mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 10:11:46 +03:00
This also changes timeout error format to "page.click: Timeout 5000ms exceeded", so that all errors can be similarly prefixed with api name. We can now have different api names in different clients, and our protocol is more reasonable.
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550 lines
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* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { TimeoutError } from '../../errors';
import { Events } from '../../events';
import { assert, assertMaxArguments, helper, Listener } from '../../helper';
import { TimeoutSettings } from '../../timeoutSettings';
import * as types from '../../types';
import { BindingCallChannel, BindingCallInitializer, PageChannel, PageInitializer, PDFOptions } from '../channels';
import { parseError, serializeError, headersObjectToArray } from '../serializers';
import { Accessibility } from './accessibility';
import { BrowserContext } from './browserContext';
import { ChannelOwner } from './channelOwner';
import { ConsoleMessage } from './consoleMessage';
import { Dialog } from './dialog';
import { Download } from './download';
import { ElementHandle } from './elementHandle';
import { Worker } from './worker';
import { Frame, FunctionWithSource, GotoOptions } from './frame';
import { Keyboard, Mouse } from './input';
import { Func1, FuncOn, SmartHandle } from './jsHandle';
import { Request, Response, Route, RouteHandler } from './network';
import { FileChooser } from './fileChooser';
import { Buffer } from 'buffer';
import { Coverage } from './coverage';
import { Waiter } from './waiter';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as util from 'util';
const fsWriteFileAsync = util.promisify(fs.writeFile.bind(fs));
export class Page extends ChannelOwner<PageChannel, PageInitializer> {
private _browserContext: BrowserContext;
_ownedContext: BrowserContext | undefined;
private _mainFrame: Frame;
private _frames = new Set<Frame>();
_workers = new Set<Worker>();
private _closed = false;
private _viewportSize: types.Size | null;
private _routes: { url: types.URLMatch, handler: RouteHandler }[] = [];
readonly accessibility: Accessibility;
readonly keyboard: Keyboard;
readonly mouse: Mouse;
coverage: Coverage | null = null;
pdf?: (options?: types.PDFOptions) => Promise<Buffer>;
readonly _bindings = new Map<string, FunctionWithSource>();
readonly _timeoutSettings: TimeoutSettings;
_isPageCall = false;
static from(page: PageChannel): Page {
return (page as any)._object;
static fromNullable(page: PageChannel | null): Page | null {
return page ? Page.from(page) : null;
constructor(parent: ChannelOwner, type: string, guid: string, initializer: PageInitializer) {
super(parent, type, guid, initializer);
this._browserContext = parent as BrowserContext;
this._timeoutSettings = new TimeoutSettings(this._browserContext._timeoutSettings);
this.accessibility = new Accessibility(this._channel);
this.keyboard = new Keyboard(this._channel);
this.mouse = new Mouse(this._channel);
this._mainFrame = Frame.from(initializer.mainFrame);
this._mainFrame._page = this;
this._viewportSize = initializer.viewportSize;
this._closed = initializer.isClosed;
this._channel.on('bindingCall', ({ binding }) => this._onBinding(BindingCall.from(binding)));
this._channel.on('close', () => this._onClose());
this._channel.on('console', ({ message }) => this.emit(Events.Page.Console, ConsoleMessage.from(message)));
this._channel.on('crash', () => this._onCrash());
this._channel.on('dialog', ({ dialog }) => this.emit(Events.Page.Dialog, Dialog.from(dialog)));
this._channel.on('domcontentloaded', () => this.emit(Events.Page.DOMContentLoaded));
this._channel.on('download', ({ download }) => this.emit(Events.Page.Download, Download.from(download)));
this._channel.on('fileChooser', ({ element, isMultiple }) => this.emit(Events.Page.FileChooser, new FileChooser(this, ElementHandle.from(element), isMultiple)));
this._channel.on('frameAttached', ({ frame }) => this._onFrameAttached(Frame.from(frame)));
this._channel.on('frameDetached', ({ frame }) => this._onFrameDetached(Frame.from(frame)));
this._channel.on('frameNavigated', ({ frame, url, name }) => this._onFrameNavigated(Frame.from(frame), url, name));
this._channel.on('load', () => this.emit(Events.Page.Load));
this._channel.on('pageError', ({ error }) => this.emit(Events.Page.PageError, parseError(error)));
this._channel.on('popup', ({ page }) => this.emit(Events.Page.Popup, Page.from(page)));
this._channel.on('request', ({ request }) => this.emit(Events.Page.Request, Request.from(request)));
this._channel.on('requestFailed', ({ request, failureText }) => this._onRequestFailed(Request.from(request), failureText));
this._channel.on('requestFinished', ({ request }) => this.emit(Events.Page.RequestFinished, Request.from(request)));
this._channel.on('response', ({ response }) => this.emit(Events.Page.Response, Response.from(response)));
this._channel.on('route', ({ route, request }) => this._onRoute(Route.from(route), Request.from(request)));
this._channel.on('worker', ({ worker }) => this._onWorker(Worker.from(worker)));
if (this._browserContext._browserName === 'chromium') {
this.coverage = new Coverage(this._channel);
this.pdf = options => this._pdf(options);
private _onRequestFailed(request: Request, failureText: string | null) {
request._failureText = failureText;
this.emit(Events.Page.RequestFailed, request);
private _onFrameAttached(frame: Frame) {
frame._page = this;
if (frame._parentFrame)
this.emit(Events.Page.FrameAttached, frame);
private _onFrameDetached(frame: Frame) {
frame._detached = true;
if (frame._parentFrame)
this.emit(Events.Page.FrameDetached, frame);
private _onFrameNavigated(frame: Frame, url: string, name: string) {
frame._url = url;
frame._name = name;
this.emit(Events.Page.FrameNavigated, frame);
private _onRoute(route: Route, request: Request) {
for (const {url, handler} of this._routes) {
if (helper.urlMatches(request.url(), url)) {
handler(route, request);
this._browserContext._onRoute(route, request);
async _onBinding(bindingCall: BindingCall) {
const func = this._bindings.get(bindingCall._initializer.name);
if (func) {
_onWorker(worker: Worker): void {
worker._page = this;
this.emit(Events.Page.Worker, worker);
private _onClose() {
this._closed = true;
private _onCrash() {
context(): BrowserContext {
return this._browserContext;
async opener(): Promise<Page | null> {
return Page.fromNullable((await this._channel.opener()).page);
mainFrame(): Frame {
return this._mainFrame;
frame(options: string | { name?: string, url?: types.URLMatch }): Frame | null {
const name = helper.isString(options) ? options : options.name;
const url = helper.isObject(options) ? options.url : undefined;
assert(name || url, 'Either name or url matcher should be specified');
return this.frames().find(f => {
if (name)
return f.name() === name;
return helper.urlMatches(f.url(), url);
}) || null;
frames(): Frame[] {
return [...this._frames];
setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout: number) {
this._channel.setDefaultNavigationTimeoutNoReply({ timeout });
setDefaultTimeout(timeout: number) {
this._channel.setDefaultTimeoutNoReply({ timeout });
private _attributeToPage<T>(func: () => T): T {
try {
this._isPageCall = true;
return func();
} finally {
this._isPageCall = false;
async $(selector: string): Promise<ElementHandle<Element> | null> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.$(selector));
async waitForSelector(selector: string, options?: types.WaitForElementOptions): Promise<ElementHandle<Element> | null> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.waitForSelector(selector, options));
async dispatchEvent(selector: string, type: string, eventInit?: any, options?: types.TimeoutOptions): Promise<void> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.dispatchEvent(selector, type, eventInit, options));
async evaluateHandle<R, Arg>(pageFunction: Func1<Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<SmartHandle<R>>;
async evaluateHandle<R>(pageFunction: Func1<void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<SmartHandle<R>>;
async evaluateHandle<R, Arg>(pageFunction: Func1<Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<SmartHandle<R>> {
assertMaxArguments(arguments.length, 2);
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.evaluateHandle(pageFunction, arg));
async $eval<R, Arg>(selector: string, pageFunction: FuncOn<Element, Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R>;
async $eval<R>(selector: string, pageFunction: FuncOn<Element, void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<R>;
async $eval<R, Arg>(selector: string, pageFunction: FuncOn<Element, Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R> {
assertMaxArguments(arguments.length, 3);
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.$eval(selector, pageFunction, arg));
async $$eval<R, Arg>(selector: string, pageFunction: FuncOn<Element[], Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R>;
async $$eval<R>(selector: string, pageFunction: FuncOn<Element[], void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<R>;
async $$eval<R, Arg>(selector: string, pageFunction: FuncOn<Element[], Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R> {
assertMaxArguments(arguments.length, 3);
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.$$eval(selector, pageFunction, arg));
async $$(selector: string): Promise<ElementHandle<Element>[]> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.$$(selector));
async addScriptTag(options: { url?: string; path?: string; content?: string; type?: string; }): Promise<ElementHandle> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.addScriptTag(options));
async addStyleTag(options: { url?: string; path?: string; content?: string; }): Promise<ElementHandle> {
return await this._mainFrame.addStyleTag(options);
async exposeFunction(name: string, playwrightFunction: Function) {
await this.exposeBinding(name, (options, ...args: any) => playwrightFunction(...args));
async exposeBinding(name: string, binding: FunctionWithSource) {
if (this._bindings.has(name))
throw new Error(`Function "${name}" has been already registered`);
if (this._browserContext._bindings.has(name))
throw new Error(`Function "${name}" has been already registered in the browser context`);
this._bindings.set(name, binding);
await this._channel.exposeBinding({ name });
async setExtraHTTPHeaders(headers: types.Headers) {
await this._channel.setExtraHTTPHeaders({ headers: headersObjectToArray(headers) });
url(): string {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.url());
async content(): Promise<string> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.content());
async setContent(html: string, options?: types.NavigateOptions): Promise<void> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.setContent(html, options));
async goto(url: string, options?: GotoOptions): Promise<Response | null> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.goto(url, options));
async reload(options: types.NavigateOptions = {}): Promise<Response | null> {
return Response.fromNullable((await this._channel.reload(options)).response);
async waitForLoadState(state?: types.LifecycleEvent, options?: types.TimeoutOptions): Promise<void> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.waitForLoadState(state, options));
async waitForNavigation(options?: types.WaitForNavigationOptions): Promise<Response | null> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.waitForNavigation(options));
async waitForRequest(urlOrPredicate: string | RegExp | ((r: Request) => boolean), options: types.TimeoutOptions = {}): Promise<Request> {
const predicate = (request: Request) => {
if (helper.isString(urlOrPredicate) || helper.isRegExp(urlOrPredicate))
return helper.urlMatches(request.url(), urlOrPredicate);
return urlOrPredicate(request);
return this.waitForEvent(Events.Page.Request, { predicate, timeout: options.timeout });
async waitForResponse(urlOrPredicate: string | RegExp | ((r: Response) => boolean), options: types.TimeoutOptions = {}): Promise<Response> {
const predicate = (response: Response) => {
if (helper.isString(urlOrPredicate) || helper.isRegExp(urlOrPredicate))
return helper.urlMatches(response.url(), urlOrPredicate);
return urlOrPredicate(response);
return this.waitForEvent(Events.Page.Response, { predicate, timeout: options.timeout });
async waitForEvent(event: string, optionsOrPredicate: types.WaitForEventOptions = {}): Promise<any> {
const timeout = this._timeoutSettings.timeout(optionsOrPredicate instanceof Function ? {} : optionsOrPredicate);
const predicate = optionsOrPredicate instanceof Function ? optionsOrPredicate : optionsOrPredicate.predicate;
const waiter = new Waiter();
waiter.rejectOnTimeout(timeout, new TimeoutError(`Timeout while waiting for event "${event}"`));
if (event !== Events.Page.Crash)
waiter.rejectOnEvent(this, Events.Page.Crash, new Error('Page crashed'));
if (event !== Events.Page.Close)
waiter.rejectOnEvent(this, Events.Page.Close, new Error('Page closed'));
const result = await waiter.waitForEvent(this, event, predicate as any);
return result;
async goBack(options: types.NavigateOptions = {}): Promise<Response | null> {
return Response.fromNullable((await this._channel.goBack(options)).response);
async goForward(options: types.NavigateOptions = {}): Promise<Response | null> {
return Response.fromNullable((await this._channel.goForward(options)).response);
async emulateMedia(options: { media?: types.MediaType, colorScheme?: types.ColorScheme }) {
await this._channel.emulateMedia(options);
async setViewportSize(viewportSize: types.Size) {
this._viewportSize = viewportSize;
await this._channel.setViewportSize({ viewportSize });
viewportSize(): types.Size | null {
return this._viewportSize;
async evaluate<R, Arg>(pageFunction: Func1<Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R>;
async evaluate<R>(pageFunction: Func1<void, R>, arg?: any): Promise<R>;
async evaluate<R, Arg>(pageFunction: Func1<Arg, R>, arg: Arg): Promise<R> {
assertMaxArguments(arguments.length, 2);
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.evaluate(pageFunction, arg));
async addInitScript(script: Function | string | { path?: string, content?: string }, arg?: any) {
const source = await helper.evaluationScript(script, arg);
await this._channel.addInitScript({ source });
async route(url: types.URLMatch, handler: RouteHandler): Promise<void> {
this._routes.push({ url, handler });
if (this._routes.length === 1)
await this._channel.setNetworkInterceptionEnabled({ enabled: true });
async unroute(url: types.URLMatch, handler?: RouteHandler): Promise<void> {
this._routes = this._routes.filter(route => route.url !== url || (handler && route.handler !== handler));
if (this._routes.length === 0)
await this._channel.setNetworkInterceptionEnabled({ enabled: false });
async screenshot(options: types.ScreenshotOptions = {}): Promise<Buffer> {
return this._wrapApiCall('page.screenshot', async () => {
return Buffer.from((await this._channel.screenshot(options)).binary, 'base64');
async title(): Promise<string> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.title());
async close(options: { runBeforeUnload?: boolean } = {runBeforeUnload: undefined}) {
await this._channel.close(options);
if (this._ownedContext)
await this._ownedContext.close();
isClosed(): boolean {
return this._closed;
async click(selector: string, options?: types.MouseClickOptions & types.PointerActionWaitOptions & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions) {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.click(selector, options));
async dblclick(selector: string, options?: types.MouseMultiClickOptions & types.PointerActionWaitOptions & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions) {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.dblclick(selector, options));
async fill(selector: string, value: string, options?: types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions) {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.fill(selector, value, options));
async focus(selector: string, options?: types.TimeoutOptions) {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.focus(selector, options));
async textContent(selector: string, options?: types.TimeoutOptions): Promise<null|string> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.textContent(selector, options));
async innerText(selector: string, options?: types.TimeoutOptions): Promise<string> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.innerText(selector, options));
async innerHTML(selector: string, options?: types.TimeoutOptions): Promise<string> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.innerHTML(selector, options));
async getAttribute(selector: string, name: string, options?: types.TimeoutOptions): Promise<string | null> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.getAttribute(selector, name, options));
async hover(selector: string, options?: types.PointerActionOptions & types.PointerActionWaitOptions) {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.hover(selector, options));
async selectOption(selector: string, values: string | ElementHandle | types.SelectOption | string[] | ElementHandle[] | types.SelectOption[] | null, options?: types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions): Promise<string[]> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.selectOption(selector, values, options));
async setInputFiles(selector: string, files: string | types.FilePayload | string[] | types.FilePayload[], options?: types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions): Promise<void> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.setInputFiles(selector, files, options));
async type(selector: string, text: string, options?: { delay?: number } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions) {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.type(selector, text, options));
async press(selector: string, key: string, options?: { delay?: number } & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions) {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.press(selector, key, options));
async check(selector: string, options?: types.PointerActionWaitOptions & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions) {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.check(selector, options));
async uncheck(selector: string, options?: types.PointerActionWaitOptions & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions) {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.uncheck(selector, options));
async waitForTimeout(timeout: number) {
await this._mainFrame.waitForTimeout(timeout);
async waitForFunction<R, Arg>(pageFunction: Func1<Arg, R>, arg: Arg, options?: types.WaitForFunctionOptions): Promise<SmartHandle<R>>;
async waitForFunction<R>(pageFunction: Func1<void, R>, arg?: any, options?: types.WaitForFunctionOptions): Promise<SmartHandle<R>>;
async waitForFunction<R, Arg>(pageFunction: Func1<Arg, R>, arg: Arg, options?: types.WaitForFunctionOptions): Promise<SmartHandle<R>> {
return this._attributeToPage(() => this._mainFrame.waitForFunction(pageFunction, arg, options));
workers(): Worker[] {
return [...this._workers];
on(event: string | symbol, listener: Listener): this {
if (event === Events.Page.FileChooser) {
if (!this.listenerCount(event))
this._channel.setFileChooserInterceptedNoReply({ intercepted: true });
super.on(event, listener);
return this;
removeListener(event: string | symbol, listener: Listener): this {
super.removeListener(event, listener);
if (event === Events.Page.FileChooser && !this.listenerCount(event))
this._channel.setFileChooserInterceptedNoReply({ intercepted: false });
return this;
async _pdf(options: types.PDFOptions = {}): Promise<Buffer> {
const path = options.path;
const transportOptions: PDFOptions = { ...options } as PDFOptions;
if (path)
delete (transportOptions as any).path;
if (transportOptions.margin)
transportOptions.margin = { ...transportOptions.margin };
if (typeof options.width === 'number')
transportOptions.width = options.width + 'px';
if (typeof options.height === 'number')
transportOptions.height = options.height + 'px';
for (const margin of ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left']) {
const index = margin as 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left';
if (options.margin && typeof options.margin[index] === 'number')
transportOptions.margin![index] = transportOptions.margin![index] + 'px';
const result = await this._channel.pdf(transportOptions);
const buffer = Buffer.from(result.pdf, 'base64');
if (path)
await fsWriteFileAsync(path, buffer);
return buffer;
export class BindingCall extends ChannelOwner<BindingCallChannel, BindingCallInitializer> {
static from(channel: BindingCallChannel): BindingCall {
return (channel as any)._object;
constructor(parent: ChannelOwner, type: string, guid: string, initializer: BindingCallInitializer) {
super(parent, type, guid, initializer);
async call(func: FunctionWithSource) {
try {
const frame = Frame.from(this._initializer.frame);
const source = {
context: frame._page!.context(),
page: frame._page!,
this._channel.resolve({ result: await func(source, ...this._initializer.args) });
} catch (e) {
this._channel.reject({ error: serializeError(e) });