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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { contextTest } from '../../config/browserTest';
import type { Page } from 'playwright-core';
import * as path from 'path';
import type { Source } from '../../../packages/recorder/src/recorderTypes';
import type { CommonFixtures, TestChildProcess } from '../../config/commonFixtures';
export { expect } from '@playwright/test';
type CLITestArgs = {
recorderPageGetter: () => Promise<Page>;
closeRecorder: () => Promise<void>;
openRecorder: () => Promise<Recorder>;
runCLI: (args: string[], options?: { noAutoExit?: boolean }) => CLIMock;
const codegenLang2Id: Map<string, string> = new Map([
['JavaScript', 'javascript'],
['Java', 'java'],
['Python', 'python'],
['Python Async', 'python-async'],
['Pytest', 'python-pytest'],
['C#', 'csharp'],
['C# NUnit', 'csharp-nunit'],
['C# MSTest', 'csharp-mstest'],
['Playwright Test', 'playwright-test'],
const codegenLangId2lang = new Map([...codegenLang2Id.entries()].map(([lang, langId]) => [langId, lang]));
const playwrightToAutomateInspector = require('../../../packages/playwright-core/lib/inProcessFactory').createInProcessPlaywright();
export const test = contextTest.extend<CLITestArgs>({
recorderPageGetter: async ({ context, toImpl, mode }, run, testInfo) => {
process.env.PWTEST_RECORDER_PORT = String(10907 + testInfo.workerIndex);
testInfo.skip(mode === 'service');
await run(async () => {
while (!toImpl(context).recorderAppForTest)
await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 100));
const wsEndpoint = toImpl(context).recorderAppForTest.wsEndpoint;
const browser = await playwrightToAutomateInspector.chromium.connectOverCDP({ wsEndpoint });
const c = browser.contexts()[0];
return c.pages()[0] || await c.waitForEvent('page');
closeRecorder: async ({ context, toImpl }, run) => {
await run(async () => {
await toImpl(context).recorderAppForTest.close();
runCLI: async ({ childProcess, browserName, channel, headless, mode, launchOptions }, run, testInfo) => {
process.env.PWTEST_RECORDER_PORT = String(10907 + testInfo.workerIndex);
testInfo.skip(mode === 'service');
let cli: CLIMock | undefined;
await run((cliArgs, { noAutoExit } = {}) => {
cli = new CLIMock(childProcess, browserName, channel, headless, cliArgs, launchOptions.executablePath, noAutoExit);
return cli;
if (cli)
await cli.exited.catch(() => {});
openRecorder: async ({ page, recorderPageGetter }, run) => {
await run(async () => {
await (page.context() as any)._enableRecorder({ language: 'javascript', mode: 'recording' });
return new Recorder(page, await recorderPageGetter());
class Recorder {
page: Page;
_highlightCallback: Function;
_highlightInstalled: boolean;
_actionReporterInstalled: boolean;
_actionPerformedCallback: Function;
recorderPage: Page;
private _sources = new Map<string, Source>();
constructor(page: Page, recorderPage: Page) {
this.page = page;
this.recorderPage = recorderPage;
this._highlightCallback = () => { };
this._highlightInstalled = false;
this._actionReporterInstalled = false;
this._actionPerformedCallback = () => { };
async setContentAndWait(content: string, url: string = 'about:blank', frameCount: number = 1) {
await this.setPageContentAndWait(this.page, content, url, frameCount);
async setPageContentAndWait(page: Page, content: string, url: string = 'about:blank', frameCount: number = 1) {
let callback;
const result = new Promise(f => callback = f);
await page.goto(url);
let msgCount = 0;
const listener = msg => {
if (msg.text() === 'Recorder script ready for test') {
if (msgCount === frameCount) {
page.off('console', listener);
page.on('console', listener);
await Promise.all([
async waitForOutput(file: string, text: string): Promise<Map<string, Source>> {
if (!codegenLang2Id.has(file))
throw new Error(`Unknown language: ${file}`);
const handle = await this.recorderPage.waitForFunction((params: { text: string, languageId: string }) => {
const w = window as any;
const source = (w.playwrightSourcesEchoForTest || []).find((s: Source) => s.id === params.languageId);
return source && source.text.includes(params.text) ? w.playwrightSourcesEchoForTest : null;
}, { text, languageId: codegenLang2Id.get(file) }, { timeout: 8000, polling: 300 });
const sources: Source[] = await handle.jsonValue();
for (const source of sources) {
if (!codegenLangId2lang.has(source.id))
throw new Error(`Unknown language: ${source.id}`);
this._sources.set(codegenLangId2lang.get(source.id), source);
return this._sources;
sources(): Map<string, Source> {
return this._sources;
async waitForHighlight(action: () => Promise<void>): Promise<string> {
await this.page.$$eval('x-pw-highlight', els => els.forEach(e => e.remove()));
await this.page.$$eval('x-pw-tooltip', els => els.forEach(e => e.remove()));
await action();
await this.page.locator('x-pw-highlight').waitFor();
await this.page.locator('x-pw-tooltip').waitFor();
return this.page.locator('x-pw-tooltip').textContent();
async waitForActionPerformed(): Promise<{ hovered: string | null, active: string | null }> {
let callback;
const listener = async msg => {
const prefix = 'Action performed for test: ';
if (msg.text().startsWith(prefix)) {
this.page.off('console', listener);
const arg = JSON.parse(msg.text().substr(prefix.length));
this.page.on('console', listener);
return new Promise(f => callback = f);
async hoverOverElement(selector: string, options?: { position?: { x: number, y: number }}): Promise<string> {
return this.waitForHighlight(async () => {
const box = await this.page.locator(selector).first().boundingBox();
const offset = options?.position || { x: box.width / 2, y: box.height / 2 };
await this.page.mouse.move(box.x + offset.x, box.y + offset.y);
async trustedMove(selector: string) {
const box = await this.page.locator(selector).first().boundingBox();
await this.page.mouse.move(box.x + box.width / 2, box.y + box.height / 2);
async trustedClick() {
await this.page.mouse.down();
await this.page.mouse.up();
async focusElement(selector: string): Promise<string> {
return this.waitForHighlight(() => this.page.focus(selector));
class CLIMock {
process: TestChildProcess;
private waitForText: string;
private waitForCallback: () => void;
exited: Promise<void>;
constructor(childProcess: CommonFixtures['childProcess'], browserName: string, channel: string | undefined, headless: boolean | undefined, args: string[], executablePath: string | undefined, noAutoExit: boolean | undefined) {
const nodeArgs = [
path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'packages', 'playwright-core', 'lib', 'cli', 'cli.js'),
if (channel)
this.process = childProcess({
command: nodeArgs,
env: {
PWTEST_CLI_EXIT: !noAutoExit ? '1' : undefined,
PWTEST_CLI_HEADLESS: headless ? '1' : undefined,
DEBUG: (process.env.DEBUG ?? '') + ',pw:browser*',
this.process.onOutput = () => {
if (this.waitForCallback && this.process.output.includes(this.waitForText))
this.exited = this.process.cleanExit();
async waitFor(text: string, timeout = 10_000): Promise<void> {
if (this.process.output.includes(text))
return Promise.resolve();
this.waitForText = text;
return new Promise((f, r) => {
this.waitForCallback = f;
if (timeout) {
setTimeout(() => {
r(new Error('Timed out waiting for text:\n' + text + '\n\nReceived:\n' + this.text()));
}, timeout);
text() {
return removeAnsiColors(this.process.output);
exit(signal: NodeJS.Signals | number) {
function removeAnsiColors(input: string): string {
const pattern = [
return input.replace(new RegExp(pattern, 'g'), '');