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* Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import type { Route, Request } from 'playwright-core';
import { expect, test as base } from './pageTest';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
// We access test servers at from inside the browser on Android,
// which is actually forwarded to the desktop localhost.
// To use request such an url with apiRequestContext on the desktop, we need to change it back to localhost.
const it = base.extend<{ rewriteAndroidLoopbackURL(url: string): string }>({
rewriteAndroidLoopbackURL: ({ isAndroid }, use) => use(givenURL => {
if (!isAndroid)
return givenURL;
const requestURL = new URL(givenURL);
requestURL.hostname = 'localhost';
return requestURL.toString();
it('should fulfill intercepted response', async ({ page, server, isElectron, isAndroid }) => {
it.fixme(isElectron, 'error: Browser context management is not supported.');
it.skip(isAndroid, 'The internal Android localhost ( != the localhost on the host');
await page.route('**/*', async route => {
const response = await page.request.fetch(route.request());
await route.fulfill({
status: 201,
headers: {
foo: 'bar'
contentType: 'text/plain',
body: 'Yo, page!'
const response = await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/empty.html');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.body.textContent)).toBe('Yo, page!');
it('should fulfill response with empty body', async ({ page, server, isAndroid, isElectron, browserName, browserMajorVersion }) => {
it.skip(browserName === 'chromium' && browserMajorVersion <= 91, 'Fails in Electron that uses old Chromium');
it.skip(isAndroid, 'The internal Android localhost ( != the localhost on the host');
it.skip(isElectron, 'Protocol error (Storage.getCookies): Browser context management is not supported.');
await page.route('**/*', async route => {
const response = await page.request.fetch(route.request());
await route.fulfill({
headers: { 'content-length': '0' },
status: 201,
body: ''
const response = await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/title.html');
expect(await response.text()).toBe('');
it('should override with defaults when intercepted response not provided', async ({ page, server, browserName, isElectron, isAndroid }) => {
it.fixme(isElectron, 'error: Browser context management is not supported.');
it.skip(isAndroid, 'The internal Android localhost ( != the localhost on the host');
server.setRoute('/empty.html', (req, res) => {
res.setHeader('foo', 'bar');
res.end('my content');
await page.route('**/*', async route => {
await page.request.fetch(route.request());
await route.fulfill({
status: 201,
const response = await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
expect(await response.text()).toBe('');
if (browserName === 'webkit')
expect(response.headers()).toEqual({ 'content-type': 'text/plain' });
expect(response.headers()).toEqual({ });
it('should fulfill with any response', async ({ page, server, isElectron, rewriteAndroidLoopbackURL }) => {
it.fixme(isElectron, 'error: Browser context management is not supported.');
server.setRoute('/sample', (req, res) => {
res.setHeader('foo', 'bar');
const sampleResponse = await page.request.get(rewriteAndroidLoopbackURL(`${server.PREFIX}/sample`));
await page.route('**/*', async route => {
await route.fulfill({
response: sampleResponse,
status: 201,
contentType: 'text/plain'
const response = await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
expect(await response.text()).toBe('Woo-hoo');
it('should support fulfill after intercept', async ({ page, server, isElectron, isAndroid }) => {
it.fixme(isElectron, 'error: Browser context management is not supported.');
it.skip(isAndroid, 'The internal Android localhost ( != the localhost on the host');
const requestPromise = server.waitForRequest('/title.html');
await page.route('**', async route => {
const response = await page.request.fetch(route.request());
await route.fulfill({ response });
const response = await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/title.html');
const request = await requestPromise;
const original = await fs.promises.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'assets', 'title.html'), 'utf8');
expect(await response.text()).toBe(original);
it('should give access to the intercepted response', async ({ page, server, isElectron, isAndroid }) => {
it.fixme(isElectron, 'error: Browser context management is not supported.');
it.skip(isAndroid, 'The internal Android localhost ( != the localhost on the host');
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
let routeCallback;
const routePromise = new Promise<Route>(f => routeCallback = f);
await page.route('**/title.html', routeCallback);
const evalPromise = page.evaluate(url => fetch(url), server.PREFIX + '/title.html');
const route = await routePromise;
const response = await page.request.fetch(route.request());
expect(response.headers()['content-type']).toBe('text/html; charset=utf-8');
expect(response.headersArray().filter(({ name }) => name.toLowerCase() === 'content-type')).toEqual([{ name: 'Content-Type', value: 'text/html; charset=utf-8' }]);
await Promise.all([route.fulfill({ response }), evalPromise]);
it('should give access to the intercepted response body', async ({ page, server, isElectron, isAndroid }) => {
it.fixme(isElectron, 'error: Browser context management is not supported.');
it.skip(isAndroid, 'The internal Android localhost ( != the localhost on the host');
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
let routeCallback;
const routePromise = new Promise<Route>(f => routeCallback = f);
await page.route('**/simple.json', routeCallback);
const evalPromise = page.evaluate(url => fetch(url), server.PREFIX + '/simple.json').catch(() => {});
const route = await routePromise;
const response = await page.request.fetch(route.request());
expect(await response.text()).toBe('{"foo": "bar"}\n');
await Promise.all([route.fulfill({ response }), evalPromise]);
it('should intercept multipart/form-data request body', async ({ page, server, asset, browserName }) => {{ type: 'issue', description: '' }); !== 'firefox');
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/fileupload.html');
const filePath = path.relative(process.cwd(), asset('file-to-upload.txt'));
await page.locator('input[type=file]').setInputFiles(filePath);
const requestPromise = new Promise<Request>(async fulfill => {
await page.route('**/upload', route => {
const [request] = await Promise.all([
requestPromise,'input[type=submit]', { noWaitAfter: true })
expect(request.postData()).toContain(fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'));
it('should fulfill intercepted response using alias', async ({ page, server, isElectron, isAndroid }) => {
it.fixme(isElectron, 'error: Browser context management is not supported.');
it.skip(isAndroid, 'The internal Android localhost ( != the localhost on the host');
await page.route('**/*', async route => {
const response = await route.fetch();
await route.fulfill({ response });
const response = await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/empty.html');
it('should support timeout option in route.fetch', async ({ page, server, isElectron, isAndroid }) => {
it.fixme(isElectron, 'error: Browser context management is not supported.');
it.skip(isAndroid, 'The internal Android localhost ( != the localhost on the host');
server.setRoute('/slow', (req, res) => {
res.writeHead(200, {
'content-length': 4096,
'content-type': 'text/html',
await page.route('**/*', async route => {
const error = await route.fetch({ timeout: 1000 }).catch(e => e);
expect(error.message).toContain(`Request timed out after 1000ms`);
const error = await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/slow', { timeout: 2000 }).catch(e => e);
expect(error.message).toContain(`Timeout 2000ms exceeded`);
it('should not follow redirects when maxRedirects is set to 0 in route.fetch', async ({ page, server, isAndroid, isElectron }) => {
it.fixme(isElectron, 'error: Browser context management is not supported.');
it.skip(isAndroid, 'The internal Android localhost ( != the localhost on the host');
server.setRedirect('/foo', '/empty.html');
await page.route('**/*', async route => {
const response = await route.fetch({ maxRedirects: 0 });
await route.fulfill({ body: 'hello' });
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/foo');
expect(await page.content()).toContain('hello');
it('should intercept with url override', async ({ page, server, isElectron, isAndroid }) => {
it.fixme(isElectron, 'error: Browser context management is not supported.');
it.skip(isAndroid, 'The internal Android localhost ( != the localhost on the host');
await page.route('**/*.html', async route => {
const response = await route.fetch({ url: server.PREFIX + '/one-style.html' });
await route.fulfill({ response });
const response = await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/empty.html');
expect((await response.body()).toString()).toContain('one-style.css');
it('should intercept with post data override', async ({ page, server, isElectron, isAndroid }) => {
it.fixme(isElectron, 'error: Browser context management is not supported.');
it.skip(isAndroid, 'The internal Android localhost ( != the localhost on the host');
const requestPromise = server.waitForRequest('/empty.html');
await page.route('**/*.html', async route => {
const response = await route.fetch({
postData: { 'foo': 'bar' },
await route.fulfill({ response });
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/empty.html');
const request = await requestPromise;
expect((await request.postBody).toString()).toBe(JSON.stringify({ 'foo': 'bar' }));
it('should fulfill popup main request using alias', async ({ page, server, isElectron, isAndroid }) => {
it.fixme(isElectron, 'error: Browser context management is not supported.');
it.skip(isAndroid, 'The internal Android localhost ( != the localhost on the host');
await page.context().route('**/*', async route => {
const response = await route.fetch();
await route.fulfill({ response, body: 'hello' });
await page.setContent(`<a target=_blank href="${server.EMPTY_PAGE}">click me</a>`);
const [popup] = await Promise.all([
page.getByText('click me').click(),
await expect(popup.locator('body')).toHaveText('hello');