Andrey Lushnikov 2c11b10598
browser(firefox): remove multisession logic (#4039)
This patch:
1. Changes `SimpleChannel` to buffer messages to the namespace that
   hasn't been registered yet. This allows us to create `SimpleChannel`
   per target on the browser side right away.
2. Removes multisession support. Now there's only one `PageAgent` in the
   content process, which talks to a single `PageHandler` on the browser
   side. Both ends can be created as-soon-as-needed; thanks to
   `SimpleChannel` bufferring, no messages will be lost and all messages
   will be delivered in proper order. (This is currently the reason why
   build 1178 flakes on windows).
3. Straightens up the target reporting. Targets are reported as soon
   as they appear on the browser side.

**NOTE:** this doesn't yet remove sessions from protocol.

References #3995
2020-10-02 04:13:42 -07:00

398 lines
12 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const {Helper} = ChromeUtils.import('chrome://juggler/content/Helper.js');
const {Services} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
const {OS} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm");
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cu = Components.utils;
const XUL_NS = '';
const helper = new Helper();
class WorkerHandler {
constructor(session, contentChannel, workerId) {
this._session = session;
this._contentWorker = contentChannel.connect(workerId);
this._workerId = workerId;
const emitWrappedProtocolEvent = eventName => {
return params => {
this._session.emitEvent('Page.dispatchMessageFromWorker', {
message: JSON.stringify({method: eventName, params}),
this._eventListeners = [
contentChannel.register(workerId, {
runtimeConsole: emitWrappedProtocolEvent('Runtime.console'),
runtimeExecutionContextCreated: emitWrappedProtocolEvent('Runtime.executionContextCreated'),
runtimeExecutionContextDestroyed: emitWrappedProtocolEvent('Runtime.executionContextDestroyed'),
async sendMessage(message) {
const [domain, method] = message.method.split('.');
if (domain !== 'Runtime')
throw new Error('ERROR: can only dispatch to Runtime domain inside worker');
const result = await this._contentWorker.send(method, message.params);
this._session.emitEvent('Page.dispatchMessageFromWorker', {
workerId: this._workerId,
message: JSON.stringify({result, id:}),
dispose() {
class PageHandler {
constructor(target, session, contentChannel) {
this._session = session;
this._contentChannel = contentChannel;
this._contentPage = contentChannel.connect('page');
this._workers = new Map();
const emitProtocolEvent = eventName => {
return (...args) => this._session.emitEvent(eventName, ...args);
this._eventListeners = [
contentChannel.register('page', {
pageBindingCalled: emitProtocolEvent('Page.bindingCalled'),
pageDispatchMessageFromWorker: emitProtocolEvent('Page.dispatchMessageFromWorker'),
pageEventFired: emitProtocolEvent('Page.eventFired'),
pageFileChooserOpened: emitProtocolEvent('Page.fileChooserOpened'),
pageFrameAttached: emitProtocolEvent('Page.frameAttached'),
pageFrameDetached: emitProtocolEvent('Page.frameDetached'),
pageLinkClicked: emitProtocolEvent('Page.linkClicked'),
pageWillOpenNewWindowAsynchronously: emitProtocolEvent('Page.willOpenNewWindowAsynchronously'),
pageNavigationAborted: emitProtocolEvent('Page.navigationAborted'),
pageNavigationCommitted: emitProtocolEvent('Page.navigationCommitted'),
pageNavigationStarted: emitProtocolEvent('Page.navigationStarted'),
pageReady: emitProtocolEvent('Page.ready'),
pageSameDocumentNavigation: emitProtocolEvent('Page.sameDocumentNavigation'),
pageUncaughtError: emitProtocolEvent('Page.uncaughtError'),
pageWorkerCreated: this._onWorkerCreated.bind(this),
pageWorkerDestroyed: this._onWorkerDestroyed.bind(this),
this._pageTarget = target;
this._browser = target.linkedBrowser();
this._dialogs = new Map();
this._enabled = false;
this._videoSessionId = -1;
_onWorkerCreated({workerId, frameId, url}) {
const worker = new WorkerHandler(this._session, this._contentChannel, workerId);
this._workers.set(workerId, worker);
this._session.emitEvent('Page.workerCreated', {workerId, frameId, url});
_onWorkerDestroyed({workerId}) {
const worker = this._workers.get(workerId);
if (!worker)
this._session.emitEvent('Page.workerDestroyed', {workerId});
async close({runBeforeUnload}) {
// Postpone target close to deliver response in session. => {
async enable() {
if (this._enabled)
this._enabled = true;
helper.addEventListener(this._browser, 'DOMWillOpenModalDialog', async (event) => {
// wait for the dialog to be actually added to DOM.
await Promise.resolve();
helper.addEventListener(this._browser, 'DOMModalDialogClosed', event => this._updateModalDialogs()),
helper.on(this._pageTarget, 'crashed', () => {
this._session.emitEvent('Page.crashed', {});
const options = this._pageTarget.browserContext().screencastOptions;
if (options) {
const file = OS.Path.join(options.dir, helper.generateId() + '.webm');
// On Mac the window may not yet be visible when TargetCreated and its
// NSWindow.windowNumber may be -1, so we wait until the window is known
// to be initialized and visible.
await this._pageTarget.windowReady();
await this.startVideoRecording(Object.assign({file}, options));
async dispose() {
if (this._videoSessionId !== -1)
await this.stopVideoRecording().catch(e => dump(`stopVideoRecording failed:\n${e}\n`));
async setViewportSize({viewportSize}) {
await this._pageTarget.setViewportSize(viewportSize === null ? undefined : viewportSize);
_updateModalDialogs() {
const prompts = new Set(this._browser.tabModalPromptBox ? this._browser.tabModalPromptBox.listPrompts() : []);
for (const dialog of this._dialogs.values()) {
if (!prompts.has(dialog.prompt())) {
this._session.emitEvent('Page.dialogClosed', {
} else {
for (const prompt of prompts) {
const dialog = Dialog.createIfSupported(prompt);
if (!dialog)
this._dialogs.set(, dialog);
this._session.emitEvent('Page.dialogOpened', {
type: dialog.type(),
message: dialog.message(),
defaultValue: dialog.defaultValue(),
async setFileInputFiles(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('setFileInputFiles', options);
async setEmulatedMedia(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('setEmulatedMedia', options);
async bringToFront(options) {
async setCacheDisabled(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('setCacheDisabled', options);
async addBinding(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('addBinding', options);
async adoptNode(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('adoptNode', options);
async screenshot(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('screenshot', options);
async getBoundingBox(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('getBoundingBox', options);
async getContentQuads(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('getContentQuads', options);
* @param {{frameId: string, url: string}} options
async navigate(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('navigate', options);
* @param {{frameId: string, url: string}} options
async goBack(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('goBack', options);
* @param {{frameId: string, url: string}} options
async goForward(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('goForward', options);
* @param {{frameId: string, url: string}} options
async reload(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('reload', options);
async describeNode(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('describeNode', options);
async scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('scrollIntoViewIfNeeded', options);
async addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument', options);
async removeScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('removeScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument', options);
async dispatchKeyEvent(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('dispatchKeyEvent', options);
async dispatchTouchEvent(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('dispatchTouchEvent', options);
async dispatchMouseEvent(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('dispatchMouseEvent', options);
async insertText(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('insertText', options);
async crash(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('crash', options);
async handleDialog({dialogId, accept, promptText}) {
const dialog = this._dialogs.get(dialogId);
if (!dialog)
throw new Error('Failed to find dialog with id = ' + dialogId);
if (accept)
async setInterceptFileChooserDialog(options) {
return await this._contentPage.send('setInterceptFileChooserDialog', options);
async sendMessageToWorker({workerId, message}) {
const worker = this._workers.get(workerId);
if (!worker)
throw new Error('ERROR: cannot find worker with id ' + workerId);
return await worker.sendMessage(JSON.parse(message));
startVideoRecording({file, width, height, scale}) {
if (width < 10 || width > 10000 || height < 10 || height > 10000)
throw new Error("Invalid size");
if (scale && (scale <= 0 || scale > 1))
throw new Error("Unsupported scale");
const screencast = Cc[';1'].getService(Ci.nsIScreencastService);
const docShell = this._pageTarget._gBrowser.ownerGlobal.docShell;
// Exclude address bar and navigation control from the video.
const rect = this._pageTarget.linkedBrowser().getBoundingClientRect();
const devicePixelRatio = this._pageTarget._window.devicePixelRatio;
this._videoSessionId = screencast.startVideoRecording(docShell, file, width, height, scale || 0, devicePixelRatio *;
this._session.emitEvent('Page.screencastStarted', {screencastId: '' + this._videoSessionId, file});
async stopVideoRecording() {
if (this._videoSessionId === -1)
throw new Error('No video recording in progress');
const videoSessionId = this._videoSessionId;
this._videoSessionId = -1;
const screencast = Cc[';1'].getService(Ci.nsIScreencastService);
const result = new Promise(resolve =>
Services.obs.addObserver(function onStopped(subject, topic, data) {
if (videoSessionId != data)
Services.obs.removeObserver(onStopped, 'juggler-screencast-stopped');
}, 'juggler-screencast-stopped')
return result;
class Dialog {
static createIfSupported(prompt) {
const type = prompt.args.promptType;
switch (type) {
case 'alert':
case 'prompt':
case 'confirm':
return new Dialog(prompt, type);
case 'confirmEx':
return new Dialog(prompt, 'beforeunload');
return null;
constructor(prompt, type) {
this._id = helper.generateId();
this._type = type;
this._prompt = prompt;
id() {
return this._id;
message() {
return this._prompt.ui.infoBody.textContent;
type() {
return this._type;
prompt() {
return this._prompt;
dismiss() {
if (this._prompt.ui.button1);
defaultValue() {
return this._prompt.ui.loginTextbox.value;
accept(promptValue) {
if (typeof promptValue === 'string' && this._type === 'prompt')
this._prompt.ui.loginTextbox.value = promptValue;;
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['PageHandler'];
this.PageHandler = PageHandler;