Dmitry Gozman 773202867d
feat(trace): highlight strict mode violation elements in the snapshot (#32893)
This is fixing a case where the test failed with strict mode violation,
but all the matched elements are not highlighted in the trace.

For example, all the buttons will be highlighted when the following line
fails due to strict mode violation:
await page.locator('button').click();

To achieve this, we mark elements during `querySelector` phase instead
of inside `onBeforeInputAction`. This allows us to only mark from inside
the `InjectedScript` and remove the other way of marking from inside the
2024-10-02 00:00:45 -07:00

288 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { contextTest, expect } from '../config/browserTest';
import { InMemorySnapshotter } from '../../packages/playwright-core/lib/server/trace/test/inMemorySnapshotter';
const it = contextTest.extend<{ snapshotter: InMemorySnapshotter }>({
snapshotter: async ({ toImpl, context }, run) => {
const snapshotter = new InMemorySnapshotter(toImpl(context));
await snapshotter.initialize();
await run(snapshotter);
await snapshotter.dispose();
it.describe('snapshots', () => {
it('should collect snapshot', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter }) => {
await page.setContent('<button>Hello</button>');
const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@1', 'snapshot@call@1');
it('should preserve BASE and other content on reset', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter, server }) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
const snapshot1 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@1', 'snapshot@call@1');
const html1 = snapshot1.render().html;
expect(html1).toContain(`<BASE href="${server.EMPTY_PAGE}"`);
await snapshotter.reset();
const snapshot2 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@2', 'snapshot@call@2');
const html2 = snapshot2.render().html;
expect(html2.replace(/call@2/g, `call@1`)).toEqual(html1);
it('should capture resources', async ({ page, toImpl, server, snapshotter }) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.route('**/style.css', route => {
route.fulfill({ body: 'button { color: red; }', }).catch(() => {});
await page.setContent('<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"><button>Hello</button>');
const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@1', 'snapshot@call@1');
const resource = snapshot.resourceByUrl(`http://localhost:${server.PORT}/style.css`, 'GET');
it('should collect multiple', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter }) => {
await page.setContent('<button>Hello</button>');
await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@1', 'snapshot@call@1');
await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@2', 'snapshot@call@2');
it('should respect inline CSSOM change', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter }) => {
await page.setContent('<style>button { color: red; }</style><button>Hello</button>');
const snapshot1 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@1', 'snapshot@call@1');
expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot1)).toBe('<STYLE>button { color: red; }</STYLE><BUTTON>Hello</BUTTON>');
await page.evaluate(() => { (document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[0] as any).style.color = 'blue'; });
const snapshot2 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@2', 'snapshot@call@2');
expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot2)).toBe('<STYLE>button { color: blue; }</STYLE><BUTTON>Hello</BUTTON>');
it('should respect CSSOM change through CSSGroupingRule', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter }) => {
await page.setContent('<style>@media { button { color: red; } }</style><button>Hello</button>');
await page.evaluate(() => {
window['rule'] = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[0];
void 0;
const snapshot1 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@1', 'snapshot@call@1');
expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot1)).toBe('<STYLE>@media {\n button { color: red; }\n}</STYLE><BUTTON>Hello</BUTTON>');
await page.evaluate(() => { window['rule'].cssRules[0].style.color = 'blue'; });
const snapshot2 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@2', 'snapshot@call@2');
expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot2)).toBe('<STYLE>@media {\n button { color: blue; }\n}</STYLE><BUTTON>Hello</BUTTON>');
await page.evaluate(() => { window['rule'].insertRule('button { color: green; }', 1); });
const snapshot3 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@3', 'snapshot@call@3');
expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot3)).toBe('<STYLE>@media {\n button { color: blue; }\n button { color: green; }\n}</STYLE><BUTTON>Hello</BUTTON>');
it('should respect node removal', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter }) => {
await page.setContent('<div><button id="button1"></button><button id="button2"></button></div>');
const snapshot1 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@1', 'snapshot@call@1');
expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot1)).toBe('<DIV><BUTTON id=\"button1\"></BUTTON><BUTTON id=\"button2\"></BUTTON></DIV>');
await page.evaluate(() => document.getElementById('button2').remove());
const snapshot2 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@2', 'snapshot@call@2');
expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot2)).toBe('<DIV><BUTTON id=\"button1\"></BUTTON></DIV>');
it('should respect attr removal', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter }) => {
await page.setContent('<div id="div" attr1="1" attr2="2"></div>');
const snapshot1 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@1', 'snapshot@call@1');
expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot1)).toBe('<DIV id=\"div\" attr1=\"1\" attr2=\"2\"></DIV>');
await page.evaluate(() => document.getElementById('div').removeAttribute('attr2'));
const snapshot2 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@2', 'snapshot@call@2');
expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot2)).toBe('<DIV id=\"div\" attr1=\"1\"></DIV>');
it('should have a custom doctype', async ({ page, server, toImpl, snapshotter }) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.setContent('<!DOCTYPE foo><body>hi</body>');
const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@1', 'snapshot@call@1');
expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot)).toBe('<!DOCTYPE foo>hi');
it('should replace meta charset attr that specifies charset', async ({ page, server, toImpl, snapshotter }) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.setContent('<meta charset="shift-jis" />');
const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@1', 'snapshot@call@1');
expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot)).toBe('<META charset="utf-8">');
it('should replace meta content attr that specifies charset', async ({ page, server, toImpl, snapshotter }) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.setContent('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS">');
const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@1', 'snapshot@call@1');
expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot)).toBe('<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">');
it('should respect subresource CSSOM change', async ({ page, server, toImpl, snapshotter }) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.route('**/style.css', route => {
route.fulfill({ body: 'button { color: red; }', }).catch(() => {});
await page.setContent('<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"><button>Hello</button>');
const snapshot1 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@1', 'snapshot@call@1');
expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot1)).toBe('<LINK rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"style.css\"><BUTTON>Hello</BUTTON>');
await page.evaluate(() => { (document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[0] as any).style.color = 'blue'; });
const snapshot2 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@2', 'snapshot@call@2');
const resource = snapshot2.resourceByUrl(`http://localhost:${server.PORT}/style.css`, 'GET');
expect((await snapshotter.resourceContentForTest(resource.response.content._sha1)).toString()).toBe('button { color: blue; }');
it('should capture frame', async ({ page, server, toImpl, snapshotter }) => {
await page.route('**/empty.html', route => {
body: '<frameset><frame src="frame.html"></frameset>',
contentType: 'text/html'
}).catch(() => {});
await page.route('**/frame.html', route => {
body: '<html><button>Hello iframe</button></html>',
contentType: 'text/html'
}).catch(() => {});
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
for (let counter = 0; ; ++counter) {
const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@' + counter, 'snapshot@call@' + counter);
const text = distillSnapshot(snapshot).replace(/frame@[^"]+["]/, '<id>"');
if (text === '<FRAMESET><FRAME __playwright_src__=\"/snapshot/<id>\"></FRAME></FRAMESET>')
await page.waitForTimeout(250);
it('should capture iframe', async ({ page, server, toImpl, snapshotter }) => {
await page.route('**/empty.html', route => {
body: '<iframe src="iframe.html"></iframe>',
contentType: 'text/html'
}).catch(() => {});
await page.route('**/iframe.html', route => {
body: '<html><button>Hello iframe</button></html>',
contentType: 'text/html'
}).catch(() => {});
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
// Marking iframe hierarchy is racy, do not expect snapshot, wait for it.
for (let counter = 0; ; ++counter) {
const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@' + counter, 'snapshot@call@' + counter);
const text = distillSnapshot(snapshot).replace(/frame@[^"]+["]/, '<id>"');
if (text === '<IFRAME __playwright_src__=\"/snapshot/<id>\"></IFRAME>')
await page.waitForTimeout(250);
it('should capture iframe with srcdoc', async ({ page, server, toImpl, snapshotter }) => {
await page.route('**/empty.html', route => {
body: '<iframe srcdoc="&lt;html>&lt;button>Hello iframe&lt;/button>&lt;/html>"></iframe>',
contentType: 'text/html'
}).catch(() => {});
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
// Marking iframe hierarchy is racy, do not expect snapshot, wait for it.
for (let counter = 0; ; ++counter) {
const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@' + counter, 'snapshot@call@' + counter);
const text = distillSnapshot(snapshot).replace(/frame@[^"]+["]/, '<id>"');
if (text === '<IFRAME __playwright_src__=\"/snapshot/<id>\"></IFRAME>')
await page.waitForTimeout(250);
it('should collect on attribute change', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter }) => {
await page.setContent('<button>Hello</button>');
const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@1', 'snapshot@call@1');
const handle = await page.$('text=Hello')!;
await handle.evaluate(element => element.setAttribute('data', 'one'));
const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@2', 'snapshot@call@2');
expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot)).toBe('<BUTTON data="one">Hello</BUTTON>');
await handle.evaluate(element => element.setAttribute('data', 'two'));
const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@3', 'snapshot@call@3');
expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot)).toBe('<BUTTON data="two">Hello</BUTTON>');
it('empty adopted style sheets should not prevent node refs', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter, browserName }) => {
await page.setContent('<button>Hello</button>');
await page.evaluate(() => {
const sheet = new CSSStyleSheet();
document.adoptedStyleSheets = [sheet];
const sheet2 = new CSSStyleSheet();
for (const element of [document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('span')]) {
const root = element.attachShadow({
mode: 'open'
root.adoptedStyleSheets = [sheet2];
const renderer1 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@1', 'snapshot@call@1');
// Expect some adopted style sheets.
const renderer2 = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@2', 'snapshot@call@2');
const snapshot2 = renderer2.snapshot();
// Second snapshot should be just a copy of the first one.
expect(snapshot2.html).toEqual([[1, 13]]);
it('should not navigate on anchor clicks', async ({ page, toImpl, snapshotter }) => {
await page.setContent('<a href=""></a>');
const snapshot = await snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), 'call@1', 'snapshot@call@1');
expect(distillSnapshot(snapshot)).toBe('<A href="link://"></A>');
function distillSnapshot(snapshot, distillTarget = true) {
let { html } = snapshot.render();
if (distillTarget)
html = html.replace(/\s__playwright_target__="[^"]+"/g, '');
return html
.replace(/<style>\*,\*::before,\*::after { visibility: hidden }<\/style>/, '')
.replace(/<script>[.\s\S]+<\/script>/, '')
.replace(/<style>.*__playwright_target__.*?<\/style>/, '')
.replace(/<BASE href="about:blank">/, '')
.replace(/<BASE href="http:\/\/localhost:[\d]+\/empty.html">/, '')
.replace(/<HTML>/, '')
.replace(/<\/HTML>/, '')
.replace(/<HEAD>/, '')
.replace(/<\/HEAD>/, '')
.replace(/<BODY>/, '')
.replace(/<\/BODY>/, '').trim();