This replaces previous `checkHitTarget` heuristic that took place before the action with a new `setupHitTargetInterceptor` that works during the action: - Before the action we set up capturing listeners on the window. - During the action we ensure that event target is the element we expect to interact with. - After the action we clear the listeners. This should catch the "layout shift" issues where things move between action point calculation and the actual action. Possible issues: - **Risk:** `{ trial: true }` might dispatch move events like `mousemove` or `pointerout`, because we do actually move the mouse but prevent all other events. - **Timing**: The timing of "hit target check" has moved, so this may affect different web pages in different ways, for example expose more races. In this case, we should retry the click as before. - **No risk**: There is still a possibility of mis-targeting with iframes shifting around, because we only intercept in the target frame. This behavior does not change. There is an opt-out environment variable PLAYWRIGHT_NO_LAYOUT_SHIFT_CHECK that reverts to previous behavior. |
.devcontainer | ||
.github | ||
browser_patches | ||
docs | ||
installation-tests | ||
packages | ||
tests | ||
utils | ||
.editorconfig | ||
.eslintignore | ||
.eslintrc.js | ||
.gitattributes | ||
.gitignore | ||
babel.config.json | ||
install-from-github.js | ||
package-lock.json | ||
package.json | ||
README.md | ||
SECURITY.md | ||
tsconfig.json |
🎭 Playwright
Documentation | API reference
Playwright is a Node.js library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API. Playwright is built to enable cross-browser web automation that is ever-green, capable, reliable and fast.
Linux | macOS | Windows | |
Chromium 97.0.4688.0 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
WebKit 15.4 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Firefox 94.0.1 | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Headless execution is supported for all the browsers on all platforms. Check out system requirements for details.
npm i -D playwright
This installs Playwright and browser binaries for Chromium, Firefox and WebKit. Once installed, you can require
Playwright in a Node.js script and automate web browser interactions.
Playwright is built to automate the broad and growing set of web browser capabilities used by Single Page Apps and Progressive Web Apps.
- Scenarios that span multiple page, domains and iframes
- Auto-wait for elements to be ready before executing actions (like click, fill)
- Intercept network activity for stubbing and mocking network requests
- Emulate mobile devices, geolocation, permissions
- Support for web components via shadow-piercing selectors
- Native input events for mouse and keyboard
- Upload and download files
Page screenshot
This code snippet navigates to whatsmyuseragent.org in Chromium, Firefox and WebKit, and saves 3 screenshots.
const playwright = require('playwright');
(async () => {
for (const browserType of [playwright.chromium, playwright.firefox, playwright.webkit]) {
const browser = await browserType.launch();
const context = await browser.newContext();
const page = await context.newPage();
await page.goto('http://whatsmyuseragent.org/');
await page.screenshot({ path: `example-${browserType.name()}.png` });
await browser.close();
Mobile and geolocation
This snippet emulates Mobile Safari on a device at a given geolocation, navigates to maps.google.com, performs action and takes a screenshot.
const { webkit, devices } = require('playwright');
const iPhone11 = devices['iPhone 11 Pro'];
(async () => {
const browser = await webkit.launch();
const context = await browser.newContext({
locale: 'en-US',
geolocation: { longitude: 12.492507, latitude: 41.889938 },
permissions: ['geolocation']
const page = await context.newPage();
await page.goto('https://maps.google.com');
await page.click('text="Your location"');
await page.waitForRequest(/.*preview\/pwa/);
await page.screenshot({ path: 'colosseum-iphone.png' });
await browser.close();
Evaluate in browser context
This code snippet navigates to example.com in Firefox, and executes a script in the page context.
const { firefox } = require('playwright');
(async () => {
const browser = await firefox.launch();
const context = await browser.newContext();
const page = await context.newPage();
await page.goto('https://www.example.com/');
const dimensions = await page.evaluate(() => {
return {
width: document.documentElement.clientWidth,
height: document.documentElement.clientHeight,
deviceScaleFactor: window.devicePixelRatio
await browser.close();
Intercept network requests
This code snippet sets up request routing for a WebKit page to log all network requests.
const { webkit } = require('playwright');
(async () => {
const browser = await webkit.launch();
const context = await browser.newContext();
const page = await context.newPage();
// Log and continue all network requests
await page.route('**', route => {
await page.goto('http://todomvc.com');
await browser.close();