Andrey Lushnikov 44b39bad33 fix(testrunner): show maximum 10 skipped tests in test report
This is to save some terminal screen real estate.

Drive-by: remove async test suites from test runner.
2019-12-18 14:33:46 -08:00

473 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const path = require('path');
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const Multimap = require('./Multimap');
const TimeoutError = new Error('Timeout');
const TerminatedError = new Error('Terminated');
const MAJOR_NODEJS_VERSION = parseInt(process.version.substring(1).split('.')[0], 10);
class UserCallback {
constructor(callback, timeout) {
this._callback = callback;
this._terminatePromise = new Promise(resolve => {
this._terminateCallback = resolve;
this.timeout = timeout;
this.location = this._getLocation();
async run(...args) {
let timeoutId;
const timeoutPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
timeoutId = setTimeout(resolve.bind(null, TimeoutError), this.timeout);
try {
return await Promise.race([
Promise.resolve().then(this._callback.bind(null, ...args)).then(() => null).catch(e => e),
} catch (e) {
return e;
} finally {
_getLocation() {
const error = new Error();
const stackFrames = error.stack.split('\n').slice(1);
// Find first stackframe that doesn't point to this file.
for (let frame of stackFrames) {
frame = frame.trim();
if (!frame.startsWith('at '))
return null;
if (frame.endsWith(')')) {
const from = frame.indexOf('(');
frame = frame.substring(from + 1, frame.length - 1);
} else {
frame = frame.substring('at '.length);
const match = frame.match(/^(.*):(\d+):(\d+)$/);
if (!match)
return null;
const filePath = match[1];
const lineNumber = match[2];
const columnNumber = match[3];
if (filePath === __filename)
const fileName = filePath.split(path.sep).pop();
return { fileName, filePath, lineNumber, columnNumber };
return null;
terminate() {
const TestMode = {
Run: 'run',
Skip: 'skip',
Focus: 'focus'
const TestResult = {
Ok: 'ok',
Skipped: 'skipped', // User skipped the test
Failed: 'failed', // Exception happened during running
TimedOut: 'timedout', // Timeout Exceeded while running
Terminated: 'terminated', // Execution terminated
Crashed: 'crashed', // If testrunner crashed due to this test
class Test {
constructor(suite, name, callback, declaredMode, timeout, comment) {
this.suite = suite; = name;
this.fullName = (suite.fullName + ' ' + name).trim();
this.declaredMode = declaredMode;
this._userCallback = new UserCallback(callback, timeout);
this.location = this._userCallback.location;
this.comment = comment;
// Test results
this.result = null;
this.error = null;
this.startTimestamp = 0;
this.endTimestamp = 0;
class Suite {
constructor(parentSuite, name, declaredMode, comment) {
this.parentSuite = parentSuite; = name;
this.fullName = (parentSuite ? parentSuite.fullName + ' ' + name : name).trim();
this.declaredMode = declaredMode;
this.comment = comment;
/** @type {!Array<(!Test|!Suite)>} */
this.children = [];
this.beforeAll = null;
this.beforeEach = null;
this.afterAll = null;
this.afterEach = null;
class TestPass {
constructor(runner, rootSuite, tests, parallel, breakOnFailure) {
this._runner = runner;
this._parallel = parallel;
this._runningUserCallbacks = new Multimap();
this._breakOnFailure = breakOnFailure;
this._rootSuite = rootSuite;
this._workerDistribution = new Multimap();
let workerId = 0;
for (const test of tests) {
// Reset results for tests that will be run.
test.result = null;
test.error = null;
this._workerDistribution.set(test, workerId);
for (let suite = test.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite)
this._workerDistribution.set(suite, workerId);
// Do not shard skipped tests across workers.
if (test.declaredMode !== TestMode.Skip)
workerId = (workerId + 1) % parallel;
this._termination = null;
async run() {
const terminations = [, 'SIGINT', TestResult.Terminated, 'SIGINT received'),, 'SIGHUP', TestResult.Terminated, 'SIGHUP received'),, 'SIGTERM', TestResult.Terminated, 'SIGTERM received'),, 'unhandledRejection', TestResult.Crashed, 'UNHANDLED PROMISE REJECTION'),
for (const termination of terminations)
process.on(termination.event, termination.handler);
const workerPromises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this._parallel; ++i)
workerPromises.push(this._runSuite(i, [this._rootSuite], {parallelIndex: i}));
await Promise.all(workerPromises);
for (const termination of terminations)
process.removeListener(termination.event, termination.handler);
return this._termination;
function createTermination(event, result, message) {
return {
handler: error => this._terminate(result, message, error)
async _runSuite(workerId, suitesStack, state) {
if (this._termination)
const currentSuite = suitesStack[suitesStack.length - 1];
if (!this._workerDistribution.hasValue(currentSuite, workerId))
await this._runHook(workerId, currentSuite, 'beforeAll', state);
for (const child of currentSuite.children) {
if (this._termination)
if (!this._workerDistribution.hasValue(child, workerId))
if (child instanceof Test) {
await this._runTest(workerId, suitesStack, child, state);
} else {
await this._runSuite(workerId, suitesStack, state);
await this._runHook(workerId, currentSuite, 'afterAll', state);
async _runTest(workerId, suitesStack, test, state) {
if (this._termination)
this._runner._willStartTest(test, workerId);
if (test.declaredMode === TestMode.Skip) {
test.result = TestResult.Skipped;
this._runner._didFinishTest(test, workerId);
let crashed = false;
for (let i = 0; i < suitesStack.length; i++)
crashed = (await this._runHook(workerId, suitesStack[i], 'beforeEach', state, test)) || crashed;
// If some of the beofreEach hooks error'ed - terminate this test.
if (crashed) {
test.result = TestResult.Crashed;
} else if (this._termination) {
test.result = TestResult.Terminated;
} else {
// Otherwise, run the test itself if there is no scheduled termination.
this._runningUserCallbacks.set(workerId, test._userCallback);
test.error = await, test);
this._runningUserCallbacks.delete(workerId, test._userCallback);
if (!test.error)
test.result = TestResult.Ok;
else if (test.error === TimeoutError)
test.result = TestResult.TimedOut;
else if (test.error === TerminatedError)
test.result = TestResult.Terminated;
test.result = TestResult.Failed;
for (let i = suitesStack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
crashed = (await this._runHook(workerId, suitesStack[i], 'afterEach', state, test)) || crashed;
// If some of the afterEach hooks error'ed - then this test is considered to be crashed as well.
if (crashed)
test.result = TestResult.Crashed;
this._runner._didFinishTest(test, workerId);
if (this._breakOnFailure && test.result !== TestResult.Ok)
this._terminate(TestResult.Terminated, `Terminating because a test has failed and |testRunner.breakOnFailure| is enabled`, null);
async _runHook(workerId, suite, hookName, ...args) {
const hook = suite[hookName];
if (!hook)
return false;
this._runningUserCallbacks.set(workerId, hook);
const error = await;
this._runningUserCallbacks.delete(workerId, hook);
if (error === TimeoutError) {
const location = `${hook.location.fileName}:${hook.location.lineNumber}:${hook.location.columnNumber}`;
const message = `${location} - Timeout Exceeded ${hook.timeout}ms while running "${hookName}" in suite "${suite.fullName}"`;
return this._terminate(TestResult.Crashed, message, null);
if (error) {
const location = `${hook.location.fileName}:${hook.location.lineNumber}:${hook.location.columnNumber}`;
const message = `${location} - FAILED while running "${hookName}" in suite "${suite.fullName}"`;
return this._terminate(TestResult.Crashed, message, error);
return false;
_terminate(result, message, error) {
if (this._termination)
return false;
this._termination = {result, message, error};
for (const userCallback of this._runningUserCallbacks.valuesArray())
return true;
class TestRunner extends EventEmitter {
constructor(options = {}) {
const {
timeout = 10 * 1000, // Default timeout is 10 seconds.
parallel = 1,
breakOnFailure = false,
disableTimeoutWhenInspectorIsEnabled = true,
} = options;
this._rootSuite = new Suite(null, '', TestMode.Run);
this._currentSuite = this._rootSuite;
this._tests = [];
this._timeout = timeout === 0 ? 2147483647 : timeout;
this._parallel = parallel;
this._breakOnFailure = breakOnFailure;
this._hasFocusedTestsOrSuites = false;
if (MAJOR_NODEJS_VERSION >= 8 && disableTimeoutWhenInspectorIsEnabled) {
const inspector = require('inspector');
if (inspector.url()) {
console.log('TestRunner detected inspector; overriding certain properties to be debugger-friendly');
console.log(' - timeout = 0 (Infinite)');
this._timeout = 2147483647;
// bind methods so that they can be used as a DSL.
this.addSuiteDSL('describe', TestMode.Run, '');
this.addSuiteDSL('fdescribe', TestMode.Focus, '');
this.addSuiteDSL('xdescribe', TestMode.Skip, '');
this.addTestDSL('it', TestMode.Run, '');
this.addTestDSL('fit', TestMode.Focus, '');
this.addTestDSL('xit', TestMode.Skip, '');
this.beforeAll = this._addHook.bind(this, 'beforeAll');
this.beforeEach = this._addHook.bind(this, 'beforeEach');
this.afterAll = this._addHook.bind(this, 'afterAll');
this.afterEach = this._addHook.bind(this, 'afterEach');
addTestDSL(dslName, mode, comment) {
this[dslName] = this._addTest.bind(this, mode, comment);
this[dslName].skip = condition => this._addTest.bind(this, condition ? TestMode.Skip : mode, comment);
addSuiteDSL(dslName, mode, comment) {
this[dslName] = this._addSuite.bind(this, mode, comment);
this[dslName].skip = condition => this._addSuite.bind(this, condition ? TestMode.Skip : mode, comment);
_addTest(mode, comment, name, callback) {
let suite = this._currentSuite;
let isSkipped = suite.declaredMode === TestMode.Skip;
while ((suite = suite.parentSuite))
isSkipped |= suite.declaredMode === TestMode.Skip;
const test = new Test(this._currentSuite, name, callback, isSkipped ? TestMode.Skip : mode, this._timeout, comment);
this._hasFocusedTestsOrSuites = this._hasFocusedTestsOrSuites || mode === TestMode.Focus;
_addSuite(mode, comment, name, callback) {
const oldSuite = this._currentSuite;
const suite = new Suite(this._currentSuite, name, mode, comment);
this._currentSuite = suite;
const result = callback();
this._currentSuite = oldSuite;
this._hasFocusedTestsOrSuites = this._hasFocusedTestsOrSuites || mode === TestMode.Focus;
_addHook(hookName, callback) {
assert(this._currentSuite[hookName] === null, `Only one ${hookName} hook available per suite`);
const hook = new UserCallback(callback, this._timeout);
this._currentSuite[hookName] = hook;
async run() {
const runnableTests = this._runnableTests();
this.emit(TestRunner.Events.Started, runnableTests);
this._runningPass = new TestPass(this, this._rootSuite, runnableTests, this._parallel, this._breakOnFailure);
const termination = await;
this._runningPass = null;
const result = {};
if (termination) {
result.result = termination.result;
result.terminationMessage = termination.message;
result.terminationError = termination.error;
} else {
result.result = this.failedTests().length ? TestResult.Failed : TestResult.Ok;
this.emit(TestRunner.Events.Finished, result);
return result;
terminate() {
if (!this._runningPass)
this._runningPass._terminate(TestResult.Terminated, 'Terminated with |TestRunner.terminate()| call', null);
timeout() {
return this._timeout;
_runnableTests() {
if (!this._hasFocusedTestsOrSuites)
return this._tests;
const tests = [];
const blacklistSuites = new Set();
// First pass: pick "fit" and blacklist parent suites
for (const test of this._tests) {
if (test.declaredMode !== TestMode.Focus)
for (let suite = test.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite)
// Second pass: pick all tests that belong to non-blacklisted "fdescribe"
for (const test of this._tests) {
let insideFocusedSuite = false;
for (let suite = test.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite) {
if (!blacklistSuites.has(suite) && suite.declaredMode === TestMode.Focus) {
insideFocusedSuite = true;
if (insideFocusedSuite)
return tests;
hasFocusedTestsOrSuites() {
return this._hasFocusedTestsOrSuites;
tests() {
return this._tests.slice();
failedTests() {
return this._tests.filter(test => test.result === 'failed' || test.result === 'timedout' || test.result === 'crashed');
passedTests() {
return this._tests.filter(test => test.result === 'ok');
skippedTests() {
return this._tests.filter(test => test.result === 'skipped');
parallel() {
return this._parallel;
_willStartTest(test, workerId) {
test.startTimestamp =;
this.emit(TestRunner.Events.TestStarted, test, workerId);
_didFinishTest(test, workerId) {
test.endTimestamp =;
this.emit(TestRunner.Events.TestFinished, test, workerId);
* @param {*} value
* @param {string=} message
function assert(value, message) {
if (!value)
throw new Error(message);
TestRunner.Events = {
Started: 'started',
Finished: 'finished',
TestStarted: 'teststarted',
TestFinished: 'testfinished',
module.exports = TestRunner;