Andrey Lushnikov 329b34e894
feat: implement mac keyboard (#197)
This list contains all of the default keyboard shortcuts for macos, and the Objective-C selector that they trigger on the [NSStandardKeyBindingResponding]( We need these for basic keyboard functionality like ArrowUp and ArrowDown to work on WebKit for mac. For other browsers on mac, the same list can be used to enable better mac keyboard emulation.

The list was made by constructing NSEvents on a mac and seeing what selectors they triggered on an NSTextView. The conversion from NSEvents to DOM codes was done partially by hand as the code that does this conversion lives across many files in WebKit. There may be some errors or missing commands, but in general this should be a more faithful mac keyboard emulation than what we do in Chromium currently.

Notably absent from the list are Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste Special, Undo, and Redo. They are handled in a slightly different way.
2019-12-10 13:22:01 -08:00

411 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import { assert, helper } from './helper';
import * as types from './types';
import * as keyboardLayout from './USKeyboardLayout';
const readFileAsync = helper.promisify(fs.readFile);
export type Modifier = 'Alt' | 'Control' | 'Meta' | 'Shift';
export type Button = 'left' | 'right' | 'middle';
export type PointerActionOptions = {
modifiers?: Modifier[];
relativePoint?: types.Point;
export type ClickOptions = PointerActionOptions & {
delay?: number;
button?: Button;
clickCount?: number;
export type MultiClickOptions = PointerActionOptions & {
delay?: number;
button?: Button;
export type SelectOption = {
value?: string;
label?: string;
index?: number;
export const keypadLocation = keyboardLayout.keypadLocation;
type KeyDescription = {
keyCode: number,
keyCodeWithoutLocation: number,
key: string,
text: string,
code: string,
location: number,
const kModifiers: Modifier[] = ['Alt', 'Control', 'Meta', 'Shift'];
export interface RawKeyboard {
keydown(modifiers: Set<Modifier>, code: string, keyCode: number, keyCodeWithoutLocation: number, key: string, location: number, autoRepeat: boolean, text: string | undefined): Promise<void>;
keyup(modifiers: Set<Modifier>, code: string, keyCode: number, keyCodeWithoutLocation: number, key: string, location: number): Promise<void>;
sendText(text: string): Promise<void>;
export class Keyboard {
private _raw: RawKeyboard;
private _pressedModifiers = new Set<Modifier>();
private _pressedKeys = new Set<string>();
constructor(raw: RawKeyboard) {
this._raw = raw;
async down(key: string, options: { text?: string; } = { text: undefined }) {
const description = this._keyDescriptionForString(key);
const autoRepeat = this._pressedKeys.has(description.code);
if (kModifiers.includes(description.key as Modifier))
this._pressedModifiers.add(description.key as Modifier);
const text = options.text === undefined ? description.text : options.text;
await this._raw.keydown(this._pressedModifiers, description.code, description.keyCode, description.keyCodeWithoutLocation, description.key, description.location, autoRepeat, text);
private _keyDescriptionForString(keyString: string): KeyDescription {
const shift = this._pressedModifiers.has('Shift');
const description: KeyDescription = {
key: '',
keyCode: 0,
keyCodeWithoutLocation: 0,
code: '',
text: '',
location: 0
const definition = keyboardLayout.keyDefinitions[keyString];
assert(definition, `Unknown key: "${keyString}"`);
if (definition.key)
description.key = definition.key;
if (shift && definition.shiftKey)
description.key = definition.shiftKey;
if (definition.keyCode)
description.keyCode = definition.keyCode;
if (shift && definition.shiftKeyCode)
description.keyCode = definition.shiftKeyCode;
if (definition.code)
description.code = definition.code;
if (definition.location)
description.location = definition.location;
if (description.key.length === 1)
description.text = description.key;
if (definition.text)
description.text = definition.text;
if (shift && definition.shiftText)
description.text = definition.shiftText;
// if any modifiers besides shift are pressed, no text should be sent
if (this._pressedModifiers.size > 1 || (!this._pressedModifiers.has('Shift') && this._pressedModifiers.size === 1))
description.text = '';
if (definition.keyCodeWithoutLocation)
description.keyCodeWithoutLocation = definition.keyCodeWithoutLocation;
description.keyCodeWithoutLocation = description.keyCode;
return description;
async up(key: string) {
const description = this._keyDescriptionForString(key);
if (kModifiers.includes(description.key as Modifier))
this._pressedModifiers.delete(description.key as Modifier);
await this._raw.keyup(this._pressedModifiers, description.code, description.keyCode, description.keyCodeWithoutLocation, description.key, description.location);
async sendCharacters(text: string) {
await this._raw.sendText(text);
async type(text: string, options: { delay: (number | undefined); } | undefined) {
const delay = (options && options.delay) || null;
for (const char of text) {
if (keyboardLayout.keyDefinitions[char]) {
await, {delay});
} else {
if (delay)
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, delay));
await this.sendCharacters(char);
async press(key: string, options: { delay?: number; text?: string; } = {}) {
const {delay = null} = options;
await this.down(key, options);
if (delay)
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, options.delay));
await this.up(key);
async _ensureModifiers(modifiers: Modifier[]): Promise<Modifier[]> {
for (const modifier of modifiers) {
if (!kModifiers.includes(modifier))
throw new Error('Uknown modifier ' + modifier);
const restore: Modifier[] = Array.from(this._pressedModifiers);
const promises: Promise<void>[] = [];
for (const key of kModifiers) {
const needDown = modifiers.includes(key);
const isDown = this._pressedModifiers.has(key);
if (needDown && !isDown)
else if (!needDown && isDown)
await Promise.all(promises);
return restore;
_modifiers(): Set<Modifier> {
return this._pressedModifiers;
export interface RawMouse {
move(x: number, y: number, button: Button | 'none', buttons: Set<Button>, modifiers: Set<Modifier>): Promise<void>;
down(x: number, y: number, button: Button, buttons: Set<Button>, modifiers: Set<Modifier>, clickCount: number): Promise<void>;
up(x: number, y: number, button: Button, buttons: Set<Button>, modifiers: Set<Modifier>, clickCount: number): Promise<void>;
export class Mouse {
private _raw: RawMouse;
private _keyboard: Keyboard;
private _x = 0;
private _y = 0;
private _lastButton: 'none' | Button = 'none';
private _buttons = new Set<Button>();
constructor(raw: RawMouse, keyboard: Keyboard) {
this._raw = raw;
this._keyboard = keyboard;
async move(x: number, y: number, options: { steps?: number } = {}) {
const { steps = 1 } = options;
const fromX = this._x;
const fromY = this._y;
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
for (let i = 1; i <= steps; i++) {
const middleX = fromX + (x - fromX) * (i / steps);
const middleY = fromY + (y - fromY) * (i / steps);
await this._raw.move(middleX, middleY, this._lastButton, this._buttons, this._keyboard._modifiers());
async down(options: { button?: Button, clickCount?: number } = {}) {
const { button = 'left', clickCount = 1 } = options;
this._lastButton = button;
await this._raw.down(this._x, this._y, this._lastButton, this._buttons, this._keyboard._modifiers(), clickCount);
async up(options: { button?: Button, clickCount?: number } = {}) {
const { button = 'left', clickCount = 1 } = options;
this._lastButton = 'none';
await this._raw.up(this._x, this._y, button, this._buttons, this._keyboard._modifiers(), clickCount);
async click(x: number, y: number, options: ClickOptions = {}) {
const {delay = null} = options;
if (delay !== null) {
await Promise.all([
this.move(x, y),
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, delay));
await this.up(options);
} else {
await Promise.all([
this.move(x, y),
async dblclick(x: number, y: number, options: MultiClickOptions = {}) {
const { delay = null } = options;
if (delay !== null) {
await this.move(x, y);
await this.down({ ...options, clickCount: 1 });
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, delay));
await this.up({ ...options, clickCount: 1 });
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, delay));
await this.down({ ...options, clickCount: 2 });
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, delay));
await this.up({ ...options, clickCount: 2 });
} else {
await Promise.all([
this.move(x, y),
this.down({ ...options, clickCount: 1 }),
this.up({ ...options, clickCount: 1 }),
this.down({ ...options, clickCount: 2 }),
this.up({ ...options, clickCount: 2 }),
async tripleclick(x: number, y: number, options: MultiClickOptions = {}) {
const { delay = null } = options;
if (delay !== null) {
await this.move(x, y);
await this.down({ ...options, clickCount: 1 });
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, delay));
await this.up({ ...options, clickCount: 1 });
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, delay));
await this.down({ ...options, clickCount: 2 });
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, delay));
await this.up({ ...options, clickCount: 2 });
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, delay));
await this.down({ ...options, clickCount: 3 });
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, delay));
await this.up({ ...options, clickCount: 3 });
} else {
await Promise.all([
this.move(x, y),
this.down({ ...options, clickCount: 1 }),
this.up({ ...options, clickCount: 1 }),
this.down({ ...options, clickCount: 2 }),
this.up({ ...options, clickCount: 2 }),
this.down({ ...options, clickCount: 3 }),
this.up({ ...options, clickCount: 3 }),
export const selectFunction = (node: Node, ...optionsToSelect: (Node | SelectOption)[]) => {
if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'select')
throw new Error('Element is not a <select> element.');
const element = node as HTMLSelectElement;
const options = Array.from(element.options);
element.value = undefined;
for (let index = 0; index < options.length; index++) {
const option = options[index];
option.selected = optionsToSelect.some(optionToSelect => {
if (optionToSelect instanceof Node)
return option === optionToSelect;
let matches = true;
if (optionToSelect.value !== undefined)
matches = matches && optionToSelect.value === option.value;
if (optionToSelect.label !== undefined)
matches = matches && optionToSelect.label === option.label;
if (optionToSelect.index !== undefined)
matches = matches && optionToSelect.index === index;
return matches;
if (option.selected && !element.multiple)
element.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { 'bubbles': true }));
element.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { 'bubbles': true }));
return options.filter(option => option.selected).map(option => option.value);
export const fillFunction = (node: Node) => {
if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
return 'Node is not of type HTMLElement';
const element = node as HTMLElement;
if (!element.isConnected)
return 'Element is not attached to the DOM';
if (!element.ownerDocument || !element.ownerDocument.defaultView)
return 'Element does not belong to a window';
const style = element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element);
if (!style || style.visibility === 'hidden')
return 'Element is hidden';
if (!element.offsetParent && element.tagName !== 'BODY')
return 'Element is not visible';
if (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input') {
const input = element as HTMLInputElement;
const type = input.getAttribute('type') || '';
const kTextInputTypes = new Set(['', 'password', 'search', 'tel', 'text', 'url']);
if (!kTextInputTypes.has(type.toLowerCase()))
return 'Cannot fill input of type "' + type + '".';
if (input.disabled)
return 'Cannot fill a disabled input.';
if (input.readOnly)
return 'Cannot fill a readonly input.';
input.selectionStart = 0;
input.selectionEnd = input.value.length;
} else if (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea') {
const textarea = element as HTMLTextAreaElement;
if (textarea.disabled)
return 'Cannot fill a disabled textarea.';
if (textarea.readOnly)
return 'Cannot fill a readonly textarea.';
textarea.selectionStart = 0;
textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.value.length;
} else if (element.isContentEditable) {
const range = element.ownerDocument.createRange();
const selection = element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getSelection();
} else {
return 'Element is not an <input>, <textarea> or [contenteditable] element.';
return false;
export const loadFiles = async (items: (string|FilePayload)[]): Promise<FilePayload[]> => {
return Promise.all( item => {
if (typeof item === 'string') {
const file: FilePayload = {
name: path.basename(item),
type: 'application/octet-stream',
data: (await readFileAsync(item)).toString('base64')
return file;
} else {
return item as FilePayload;
export const setFileInputFunction = async (element: HTMLInputElement, payloads: FilePayload[]) => {
const files = await Promise.all( (file: FilePayload) => {
const result = await fetch(`data:${file.type};base64,${}`);
return new File([await result.blob()],;
const dt = new DataTransfer();
for (const file of files)
element.files = dt.files;
element.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { 'bubbles': true }));
export type FilePayload = {
name: string,
type: string,
data: string
export type MediaType = 'screen' | 'print';
export const mediaTypes: Set<MediaType> = new Set(['screen', 'print']);
export type MediaColorScheme = 'dark' | 'light' | 'no-preference';
export const mediaColorSchemes: Set<MediaColorScheme> = new Set(['dark', 'light', 'no-preference']);