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synced 2024-12-14 13:45:36 +03:00
For Selenium 4, we use se:cdp ws proxy, pointing it to the hub url. For Selenium 3, we use grid api to try and get the target node ip.
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { playwrightTest as test, expect } from './config/browserTest';
import type { TestInfo } from '@playwright/test';
import path from 'path';
import fs from 'fs';
import { start } from '../packages/playwright-core/lib/outofprocess';
const chromeDriver = require('chromedriver').path;
const brokenDriver = path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'selenium-grid', 'broken-selenium-driver.js');
const standalone_3_141_59 = path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'selenium-grid', 'selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar');
const selenium_4_0_0_rc1 = path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'selenium-grid', 'selenium-server-4.0.0-rc-1.jar');
function writeSeleniumConfig(testInfo: TestInfo, port: number) {
const template = path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'selenium-grid', `selenium-config-standalone.json`);
const content = fs.readFileSync(template, 'utf8').replace(/4444/g, String(port));
const file = testInfo.outputPath(`selenium-config-standalone.json`);
fs.writeFileSync(file, content, 'utf8');
return file;
test.skip(({ mode }) => mode !== 'default', 'Using test hooks');
test.skip(() => !!process.env.INSIDE_DOCKER, 'Docker image does not have Java');
test('selenium grid 3.141.59 standalone chromium', async ({ browserName, childProcess, waitForPort, browserType }, testInfo) => {
test.skip(browserName !== 'chromium');
const port = testInfo.workerIndex + 15123;
const grid = childProcess({
command: ['java', `-Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=${chromeDriver}`, '-jar', standalone_3_141_59, '-config', writeSeleniumConfig(testInfo, port)],
cwd: __dirname,
await waitForPort(port);
const __testHookSeleniumRemoteURL = `http://localhost:${port}/wd/hub`;
const browser = await browserType.launch({ __testHookSeleniumRemoteURL } as any);
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.setContent('<title>Hello world</title><div>Get Started</div>');
await page.click('text=Get Started');
await expect(page).toHaveTitle('Hello world');
await browser.close();
expect(grid.output).toContain('Starting ChromeDriver');
expect(grid.output).toContain('Started new session');
await grid.waitForOutput('Removing session');
test('selenium grid 3.141.59 hub + node chromium', async ({ browserName, childProcess, waitForPort, browserType }, testInfo) => {
test.skip(browserName !== 'chromium');
const port = testInfo.workerIndex + 15123;
const hub = childProcess({
command: ['java', '-jar', standalone_3_141_59, '-role', 'hub', '-port', String(port)],
cwd: __dirname,
await waitForPort(port);
const node = childProcess({
command: ['java', `-Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=${chromeDriver}`, '-jar', standalone_3_141_59, '-role', 'node', '-host', '', '-hub', `http://localhost:${port}/grid/register`],
cwd: __dirname,
await Promise.all([
node.waitForOutput('The node is registered to the hub and ready to use'),
hub.waitForOutput('Registered a node'),
const __testHookSeleniumRemoteURL = `http://localhost:${port}/wd/hub`;
const browser = await browserType.launch({ __testHookSeleniumRemoteURL } as any);
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.setContent('<title>Hello world</title><div>Get Started</div>');
await page.click('text=Get Started');
await expect(page).toHaveTitle('Hello world');
await browser.close();
expect(hub.output).toContain('Got a request to create a new session');
expect(node.output).toContain('Starting ChromeDriver');
expect(node.output).toContain('Started new session');
await node.waitForOutput('Removing session');
test('selenium grid 4.0.0-rc-1 standalone chromium', async ({ browserName, childProcess, waitForPort, browserType }, testInfo) => {
test.skip(browserName !== 'chromium');
const port = testInfo.workerIndex + 15123;
const grid = childProcess({
command: ['java', `-Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=${chromeDriver}`, '-jar', selenium_4_0_0_rc1, 'standalone', '--config', writeSeleniumConfig(testInfo, port)],
cwd: __dirname,
await waitForPort(port);
const __testHookSeleniumRemoteURL = `http://localhost:${port}/wd/hub`;
const browser = await browserType.launch({ __testHookSeleniumRemoteURL } as any);
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.setContent('<title>Hello world</title><div>Get Started</div>');
await page.click('text=Get Started');
await expect(page).toHaveTitle('Hello world');
await browser.close();
expect(grid.output).toContain('Starting ChromeDriver');
expect(grid.output).toContain('Session created');
await grid.waitForOutput('Deleted session');
test('selenium grid 4.0.0-rc-1 hub + node chromium', async ({ browserName, childProcess, waitForPort, browserType }, testInfo) => {
test.skip(browserName !== 'chromium');
const port = testInfo.workerIndex + 15123;
const hub = childProcess({
command: ['java', '-jar', selenium_4_0_0_rc1, 'hub', '--port', String(port)],
cwd: __dirname,
await waitForPort(port);
const __testHookSeleniumRemoteURL = `http://localhost:${port}/wd/hub`;
const node = childProcess({
command: ['java', `-Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=${chromeDriver}`, '-jar', selenium_4_0_0_rc1, 'node', '--grid-url', `http://localhost:${port}`, '--port', String(port + 1)],
cwd: __dirname,
await Promise.all([
node.waitForOutput('Node has been added'),
hub.waitForOutput('from DOWN to UP'),
const browser = await browserType.launch({ __testHookSeleniumRemoteURL } as any);
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.setContent('<title>Hello world</title><div>Get Started</div>');
await page.click('text=Get Started');
await expect(page).toHaveTitle('Hello world');
await browser.close();
expect(hub.output).toContain('Session request received by the distributor');
expect(node.output).toContain('Starting ChromeDriver');
await hub.waitForOutput('Deleted session');
test('selenium grid 4.0.0-rc-1 standalone chromium broken driver', async ({ browserName, childProcess, waitForPort, browserType }, testInfo) => {
test.skip(browserName !== 'chromium');
const port = testInfo.workerIndex + 15123;
const grid = childProcess({
command: ['java', `-Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=${brokenDriver}`, '-jar', selenium_4_0_0_rc1, 'standalone', '--config', writeSeleniumConfig(testInfo, port)],
cwd: __dirname,
await waitForPort(port);
const __testHookSeleniumRemoteURL = `http://localhost:${port}/wd/hub`;
const error = await browserType.launch({ __testHookSeleniumRemoteURL } as any).catch(e => e);
expect(error.message).toContain(`Error connecting to Selenium at http://localhost:${port}/wd/hub/session: Could not start a new session`);
expect(grid.output).not.toContain('Starting ChromeDriver');
test('selenium grid 3.141.59 standalone non-chromium', async ({ browserName, browserType }, testInfo) => {
test.skip(browserName === 'chromium');
const __testHookSeleniumRemoteURL = `http://localhost:4444/wd/hub`;
const error = await browserType.launch({ __testHookSeleniumRemoteURL } as any).catch(e => e);
expect(error.message).toContain('Connecting to SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL is only supported by Chromium');
test('selenium grid 3.141.59 standalone chromium through run-driver', async ({ browserName, childProcess, waitForPort }, testInfo) => {
test.skip(browserName !== 'chromium');
const port = testInfo.workerIndex + 15123;
const grid = childProcess({
command: ['java', `-Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=${chromeDriver}`, '-jar', standalone_3_141_59, '-config', writeSeleniumConfig(testInfo, port)],
cwd: __dirname,
await waitForPort(port);
const { playwright: pw, stop } = await start({
SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL: `http://localhost:${port}/wd/hub`,
const browser = await pw.chromium.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.setContent('<title>Hello world</title><div>Get Started</div>');
await page.click('text=Get Started');
await expect(page).toHaveTitle('Hello world');
// Note: it is important to stop the driver without explicitly closing the browser.
// It should terminate selenium session in this case.
await stop();
expect(grid.output).toContain('Starting ChromeDriver');
expect(grid.output).toContain('Started new session');
// It is important that selenium session is terminated.
await grid.waitForOutput('Removing session');