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* Copyright 2019 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import './base.fixture';
import { registerFixture } from './runner/fixtures';
import path from 'path';
import {spawn, execSync} from 'child_process';
import { BrowserType, Browser, LaunchOptions } from '..';
const { HEADLESS } = testOptions;
const playwrightPath = path.join(__dirname, '..');
class Wrapper {
_output: Map<any, any>;
_outputCallback: Map<any, any>;
_browserType: BrowserType<Browser>;
_child: import("child_process").ChildProcess;
_exitPromise: Promise<unknown>;
_exitAndDisconnectPromise: Promise<any>;
constructor(browserType: BrowserType<Browser>, defaultBrowserOptions: LaunchOptions, extraOptions?: { stallOnClose: boolean; }) {
this._output = new Map();
this._outputCallback = new Map();
this._browserType = browserType;
const launchOptions = {...defaultBrowserOptions,
handleSIGINT: true,
handleSIGTERM: true,
handleSIGHUP: true,
executablePath: browserType.executablePath(),
logger: undefined,
const options = {
browserTypeName: browserType.name(),
this._child = spawn('node', [path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'closeme.js'), JSON.stringify(options)]);
this._child.on('error', (...args) => console.log("ERROR", ...args));
this._exitPromise = new Promise(resolve => this._child.on('exit', resolve));
let outputString = '';
this._child.stdout.on('data', data => {
outputString += data.toString();
// Uncomment to debug.
// console.log(data.toString());
let match;
while (match = outputString.match(/\(([^()]+)=>([^()]+)\)/)) {
const key = match[1];
const value = match[2];
this._addOutput(key, value);
outputString = outputString.substring(match.index + match[0].length);
_addOutput(key, value) {
this._output.set(key, value);
const cb = this._outputCallback.get(key);
if (cb)
async out(key) {
if (!this._output.has(key))
await new Promise(f => this._outputCallback.set(key, f));
return this._output.get(key);
async connect() {
const wsEndpoint = await this.out('wsEndpoint');
const browser = await this._browserType.connect({ wsEndpoint });
this._exitAndDisconnectPromise = Promise.all([
new Promise(resolve => browser.once('disconnected', resolve)),
]).then(([exitCode]) => exitCode);
child() {
return this._child;
async childExitCode() {
return await this._exitAndDisconnectPromise;
declare global {
interface FixtureState {
wrapper: Wrapper;
stallingWrapper: Wrapper;
registerFixture('wrapper', async ({browserType, defaultBrowserOptions}, test) => {
const wrapper = new Wrapper(browserType, defaultBrowserOptions);
await wrapper.connect();
await test(wrapper);
registerFixture('stallingWrapper', async ({browserType, defaultBrowserOptions}, test) => {
const wrapper = new Wrapper(browserType, defaultBrowserOptions, { stallOnClose: true });
await wrapper.connect();
await test(wrapper);
it.slow()('should close the browser when the node process closes', async ({wrapper}) => {
if (WIN)
execSync(`taskkill /pid ${wrapper.child().pid} /T /F`);
expect(await wrapper.childExitCode()).toBe(WIN ? 1 : 0);
// We might not get browser exitCode in time when killing the parent node process,
// so we don't check it here.
// Cannot reliably send signals on Windows.
it.skip(WIN || !HEADLESS).slow()('should report browser close signal', async ({wrapper}) => {
const pid = await wrapper.out('pid');
process.kill(-pid, 'SIGTERM');
expect(await wrapper.out('exitCode')).toBe('null');
expect(await wrapper.out('signal')).toBe('SIGTERM');
await wrapper.childExitCode();
it.skip(WIN || !HEADLESS).slow()('should report browser close signal 2', async ({wrapper}) => {
const pid = await wrapper.out('pid');
process.kill(-pid, 'SIGKILL');
expect(await wrapper.out('exitCode')).toBe('null');
expect(await wrapper.out('signal')).toBe('SIGKILL');
await wrapper.childExitCode();
it.skip(WIN || !HEADLESS).slow()('should close the browser on SIGINT', async ({wrapper}) => {
process.kill(wrapper.child().pid, 'SIGINT');
expect(await wrapper.out('exitCode')).toBe('0');
expect(await wrapper.out('signal')).toBe('null');
expect(await wrapper.childExitCode()).toBe(130);
it.skip(WIN || !HEADLESS).slow()('should close the browser on SIGTERM', async ({wrapper}) => {
process.kill(wrapper.child().pid, 'SIGTERM');
expect(await wrapper.out('exitCode')).toBe('0');
expect(await wrapper.out('signal')).toBe('null');
expect(await wrapper.childExitCode()).toBe(0);
it.skip(WIN || !HEADLESS).slow()('should close the browser on SIGHUP', async ({wrapper}) => {
process.kill(wrapper.child().pid, 'SIGHUP');
expect(await wrapper.out('exitCode')).toBe('0');
expect(await wrapper.out('signal')).toBe('null');
expect(await wrapper.childExitCode()).toBe(0);
it.skip(WIN || !HEADLESS).slow()('should kill the browser on double SIGINT', async ({stallingWrapper}) => {
const wrapper = stallingWrapper;
process.kill(wrapper.child().pid, 'SIGINT');
await wrapper.out('stalled');
process.kill(wrapper.child().pid, 'SIGINT');
expect(await wrapper.out('exitCode')).toBe('null');
expect(await wrapper.out('signal')).toBe('SIGKILL');
expect(await wrapper.childExitCode()).toBe(130);
it.skip(WIN || !HEADLESS).slow()('should kill the browser on SIGINT + SIGTERM', async ({stallingWrapper}) => {
const wrapper = stallingWrapper;
process.kill(wrapper.child().pid, 'SIGINT');
await wrapper.out('stalled');
process.kill(wrapper.child().pid, 'SIGTERM');
expect(await wrapper.out('exitCode')).toBe('null');
expect(await wrapper.out('signal')).toBe('SIGKILL');
expect(await wrapper.childExitCode()).toBe(0);
it.skip(WIN || !HEADLESS).slow()('should kill the browser on SIGTERM + SIGINT', async ({stallingWrapper}) => {
const wrapper = stallingWrapper;
process.kill(wrapper.child().pid, 'SIGTERM');
await wrapper.out('stalled');
process.kill(wrapper.child().pid, 'SIGINT');
expect(await wrapper.out('exitCode')).toBe('null');
expect(await wrapper.out('signal')).toBe('SIGKILL');
expect(await wrapper.childExitCode()).toBe(130);
it('caller file path', async ({}) => {
const stackTrace = require(path.join(playwrightPath, 'lib', 'utils', 'stackTrace'));
const callme = require('./fixtures/callback');
const filePath = callme(() => {
return stackTrace.getCallerFilePath(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures') + path.sep);