2024-02-15 22:09:17 +01:00

305 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import type { BrowserWindow } from 'electron';
import path from 'path';
import fs from 'fs';
import { electronTest as test, expect } from './electronTest';
import type { ConsoleMessage } from 'playwright';
test('should fire close event via ElectronApplication.close();', async ({ launchElectronApp }) => {
const electronApp = await launchElectronApp('electron-app.js');
const events = [];
electronApp.on('close', () => events.push('application(close)'));
electronApp.context().on('close', () => events.push('context(close)'));
electronApp.process().on('exit', () => events.push('process(exit)'));
await electronApp.close();
// Close one more time - this should be a noop.
await electronApp.close();
events.sort(); // we don't care about the order
expect(events).toEqual(['application(close)', 'context(close)', 'process(exit)']);
// Give it some time to fire more events - there should not be any.
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 1000));
expect(events).toEqual(['application(close)', 'context(close)', 'process(exit)']);
test('should fire close event via BrowserContext.close()', async ({ launchElectronApp }) => {
const electronApp = await launchElectronApp('electron-app.js');
const events = [];
electronApp.on('close', () => events.push('application(close)'));
electronApp.context().on('close', () => events.push('context(close)'));
electronApp.process().on('exit', () => events.push('process(exit)'));
await electronApp.context().close();
// Close one more time - this should be a noop.
await electronApp.context().close();
events.sort(); // we don't care about the order
expect(events).toEqual(['application(close)', 'context(close)', 'process(exit)']);
// Give it some time to fire more events - there should not be any.
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 1000));
expect(events).toEqual(['application(close)', 'context(close)', 'process(exit)']);
test('should fire close event when the app quits itself', async ({ launchElectronApp }) => {
const electronApp = await launchElectronApp('electron-app.js');
const events = [];
electronApp.on('close', () => events.push('application(close)'));
electronApp.context().on('close', () => events.push('context(close)'));
electronApp.process().on('exit', () => events.push('process(exit)'));
const waitForAppClose = new Promise<void>(f => electronApp.on('close', f));
await electronApp.evaluate(({ app }) => app.quit());
await waitForAppClose;
events.sort(); // we don't care about the order
expect(events).toEqual(['application(close)', 'context(close)', 'process(exit)']);
// Give it some time to fire more events - there should not be any.
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 1000));
expect(events).toEqual(['application(close)', 'context(close)', 'process(exit)']);
test('should fire console events', async ({ launchElectronApp }) => {
const electronApp = await launchElectronApp('electron-app.js');
const messages = [];
electronApp.on('console', message => messages.push({ type: message.type(), text: message.text() }));
await electronApp.evaluate(() => {
console.log('its type log');
console.debug('its type debug');'its type info');
console.error('its type error');
console.warn('its type warn');
await electronApp.close();
{ type: 'log', text: 'its type log' },
{ type: 'debug', text: 'its type debug' },
{ type: 'info', text: 'its type info' },
{ type: 'error', text: 'its type error' },
{ type: 'warning', text: 'its type warn' },
test('should fire console events with handles and complex objects', async ({ launchElectronApp }) => {
const electronApp = await launchElectronApp('electron-app.js');
const messages: ConsoleMessage[] = [];
electronApp.on('console', message => messages.push(message));
await electronApp.evaluate(() => {
globalThis.complexObject = [{ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, { a: 4, b: 5, c: 6 }, { a: 7, b: 8, c: 9 }];
console.log(globalThis.complexObject[0], globalThis.complexObject[1], globalThis.complexObject[2]);
const message = messages[0];
expect(message.text()).toBe('{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} {a: 4, b: 5, c: 6} {a: 7, b: 8, c: 9}');
expect(await message.args()[0].jsonValue()).toEqual({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 });
expect(await message.args()[0].evaluate(part => part === globalThis.complexObject[0])).toBeTruthy();
expect(await message.args()[1].jsonValue()).toEqual({ a: 4, b: 5, c: 6 });
expect(await message.args()[1].evaluate(part => part === globalThis.complexObject[1])).toBeTruthy();
expect(await message.args()[2].jsonValue()).toEqual({ a: 7, b: 8, c: 9 });
expect(await message.args()[2].evaluate(part => part === globalThis.complexObject[2])).toBeTruthy();
await electronApp.close();
test('should dispatch ready event', async ({ launchElectronApp }) => {
const electronApp = await launchElectronApp('electron-app-ready-event.js');
const events = await electronApp.evaluate(() => globalThis.__playwrightLog);
'isReady == false',
'will-finish-launching fired',
'ready fired',
'whenReady resolved',
'isReady == true',
test('should script application', async ({ electronApp }) => {
const appPath = await electronApp.evaluate(async ({ app }) => app.getAppPath());
test('should preserve args', async ({ launchElectronApp, isMac }) => {
const electronApp = await launchElectronApp('electron-app-args.js', ['foo', 'bar']);
const argv = await electronApp.evaluate(async () => globalThis.argv);
const electronPath = isMac ? path.join('dist', '') : path.join('dist', 'electron');
expect(argv).toEqual([expect.stringContaining(electronPath), expect.stringContaining(path.join('electron', 'electron-app-args.js')), 'foo', 'bar']);
test('should return windows', async ({ electronApp, newWindow }) => {
const window = await newWindow();
test('should evaluate handle', async ({ electronApp }) => {
const appHandle = await electronApp.evaluateHandle(({ app }) => app);
expect(await electronApp.evaluate(({ app }, appHandle) => app === appHandle, appHandle)).toBeTruthy();
test('should route network', async ({ electronApp, newWindow }) => {
await electronApp.context().route('**/empty.html', async (route, request) => {
await route.fulfill({
status: 200,
contentType: 'text/html',
body: '<title>Hello World</title>',
const window = await newWindow();
await window.goto('https://localhost:1000/empty.html');
expect(await window.title()).toBe('Hello World');
test('should support init script', async ({ electronApp, newWindow }) => {
await electronApp.context().addInitScript('window.magic = 42;');
const window = await newWindow();
await window.goto('data:text/html,<script>window.copy = magic</script>');
expect(await window.evaluate(() => window['copy'])).toBe(42);
test('should expose function', async ({ electronApp, newWindow }) => {
await electronApp.context().exposeFunction('add', (a, b) => a + b);
const window = await newWindow();
await window.goto('data:text/html,<script>window["result"] = add(20, 22);</script>');
expect(await window.evaluate(() => window['result'])).toBe(42);
test('should wait for first window', async ({ electronApp }) => {
await electronApp.evaluate(({ BrowserWindow }) => {
const window = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 });
void window.loadURL('data:text/html,<title>Hello World!</title>');
const window = await electronApp.firstWindow();
expect(await window.title()).toBe('Hello World!');
test('should have a clipboard instance', async ({ electronApp }) => {
const clipboardContentToWrite = 'Hello from Playwright';
await electronApp.evaluate(async ({ clipboard }, text) => clipboard.writeText(text), clipboardContentToWrite);
const clipboardContentRead = await electronApp.evaluate(async ({ clipboard }) => clipboard.readText());
test('should test app that opens window fast', async ({ launchElectronApp }) => {
await launchElectronApp('electron-window-app.js');
test('should return browser window', async ({ launchElectronApp }) => {
const electronApp = await launchElectronApp('electron-window-app.js');
const page = await electronApp.firstWindow();
const bwHandle = await electronApp.browserWindow(page);
expect(await bwHandle.evaluate((bw: BrowserWindow) => bw.title)).toBe('Electron');
test('should bypass csp', async ({ launchElectronApp, server }) => {
const app = await launchElectronApp('electron-app.js', [], { bypassCSP: true });
await app.evaluate(electron => {
const window = new electron.BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
height: 600,
void window.loadURL('about:blank');
const page = await app.firstWindow();
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/csp.html');
await page.addScriptTag({ content: 'window["__injected"] = 42;' });
expect(await page.evaluate('window["__injected"]')).toBe(42);
test('should create page for browser view', async ({ launchElectronApp }) => {
const app = await launchElectronApp('electron-window-app.js');
await app.firstWindow();
await app.evaluate(async electron => {
const window = electron.BrowserWindow.getAllWindows()[0];
const view = new electron.BrowserView();
await view.webContents.loadURL('about:blank');
view.setBounds({ x: 0, y: 0, width: 256, height: 256 });
await expect.poll(() =>;
test('should return same browser window for browser view pages', async ({ launchElectronApp }) => {
const app = await launchElectronApp('electron-window-app.js');
await app.firstWindow();
await app.evaluate(async electron => {
const window = electron.BrowserWindow.getAllWindows()[0];
const view = new electron.BrowserView();
await view.webContents.loadURL('about:blank');
view.setBounds({ x: 0, y: 0, width: 256, height: 256 });
await expect.poll(() =>;
const [firstWindowId, secondWindowId] = await Promise.all( page => {
const bwHandle = await app.browserWindow(page);
const id = await bwHandle.evaluate((bw: BrowserWindow) =>;
return id;
test('should record video', async ({ launchElectronApp }, testInfo) => {
const app = await launchElectronApp('electron-window-app.js', [], {
recordVideo: { dir: testInfo.outputPath('video') }
const page = await app.firstWindow();
await page.setContent(`<style>body {background:red}</style>`);
await page.waitForTimeout(1000);
await app.close();
const videoPath = await;
test('should be able to get the first window when with a delayed navigation', async ({ launchElectronApp }) => {{ type: 'issue', description: '' });
const app = await launchElectronApp('electron-window-app-delayed-loadURL.js');
const page = await app.firstWindow();
await expect(page).toHaveURL('data:text/html,<h1>Foobar</h1>');
await expect(page.locator('h1')).toHaveText('Foobar');
test('should detach debugger on app-initiated exit', async ({ launchElectronApp }) => {
const electronApp = await launchElectronApp('electron-app.js');
const closePromise = new Promise(f => electronApp.process().on('close', f));
await electronApp.evaluate(({ app }) => {
await closePromise;
test('should run pre-ready apis', async ({ launchElectronApp }) => {
await launchElectronApp('electron-app-pre-ready.js');
test('should resolve app path for folder apps', async ({ launchElectronApp }) => {
const electronApp = await launchElectronApp('.');
const appPath = await electronApp.evaluate(async ({ app }) => app.getAppPath());
test('should return app name / version from manifest', async ({ launchElectronApp }) => {
const electronApp = await launchElectronApp('.');
const data = await electronApp.evaluate(async ({ app }) => {
return {
name: app.getName(),
version: app.getVersion(),
name: 'my-electron-app',
version: '1.0.0'