
449 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import * as debug from 'debug';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as mime from 'mime';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as util from 'util';
import * as frames from './frames';
import { assert, debugError, helper } from './helper';
import Injected from './injected/injected';
import * as input from './input';
import * as js from './javascript';
import { Page } from './page';
import { selectors } from './selectors';
import * as types from './types';
export type PointerActionOptions = {
modifiers?: input.Modifier[];
position?: types.Point;
export type ClickOptions = PointerActionOptions & input.MouseClickOptions;
export type MultiClickOptions = PointerActionOptions & input.MouseMultiClickOptions;
const debugInput = debug('pw:input');
export class FrameExecutionContext extends js.ExecutionContext {
readonly frame: frames.Frame;
private _injectedPromise?: Promise<js.JSHandle>;
constructor(delegate: js.ExecutionContextDelegate, frame: frames.Frame) {
this.frame = frame;
_adoptIfNeeded(handle: js.JSHandle): Promise<js.JSHandle> | null {
if (handle instanceof ElementHandle && handle._context !== this)
return this.frame._page._delegate.adoptElementHandle(handle, this);
return null;
async _doEvaluateInternal(returnByValue: boolean, waitForNavigations: boolean, pageFunction: string | Function, ...args: any[]): Promise<any> {
return await this.frame._page._frameManager.waitForNavigationsCreatedBy(async () => {
return this._delegate.evaluate(this, returnByValue, pageFunction, ...args);
}, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, waitForNavigations ? undefined : { waitUntil: 'nowait' });
_createHandle(remoteObject: any): js.JSHandle {
if (this.frame._page._delegate.isElementHandle(remoteObject))
return new ElementHandle(this, remoteObject);
return super._createHandle(remoteObject);
_injected(): Promise<js.JSHandle<Injected>> {
if (!this._injectedPromise) {
this._injectedPromise = selectors._prepareEvaluator(this).then(evaluator => {
return this.evaluateHandleInternal(evaluator => evaluator.injected, evaluator);
return this._injectedPromise;
export class ElementHandle<T extends Node = Node> extends js.JSHandle<T> {
readonly _context: FrameExecutionContext;
readonly _page: Page;
constructor(context: FrameExecutionContext, remoteObject: any) {
super(context, remoteObject);
this._context = context;
this._page = context.frame._page;
asElement(): ElementHandle<T> | null {
return this;
async _evaluateInUtility<R, Arg>(pageFunction: types.FuncOn<{ injected: Injected, node: T }, Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R> {
const utility = await this._context.frame._utilityContext();
return utility._doEvaluateInternal(true /* returnByValue */, true /* waitForNavigations */, pageFunction, { injected: await utility._injected(), node: this }, arg);
async ownerFrame(): Promise<frames.Frame | null> {
const frameId = await this._page._delegate.getOwnerFrame(this);
if (!frameId)
return null;
for (const page of this._page._browserContext.pages()) {
const frame = page._frameManager.frame(frameId);
if (frame)
return frame;
return null;
async contentFrame(): Promise<frames.Frame | null> {
const isFrameElement = await this._evaluateInUtility(({node}) => node && (node.nodeName === 'IFRAME' || node.nodeName === 'FRAME'), {});
if (!isFrameElement)
return null;
return this._page._delegate.getContentFrame(this);
async getAttribute(name: string): Promise<string | null> {
return this._evaluateInUtility(({node}, name: string) => {
if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
throw new Error('Not an element');
const element = node as unknown as Element;
return element.getAttribute(name);
}, name);
async textContent(): Promise<string | null> {
return this._evaluateInUtility(({node}) => node.textContent, {});
async innerText(): Promise<string | null> {
return this._evaluateInUtility(({node}) => {
if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
throw new Error('Not an element');
const element = node as unknown as HTMLElement;
return element.innerText;
}, {});
async innerHTML(): Promise<string | null> {
return this._evaluateInUtility(({node}) => {
if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
throw new Error('Not an element');
const element = node as unknown as Element;
return element.innerHTML;
}, {});
async _scrollRectIntoViewIfNeeded(rect?: types.Rect): Promise<void> {
debugInput('scrolling into veiw if needed...');
await this._page._delegate.scrollRectIntoViewIfNeeded(this, rect);
async scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() {
await this._scrollRectIntoViewIfNeeded();
private async _clickablePoint(): Promise<types.Point> {
const intersectQuadWithViewport = (quad: types.Quad): types.Quad => {
return => ({
x: Math.min(Math.max(point.x, 0), metrics.width),
y: Math.min(Math.max(point.y, 0), metrics.height),
})) as types.Quad;
const computeQuadArea = (quad: types.Quad) => {
// Compute sum of all directed areas of adjacent triangles
let area = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < quad.length; ++i) {
const p1 = quad[i];
const p2 = quad[(i + 1) % quad.length];
area += (p1.x * p2.y - p2.x * p1.y) / 2;
return Math.abs(area);
const [quads, metrics] = await Promise.all([
] as const);
if (!quads || !quads.length)
throw new Error('Node is either not visible or not an HTMLElement');
const filtered = => intersectQuadWithViewport(quad)).filter(quad => computeQuadArea(quad) > 1);
if (!filtered.length)
throw new Error('Node is either not visible or not an HTMLElement');
// Return the middle point of the first quad.
const result = { x: 0, y: 0 };
for (const point of filtered[0]) {
result.x += point.x / 4;
result.y += point.y / 4;
return result;
private async _offsetPoint(offset: types.Point): Promise<types.Point> {
const [box, border] = await Promise.all([
this._evaluateInUtility(({ injected, node }) => injected.getElementBorderWidth(node), {}).catch(debugError),
const point = { x: offset.x, y: offset.y };
if (box) {
point.x += box.x;
point.y += box.y;
if (border) {
// Make point relative to the padding box to align with offsetX/offsetY.
point.x += border.left;
point.y +=;
return point;
async _performPointerAction(action: (point: types.Point) => Promise<void>, options: PointerActionOptions & types.PointerActionWaitOptions & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions = {}): Promise<void> {
const deadline = this._page._timeoutSettings.computeDeadline(options);
const { force = false } = (options || {});
if (!force)
await this._waitForDisplayedAtStablePosition(deadline);
const position = options ? options.position : undefined;
await this._scrollRectIntoViewIfNeeded(position ? { x: position.x, y: position.y, width: 0, height: 0 } : undefined);
const point = position ? await this._offsetPoint(position) : await this._clickablePoint();
point.x = (point.x * 100 | 0) / 100;
point.y = (point.y * 100 | 0) / 100;
if (!force)
await this._waitForHitTargetAt(point, deadline);
await this._page._frameManager.waitForNavigationsCreatedBy(async () => {
let restoreModifiers: input.Modifier[] | undefined;
if (options && options.modifiers)
restoreModifiers = await this._page.keyboard._ensureModifiers(options.modifiers);
debugInput('performing input action...');
await action(point);
if (restoreModifiers)
await this._page.keyboard._ensureModifiers(restoreModifiers);
}, deadline, options, true);
hover(options?: PointerActionOptions & types.PointerActionWaitOptions): Promise<void> {
return this._performPointerAction(point => this._page.mouse.move(point.x, point.y), options);
click(options?: ClickOptions & types.PointerActionWaitOptions & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions): Promise<void> {
return this._performPointerAction(point =>, point.y, options), options);
dblclick(options?: MultiClickOptions & types.PointerActionWaitOptions & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions): Promise<void> {
return this._performPointerAction(point => this._page.mouse.dblclick(point.x, point.y, options), options);
async selectOption(values: string | ElementHandle | types.SelectOption | string[] | ElementHandle[] | types.SelectOption[], options?: types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions): Promise<string[]> {
const deadline = this._page._timeoutSettings.computeDeadline(options);
let vals: string[] | ElementHandle[] | types.SelectOption[];
if (!Array.isArray(values))
vals = [ values ] as (string[] | ElementHandle[] | types.SelectOption[]);
vals = values;
const selectOptions = (vals as any).map((value: any) => typeof value === 'object' ? value : { value });
for (const option of selectOptions) {
if (option instanceof ElementHandle)
if (option.value !== undefined)
assert(helper.isString(option.value), 'Values must be strings. Found value "' + option.value + '" of type "' + (typeof option.value) + '"');
if (option.label !== undefined)
assert(helper.isString(option.label), 'Labels must be strings. Found label "' + option.label + '" of type "' + (typeof option.label) + '"');
if (option.index !== undefined)
assert(helper.isNumber(option.index), 'Indices must be numbers. Found index "' + option.index + '" of type "' + (typeof option.index) + '"');
return await this._page._frameManager.waitForNavigationsCreatedBy<string[]>(async () => {
return this._evaluateInUtility(({ injected, node }, selectOptions) => injected.selectOptions(node, selectOptions), selectOptions);
}, deadline, options);
async fill(value: string, options?: types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions): Promise<void> {
assert(helper.isString(value), 'Value must be string. Found value "' + value + '" of type "' + (typeof value) + '"');
const deadline = this._page._timeoutSettings.computeDeadline(options);
await this._page._frameManager.waitForNavigationsCreatedBy(async () => {
const errorOrNeedsInput = await this._evaluateInUtility(({ injected, node }, value) => injected.fill(node, value), value);
if (typeof errorOrNeedsInput === 'string')
throw new Error(errorOrNeedsInput);
if (errorOrNeedsInput) {
if (value)
await this._page.keyboard.insertText(value);
}, deadline, options, true);
async selectText(): Promise<void> {
const error = await this._evaluateInUtility(({ injected, node }) => injected.selectText(node), {});
if (typeof error === 'string')
throw new Error(error);
async setInputFiles(files: string | types.FilePayload | string[] | types.FilePayload[], options?: types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions) {
const deadline = this._page._timeoutSettings.computeDeadline(options);
const multiple = await this._evaluateInUtility(({ node }) => {
if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE || (node as Node as Element).tagName !== 'INPUT')
throw new Error('Node is not an HTMLInputElement');
const input = node as Node as HTMLInputElement;
return input.multiple;
}, {});
let ff: string[] | types.FilePayload[];
if (!Array.isArray(files))
ff = [ files ] as string[] | types.FilePayload[];
ff = files;
assert(multiple || ff.length <= 1, 'Non-multiple file input can only accept single file!');
const filePayloads: types.FilePayload[] = [];
for (const item of ff) {
if (typeof item === 'string') {
const file: types.FilePayload = {
name: path.basename(item),
mimeType: mime.getType(item) || 'application/octet-stream',
buffer: await util.promisify(fs.readFile)(item)
} else {
await this._page._frameManager.waitForNavigationsCreatedBy(async () => {
await this._page._delegate.setInputFiles(this as any as ElementHandle<HTMLInputElement>, filePayloads);
}, deadline, options);
async focus() {
const errorMessage = await this._evaluateInUtility(({ node }) => {
if (!(node as any)['focus'])
return 'Node is not an HTML or SVG element.';
(node as Node as HTMLElement | SVGElement).focus();
return false;
}, {});
if (errorMessage)
throw new Error(errorMessage);
async type(text: string, options?: { delay?: number } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions) {
const deadline = this._page._timeoutSettings.computeDeadline(options);
await this._page._frameManager.waitForNavigationsCreatedBy(async () => {
await this.focus();
await this._page.keyboard.type(text, options);
}, deadline, options, true);
async press(key: string, options?: { delay?: number } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions) {
const deadline = this._page._timeoutSettings.computeDeadline(options);
await this._page._frameManager.waitForNavigationsCreatedBy(async () => {
await this.focus();
await, options);
}, deadline, options, true);
async check(options?: types.PointerActionWaitOptions & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions) {
await this._setChecked(true, options);
async uncheck(options?: types.PointerActionWaitOptions & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions) {
await this._setChecked(false, options);
private async _setChecked(state: boolean, options?: types.PointerActionWaitOptions & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions) {
if (await this._evaluateInUtility(({ injected, node }) => injected.isCheckboxChecked(node), {}) === state)
if (await this._evaluateInUtility(({ injected, node }) => injected.isCheckboxChecked(node), {}) !== state)
throw new Error('Unable to click checkbox');
async boundingBox(): Promise<types.Rect | null> {
return this._page._delegate.getBoundingBox(this);
async screenshot(options?: types.ElementScreenshotOptions): Promise<Buffer> {
return this._page._screenshotter.screenshotElement(this, options);
$(selector: string): Promise<ElementHandle | null> {
// TODO: this should be ownerFrame() instead.
return selectors._query(this._context.frame, selector, this);
$$(selector: string): Promise<ElementHandle<Element>[]> {
// TODO: this should be ownerFrame() instead.
return selectors._queryAll(this._context.frame, selector, this);
async $eval<R, Arg>(selector: string, pageFunction: types.FuncOn<Element, Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R>;
async $eval<R>(selector: string, pageFunction: types.FuncOn<Element, void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<R>;
async $eval<R, Arg>(selector: string, pageFunction: types.FuncOn<Element, Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R> {
// TODO: this should be ownerFrame() instead.
const handle = await selectors._query(this._context.frame, selector, this);
if (!handle)
throw new Error(`Error: failed to find element matching selector "${selector}"`);
const result = await handle.evaluate(pageFunction, arg);
return result;
async $$eval<R, Arg>(selector: string, pageFunction: types.FuncOn<Element[], Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R>;
async $$eval<R>(selector: string, pageFunction: types.FuncOn<Element[], void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<R>;
async $$eval<R, Arg>(selector: string, pageFunction: types.FuncOn<Element[], Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R> {
// TODO: this should be ownerFrame() instead.
const arrayHandle = await selectors._queryArray(this._context.frame, selector, this);
const result = await arrayHandle.evaluate(pageFunction, arg);
return result;
async _waitForDisplayedAtStablePosition(deadline: number): Promise<void> {
debugInput('waiting for element to be displayed and not moving...');
const stablePromise = this._evaluateInUtility(({ injected, node }, timeout) => {
return injected.waitForDisplayedAtStablePosition(node, timeout);
}, helper.timeUntilDeadline(deadline));
await helper.waitWithDeadline(stablePromise, 'element to be displayed and not moving', deadline);
async _waitForHitTargetAt(point: types.Point, deadline: number): Promise<void> {
debugInput(`waiting for element to receive pointer events at (${point.x},${point.y}) ...`);
const frame = await this.ownerFrame();
if (frame && frame.parentFrame()) {
const element = await frame.frameElement();
const box = await element.boundingBox();
if (!box)
throw new Error('Element is not attached to the DOM');
// Translate from viewport coordinates to frame coordinates.
point = { x: point.x - box.x, y: point.y - box.y };
const hitTargetPromise = this._evaluateInUtility(({ injected, node }, { timeout, point }) => {
return injected.waitForHitTargetAt(node, timeout, point);
}, { timeout: helper.timeUntilDeadline(deadline), point });
await helper.waitWithDeadline(hitTargetPromise, 'element to receive pointer events', deadline);
export function toFileTransferPayload(files: types.FilePayload[]): types.FileTransferPayload[] {
return => ({
type: file.mimeType,
data: file.buffer.toString('base64')