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* Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { attachFrame, detachFrame } from '../config/utils';
import { test as it, expect } from './pageTest';
it('should work @smoke', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => 7 * 3);
it('should transfer NaN', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(a => a, NaN);
expect(Object.is(result, NaN)).toBe(true);
it('should transfer -0', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(a => a, -0);
expect(Object.is(result, -0)).toBe(true);
it('should transfer Infinity', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(a => a, Infinity);
expect(Object.is(result, Infinity)).toBe(true);
it('should transfer -Infinity', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(a => a, -Infinity);
expect(Object.is(result, -Infinity)).toBe(true);
it('should roundtrip unserializable values', async ({ page }) => {
const value = {
infinity: Infinity,
nInfinity: -Infinity,
nZero: -0,
nan: NaN,
const result = await page.evaluate(value => value, value);
it('should roundtrip promise to value', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(value => Promise.resolve(value), null);
expect(result === null).toBeTruthy();
const result = await page.evaluate(value => Promise.resolve(value), Infinity);
expect(result === Infinity).toBeTruthy();
const result = await page.evaluate(value => Promise.resolve(value), -0);
expect(result === -0).toBeTruthy();
const result = await page.evaluate(value => Promise.resolve(value), undefined);
expect(result === undefined).toBeTruthy();
it('should roundtrip promise to unserializable values', async ({ page }) => {
const value = {
infinity: Infinity,
nInfinity: -Infinity,
nZero: -0,
nan: NaN,
const result = await page.evaluate(value => Promise.resolve(value), value);
it('should transfer arrays', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(a => a, [1, 2, 3]);
expect(result).toEqual([1, 2, 3]);
it('should transfer arrays as arrays, not objects', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(a => Array.isArray(a), [1, 2, 3]);
it('should transfer bigint', async ({ page }) => {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => 42n)).toBe(42n);
expect(await page.evaluate(a => a, 17n)).toBe(17n);
it('should transfer maps', async ({ page }) => {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => new Map([[1, { test: 42n }]]))).toEqual(new Map([[1, { test: 42n }]]));
expect(await page.evaluate(a => a, new Map([[1, { test: 17n }]]))).toEqual(new Map([[1, { test: 17n }]]));
it('should transfer sets', async ({ page }) => {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => new Set([1, { test: 42n }]))).toEqual(new Set([1, { test: 42n }]));
expect(await page.evaluate(a => a, new Set([1, { test: 17n }]))).toEqual(new Set([1, { test: 17n }]));
it('should modify global environment', async ({ page }) => {
await page.evaluate(() => window['globalVar'] = 123);
expect(await page.evaluate('globalVar')).toBe(123);
it('should evaluate in the page context', async ({ page, server }) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/global-var.html');
expect(await page.evaluate('globalVar')).toBe(123);
it('should return undefined for objects with symbols', async ({ page }) => {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => [Symbol('foo4')])).toEqual([undefined]);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => {
const a = {};
a[Symbol('foo4')] = 42;
return a;
expect(await page.evaluate(() => {
return { foo: [{ a: Symbol('foo4') }] };
})).toEqual({ foo: [{ a: undefined }] });
it('should work with function shorthands', async ({ page }) => {
const a = {
sum([a, b]: number[]) { return a + b; },
async mult([a, b]: number[]) { return a * b; }
expect(await page.evaluate(a.sum, [1, 2])).toBe(3);
expect(await page.evaluate(a.mult, [2, 4])).toBe(8);
it('should work with unicode chars', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(a => a['中文字符'], { '中文字符': 42 });
it('should work with large strings', async ({ page }) => {
const expected = 'x'.repeat(40000);
expect(await page.evaluate(data => data, expected)).toBe(expected);
it('should work with large unicode strings', async ({ page, browserName, platform }) => {
it.info().annotations.push({ type: 'issue', description: 'https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/16367' });
const expected = '🎭'.repeat(10000);
expect(await page.evaluate(data => data, expected)).toBe(expected);
it('should throw when evaluation triggers reload', async ({ page }) => {
let error = null;
await page.evaluate(() => {
return new Promise(() => { });
}).catch(e => error = e);
it('should await promise', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => Promise.resolve(8 * 7));
it('should work right after framenavigated', async ({ page, server }) => {
let frameEvaluation = null;
page.on('framenavigated', async frame => {
frameEvaluation = frame.evaluate(() => 6 * 7);
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
expect(await frameEvaluation).toBe(42);
it('should work right after a cross-origin navigation', async ({ page, server }) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
let frameEvaluation = null;
page.on('framenavigated', async frame => {
frameEvaluation = frame.evaluate(() => 6 * 7);
await page.goto(server.CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX + '/empty.html');
expect(await frameEvaluation).toBe(42);
it('should work from-inside an exposed function', async ({ page }) => {
// Setup inpage callback, which calls Page.evaluate
await page.exposeFunction('callController', async function(a, b) {
return await page.evaluate(({ a, b }) => a * b, { a, b });
const result = await page.evaluate(async function() {
return await window['callController'](9, 3);
it('should reject promise with exception', async ({ page }) => {
let error = null;
// @ts-ignore
await page.evaluate(() => not_existing_object.property).catch(e => error = e);
it('should support thrown strings as error messages', async ({ page }) => {
let error = null;
await page.evaluate(() => { throw 'qwerty'; }).catch(e => error = e);
it('should support thrown numbers as error messages', async ({ page }) => {
let error = null;
await page.evaluate(() => { throw 100500; }).catch(e => error = e);
it('should return complex objects', async ({ page }) => {
const object = { foo: 'bar!' };
const result = await page.evaluate(a => a, object);
it('should return NaN', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => NaN);
expect(Object.is(result, NaN)).toBe(true);
it('should return -0', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => -0);
expect(Object.is(result, -0)).toBe(true);
it('should return Infinity', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => Infinity);
expect(Object.is(result, Infinity)).toBe(true);
it('should return -Infinity', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => -Infinity);
expect(Object.is(result, -Infinity)).toBe(true);
it('should work with overwritten Promise', async ({ page }) => {
await page.evaluate(() => {
const originalPromise = window.Promise;
class Promise2 {
_promise: Promise<any>;
static all(arg) {
return wrap(originalPromise.all(arg));
static race(arg) {
return wrap(originalPromise.race(arg));
static resolve(arg) {
return wrap(originalPromise.resolve(arg));
constructor(f) {
this._promise = new originalPromise(f);
then(f, r) {
return wrap(this._promise.then(f, r));
catch(f) {
return wrap(this._promise.catch(f));
finally(f) {
return wrap(this._promise.finally(f));
const wrap = p => {
const result = new Promise2(() => { });
result._promise = p;
return result;
// @ts-ignore;
window.Promise = Promise2;
window['__Promise2'] = Promise2;
// Sanity check.
expect(await page.evaluate(() => {
const p = Promise.all([Promise.race([]), new Promise(() => { }).then(() => { })]);
return p instanceof window['__Promise2'];
// Now, the new promise should be awaitable.
expect(await page.evaluate(() => Promise.resolve(42))).toBe(42);
it('should throw when passed more than one parameter', async ({ page }) => {
const expectThrow = async f => {
let error;
await f().catch(e => error = e);
expect('' + error).toContain('Too many arguments');
// @ts-ignore
await expectThrow(() => page.evaluate((a, b) => false, 1, 2));
// @ts-ignore
await expectThrow(() => page.evaluateHandle((a, b) => false, 1, 2));
// @ts-ignore
await expectThrow(() => page.$eval('sel', (a, b) => false, 1, 2));
// @ts-ignore
await expectThrow(() => page.$$eval('sel', (a, b) => false, 1, 2));
// @ts-ignore
await expectThrow(() => page.evaluate((a, b) => false, 1, 2));
const frame = page.mainFrame();
// @ts-ignore
await expectThrow(() => frame.evaluate((a, b) => false, 1, 2));
// @ts-ignore
await expectThrow(() => frame.evaluateHandle((a, b) => false, 1, 2));
// @ts-ignore
await expectThrow(() => frame.$eval('sel', (a, b) => false, 1, 2));
// @ts-ignore
await expectThrow(() => frame.$$eval('sel', (a, b) => false, 1, 2));
// @ts-ignore
await expectThrow(() => frame.evaluate((a, b) => false, 1, 2));
it('should accept "undefined" as one of multiple parameters', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(({ a, b }) => Object.is(a, undefined) && Object.is(b, 'foo'), { a: undefined, b: 'foo' });
it('should properly serialize undefined arguments', async ({ page }) => {
expect(await page.evaluate(x => ({ a: x }), undefined)).toEqual({});
it('should properly serialize undefined fields', async ({ page }) => {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => ({ a: undefined }))).toEqual({});
it('should return undefined properties', async ({ page }) => {
const value = await page.evaluate(() => ({ a: undefined }));
expect('a' in value).toBe(true);
it('should properly serialize null arguments', async ({ page }) => {
expect(await page.evaluate(x => x, null)).toEqual(null);
it('should properly serialize null fields', async ({ page }) => {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => ({ a: null }))).toEqual({ a: null });
it('should properly serialize PerformanceMeasure object', async ({ page }) => {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => {
window.performance.measure('my-measure', 'start', 'end');
return performance.getEntriesByType('measure');
duration: expect.any(Number),
entryType: 'measure',
name: 'my-measure',
startTime: expect.any(Number),
it('should properly serialize window.performance object', async ({ page }) => {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => performance)).toEqual({
'navigation': {
'redirectCount': 0,
'type': expect.any(Number),
'timeOrigin': expect.any(Number),
'timing': {
'connectEnd': expect.any(Number),
'connectStart': expect.any(Number),
'domComplete': expect.any(Number),
'domContentLoadedEventEnd': expect.any(Number),
'domContentLoadedEventStart': expect.any(Number),
'domInteractive': expect.any(Number),
'domLoading': expect.any(Number),
'domainLookupEnd': expect.any(Number),
'domainLookupStart': expect.any(Number),
'fetchStart': expect.any(Number),
'loadEventEnd': expect.any(Number),
'loadEventStart': expect.any(Number),
'navigationStart': expect.any(Number),
'redirectEnd': expect.any(Number),
'redirectStart': expect.any(Number),
'requestStart': expect.any(Number),
'responseEnd': expect.any(Number),
'responseStart': expect.any(Number),
'secureConnectionStart': expect.any(Number),
'unloadEventEnd': expect.any(Number),
'unloadEventStart': expect.any(Number),
it('should return undefined for non-serializable objects', async ({ page }) => {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => function() {})).toBe(undefined);
it('should alias Window, Document and Node', async ({ page }) => {
const object = await page.evaluate('[window, document, document.body]');
expect(object).toEqual(['ref: <Window>', 'ref: <Document>', 'ref: <Node>']);
it('should work for circular object', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => {
const a = {} as any;
a.b = a;
return a;
const a = {} as any;
a.b = a;
it('should be able to throw a tricky error', async ({ page }) => {
const windowHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => window);
const errorText = await windowHandle.jsonValue().catch(e => e.message);
const error = await page.evaluate(errorText => {
throw new Error(errorText);
}, errorText).catch(e => e);
it('should accept a string', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate('1 + 2');
it('should accept a string with semi colons', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate('1 + 5;');
it('should accept a string with comments', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate('2 + 5;\n// do some math!');
it('should accept element handle as an argument', async ({ page }) => {
await page.setContent('<section>42</section>');
const element = await page.$('section');
const text = await page.evaluate(e => e.textContent, element);
it('should throw if underlying element was disposed', async ({ page }) => {
await page.setContent('<section>39</section>');
const element = await page.$('section');
await element.dispose();
let error = null;
await page.evaluate(e => e.textContent, element).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('JSHandle is disposed');
it('should simulate a user gesture', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => {
return document.execCommand('copy');
it('should throw a nice error after a navigation', async ({ page }) => {
const errorPromise = page.evaluate(() => new Promise(f => window['__resolve'] = f)).catch(e => e) as Promise<Error>;
await Promise.all([
page.evaluate(() => {
setTimeout(() => window['__resolve'](42), 1000);
const error = await errorPromise;
it('should not throw an error when evaluation does a navigation', async ({ page, server }) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/one-style.html');
const result = await page.evaluate(() => {
window.location.href = '/empty.html';
return [42];
it('should not throw an error when evaluation does a synchronous navigation and returns an object', async ({ page, server, browserName }) => {
// It is important to be on about:blank for sync reload.
const result = await page.evaluate(() => {
return { a: 42 };
expect(result).toEqual({ a: 42 });
it('should not throw an error when evaluation does a synchronous navigation and returns undefined', async ({ page }) => {
// It is important to be on about:blank for sync reload.
const result = await page.evaluate(() => {
return undefined;
it('should transfer 100Mb of data from page to node.js', async ({ mode, page }) => {
it.skip(mode !== 'default');
// This is too slow with wire.
const a = await page.evaluate(() => Array(100 * 1024 * 1024 + 1).join('a'));
expect(a.length).toBe(100 * 1024 * 1024);
it('should throw error with detailed information on exception inside promise ', async ({ page }) => {
let error = null;
await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(() => {
throw new Error('Error in promise');
})).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('Error in promise');
it('should work even when JSON is set to null', async ({ page }) => {
await page.evaluate(() => { window.JSON.stringify = null; window.JSON = null; });
const result = await page.evaluate(() => ({ abc: 123 }));
expect(result).toEqual({ abc: 123 });
it('should await promise from popup', async ({ page, server }) => {
// Something is wrong about the way Firefox waits for the chained promise
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
const result = await page.evaluate(() => {
const win = window.open('about:blank');
return new win['Promise'](f => f(42));
it('should work with new Function() and CSP', async ({ page, server }) => {
server.setCSP('/empty.html', 'script-src ' + server.PREFIX);
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/empty.html');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => new Function('return true')())).toBe(true);
it('should work with non-strict expressions', async ({ page, server }) => {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => {
// @ts-ignore
y = 3.14;
// @ts-ignore
return y;
it('should respect use strict expression', async ({ page }) => {
const error = await page.evaluate(() => {
'use strict';
// @ts-ignore
variableY = 3.14;
// @ts-ignore
return variableY;
}).catch(e => e);
it('should not leak utility script', async function({ page }) {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => this === window)).toBe(true);
it('should not leak handles', async ({ page }) => {
const error = await page.evaluate('handles.length').catch(e => e);
expect((error as Error).message).toContain(' handles');
it('should work with CSP', async ({ page, server }) => {
server.setCSP('/empty.html', `script-src 'self'`);
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => 2 + 2)).toBe(4);
it('should evaluate exception with a function on the stack', async ({ page }) => {
const error = await page.evaluate(() => {
return (function functionOnStack() {
return new Error('error message');
expect(error).toContain('Error: error message');
it('should evaluate exception', async ({ page }) => {
const error = await page.evaluate(`new Error('error message')`);
expect(error).toContain('Error: error message');
it('should evaluate date', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => ({ date: new Date('2020-05-27T01:31:38.506Z') }));
expect(result).toEqual({ date: new Date('2020-05-27T01:31:38.506Z') });
it('should roundtrip date', async ({ page }) => {
const date = new Date('2020-05-27T01:31:38.506Z');
const result = await page.evaluate(date => date, date);
it('should roundtrip regex', async ({ page }) => {
const regex = /hello/im;
const result = await page.evaluate(regex => regex, regex);
it('should jsonValue() date', async ({ page }) => {
const resultHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => ({ date: new Date('2020-05-27T01:31:38.506Z') }));
expect(await resultHandle.jsonValue()).toEqual({ date: new Date('2020-05-27T01:31:38.506Z') });
it('should evaluate url', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => ({ url: new URL('https://example.com') }));
expect(result).toEqual({ url: new URL('https://example.com') });
it('should roundtrip url', async ({ page }) => {
const url = new URL('https://example.com');
const result = await page.evaluate(url => url, url);
it('should jsonValue() url', async ({ page }) => {
const resultHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => ({ url: new URL('https://example.com') }));
expect(await resultHandle.jsonValue()).toEqual({ url: new URL('https://example.com') });
it('should not use toJSON when evaluating', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => ({ toJSON: () => 'string', data: 'data' }));
expect(result).toEqual({ data: 'data', toJSON: {} });
it('should not use Array.prototype.toJSON when evaluating', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => {
(Array.prototype as any).toJSON = () => 'busted';
return [1, 2, 3];
expect(result).toEqual([1, 2, 3]);
it('should not add a toJSON property to newly created Arrays after evaluation', async ({ page, browserName }) => {
await page.evaluate(() => []);
const hasToJSONProperty = await page.evaluate(() => 'toJSON' in []);
it('should not use toJSON in jsonValue', async ({ page }) => {
const resultHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => ({ toJSON: () => 'string', data: 'data' }));
expect(await resultHandle.jsonValue()).toEqual({ data: 'data', toJSON: {} });
it('should not expose the injected script export', async ({ page }) => {
expect(await page.evaluate('typeof pwExport === "undefined"')).toBe(true);
it('should throw when frame is detached', async ({ page, server }) => {
await attachFrame(page, 'frame1', server.EMPTY_PAGE);
const frame = page.frames()[1];
const promise = frame.evaluate(() => new Promise<void>(() => {})).catch(e => e);
await detachFrame(page, 'frame1');
const error = await promise;
expect(error.message).toMatch(/frame.evaluate: (Frame was detached|Execution context was destroyed)/);
it('should work with overridden Object.defineProperty', async ({ page, server }) => {
server.setRoute('/test', (req, res) => {
res.writeHead(200, {
'content-type': 'text/html',
Object.create = null;
Object.defineProperty = null;
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor = null;
Object.getOwnPropertyNames = null;
Object.getPrototypeOf = null;
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty = null;
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/test');
expect(await page.evaluate('1+2')).toBe(3);
it('should work with busted Array.prototype.map/push', async ({ page, server }) => {
server.setRoute('/test', (req, res) => {
res.writeHead(200, {
'content-type': 'text/html',
Array.prototype.map = null;
Array.prototype.push = null;
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/test');
expect(await page.evaluate('1+2')).toBe(3);
expect(await ((await page.evaluateHandle('1+2')).jsonValue())).toBe(3);
it('should work with overridden globalThis.Window/Document/Node', async ({ page, server }) => {
const testCases = [
// @ts-ignore
() => globalThis.Window = {},
// @ts-ignore
() => globalThis.Document = {},
// @ts-ignore
() => globalThis.Node = {},
() => globalThis.Window = null,
() => globalThis.Document = null,
() => globalThis.Node = null,
for (const testCase of testCases) {
await it.step(testCase.toString(), async () => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.evaluate(testCase);
expect(await page.evaluate('1+2')).toBe(3);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => ['foo'])).toEqual(['foo']);
it('should work with overridden URL/Date/RegExp', async ({ page, server }) => {
it.info().annotations.push({ type: 'issue', description: 'https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/21109' });
const testCases = [
// @ts-ignore
() => globalThis.URL = 'foo',
// @ts-ignore
() => globalThis.RegExp = 'foo',
// @ts-ignore
() => globalThis.Date = 'foo',
for (const testCase of testCases) {
await it.step(testCase.toString(), async () => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.evaluate(testCase);
expect(await page.evaluate('1+2')).toBe(3);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => ({ 'a': 2023 }))).toEqual({ 'a': 2023 });
it('should expose utilityScript', async ({ page }) => {
const result = await (page.mainFrame() as any)._evaluateExposeUtilityScript((utilityScript, { a }) => {
return { utils: 'parseEvaluationResultValue' in utilityScript, a };
}, { a: 42 });
a: 42,
utils: true,