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synced 2025-01-08 12:28:46 +03:00
1242 lines
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1242 lines
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { test, expect, stripAnsi } from './playwright-test-fixtures';
const stepIndentReporter = `
import * as path from 'path';
function formatPrefix(str) {
return str.padEnd(10, ' ') + '|';
function formatLocation(location) {
return ' @ ' + path.basename(location.file) + ':' + location.line;
function formatStack(indent, stack) {
stack = stack.split('\\n').filter(s => s.startsWith(' at '));
stack = stack.map(s => {
const match = /^( at.* )\\(?([^ )]+)\\)?/.exec(s);
let location = match[2];
location = location.substring(location.lastIndexOf(path.sep) + 1);
return ' at ' + location;
return indent + stack.join('\\n' + indent);
class Reporter {
printErrorLocation: boolean;
skipErrorMessage: boolean;
constructor(options) {
this.printErrorLocation = options.printErrorLocation;
this.skipErrorMessage = options.skipErrorMessage;
trimError(message) {
if (this.skipErrorMessage)
return '<error message>';
const lines = message.split('\\n');
return lines[0];
onBegin(config: FullConfig, suite: Suite) {
this.suite = suite;
// For easier debugging.
onStdOut(data) {
// For easier debugging.
onStdErr(data) {
printStep(step, indent) {
let location = '';
if (step.location)
location = formatLocation(step.location);
console.log(formatPrefix(step.category) + indent + step.title + location);
if (step.error) {
const errorLocation = this.printErrorLocation ? formatLocation(step.error.location) : '';
console.log(formatPrefix(step.category) + indent + '↪ error: ' + this.trimError(step.error.message) + errorLocation);
if (this.printErrorLocation)
console.log(formatStack(formatPrefix(step.category) + indent, step.error.stack));
indent += ' ';
for (const child of step.steps)
this.printStep(child, indent);
async onEnd() {
console.log(); // for nicer expectations
const processSuite = (suite: Suite) => {
for (const child of suite.suites)
for (const test of suite.tests) {
for (const result of test.results) {
for (const step of result.steps)
this.printStep(step, '');
for (const error of result.errors) {
const errorLocation = this.printErrorLocation ? formatLocation(error.location) : '';
console.log(formatPrefix('') + this.trimError(error.message) + errorLocation);
if (this.printErrorLocation)
console.log(formatStack(formatPrefix(''), error.stack));
module.exports = Reporter;
test('should report api step hierarchy', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `
module.exports = {
reporter: './reporter',
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('pass', async ({ page }) => {
await test.step('outer step 1', async () => {
await test.step('inner step 1.1', async () => {});
await test.step('inner step 1.2', async () => {});
await test.step('outer step 2', async () => {
await test.step('inner step 2.1', async () => {});
await test.step('inner step 2.2', async () => {});
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1 });
hook |Before Hooks
fixture | fixture: browser
pw:api | browserType.launch
fixture | fixture: context
pw:api | browser.newContext
fixture | fixture: page
pw:api | browserContext.newPage
test.step |outer step 1 @ a.test.ts:4
test.step | inner step 1.1 @ a.test.ts:5
test.step | inner step 1.2 @ a.test.ts:6
test.step |outer step 2 @ a.test.ts:8
test.step | inner step 2.1 @ a.test.ts:9
test.step | inner step 2.2 @ a.test.ts:10
hook |After Hooks
fixture | fixture: page
fixture | fixture: context
test('should report before hooks step error', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `
module.exports = {
reporter: './reporter',
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test.beforeEach(async ({}) => {
throw new Error('oh my');
test('pass', async ({}) => {
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1 });
hook |Before Hooks
hook |↪ error: Error: oh my
hook | beforeEach hook @ a.test.ts:3
hook | ↪ error: Error: oh my
hook |After Hooks
hook |Worker Cleanup
|Error: oh my
test('should not report nested after hooks', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `
module.exports = {
reporter: './reporter',
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('timeout', async ({ page }) => {
await test.step('my step', async () => {
await new Promise(() => {});
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1, timeout: 2000 });
hook |Before Hooks
fixture | fixture: browser
pw:api | browserType.launch
fixture | fixture: context
pw:api | browser.newContext
fixture | fixture: page
pw:api | browserContext.newPage
test.step |my step @ a.test.ts:4
hook |After Hooks
fixture | fixture: page
fixture | fixture: context
hook |Worker Cleanup
fixture | fixture: browser
|Test timeout of 2000ms exceeded.
test('should report test.step from fixtures', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const expectReporterJS = `
class Reporter {
onStepBegin(test, result, step) {
console.log('%% begin ' + step.title);
onStepEnd(test, result, step) {
console.log('%% end ' + step.title);
module.exports = Reporter;
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': expectReporterJS,
'playwright.config.ts': `
module.exports = {
reporter: './reporter',
'a.test.ts': `
import { test as base, expect } from '@playwright/test';
const test = base.extend({
foo: async ({}, use) => {
await base.step('setup foo', () => {});
await use(async () => {
await test.step('inside foo', () => {});
await test.step('teardown foo', () => {});
test('pass', async ({ foo }) => {
await test.step('test step', async () => {
await foo();
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1 });
`begin Before Hooks`,
`begin fixture: foo`,
`begin setup foo`,
`end setup foo`,
`end fixture: foo`,
`end Before Hooks`,
`begin test step`,
`begin inside foo`,
`end inside foo`,
`end test step`,
`begin After Hooks`,
`begin fixture: foo`,
`begin teardown foo`,
`end teardown foo`,
`end fixture: foo`,
`end After Hooks`,
test('should report expect step locations', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `
module.exports = {
reporter: './reporter',
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('pass', async ({}) => {
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1 });
hook |Before Hooks
expect |expect.toBeTruthy @ a.test.ts:4
hook |After Hooks
test('should report custom expect steps', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `
module.exports = {
reporter: [['./reporter']],
'a.test.ts': `
toBeWithinRange(received, floor, ceiling) {
const pass = received >= floor && received <= ceiling;
if (pass) {
return {
message: () =>
"expected " + received + " not to be within range " + floor + " - " + ceiling,
pass: true,
} else {
return {
message: () =>
"expected " + received + " to be within range " + floor + " - " + ceiling,
pass: false,
async toBeFailingAsync(received) {
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 0));
return {
message: () => "It fails!",
pass: false,
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('fail', async ({}) => {
expect(15).toBeWithinRange(10, 20);
await expect(1).toBeFailingAsync(22);
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1 });
hook |Before Hooks
expect |expect.toBeWithinRange @ a.test.ts:31
expect |expect.toBeFailingAsync @ a.test.ts:32
expect |↪ error: Error: It fails!
hook |After Hooks
hook |Worker Cleanup
|Error: It fails!
test('should not pass arguments and return value from step', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('steps with return values', async ({ page }) => {
const v1 = await test.step('my step', (...args) => {
return 10;
console.log('v1 = ' + v1);
const v2 = await test.step('my step', async (...args) => {
return new Promise(f => setTimeout(() => f(v1 + 10), 100));
console.log('v2 = ' + v2);
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1 });
expect(result.output).toContain('v1 = 10');
expect(result.output).toContain('v2 = 20');
test('should mark step as failed when soft expect fails', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `
module.exports = {
reporter: './reporter',
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('pass', async ({}) => {
await test.step('outer', async () => {
await test.step('inner', async () => {
await test.step('passing', () => {});
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1 });
hook |Before Hooks
test.step |outer @ a.test.ts:4
test.step |↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
test.step | inner @ a.test.ts:5
test.step | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
expect | expect.soft.toBe @ a.test.ts:6
expect | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
test.step |passing @ a.test.ts:9
hook |After Hooks
hook |Worker Cleanup
|Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
test('should nest steps based on zones', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `
module.exports = {
reporter: './reporter',
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test.beforeAll(async () => {
await test.step('in beforeAll', () => {});
test.afterAll(async () => {
await test.step('in afterAll', () => {});
test.beforeEach(async () => {
await test.step('in beforeEach', () => {});
test.afterEach(async () => {
await test.step('in afterEach', () => {});
test.only('foo', async ({ page }) => {
await test.step('grand', async () => {
await Promise.all([
test.step('parent1', async () => {
await test.step('child1', async () => {
await page.click('body');
test.step('parent2', async () => {
await test.step('child2', async () => {
await expect(page.locator('body')).toBeVisible();
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1 });
hook |Before Hooks
hook | beforeAll hook @ a.test.ts:3
test.step | in beforeAll @ a.test.ts:4
hook | beforeEach hook @ a.test.ts:11
test.step | in beforeEach @ a.test.ts:12
fixture | fixture: browser
pw:api | browserType.launch
fixture | fixture: context
pw:api | browser.newContext
fixture | fixture: page
pw:api | browserContext.newPage
test.step |grand @ a.test.ts:20
test.step | parent1 @ a.test.ts:22
test.step | child1 @ a.test.ts:23
pw:api | page.click(body) @ a.test.ts:24
test.step | parent2 @ a.test.ts:27
test.step | child2 @ a.test.ts:28
expect | expect.toBeVisible @ a.test.ts:29
hook |After Hooks
hook | afterEach hook @ a.test.ts:15
test.step | in afterEach @ a.test.ts:16
fixture | fixture: page
fixture | fixture: context
hook | afterAll hook @ a.test.ts:7
test.step | in afterAll @ a.test.ts:8
test('should not mark page.close as failed when page.click fails', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `
module.exports = {
reporter: './reporter',
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
let page: Page;
test.beforeAll(async ({ browser }) => {
page = await browser.newPage();
test.afterAll(async () => {
await page.close();
test('fails', async () => {
await page.setContent('hello');
await page.click('div');
}, { reporter: '' });
hook |Before Hooks
hook | beforeAll hook @ a.test.ts:5
fixture | fixture: browser
pw:api | browserType.launch
pw:api | browser.newPage @ a.test.ts:6
pw:api |page.setContent @ a.test.ts:15
pw:api |page.click(div) @ a.test.ts:16
pw:api |↪ error: Error: page.click: Target page, context or browser has been closed
hook |After Hooks
hook | afterAll hook @ a.test.ts:9
pw:api | page.close @ a.test.ts:10
hook |Worker Cleanup
fixture | fixture: browser
|Test timeout of 2000ms exceeded.
|Error: page.click: Target page, context or browser has been closed
test('should nest page.continue inside page.goto steps', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `module.exports = { reporter: './reporter', };`,
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('pass', async ({ page }) => {
await page.route('**/*', route => route.fulfill('<html></html>'));
await page.goto('http://localhost:1234');
}, { reporter: '' });
hook |Before Hooks
fixture | fixture: browser
pw:api | browserType.launch
fixture | fixture: context
pw:api | browser.newContext
fixture | fixture: page
pw:api | browserContext.newPage
pw:api |page.route @ a.test.ts:4
pw:api |page.goto(http://localhost:1234) @ a.test.ts:5
pw:api | route.fulfill @ a.test.ts:4
hook |After Hooks
fixture | fixture: page
fixture | fixture: context
test('should not propagate errors from within toPass', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `module.exports = { reporter: './reporter', };`,
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('pass', async () => {
let i = 0;
await expect(() => {
}, { reporter: '' });
hook |Before Hooks
expect |expect.toPass @ a.test.ts:7
expect | expect.toBe @ a.test.ts:6
expect | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
expect | expect.toBe @ a.test.ts:6
expect | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
expect | expect.toBe @ a.test.ts:6
hook |After Hooks
test('should show final toPass error', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `module.exports = { reporter: './reporter', };`,
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('fail', async () => {
await expect(() => {
}).toPass({ timeout: 1 });
}, { reporter: '' });
hook |Before Hooks
expect |expect.toPass @ a.test.ts:6
expect |↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
expect | expect.toBe @ a.test.ts:5
expect | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
hook |After Hooks
hook |Worker Cleanup
|Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
test('should propagate nested soft errors', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `module.exports = { reporter: './reporter', };`,
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('fail', async () => {
await test.step('first outer', async () => {
await test.step('first inner', async () => {
await test.step('second outer', async () => {
await test.step('second inner', async () => {
}, { reporter: '' });
hook |Before Hooks
test.step |first outer @ a.test.ts:4
test.step |↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
test.step | first inner @ a.test.ts:5
test.step | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
expect | expect.soft.toBe @ a.test.ts:6
expect | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
test.step |second outer @ a.test.ts:10
test.step |↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
test.step | second inner @ a.test.ts:11
test.step | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
expect | expect.toBe @ a.test.ts:12
expect | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
hook |After Hooks
hook |Worker Cleanup
|Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
|Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
test('should not propagate nested hard errors', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `module.exports = { reporter: './reporter', };`,
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('fail', async () => {
await test.step('first outer', async () => {
await test.step('first inner', async () => {
try {
} catch (e) {
await test.step('second outer', async () => {
await test.step('second inner', async () => {
}, { reporter: '' });
hook |Before Hooks
test.step |first outer @ a.test.ts:4
test.step | first inner @ a.test.ts:5
expect | expect.toBe @ a.test.ts:7
expect | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
test.step |second outer @ a.test.ts:13
test.step |↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
test.step | second inner @ a.test.ts:14
test.step | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
expect | expect.toBe @ a.test.ts:15
expect | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
hook |After Hooks
hook |Worker Cleanup
|Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
test('should step w/o box', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `module.exports = { reporter: [['./reporter', { printErrorLocation: true }]], };`,
` /*1*/ import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
/*2*/ test('fail', async () => {
/*3*/ await test.step('boxed step', async () => {
/*4*/ expect(1).toBe(2);
/*5*/ });
/*6*/ });
}, { reporter: '' });
hook |Before Hooks
test.step |boxed step @ a.test.ts:3
test.step |↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality @ a.test.ts:4
test.step | at a.test.ts:4:27
test.step | at a.test.ts:3:26
expect | expect.toBe @ a.test.ts:4
expect | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality @ a.test.ts:4
expect | at a.test.ts:4:27
expect | at a.test.ts:3:26
hook |After Hooks
hook |Worker Cleanup
|Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality @ a.test.ts:4
| at a.test.ts:4:27
| at a.test.ts:3:26
test('should step w/ box', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `module.exports = { reporter: [['./reporter', { printErrorLocation: true }]], };`,
` /*1*/ import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
/*2*/ test('fail', async () => {
/*3*/ const helper = async () => {
/*4*/ await test.step('boxed step', async () => {
/*5*/ expect(1).toBe(2);
/*6*/ }, { box: true });
/*7*/ };
/*8*/ await helper();
/*9*/ });
}, { reporter: '' });
hook |Before Hooks
test.step |boxed step @ a.test.ts:8
test.step |↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality @ a.test.ts:8
test.step | at a.test.ts:8:21
expect | expect.toBe @ a.test.ts:5
expect | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality @ a.test.ts:8
expect | at a.test.ts:8:21
hook |After Hooks
hook |Worker Cleanup
|Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality @ a.test.ts:8
| at a.test.ts:8:21
test('should soft step w/ box', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `module.exports = { reporter: [['./reporter', { printErrorLocation: true }]], };`,
` /*1*/ import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
/*2*/ test('fail', async () => {
/*3*/ const helper = async () => {
/*4*/ await test.step('boxed step', async () => {
/*5*/ expect.soft(1).toBe(2);
/*6*/ }, { box: true });
/*7*/ };
/*8*/ await helper();
/*9*/ });
}, { reporter: '' });
hook |Before Hooks
test.step |boxed step @ a.test.ts:8
test.step |↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality @ a.test.ts:8
test.step | at a.test.ts:8:21
expect | expect.soft.toBe @ a.test.ts:5
expect | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality @ a.test.ts:8
expect | at a.test.ts:8:21
hook |After Hooks
hook |Worker Cleanup
|Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality @ a.test.ts:8
| at a.test.ts:8:21
test('should not generate dupes for named expects', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `
module.exports = {
reporter: './reporter',
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('timeout', async ({ page }) => {
await page.setContent('<div style="background:rgb(1,2,3)">hi</div>');
await expect(page.locator('div'), 'Checking color')
.toHaveCSS('background-color', 'rgb(1, 2, 3)');
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1, timeout: 2000 });
hook |Before Hooks
fixture | fixture: browser
pw:api | browserType.launch
fixture | fixture: context
pw:api | browser.newContext
fixture | fixture: page
pw:api | browserContext.newPage
pw:api |page.setContent @ a.test.ts:4
expect |Checking color @ a.test.ts:6
hook |After Hooks
fixture | fixture: page
fixture | fixture: context
test('step inside expect.toPass', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
test.info().annotations.push({ type: 'issue', description: 'https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/30322' });
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `
module.exports = {
reporter: './reporter',
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('pass', async ({}) => {
await test.step('step 1', async () => {
let counter = 0
await expect(async () => {
await test.step('step 2, attempt: ' + counter, async () => {
await test.step('step 3', async () => {
await test.step('step 4', async () => {
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1 });
hook |Before Hooks
test.step |step 1 @ a.test.ts:4
expect | expect.toPass @ a.test.ts:11
test.step | step 2, attempt: 0 @ a.test.ts:7
test.step | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
expect | expect.toBe @ a.test.ts:9
expect | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
test.step | step 2, attempt: 1 @ a.test.ts:7
expect | expect.toBe @ a.test.ts:9
test.step | step 3 @ a.test.ts:12
test.step | step 4 @ a.test.ts:13
expect | expect.toBe @ a.test.ts:14
hook |After Hooks
test('library API call inside expect.toPass', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
test.info().annotations.push({ type: 'issue', description: 'https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/30322' });
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `
module.exports = {
reporter: './reporter',
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('pass', async ({page}) => {
let counter = 0
await expect(async () => {
await page.goto('about:blank');
await test.step('inner step attempt: ' + counter, async () => {
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1 });
hook |Before Hooks
fixture | fixture: browser
pw:api | browserType.launch
fixture | fixture: context
pw:api | browser.newContext
fixture | fixture: page
pw:api | browserContext.newPage
expect |expect.toPass @ a.test.ts:11
pw:api | page.goto(about:blank) @ a.test.ts:6
test.step | inner step attempt: 0 @ a.test.ts:7
test.step | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
expect | expect.toBe @ a.test.ts:9
expect | ↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // Object.is equality
pw:api | page.goto(about:blank) @ a.test.ts:6
test.step | inner step attempt: 1 @ a.test.ts:7
expect | expect.toBe @ a.test.ts:9
hook |After Hooks
fixture | fixture: page
fixture | fixture: context
test('library API call inside expect.poll', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
test.info().annotations.push({ type: 'issue', description: 'https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/30322' });
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `
module.exports = {
reporter: './reporter',
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('pass', async ({page}) => {
let counter = 0
const a = [];
await expect.poll(async () => {
await page.goto('about:blank');
await test.step('inner step attempt: ' + counter, async () => {
return a;
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1 });
hook |Before Hooks
fixture | fixture: browser
pw:api | browserType.launch
fixture | fixture: context
pw:api | browser.newContext
fixture | fixture: page
pw:api | browserContext.newPage
expect |expect.poll.toHaveLength @ a.test.ts:14
pw:api | page.goto(about:blank) @ a.test.ts:7
test.step | inner step attempt: 0 @ a.test.ts:8
expect | expect.toBe @ a.test.ts:10
pw:api | page.goto(about:blank) @ a.test.ts:7
test.step | inner step attempt: 1 @ a.test.ts:8
expect | expect.toBe @ a.test.ts:10
hook |After Hooks
fixture | fixture: page
fixture | fixture: context
test('web assertion inside expect.poll', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
test.info().annotations.push({ type: 'issue', description: 'https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/30322' });
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `
module.exports = {
reporter: './reporter',
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('pass', async ({ page }) => {
await page.setContent('<div>foo</div>');
let counter = 0
await expect.poll(async () => {
await expect(page.locator('div')).toHaveText('foo');
await test.step('iteration ' + counter, async () => {
await expect(page.locator('div')).toBeVisible();
return counter;
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1 });
hook |Before Hooks
fixture | fixture: browser
pw:api | browserType.launch
fixture | fixture: context
pw:api | browser.newContext
fixture | fixture: page
pw:api | browserContext.newPage
pw:api |page.setContent @ a.test.ts:4
expect |expect.poll.toBe @ a.test.ts:13
expect | expect.toHaveText @ a.test.ts:7
test.step | iteration 1 @ a.test.ts:9
expect | expect.toBeVisible @ a.test.ts:10
expect | expect.toHaveText @ a.test.ts:7
test.step | iteration 2 @ a.test.ts:9
expect | expect.toBeVisible @ a.test.ts:10
hook |After Hooks
fixture | fixture: page
fixture | fixture: context
test('should report expect steps', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `
module.exports = {
reporter: './reporter',
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('fail', async ({}) => {
test('pass', async ({}) => {
test('async', async ({ page }) => {
await expect(page).not.toHaveTitle('False');
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1 });
hook |Before Hooks
expect |expect.toBeTruthy @ a.test.ts:4
expect |expect.toBeTruthy @ a.test.ts:5
expect |↪ error: Error: expect(received).toBeTruthy()
hook |After Hooks
hook |Worker Cleanup
|Error: expect(received).toBeTruthy()
hook |Before Hooks
expect |expect.not.toBeTruthy @ a.test.ts:8
hook |After Hooks
hook |Before Hooks
fixture | fixture: browser
pw:api | browserType.launch
fixture | fixture: context
pw:api | browser.newContext
fixture | fixture: page
pw:api | browserContext.newPage
expect |expect.not.toHaveTitle @ a.test.ts:11
hook |After Hooks
fixture | fixture: page
fixture | fixture: context
test('should report api steps', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `module.exports = { reporter: [['./reporter', { skipErrorMessage: true }]] };`,
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('pass', async ({ page, request }) => {
await Promise.all([
await page.click('button');
await page.getByRole('button').click();
await page.request.get('http://localhost2').catch(() => {});
await request.get('http://localhost2').catch(() => {});
test.describe('suite', () => {
let myPage;
test.beforeAll(async ({ browser }) => {
myPage = await browser.newPage();
await myPage.setContent('<button></button>');
test('pass1', async () => {
await myPage.click('button');
test('pass2', async () => {
await myPage.click('button');
test.afterAll(async () => {
await myPage.close();
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1 });
hook |Before Hooks
hook | beforeAll hook @ a.test.ts:16
pw:api | browser.newPage @ a.test.ts:17
pw:api | page.setContent @ a.test.ts:18
pw:api |page.click(button) @ a.test.ts:22
hook |After Hooks
hook |Before Hooks
pw:api |page.click(button) @ a.test.ts:25
hook |After Hooks
hook | afterAll hook @ a.test.ts:28
pw:api | page.close @ a.test.ts:29
hook |Before Hooks
fixture | fixture: browser
pw:api | browserType.launch
fixture | fixture: context
pw:api | browser.newContext
fixture | fixture: page
pw:api | browserContext.newPage
fixture | fixture: request
pw:api | apiRequest.newContext
pw:api |page.waitForNavigation @ a.test.ts:5
pw:api | page.goto(data:text/html,<button></button>) @ a.test.ts:6
pw:api |page.click(button) @ a.test.ts:8
pw:api |locator.getByRole('button').click @ a.test.ts:9
pw:api |apiRequestContext.get(http://localhost2) @ a.test.ts:10
pw:api |↪ error: <error message>
pw:api |apiRequestContext.get(http://localhost2) @ a.test.ts:11
pw:api |↪ error: <error message>
hook |After Hooks
fixture | fixture: request
pw:api | apiRequestContext.dispose
fixture | fixture: page
fixture | fixture: context
test('should report api step failure', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `
module.exports = {
reporter: './reporter',
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('fail', async ({ page }) => {
await page.setContent('<button></button>');
await page.click('input', { timeout: 1 });
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1 });
hook |Before Hooks
fixture | fixture: browser
pw:api | browserType.launch
fixture | fixture: context
pw:api | browser.newContext
fixture | fixture: page
pw:api | browserContext.newPage
pw:api |page.setContent @ a.test.ts:4
pw:api |page.click(input) @ a.test.ts:5
pw:api |↪ error: TimeoutError: page.click: Timeout 1ms exceeded.
hook |After Hooks
fixture | fixture: page
fixture | fixture: context
hook |Worker Cleanup
fixture | fixture: browser
|TimeoutError: page.click: Timeout 1ms exceeded.
test('should show nice stacks for locators', async ({ runInlineTest }) => {
const result = await runInlineTest({
'reporter.ts': stepIndentReporter,
'playwright.config.ts': `module.exports = { reporter: [['./reporter', { printErrorLocation: true }]] };`,
'a.test.ts': `
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('pass', async ({ page }) => {
await page.setContent('<button></button>');
const locator = page.locator('button');
await locator.evaluate(e => e.innerText);
}, { reporter: '', workers: 1 });
expect(result.output).not.toContain('Internal error');
hook |Before Hooks
fixture | fixture: browser
pw:api | browserType.launch
fixture | fixture: context
pw:api | browser.newContext
fixture | fixture: page
pw:api | browserContext.newPage
pw:api |page.setContent @ a.test.ts:4
pw:api |locator.evaluate(button) @ a.test.ts:6
hook |After Hooks
fixture | fixture: page
fixture | fixture: context