBe('BookItem[name = "Foo"]'); expect(serialize(parse(` [ name = "Foo"]`))).toBe('[name = "Foo"]'); expect(serialize(parse(` BookItem ["name" = "Foo" i] `))).toBe('BookItem[name = "Foo" i]'); expect(serialize(parse(`BookItem [ 'name' = 'Foo'i ] `))).toBe('BookItem[name = "Foo" i]'); }); it('should escape', async () => { expect(serialize(parse(`BookItem['jake\\'s' = 10]`))).toBe(`BookItem["jake's" = 10]`); expect(serialize(parse(`BookItem['jake"s' = 10]`))).toBe(`BookItem["jake\\"s" = 10]`); expect(serialize(parse(`BookItem["jake\\"s" = 10]`))).toBe(`BookItem["jake\\"s" = 10]`); expect(serialize(parse(`BookItem[name = 'foo\\'bar']`))).toBe(`BookItem[name = "foo'bar"]`); expect(serialize(parse(`BookItem[name = "foo'bar"]`))).toBe(`BookItem[name = "foo'bar"]`); expect(serialize(parse(`BookItem[name = "foo\\"bar"]`))).toBe(`BookItem[name = "foo\\"bar"]`); }); it('should parse int values', async () => { expect(serialize(parse(`ColorButton[value = 10]`))).toBe('ColorButton[value = 10]'); expect(serialize(parse(`ColorButton[value = +10]`))).toBe('ColorButton[value = 10]'); expect(serialize(parse(`ColorButton[value = -10]`))).toBe('ColorButton[value = -10]'); expect(serialize(parse(`ColorButton [ "nested". "index" = 0 ] `))).toBe('ColorButton[nested.index = 0]'); }); it('should parse float values', async () => { expect(serialize(parse(`ColorButton[value = -12.3]`))).toBe('ColorButton[value = -12.3]'); expect(serialize(parse(`ColorButton ['nested'.value = 4.1]`))).toBe('ColorButton[nested.value = 4.1]'); expect(serialize(parse(`ColorButton [ 'nested' .value =4.1]`))).toBe('ColorButton[nested.value = 4.1]'); }); it('shoulud parse bool', async () => { expect(serialize(parse(`ColorButton[enabled= false] `))).toBe('ColorButton[enabled = false]'); expect(serialize(parse(`ColorButton[enabled =true] `))).toBe('ColorButton[enabled = true]'); expect(serialize(parse(`ColorButton[enabled =true][ color = "red"]`))).toBe('ColorButton[enabled = true][color = "red"]'); expect(serialize(parse(`ColorButton[ enabled =true][ color = "red"i][nested.index = 6]`))).toBe('ColorButton[enabled = true][color = "red" i][nested.index = 6]'); }); it('should throw on malformed selector', async () => { expectError('foo['); expectError('foo['); expectError('foo["asd'); expectError('foo["asd"'); expectError('foo["asd"'); expectError('foo[.bar=10]'); expectError('foo[bar **= 10]'); expectError('foo[bar == 10]'); expectError('foo[bar = 10 [baz=20]'); expectError('foo[bar = 10 i[baz=20]'); expectError('foo[bar *= #%s]'); expectError('foo[bar *= 10]'); expectError(''); expectError('[foo=10 s]'); expectError('[foo=10 p]'); expectError('foo.bar'); expectError('foo[]'); expectError('["a\"b"=foo]'); expectError('[foo=10"bar"]'); expectError('[foo= ==]'); expectError('[foo===]'); expectError('[foo="\"]"[]'); expectError('[foo=abc S]'); expectError('[foo=abc \s]'); expectError('[foo=abc"\s"]'); expectError('[foo="\\"]'); });