
55 lines
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const { chromium, webkit } = require('playwright');
const assert = require('assert');
* In this script, we will login on through Chromium,
* and reuse the login cookies state inside WebKit. This recipe can be
* used to speed up tests by logging in once and reusing login state.
* Steps summary
* 1. Login on in Chromium
* 2. Export cookies from Chromium browser context
* 3. Set cookies in WebKit browser context and verify login
const account = { login: '', password: '' };
(async () => {
// Create a Chromium browser context
const crBrowser = await chromium.launch();
const crContext = await crBrowser.newContext();
const crPage = await crContext.newPage();
// Navigate and auto-wait on the page to load after navigation
await crPage.goto('');
// Fill login form elements
await crPage.fill('input[name="login"]', account.login);
await crPage.fill('input[name="password"]', account.password);
// Submit form and auto-wait for the navigation to complete
await verifyIsLoggedIn(crPage);
// Get cookies from Chromium browser context
const cookies = await crContext.cookies();
await crBrowser.close();
// Create WebKit browser context and load cookies
const wkBrowser = await webkit.launch();
const wkContext = await wkBrowser.newContext();
await wkContext.addCookies(cookies)
// Navigate to and verify that we are logged in
const wkPage = await wkContext.newPage();
await wkPage.goto('');
await wkPage.screenshot({ path: 'webkit.png' });
await verifyIsLoggedIn(wkPage);
await wkBrowser.close();
const verifyIsLoggedIn = async (page) => {
// Find element through text value and assert it exists.
assert(await page.$('text="Create repository"'));