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* Copyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import os from 'os';
import childProcess from 'child_process';
import type { LaunchOptions, BrowserType, Browser, BrowserContext, Page, BrowserServer } from '../index';
import { TestServer } from '../utils/testserver';
import { Connection } from '../lib/client/connection';
import { Transport } from '../lib/protocol/transport';
import { installCoverageHooks } from './coverage';
import { parameters, registerFixture, registerWorkerFixture } from '@playwright/test-runner';
import { mkdtempAsync, removeFolderAsync } from './utils';
export const options = {
CHROMIUM: parameters.browserName === 'chromium',
FIREFOX: parameters.browserName === 'firefox',
WEBKIT: parameters.browserName === 'webkit',
HEADLESS: !!valueFromEnv('HEADLESS', true),
WIRE: !!process.env.PWWIRE,
SLOW_MO: valueFromEnv('SLOW_MO', 0),
// Tracing is currently not implemented under wire.
TRACING: valueFromEnv('TRACING', false) && !process.env.PWWIRE,
declare global {
interface WorkerState {
asset: (path: string) => string;
defaultBrowserOptions: LaunchOptions;
golden: (path: string) => string;
playwright: typeof import('../index');
browserType: BrowserType<Browser>;
browser: Browser;
httpService: {server: TestServer, httpsServer: TestServer}
toImpl: (rpcObject: any) => any;
interface TestState {
context: BrowserContext;
server: TestServer;
page: Page;
httpsServer: TestServer;
browserServer: BrowserServer;
launchPersistent: (options?: Parameters<BrowserType<Browser>['launchPersistentContext']>[1]) => Promise<{context: BrowserContext, page: Page}>;
interface FixtureParameters {
browserName: string;
declare global {
const MAC: boolean;
const LINUX: boolean;
const WIN: boolean;
const platform = os.platform();
global['MAC'] = platform === 'darwin';
global['LINUX'] = platform === 'linux';
global['WIN'] = platform === 'win32';
registerWorkerFixture('httpService', async ({}, test) => {
const assetsPath = path.join(__dirname, 'assets');
const cachedPath = path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'cached');
const port = 8907 + parameters.parallelIndex * 2;
const server = await TestServer.create(assetsPath, port);
const httpsPort = port + 1;
const httpsServer = await TestServer.createHTTPS(assetsPath, httpsPort);
await test({server, httpsServer});
await Promise.all([
const getExecutablePath = browserName => {
if (browserName === 'chromium' && process.env.CRPATH)
return process.env.CRPATH;
if (browserName === 'firefox' && process.env.FFPATH)
return process.env.FFPATH;
if (browserName === 'webkit' && process.env.WKPATH)
return process.env.WKPATH;
registerWorkerFixture('defaultBrowserOptions', async ({browserName}, test) => {
const executablePath = getExecutablePath(browserName);
if (executablePath)
console.error(`Using executable at ${executablePath}`);
await test({
handleSIGINT: false,
slowMo: options.SLOW_MO,
headless: options.HEADLESS,
registerWorkerFixture('playwright', async ({browserName}, test) => {
const {coverage, uninstall} = installCoverageHooks(browserName);
if (options.WIRE) {
const connection = new Connection();
const spawnedProcess = childProcess.fork(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'lib', 'server.js'), [], {
stdio: 'pipe',
detached: true,
const onExit = (exitCode, signal) => {
throw new Error(`Server closed with exitCode=${exitCode} signal=${signal}`);
spawnedProcess.on('exit', onExit);
const transport = new Transport(spawnedProcess.stdin, spawnedProcess.stdout);
connection.onmessage = message => transport.send(JSON.stringify(message));
transport.onmessage = message => connection.dispatch(JSON.parse(message));
const playwrightObject = await connection.waitForObjectWithKnownName('Playwright');
await test(playwrightObject);
spawnedProcess.removeListener('exit', onExit);
await teardownCoverage();
} else {
await test(require('../index'));
await teardownCoverage();
async function teardownCoverage() {
const coveragePath = path.join(__dirname, 'coverage-report', parameters.parallelIndex + '.json');
const coverageJSON = [...coverage.keys()].filter(key => coverage.get(key));
await fs.promises.mkdir(path.dirname(coveragePath), { recursive: true });
await fs.promises.writeFile(coveragePath, JSON.stringify(coverageJSON, undefined, 2), 'utf8');
registerWorkerFixture('toImpl', async ({playwright}, test) => {
await test((playwright as any)._toImpl);
registerWorkerFixture('browserType', async ({playwright, browserName}, test) => {
const browserType = playwright[browserName];
await test(browserType);
registerWorkerFixture('browserName', async ({}, test) => {
await test('chromium');
registerWorkerFixture('browser', async ({browserType, defaultBrowserOptions}, test) => {
const browser = await browserType.launch(defaultBrowserOptions);
await test(browser);
if (browser.contexts().length !== 0) {
console.warn(`\nWARNING: test did not close all created contexts! ${new Error().stack}\n`);
await Promise.all(browser.contexts().map(context => context.close())).catch(e => void 0);
await browser.close();
registerWorkerFixture('asset', async ({}, test) => {
await test(p => path.join(__dirname, `assets`, p));
registerWorkerFixture('golden', async ({browserName}, test) => {
await test(p => path.join(browserName, p));
registerFixture('context', async ({browser, toImpl}, runTest, info) => {
const context = await browser.newContext();
const { test, config } = info;
if (options.TRACING) {
const traceStorageDir = path.join(config.outputDir, 'trace-storage');
const relativePath = path.relative(config.testDir, test.file).replace(/\.spec\.[jt]s/, '');
const sanitizedTitle = test.title.replace(/[^\w\d]+/g, '_');
const traceFile = path.join(config.outputDir, relativePath, sanitizedTitle + '.trace');
const tracerFactory = require('../lib/trace/tracer').Tracer;
(context as any).__tracer = new tracerFactory(traceStorageDir, traceFile);
(context as any).__snapshotter = await toImpl(context)._initSnapshotter((context as any).__tracer);
await runTest(context);
await context.close();
if ((context as any).__tracer)
await (context as any).__tracer.dispose();
registerFixture('page', async ({context, toImpl}, runTest, info) => {
const page = await context.newPage();
await runTest(page);
const { test, config, result } = info;
if (result.status === 'failed' || result.status === 'timedOut') {
const relativePath = path.relative(config.testDir, test.file).replace(/\.spec\.[jt]s/, '');
const sanitizedTitle = test.title.replace(/[^\w\d]+/g, '_');
const assetPath = path.join(config.outputDir, relativePath, sanitizedTitle) + '-failed.png';
await page.screenshot({ timeout: 5000, path: assetPath });
if ((context as any).__snapshotter)
await (context as any).__snapshotter.captureSnapshot(toImpl(page), { timeout: 5000, label: 'Test Failed' });
registerFixture('launchPersistent', async ({tmpDir, defaultBrowserOptions, browserType}, test) => {
let context;
async function launchPersistent(options) {
if (context)
throw new Error('can only launch one persitent context');
context = await browserType.launchPersistentContext(tmpDir, {...defaultBrowserOptions, ...options});
const page = context.pages()[0];
return {context, page};
await test(launchPersistent);
if (context)
await context.close();
registerFixture('server', async ({httpService}, test) => {
await test(httpService.server);
registerFixture('httpsServer', async ({httpService}, test) => {
await test(httpService.httpsServer);
registerFixture('tmpDir', async ({}, test) => {
const tmpDir = await mkdtempAsync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'playwright-test-'));
await test(tmpDir);
await removeFolderAsync(tmpDir).catch(e => {});
function valueFromEnv(name, defaultValue) {
if (!(name in process.env))
return defaultValue;
return JSON.parse(process.env[name]);