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synced 2024-12-14 21:53:35 +03:00
Introduces the generator for the .NET API surface to be used by the .NET language port to ensure greater consistency with other language ports.
685 lines
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685 lines
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// @ts-check
const path = require('path');
const Documentation = require('./documentation');
const XmlDoc = require('./xmlDocumentation')
const PROJECT_DIR = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..');
const fs = require('fs');
const { parseApi } = require('./api_parser');
const { Type } = require('./documentation');
const { args } = require('commander');
const { EOL } = require('os');
const maxDocumentationColumnWidth = 80;
/** @type {Map<string, Documentation.Type>} */
const additionalTypes = new Map(); // this will hold types that we discover, because of .NET specifics, like results
/** @type {Map<string, string[]>} */
const enumTypes = new Map();
let documentation;
/** @type {Map<string, string>} */
let classNameMap;
const typesDir = process.argv[2] || '../generate_types/csharp/';
let checkAndMakeDir = (path) => {
if (!fs.existsSync(path))
fs.mkdirSync(path, { recursive: true });
const modelsDir = path.join(typesDir, "models");
const enumsDir = path.join(typesDir, "enums");
documentation = parseApi(path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'docs', 'src', 'api'));
documentation.setLinkRenderer(item => {
if (item.clazz)
return `<see cref="${translateMemberName("interface", item.clazz.name, null)}"/>`;
else if (item.member)
return `<see cref="${translateMemberName("interface", item.member.clazz.name, null)}.${translateMemberName(item.member.kind, item.member.name, item.member)}"/>`;
else if (item.option)
return `<paramref name="${item.option}"/>`;
else if (item.param)
return `<paramref name="${item.param}"/>`;
throw new Error('Unknown link format.');
// get the template for a class
const template = fs.readFileSync("./templates/interface.cs", 'utf-8')
.replace('[PW_TOOL_VERSION]', `${__filename.substring(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..').length).split(path.sep).join(path.posix.sep)}`);
// we have some "predefined" types, like the mixed state enum, that we can map in advance
enumTypes.set("MixedState", ["On", "Off", "Mixed"]);
// map the name to a C# friendly one (we prepend an I to denote an interface)
classNameMap = new Map(documentation.classesArray.map(x => [x.name, translateMemberName('interface', x.name, null)]));
// map some types that we know of
classNameMap.set('Error', 'Exception');
classNameMap.set('TimeoutError', 'TimeoutException');
classNameMap.set('EvaluationArgument', 'object');
classNameMap.set('boolean', 'bool');
classNameMap.set('Serializable', 'T');
classNameMap.set('any', 'object');
classNameMap.set('Buffer', 'byte[]');
classNameMap.set('path', 'string');
classNameMap.set('URL', 'string');
classNameMap.set('RegExp', 'Regex');
// this are types that we don't explicility render even if we get the specs
const ignoredTypes = ['TimeoutException'];
let writeFile = (name, out, folder) => {
let content = template.replace('[CONTENT]', out.join(`${EOL}\t`));
fs.writeFileSync(`${path.join(folder, name)}.cs`, content);
* @param {string} kind
* @param {string} name
* @param {Documentation.MarkdownNode[]} spec
* @param {function(string[]): void} callback
* @param {string} folder
* @param {string} extendsName
let innerRenderElement = (kind, name, spec, callback, folder = typesDir, extendsName = null) => {
const out = [];
console.log(`Generating ${name}`);
if (spec)
out.push(...XmlDoc.renderXmlDoc(spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth));
if (extendsName === 'IEventEmitter')
extendsName = null;
out.push(`public ${kind} ${name}${extendsName ? ` : ${extendsName}` : ''}`);
// we want to separate the items with a space and this is nicer, than holding
// an index in each iterator down the line
const lastLine = out.pop();
if (lastLine !== '')
writeFile(name, out, folder);
for (const element of documentation.classesArray) {
const name = classNameMap.get(element.name);
if (ignoredTypes.includes(name))
innerRenderElement('partial interface', name, element.spec, (out) => {
for (const member of element.membersArray) {
renderMember(member, element, out);
}, typesDir, translateMemberName('interface', element.extends, null));
additionalTypes.forEach((type, name) =>
innerRenderElement('class', name, null, (out) => {
// TODO: consider how this could be merged with the `translateType` check
if (type.union
&& type.union[0].name === 'null'
&& type.union.length == 2) {
type = type.union[1];
if (type.name === 'Array') {
throw new Error('Array at this stage is unexpected.');
} else if (type.properties) {
for (const member of type.properties) {
let fakeType = new Type(name, null);
renderMember(member, fakeType, out);
} else {
throw new Error(`Not sure what to do in this case.`);
}, modelsDir));
enumTypes.forEach((values, name) =>
innerRenderElement('enum', name, null, (out) => {
out.push('\tUndefined = 0,');
values.forEach((v, i) => {
// strip out the quotes
v = v.replace(/[\"]/g, ``)
let escapedName = v.replace(/[-]/g, ' ')
.split(' ')
.map(word => word[0].toUpperCase() + word.substring(1)).join('');
out.push(`\t[EnumMember(Value = "${v}")]`);
}, enumsDir));
* @param {string} memberKind
* @param {string} name
* @param {Documentation.Member} member
function translateMemberName(memberKind, name, member = null) {
if (!name) return name;
// we strip it for special chars, like @ because we might get called back with it in some special cases
// like, when generating classes inside methods for params
name = name.replace(/[@-]/g, '');
// we sanitize some common abbreviations to ensure consistency
name = name.replace(/(HTTP[S]?)/g, (m, g) => {
return g[0].toUpperCase() + g.substring(1).toLowerCase();
if (memberKind === 'argument') {
if (['params', 'event'].includes(name)) { // just in case we want to add others
return `@${name}`;
} else {
return name;
// check if there's an alias in the docs, in which case
// we return that, otherwise, we apply our dotnet magic to it
if (member) {
if (member.alias !== name) {
return member.alias;
let assumedName = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1);
switch (memberKind) {
case "interface":
// apply name mapping if the map exists
let mappedName = classNameMap ? classNameMap.get(assumedName) : null;
if (mappedName)
return mappedName;
return `I${assumedName}`;
case "method":
if (member && member.async)
return `${assumedName}Async`;
return assumedName;
case "event":
return `${assumedName}`;
case "enum":
return `${assumedName}`;
return `${assumedName}`;
* @param {Documentation.Member} member
* @param {Documentation.Class|Documentation.Type} parent
* @param {string[]} out
function renderMember(member, parent, out) {
let output = line => {
if (typeof (line) === 'string')
out.push(...line.map(x => `\t${x}`));
let name = translateMemberName(member.kind, member.name, member);
if (member.kind === 'method') {
renderMethod(member, parent, output, name);
} else {
let type = translateType(member.type, parent, t => generateNameDefault(member, name, t, parent));
if (member.kind === 'event') {
if (!member.type)
throw new Error(`No Event Type for ${name} in ${parent.name}`);
if (member.spec)
output(XmlDoc.renderXmlDoc(member.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth)/*.map(x => `\t${x}`)*/);
if (parent && (classNameMap.get(parent.name) === type))
output(`event EventHandler ${name};`); // event sender will be the type, so we're fine to ignore
output(`event EventHandler<${type}> ${name};`);
} else if (member.kind === 'property') {
if (member.spec)
output(XmlDoc.renderXmlDoc(member.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth)/*.map(x => `\t${x}`)*/);
output(`${type} ${name} { get; set; }`);
} else {
throw new Error(`Problem rendering a member: ${type} - ${name} (${member.kind})`);
// we're separating each entry and removing the final blank line when rendering
* @param {Documentation.Member} member
* @param {string} name
* @param {Documentation.Type} t
* @param {*} parent
function generateNameDefault(member, name, t, parent) {
if (!t.properties
&& !t.templates
&& !t.union
&& t.expression === '[Object]')
return 'object';
// we'd get this call for enums, primarily
let enumName = generateEnumNameIfApplicable(member, name, t, parent);
if (!enumName && member) {
if (member.kind === 'method' || member.kind === 'property') {
// this should be easy to name... let's call it the same as the argument (eternal optimist)
let probableName = `${parent.name}${translateMemberName(``, name, null)}`;
let probableType = additionalTypes.get(probableName);
if (probableType) {
// compare it with what?
if (probableType.expression != t.expression) {
throw new Error(`Non-matching types with the same name. Panic.`);
} else {
additionalTypes.set(probableName, t);
return probableName;
if (member.kind === 'event') {
return `${name}Payload`;
return enumName || t.name;
function generateEnumNameIfApplicable(member, name, type, parent) {
if (!type.union)
return null;
const potentialValues = type.union.filter(u => u.name.startsWith('"'));
if ((potentialValues.length !== type.union.length)
&& !(type.union[0].name === 'null' && potentialValues.length === type.union.length - 1))
return null; // this isn't an enum, so we don't care, we let the caller generate the name
if (type && type.name)
return type.name;
// our enum naming policy leaves a few bits to be desired, but it'll do for now
// however, with the recent changes, this almost never gets called anymore
return translateMemberName('enum', name, type);
* Rendering a method is so _special_, with so many weird edge cases, that it
* makes sense to put it separate from the other logic.
* @param {Documentation.Member} member
* @param {Documentation.Class|Documentation.Type} parent
* @param {Function} output
function renderMethod(member, parent, output, name) {
const typeResolve = (type) => translateType(type, parent, (t) => {
return `${parent.name}${translateMemberName(member.kind, member.name, null)}Result`;
/** @type {Map<string, string[]>} */
const paramDocs = new Map();
const addParamsDoc = (paramName, docs) => {
if (paramName.startsWith('@'))
paramName = paramName.substring(1);
if (paramDocs.get(paramName))
throw new Error(`Parameter ${paramName} already exists in the docs.`);
paramDocs.set(paramName, docs);
/** @type {string} */
let type = null;
// need to check the original one
if (member.type.name === 'Object' || member.type.name === 'Array') {
let innerType = member.type;
let isArray = false;
if (innerType.name === 'Array') {
// we want to influence the name, but also change the object type
innerType = member.type.templates[0];
isArray = true;
if (innerType.expression === '[Object]<[string], [string]>') {
// do nothing, because this is handled down the road
} else if (!isArray && !innerType.properties) {
type = `dynamic`;
} else {
type = classNameMap.get(innerType.name);
if (!type) {
type = typeResolve(innerType);
if (isArray)
type = `IReadOnlyCollection<${type}>`;
type = type || typeResolve(member.type); //translateType(member.type, parent);
// TODO: this is something that will probably go into the docs
if (member.args.size == 0
&& type !== 'void'
&& !name.startsWith('Is')
&& !name.startsWith('Get')) {
if (!member.async) {
if (member.spec)
output(XmlDoc.renderXmlDoc(member.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth));
output(`${type} ${name} { get; }`);
name = `Get${name}`;
// HACK: special case for generics handling!
if (type === 'T') {
name = `${name}<T>`;
// adjust the return type for async methods
if (member.async) {
if (type === 'void')
type = `Task`;
type = `Task<${type}>`;
// render args
let args = [];
* @param {string} innerArgType
* @param {string} innerArgName
* @param {Documentation.Member} argument
const pushArg = (innerArgType, innerArgName, argument) => {
let isEnum = enumTypes.has(innerArgType);
let isNullable = ['int', 'bool', 'decimal', 'float'].includes(innerArgType);
const requiredPrefix = argument.required ? "" : isNullable ? "?" : "";
const requiredSuffix = argument.required ? "" : isEnum ? " = default" : " = null";
args.push(`${innerArgType}${requiredPrefix} ${innerArgName}${requiredSuffix}`);
let parseArg = (/** @type {Documentation.Member} */ arg) => {
if (arg.name === "options") {
arg.type.properties.forEach(prop => {
if (arg.type.expression === '[string]|[path]') {
let argName = translateMemberName('argument', arg.name, null);
pushArg("string", argName, arg);
pushArg("string", `${argName}Path`, arg);
if (arg.spec) {
addParamsDoc(argName, XmlDoc.renderTextOnly(arg.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth));
addParamsDoc(`${argName}Path`, [`Instead of specifying <paramref name="${argName}"/>, gives the file name to load from.`]);
} else if (arg.type.expression === '[boolean]|[Array]<[string]>') {
// HACK: this hurts my brain too
// we split this into two args, one boolean, with the logical name
let argName = translateMemberName('argument', arg.name, null);
let leftArgType = translateType(arg.type.union[0], parent, (t) => { throw new Error('Not supported'); });
let rightArgType = translateType(arg.type.union[1], parent, (t) => { throw new Error('Not supported'); });
pushArg(leftArgType, argName, arg);
pushArg(rightArgType, `${argName}Values`, arg);
addParamsDoc(argName, XmlDoc.renderTextOnly(arg.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth));
addParamsDoc(`${argName}Values`, [`The values to take into account when <paramref name="${argName}"/> is <code>true</code>.`]);
const argName = translateMemberName('argument', arg.alias || arg.name, null);
const argType = translateType(arg.type, parent, (t) => generateNameDefault(member, argName, t, parent));
if (argType === null && arg.type.union) {
// we might have to split this into multiple arguments
let translatedArguments = arg.type.union.map(t => translateType(t, parent, (x) => generateNameDefault(member, argName, x, parent)));
if (translatedArguments.includes(null))
throw new Error('Unexpected null in translated argument types. Aborting.');
let argDocumentation = XmlDoc.renderTextOnly(arg.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth);
for (const newArg of translatedArguments) {
const sanitizedArgName = newArg.match(/(?<=^[\s"']*)(\w+)/g, '')[0] || newArg;
const newArgName = `${argName}${sanitizedArgName[0].toUpperCase() + sanitizedArgName.substring(1)}`;
pushArg(newArg, newArgName, arg);
addParamsDoc(newArgName, argDocumentation);
addParamsDoc(argName, XmlDoc.renderTextOnly(arg.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth));
if (argName === 'timeout' && argType === 'decimal') {
args.push(`int timeout = 0`); // a special argument, we ignore our convention
pushArg(argType, argName, arg);
output(XmlDoc.renderXmlDoc(member.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth));
paramDocs.forEach((val, ind) => {
if (val && val.length === 1)
output(`/// <param name="${ind}">${val}</param>`);
else {
output(`/// <param name="${ind}">`);
output(val.map(l => `/// ${l}`));
output(`/// </param>`);
output(`${type} ${name}(${args.join(', ')});`);
* @callback generateNameCallback
* @param {Documentation.Type} t
* @returns {string}
* @param {Documentation.Type} type
* @param {Documentation.Class|Documentation.Type} parent
* @param {generateNameCallback} generateNameCallback
function translateType(type, parent, generateNameCallback = t => t.name) {
// a few special cases we can fix automatically
if (type.expression === '[null]|[Error]')
return 'void';
else if (type.expression === '[boolean]|"mixed"')
return 'MixedState';
let isNullableEnum = false;
if (type.union) {
if (type.union[0].name === 'null') {
// for dotnet, this is a nullable type
// if the other side is a primitive type
if (type.union.length > 2) {
if (type.union.filter(x => x.name.startsWith('"')).length == type.union.length - 1)
isNullableEnum = true;
throw new Error(`Union (${parent.name}) with null is too long.`);
} else {
const innerTypeName = translateType(type.union[1], parent, generateNameCallback);
// if type is primitive, or an enum, then it's nullable
if (innerTypeName === 'bool'
|| innerTypeName === 'int') {
return `${innerTypeName}?`;
// if it's not a value type, it'll be nullable by default, so we can ignore it
return `${innerTypeName}`;
if (type.union.filter(u => u.name.startsWith(`"`)).length == type.union.length
|| isNullableEnum) {
// this is an enum
let enumName = generateNameCallback(type);
if (!enumName)
throw new Error(`This was supposed to be an enum, but it failed generating a name, ${type.name} ${parent ? parent.name : ""}.`);
// make sure we map the enum, or invalidate the name, in case it doesn't match well
const potentialEnum = enumTypes.get(enumName);
let enumValues = type.union.filter(x => x.name !== 'null').map(x => x.name);
if (potentialEnum) {
// compare values
if (potentialEnum.join(',') !== enumValues.join(',')) {
// for now, we'll merge the two enums, if they have the same name, and we'll go from there
potentialEnum.concat(enumValues.filter(x => !potentialEnum.includes(x))); // merge & de-dupe
// TODO: think about doing global type annotation, where we can add comments, such as this?
enumTypes.set(enumName, potentialEnum);
} else {
enumTypes.set(enumName, enumValues);
if (isNullableEnum)
return `${enumName}?`;
return enumName;
if (type.expression === '[string]|[Buffer]')
return `byte[]`; // TODO: make sure we implement extension methods for this!
else if (type.expression === '[string]|[float]'
|| type.expression === '[string]|[float]|[boolean]') {
console.warn(`${type.name} should be a 'string', but was a ${type.expression}`);
throw new Error(`The type ${type.name} was not marked as string, but we expect it to be.`);
} else if (type.union.length == 2 && type.union[1].name === 'Array' && type.union[1].templates[0].name === type.union[0].name)
return `IEnumerable<${type.union[0].name}>`; // an example of this is [string]|[Array]<[string]>
else if (type.union[0].name === 'path')
// we don't support path, but we know it's usually an object on the other end, and we expect
// the dotnet folks to use [NameOfTheObject].LoadFromPath(); method which we can provide separately
return translateType(type.union[1], parent, generateNameCallback);
else if (type.expression === '[float]|"raf"')
return `Polling`; // hardcoded because there's no other way to denote this
return null;
if (type.name === 'Array') {
if (type.templates.length != 1)
throw new Error(`Array (${type.name} from ${parent.name}) has more than 1 dimension. Panic.`);
let innerType = translateType(type.templates[0], parent, generateNameCallback);
return `IEnumerable<${innerType}>`;
if (type.name === 'Object') {
// take care of some common cases
// TODO: this can be genericized
if (type.templates && type.templates.length == 2) {
// get the inner types of both templates, and if they're strings, it's a keyvaluepair string, string,
let keyType = translateType(type.templates[0], parent, generateNameCallback);
let valueType = translateType(type.templates[1], parent, generateNameCallback);
return `IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<${keyType}, ${valueType}>>`;
if ((type.name === 'Object')
&& !type.properties
&& !type.union) {
return 'object';
// this is an additional type that we need to generate
let objectName = generateNameCallback(type);
if (objectName === 'Object') {
throw new Error('Object unexpected');
} else if (type.name === 'Object') {
registerAdditionalType(objectName, type);
return objectName;
if (type.name === 'Map') {
if (type.templates && type.templates.length == 2) {
// we map to a dictionary
let keyType = translateType(type.templates[0], parent, generateNameCallback);
let valueType = translateType(type.templates[1], parent, generateNameCallback);
return `Dictionary<${keyType}, ${valueType}>`;
} else {
throw 'Map has invalid number of templates.';
if (type.name === 'function') {
if (type.expression === '[function]' || !type.args)
return 'Action'; // super simple mapping
let argsList = '';
if (type.args) {
let translatedCallbackArguments = type.args.map(t => translateType(t, parent, generateNameCallback));
if (translatedCallbackArguments.includes(null))
throw new Error('There was an argument we could not parse. Aborting.');
argsList = translatedCallbackArguments.join(', ');
if (!type.returnType) {
// this is an Action
return `Action<${argsList}>`;
} else {
let returnType = translateType(type.returnType, parent, generateNameCallback);
if (returnType == null)
throw new Error('Unexpected null as return type.');
return `Func<${argsList}, ${returnType}>`;
// there's a chance this is a name we've already seen before, so check
// this is also where we map known types, like boolean -> bool, etc.
let name = classNameMap.get(type.name) || type.name;
return `${name}`;
* @param {string} typeName
* @param {Documentation.Type} type
function registerAdditionalType(typeName, type) {
if (['object', 'string', 'int'].includes(typeName))
let potentialType = additionalTypes.get(typeName);
if (potentialType) {
console.log(`Type ${typeName} already exists, so skipping...`);
additionalTypes.set(typeName, type);
} |