
282 lines
10 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { expect, playwrightTest as baseTest } from '../config/browserTest';
import { PlaywrightServer } from '../../packages/playwright-core/lib/remote/playwrightServer';
import { createGuid } from '../../packages/playwright-core/lib/utils/crypto';
import { Backend } from '../config/debugControllerBackend';
import type { Browser, BrowserContext } from '@playwright/test';
import type * as channels from '@protocol/channels';
type BrowserWithReuse = Browser & { _newContextForReuse: () => Promise<BrowserContext> };
type Fixtures = {
wsEndpoint: string;
backend: channels.DebugControllerChannel;
connectedBrowserFactory: () => Promise<BrowserWithReuse>;
connectedBrowser: BrowserWithReuse;
const test = baseTest.extend<Fixtures>({
wsEndpoint: async ({ }, use) => {
const server = new PlaywrightServer({ mode: 'extension', path: '/' + createGuid(), maxConnections: Number.MAX_VALUE, enableSocksProxy: false });
const wsEndpoint = await server.listen();
await use(wsEndpoint);
await server.close();
backend: async ({ wsEndpoint }, use) => {
const backend = new Backend();
await backend.connect(wsEndpoint);
await backend.initialize();
await use(;
await backend.close();
connectedBrowserFactory: async ({ wsEndpoint, browserType }, use) => {
const browsers: BrowserWithReuse [] = [];
await use(async () => {
const browser = await browserType.connect(wsEndpoint, {
headers: {
'x-playwright-launch-options': JSON.stringify((browserType as any)._defaultLaunchOptions),
'x-playwright-reuse-context': '1',
}) as BrowserWithReuse;
return browser;
for (const browser of browsers)
await browser.close();
connectedBrowser: async ({ connectedBrowserFactory }, use) => {
await use(await connectedBrowserFactory());
test.slow(true, 'All controller tests are slow');
test.skip(({ mode }) => mode.startsWith('service'));
test('should pick element', async ({ backend, connectedBrowser }) => {
const events = [];
backend.on('inspectRequested', event => events.push(event));
await backend.setRecorderMode({ mode: 'inspecting' });
const context = await connectedBrowser._newContextForReuse();
const [page] = context.pages();
await page.setContent('<button>Submit</button>');
await page.getByRole('button').click();
await page.getByRole('button').click();
selector: 'internal:role=button[name=\"Submit\"i]',
locator: 'getByRole(\'button\', { name: \'Submit\' })',
}, {
selector: 'internal:role=button[name=\"Submit\"i]',
locator: 'getByRole(\'button\', { name: \'Submit\' })',
// No events after mode disabled
await backend.setRecorderMode({ mode: 'none' });
await page.locator('body').click();
test('should report pages', async ({ backend, connectedBrowser }) => {
const events = [];
backend.on('stateChanged', event => events.push(event));
await backend.setReportStateChanged({ enabled: true });
const context = await connectedBrowser._newContextForReuse();
const page1 = await context.newPage();
const page2 = await context.newPage();
await page1.close();
await page2.close();
await backend.setReportStateChanged({ enabled: false });
const page3 = await context.newPage();
await page3.close();
pageCount: 1,
}, {
pageCount: 2,
}, {
pageCount: 1,
}, {
pageCount: 0,
test('should navigate all', async ({ backend, connectedBrowser }) => {
const context = await connectedBrowser._newContextForReuse();
const page1 = await context.newPage();
const page2 = await context.newPage();
await backend.navigate({ url: 'data:text/plain,Hello world' });
expect(await page1.evaluate(() => window.location.href)).toBe('data:text/plain,Hello world');
expect(await page2.evaluate(() => window.location.href)).toBe('data:text/plain,Hello world');
test('should reset for reuse', async ({ backend, connectedBrowser }) => {
const context = await connectedBrowser._newContextForReuse();
const page1 = await context.newPage();
const page2 = await context.newPage();
await backend.navigate({ url: 'data:text/plain,Hello world' });
const context2 = await connectedBrowser._newContextForReuse();
expect(await context2.pages()[0].evaluate(() => window.location.href)).toBe('about:blank');
expect(await page1.evaluate(() => window.location.href)).toBe('about:blank');
expect(await page2.evaluate(() => window.location.href).catch(e => e.message)).toContain('Target page, context or browser has been closed');
test('should highlight all', async ({ backend, connectedBrowser }) => {
const context = await connectedBrowser._newContextForReuse();
const page1 = await context.newPage();
const page2 = await context.newPage();
await backend.navigate({ url: 'data:text/html,<button>Submit</button>' });
await backend.highlight({ selector: 'button' });
await expect(page1.getByText('locator(\'button\')')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page2.getByText('locator(\'button\')')).toBeVisible();
await backend.hideHighlight();
await expect(page1.getByText('locator(\'button\')')).toBeHidden({ timeout: 1000000 });
await expect(page2.getByText('locator(\'button\')')).toBeHidden();
test('should record', async ({ backend, connectedBrowser }) => {
const events = [];
backend.on('sourceChanged', event => events.push(event));
await backend.setRecorderMode({ mode: 'recording' });
const context = await connectedBrowser._newContextForReuse();
const [page] = context.pages();
await page.setContent('<button>Submit</button>');
await page.getByRole('button').click();
await expect.poll(() => events[events.length - 1]).toEqual({
header: `import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('test', async ({ page }) => {`,
footer: `});`,
actions: [
` await page.goto('about:blank');`,
` await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Submit' }).click();`,
text: `import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('test', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('about:blank');
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Submit' }).click();
// No events after mode disabled
await backend.setRecorderMode({ mode: 'none' });
const length = events.length;
await page.getByRole('button').click();
test('should record custom data-testid', async ({ backend, connectedBrowser }) => {
// This test emulates "record at cursor" functionality
// with custom test id attribute in the config.
const events = [];
backend.on('sourceChanged', event => events.push(event));
// 1. "Show browser" (or "run test").
const context = await connectedBrowser._newContextForReuse();
const page = await context.newPage();
await page.setContent(`<div data-custom-id='one'>One</div>`);
// 2. "Record at cursor".
await backend.setRecorderMode({ mode: 'recording', testIdAttributeName: 'data-custom-id' });
// 3. Record a click action.
await page.locator('div').click();
// 4. Expect "getByTestId" locator.
await expect.poll(() => events[events.length - 1]).toEqual({
header: `import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('test', async ({ page }) => {`,
footer: `});`,
actions: [
` await page.getByTestId('one').click();`,
text: `import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('test', async ({ page }) => {
await page.getByTestId('one').click();
test('should reset routes before reuse', async ({ server, connectedBrowserFactory }) => {
const browser1 = await connectedBrowserFactory();
const context1 = await browser1._newContextForReuse();
await context1.route(server.PREFIX + '/title.html', route => route.fulfill({ body: '<title>Hello</title>', contentType: 'text/html' }));
const page1 = await context1.newPage();
await page1.route(server.PREFIX + '/consolelog.html', route => route.fulfill({ body: '<title>World</title>', contentType: 'text/html' }));
await page1.goto(server.PREFIX + '/title.html');
await expect(page1).toHaveTitle('Hello');
await page1.goto(server.PREFIX + '/consolelog.html');
await expect(page1).toHaveTitle('World');
await browser1.close();
const browser2 = await connectedBrowserFactory();
const context2 = await browser2._newContextForReuse();
const page2 = await context2.newPage();
await page2.goto(server.PREFIX + '/title.html');
await expect(page2).toHaveTitle('Woof-Woof');
await page2.goto(server.PREFIX + '/consolelog.html');
await expect(page2).toHaveTitle('console.log test');
await browser2.close();
test('should highlight inside iframe', async ({ backend, connectedBrowser }, testInfo) => {
testInfo.annotations.push({ type: 'issue', description: '' });
const context = await connectedBrowser._newContextForReuse();
const page = await context.newPage();
await backend.navigate({ url: `data:text/html,<div>bar</div><iframe srcdoc="<div>bar</div>"/>` });
await page.frameLocator('iframe').getByText('bar').highlight();
const highlight = page.frameLocator('iframe').locator('x-pw-highlight');
await expect(highlight).not.toHaveCount(0);
await backend.hideHighlight();
await expect(highlight).toHaveCount(0);
await backend.highlight({ selector: `frameLocator('iframe').getByText('bar')` });
await expect(highlight).not.toHaveCount(0);
await backend.highlight({ selector: `frameLocator('iframe').frameLocator('iframe').getByText('bar')` });
await expect(highlight).toHaveCount(0);
await backend.highlight({ selector: `getByText('bar')` });
await expect(highlight).toHaveCount(1);
await expect(page.locator('x-pw-highlight')).toHaveCount(1);