github-actions[bot] b6b9b4c170
feat(chromium): roll to r916288 (#8551)
Co-authored-by: Max Schmitt <>
2021-08-30 19:51:06 +02:00

17945 lines
543 KiB

// This is generated from /utils/protocol-types-generator/index.js
type binary = string;
export module Protocol {
export module Accessibility {
* Unique accessibility node identifier.
export type AXNodeId = string;
* Enum of possible property types.
export type AXValueType = "boolean"|"tristate"|"booleanOrUndefined"|"idref"|"idrefList"|"integer"|"node"|"nodeList"|"number"|"string"|"computedString"|"token"|"tokenList"|"domRelation"|"role"|"internalRole"|"valueUndefined";
* Enum of possible property sources.
export type AXValueSourceType = "attribute"|"implicit"|"style"|"contents"|"placeholder"|"relatedElement";
* Enum of possible native property sources (as a subtype of a particular AXValueSourceType).
export type AXValueNativeSourceType = "figcaption"|"label"|"labelfor"|"labelwrapped"|"legend"|"rubyannotation"|"tablecaption"|"title"|"other";
* A single source for a computed AX property.
export interface AXValueSource {
* What type of source this is.
type: AXValueSourceType;
* The value of this property source.
value?: AXValue;
* The name of the relevant attribute, if any.
attribute?: string;
* The value of the relevant attribute, if any.
attributeValue?: AXValue;
* Whether this source is superseded by a higher priority source.
superseded?: boolean;
* The native markup source for this value, e.g. a <label> element.
nativeSource?: AXValueNativeSourceType;
* The value, such as a node or node list, of the native source.
nativeSourceValue?: AXValue;
* Whether the value for this property is invalid.
invalid?: boolean;
* Reason for the value being invalid, if it is.
invalidReason?: string;
export interface AXRelatedNode {
* The BackendNodeId of the related DOM node.
backendDOMNodeId: DOM.BackendNodeId;
* The IDRef value provided, if any.
idref?: string;
* The text alternative of this node in the current context.
text?: string;
export interface AXProperty {
* The name of this property.
name: AXPropertyName;
* The value of this property.
value: AXValue;
* A single computed AX property.
export interface AXValue {
* The type of this value.
type: AXValueType;
* The computed value of this property.
value?: any;
* One or more related nodes, if applicable.
relatedNodes?: AXRelatedNode[];
* The sources which contributed to the computation of this property.
sources?: AXValueSource[];
* Values of AXProperty name:
- from 'busy' to 'roledescription': states which apply to every AX node
- from 'live' to 'root': attributes which apply to nodes in live regions
- from 'autocomplete' to 'valuetext': attributes which apply to widgets
- from 'checked' to 'selected': states which apply to widgets
- from 'activedescendant' to 'owns' - relationships between elements other than parent/child/sibling.
export type AXPropertyName = "busy"|"disabled"|"editable"|"focusable"|"focused"|"hidden"|"hiddenRoot"|"invalid"|"keyshortcuts"|"settable"|"roledescription"|"live"|"atomic"|"relevant"|"root"|"autocomplete"|"hasPopup"|"level"|"multiselectable"|"orientation"|"multiline"|"readonly"|"required"|"valuemin"|"valuemax"|"valuetext"|"checked"|"expanded"|"modal"|"pressed"|"selected"|"activedescendant"|"controls"|"describedby"|"details"|"errormessage"|"flowto"|"labelledby"|"owns";
* A node in the accessibility tree.
export interface AXNode {
* Unique identifier for this node.
nodeId: AXNodeId;
* Whether this node is ignored for accessibility
ignored: boolean;
* Collection of reasons why this node is hidden.
ignoredReasons?: AXProperty[];
* This `Node`'s role, whether explicit or implicit.
role?: AXValue;
* The accessible name for this `Node`.
name?: AXValue;
* The accessible description for this `Node`.
description?: AXValue;
* The value for this `Node`.
value?: AXValue;
* All other properties
properties?: AXProperty[];
* IDs for each of this node's child nodes.
childIds?: AXNodeId[];
* The backend ID for the associated DOM node, if any.
backendDOMNodeId?: DOM.BackendNodeId;
* Disables the accessibility domain.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables the accessibility domain which causes `AXNodeId`s to remain consistent between method calls.
This turns on accessibility for the page, which can impact performance until accessibility is disabled.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Fetches the accessibility node and partial accessibility tree for this DOM node, if it exists.
export type getPartialAXTreeParameters = {
* Identifier of the node to get the partial accessibility tree for.
nodeId?: DOM.NodeId;
* Identifier of the backend node to get the partial accessibility tree for.
backendNodeId?: DOM.BackendNodeId;
* JavaScript object id of the node wrapper to get the partial accessibility tree for.
objectId?: Runtime.RemoteObjectId;
* Whether to fetch this nodes ancestors, siblings and children. Defaults to true.
fetchRelatives?: boolean;
export type getPartialAXTreeReturnValue = {
* The `Accessibility.AXNode` for this DOM node, if it exists, plus its ancestors, siblings and
children, if requested.
nodes: AXNode[];
* Fetches the entire accessibility tree for the root Document
export type getFullAXTreeParameters = {
* The maximum depth at which descendants of the root node should be retrieved.
If omitted, the full tree is returned.
depth?: number;
* Deprecated. This parameter has been renamed to `depth`. If depth is not provided, max_depth will be used.
max_depth?: number;
* The frame for whose document the AX tree should be retrieved.
If omited, the root frame is used.
frameId?: Page.FrameId;
export type getFullAXTreeReturnValue = {
nodes: AXNode[];
* Fetches a particular accessibility node by AXNodeId.
Requires `enable()` to have been called previously.
export type getChildAXNodesParameters = {
id: AXNodeId;
* The frame in whose document the node resides.
If omitted, the root frame is used.
frameId?: Page.FrameId;
export type getChildAXNodesReturnValue = {
nodes: AXNode[];
* Query a DOM node's accessibility subtree for accessible name and role.
This command computes the name and role for all nodes in the subtree, including those that are
ignored for accessibility, and returns those that mactch the specified name and role. If no DOM
node is specified, or the DOM node does not exist, the command returns an error. If neither
`accessibleName` or `role` is specified, it returns all the accessibility nodes in the subtree.
export type queryAXTreeParameters = {
* Identifier of the node for the root to query.
nodeId?: DOM.NodeId;
* Identifier of the backend node for the root to query.
backendNodeId?: DOM.BackendNodeId;
* JavaScript object id of the node wrapper for the root to query.
objectId?: Runtime.RemoteObjectId;
* Find nodes with this computed name.
accessibleName?: string;
* Find nodes with this computed role.
role?: string;
export type queryAXTreeReturnValue = {
* A list of `Accessibility.AXNode` matching the specified attributes,
including nodes that are ignored for accessibility.
nodes: AXNode[];
export module Animation {
* Animation instance.
export interface Animation {
* `Animation`'s id.
id: string;
* `Animation`'s name.
name: string;
* `Animation`'s internal paused state.
pausedState: boolean;
* `Animation`'s play state.
playState: string;
* `Animation`'s playback rate.
playbackRate: number;
* `Animation`'s start time.
startTime: number;
* `Animation`'s current time.
currentTime: number;
* Animation type of `Animation`.
type: "CSSTransition"|"CSSAnimation"|"WebAnimation";
* `Animation`'s source animation node.
source?: AnimationEffect;
* A unique ID for `Animation` representing the sources that triggered this CSS
cssId?: string;
* AnimationEffect instance
export interface AnimationEffect {
* `AnimationEffect`'s delay.
delay: number;
* `AnimationEffect`'s end delay.
endDelay: number;
* `AnimationEffect`'s iteration start.
iterationStart: number;
* `AnimationEffect`'s iterations.
iterations: number;
* `AnimationEffect`'s iteration duration.
duration: number;
* `AnimationEffect`'s playback direction.
direction: string;
* `AnimationEffect`'s fill mode.
fill: string;
* `AnimationEffect`'s target node.
backendNodeId?: DOM.BackendNodeId;
* `AnimationEffect`'s keyframes.
keyframesRule?: KeyframesRule;
* `AnimationEffect`'s timing function.
easing: string;
* Keyframes Rule
export interface KeyframesRule {
* CSS keyframed animation's name.
name?: string;
* List of animation keyframes.
keyframes: KeyframeStyle[];
* Keyframe Style
export interface KeyframeStyle {
* Keyframe's time offset.
offset: string;
* `AnimationEffect`'s timing function.
easing: string;
* Event for when an animation has been cancelled.
export type animationCanceledPayload = {
* Id of the animation that was cancelled.
id: string;
* Event for each animation that has been created.
export type animationCreatedPayload = {
* Id of the animation that was created.
id: string;
* Event for animation that has been started.
export type animationStartedPayload = {
* Animation that was started.
animation: Animation;
* Disables animation domain notifications.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables animation domain notifications.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Returns the current time of the an animation.
export type getCurrentTimeParameters = {
* Id of animation.
id: string;
export type getCurrentTimeReturnValue = {
* Current time of the page.
currentTime: number;
* Gets the playback rate of the document timeline.
export type getPlaybackRateParameters = {
export type getPlaybackRateReturnValue = {
* Playback rate for animations on page.
playbackRate: number;
* Releases a set of animations to no longer be manipulated.
export type releaseAnimationsParameters = {
* List of animation ids to seek.
animations: string[];
export type releaseAnimationsReturnValue = {
* Gets the remote object of the Animation.
export type resolveAnimationParameters = {
* Animation id.
animationId: string;
export type resolveAnimationReturnValue = {
* Corresponding remote object.
remoteObject: Runtime.RemoteObject;
* Seek a set of animations to a particular time within each animation.
export type seekAnimationsParameters = {
* List of animation ids to seek.
animations: string[];
* Set the current time of each animation.
currentTime: number;
export type seekAnimationsReturnValue = {
* Sets the paused state of a set of animations.
export type setPausedParameters = {
* Animations to set the pause state of.
animations: string[];
* Paused state to set to.
paused: boolean;
export type setPausedReturnValue = {
* Sets the playback rate of the document timeline.
export type setPlaybackRateParameters = {
* Playback rate for animations on page
playbackRate: number;
export type setPlaybackRateReturnValue = {
* Sets the timing of an animation node.
export type setTimingParameters = {
* Animation id.
animationId: string;
* Duration of the animation.
duration: number;
* Delay of the animation.
delay: number;
export type setTimingReturnValue = {
export module ApplicationCache {
* Detailed application cache resource information.
export interface ApplicationCacheResource {
* Resource url.
url: string;
* Resource size.
size: number;
* Resource type.
type: string;
* Detailed application cache information.
export interface ApplicationCache {
* Manifest URL.
manifestURL: string;
* Application cache size.
size: number;
* Application cache creation time.
creationTime: number;
* Application cache update time.
updateTime: number;
* Application cache resources.
resources: ApplicationCacheResource[];
* Frame identifier - manifest URL pair.
export interface FrameWithManifest {
* Frame identifier.
frameId: Page.FrameId;
* Manifest URL.
manifestURL: string;
* Application cache status.
status: number;
export type applicationCacheStatusUpdatedPayload = {
* Identifier of the frame containing document whose application cache updated status.
frameId: Page.FrameId;
* Manifest URL.
manifestURL: string;
* Updated application cache status.
status: number;
export type networkStateUpdatedPayload = {
isNowOnline: boolean;
* Enables application cache domain notifications.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Returns relevant application cache data for the document in given frame.
export type getApplicationCacheForFrameParameters = {
* Identifier of the frame containing document whose application cache is retrieved.
frameId: Page.FrameId;
export type getApplicationCacheForFrameReturnValue = {
* Relevant application cache data for the document in given frame.
applicationCache: ApplicationCache;
* Returns array of frame identifiers with manifest urls for each frame containing a document
associated with some application cache.
export type getFramesWithManifestsParameters = {
export type getFramesWithManifestsReturnValue = {
* Array of frame identifiers with manifest urls for each frame containing a document
associated with some application cache.
frameIds: FrameWithManifest[];
* Returns manifest URL for document in the given frame.
export type getManifestForFrameParameters = {
* Identifier of the frame containing document whose manifest is retrieved.
frameId: Page.FrameId;
export type getManifestForFrameReturnValue = {
* Manifest URL for document in the given frame.
manifestURL: string;
* Audits domain allows investigation of page violations and possible improvements.
export module Audits {
* Information about a cookie that is affected by an inspector issue.
export interface AffectedCookie {
* The following three properties uniquely identify a cookie
name: string;
path: string;
domain: string;
* Information about a request that is affected by an inspector issue.
export interface AffectedRequest {
* The unique request id.
requestId: Network.RequestId;
url?: string;
* Information about the frame affected by an inspector issue.
export interface AffectedFrame {
frameId: Page.FrameId;
export type SameSiteCookieExclusionReason = "ExcludeSameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax"|"ExcludeSameSiteNoneInsecure"|"ExcludeSameSiteLax"|"ExcludeSameSiteStrict"|"ExcludeInvalidSameParty"|"ExcludeSamePartyCrossPartyContext";
export type SameSiteCookieWarningReason = "WarnSameSiteUnspecifiedCrossSiteContext"|"WarnSameSiteNoneInsecure"|"WarnSameSiteUnspecifiedLaxAllowUnsafe"|"WarnSameSiteStrictLaxDowngradeStrict"|"WarnSameSiteStrictCrossDowngradeStrict"|"WarnSameSiteStrictCrossDowngradeLax"|"WarnSameSiteLaxCrossDowngradeStrict"|"WarnSameSiteLaxCrossDowngradeLax";
export type SameSiteCookieOperation = "SetCookie"|"ReadCookie";
* This information is currently necessary, as the front-end has a difficult
time finding a specific cookie. With this, we can convey specific error
information without the cookie.
export interface SameSiteCookieIssueDetails {
* If AffectedCookie is not set then rawCookieLine contains the raw
Set-Cookie header string. This hints at a problem where the
cookie line is syntactically or semantically malformed in a way
that no valid cookie could be created.
cookie?: AffectedCookie;
rawCookieLine?: string;
cookieWarningReasons: SameSiteCookieWarningReason[];
cookieExclusionReasons: SameSiteCookieExclusionReason[];
* Optionally identifies the site-for-cookies and the cookie url, which
may be used by the front-end as additional context.
operation: SameSiteCookieOperation;
siteForCookies?: string;
cookieUrl?: string;
request?: AffectedRequest;
export type MixedContentResolutionStatus = "MixedContentBlocked"|"MixedContentAutomaticallyUpgraded"|"MixedContentWarning";
export type MixedContentResourceType = "Audio"|"Beacon"|"CSPReport"|"Download"|"EventSource"|"Favicon"|"Font"|"Form"|"Frame"|"Image"|"Import"|"Manifest"|"Ping"|"PluginData"|"PluginResource"|"Prefetch"|"Resource"|"Script"|"ServiceWorker"|"SharedWorker"|"Stylesheet"|"Track"|"Video"|"Worker"|"XMLHttpRequest"|"XSLT";
export interface MixedContentIssueDetails {
* The type of resource causing the mixed content issue (css, js, iframe,
form,...). Marked as optional because it is mapped to from
blink::mojom::RequestContextType, which will be replaced
by network::mojom::RequestDestination
resourceType?: MixedContentResourceType;
* The way the mixed content issue is being resolved.
resolutionStatus: MixedContentResolutionStatus;
* The unsafe http url causing the mixed content issue.
insecureURL: string;
* The url responsible for the call to an unsafe url.
mainResourceURL: string;
* The mixed content request.
Does not always exist (e.g. for unsafe form submission urls).
request?: AffectedRequest;
* Optional because not every mixed content issue is necessarily linked to a frame.
frame?: AffectedFrame;
* Enum indicating the reason a response has been blocked. These reasons are
refinements of the net error BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE.
export type BlockedByResponseReason = "CoepFrameResourceNeedsCoepHeader"|"CoopSandboxedIFrameCannotNavigateToCoopPage"|"CorpNotSameOrigin"|"CorpNotSameOriginAfterDefaultedToSameOriginByCoep"|"CorpNotSameSite";
* Details for a request that has been blocked with the BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE
code. Currently only used for COEP/COOP, but may be extended to include
some CSP errors in the future.
export interface BlockedByResponseIssueDetails {
request: AffectedRequest;
parentFrame?: AffectedFrame;
blockedFrame?: AffectedFrame;
reason: BlockedByResponseReason;
export type HeavyAdResolutionStatus = "HeavyAdBlocked"|"HeavyAdWarning";
export type HeavyAdReason = "NetworkTotalLimit"|"CpuTotalLimit"|"CpuPeakLimit";
export interface HeavyAdIssueDetails {
* The resolution status, either blocking the content or warning.
resolution: HeavyAdResolutionStatus;
* The reason the ad was blocked, total network or cpu or peak cpu.
reason: HeavyAdReason;
* The frame that was blocked.
frame: AffectedFrame;
export type ContentSecurityPolicyViolationType = "kInlineViolation"|"kEvalViolation"|"kURLViolation"|"kTrustedTypesSinkViolation"|"kTrustedTypesPolicyViolation";
export interface SourceCodeLocation {
scriptId?: Runtime.ScriptId;
url: string;
lineNumber: number;
columnNumber: number;
export interface ContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails {
* The url not included in allowed sources.
blockedURL?: string;
* Specific directive that is violated, causing the CSP issue.
violatedDirective: string;
isReportOnly: boolean;
contentSecurityPolicyViolationType: ContentSecurityPolicyViolationType;
frameAncestor?: AffectedFrame;
sourceCodeLocation?: SourceCodeLocation;
violatingNodeId?: DOM.BackendNodeId;
export type SharedArrayBufferIssueType = "TransferIssue"|"CreationIssue";
* Details for a issue arising from an SAB being instantiated in, or
transferred to a context that is not cross-origin isolated.
export interface SharedArrayBufferIssueDetails {
sourceCodeLocation: SourceCodeLocation;
isWarning: boolean;
type: SharedArrayBufferIssueType;
export type TwaQualityEnforcementViolationType = "kHttpError"|"kUnavailableOffline"|"kDigitalAssetLinks";
export interface TrustedWebActivityIssueDetails {
* The url that triggers the violation.
url: string;
violationType: TwaQualityEnforcementViolationType;
httpStatusCode?: number;
* The package name of the Trusted Web Activity client app. This field is
only used when violation type is kDigitalAssetLinks.
packageName?: string;
* The signature of the Trusted Web Activity client app. This field is only
used when violation type is kDigitalAssetLinks.
signature?: string;
export interface LowTextContrastIssueDetails {
violatingNodeId: DOM.BackendNodeId;
violatingNodeSelector: string;
contrastRatio: number;
thresholdAA: number;
thresholdAAA: number;
fontSize: string;
fontWeight: string;
* Details for a CORS related issue, e.g. a warning or error related to
CORS RFC1918 enforcement.
export interface CorsIssueDetails {
corsErrorStatus: Network.CorsErrorStatus;
isWarning: boolean;
request: AffectedRequest;
location?: SourceCodeLocation;
initiatorOrigin?: string;
resourceIPAddressSpace?: Network.IPAddressSpace;
clientSecurityState?: Network.ClientSecurityState;
export type AttributionReportingIssueType = "PermissionPolicyDisabled"|"InvalidAttributionSourceEventId"|"InvalidAttributionData"|"AttributionSourceUntrustworthyOrigin"|"AttributionUntrustworthyOrigin"|"AttributionTriggerDataTooLarge";
* Details for issues around "Attribution Reporting API" usage.
export interface AttributionReportingIssueDetails {
violationType: AttributionReportingIssueType;
frame?: AffectedFrame;
request?: AffectedRequest;
violatingNodeId?: DOM.BackendNodeId;
invalidParameter?: string;
* Details for issues about documents in Quirks Mode
or Limited Quirks Mode that affects page layouting.
export interface QuirksModeIssueDetails {
* If false, it means the document's mode is "quirks"
instead of "limited-quirks".
isLimitedQuirksMode: boolean;
documentNodeId: DOM.BackendNodeId;
url: string;
frameId: Page.FrameId;
loaderId: Network.LoaderId;
export interface NavigatorUserAgentIssueDetails {
url: string;
location?: SourceCodeLocation;
export interface WasmCrossOriginModuleSharingIssueDetails {
wasmModuleUrl: string;
sourceOrigin: string;
targetOrigin: string;
isWarning: boolean;
* A unique identifier for the type of issue. Each type may use one of the
optional fields in InspectorIssueDetails to convey more specific
information about the kind of issue.
export type InspectorIssueCode = "SameSiteCookieIssue"|"MixedContentIssue"|"BlockedByResponseIssue"|"HeavyAdIssue"|"ContentSecurityPolicyIssue"|"SharedArrayBufferIssue"|"TrustedWebActivityIssue"|"LowTextContrastIssue"|"CorsIssue"|"AttributionReportingIssue"|"QuirksModeIssue"|"NavigatorUserAgentIssue"|"WasmCrossOriginModuleSharingIssue";
* This struct holds a list of optional fields with additional information
specific to the kind of issue. When adding a new issue code, please also
add a new optional field to this type.
export interface InspectorIssueDetails {
sameSiteCookieIssueDetails?: SameSiteCookieIssueDetails;
mixedContentIssueDetails?: MixedContentIssueDetails;
blockedByResponseIssueDetails?: BlockedByResponseIssueDetails;
heavyAdIssueDetails?: HeavyAdIssueDetails;
contentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails?: ContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails;
sharedArrayBufferIssueDetails?: SharedArrayBufferIssueDetails;
twaQualityEnforcementDetails?: TrustedWebActivityIssueDetails;
lowTextContrastIssueDetails?: LowTextContrastIssueDetails;
corsIssueDetails?: CorsIssueDetails;
attributionReportingIssueDetails?: AttributionReportingIssueDetails;
quirksModeIssueDetails?: QuirksModeIssueDetails;
navigatorUserAgentIssueDetails?: NavigatorUserAgentIssueDetails;
wasmCrossOriginModuleSharingIssue?: WasmCrossOriginModuleSharingIssueDetails;
* A unique id for a DevTools inspector issue. Allows other entities (e.g.
exceptions, CDP message, console messages, etc.) to reference an issue.
export type IssueId = string;
* An inspector issue reported from the back-end.
export interface InspectorIssue {
code: InspectorIssueCode;
details: InspectorIssueDetails;
* A unique id for this issue. May be omitted if no other entity (e.g.
exception, CDP message, etc.) is referencing this issue.
issueId?: IssueId;
export type issueAddedPayload = {
issue: InspectorIssue;
* Returns the response body and size if it were re-encoded with the specified settings. Only
applies to images.
export type getEncodedResponseParameters = {
* Identifier of the network request to get content for.
requestId: Network.RequestId;
* The encoding to use.
encoding: "webp"|"jpeg"|"png";
* The quality of the encoding (0-1). (defaults to 1)
quality?: number;
* Whether to only return the size information (defaults to false).
sizeOnly?: boolean;
export type getEncodedResponseReturnValue = {
* The encoded body as a base64 string. Omitted if sizeOnly is true.
body?: binary;
* Size before re-encoding.
originalSize: number;
* Size after re-encoding.
encodedSize: number;
* Disables issues domain, prevents further issues from being reported to the client.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables issues domain, sends the issues collected so far to the client by means of the
`issueAdded` event.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Runs the contrast check for the target page. Found issues are reported
using Audits.issueAdded event.
export type checkContrastParameters = {
* Whether to report WCAG AAA level issues. Default is false.
reportAAA?: boolean;
export type checkContrastReturnValue = {
* Defines events for background web platform features.
export module BackgroundService {
* The Background Service that will be associated with the commands/events.
Every Background Service operates independently, but they share the same
export type ServiceName = "backgroundFetch"|"backgroundSync"|"pushMessaging"|"notifications"|"paymentHandler"|"periodicBackgroundSync";
* A key-value pair for additional event information to pass along.
export interface EventMetadata {
key: string;
value: string;
export interface BackgroundServiceEvent {
* Timestamp of the event (in seconds).
timestamp: Network.TimeSinceEpoch;
* The origin this event belongs to.
origin: string;
* The Service Worker ID that initiated the event.
serviceWorkerRegistrationId: ServiceWorker.RegistrationID;
* The Background Service this event belongs to.
service: ServiceName;
* A description of the event.
eventName: string;
* An identifier that groups related events together.
instanceId: string;
* A list of event-specific information.
eventMetadata: EventMetadata[];
* Called when the recording state for the service has been updated.
export type recordingStateChangedPayload = {
isRecording: boolean;
service: ServiceName;
* Called with all existing backgroundServiceEvents when enabled, and all new
events afterwards if enabled and recording.
export type backgroundServiceEventReceivedPayload = {
backgroundServiceEvent: BackgroundServiceEvent;
* Enables event updates for the service.
export type startObservingParameters = {
service: ServiceName;
export type startObservingReturnValue = {
* Disables event updates for the service.
export type stopObservingParameters = {
service: ServiceName;
export type stopObservingReturnValue = {
* Set the recording state for the service.
export type setRecordingParameters = {
shouldRecord: boolean;
service: ServiceName;
export type setRecordingReturnValue = {
* Clears all stored data for the service.
export type clearEventsParameters = {
service: ServiceName;
export type clearEventsReturnValue = {
* The Browser domain defines methods and events for browser managing.
export module Browser {
export type BrowserContextID = string;
export type WindowID = number;
* The state of the browser window.
export type WindowState = "normal"|"minimized"|"maximized"|"fullscreen";
* Browser window bounds information
export interface Bounds {
* The offset from the left edge of the screen to the window in pixels.
left?: number;
* The offset from the top edge of the screen to the window in pixels.
top?: number;
* The window width in pixels.
width?: number;
* The window height in pixels.
height?: number;
* The window state. Default to normal.
windowState?: WindowState;
export type PermissionType = "accessibilityEvents"|"audioCapture"|"backgroundSync"|"backgroundFetch"|"clipboardReadWrite"|"clipboardSanitizedWrite"|"displayCapture"|"durableStorage"|"flash"|"geolocation"|"midi"|"midiSysex"|"nfc"|"notifications"|"paymentHandler"|"periodicBackgroundSync"|"protectedMediaIdentifier"|"sensors"|"videoCapture"|"videoCapturePanTiltZoom"|"idleDetection"|"wakeLockScreen"|"wakeLockSystem";
export type PermissionSetting = "granted"|"denied"|"prompt";
* Definition of PermissionDescriptor defined in the Permissions API:
export interface PermissionDescriptor {
* Name of permission.
See for valid permission names.
name: string;
* For "midi" permission, may also specify sysex control.
sysex?: boolean;
* For "push" permission, may specify userVisibleOnly.
Note that userVisibleOnly = true is the only currently supported type.
userVisibleOnly?: boolean;
* For "clipboard" permission, may specify allowWithoutSanitization.
allowWithoutSanitization?: boolean;
* For "camera" permission, may specify panTiltZoom.
panTiltZoom?: boolean;
* Browser command ids used by executeBrowserCommand.
export type BrowserCommandId = "openTabSearch"|"closeTabSearch";
* Chrome histogram bucket.
export interface Bucket {
* Minimum value (inclusive).
low: number;
* Maximum value (exclusive).
high: number;
* Number of samples.
count: number;
* Chrome histogram.
export interface Histogram {
* Name.
name: string;
* Sum of sample values.
sum: number;
* Total number of samples.
count: number;
* Buckets.
buckets: Bucket[];
* Fired when page is about to start a download.
export type downloadWillBeginPayload = {
* Id of the frame that caused the download to begin.
frameId: Page.FrameId;
* Global unique identifier of the download.
guid: string;
* URL of the resource being downloaded.
url: string;
* Suggested file name of the resource (the actual name of the file saved on disk may differ).
suggestedFilename: string;
* Fired when download makes progress. Last call has |done| == true.
export type downloadProgressPayload = {
* Global unique identifier of the download.
guid: string;
* Total expected bytes to download.
totalBytes: number;
* Total bytes received.
receivedBytes: number;
* Download status.
state: "inProgress"|"completed"|"canceled";
* Set permission settings for given origin.
export type setPermissionParameters = {
* Descriptor of permission to override.
permission: PermissionDescriptor;
* Setting of the permission.
setting: PermissionSetting;
* Origin the permission applies to, all origins if not specified.
origin?: string;
* Context to override. When omitted, default browser context is used.
browserContextId?: BrowserContextID;
export type setPermissionReturnValue = {
* Grant specific permissions to the given origin and reject all others.
export type grantPermissionsParameters = {
permissions: PermissionType[];
* Origin the permission applies to, all origins if not specified.
origin?: string;
* BrowserContext to override permissions. When omitted, default browser context is used.
browserContextId?: BrowserContextID;
export type grantPermissionsReturnValue = {
* Reset all permission management for all origins.
export type resetPermissionsParameters = {
* BrowserContext to reset permissions. When omitted, default browser context is used.
browserContextId?: BrowserContextID;
export type resetPermissionsReturnValue = {
* Set the behavior when downloading a file.
export type setDownloadBehaviorParameters = {
* Whether to allow all or deny all download requests, or use default Chrome behavior if
available (otherwise deny). |allowAndName| allows download and names files according to
their dowmload guids.
behavior: "deny"|"allow"|"allowAndName"|"default";
* BrowserContext to set download behavior. When omitted, default browser context is used.
browserContextId?: BrowserContextID;
* The default path to save downloaded files to. This is required if behavior is set to 'allow'
or 'allowAndName'.
downloadPath?: string;
* Whether to emit download events (defaults to false).
eventsEnabled?: boolean;
export type setDownloadBehaviorReturnValue = {
* Cancel a download if in progress
export type cancelDownloadParameters = {
* Global unique identifier of the download.
guid: string;
* BrowserContext to perform the action in. When omitted, default browser context is used.
browserContextId?: BrowserContextID;
export type cancelDownloadReturnValue = {
* Close browser gracefully.
export type closeParameters = {
export type closeReturnValue = {
* Crashes browser on the main thread.
export type crashParameters = {
export type crashReturnValue = {
* Crashes GPU process.
export type crashGpuProcessParameters = {
export type crashGpuProcessReturnValue = {
* Returns version information.
export type getVersionParameters = {
export type getVersionReturnValue = {
* Protocol version.
protocolVersion: string;
* Product name.
product: string;
* Product revision.
revision: string;
* User-Agent.
userAgent: string;
* V8 version.
jsVersion: string;
* Returns the command line switches for the browser process if, and only if
--enable-automation is on the commandline.
export type getBrowserCommandLineParameters = {
export type getBrowserCommandLineReturnValue = {
* Commandline parameters
arguments: string[];
* Get Chrome histograms.
export type getHistogramsParameters = {
* Requested substring in name. Only histograms which have query as a
substring in their name are extracted. An empty or absent query returns
all histograms.
query?: string;
* If true, retrieve delta since last call.
delta?: boolean;
export type getHistogramsReturnValue = {
* Histograms.
histograms: Histogram[];
* Get a Chrome histogram by name.
export type getHistogramParameters = {
* Requested histogram name.
name: string;
* If true, retrieve delta since last call.
delta?: boolean;
export type getHistogramReturnValue = {
* Histogram.
histogram: Histogram;
* Get position and size of the browser window.
export type getWindowBoundsParameters = {
* Browser window id.
windowId: WindowID;
export type getWindowBoundsReturnValue = {
* Bounds information of the window. When window state is 'minimized', the restored window
position and size are returned.
bounds: Bounds;
* Get the browser window that contains the devtools target.
export type getWindowForTargetParameters = {
* Devtools agent host id. If called as a part of the session, associated targetId is used.
targetId?: Target.TargetID;
export type getWindowForTargetReturnValue = {
* Browser window id.
windowId: WindowID;
* Bounds information of the window. When window state is 'minimized', the restored window
position and size are returned.
bounds: Bounds;
* Set position and/or size of the browser window.
export type setWindowBoundsParameters = {
* Browser window id.
windowId: WindowID;
* New window bounds. The 'minimized', 'maximized' and 'fullscreen' states cannot be combined
with 'left', 'top', 'width' or 'height'. Leaves unspecified fields unchanged.
bounds: Bounds;
export type setWindowBoundsReturnValue = {
* Set dock tile details, platform-specific.
export type setDockTileParameters = {
badgeLabel?: string;
* Png encoded image.
image?: binary;
export type setDockTileReturnValue = {
* Invoke custom browser commands used by telemetry.
export type executeBrowserCommandParameters = {
commandId: BrowserCommandId;
export type executeBrowserCommandReturnValue = {
* This domain exposes CSS read/write operations. All CSS objects (stylesheets, rules, and styles)
have an associated `id` used in subsequent operations on the related object. Each object type has
a specific `id` structure, and those are not interchangeable between objects of different kinds.
CSS objects can be loaded using the `get*ForNode()` calls (which accept a DOM node id). A client
can also keep track of stylesheets via the `styleSheetAdded`/`styleSheetRemoved` events and
subsequently load the required stylesheet contents using the `getStyleSheet[Text]()` methods.
export module CSS {
export type StyleSheetId = string;
* Stylesheet type: "injected" for stylesheets injected via extension, "user-agent" for user-agent
stylesheets, "inspector" for stylesheets created by the inspector (i.e. those holding the "via
inspector" rules), "regular" for regular stylesheets.
export type StyleSheetOrigin = "injected"|"user-agent"|"inspector"|"regular";
* CSS rule collection for a single pseudo style.
export interface PseudoElementMatches {
* Pseudo element type.
pseudoType: DOM.PseudoType;
* Matches of CSS rules applicable to the pseudo style.
matches: RuleMatch[];
* Inherited CSS rule collection from ancestor node.
export interface InheritedStyleEntry {
* The ancestor node's inline style, if any, in the style inheritance chain.
inlineStyle?: CSSStyle;
* Matches of CSS rules matching the ancestor node in the style inheritance chain.
matchedCSSRules: RuleMatch[];
* Match data for a CSS rule.
export interface RuleMatch {
* CSS rule in the match.
rule: CSSRule;
* Matching selector indices in the rule's selectorList selectors (0-based).
matchingSelectors: number[];
* Data for a simple selector (these are delimited by commas in a selector list).
export interface Value {
* Value text.
text: string;
* Value range in the underlying resource (if available).
range?: SourceRange;
* Selector list data.
export interface SelectorList {
* Selectors in the list.
selectors: Value[];
* Rule selector text.
text: string;
* CSS stylesheet metainformation.
export interface CSSStyleSheetHeader {
* The stylesheet identifier.
styleSheetId: StyleSheetId;
* Owner frame identifier.
frameId: Page.FrameId;
* Stylesheet resource URL. Empty if this is a constructed stylesheet created using
new CSSStyleSheet() (but non-empty if this is a constructed sylesheet imported
as a CSS module script).
sourceURL: string;
* URL of source map associated with the stylesheet (if any).
sourceMapURL?: string;
* Stylesheet origin.
origin: StyleSheetOrigin;
* Stylesheet title.
title: string;
* The backend id for the owner node of the stylesheet.
ownerNode?: DOM.BackendNodeId;
* Denotes whether the stylesheet is disabled.
disabled: boolean;
* Whether the sourceURL field value comes from the sourceURL comment.
hasSourceURL?: boolean;
* Whether this stylesheet is created for STYLE tag by parser. This flag is not set for
document.written STYLE tags.
isInline: boolean;
* Whether this stylesheet is mutable. Inline stylesheets become mutable
after they have been modified via CSSOM API.
<link> element's stylesheets become mutable only if DevTools modifies them.
Constructed stylesheets (new CSSStyleSheet()) are mutable immediately after creation.
isMutable: boolean;
* True if this stylesheet is created through new CSSStyleSheet() or imported as a
CSS module script.
isConstructed: boolean;
* Line offset of the stylesheet within the resource (zero based).
startLine: number;
* Column offset of the stylesheet within the resource (zero based).
startColumn: number;
* Size of the content (in characters).
length: number;
* Line offset of the end of the stylesheet within the resource (zero based).
endLine: number;
* Column offset of the end of the stylesheet within the resource (zero based).
endColumn: number;
* CSS rule representation.
export interface CSSRule {
* The css style sheet identifier (absent for user agent stylesheet and user-specified
stylesheet rules) this rule came from.
styleSheetId?: StyleSheetId;
* Rule selector data.
selectorList: SelectorList;
* Parent stylesheet's origin.
origin: StyleSheetOrigin;
* Associated style declaration.
style: CSSStyle;
* Media list array (for rules involving media queries). The array enumerates media queries
starting with the innermost one, going outwards.
media?: CSSMedia[];
* Container query list array (for rules involving container queries).
The array enumerates container queries starting with the innermost one, going outwards.
containerQueries?: CSSContainerQuery[];
* CSS coverage information.
export interface RuleUsage {
* The css style sheet identifier (absent for user agent stylesheet and user-specified
stylesheet rules) this rule came from.
styleSheetId: StyleSheetId;
* Offset of the start of the rule (including selector) from the beginning of the stylesheet.
startOffset: number;
* Offset of the end of the rule body from the beginning of the stylesheet.
endOffset: number;
* Indicates whether the rule was actually used by some element in the page.
used: boolean;
* Text range within a resource. All numbers are zero-based.
export interface SourceRange {
* Start line of range.
startLine: number;
* Start column of range (inclusive).
startColumn: number;
* End line of range
endLine: number;
* End column of range (exclusive).
endColumn: number;
export interface ShorthandEntry {
* Shorthand name.
name: string;
* Shorthand value.
value: string;
* Whether the property has "!important" annotation (implies `false` if absent).
important?: boolean;
export interface CSSComputedStyleProperty {
* Computed style property name.
name: string;
* Computed style property value.
value: string;
* CSS style representation.
export interface CSSStyle {
* The css style sheet identifier (absent for user agent stylesheet and user-specified
stylesheet rules) this rule came from.
styleSheetId?: StyleSheetId;
* CSS properties in the style.
cssProperties: CSSProperty[];
* Computed values for all shorthands found in the style.
shorthandEntries: ShorthandEntry[];
* Style declaration text (if available).
cssText?: string;
* Style declaration range in the enclosing stylesheet (if available).
range?: SourceRange;
* CSS property declaration data.
export interface CSSProperty {
* The property name.
name: string;
* The property value.
value: string;
* Whether the property has "!important" annotation (implies `false` if absent).
important?: boolean;
* Whether the property is implicit (implies `false` if absent).
implicit?: boolean;
* The full property text as specified in the style.
text?: string;
* Whether the property is understood by the browser (implies `true` if absent).
parsedOk?: boolean;
* Whether the property is disabled by the user (present for source-based properties only).
disabled?: boolean;
* The entire property range in the enclosing style declaration (if available).
range?: SourceRange;
* CSS media rule descriptor.
export interface CSSMedia {
* Media query text.
text: string;
* Source of the media query: "mediaRule" if specified by a @media rule, "importRule" if
specified by an @import rule, "linkedSheet" if specified by a "media" attribute in a linked
stylesheet's LINK tag, "inlineSheet" if specified by a "media" attribute in an inline
stylesheet's STYLE tag.
source: "mediaRule"|"importRule"|"linkedSheet"|"inlineSheet";
* URL of the document containing the media query description.
sourceURL?: string;
* The associated rule (@media or @import) header range in the enclosing stylesheet (if
range?: SourceRange;
* Identifier of the stylesheet containing this object (if exists).
styleSheetId?: StyleSheetId;
* Array of media queries.
mediaList?: MediaQuery[];
* Media query descriptor.
export interface MediaQuery {
* Array of media query expressions.
expressions: MediaQueryExpression[];
* Whether the media query condition is satisfied.
active: boolean;
* Media query expression descriptor.
export interface MediaQueryExpression {
* Media query expression value.
value: number;
* Media query expression units.
unit: string;
* Media query expression feature.
feature: string;
* The associated range of the value text in the enclosing stylesheet (if available).
valueRange?: SourceRange;
* Computed length of media query expression (if applicable).
computedLength?: number;
* CSS container query rule descriptor.
export interface CSSContainerQuery {
* Container query text.
text: string;
* The associated rule header range in the enclosing stylesheet (if
range?: SourceRange;
* Identifier of the stylesheet containing this object (if exists).
styleSheetId?: StyleSheetId;
* Optional name for the container.
name?: string;
* Information about amount of glyphs that were rendered with given font.
export interface PlatformFontUsage {
* Font's family name reported by platform.
familyName: string;
* Indicates if the font was downloaded or resolved locally.
isCustomFont: boolean;
* Amount of glyphs that were rendered with this font.
glyphCount: number;
* Information about font variation axes for variable fonts
export interface FontVariationAxis {
* The font-variation-setting tag (a.k.a. "axis tag").
tag: string;
* Human-readable variation name in the default language (normally, "en").
name: string;
* The minimum value (inclusive) the font supports for this tag.
minValue: number;
* The maximum value (inclusive) the font supports for this tag.
maxValue: number;
* The default value.
defaultValue: number;
* Properties of a web font:
and additional information such as platformFontFamily and fontVariationAxes.
export interface FontFace {
* The font-family.
fontFamily: string;
* The font-style.
fontStyle: string;
* The font-variant.
fontVariant: string;
* The font-weight.
fontWeight: string;
* The font-stretch.
fontStretch: string;
* The unicode-range.
unicodeRange: string;
* The src.
src: string;
* The resolved platform font family
platformFontFamily: string;
* Available variation settings (a.k.a. "axes").
fontVariationAxes?: FontVariationAxis[];
* CSS keyframes rule representation.
export interface CSSKeyframesRule {
* Animation name.
animationName: Value;
* List of keyframes.
keyframes: CSSKeyframeRule[];
* CSS keyframe rule representation.
export interface CSSKeyframeRule {
* The css style sheet identifier (absent for user agent stylesheet and user-specified
stylesheet rules) this rule came from.
styleSheetId?: StyleSheetId;
* Parent stylesheet's origin.
origin: StyleSheetOrigin;
* Associated key text.
keyText: Value;
* Associated style declaration.
style: CSSStyle;
* A descriptor of operation to mutate style declaration text.
export interface StyleDeclarationEdit {
* The css style sheet identifier.
styleSheetId: StyleSheetId;
* The range of the style text in the enclosing stylesheet.
range: SourceRange;
* New style text.
text: string;
* Fires whenever a web font is updated. A non-empty font parameter indicates a successfully loaded
web font
export type fontsUpdatedPayload = {
* The web font that has loaded.
font?: FontFace;
* Fires whenever a MediaQuery result changes (for example, after a browser window has been
resized.) The current implementation considers only viewport-dependent media features.
export type mediaQueryResultChangedPayload = void;
* Fired whenever an active document stylesheet is added.
export type styleSheetAddedPayload = {
* Added stylesheet metainfo.
header: CSSStyleSheetHeader;
* Fired whenever a stylesheet is changed as a result of the client operation.
export type styleSheetChangedPayload = {
styleSheetId: StyleSheetId;
* Fired whenever an active document stylesheet is removed.
export type styleSheetRemovedPayload = {
* Identifier of the removed stylesheet.
styleSheetId: StyleSheetId;
* Inserts a new rule with the given `ruleText` in a stylesheet with given `styleSheetId`, at the
position specified by `location`.
export type addRuleParameters = {
* The css style sheet identifier where a new rule should be inserted.
styleSheetId: StyleSheetId;
* The text of a new rule.
ruleText: string;
* Text position of a new rule in the target style sheet.
location: SourceRange;
export type addRuleReturnValue = {
* The newly created rule.
rule: CSSRule;
* Returns all class names from specified stylesheet.
export type collectClassNamesParameters = {
styleSheetId: StyleSheetId;
export type collectClassNamesReturnValue = {
* Class name list.
classNames: string[];
* Creates a new special "via-inspector" stylesheet in the frame with given `frameId`.
export type createStyleSheetParameters = {
* Identifier of the frame where "via-inspector" stylesheet should be created.
frameId: Page.FrameId;
export type createStyleSheetReturnValue = {
* Identifier of the created "via-inspector" stylesheet.
styleSheetId: StyleSheetId;
* Disables the CSS agent for the given page.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables the CSS agent for the given page. Clients should not assume that the CSS agent has been
enabled until the result of this command is received.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Ensures that the given node will have specified pseudo-classes whenever its style is computed by
the browser.
export type forcePseudoStateParameters = {
* The element id for which to force the pseudo state.
nodeId: DOM.NodeId;
* Element pseudo classes to force when computing the element's style.
forcedPseudoClasses: string[];
export type forcePseudoStateReturnValue = {
export type getBackgroundColorsParameters = {
* Id of the node to get background colors for.
nodeId: DOM.NodeId;
export type getBackgroundColorsReturnValue = {
* The range of background colors behind this element, if it contains any visible text. If no
visible text is present, this will be undefined. In the case of a flat background color,
this will consist of simply that color. In the case of a gradient, this will consist of each
of the color stops. For anything more complicated, this will be an empty array. Images will
be ignored (as if the image had failed to load).
backgroundColors?: string[];
* The computed font size for this node, as a CSS computed value string (e.g. '12px').
computedFontSize?: string;
* The computed font weight for this node, as a CSS computed value string (e.g. 'normal' or
computedFontWeight?: string;
* Returns the computed style for a DOM node identified by `nodeId`.
export type getComputedStyleForNodeParameters = {
nodeId: DOM.NodeId;
export type getComputedStyleForNodeReturnValue = {
* Computed style for the specified DOM node.
computedStyle: CSSComputedStyleProperty[];
* Returns the styles defined inline (explicitly in the "style" attribute and implicitly, using DOM
attributes) for a DOM node identified by `nodeId`.
export type getInlineStylesForNodeParameters = {
nodeId: DOM.NodeId;
export type getInlineStylesForNodeReturnValue = {
* Inline style for the specified DOM node.
inlineStyle?: CSSStyle;
* Attribute-defined element style (e.g. resulting from "width=20 height=100%").
attributesStyle?: CSSStyle;
* Returns requested styles for a DOM node identified by `nodeId`.
export type getMatchedStylesForNodeParameters = {
nodeId: DOM.NodeId;
export type getMatchedStylesForNodeReturnValue = {
* Inline style for the specified DOM node.
inlineStyle?: CSSStyle;
* Attribute-defined element style (e.g. resulting from "width=20 height=100%").
attributesStyle?: CSSStyle;
* CSS rules matching this node, from all applicable stylesheets.
matchedCSSRules?: RuleMatch[];
* Pseudo style matches for this node.
pseudoElements?: PseudoElementMatches[];
* A chain of inherited styles (from the immediate node parent up to the DOM tree root).
inherited?: InheritedStyleEntry[];
* A list of CSS keyframed animations matching this node.
cssKeyframesRules?: CSSKeyframesRule[];
* Returns all media queries parsed by the rendering engine.
export type getMediaQueriesParameters = {
export type getMediaQueriesReturnValue = {
medias: CSSMedia[];
* Requests information about platform fonts which we used to render child TextNodes in the given
export type getPlatformFontsForNodeParameters = {
nodeId: DOM.NodeId;
export type getPlatformFontsForNodeReturnValue = {
* Usage statistics for every employed platform font.
fonts: PlatformFontUsage[];
* Returns the current textual content for a stylesheet.
export type getStyleSheetTextParameters = {
styleSheetId: StyleSheetId;
export type getStyleSheetTextReturnValue = {
* The stylesheet text.
text: string;
* Starts tracking the given computed styles for updates. The specified array of properties
replaces the one previously specified. Pass empty array to disable tracking.
Use takeComputedStyleUpdates to retrieve the list of nodes that had properties modified.
The changes to computed style properties are only tracked for nodes pushed to the front-end
by the DOM agent. If no changes to the tracked properties occur after the node has been pushed
to the front-end, no updates will be issued for the node.
export type trackComputedStyleUpdatesParameters = {
propertiesToTrack: CSSComputedStyleProperty[];
export type trackComputedStyleUpdatesReturnValue = {
* Polls the next batch of computed style updates.
export type takeComputedStyleUpdatesParameters = {
export type takeComputedStyleUpdatesReturnValue = {
* The list of node Ids that have their tracked computed styles updated
nodeIds: DOM.NodeId[];
* Find a rule with the given active property for the given node and set the new value for this
export type setEffectivePropertyValueForNodeParameters = {
* The element id for which to set property.
nodeId: DOM.NodeId;
propertyName: string;
value: string;
export type setEffectivePropertyValueForNodeReturnValue = {
* Modifies the keyframe rule key text.
export type setKeyframeKeyParameters = {
styleSheetId: StyleSheetId;
range: SourceRange;
keyText: string;
export type setKeyframeKeyReturnValue = {
* The resulting key text after modification.
keyText: Value;
* Modifies the rule selector.
export type setMediaTextParameters = {
styleSheetId: StyleSheetId;
range: SourceRange;
text: string;
export type setMediaTextReturnValue = {
* The resulting CSS media rule after modification.
media: CSSMedia;
* Modifies the expression of a container query.
export type setContainerQueryTextParameters = {
styleSheetId: StyleSheetId;
range: SourceRange;
text: string;
export type setContainerQueryTextReturnValue = {
* The resulting CSS container query rule after modification.
containerQuery: CSSContainerQuery;
* Modifies the rule selector.
export type setRuleSelectorParameters = {
styleSheetId: StyleSheetId;
range: SourceRange;
selector: string;
export type setRuleSelectorReturnValue = {
* The resulting selector list after modification.
selectorList: SelectorList;
* Sets the new stylesheet text.
export type setStyleSheetTextParameters = {
styleSheetId: StyleSheetId;
text: string;
export type setStyleSheetTextReturnValue = {
* URL of source map associated with script (if any).
sourceMapURL?: string;
* Applies specified style edits one after another in the given order.
export type setStyleTextsParameters = {
edits: StyleDeclarationEdit[];
export type setStyleTextsReturnValue = {
* The resulting styles after modification.
styles: CSSStyle[];
* Enables the selector recording.
export type startRuleUsageTrackingParameters = {
export type startRuleUsageTrackingReturnValue = {
* Stop tracking rule usage and return the list of rules that were used since last call to
`takeCoverageDelta` (or since start of coverage instrumentation)
export type stopRuleUsageTrackingParameters = {
export type stopRuleUsageTrackingReturnValue = {
ruleUsage: RuleUsage[];
* Obtain list of rules that became used since last call to this method (or since start of coverage
export type takeCoverageDeltaParameters = {
export type takeCoverageDeltaReturnValue = {
coverage: RuleUsage[];
* Monotonically increasing time, in seconds.
timestamp: number;
* Enables/disables rendering of local CSS fonts (enabled by default).
export type setLocalFontsEnabledParameters = {
* Whether rendering of local fonts is enabled.
enabled: boolean;
export type setLocalFontsEnabledReturnValue = {
export module CacheStorage {
* Unique identifier of the Cache object.
export type CacheId = string;
* type of HTTP response cached
export type CachedResponseType = "basic"|"cors"|"default"|"error"|"opaqueResponse"|"opaqueRedirect";
* Data entry.
export interface DataEntry {
* Request URL.
requestURL: string;
* Request method.
requestMethod: string;
* Request headers
requestHeaders: Header[];
* Number of seconds since epoch.
responseTime: number;
* HTTP response status code.
responseStatus: number;
* HTTP response status text.
responseStatusText: string;
* HTTP response type
responseType: CachedResponseType;
* Response headers
responseHeaders: Header[];
* Cache identifier.
export interface Cache {
* An opaque unique id of the cache.
cacheId: CacheId;
* Security origin of the cache.
securityOrigin: string;
* The name of the cache.
cacheName: string;
export interface Header {
name: string;
value: string;
* Cached response
export interface CachedResponse {
* Entry content, base64-encoded.
body: binary;
* Deletes a cache.
export type deleteCacheParameters = {
* Id of cache for deletion.
cacheId: CacheId;
export type deleteCacheReturnValue = {
* Deletes a cache entry.
export type deleteEntryParameters = {
* Id of cache where the entry will be deleted.
cacheId: CacheId;
* URL spec of the request.
request: string;
export type deleteEntryReturnValue = {
* Requests cache names.
export type requestCacheNamesParameters = {
* Security origin.
securityOrigin: string;
export type requestCacheNamesReturnValue = {
* Caches for the security origin.
caches: Cache[];
* Fetches cache entry.
export type requestCachedResponseParameters = {
* Id of cache that contains the entry.
cacheId: CacheId;
* URL spec of the request.
requestURL: string;
* headers of the request.
requestHeaders: Header[];
export type requestCachedResponseReturnValue = {
* Response read from the cache.
response: CachedResponse;
* Requests data from cache.
export type requestEntriesParameters = {
* ID of cache to get entries from.
cacheId: CacheId;
* Number of records to skip.
skipCount?: number;
* Number of records to fetch.
pageSize?: number;
* If present, only return the entries containing this substring in the path
pathFilter?: string;
export type requestEntriesReturnValue = {
* Array of object store data entries.
cacheDataEntries: DataEntry[];
* Count of returned entries from this storage. If pathFilter is empty, it
is the count of all entries from this storage.
returnCount: number;
* A domain for interacting with Cast, Presentation API, and Remote Playback API
export module Cast {
export interface Sink {
name: string;
id: string;
* Text describing the current session. Present only if there is an active
session on the sink.
session?: string;
* This is fired whenever the list of available sinks changes. A sink is a
device or a software surface that you can cast to.
export type sinksUpdatedPayload = {
sinks: Sink[];
* This is fired whenever the outstanding issue/error message changes.
|issueMessage| is empty if there is no issue.
export type issueUpdatedPayload = {
issueMessage: string;
* Starts observing for sinks that can be used for tab mirroring, and if set,
sinks compatible with |presentationUrl| as well. When sinks are found, a
|sinksUpdated| event is fired.
Also starts observing for issue messages. When an issue is added or removed,
an |issueUpdated| event is fired.
export type enableParameters = {
presentationUrl?: string;
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Stops observing for sinks and issues.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Sets a sink to be used when the web page requests the browser to choose a
sink via Presentation API, Remote Playback API, or Cast SDK.
export type setSinkToUseParameters = {
sinkName: string;
export type setSinkToUseReturnValue = {
* Starts mirroring the tab to the sink.
export type startTabMirroringParameters = {
sinkName: string;
export type startTabMirroringReturnValue = {
* Stops the active Cast session on the sink.
export type stopCastingParameters = {
sinkName: string;
export type stopCastingReturnValue = {
* This domain exposes DOM read/write operations. Each DOM Node is represented with its mirror object
that has an `id`. This `id` can be used to get additional information on the Node, resolve it into
the JavaScript object wrapper, etc. It is important that client receives DOM events only for the
nodes that are known to the client. Backend keeps track of the nodes that were sent to the client
and never sends the same node twice. It is client's responsibility to collect information about
the nodes that were sent to the client.<p>Note that `iframe` owner elements will return
corresponding document elements as their child nodes.</p>
export module DOM {
* Unique DOM node identifier.
export type NodeId = number;
* Unique DOM node identifier used to reference a node that may not have been pushed to the
export type BackendNodeId = number;
* Backend node with a friendly name.
export interface BackendNode {
* `Node`'s nodeType.
nodeType: number;
* `Node`'s nodeName.
nodeName: string;
backendNodeId: BackendNodeId;
* Pseudo element type.
export type PseudoType = "first-line"|"first-letter"|"before"|"after"|"marker"|"backdrop"|"selection"|"target-text"|"spelling-error"|"grammar-error"|"highlight"|"first-line-inherited"|"scrollbar"|"scrollbar-thumb"|"scrollbar-button"|"scrollbar-track"|"scrollbar-track-piece"|"scrollbar-corner"|"resizer"|"input-list-button";
* Shadow root type.
export type ShadowRootType = "user-agent"|"open"|"closed";
* Document compatibility mode.
export type CompatibilityMode = "QuirksMode"|"LimitedQuirksMode"|"NoQuirksMode";
* DOM interaction is implemented in terms of mirror objects that represent the actual DOM nodes.
DOMNode is a base node mirror type.
export interface Node {
* Node identifier that is passed into the rest of the DOM messages as the `nodeId`. Backend
will only push node with given `id` once. It is aware of all requested nodes and will only
fire DOM events for nodes known to the client.
nodeId: NodeId;
* The id of the parent node if any.
parentId?: NodeId;
* The BackendNodeId for this node.
backendNodeId: BackendNodeId;
* `Node`'s nodeType.
nodeType: number;
* `Node`'s nodeName.
nodeName: string;
* `Node`'s localName.
localName: string;
* `Node`'s nodeValue.
nodeValue: string;
* Child count for `Container` nodes.
childNodeCount?: number;
* Child nodes of this node when requested with children.
children?: Node[];
* Attributes of the `Element` node in the form of flat array `[name1, value1, name2, value2]`.
attributes?: string[];
* Document URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node points to.
documentURL?: string;
* Base URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node uses for URL completion.
baseURL?: string;
* `DocumentType`'s publicId.
publicId?: string;
* `DocumentType`'s systemId.
systemId?: string;
* `DocumentType`'s internalSubset.
internalSubset?: string;
* `Document`'s XML version in case of XML documents.
xmlVersion?: string;
* `Attr`'s name.
name?: string;
* `Attr`'s value.
value?: string;
* Pseudo element type for this node.
pseudoType?: PseudoType;
* Shadow root type.
shadowRootType?: ShadowRootType;
* Frame ID for frame owner elements.
frameId?: Page.FrameId;
* Content document for frame owner elements.
contentDocument?: Node;
* Shadow root list for given element host.
shadowRoots?: Node[];
* Content document fragment for template elements.
templateContent?: Node;
* Pseudo elements associated with this node.
pseudoElements?: Node[];
* Deprecated, as the HTML Imports API has been removed (
This property used to return the imported document for the HTMLImport links.
The property is always undefined now.
importedDocument?: Node;
* Distributed nodes for given insertion point.
distributedNodes?: BackendNode[];
* Whether the node is SVG.
isSVG?: boolean;
compatibilityMode?: CompatibilityMode;
* A structure holding an RGBA color.
export interface RGBA {
* The red component, in the [0-255] range.
r: number;
* The green component, in the [0-255] range.
g: number;
* The blue component, in the [0-255] range.
b: number;
* The alpha component, in the [0-1] range (default: 1).
a?: number;
* An array of quad vertices, x immediately followed by y for each point, points clock-wise.
export type Quad = number[];
* Box model.
export interface BoxModel {
* Content box
content: Quad;
* Padding box
padding: Quad;
* Border box
border: Quad;
* Margin box
margin: Quad;
* Node width
width: number;
* Node height
height: number;
* Shape outside coordinates
shapeOutside?: ShapeOutsideInfo;
* CSS Shape Outside details.
export interface ShapeOutsideInfo {
* Shape bounds
bounds: Quad;
* Shape coordinate details
shape: any[];
* Margin shape bounds
marginShape: any[];
* Rectangle.
export interface Rect {
* X coordinate
x: number;
* Y coordinate
y: number;
* Rectangle width
width: number;
* Rectangle height
height: number;
export interface CSSComputedStyleProperty {
* Computed style property name.
name: string;
* Computed style property value.
value: string;
* Fired when `Element`'s attribute is modified.
export type attributeModifiedPayload = {
* Id of the node that has changed.
nodeId: NodeId;
* Attribute name.
name: string;
* Attribute value.
value: string;
* Fired when `Element`'s attribute is removed.
export type attributeRemovedPayload = {
* Id of the node that has changed.
nodeId: NodeId;
* A ttribute name.
name: string;
* Mirrors `DOMCharacterDataModified` event.
export type characterDataModifiedPayload = {
* Id of the node that has changed.
nodeId: NodeId;
* New text value.
characterData: string;
* Fired when `Container`'s child node count has changed.
export type childNodeCountUpdatedPayload = {
* Id of the node that has changed.
nodeId: NodeId;
* New node count.
childNodeCount: number;
* Mirrors `DOMNodeInserted` event.
export type childNodeInsertedPayload = {
* Id of the node that has changed.
parentNodeId: NodeId;
* If of the previous siblint.
previousNodeId: NodeId;
* Inserted node data.
node: Node;
* Mirrors `DOMNodeRemoved` event.
export type childNodeRemovedPayload = {
* Parent id.
parentNodeId: NodeId;
* Id of the node that has been removed.
nodeId: NodeId;
* Called when distribution is changed.
export type distributedNodesUpdatedPayload = {
* Insertion point where distributed nodes were updated.
insertionPointId: NodeId;
* Distributed nodes for given insertion point.
distributedNodes: BackendNode[];
* Fired when `Document` has been totally updated. Node ids are no longer valid.
export type documentUpdatedPayload = void;
* Fired when `Element`'s inline style is modified via a CSS property modification.
export type inlineStyleInvalidatedPayload = {
* Ids of the nodes for which the inline styles have been invalidated.
nodeIds: NodeId[];
* Called when a pseudo element is added to an element.
export type pseudoElementAddedPayload = {
* Pseudo element's parent element id.
parentId: NodeId;
* The added pseudo element.
pseudoElement: Node;
* Called when a pseudo element is removed from an element.
export type pseudoElementRemovedPayload = {
* Pseudo element's parent element id.
parentId: NodeId;
* The removed pseudo element id.
pseudoElementId: NodeId;
* Fired when backend wants to provide client with the missing DOM structure. This happens upon
most of the calls requesting node ids.
export type setChildNodesPayload = {
* Parent node id to populate with children.
parentId: NodeId;
* Child nodes array.
nodes: Node[];
* Called when shadow root is popped from the element.
export type shadowRootPoppedPayload = {
* Host element id.
hostId: NodeId;
* Shadow root id.
rootId: NodeId;
* Called when shadow root is pushed into the element.
export type shadowRootPushedPayload = {
* Host element id.
hostId: NodeId;
* Shadow root.
root: Node;
* Collects class names for the node with given id and all of it's child nodes.
export type collectClassNamesFromSubtreeParameters = {
* Id of the node to collect class names.
nodeId: NodeId;
export type collectClassNamesFromSubtreeReturnValue = {
* Class name list.
classNames: string[];
* Creates a deep copy of the specified node and places it into the target container before the
given anchor.
export type copyToParameters = {
* Id of the node to copy.
nodeId: NodeId;
* Id of the element to drop the copy into.
targetNodeId: NodeId;
* Drop the copy before this node (if absent, the copy becomes the last child of
insertBeforeNodeId?: NodeId;
export type copyToReturnValue = {
* Id of the node clone.
nodeId: NodeId;
* Describes node given its id, does not require domain to be enabled. Does not start tracking any
objects, can be used for automation.
export type describeNodeParameters = {
* Identifier of the node.
nodeId?: NodeId;
* Identifier of the backend node.
backendNodeId?: BackendNodeId;
* JavaScript object id of the node wrapper.
objectId?: Runtime.RemoteObjectId;
* The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the
entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0.
depth?: number;
* Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree
(default is false).
pierce?: boolean;
export type describeNodeReturnValue = {
* Node description.
node: Node;
* Scrolls the specified rect of the given node into view if not already visible.
Note: exactly one between nodeId, backendNodeId and objectId should be passed
to identify the node.
export type scrollIntoViewIfNeededParameters = {
* Identifier of the node.
nodeId?: NodeId;
* Identifier of the backend node.
backendNodeId?: BackendNodeId;
* JavaScript object id of the node wrapper.
objectId?: Runtime.RemoteObjectId;
* The rect to be scrolled into view, relative to the node's border box, in CSS pixels.
When omitted, center of the node will be used, similar to Element.scrollIntoView.
rect?: Rect;
export type scrollIntoViewIfNeededReturnValue = {
* Disables DOM agent for the given page.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Discards search results from the session with the given id. `getSearchResults` should no longer
be called for that search.
export type discardSearchResultsParameters = {
* Unique search session identifier.
searchId: string;
export type discardSearchResultsReturnValue = {
* Enables DOM agent for the given page.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Focuses the given element.
export type focusParameters = {
* Identifier of the node.
nodeId?: NodeId;
* Identifier of the backend node.
backendNodeId?: BackendNodeId;
* JavaScript object id of the node wrapper.
objectId?: Runtime.RemoteObjectId;
export type focusReturnValue = {
* Returns attributes for the specified node.
export type getAttributesParameters = {
* Id of the node to retrieve attibutes for.
nodeId: NodeId;
export type getAttributesReturnValue = {
* An interleaved array of node attribute names and values.
attributes: string[];
* Returns boxes for the given node.
export type getBoxModelParameters = {
* Identifier of the node.
nodeId?: NodeId;
* Identifier of the backend node.
backendNodeId?: BackendNodeId;
* JavaScript object id of the node wrapper.
objectId?: Runtime.RemoteObjectId;
export type getBoxModelReturnValue = {
* Box model for the node.
model: BoxModel;
* Returns quads that describe node position on the page. This method
might return multiple quads for inline nodes.
export type getContentQuadsParameters = {
* Identifier of the node.
nodeId?: NodeId;
* Identifier of the backend node.
backendNodeId?: BackendNodeId;
* JavaScript object id of the node wrapper.
objectId?: Runtime.RemoteObjectId;
export type getContentQuadsReturnValue = {
* Quads that describe node layout relative to viewport.
quads: Quad[];
* Returns the root DOM node (and optionally the subtree) to the caller.
export type getDocumentParameters = {
* The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the
entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0.
depth?: number;
* Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree
(default is false).
pierce?: boolean;
export type getDocumentReturnValue = {
* Resulting node.
root: Node;
* Returns the root DOM node (and optionally the subtree) to the caller.
Deprecated, as it is not designed to work well with the rest of the DOM agent.
Use DOMSnapshot.captureSnapshot instead.
export type getFlattenedDocumentParameters = {
* The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the
entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0.
depth?: number;
* Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree
(default is false).
pierce?: boolean;
export type getFlattenedDocumentReturnValue = {
* Resulting node.
nodes: Node[];
* Finds nodes with a given computed style in a subtree.
export type getNodesForSubtreeByStyleParameters = {
* Node ID pointing to the root of a subtree.
nodeId: NodeId;
* The style to filter nodes by (includes nodes if any of properties matches).
computedStyles: CSSComputedStyleProperty[];
* Whether or not iframes and shadow roots in the same target should be traversed when returning the
results (default is false).
pierce?: boolean;
export type getNodesForSubtreeByStyleReturnValue = {
* Resulting nodes.
nodeIds: NodeId[];
* Returns node id at given location. Depending on whether DOM domain is enabled, nodeId is
either returned or not.
export type getNodeForLocationParameters = {
* X coordinate.
x: number;
* Y coordinate.
y: number;
* False to skip to the nearest non-UA shadow root ancestor (default: false).
includeUserAgentShadowDOM?: boolean;
* Whether to ignore pointer-events: none on elements and hit test them.
ignorePointerEventsNone?: boolean;
export type getNodeForLocationReturnValue = {
* Resulting node.
backendNodeId: BackendNodeId;
* Frame this node belongs to.
frameId: Page.FrameId;
* Id of the node at given coordinates, only when enabled and requested document.
nodeId?: NodeId;
* Returns node's HTML markup.
export type getOuterHTMLParameters = {
* Identifier of the node.
nodeId?: NodeId;
* Identifier of the backend node.
backendNodeId?: BackendNodeId;
* JavaScript object id of the node wrapper.
objectId?: Runtime.RemoteObjectId;
export type getOuterHTMLReturnValue = {
* Outer HTML markup.
outerHTML: string;
* Returns the id of the nearest ancestor that is a relayout boundary.
export type getRelayoutBoundaryParameters = {
* Id of the node.
nodeId: NodeId;
export type getRelayoutBoundaryReturnValue = {
* Relayout boundary node id for the given node.
nodeId: NodeId;
* Returns search results from given `fromIndex` to given `toIndex` from the search with the given
export type getSearchResultsParameters = {
* Unique search session identifier.
searchId: string;
* Start index of the search result to be returned.
fromIndex: number;
* End index of the search result to be returned.
toIndex: number;
export type getSearchResultsReturnValue = {
* Ids of the search result nodes.
nodeIds: NodeId[];
* Hides any highlight.
export type hideHighlightParameters = {
export type hideHighlightReturnValue = {
* Highlights DOM node.
export type highlightNodeParameters = {
export type highlightNodeReturnValue = {
* Highlights given rectangle.
export type highlightRectParameters = {
export type highlightRectReturnValue = {
* Marks last undoable state.
export type markUndoableStateParameters = {
export type markUndoableStateReturnValue = {
* Moves node into the new container, places it before the given anchor.
export type moveToParameters = {
* Id of the node to move.
nodeId: NodeId;
* Id of the element to drop the moved node into.
targetNodeId: NodeId;
* Drop node before this one (if absent, the moved node becomes the last child of
insertBeforeNodeId?: NodeId;
export type moveToReturnValue = {
* New id of the moved node.
nodeId: NodeId;
* Searches for a given string in the DOM tree. Use `getSearchResults` to access search results or
`cancelSearch` to end this search session.
export type performSearchParameters = {
* Plain text or query selector or XPath search query.
query: string;
* True to search in user agent shadow DOM.
includeUserAgentShadowDOM?: boolean;
export type performSearchReturnValue = {
* Unique search session identifier.
searchId: string;
* Number of search results.
resultCount: number;
* Requests that the node is sent to the caller given its path. // FIXME, use XPath
export type pushNodeByPathToFrontendParameters = {
* Path to node in the proprietary format.
path: string;
export type pushNodeByPathToFrontendReturnValue = {
* Id of the node for given path.
nodeId: NodeId;
* Requests that a batch of nodes is sent to the caller given their backend node ids.
export type pushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendParameters = {
* The array of backend node ids.
backendNodeIds: BackendNodeId[];
export type pushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendReturnValue = {
* The array of ids of pushed nodes that correspond to the backend ids specified in
nodeIds: NodeId[];
* Executes `querySelector` on a given node.
export type querySelectorParameters = {
* Id of the node to query upon.
nodeId: NodeId;
* Selector string.
selector: string;
export type querySelectorReturnValue = {
* Query selector result.
nodeId: NodeId;
* Executes `querySelectorAll` on a given node.
export type querySelectorAllParameters = {
* Id of the node to query upon.
nodeId: NodeId;
* Selector string.
selector: string;
export type querySelectorAllReturnValue = {
* Query selector result.
nodeIds: NodeId[];
* Re-does the last undone action.
export type redoParameters = {
export type redoReturnValue = {
* Removes attribute with given name from an element with given id.
export type removeAttributeParameters = {
* Id of the element to remove attribute from.
nodeId: NodeId;
* Name of the attribute to remove.
name: string;
export type removeAttributeReturnValue = {
* Removes node with given id.
export type removeNodeParameters = {
* Id of the node to remove.
nodeId: NodeId;
export type removeNodeReturnValue = {
* Requests that children of the node with given id are returned to the caller in form of
`setChildNodes` events where not only immediate children are retrieved, but all children down to
the specified depth.
export type requestChildNodesParameters = {
* Id of the node to get children for.
nodeId: NodeId;
* The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the
entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0.
depth?: number;
* Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the sub-tree
(default is false).
pierce?: boolean;
export type requestChildNodesReturnValue = {
* Requests that the node is sent to the caller given the JavaScript node object reference. All
nodes that form the path from the node to the root are also sent to the client as a series of
`setChildNodes` notifications.
export type requestNodeParameters = {
* JavaScript object id to convert into node.
objectId: Runtime.RemoteObjectId;
export type requestNodeReturnValue = {
* Node id for given object.
nodeId: NodeId;
* Resolves the JavaScript node object for a given NodeId or BackendNodeId.
export type resolveNodeParameters = {
* Id of the node to resolve.
nodeId?: NodeId;
* Backend identifier of the node to resolve.
backendNodeId?: DOM.BackendNodeId;
* Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects.
objectGroup?: string;
* Execution context in which to resolve the node.
executionContextId?: Runtime.ExecutionContextId;
export type resolveNodeReturnValue = {
* JavaScript object wrapper for given node.
object: Runtime.RemoteObject;
* Sets attribute for an element with given id.
export type setAttributeValueParameters = {
* Id of the element to set attribute for.
nodeId: NodeId;
* Attribute name.
name: string;
* Attribute value.
value: string;
export type setAttributeValueReturnValue = {
* Sets attributes on element with given id. This method is useful when user edits some existing
attribute value and types in several attribute name/value pairs.
export type setAttributesAsTextParameters = {
* Id of the element to set attributes for.
nodeId: NodeId;
* Text with a number of attributes. Will parse this text using HTML parser.
text: string;
* Attribute name to replace with new attributes derived from text in case text parsed
name?: string;
export type setAttributesAsTextReturnValue = {
* Sets files for the given file input element.
export type setFileInputFilesParameters = {
* Array of file paths to set.
files: string[];
* Identifier of the node.
nodeId?: NodeId;
* Identifier of the backend node.
backendNodeId?: BackendNodeId;
* JavaScript object id of the node wrapper.
objectId?: Runtime.RemoteObjectId;
export type setFileInputFilesReturnValue = {
* Sets if stack traces should be captured for Nodes. See `Node.getNodeStackTraces`. Default is disabled.
export type setNodeStackTracesEnabledParameters = {
* Enable or disable.
enable: boolean;
export type setNodeStackTracesEnabledReturnValue = {
* Gets stack traces associated with a Node. As of now, only provides stack trace for Node creation.
export type getNodeStackTracesParameters = {
* Id of the node to get stack traces for.
nodeId: NodeId;
export type getNodeStackTracesReturnValue = {
* Creation stack trace, if available.
creation?: Runtime.StackTrace;
* Returns file information for the given
File wrapper.
export type getFileInfoParameters = {
* JavaScript object id of the node wrapper.
objectId: Runtime.RemoteObjectId;
export type getFileInfoReturnValue = {
path: string;
* Enables console to refer to the node with given id via $x (see Command Line API for more details
$x functions).
export type setInspectedNodeParameters = {
* DOM node id to be accessible by means of $x command line API.
nodeId: NodeId;
export type setInspectedNodeReturnValue = {
* Sets node name for a node with given id.
export type setNodeNameParameters = {
* Id of the node to set name for.
nodeId: NodeId;
* New node's name.
name: string;
export type setNodeNameReturnValue = {
* New node's id.
nodeId: NodeId;
* Sets node value for a node with given id.
export type setNodeValueParameters = {
* Id of the node to set value for.
nodeId: NodeId;
* New node's value.
value: string;
export type setNodeValueReturnValue = {
* Sets node HTML markup, returns new node id.
export type setOuterHTMLParameters = {
* Id of the node to set markup for.
nodeId: NodeId;
* Outer HTML markup to set.
outerHTML: string;
export type setOuterHTMLReturnValue = {
* Undoes the last performed action.
export type undoParameters = {
export type undoReturnValue = {
* Returns iframe node that owns iframe with the given domain.
export type getFrameOwnerParameters = {
frameId: Page.FrameId;
export type getFrameOwnerReturnValue = {
* Resulting node.
backendNodeId: BackendNodeId;
* Id of the node at given coordinates, only when enabled and requested document.
nodeId?: NodeId;
* Returns the container of the given node based on container query conditions.
If containerName is given, it will find the nearest container with a matching name;
otherwise it will find the nearest container regardless of its container name.
export type getContainerForNodeParameters = {
nodeId: NodeId;
containerName?: string;
export type getContainerForNodeReturnValue = {
* The container node for the given node, or null if not found.
nodeId?: NodeId;
* Returns the descendants of a container query container that have
container queries against this container.
export type getQueryingDescendantsForContainerParameters = {
* Id of the container node to find querying descendants from.
nodeId: NodeId;
export type getQueryingDescendantsForContainerReturnValue = {
* Descendant nodes with container queries against the given container.
nodeIds: NodeId[];
* DOM debugging allows setting breakpoints on particular DOM operations and events. JavaScript
execution will stop on these operations as if there was a regular breakpoint set.
export module DOMDebugger {
* DOM breakpoint type.
export type DOMBreakpointType = "subtree-modified"|"attribute-modified"|"node-removed";
* CSP Violation type.
export type CSPViolationType = "trustedtype-sink-violation"|"trustedtype-policy-violation";
* Object event listener.
export interface EventListener {
* `EventListener`'s type.
type: string;
* `EventListener`'s useCapture.
useCapture: boolean;
* `EventListener`'s passive flag.
passive: boolean;
* `EventListener`'s once flag.
once: boolean;
* Script id of the handler code.
scriptId: Runtime.ScriptId;
* Line number in the script (0-based).
lineNumber: number;
* Column number in the script (0-based).
columnNumber: number;
* Event handler function value.
handler?: Runtime.RemoteObject;
* Event original handler function value.
originalHandler?: Runtime.RemoteObject;
* Node the listener is added to (if any).
backendNodeId?: DOM.BackendNodeId;
* Returns event listeners of the given object.
export type getEventListenersParameters = {
* Identifier of the object to return listeners for.
objectId: Runtime.RemoteObjectId;
* The maximum depth at which Node children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the
entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0.
depth?: number;
* Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree
(default is false). Reports listeners for all contexts if pierce is enabled.
pierce?: boolean;
export type getEventListenersReturnValue = {
* Array of relevant listeners.
listeners: EventListener[];
* Removes DOM breakpoint that was set using `setDOMBreakpoint`.
export type removeDOMBreakpointParameters = {
* Identifier of the node to remove breakpoint from.
nodeId: DOM.NodeId;
* Type of the breakpoint to remove.
type: DOMBreakpointType;
export type removeDOMBreakpointReturnValue = {
* Removes breakpoint on particular DOM event.
export type removeEventListenerBreakpointParameters = {
* Event name.
eventName: string;
* EventTarget interface name.
targetName?: string;
export type removeEventListenerBreakpointReturnValue = {
* Removes breakpoint on particular native event.
export type removeInstrumentationBreakpointParameters = {
* Instrumentation name to stop on.
eventName: string;
export type removeInstrumentationBreakpointReturnValue = {
* Removes breakpoint from XMLHttpRequest.
export type removeXHRBreakpointParameters = {
* Resource URL substring.
url: string;
export type removeXHRBreakpointReturnValue = {
* Sets breakpoint on particular CSP violations.
export type setBreakOnCSPViolationParameters = {
* CSP Violations to stop upon.
violationTypes: CSPViolationType[];
export type setBreakOnCSPViolationReturnValue = {
* Sets breakpoint on particular operation with DOM.
export type setDOMBreakpointParameters = {
* Identifier of the node to set breakpoint on.
nodeId: DOM.NodeId;
* Type of the operation to stop upon.
type: DOMBreakpointType;
export type setDOMBreakpointReturnValue = {
* Sets breakpoint on particular DOM event.
export type setEventListenerBreakpointParameters = {
* DOM Event name to stop on (any DOM event will do).
eventName: string;
* EventTarget interface name to stop on. If equal to `"*"` or not provided, will stop on any
targetName?: string;
export type setEventListenerBreakpointReturnValue = {
* Sets breakpoint on particular native event.
export type setInstrumentationBreakpointParameters = {
* Instrumentation name to stop on.
eventName: string;
export type setInstrumentationBreakpointReturnValue = {
* Sets breakpoint on XMLHttpRequest.
export type setXHRBreakpointParameters = {
* Resource URL substring. All XHRs having this substring in the URL will get stopped upon.
url: string;
export type setXHRBreakpointReturnValue = {
* This domain facilitates obtaining document snapshots with DOM, layout, and style information.
export module DOMSnapshot {
* A Node in the DOM tree.
export interface DOMNode {
* `Node`'s nodeType.
nodeType: number;
* `Node`'s nodeName.
nodeName: string;
* `Node`'s nodeValue.
nodeValue: string;
* Only set for textarea elements, contains the text value.
textValue?: string;
* Only set for input elements, contains the input's associated text value.
inputValue?: string;
* Only set for radio and checkbox input elements, indicates if the element has been checked
inputChecked?: boolean;
* Only set for option elements, indicates if the element has been selected
optionSelected?: boolean;
* `Node`'s id, corresponds to DOM.Node.backendNodeId.
backendNodeId: DOM.BackendNodeId;
* The indexes of the node's child nodes in the `domNodes` array returned by `getSnapshot`, if
childNodeIndexes?: number[];
* Attributes of an `Element` node.
attributes?: NameValue[];
* Indexes of pseudo elements associated with this node in the `domNodes` array returned by
`getSnapshot`, if any.
pseudoElementIndexes?: number[];
* The index of the node's related layout tree node in the `layoutTreeNodes` array returned by
`getSnapshot`, if any.
layoutNodeIndex?: number;
* Document URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node points to.
documentURL?: string;
* Base URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node uses for URL completion.
baseURL?: string;
* Only set for documents, contains the document's content language.
contentLanguage?: string;
* Only set for documents, contains the document's character set encoding.
documentEncoding?: string;
* `DocumentType` node's publicId.
publicId?: string;
* `DocumentType` node's systemId.
systemId?: string;
* Frame ID for frame owner elements and also for the document node.
frameId?: Page.FrameId;
* The index of a frame owner element's content document in the `domNodes` array returned by
`getSnapshot`, if any.
contentDocumentIndex?: number;
* Type of a pseudo element node.
pseudoType?: DOM.PseudoType;
* Shadow root type.
shadowRootType?: DOM.ShadowRootType;
* Whether this DOM node responds to mouse clicks. This includes nodes that have had click
event listeners attached via JavaScript as well as anchor tags that naturally navigate when
isClickable?: boolean;
* Details of the node's event listeners, if any.
eventListeners?: DOMDebugger.EventListener[];
* The selected url for nodes with a srcset attribute.
currentSourceURL?: string;
* The url of the script (if any) that generates this node.
originURL?: string;
* Scroll offsets, set when this node is a Document.
scrollOffsetX?: number;
scrollOffsetY?: number;
* Details of post layout rendered text positions. The exact layout should not be regarded as
stable and may change between versions.
export interface InlineTextBox {
* The bounding box in document coordinates. Note that scroll offset of the document is ignored.
boundingBox: DOM.Rect;
* The starting index in characters, for this post layout textbox substring. Characters that
would be represented as a surrogate pair in UTF-16 have length 2.
startCharacterIndex: number;
* The number of characters in this post layout textbox substring. Characters that would be
represented as a surrogate pair in UTF-16 have length 2.
numCharacters: number;
* Details of an element in the DOM tree with a LayoutObject.
export interface LayoutTreeNode {
* The index of the related DOM node in the `domNodes` array returned by `getSnapshot`.
domNodeIndex: number;
* The bounding box in document coordinates. Note that scroll offset of the document is ignored.
boundingBox: DOM.Rect;
* Contents of the LayoutText, if any.
layoutText?: string;
* The post-layout inline text nodes, if any.
inlineTextNodes?: InlineTextBox[];
* Index into the `computedStyles` array returned by `getSnapshot`.
styleIndex?: number;
* Global paint order index, which is determined by the stacking order of the nodes. Nodes
that are painted together will have the same index. Only provided if includePaintOrder in
getSnapshot was true.
paintOrder?: number;
* Set to true to indicate the element begins a new stacking context.
isStackingContext?: boolean;
* A subset of the full ComputedStyle as defined by the request whitelist.
export interface ComputedStyle {
* Name/value pairs of computed style properties.
properties: NameValue[];
* A name/value pair.
export interface NameValue {
* Attribute/property name.
name: string;
* Attribute/property value.
value: string;
* Index of the string in the strings table.
export type StringIndex = number;
* Index of the string in the strings table.
export type ArrayOfStrings = StringIndex[];
* Data that is only present on rare nodes.
export interface RareStringData {
index: number[];
value: StringIndex[];
export interface RareBooleanData {
index: number[];
export interface RareIntegerData {
index: number[];
value: number[];
export type Rectangle = number[];
* Document snapshot.
export interface DocumentSnapshot {
* Document URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node points to.
documentURL: StringIndex;
* Document title.
title: StringIndex;
* Base URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node uses for URL completion.
baseURL: StringIndex;
* Contains the document's content language.
contentLanguage: StringIndex;
* Contains the document's character set encoding.
encodingName: StringIndex;
* `DocumentType` node's publicId.
publicId: StringIndex;
* `DocumentType` node's systemId.
systemId: StringIndex;
* Frame ID for frame owner elements and also for the document node.
frameId: StringIndex;
* A table with dom nodes.
nodes: NodeTreeSnapshot;
* The nodes in the layout tree.
layout: LayoutTreeSnapshot;
* The post-layout inline text nodes.
textBoxes: TextBoxSnapshot;
* Horizontal scroll offset.
scrollOffsetX?: number;
* Vertical scroll offset.
scrollOffsetY?: number;
* Document content width.
contentWidth?: number;
* Document content height.
contentHeight?: number;
* Table containing nodes.
export interface NodeTreeSnapshot {
* Parent node index.
parentIndex?: number[];
* `Node`'s nodeType.
nodeType?: number[];
* Type of the shadow root the `Node` is in. String values are equal to the `ShadowRootType` enum.
shadowRootType?: RareStringData;
* `Node`'s nodeName.
nodeName?: StringIndex[];
* `Node`'s nodeValue.
nodeValue?: StringIndex[];
* `Node`'s id, corresponds to DOM.Node.backendNodeId.
backendNodeId?: DOM.BackendNodeId[];
* Attributes of an `Element` node. Flatten name, value pairs.
attributes?: ArrayOfStrings[];
* Only set for textarea elements, contains the text value.
textValue?: RareStringData;
* Only set for input elements, contains the input's associated text value.
inputValue?: RareStringData;
* Only set for radio and checkbox input elements, indicates if the element has been checked
inputChecked?: RareBooleanData;
* Only set for option elements, indicates if the element has been selected
optionSelected?: RareBooleanData;
* The index of the document in the list of the snapshot documents.
contentDocumentIndex?: RareIntegerData;
* Type of a pseudo element node.
pseudoType?: RareStringData;
* Whether this DOM node responds to mouse clicks. This includes nodes that have had click
event listeners attached via JavaScript as well as anchor tags that naturally navigate when
isClickable?: RareBooleanData;
* The selected url for nodes with a srcset attribute.
currentSourceURL?: RareStringData;
* The url of the script (if any) that generates this node.
originURL?: RareStringData;
* Table of details of an element in the DOM tree with a LayoutObject.
export interface LayoutTreeSnapshot {
* Index of the corresponding node in the `NodeTreeSnapshot` array returned by `captureSnapshot`.
nodeIndex: number[];
* Array of indexes specifying computed style strings, filtered according to the `computedStyles` parameter passed to `captureSnapshot`.
styles: ArrayOfStrings[];
* The absolute position bounding box.
bounds: Rectangle[];
* Contents of the LayoutText, if any.
text: StringIndex[];
* Stacking context information.
stackingContexts: RareBooleanData;
* Global paint order index, which is determined by the stacking order of the nodes. Nodes
that are painted together will have the same index. Only provided if includePaintOrder in
captureSnapshot was true.
paintOrders?: number[];
* The offset rect of nodes. Only available when includeDOMRects is set to true
offsetRects?: Rectangle[];
* The scroll rect of nodes. Only available when includeDOMRects is set to true
scrollRects?: Rectangle[];
* The client rect of nodes. Only available when includeDOMRects is set to true
clientRects?: Rectangle[];
* The list of background colors that are blended with colors of overlapping elements.
blendedBackgroundColors?: StringIndex[];
* The list of computed text opacities.
textColorOpacities?: number[];
* Table of details of the post layout rendered text positions. The exact layout should not be regarded as
stable and may change between versions.
export interface TextBoxSnapshot {
* Index of the layout tree node that owns this box collection.
layoutIndex: number[];
* The absolute position bounding box.
bounds: Rectangle[];
* The starting index in characters, for this post layout textbox substring. Characters that
would be represented as a surrogate pair in UTF-16 have length 2.
start: number[];
* The number of characters in this post layout textbox substring. Characters that would be
represented as a surrogate pair in UTF-16 have length 2.
length: number[];
* Disables DOM snapshot agent for the given page.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables DOM snapshot agent for the given page.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Returns a document snapshot, including the full DOM tree of the root node (including iframes,
template contents, and imported documents) in a flattened array, as well as layout and
white-listed computed style information for the nodes. Shadow DOM in the returned DOM tree is
export type getSnapshotParameters = {
* Whitelist of computed styles to return.
computedStyleWhitelist: string[];
* Whether or not to retrieve details of DOM listeners (default false).
includeEventListeners?: boolean;
* Whether to determine and include the paint order index of LayoutTreeNodes (default false).
includePaintOrder?: boolean;
* Whether to include UA shadow tree in the snapshot (default false).
includeUserAgentShadowTree?: boolean;
export type getSnapshotReturnValue = {
* The nodes in the DOM tree. The DOMNode at index 0 corresponds to the root document.
domNodes: DOMNode[];
* The nodes in the layout tree.
layoutTreeNodes: LayoutTreeNode[];
* Whitelisted ComputedStyle properties for each node in the layout tree.
computedStyles: ComputedStyle[];
* Returns a document snapshot, including the full DOM tree of the root node (including iframes,
template contents, and imported documents) in a flattened array, as well as layout and
white-listed computed style information for the nodes. Shadow DOM in the returned DOM tree is
export type captureSnapshotParameters = {
* Whitelist of computed styles to return.
computedStyles: string[];
* Whether to include layout object paint orders into the snapshot.
includePaintOrder?: boolean;
* Whether to include DOM rectangles (offsetRects, clientRects, scrollRects) into the snapshot
includeDOMRects?: boolean;
* Whether to include blended background colors in the snapshot (default: false).
Blended background color is achieved by blending background colors of all elements
that overlap with the current element.
includeBlendedBackgroundColors?: boolean;
* Whether to include text color opacity in the snapshot (default: false).
An element might have the opacity property set that affects the text color of the element.
The final text color opacity is computed based on the opacity of all overlapping elements.
includeTextColorOpacities?: boolean;
export type captureSnapshotReturnValue = {
* The nodes in the DOM tree. The DOMNode at index 0 corresponds to the root document.
documents: DocumentSnapshot[];
* Shared string table that all string properties refer to with indexes.
strings: string[];
* Query and modify DOM storage.
export module DOMStorage {
* DOM Storage identifier.
export interface StorageId {
* Security origin for the storage.
securityOrigin: string;
* Whether the storage is local storage (not session storage).
isLocalStorage: boolean;
* DOM Storage item.
export type Item = string[];
export type domStorageItemAddedPayload = {
storageId: StorageId;
key: string;
newValue: string;
export type domStorageItemRemovedPayload = {
storageId: StorageId;
key: string;
export type domStorageItemUpdatedPayload = {
storageId: StorageId;
key: string;
oldValue: string;
newValue: string;
export type domStorageItemsClearedPayload = {
storageId: StorageId;
export type clearParameters = {
storageId: StorageId;
export type clearReturnValue = {
* Disables storage tracking, prevents storage events from being sent to the client.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables storage tracking, storage events will now be delivered to the client.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
export type getDOMStorageItemsParameters = {
storageId: StorageId;
export type getDOMStorageItemsReturnValue = {
entries: Item[];
export type removeDOMStorageItemParameters = {
storageId: StorageId;
key: string;
export type removeDOMStorageItemReturnValue = {
export type setDOMStorageItemParameters = {
storageId: StorageId;
key: string;
value: string;
export type setDOMStorageItemReturnValue = {
export module Database {
* Unique identifier of Database object.
export type DatabaseId = string;
* Database object.
export interface Database {
* Database ID.
id: DatabaseId;
* Database domain.
domain: string;
* Database name.
name: string;
* Database version.
version: string;
* Database error.
export interface Error {
* Error message.
message: string;
* Error code.
code: number;
export type addDatabasePayload = {
database: Database;
* Disables database tracking, prevents database events from being sent to the client.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables database tracking, database events will now be delivered to the client.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
export type executeSQLParameters = {
databaseId: DatabaseId;
query: string;
export type executeSQLReturnValue = {
columnNames?: string[];
values?: any[];
sqlError?: Error;
export type getDatabaseTableNamesParameters = {
databaseId: DatabaseId;
export type getDatabaseTableNamesReturnValue = {
tableNames: string[];
export module DeviceOrientation {
* Clears the overridden Device Orientation.
export type clearDeviceOrientationOverrideParameters = {
export type clearDeviceOrientationOverrideReturnValue = {
* Overrides the Device Orientation.
export type setDeviceOrientationOverrideParameters = {
* Mock alpha
alpha: number;
* Mock beta
beta: number;
* Mock gamma
gamma: number;
export type setDeviceOrientationOverrideReturnValue = {
* This domain emulates different environments for the page.
export module Emulation {
* Screen orientation.
export interface ScreenOrientation {
* Orientation type.
type: "portraitPrimary"|"portraitSecondary"|"landscapePrimary"|"landscapeSecondary";
* Orientation angle.
angle: number;
export interface DisplayFeature {
* Orientation of a display feature in relation to screen
orientation: "vertical"|"horizontal";
* The offset from the screen origin in either the x (for vertical
orientation) or y (for horizontal orientation) direction.
offset: number;
* A display feature may mask content such that it is not physically
displayed - this length along with the offset describes this area.
A display feature that only splits content will have a 0 mask_length.
maskLength: number;
export interface MediaFeature {
name: string;
value: string;
* advance: If the scheduler runs out of immediate work, the virtual time base may fast forward to
allow the next delayed task (if any) to run; pause: The virtual time base may not advance;
pauseIfNetworkFetchesPending: The virtual time base may not advance if there are any pending
resource fetches.
export type VirtualTimePolicy = "advance"|"pause"|"pauseIfNetworkFetchesPending";
* Used to specify User Agent Cient Hints to emulate. See
export interface UserAgentBrandVersion {
brand: string;
version: string;
* Used to specify User Agent Cient Hints to emulate. See
Missing optional values will be filled in by the target with what it would normally use.
export interface UserAgentMetadata {
brands?: UserAgentBrandVersion[];
fullVersion?: string;
platform: string;
platformVersion: string;
architecture: string;
model: string;
mobile: boolean;
* Enum of image types that can be disabled.
export type DisabledImageType = "avif"|"jxl"|"webp";
* Notification sent after the virtual time budget for the current VirtualTimePolicy has run out.
export type virtualTimeBudgetExpiredPayload = void;
* Tells whether emulation is supported.
export type canEmulateParameters = {
export type canEmulateReturnValue = {
* True if emulation is supported.
result: boolean;
* Clears the overridden device metrics.
export type clearDeviceMetricsOverrideParameters = {
export type clearDeviceMetricsOverrideReturnValue = {
* Clears the overridden Geolocation Position and Error.
export type clearGeolocationOverrideParameters = {
export type clearGeolocationOverrideReturnValue = {
* Requests that page scale factor is reset to initial values.
export type resetPageScaleFactorParameters = {
export type resetPageScaleFactorReturnValue = {
* Enables or disables simulating a focused and active page.
export type setFocusEmulationEnabledParameters = {
* Whether to enable to disable focus emulation.
enabled: boolean;
export type setFocusEmulationEnabledReturnValue = {
* Enables CPU throttling to emulate slow CPUs.
export type setCPUThrottlingRateParameters = {
* Throttling rate as a slowdown factor (1 is no throttle, 2 is 2x slowdown, etc).
rate: number;
export type setCPUThrottlingRateReturnValue = {
* Sets or clears an override of the default background color of the frame. This override is used
if the content does not specify one.
export type setDefaultBackgroundColorOverrideParameters = {
* RGBA of the default background color. If not specified, any existing override will be
color?: DOM.RGBA;
export type setDefaultBackgroundColorOverrideReturnValue = {
* Overrides the values of device screen dimensions (window.screen.width, window.screen.height,
window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, and "device-width"/"device-height"-related CSS media
query results).
export type setDeviceMetricsOverrideParameters = {
* Overriding width value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). 0 disables the override.
width: number;
* Overriding height value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). 0 disables the override.
height: number;
* Overriding device scale factor value. 0 disables the override.
deviceScaleFactor: number;
* Whether to emulate mobile device. This includes viewport meta tag, overlay scrollbars, text
autosizing and more.
mobile: boolean;
* Scale to apply to resulting view image.
scale?: number;
* Overriding screen width value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000).
screenWidth?: number;
* Overriding screen height value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000).
screenHeight?: number;
* Overriding view X position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000).
positionX?: number;
* Overriding view Y position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000).
positionY?: number;
* Do not set visible view size, rely upon explicit setVisibleSize call.
dontSetVisibleSize?: boolean;
* Screen orientation override.
screenOrientation?: ScreenOrientation;
* If set, the visible area of the page will be overridden to this viewport. This viewport
change is not observed by the page, e.g. viewport-relative elements do not change positions.
viewport?: Page.Viewport;
* If set, the display feature of a multi-segment screen. If not set, multi-segment support
is turned-off.
displayFeature?: DisplayFeature;
export type setDeviceMetricsOverrideReturnValue = {
export type setScrollbarsHiddenParameters = {
* Whether scrollbars should be always hidden.
hidden: boolean;
export type setScrollbarsHiddenReturnValue = {
export type setDocumentCookieDisabledParameters = {
* Whether document.coookie API should be disabled.
disabled: boolean;
export type setDocumentCookieDisabledReturnValue = {
export type setEmitTouchEventsForMouseParameters = {
* Whether touch emulation based on mouse input should be enabled.
enabled: boolean;
* Touch/gesture events configuration. Default: current platform.
configuration?: "mobile"|"desktop";
export type setEmitTouchEventsForMouseReturnValue = {
* Emulates the given media type or media feature for CSS media queries.
export type setEmulatedMediaParameters = {
* Media type to emulate. Empty string disables the override.
media?: string;
* Media features to emulate.
features?: MediaFeature[];
export type setEmulatedMediaReturnValue = {
* Emulates the given vision deficiency.
export type setEmulatedVisionDeficiencyParameters = {
* Vision deficiency to emulate.
type: "none"|"achromatopsia"|"blurredVision"|"deuteranopia"|"protanopia"|"tritanopia";
export type setEmulatedVisionDeficiencyReturnValue = {
* Overrides the Geolocation Position or Error. Omitting any of the parameters emulates position
export type setGeolocationOverrideParameters = {
* Mock latitude
latitude?: number;
* Mock longitude
longitude?: number;
* Mock accuracy
accuracy?: number;
export type setGeolocationOverrideReturnValue = {
* Overrides the Idle state.
export type setIdleOverrideParameters = {
* Mock isUserActive
isUserActive: boolean;
* Mock isScreenUnlocked
isScreenUnlocked: boolean;
export type setIdleOverrideReturnValue = {
* Clears Idle state overrides.
export type clearIdleOverrideParameters = {
export type clearIdleOverrideReturnValue = {
* Overrides value returned by the javascript navigator object.
export type setNavigatorOverridesParameters = {
* The platform navigator.platform should return.
platform: string;
export type setNavigatorOverridesReturnValue = {
* Sets a specified page scale factor.
export type setPageScaleFactorParameters = {
* Page scale factor.
pageScaleFactor: number;
export type setPageScaleFactorReturnValue = {
* Switches script execution in the page.
export type setScriptExecutionDisabledParameters = {
* Whether script execution should be disabled in the page.
value: boolean;
export type setScriptExecutionDisabledReturnValue = {
* Enables touch on platforms which do not support them.
export type setTouchEmulationEnabledParameters = {
* Whether the touch event emulation should be enabled.
enabled: boolean;
* Maximum touch points supported. Defaults to one.
maxTouchPoints?: number;
export type setTouchEmulationEnabledReturnValue = {
* Turns on virtual time for all frames (replacing real-time with a synthetic time source) and sets
the current virtual time policy. Note this supersedes any previous time budget.
export type setVirtualTimePolicyParameters = {
policy: VirtualTimePolicy;
* If set, after this many virtual milliseconds have elapsed virtual time will be paused and a
virtualTimeBudgetExpired event is sent.
budget?: number;
* If set this specifies the maximum number of tasks that can be run before virtual is forced
forwards to prevent deadlock.
maxVirtualTimeTaskStarvationCount?: number;
* If set the virtual time policy change should be deferred until any frame starts navigating.
Note any previous deferred policy change is superseded.
waitForNavigation?: boolean;
* If set, base::Time::Now will be overridden to initially return this value.
initialVirtualTime?: Network.TimeSinceEpoch;
export type setVirtualTimePolicyReturnValue = {
* Absolute timestamp at which virtual time was first enabled (up time in milliseconds).
virtualTimeTicksBase: number;
* Overrides default host system locale with the specified one.
export type setLocaleOverrideParameters = {
* ICU style C locale (e.g. "en_US"). If not specified or empty, disables the override and
restores default host system locale.
locale?: string;
export type setLocaleOverrideReturnValue = {
* Overrides default host system timezone with the specified one.
export type setTimezoneOverrideParameters = {
* The timezone identifier. If empty, disables the override and
restores default host system timezone.
timezoneId: string;
export type setTimezoneOverrideReturnValue = {
* Resizes the frame/viewport of the page. Note that this does not affect the frame's container
(e.g. browser window). Can be used to produce screenshots of the specified size. Not supported
on Android.
export type setVisibleSizeParameters = {
* Frame width (DIP).
width: number;
* Frame height (DIP).
height: number;
export type setVisibleSizeReturnValue = {
export type setDisabledImageTypesParameters = {
* Image types to disable.
imageTypes: DisabledImageType[];
export type setDisabledImageTypesReturnValue = {
* Allows overriding user agent with the given string.
export type setUserAgentOverrideParameters = {
* User agent to use.
userAgent: string;
* Browser langugage to emulate.
acceptLanguage?: string;
* The platform navigator.platform should return.
platform?: string;
* To be sent in Sec-CH-UA-* headers and returned in navigator.userAgentData
userAgentMetadata?: UserAgentMetadata;
export type setUserAgentOverrideReturnValue = {
* This domain provides experimental commands only supported in headless mode.
export module HeadlessExperimental {
* Encoding options for a screenshot.
export interface ScreenshotParams {
* Image compression format (defaults to png).
format?: "jpeg"|"png";
* Compression quality from range [0..100] (jpeg only).
quality?: number;
* Issued when the target starts or stops needing BeginFrames.
Deprecated. Issue beginFrame unconditionally instead and use result from
beginFrame to detect whether the frames were suppressed.
export type needsBeginFramesChangedPayload = {
* True if BeginFrames are needed, false otherwise.
needsBeginFrames: boolean;
* Sends a BeginFrame to the target and returns when the frame was completed. Optionally captures a
screenshot from the resulting frame. Requires that the target was created with enabled
BeginFrameControl. Designed for use with --run-all-compositor-stages-before-draw, see also for more background.
export type beginFrameParameters = {
* Timestamp of this BeginFrame in Renderer TimeTicks (milliseconds of uptime). If not set,
the current time will be used.
frameTimeTicks?: number;
* The interval between BeginFrames that is reported to the compositor, in milliseconds.
Defaults to a 60 frames/second interval, i.e. about 16.666 milliseconds.
interval?: number;
* Whether updates should not be committed and drawn onto the display. False by default. If
true, only side effects of the BeginFrame will be run, such as layout and animations, but
any visual updates may not be visible on the display or in screenshots.
noDisplayUpdates?: boolean;
* If set, a screenshot of the frame will be captured and returned in the response. Otherwise,
no screenshot will be captured. Note that capturing a screenshot can fail, for example,
during renderer initialization. In such a case, no screenshot data will be returned.
screenshot?: ScreenshotParams;
export type beginFrameReturnValue = {
* Whether the BeginFrame resulted in damage and, thus, a new frame was committed to the
display. Reported for diagnostic uses, may be removed in the future.
hasDamage: boolean;
* Base64-encoded image data of the screenshot, if one was requested and successfully taken.
screenshotData?: binary;
* Disables headless events for the target.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables headless events for the target.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Input/Output operations for streams produced by DevTools.
export module IO {
* This is either obtained from another method or specified as `blob:&lt;uuid&gt;` where
`&lt;uuid&gt` is an UUID of a Blob.
export type StreamHandle = string;
* Close the stream, discard any temporary backing storage.
export type closeParameters = {
* Handle of the stream to close.
handle: StreamHandle;
export type closeReturnValue = {
* Read a chunk of the stream
export type readParameters = {
* Handle of the stream to read.
handle: StreamHandle;
* Seek to the specified offset before reading (if not specificed, proceed with offset
following the last read). Some types of streams may only support sequential reads.
offset?: number;
* Maximum number of bytes to read (left upon the agent discretion if not specified).
size?: number;
export type readReturnValue = {
* Set if the data is base64-encoded
base64Encoded?: boolean;
* Data that were read.
data: string;
* Set if the end-of-file condition occurred while reading.
eof: boolean;
* Return UUID of Blob object specified by a remote object id.
export type resolveBlobParameters = {
* Object id of a Blob object wrapper.
objectId: Runtime.RemoteObjectId;
export type resolveBlobReturnValue = {
* UUID of the specified Blob.
uuid: string;
export module IndexedDB {
* Database with an array of object stores.
export interface DatabaseWithObjectStores {
* Database name.
name: string;
* Database version (type is not 'integer', as the standard
requires the version number to be 'unsigned long long')
version: number;
* Object stores in this database.
objectStores: ObjectStore[];
* Object store.
export interface ObjectStore {
* Object store name.
name: string;
* Object store key path.
keyPath: KeyPath;
* If true, object store has auto increment flag set.
autoIncrement: boolean;
* Indexes in this object store.
indexes: ObjectStoreIndex[];
* Object store index.
export interface ObjectStoreIndex {
* Index name.
name: string;
* Index key path.
keyPath: KeyPath;
* If true, index is unique.
unique: boolean;
* If true, index allows multiple entries for a key.
multiEntry: boolean;
* Key.
export interface Key {
* Key type.
type: "number"|"string"|"date"|"array";
* Number value.
number?: number;
* String value.
string?: string;
* Date value.
date?: number;
* Array value.
array?: Key[];
* Key range.
export interface KeyRange {
* Lower bound.
lower?: Key;
* Upper bound.
upper?: Key;
* If true lower bound is open.
lowerOpen: boolean;
* If true upper bound is open.
upperOpen: boolean;
* Data entry.
export interface DataEntry {
* Key object.
key: Runtime.RemoteObject;
* Primary key object.
primaryKey: Runtime.RemoteObject;
* Value object.
value: Runtime.RemoteObject;
* Key path.
export interface KeyPath {
* Key path type.
type: "null"|"string"|"array";
* String value.
string?: string;
* Array value.
array?: string[];
* Clears all entries from an object store.
export type clearObjectStoreParameters = {
* Security origin.
securityOrigin: string;
* Database name.
databaseName: string;
* Object store name.
objectStoreName: string;
export type clearObjectStoreReturnValue = {
* Deletes a database.
export type deleteDatabaseParameters = {
* Security origin.
securityOrigin: string;
* Database name.
databaseName: string;
export type deleteDatabaseReturnValue = {
* Delete a range of entries from an object store
export type deleteObjectStoreEntriesParameters = {
securityOrigin: string;
databaseName: string;
objectStoreName: string;
* Range of entry keys to delete
keyRange: KeyRange;
export type deleteObjectStoreEntriesReturnValue = {
* Disables events from backend.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables events from backend.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Requests data from object store or index.
export type requestDataParameters = {
* Security origin.
securityOrigin: string;
* Database name.
databaseName: string;
* Object store name.
objectStoreName: string;
* Index name, empty string for object store data requests.
indexName: string;
* Number of records to skip.
skipCount: number;
* Number of records to fetch.
pageSize: number;
* Key range.
keyRange?: KeyRange;
export type requestDataReturnValue = {
* Array of object store data entries.
objectStoreDataEntries: DataEntry[];
* If true, there are more entries to fetch in the given range.
hasMore: boolean;
* Gets metadata of an object store
export type getMetadataParameters = {
* Security origin.
securityOrigin: string;
* Database name.
databaseName: string;
* Object store name.
objectStoreName: string;
export type getMetadataReturnValue = {
* the entries count
entriesCount: number;
* the current value of key generator, to become the next inserted
key into the object store. Valid if objectStore.autoIncrement
is true.
keyGeneratorValue: number;
* Requests database with given name in given frame.
export type requestDatabaseParameters = {
* Security origin.
securityOrigin: string;
* Database name.
databaseName: string;
export type requestDatabaseReturnValue = {
* Database with an array of object stores.
databaseWithObjectStores: DatabaseWithObjectStores;
* Requests database names for given security origin.
export type requestDatabaseNamesParameters = {
* Security origin.
securityOrigin: string;
export type requestDatabaseNamesReturnValue = {
* Database names for origin.
databaseNames: string[];
export module Input {
export interface TouchPoint {
* X coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels. 0 refers to
the top of the viewport and Y increases as it proceeds towards the bottom of the viewport.
y: number;
* X radius of the touch area (default: 1.0).
radiusX?: number;
* Y radius of the touch area (default: 1.0).
radiusY?: number;
* Rotation angle (default: 0.0).
rotationAngle?: number;
* Force (default: 1.0).
force?: number;
* The normalized tangential pressure, which has a range of [-1,1] (default: 0).
tangentialPressure?: number;
* The plane angle between the Y-Z plane and the plane containing both the stylus axis and the Y axis, in degrees of the range [-90,90], a positive tiltX is to the right (default: 0)
tiltX?: number;
* The plane angle between the X-Z plane and the plane containing both the stylus axis and the X axis, in degrees of the range [-90,90], a positive tiltY is towards the user (default: 0).
tiltY?: number;
* The clockwise rotation of a pen stylus around its own major axis, in degrees in the range [0,359] (default: 0).
twist?: number;
* Identifier used to track touch sources between events, must be unique within an event.
id?: number;
export type GestureSourceType = "default"|"touch"|"mouse";
export type MouseButton = "none"|"left"|"middle"|"right"|"back"|"forward";
* UTC time in seconds, counted from January 1, 1970.
export type TimeSinceEpoch = number;
export interface DragDataItem {
* Mime type of the dragged data.
mimeType: string;
* Depending of the value of `mimeType`, it contains the dragged link,
text, HTML markup or any other data.
data: string;
* Title associated with a link. Only valid when `mimeType` == "text/uri-list".
title?: string;
* Stores the base URL for the contained markup. Only valid when `mimeType`
== "text/html".
baseURL?: string;
export interface DragData {
items: DragDataItem[];
* List of filenames that should be included when dropping
files?: string[];
* Bit field representing allowed drag operations. Copy = 1, Link = 2, Move = 16
dragOperationsMask: number;
* Emitted only when `Input.setInterceptDrags` is enabled. Use this data with `Input.dispatchDragEvent` to
restore normal drag and drop behavior.
export type dragInterceptedPayload = {
data: DragData;
* Dispatches a drag event into the page.
export type dispatchDragEventParameters = {
* Type of the drag event.
type: "dragEnter"|"dragOver"|"drop"|"dragCancel";
* X coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels. 0 refers to
the top of the viewport and Y increases as it proceeds towards the bottom of the viewport.
y: number;
data: DragData;
* Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8
(default: 0).
modifiers?: number;
export type dispatchDragEventReturnValue = {
* Dispatches a key event to the page.
export type dispatchKeyEventParameters = {
* Type of the key event.
type: "keyDown"|"keyUp"|"rawKeyDown"|"char";
* Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8
(default: 0).
modifiers?: number;
* Time at which the event occurred.
timestamp?: TimeSinceEpoch;
* Text as generated by processing a virtual key code with a keyboard layout. Not needed for
for `keyUp` and `rawKeyDown` events (default: "")
text?: string;
* Text that would have been generated by the keyboard if no modifiers were pressed (except for
shift). Useful for shortcut (accelerator) key handling (default: "").
unmodifiedText?: string;
* Unique key identifier (e.g., 'U+0041') (default: "").
keyIdentifier?: string;
* Unique DOM defined string value for each physical key (e.g., 'KeyA') (default: "").
code?: string;
* Unique DOM defined string value describing the meaning of the key in the context of active
modifiers, keyboard layout, etc (e.g., 'AltGr') (default: "").
key?: string;
* Windows virtual key code (default: 0).
windowsVirtualKeyCode?: number;
* Native virtual key code (default: 0).
nativeVirtualKeyCode?: number;
* Whether the event was generated from auto repeat (default: false).
autoRepeat?: boolean;
* Whether the event was generated from the keypad (default: false).
isKeypad?: boolean;
* Whether the event was a system key event (default: false).
isSystemKey?: boolean;
* Whether the event was from the left or right side of the keyboard. 1=Left, 2=Right (default:
location?: number;
* Editing commands to send with the key event (e.g., 'selectAll') (default: []).
These are related to but not equal the command names used in `document.execCommand` and NSStandardKeyBindingResponding.
See for valid command names.
commands?: string[];
export type dispatchKeyEventReturnValue = {
* This method emulates inserting text that doesn't come from a key press,
for example an emoji keyboard or an IME.
export type insertTextParameters = {
* The text to insert.
text: string;
export type insertTextReturnValue = {
* This method sets the current candidate text for ime.
Use imeCommitComposition to commit the final text.
Use imeSetComposition with empty string as text to cancel composition.
export type imeSetCompositionParameters = {
* The text to insert
text: string;
* selection start
selectionStart: number;
* selection end
selectionEnd: number;
* replacement start
replacementStart?: number;
* replacement end
replacementEnd?: number;
export type imeSetCompositionReturnValue = {
* Dispatches a mouse event to the page.
export type dispatchMouseEventParameters = {
* Type of the mouse event.
type: "mousePressed"|"mouseReleased"|"mouseMoved"|"mouseWheel";
* X coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels. 0 refers to
the top of the viewport and Y increases as it proceeds towards the bottom of the viewport.
y: number;
* Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8
(default: 0).
modifiers?: number;
* Time at which the event occurred.
timestamp?: TimeSinceEpoch;
* Mouse button (default: "none").
button?: MouseButton;
* A number indicating which buttons are pressed on the mouse when a mouse event is triggered.
Left=1, Right=2, Middle=4, Back=8, Forward=16, None=0.
buttons?: number;
* Number of times the mouse button was clicked (default: 0).
clickCount?: number;
* The normalized pressure, which has a range of [0,1] (default: 0).
force?: number;
* The normalized tangential pressure, which has a range of [-1,1] (default: 0).
tangentialPressure?: number;
* The plane angle between the Y-Z plane and the plane containing both the stylus axis and the Y axis, in degrees of the range [-90,90], a positive tiltX is to the right (default: 0).
tiltX?: number;
* The plane angle between the X-Z plane and the plane containing both the stylus axis and the X axis, in degrees of the range [-90,90], a positive tiltY is towards the user (default: 0).
tiltY?: number;
* The clockwise rotation of a pen stylus around its own major axis, in degrees in the range [0,359] (default: 0).
twist?: number;
* X delta in CSS pixels for mouse wheel event (default: 0).
deltaX?: number;
* Y delta in CSS pixels for mouse wheel event (default: 0).
deltaY?: number;
* Pointer type (default: "mouse").
pointerType?: "mouse"|"pen";
export type dispatchMouseEventReturnValue = {
* Dispatches a touch event to the page.
export type dispatchTouchEventParameters = {
* Type of the touch event. TouchEnd and TouchCancel must not contain any touch points, while
TouchStart and TouchMove must contains at least one.
type: "touchStart"|"touchEnd"|"touchMove"|"touchCancel";
* Active touch points on the touch device. One event per any changed point (compared to
previous touch event in a sequence) is generated, emulating pressing/moving/releasing points
one by one.
touchPoints: TouchPoint[];
* Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8
(default: 0).
modifiers?: number;
* Time at which the event occurred.
timestamp?: TimeSinceEpoch;
export type dispatchTouchEventReturnValue = {
* Emulates touch event from the mouse event parameters.
export type emulateTouchFromMouseEventParameters = {
* Type of the mouse event.
type: "mousePressed"|"mouseReleased"|"mouseMoved"|"mouseWheel";
* X coordinate of the mouse pointer in DIP.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the mouse pointer in DIP.
y: number;
* Mouse button. Only "none", "left", "right" are supported.
button: MouseButton;
* Time at which the event occurred (default: current time).
timestamp?: TimeSinceEpoch;
* X delta in DIP for mouse wheel event (default: 0).
deltaX?: number;
* Y delta in DIP for mouse wheel event (default: 0).
deltaY?: number;
* Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8
(default: 0).
modifiers?: number;
* Number of times the mouse button was clicked (default: 0).
clickCount?: number;
export type emulateTouchFromMouseEventReturnValue = {
* Ignores input events (useful while auditing page).
export type setIgnoreInputEventsParameters = {
* Ignores input events processing when set to true.
ignore: boolean;
export type setIgnoreInputEventsReturnValue = {
* Prevents default drag and drop behavior and instead emits `Input.dragIntercepted` events.
Drag and drop behavior can be directly controlled via `Input.dispatchDragEvent`.
export type setInterceptDragsParameters = {
enabled: boolean;
export type setInterceptDragsReturnValue = {
* Synthesizes a pinch gesture over a time period by issuing appropriate touch events.
export type synthesizePinchGestureParameters = {
* X coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels.
y: number;
* Relative scale factor after zooming (>1.0 zooms in, <1.0 zooms out).
scaleFactor: number;
* Relative pointer speed in pixels per second (default: 800).
relativeSpeed?: number;
* Which type of input events to be generated (default: 'default', which queries the platform
for the preferred input type).
gestureSourceType?: GestureSourceType;
export type synthesizePinchGestureReturnValue = {
* Synthesizes a scroll gesture over a time period by issuing appropriate touch events.
export type synthesizeScrollGestureParameters = {
* X coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels.
y: number;
* The distance to scroll along the X axis (positive to scroll left).
xDistance?: number;
* The distance to scroll along the Y axis (positive to scroll up).
yDistance?: number;
* The number of additional pixels to scroll back along the X axis, in addition to the given
xOverscroll?: number;
* The number of additional pixels to scroll back along the Y axis, in addition to the given
yOverscroll?: number;
* Prevent fling (default: true).
preventFling?: boolean;
* Swipe speed in pixels per second (default: 800).
speed?: number;
* Which type of input events to be generated (default: 'default', which queries the platform
for the preferred input type).
gestureSourceType?: GestureSourceType;
* The number of times to repeat the gesture (default: 0).
repeatCount?: number;
* The number of milliseconds delay between each repeat. (default: 250).
repeatDelayMs?: number;
* The name of the interaction markers to generate, if not empty (default: "").
interactionMarkerName?: string;
export type synthesizeScrollGestureReturnValue = {
* Synthesizes a tap gesture over a time period by issuing appropriate touch events.
export type synthesizeTapGestureParameters = {
* X coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels.
y: number;
* Duration between touchdown and touchup events in ms (default: 50).
duration?: number;
* Number of times to perform the tap (e.g. 2 for double tap, default: 1).
tapCount?: number;
* Which type of input events to be generated (default: 'default', which queries the platform
for the preferred input type).
gestureSourceType?: GestureSourceType;
export type synthesizeTapGestureReturnValue = {
export module Inspector {
* Fired when remote debugging connection is about to be terminated. Contains detach reason.
export type detachedPayload = {
* The reason why connection has been terminated.
reason: string;
* Fired when debugging target has crashed
export type targetCrashedPayload = void;
* Fired when debugging target has reloaded after crash
export type targetReloadedAfterCrashPayload = void;
* Disables inspector domain notifications.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables inspector domain notifications.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
export module LayerTree {
* Unique Layer identifier.
export type LayerId = string;
* Unique snapshot identifier.
export type SnapshotId = string;
* Rectangle where scrolling happens on the main thread.
export interface ScrollRect {
* Rectangle itself.
rect: DOM.Rect;
* Reason for rectangle to force scrolling on the main thread
type: "RepaintsOnScroll"|"TouchEventHandler"|"WheelEventHandler";
* Sticky position constraints.
export interface StickyPositionConstraint {
* Layout rectangle of the sticky element before being shifted
stickyBoxRect: DOM.Rect;
* Layout rectangle of the containing block of the sticky element
containingBlockRect: DOM.Rect;
* The nearest sticky layer that shifts the sticky box
nearestLayerShiftingStickyBox?: LayerId;
* The nearest sticky layer that shifts the containing block
nearestLayerShiftingContainingBlock?: LayerId;
* Serialized fragment of layer picture along with its offset within the layer.
export interface PictureTile {
* Offset from owning layer left boundary
x: number;
* Offset from owning layer top boundary
y: number;
* Base64-encoded snapshot data.
picture: binary;
* Information about a compositing layer.
export interface Layer {
* The unique id for this layer.
layerId: LayerId;
* The id of parent (not present for root).
parentLayerId?: LayerId;
* The backend id for the node associated with this layer.
backendNodeId?: DOM.BackendNodeId;
* Offset from parent layer, X coordinate.
offsetX: number;
* Offset from parent layer, Y coordinate.
offsetY: number;
* Layer width.
width: number;
* Layer height.
height: number;
* Transformation matrix for layer, default is identity matrix
transform?: number[];
* Transform anchor point X, absent if no transform specified
anchorX?: number;
* Transform anchor point Y, absent if no transform specified
anchorY?: number;
* Transform anchor point Z, absent if no transform specified
anchorZ?: number;
* Indicates how many time this layer has painted.
paintCount: number;
* Indicates whether this layer hosts any content, rather than being used for
transform/scrolling purposes only.
drawsContent: boolean;
* Set if layer is not visible.
invisible?: boolean;
* Rectangles scrolling on main thread only.
scrollRects?: ScrollRect[];
* Sticky position constraint information
stickyPositionConstraint?: StickyPositionConstraint;
* Array of timings, one per paint step.
export type PaintProfile = number[];
export type layerPaintedPayload = {
* The id of the painted layer.
layerId: LayerId;
* Clip rectangle.
clip: DOM.Rect;
export type layerTreeDidChangePayload = {
* Layer tree, absent if not in the comspositing mode.
layers?: Layer[];
* Provides the reasons why the given layer was composited.
export type compositingReasonsParameters = {
* The id of the layer for which we want to get the reasons it was composited.
layerId: LayerId;
export type compositingReasonsReturnValue = {
* A list of strings specifying reasons for the given layer to become composited.
compositingReasons: string[];
* A list of strings specifying reason IDs for the given layer to become composited.
compositingReasonIds: string[];
* Disables compositing tree inspection.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables compositing tree inspection.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Returns the snapshot identifier.
export type loadSnapshotParameters = {
* An array of tiles composing the snapshot.
tiles: PictureTile[];
export type loadSnapshotReturnValue = {
* The id of the snapshot.
snapshotId: SnapshotId;
* Returns the layer snapshot identifier.
export type makeSnapshotParameters = {
* The id of the layer.
layerId: LayerId;
export type makeSnapshotReturnValue = {
* The id of the layer snapshot.
snapshotId: SnapshotId;
export type profileSnapshotParameters = {
* The id of the layer snapshot.
snapshotId: SnapshotId;
* The maximum number of times to replay the snapshot (1, if not specified).
minRepeatCount?: number;
* The minimum duration (in seconds) to replay the snapshot.
minDuration?: number;
* The clip rectangle to apply when replaying the snapshot.
clipRect?: DOM.Rect;
export type profileSnapshotReturnValue = {
* The array of paint profiles, one per run.
timings: PaintProfile[];
* Releases layer snapshot captured by the back-end.
export type releaseSnapshotParameters = {
* The id of the layer snapshot.
snapshotId: SnapshotId;
export type releaseSnapshotReturnValue = {
* Replays the layer snapshot and returns the resulting bitmap.
export type replaySnapshotParameters = {
* The id of the layer snapshot.
snapshotId: SnapshotId;
* The first step to replay from (replay from the very start if not specified).
fromStep?: number;
* The last step to replay to (replay till the end if not specified).
toStep?: number;
* The scale to apply while replaying (defaults to 1).
scale?: number;
export type replaySnapshotReturnValue = {
* A data: URL for resulting image.
dataURL: string;
* Replays the layer snapshot and returns canvas log.
export type snapshotCommandLogParameters = {
* The id of the layer snapshot.
snapshotId: SnapshotId;
export type snapshotCommandLogReturnValue = {
* The array of canvas function calls.
commandLog: { [key: string]: string }[];
* Provides access to log entries.
export module Log {
* Log entry.
export interface LogEntry {
* Log entry source.
source: "xml"|"javascript"|"network"|"storage"|"appcache"|"rendering"|"security"|"deprecation"|"worker"|"violation"|"intervention"|"recommendation"|"other";
* Log entry severity.
level: "verbose"|"info"|"warning"|"error";
* Logged text.
text: string;
category?: "cors";
* Timestamp when this entry was added.
timestamp: Runtime.Timestamp;
* URL of the resource if known.
url?: string;
* Line number in the resource.
lineNumber?: number;
* JavaScript stack trace.
stackTrace?: Runtime.StackTrace;
* Identifier of the network request associated with this entry.
networkRequestId?: Network.RequestId;
* Identifier of the worker associated with this entry.
workerId?: string;
* Call arguments.
args?: Runtime.RemoteObject[];
* Violation configuration setting.
export interface ViolationSetting {
* Violation type.
name: "longTask"|"longLayout"|"blockedEvent"|"blockedParser"|"discouragedAPIUse"|"handler"|"recurringHandler";
* Time threshold to trigger upon.
threshold: number;
* Issued when new message was logged.
export type entryAddedPayload = {
* The entry.
entry: LogEntry;
* Clears the log.
export type clearParameters = {
export type clearReturnValue = {
* Disables log domain, prevents further log entries from being reported to the client.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables log domain, sends the entries collected so far to the client by means of the
`entryAdded` notification.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* start violation reporting.
export type startViolationsReportParameters = {
* Configuration for violations.
config: ViolationSetting[];
export type startViolationsReportReturnValue = {
* Stop violation reporting.
export type stopViolationsReportParameters = {
export type stopViolationsReportReturnValue = {
export module Memory {
* Memory pressure level.
export type PressureLevel = "moderate"|"critical";
* Heap profile sample.
export interface SamplingProfileNode {
* Size of the sampled allocation.
size: number;
* Total bytes attributed to this sample.
total: number;
* Execution stack at the point of allocation.
stack: string[];
* Array of heap profile samples.
export interface SamplingProfile {
samples: SamplingProfileNode[];
modules: Module[];
* Executable module information
export interface Module {
* Name of the module.
name: string;
* UUID of the module.
uuid: string;
* Base address where the module is loaded into memory. Encoded as a decimal
or hexadecimal (0x prefixed) string.
baseAddress: string;
* Size of the module in bytes.
size: number;
export type getDOMCountersParameters = {
export type getDOMCountersReturnValue = {
documents: number;
nodes: number;
jsEventListeners: number;
export type prepareForLeakDetectionParameters = {
export type prepareForLeakDetectionReturnValue = {
* Simulate OomIntervention by purging V8 memory.
export type forciblyPurgeJavaScriptMemoryParameters = {
export type forciblyPurgeJavaScriptMemoryReturnValue = {
* Enable/disable suppressing memory pressure notifications in all processes.
export type setPressureNotificationsSuppressedParameters = {
* If true, memory pressure notifications will be suppressed.
suppressed: boolean;
export type setPressureNotificationsSuppressedReturnValue = {
* Simulate a memory pressure notification in all processes.
export type simulatePressureNotificationParameters = {
* Memory pressure level of the notification.
level: PressureLevel;
export type simulatePressureNotificationReturnValue = {
* Start collecting native memory profile.
export type startSamplingParameters = {
* Average number of bytes between samples.
samplingInterval?: number;
* Do not randomize intervals between samples.
suppressRandomness?: boolean;
export type startSamplingReturnValue = {
* Stop collecting native memory profile.
export type stopSamplingParameters = {
export type stopSamplingReturnValue = {
* Retrieve native memory allocations profile
collected since renderer process startup.
export type getAllTimeSamplingProfileParameters = {
export type getAllTimeSamplingProfileReturnValue = {
profile: SamplingProfile;
* Retrieve native memory allocations profile
collected since browser process startup.
export type getBrowserSamplingProfileParameters = {
export type getBrowserSamplingProfileReturnValue = {
profile: SamplingProfile;
* Retrieve native memory allocations profile collected since last
`startSampling` call.
export type getSamplingProfileParameters = {
export type getSamplingProfileReturnValue = {
profile: SamplingProfile;
* Network domain allows tracking network activities of the page. It exposes information about http,
file, data and other requests and responses, their headers, bodies, timing, etc.
export module Network {
* Resource type as it was perceived by the rendering engine.
export type ResourceType = "Document"|"Stylesheet"|"Image"|"Media"|"Font"|"Script"|"TextTrack"|"XHR"|"Fetch"|"EventSource"|"WebSocket"|"Manifest"|"SignedExchange"|"Ping"|"CSPViolationReport"|"Preflight"|"Other";
* Unique loader identifier.
export type LoaderId = string;
* Unique request identifier.
export type RequestId = string;
* Unique intercepted request identifier.
export type InterceptionId = string;
* Network level fetch failure reason.
export type ErrorReason = "Failed"|"Aborted"|"TimedOut"|"AccessDenied"|"ConnectionClosed"|"ConnectionReset"|"ConnectionRefused"|"ConnectionAborted"|"ConnectionFailed"|"NameNotResolved"|"InternetDisconnected"|"AddressUnreachable"|"BlockedByClient"|"BlockedByResponse";
* UTC time in seconds, counted from January 1, 1970.
export type TimeSinceEpoch = number;
* Monotonically increasing time in seconds since an arbitrary point in the past.
export type MonotonicTime = number;
* Request / response headers as keys / values of JSON object.
export type Headers = { [key: string]: string };
* The underlying connection technology that the browser is supposedly using.
export type ConnectionType = "none"|"cellular2g"|"cellular3g"|"cellular4g"|"bluetooth"|"ethernet"|"wifi"|"wimax"|"other";
* Represents the cookie's 'SameSite' status:
export type CookieSameSite = "Strict"|"Lax"|"None";
* Represents the cookie's 'Priority' status:
export type CookiePriority = "Low"|"Medium"|"High";
* Represents the source scheme of the origin that originally set the cookie.
A value of "Unset" allows protocol clients to emulate legacy cookie scope for the scheme.
This is a temporary ability and it will be removed in the future.
export type CookieSourceScheme = "Unset"|"NonSecure"|"Secure";
* Timing information for the request.
export interface ResourceTiming {
* Timing's requestTime is a baseline in seconds, while the other numbers are ticks in
milliseconds relatively to this requestTime.
requestTime: number;
* Started resolving proxy.
proxyStart: number;
* Finished resolving proxy.
proxyEnd: number;
* Started DNS address resolve.
dnsStart: number;
* Finished DNS address resolve.
dnsEnd: number;
* Started connecting to the remote host.
connectStart: number;
* Connected to the remote host.
connectEnd: number;
* Started SSL handshake.
sslStart: number;
* Finished SSL handshake.
sslEnd: number;
* Started running ServiceWorker.
workerStart: number;
* Finished Starting ServiceWorker.
workerReady: number;
* Started fetch event.
workerFetchStart: number;
* Settled fetch event respondWith promise.
workerRespondWithSettled: number;
* Started sending request.
sendStart: number;
* Finished sending request.
sendEnd: number;
* Time the server started pushing request.
pushStart: number;
* Time the server finished pushing request.
pushEnd: number;
* Finished receiving response headers.
receiveHeadersEnd: number;
* Loading priority of a resource request.
export type ResourcePriority = "VeryLow"|"Low"|"Medium"|"High"|"VeryHigh";
* Post data entry for HTTP request
export interface PostDataEntry {
bytes?: binary;
* HTTP request data.
export interface Request {
* Request URL (without fragment).
url: string;
* Fragment of the requested URL starting with hash, if present.
urlFragment?: string;
* HTTP request method.
method: string;
* HTTP request headers.
headers: Headers;
* HTTP POST request data.
postData?: string;
* True when the request has POST data. Note that postData might still be omitted when this flag is true when the data is too long.
hasPostData?: boolean;
* Request body elements. This will be converted from base64 to binary
postDataEntries?: PostDataEntry[];
* The mixed content type of the request.
mixedContentType?: Security.MixedContentType;
* Priority of the resource request at the time request is sent.
initialPriority: ResourcePriority;
* The referrer policy of the request, as defined in
referrerPolicy: "unsafe-url"|"no-referrer-when-downgrade"|"no-referrer"|"origin"|"origin-when-cross-origin"|"same-origin"|"strict-origin"|"strict-origin-when-cross-origin";
* Whether is loaded via link preload.
isLinkPreload?: boolean;
* Set for requests when the TrustToken API is used. Contains the parameters
passed by the developer (e.g. via "fetch") as understood by the backend.
trustTokenParams?: TrustTokenParams;
* True if this resource request is considered to be the 'same site' as the
request correspondinfg to the main frame.
isSameSite?: boolean;
* Details of a signed certificate timestamp (SCT).
export interface SignedCertificateTimestamp {
* Validation status.
status: string;
* Origin.
origin: string;
* Log name / description.
logDescription: string;
* Log ID.
logId: string;
* Issuance date.
timestamp: TimeSinceEpoch;
* Hash algorithm.
hashAlgorithm: string;
* Signature algorithm.
signatureAlgorithm: string;
* Signature data.
signatureData: string;
* Security details about a request.
export interface SecurityDetails {
* Protocol name (e.g. "TLS 1.2" or "QUIC").
protocol: string;
* Key Exchange used by the connection, or the empty string if not applicable.
keyExchange: string;
* (EC)DH group used by the connection, if applicable.
keyExchangeGroup?: string;
* Cipher name.
cipher: string;
* TLS MAC. Note that AEAD ciphers do not have separate MACs.
mac?: string;
* Certificate ID value.
certificateId: Security.CertificateId;
* Certificate subject name.
subjectName: string;
* Subject Alternative Name (SAN) DNS names and IP addresses.
sanList: string[];
* Name of the issuing CA.
issuer: string;
* Certificate valid from date.
validFrom: TimeSinceEpoch;
* Certificate valid to (expiration) date
validTo: TimeSinceEpoch;
* List of signed certificate timestamps (SCTs).
signedCertificateTimestampList: SignedCertificateTimestamp[];
* Whether the request complied with Certificate Transparency policy
certificateTransparencyCompliance: CertificateTransparencyCompliance;
* Whether the request complied with Certificate Transparency policy.
export type CertificateTransparencyCompliance = "unknown"|"not-compliant"|"compliant";
* The reason why request was blocked.
export type BlockedReason = "other"|"csp"|"mixed-content"|"origin"|"inspector"|"subresource-filter"|"content-type"|"coep-frame-resource-needs-coep-header"|"coop-sandboxed-iframe-cannot-navigate-to-coop-page"|"corp-not-same-origin"|"corp-not-same-origin-after-defaulted-to-same-origin-by-coep"|"corp-not-same-site";
* The reason why request was blocked.
export type CorsError = "DisallowedByMode"|"InvalidResponse"|"WildcardOriginNotAllowed"|"MissingAllowOriginHeader"|"MultipleAllowOriginValues"|"InvalidAllowOriginValue"|"AllowOriginMismatch"|"InvalidAllowCredentials"|"CorsDisabledScheme"|"PreflightInvalidStatus"|"PreflightDisallowedRedirect"|"PreflightWildcardOriginNotAllowed"|"PreflightMissingAllowOriginHeader"|"PreflightMultipleAllowOriginValues"|"PreflightInvalidAllowOriginValue"|"PreflightAllowOriginMismatch"|"PreflightInvalidAllowCredentials"|"PreflightMissingAllowExternal"|"PreflightInvalidAllowExternal"|"InvalidAllowMethodsPreflightResponse"|"InvalidAllowHeadersPreflightResponse"|"MethodDisallowedByPreflightResponse"|"HeaderDisallowedByPreflightResponse"|"RedirectContainsCredentials"|"InsecurePrivateNetwork"|"NoCorsRedirectModeNotFollow";
export interface CorsErrorStatus {
corsError: CorsError;
failedParameter: string;
* Source of serviceworker response.
export type ServiceWorkerResponseSource = "cache-storage"|"http-cache"|"fallback-code"|"network";
* Determines what type of Trust Token operation is executed and
depending on the type, some additional parameters. The values
are specified in third_party/blink/renderer/core/fetch/trust_token.idl.
export interface TrustTokenParams {
type: TrustTokenOperationType;
* Only set for "token-redemption" type and determine whether
to request a fresh SRR or use a still valid cached SRR.
refreshPolicy: "UseCached"|"Refresh";
* Origins of issuers from whom to request tokens or redemption
issuers?: string[];
export type TrustTokenOperationType = "Issuance"|"Redemption"|"Signing";
* HTTP response data.
export interface Response {
* Response URL. This URL can be different from CachedResource.url in case of redirect.
url: string;
* HTTP response status code.
status: number;
* HTTP response status text.
statusText: string;
* HTTP response headers.
headers: Headers;
* HTTP response headers text. This has been replaced by the headers in Network.responseReceivedExtraInfo.
headersText?: string;
* Resource mimeType as determined by the browser.
mimeType: string;
* Refined HTTP request headers that were actually transmitted over the network.
requestHeaders?: Headers;
* HTTP request headers text. This has been replaced by the headers in Network.requestWillBeSentExtraInfo.
requestHeadersText?: string;
* Specifies whether physical connection was actually reused for this request.
connectionReused: boolean;
* Physical connection id that was actually used for this request.
connectionId: number;
* Remote IP address.
remoteIPAddress?: string;
* Remote port.
remotePort?: number;
* Specifies that the request was served from the disk cache.
fromDiskCache?: boolean;
* Specifies that the request was served from the ServiceWorker.
fromServiceWorker?: boolean;
* Specifies that the request was served from the prefetch cache.
fromPrefetchCache?: boolean;
* Total number of bytes received for this request so far.
encodedDataLength: number;
* Timing information for the given request.
timing?: ResourceTiming;
* Response source of response from ServiceWorker.
serviceWorkerResponseSource?: ServiceWorkerResponseSource;
* The time at which the returned response was generated.
responseTime?: TimeSinceEpoch;
* Cache Storage Cache Name.
cacheStorageCacheName?: string;
* Protocol used to fetch this request.
protocol?: string;
* Security state of the request resource.
securityState: Security.SecurityState;
* Security details for the request.
securityDetails?: SecurityDetails;
* WebSocket request data.
export interface WebSocketRequest {
* HTTP request headers.
headers: Headers;
* WebSocket response data.
export interface WebSocketResponse {
* HTTP response status code.
status: number;
* HTTP response status text.
statusText: string;
* HTTP response headers.
headers: Headers;
* HTTP response headers text.
headersText?: string;
* HTTP request headers.
requestHeaders?: Headers;
* HTTP request headers text.
requestHeadersText?: string;
* WebSocket message data. This represents an entire WebSocket message, not just a fragmented frame as the name suggests.
export interface WebSocketFrame {
* WebSocket message opcode.
opcode: number;
* WebSocket message mask.
mask: boolean;
* WebSocket message payload data.
If the opcode is 1, this is a text message and payloadData is a UTF-8 string.
If the opcode isn't 1, then payloadData is a base64 encoded string representing binary data.
payloadData: string;
* Information about the cached resource.
export interface CachedResource {
* Resource URL. This is the url of the original network request.
url: string;
* Type of this resource.
type: ResourceType;
* Cached response data.
response?: Response;
* Cached response body size.
bodySize: number;
* Information about the request initiator.
export interface Initiator {
* Type of this initiator.
type: "parser"|"script"|"preload"|"SignedExchange"|"preflight"|"other";
* Initiator JavaScript stack trace, set for Script only.
stack?: Runtime.StackTrace;
* Initiator URL, set for Parser type or for Script type (when script is importing module) or for SignedExchange type.
url?: string;
* Initiator line number, set for Parser type or for Script type (when script is importing
module) (0-based).
lineNumber?: number;
* Initiator column number, set for Parser type or for Script type (when script is importing
module) (0-based).
columnNumber?: number;
* Set if another request triggered this request (e.g. preflight).
requestId?: RequestId;
* Cookie object
export interface Cookie {
* Cookie name.
name: string;
* Cookie value.
value: string;
* Cookie domain.
domain: string;
* Cookie path.
path: string;
* Cookie expiration date as the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch.
expires: number;
* Cookie size.
size: number;
* True if cookie is http-only.
httpOnly: boolean;
* True if cookie is secure.
secure: boolean;
* True in case of session cookie.
session: boolean;
* Cookie SameSite type.
sameSite?: CookieSameSite;
* Cookie Priority
priority: CookiePriority;
* True if cookie is SameParty.
sameParty: boolean;
* Cookie source scheme type.
sourceScheme: CookieSourceScheme;
* Cookie source port. Valid values are {-1, [1, 65535]}, -1 indicates an unspecified port.
An unspecified port value allows protocol clients to emulate legacy cookie scope for the port.
This is a temporary ability and it will be removed in the future.
sourcePort: number;
* Types of reasons why a cookie may not be stored from a response.
export type SetCookieBlockedReason = "SecureOnly"|"SameSiteStrict"|"SameSiteLax"|"SameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax"|"SameSiteNoneInsecure"|"UserPreferences"|"SyntaxError"|"SchemeNotSupported"|"OverwriteSecure"|"InvalidDomain"|"InvalidPrefix"|"UnknownError"|"SchemefulSameSiteStrict"|"SchemefulSameSiteLax"|"SchemefulSameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax"|"SamePartyFromCrossPartyContext"|"SamePartyConflictsWithOtherAttributes";
* Types of reasons why a cookie may not be sent with a request.
export type CookieBlockedReason = "SecureOnly"|"NotOnPath"|"DomainMismatch"|"SameSiteStrict"|"SameSiteLax"|"SameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax"|"SameSiteNoneInsecure"|"UserPreferences"|"UnknownError"|"SchemefulSameSiteStrict"|"SchemefulSameSiteLax"|"SchemefulSameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax"|"SamePartyFromCrossPartyContext";
* A cookie which was not stored from a response with the corresponding reason.
export interface BlockedSetCookieWithReason {
* The reason(s) this cookie was blocked.
blockedReasons: SetCookieBlockedReason[];
* The string representing this individual cookie as it would appear in the header.
This is not the entire "cookie" or "set-cookie" header which could have multiple cookies.
cookieLine: string;
* The cookie object which represents the cookie which was not stored. It is optional because
sometimes complete cookie information is not available, such as in the case of parsing
cookie?: Cookie;
* A cookie with was not sent with a request with the corresponding reason.
export interface BlockedCookieWithReason {
* The reason(s) the cookie was blocked.
blockedReasons: CookieBlockedReason[];
* The cookie object representing the cookie which was not sent.
cookie: Cookie;
* Cookie parameter object
export interface CookieParam {
* Cookie name.
name: string;
* Cookie value.
value: string;
* The request-URI to associate with the setting of the cookie. This value can affect the
default domain, path, source port, and source scheme values of the created cookie.
url?: string;
* Cookie domain.
domain?: string;
* Cookie path.
path?: string;
* True if cookie is secure.
secure?: boolean;
* True if cookie is http-only.
httpOnly?: boolean;
* Cookie SameSite type.
sameSite?: CookieSameSite;
* Cookie expiration date, session cookie if not set
expires?: TimeSinceEpoch;
* Cookie Priority.
priority?: CookiePriority;
* True if cookie is SameParty.
sameParty?: boolean;
* Cookie source scheme type.
sourceScheme?: CookieSourceScheme;
* Cookie source port. Valid values are {-1, [1, 65535]}, -1 indicates an unspecified port.
An unspecified port value allows protocol clients to emulate legacy cookie scope for the port.
This is a temporary ability and it will be removed in the future.
sourcePort?: number;
* Authorization challenge for HTTP status code 401 or 407.
export interface AuthChallenge {
* Source of the authentication challenge.
source?: "Server"|"Proxy";
* Origin of the challenger.
origin: string;
* The authentication scheme used, such as basic or digest
scheme: string;
* The realm of the challenge. May be empty.
realm: string;
* Response to an AuthChallenge.
export interface AuthChallengeResponse {
* The decision on what to do in response to the authorization challenge. Default means
deferring to the default behavior of the net stack, which will likely either the Cancel
authentication or display a popup dialog box.
response: "Default"|"CancelAuth"|"ProvideCredentials";
* The username to provide, possibly empty. Should only be set if response is
username?: string;
* The password to provide, possibly empty. Should only be set if response is
password?: string;
* Stages of the interception to begin intercepting. Request will intercept before the request is
sent. Response will intercept after the response is received.
export type InterceptionStage = "Request"|"HeadersReceived";
* Request pattern for interception.
export interface RequestPattern {
* Wildcards (`'*'` -> zero or more, `'?'` -> exactly one) are allowed. Escape character is
backslash. Omitting is equivalent to `"*"`.
urlPattern?: string;
* If set, only requests for matching resource types will be intercepted.
resourceType?: ResourceType;
* Stage at which to begin intercepting requests. Default is Request.
interceptionStage?: InterceptionStage;
* Information about a signed exchange signature.
export interface SignedExchangeSignature {
* Signed exchange signature label.
label: string;
* The hex string of signed exchange signature.
signature: string;
* Signed exchange signature integrity.
integrity: string;
* Signed exchange signature cert Url.
certUrl?: string;
* The hex string of signed exchange signature cert sha256.
certSha256?: string;
* Signed exchange signature validity Url.
validityUrl: string;
* Signed exchange signature date.
date: number;
* Signed exchange signature expires.
expires: number;
* The encoded certificates.
certificates?: string[];
* Information about a signed exchange header.
export interface SignedExchangeHeader {
* Signed exchange request URL.
requestUrl: string;
* Signed exchange response code.
responseCode: number;
* Signed exchange response headers.
responseHeaders: Headers;
* Signed exchange response signature.
signatures: SignedExchangeSignature[];
* Signed exchange header integrity hash in the form of "sha256-<base64-hash-value>".
headerIntegrity: string;
* Field type for a signed exchange related error.
export type SignedExchangeErrorField = "signatureSig"|"signatureIntegrity"|"signatureCertUrl"|"signatureCertSha256"|"signatureValidityUrl"|"signatureTimestamps";
* Information about a signed exchange response.
export interface SignedExchangeError {
* Error message.
message: string;
* The index of the signature which caused the error.
signatureIndex?: number;
* The field which caused the error.
errorField?: SignedExchangeErrorField;
* Information about a signed exchange response.
export interface SignedExchangeInfo {
* The outer response of signed HTTP exchange which was received from network.
outerResponse: Response;
* Information about the signed exchange header.
header?: SignedExchangeHeader;
* Security details for the signed exchange header.
securityDetails?: SecurityDetails;
* Errors occurred while handling the signed exchagne.
errors?: SignedExchangeError[];
* List of content encodings supported by the backend.
export type ContentEncoding = "deflate"|"gzip"|"br";
export type PrivateNetworkRequestPolicy = "Allow"|"BlockFromInsecureToMorePrivate"|"WarnFromInsecureToMorePrivate";
export type IPAddressSpace = "Local"|"Private"|"Public"|"Unknown";
export interface ConnectTiming {
* Timing's requestTime is a baseline in seconds, while the other numbers are ticks in
milliseconds relatively to this requestTime. Matches ResourceTiming's requestTime for
the same request (but not for redirected requests).
requestTime: number;
export interface ClientSecurityState {
initiatorIsSecureContext: boolean;
initiatorIPAddressSpace: IPAddressSpace;
privateNetworkRequestPolicy: PrivateNetworkRequestPolicy;
export type CrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue = "SameOrigin"|"SameOriginAllowPopups"|"UnsafeNone"|"SameOriginPlusCoep";
export interface CrossOriginOpenerPolicyStatus {
value: CrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue;
reportOnlyValue: CrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue;
reportingEndpoint?: string;
reportOnlyReportingEndpoint?: string;
export type CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValue = "None"|"Credentialless"|"RequireCorp";
export interface CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyStatus {
value: CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValue;
reportOnlyValue: CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValue;
reportingEndpoint?: string;
reportOnlyReportingEndpoint?: string;
export interface SecurityIsolationStatus {
coop?: CrossOriginOpenerPolicyStatus;
coep?: CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyStatus;
* The status of a Reporting API report.
export type ReportStatus = "Queued"|"Pending";
* An object representing a report generated by the Reporting API.
export interface ReportingApiReport {
* The URL of the document that triggered the report.
initiatorUrl: string;
* The name of the endpoint group that should be used to deliver the report.
destination: string;
* The type of the report (specifies the set of data that is contained in the report body).
type: string;
* When the report was generated.
timestamp: Network.TimeSinceEpoch;
* How many uploads deep the related request was.
depth: number;
body: { [key: string]: string };
* An object providing the result of a network resource load.
export interface LoadNetworkResourcePageResult {
success: boolean;
* Optional values used for error reporting.
netError?: number;
netErrorName?: string;
httpStatusCode?: number;
* If successful, one of the following two fields holds the result.
stream?: IO.StreamHandle;
* Response headers.
headers?: Network.Headers;
* An options object that may be extended later to better support CORS,
CORB and streaming.
export interface LoadNetworkResourceOptions {
disableCache: boolean;
includeCredentials: boolean;
* Fired when data chunk was received over the network.
export type dataReceivedPayload = {
* Request identifier.
requestId: RequestId;
* Timestamp.
timestamp: MonotonicTime;
* Data chunk length.
dataLength: number;
* Actual bytes received (might be less than dataLength for compressed encodings).
encodedDataLength: number;
* Fired when EventSource message is received.
export type eventSourceMessageReceivedPayload = {
* Request identifier.
requestId: RequestId;
* Timestamp.
timestamp: MonotonicTime;
* Message type.
eventName: string;
* Message identifier.
eventId: string;
* Message content.
data: string;
* Fired when HTTP request has failed to load.
export type loadingFailedPayload = {
* Request identifier.
requestId: RequestId;
* Timestamp.
timestamp: MonotonicTime;
* Resource type.
type: ResourceType;
* User friendly error message.
errorText: string;
* True if loading was canceled.
canceled?: boolean;
* The reason why loading was blocked, if any.
blockedReason?: BlockedReason;
* The reason why loading was blocked by CORS, if any.
corsErrorStatus?: CorsErrorStatus;
* Fired when HTTP request has finished loading.
export type loadingFinishedPayload = {
* Request identifier.
requestId: RequestId;
* Timestamp.
timestamp: MonotonicTime;
* Total number of bytes received for this request.
encodedDataLength: number;
* Set when 1) response was blocked by Cross-Origin Read Blocking and also
2) this needs to be reported to the DevTools console.
shouldReportCorbBlocking?: boolean;
* Details of an intercepted HTTP request, which must be either allowed, blocked, modified or
Deprecated, use Fetch.requestPaused instead.
export type requestInterceptedPayload = {
* Each request the page makes will have a unique id, however if any redirects are encountered
while processing that fetch, they will be reported with the same id as the original fetch.
Likewise if HTTP authentication is needed then the same fetch id will be used.
interceptionId: InterceptionId;
request: Request;
* The id of the frame that initiated the request.
frameId: Page.FrameId;
* How the requested resource will be used.
resourceType: ResourceType;
* Whether this is a navigation request, which can abort the navigation completely.
isNavigationRequest: boolean;
* Set if the request is a navigation that will result in a download.
Only present after response is received from the server (i.e. HeadersReceived stage).
isDownload?: boolean;
* Redirect location, only sent if a redirect was intercepted.
redirectUrl?: string;
* Details of the Authorization Challenge encountered. If this is set then
continueInterceptedRequest must contain an authChallengeResponse.
authChallenge?: AuthChallenge;
* Response error if intercepted at response stage or if redirect occurred while intercepting
responseErrorReason?: ErrorReason;
* Response code if intercepted at response stage or if redirect occurred while intercepting
request or auth retry occurred.
responseStatusCode?: number;
* Response headers if intercepted at the response stage or if redirect occurred while
intercepting request or auth retry occurred.
responseHeaders?: Headers;
* If the intercepted request had a corresponding requestWillBeSent event fired for it, then
this requestId will be the same as the requestId present in the requestWillBeSent event.
requestId?: RequestId;
* Fired if request ended up loading from cache.
export type requestServedFromCachePayload = {
* Request identifier.
requestId: RequestId;
* Fired when page is about to send HTTP request.
export type requestWillBeSentPayload = {
* Request identifier.
requestId: RequestId;
* Loader identifier. Empty string if the request is fetched from worker.
loaderId: LoaderId;
* URL of the document this request is loaded for.
documentURL: string;
* Request data.
request: Request;
* Timestamp.
timestamp: MonotonicTime;
* Timestamp.
wallTime: TimeSinceEpoch;
* Request initiator.
initiator: Initiator;
* Redirect response data.
redirectResponse?: Response;
* Type of this resource.
type?: ResourceType;
* Frame identifier.
frameId?: Page.FrameId;
* Whether the request is initiated by a user gesture. Defaults to false.
hasUserGesture?: boolean;
* Fired when resource loading priority is changed
export type resourceChangedPriorityPayload = {
* Request identifier.
requestId: RequestId;
* New priority
newPriority: ResourcePriority;
* Timestamp.
timestamp: MonotonicTime;
* Fired when a signed exchange was received over the network
export type signedExchangeReceivedPayload = {
* Request identifier.
requestId: RequestId;
* Information about the signed exchange response.
info: SignedExchangeInfo;
* Fired when HTTP response is available.
export type responseReceivedPayload = {
* Request identifier.
requestId: RequestId;
* Loader identifier. Empty string if the request is fetched from worker.
loaderId: LoaderId;
* Timestamp.
timestamp: MonotonicTime;
* Resource type.
type: ResourceType;
* Response data.
response: Response;
* Frame identifier.
frameId?: Page.FrameId;
* Fired when WebSocket is closed.
export type webSocketClosedPayload = {
* Request identifier.
requestId: RequestId;
* Timestamp.
timestamp: MonotonicTime;
* Fired upon WebSocket creation.
export type webSocketCreatedPayload = {
* Request identifier.
requestId: RequestId;
* WebSocket request URL.
url: string;
* Request initiator.
initiator?: Initiator;
* Fired when WebSocket message error occurs.
export type webSocketFrameErrorPayload = {
* Request identifier.
requestId: RequestId;
* Timestamp.
timestamp: MonotonicTime;
* WebSocket error message.
errorMessage: string;
* Fired when WebSocket message is received.
export type webSocketFrameReceivedPayload = {
* Request identifier.
requestId: RequestId;
* Timestamp.
timestamp: MonotonicTime;
* WebSocket response data.
response: WebSocketFrame;
* Fired when WebSocket message is sent.
export type webSocketFrameSentPayload = {
* Request identifier.
requestId: RequestId;
* Timestamp.
timestamp: MonotonicTime;
* WebSocket response data.
response: WebSocketFrame;
* Fired when WebSocket handshake response becomes available.
export type webSocketHandshakeResponseReceivedPayload = {
* Request identifier.
requestId: RequestId;
* Timestamp.
timestamp: MonotonicTime;
* WebSocket response data.
response: WebSocketResponse;
* Fired when WebSocket is about to initiate handshake.
export type webSocketWillSendHandshakeRequestPayload = {
* Request identifier.
requestId: RequestId;
* Timestamp.
timestamp: MonotonicTime;
* UTC Timestamp.
wallTime: TimeSinceEpoch;
* WebSocket request data.
request: WebSocketRequest;
* Fired upon WebTransport creation.
export type webTransportCreatedPayload = {
* WebTransport identifier.
transportId: RequestId;
* WebTransport request URL.
url: string;
* Timestamp.
timestamp: MonotonicTime;
* Request initiator.
initiator?: Initiator;
* Fired when WebTransport handshake is finished.
export type webTransportConnectionEstablishedPayload = {
* WebTransport identifier.
transportId: RequestId;
* Timestamp.
timestamp: MonotonicTime;
* Fired when WebTransport is disposed.
export type webTransportClosedPayload = {
* WebTransport identifier.
transportId: RequestId;
* Timestamp.
timestamp: MonotonicTime;
* Fired when additional information about a requestWillBeSent event is available from the
network stack. Not every requestWillBeSent event will have an additional
requestWillBeSentExtraInfo fired for it, and there is no guarantee whether requestWillBeSent
or requestWillBeSentExtraInfo will be fired first for the same request.
export type requestWillBeSentExtraInfoPayload = {
* Request identifier. Used to match this information to an existing requestWillBeSent event.
requestId: RequestId;
* A list of cookies potentially associated to the requested URL. This includes both cookies sent with
the request and the ones not sent; the latter are distinguished by having blockedReason field set.
associatedCookies: BlockedCookieWithReason[];
* Raw request headers as they will be sent over the wire.
headers: Headers;
* Connection timing information for the request.
connectTiming: ConnectTiming;
* The client security state set for the request.
clientSecurityState?: ClientSecurityState;
* Fired when additional information about a responseReceived event is available from the network
stack. Not every responseReceived event will have an additional responseReceivedExtraInfo for
it, and responseReceivedExtraInfo may be fired before or after responseReceived.
export type responseReceivedExtraInfoPayload = {
* Request identifier. Used to match this information to another responseReceived event.
requestId: RequestId;
* A list of cookies which were not stored from the response along with the corresponding
reasons for blocking. The cookies here may not be valid due to syntax errors, which
are represented by the invalid cookie line string instead of a proper cookie.
blockedCookies: BlockedSetCookieWithReason[];
* Raw response headers as they were received over the wire.
headers: Headers;
* The IP address space of the resource. The address space can only be determined once the transport
established the connection, so we can't send it in `requestWillBeSentExtraInfo`.
resourceIPAddressSpace: IPAddressSpace;
* The status code of the response. This is useful in cases the request failed and no responseReceived
event is triggered, which is the case for, e.g., CORS errors. This is also the correct status code
for cached requests, where the status in responseReceived is a 200 and this will be 304.
statusCode: number;
* Raw response header text as it was received over the wire. The raw text may not always be
available, such as in the case of HTTP/2 or QUIC.
headersText?: string;
* Fired exactly once for each Trust Token operation. Depending on
the type of the operation and whether the operation succeeded or
failed, the event is fired before the corresponding request was sent
or after the response was received.
export type trustTokenOperationDonePayload = {
* Detailed success or error status of the operation.
'AlreadyExists' also signifies a successful operation, as the result
of the operation already exists und thus, the operation was abort
preemptively (e.g. a cache hit).
status: "Ok"|"InvalidArgument"|"FailedPrecondition"|"ResourceExhausted"|"AlreadyExists"|"Unavailable"|"BadResponse"|"InternalError"|"UnknownError"|"FulfilledLocally";
type: TrustTokenOperationType;
requestId: RequestId;
* Top level origin. The context in which the operation was attempted.
topLevelOrigin?: string;
* Origin of the issuer in case of a "Issuance" or "Redemption" operation.
issuerOrigin?: string;
* The number of obtained Trust Tokens on a successful "Issuance" operation.
issuedTokenCount?: number;
* Fired once when parsing the .wbn file has succeeded.
The event contains the information about the web bundle contents.
export type subresourceWebBundleMetadataReceivedPayload = {
* Request identifier. Used to match this information to another event.
requestId: RequestId;
* A list of URLs of resources in the subresource Web Bundle.
urls: string[];
* Fired once when parsing the .wbn file has failed.
export type subresourceWebBundleMetadataErrorPayload = {
* Request identifier. Used to match this information to another event.
requestId: RequestId;
* Error message
errorMessage: string;
* Fired when handling requests for resources within a .wbn file.
Note: this will only be fired for resources that are requested by the webpage.
export type subresourceWebBundleInnerResponseParsedPayload = {
* Request identifier of the subresource request
innerRequestId: RequestId;
* URL of the subresource resource.
innerRequestURL: string;
* Bundle request identifier. Used to match this information to another event.
This made be absent in case when the instrumentation was enabled only
after webbundle was parsed.
bundleRequestId?: RequestId;
* Fired when request for resources within a .wbn file failed.
export type subresourceWebBundleInnerResponseErrorPayload = {
* Request identifier of the subresource request
innerRequestId: RequestId;
* URL of the subresource resource.
innerRequestURL: string;
* Error message
errorMessage: string;
* Bundle request identifier. Used to match this information to another event.
This made be absent in case when the instrumentation was enabled only
after webbundle was parsed.
bundleRequestId?: RequestId;
* Is sent whenever a new report is added.
And after 'enableReportingApi' for all existing reports.
export type reportingApiReportAddedPayload = {
report: ReportingApiReport;
* Sets a list of content encodings that will be accepted. Empty list means no encoding is accepted.
export type setAcceptedEncodingsParameters = {
* List of accepted content encodings.
encodings: ContentEncoding[];
export type setAcceptedEncodingsReturnValue = {
* Clears accepted encodings set by setAcceptedEncodings
export type clearAcceptedEncodingsOverrideParameters = {
export type clearAcceptedEncodingsOverrideReturnValue = {
* Tells whether clearing browser cache is supported.
export type canClearBrowserCacheParameters = {
export type canClearBrowserCacheReturnValue = {
* True if browser cache can be cleared.
result: boolean;
* Tells whether clearing browser cookies is supported.
export type canClearBrowserCookiesParameters = {
export type canClearBrowserCookiesReturnValue = {
* True if browser cookies can be cleared.
result: boolean;
* Tells whether emulation of network conditions is supported.
export type canEmulateNetworkConditionsParameters = {
export type canEmulateNetworkConditionsReturnValue = {
* True if emulation of network conditions is supported.
result: boolean;
* Clears browser cache.
export type clearBrowserCacheParameters = {
export type clearBrowserCacheReturnValue = {
* Clears browser cookies.
export type clearBrowserCookiesParameters = {
export type clearBrowserCookiesReturnValue = {
* Response to Network.requestIntercepted which either modifies the request to continue with any
modifications, or blocks it, or completes it with the provided response bytes. If a network
fetch occurs as a result which encounters a redirect an additional Network.requestIntercepted
event will be sent with the same InterceptionId.
Deprecated, use Fetch.continueRequest, Fetch.fulfillRequest and Fetch.failRequest instead.
export type continueInterceptedRequestParameters = {
interceptionId: InterceptionId;
* If set this causes the request to fail with the given reason. Passing `Aborted` for requests
marked with `isNavigationRequest` also cancels the navigation. Must not be set in response
to an authChallenge.
errorReason?: ErrorReason;
* If set the requests completes using with the provided base64 encoded raw response, including
HTTP status line and headers etc... Must not be set in response to an authChallenge.
rawResponse?: binary;
* If set the request url will be modified in a way that's not observable by page. Must not be
set in response to an authChallenge.
url?: string;
* If set this allows the request method to be overridden. Must not be set in response to an
method?: string;
* If set this allows postData to be set. Must not be set in response to an authChallenge.
postData?: string;
* If set this allows the request headers to be changed. Must not be set in response to an
headers?: Headers;
* Response to a requestIntercepted with an authChallenge. Must not be set otherwise.
authChallengeResponse?: AuthChallengeResponse;
export type continueInterceptedRequestReturnValue = {
* Deletes browser cookies with matching name and url or domain/path pair.
export type deleteCookiesParameters = {
* Name of the cookies to remove.
name: string;
* If specified, deletes all the cookies with the given name where domain and path match
provided URL.
url?: string;
* If specified, deletes only cookies with the exact domain.
domain?: string;
* If specified, deletes only cookies with the exact path.
path?: string;
export type deleteCookiesReturnValue = {
* Disables network tracking, prevents network events from being sent to the client.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Activates emulation of network conditions.
export type emulateNetworkConditionsParameters = {
* True to emulate internet disconnection.
offline: boolean;
* Minimum latency from request sent to response headers received (ms).
latency: number;
* Maximal aggregated download throughput (bytes/sec). -1 disables download throttling.
downloadThroughput: number;
* Maximal aggregated upload throughput (bytes/sec). -1 disables upload throttling.
uploadThroughput: number;
* Connection type if known.
connectionType?: ConnectionType;
export type emulateNetworkConditionsReturnValue = {
* Enables network tracking, network events will now be delivered to the client.
export type enableParameters = {
* Buffer size in bytes to use when preserving network payloads (XHRs, etc).
maxTotalBufferSize?: number;
* Per-resource buffer size in bytes to use when preserving network payloads (XHRs, etc).
maxResourceBufferSize?: number;
* Longest post body size (in bytes) that would be included in requestWillBeSent notification
maxPostDataSize?: number;
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Returns all browser cookies. Depending on the backend support, will return detailed cookie
information in the `cookies` field.
export type getAllCookiesParameters = {
export type getAllCookiesReturnValue = {
* Array of cookie objects.
cookies: Cookie[];
* Returns the DER-encoded certificate.
export type getCertificateParameters = {
* Origin to get certificate for.
origin: string;
export type getCertificateReturnValue = {
tableNames: string[];
* Returns all browser cookies for the current URL. Depending on the backend support, will return
detailed cookie information in the `cookies` field.
export type getCookiesParameters = {
* The list of URLs for which applicable cookies will be fetched.
If not specified, it's assumed to be set to the list containing
the URLs of the page and all of its subframes.
urls?: string[];
export type getCookiesReturnValue = {
* Array of cookie objects.
cookies: Cookie[];
* Returns content served for the given request.
export type getResponseBodyParameters = {
* Identifier of the network request to get content for.
requestId: RequestId;
export type getResponseBodyReturnValue = {
* Response body.
body: string;
* True, if content was sent as base64.
base64Encoded: boolean;
* Returns post data sent with the request. Returns an error when no data was sent with the request.
export type getRequestPostDataParameters = {
* Identifier of the network request to get content for.
requestId: RequestId;
export type getRequestPostDataReturnValue = {
* Request body string, omitting files from multipart requests
postData: string;
* Returns content served for the given currently intercepted request.
export type getResponseBodyForInterceptionParameters = {
* Identifier for the intercepted request to get body for.
interceptionId: InterceptionId;
export type getResponseBodyForInterceptionReturnValue = {
* Response body.
body: string;
* True, if content was sent as base64.
base64Encoded: boolean;
* Returns a handle to the stream representing the response body. Note that after this command,
the intercepted request can't be continued as is -- you either need to cancel it or to provide
the response body. The stream only supports sequential read, will fail if the position
is specified.
export type takeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStreamParameters = {
interceptionId: InterceptionId;
export type takeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStreamReturnValue = {
stream: IO.StreamHandle;
* This method sends a new XMLHttpRequest which is identical to the original one. The following
parameters should be identical: method, url, async, request body, extra headers, withCredentials
attribute, user, password.
export type replayXHRParameters = {
* Identifier of XHR to replay.
requestId: RequestId;
export type replayXHRReturnValue = {
* Searches for given string in response content.
export type searchInResponseBodyParameters = {
* Identifier of the network response to search.
requestId: RequestId;
* String to search for.
query: string;
* If true, search is case sensitive.
caseSensitive?: boolean;
* If true, treats string parameter as regex.
isRegex?: boolean;
export type searchInResponseBodyReturnValue = {
* List of search matches.
result: Debugger.SearchMatch[];
* Blocks URLs from loading.
export type setBlockedURLsParameters = {
* URL patterns to block. Wildcards ('*') are allowed.
urls: string[];
export type setBlockedURLsReturnValue = {
* Toggles ignoring of service worker for each request.
export type setBypassServiceWorkerParameters = {
* Bypass service worker and load from network.
bypass: boolean;
export type setBypassServiceWorkerReturnValue = {
* Toggles ignoring cache for each request. If `true`, cache will not be used.
export type setCacheDisabledParameters = {
* Cache disabled state.
cacheDisabled: boolean;
export type setCacheDisabledReturnValue = {
* Sets a cookie with the given cookie data; may overwrite equivalent cookies if they exist.
export type setCookieParameters = {
* Cookie name.
name: string;
* Cookie value.
value: string;
* The request-URI to associate with the setting of the cookie. This value can affect the
default domain, path, source port, and source scheme values of the created cookie.
url?: string;
* Cookie domain.
domain?: string;
* Cookie path.
path?: string;
* True if cookie is secure.
secure?: boolean;
* True if cookie is http-only.
httpOnly?: boolean;
* Cookie SameSite type.
sameSite?: CookieSameSite;
* Cookie expiration date, session cookie if not set
expires?: TimeSinceEpoch;
* Cookie Priority type.
priority?: CookiePriority;
* True if cookie is SameParty.
sameParty?: boolean;
* Cookie source scheme type.
sourceScheme?: CookieSourceScheme;
* Cookie source port. Valid values are {-1, [1, 65535]}, -1 indicates an unspecified port.
An unspecified port value allows protocol clients to emulate legacy cookie scope for the port.
This is a temporary ability and it will be removed in the future.
sourcePort?: number;
export type setCookieReturnValue = {
* Always set to true. If an error occurs, the response indicates protocol error.
success: boolean;
* Sets given cookies.
export type setCookiesParameters = {
* Cookies to be set.
cookies: CookieParam[];
export type setCookiesReturnValue = {
* Specifies whether to always send extra HTTP headers with the requests from this page.
export type setExtraHTTPHeadersParameters = {
* Map with extra HTTP headers.
headers: Headers;
export type setExtraHTTPHeadersReturnValue = {
* Specifies whether to attach a page script stack id in requests
export type setAttachDebugStackParameters = {
* Whether to attach a page script stack for debugging purpose.
enabled: boolean;
export type setAttachDebugStackReturnValue = {
* Sets the requests to intercept that match the provided patterns and optionally resource types.
Deprecated, please use Fetch.enable instead.
export type setRequestInterceptionParameters = {
* Requests matching any of these patterns will be forwarded and wait for the corresponding
continueInterceptedRequest call.
patterns: RequestPattern[];
export type setRequestInterceptionReturnValue = {
* Allows overriding user agent with the given string.
export type setUserAgentOverrideParameters = {
* User agent to use.
userAgent: string;
* Browser langugage to emulate.
acceptLanguage?: string;
* The platform navigator.platform should return.
platform?: string;
* To be sent in Sec-CH-UA-* headers and returned in navigator.userAgentData
userAgentMetadata?: Emulation.UserAgentMetadata;
export type setUserAgentOverrideReturnValue = {
* Returns information about the COEP/COOP isolation status.
export type getSecurityIsolationStatusParameters = {
* If no frameId is provided, the status of the target is provided.
frameId?: Page.FrameId;
export type getSecurityIsolationStatusReturnValue = {
status: SecurityIsolationStatus;
* Enables tracking for the Reporting API, events generated by the Reporting API will now be delivered to the client.
Enabling triggers 'reportingApiReportAdded' for all existing reports.
export type enableReportingApiParameters = {
* Whether to enable or disable events for the Reporting API
enable: boolean;
export type enableReportingApiReturnValue = {
* Fetches the resource and returns the content.
export type loadNetworkResourceParameters = {
* Frame id to get the resource for. Mandatory for frame targets, and
should be omitted for worker targets.
frameId?: Page.FrameId;
* URL of the resource to get content for.
url: string;
* Options for the request.
options: LoadNetworkResourceOptions;
export type loadNetworkResourceReturnValue = {
resource: LoadNetworkResourcePageResult;
* This domain provides various functionality related to drawing atop the inspected page.
export module Overlay {
* Configuration data for drawing the source order of an elements children.
export interface SourceOrderConfig {
* the color to outline the givent element in.
parentOutlineColor: DOM.RGBA;
* the color to outline the child elements in.
childOutlineColor: DOM.RGBA;
* Configuration data for the highlighting of Grid elements.
export interface GridHighlightConfig {
* Whether the extension lines from grid cells to the rulers should be shown (default: false).
showGridExtensionLines?: boolean;
* Show Positive line number labels (default: false).
showPositiveLineNumbers?: boolean;
* Show Negative line number labels (default: false).
showNegativeLineNumbers?: boolean;
* Show area name labels (default: false).
showAreaNames?: boolean;
* Show line name labels (default: false).
showLineNames?: boolean;
* Show track size labels (default: false).
showTrackSizes?: boolean;
* The grid container border highlight color (default: transparent).
gridBorderColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The cell border color (default: transparent). Deprecated, please use rowLineColor and columnLineColor instead.
cellBorderColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The row line color (default: transparent).
rowLineColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The column line color (default: transparent).
columnLineColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* Whether the grid border is dashed (default: false).
gridBorderDash?: boolean;
* Whether the cell border is dashed (default: false). Deprecated, please us rowLineDash and columnLineDash instead.
cellBorderDash?: boolean;
* Whether row lines are dashed (default: false).
rowLineDash?: boolean;
* Whether column lines are dashed (default: false).
columnLineDash?: boolean;
* The row gap highlight fill color (default: transparent).
rowGapColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The row gap hatching fill color (default: transparent).
rowHatchColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The column gap highlight fill color (default: transparent).
columnGapColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The column gap hatching fill color (default: transparent).
columnHatchColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The named grid areas border color (Default: transparent).
areaBorderColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The grid container background color (Default: transparent).
gridBackgroundColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* Configuration data for the highlighting of Flex container elements.
export interface FlexContainerHighlightConfig {
* The style of the container border
containerBorder?: LineStyle;
* The style of the separator between lines
lineSeparator?: LineStyle;
* The style of the separator between items
itemSeparator?: LineStyle;
* Style of content-distribution space on the main axis (justify-content).
mainDistributedSpace?: BoxStyle;
* Style of content-distribution space on the cross axis (align-content).
crossDistributedSpace?: BoxStyle;
* Style of empty space caused by row gaps (gap/row-gap).
rowGapSpace?: BoxStyle;
* Style of empty space caused by columns gaps (gap/column-gap).
columnGapSpace?: BoxStyle;
* Style of the self-alignment line (align-items).
crossAlignment?: LineStyle;
* Configuration data for the highlighting of Flex item elements.
export interface FlexItemHighlightConfig {
* Style of the box representing the item's base size
baseSizeBox?: BoxStyle;
* Style of the border around the box representing the item's base size
baseSizeBorder?: LineStyle;
* Style of the arrow representing if the item grew or shrank
flexibilityArrow?: LineStyle;
* Style information for drawing a line.
export interface LineStyle {
* The color of the line (default: transparent)
color?: DOM.RGBA;
* The line pattern (default: solid)
pattern?: "dashed"|"dotted";
* Style information for drawing a box.
export interface BoxStyle {
* The background color for the box (default: transparent)
fillColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The hatching color for the box (default: transparent)
hatchColor?: DOM.RGBA;
export type ContrastAlgorithm = "aa"|"aaa"|"apca";
* Configuration data for the highlighting of page elements.
export interface HighlightConfig {
* Whether the node info tooltip should be shown (default: false).
showInfo?: boolean;
* Whether the node styles in the tooltip (default: false).
showStyles?: boolean;
* Whether the rulers should be shown (default: false).
showRulers?: boolean;
* Whether the a11y info should be shown (default: true).
showAccessibilityInfo?: boolean;
* Whether the extension lines from node to the rulers should be shown (default: false).
showExtensionLines?: boolean;
* The content box highlight fill color (default: transparent).
contentColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The padding highlight fill color (default: transparent).
paddingColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The border highlight fill color (default: transparent).
borderColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The margin highlight fill color (default: transparent).
marginColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The event target element highlight fill color (default: transparent).
eventTargetColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The shape outside fill color (default: transparent).
shapeColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The shape margin fill color (default: transparent).
shapeMarginColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The grid layout color (default: transparent).
cssGridColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The color format used to format color styles (default: hex).
colorFormat?: ColorFormat;
* The grid layout highlight configuration (default: all transparent).
gridHighlightConfig?: GridHighlightConfig;
* The flex container highlight configuration (default: all transparent).
flexContainerHighlightConfig?: FlexContainerHighlightConfig;
* The flex item highlight configuration (default: all transparent).
flexItemHighlightConfig?: FlexItemHighlightConfig;
* The contrast algorithm to use for the contrast ratio (default: aa).
contrastAlgorithm?: ContrastAlgorithm;
* The container query container highlight configuration (default: all transparent).
containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig?: ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig;
export type ColorFormat = "rgb"|"hsl"|"hex";
* Configurations for Persistent Grid Highlight
export interface GridNodeHighlightConfig {
* A descriptor for the highlight appearance.
gridHighlightConfig: GridHighlightConfig;
* Identifier of the node to highlight.
nodeId: DOM.NodeId;
export interface FlexNodeHighlightConfig {
* A descriptor for the highlight appearance of flex containers.
flexContainerHighlightConfig: FlexContainerHighlightConfig;
* Identifier of the node to highlight.
nodeId: DOM.NodeId;
export interface ScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig {
* The style of the snapport border (default: transparent)
snapportBorder?: LineStyle;
* The style of the snap area border (default: transparent)
snapAreaBorder?: LineStyle;
* The margin highlight fill color (default: transparent).
scrollMarginColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The padding highlight fill color (default: transparent).
scrollPaddingColor?: DOM.RGBA;
export interface ScrollSnapHighlightConfig {
* A descriptor for the highlight appearance of scroll snap containers.
scrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig: ScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig;
* Identifier of the node to highlight.
nodeId: DOM.NodeId;
* Configuration for dual screen hinge
export interface HingeConfig {
* A rectangle represent hinge
rect: DOM.Rect;
* The content box highlight fill color (default: a dark color).
contentColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The content box highlight outline color (default: transparent).
outlineColor?: DOM.RGBA;
export interface ContainerQueryHighlightConfig {
* A descriptor for the highlight appearance of container query containers.
containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig: ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig;
* Identifier of the container node to highlight.
nodeId: DOM.NodeId;
export interface ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig {
* The style of the container border.
containerBorder?: LineStyle;
* The style of the descendants' borders.
descendantBorder?: LineStyle;
export type InspectMode = "searchForNode"|"searchForUAShadowDOM"|"captureAreaScreenshot"|"showDistances"|"none";
* Fired when the node should be inspected. This happens after call to `setInspectMode` or when
user manually inspects an element.
export type inspectNodeRequestedPayload = {
* Id of the node to inspect.
backendNodeId: DOM.BackendNodeId;
* Fired when the node should be highlighted. This happens after call to `setInspectMode`.
export type nodeHighlightRequestedPayload = {
nodeId: DOM.NodeId;
* Fired when user asks to capture screenshot of some area on the page.
export type screenshotRequestedPayload = {
* Viewport to capture, in device independent pixels (dip).
viewport: Page.Viewport;
* Fired when user cancels the inspect mode.
export type inspectModeCanceledPayload = void;
* Disables domain notifications.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables domain notifications.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* For testing.
export type getHighlightObjectForTestParameters = {
* Id of the node to get highlight object for.
nodeId: DOM.NodeId;
* Whether to include distance info.
includeDistance?: boolean;
* Whether to include style info.
includeStyle?: boolean;
* The color format to get config with (default: hex).
colorFormat?: ColorFormat;
* Whether to show accessibility info (default: true).
showAccessibilityInfo?: boolean;
export type getHighlightObjectForTestReturnValue = {
* Highlight data for the node.
highlight: { [key: string]: string };
* For Persistent Grid testing.
export type getGridHighlightObjectsForTestParameters = {
* Ids of the node to get highlight object for.
nodeIds: DOM.NodeId[];
export type getGridHighlightObjectsForTestReturnValue = {
* Grid Highlight data for the node ids provided.
highlights: { [key: string]: string };
* For Source Order Viewer testing.
export type getSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTestParameters = {
* Id of the node to highlight.
nodeId: DOM.NodeId;
export type getSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTestReturnValue = {
* Source order highlight data for the node id provided.
highlight: { [key: string]: string };
* Hides any highlight.
export type hideHighlightParameters = {
export type hideHighlightReturnValue = {
* Highlights owner element of the frame with given id.
Deprecated: Doesn't work reliablity and cannot be fixed due to process
separatation (the owner node might be in a different process). Determine
the owner node in the client and use highlightNode.
export type highlightFrameParameters = {
* Identifier of the frame to highlight.
frameId: Page.FrameId;
* The content box highlight fill color (default: transparent).
contentColor?: DOM.RGBA;
* The content box highlight outline color (default: transparent).
contentOutlineColor?: DOM.RGBA;
export type highlightFrameReturnValue = {
* Highlights DOM node with given id or with the given JavaScript object wrapper. Either nodeId or
objectId must be specified.
export type highlightNodeParameters = {
* A descriptor for the highlight appearance.
highlightConfig: HighlightConfig;
* Identifier of the node to highlight.
nodeId?: DOM.NodeId;
* Identifier of the backend node to highlight.
backendNodeId?: DOM.BackendNodeId;
* JavaScript object id of the node to be highlighted.
objectId?: Runtime.RemoteObjectId;
* Selectors to highlight relevant nodes.
selector?: string;
export type highlightNodeReturnValue = {
* Highlights given quad. Coordinates are absolute with respect to the main frame viewport.
export type highlightQuadParameters = {
* Quad to highlight
quad: DOM.Quad;
* The highlight fill color (default: transparent).
color?: DOM.RGBA;
* The highlight outline color (default: transparent).
outlineColor?: DOM.RGBA;
export type highlightQuadReturnValue = {
* Highlights given rectangle. Coordinates are absolute with respect to the main frame viewport.
export type highlightRectParameters = {
* X coordinate
x: number;
* Y coordinate
y: number;
* Rectangle width
width: number;
* Rectangle height
height: number;
* The highlight fill color (default: transparent).
color?: DOM.RGBA;
* The highlight outline color (default: transparent).
outlineColor?: DOM.RGBA;
export type highlightRectReturnValue = {
* Highlights the source order of the children of the DOM node with given id or with the given
JavaScript object wrapper. Either nodeId or objectId must be specified.
export type highlightSourceOrderParameters = {
* A descriptor for the appearance of the overlay drawing.
sourceOrderConfig: SourceOrderConfig;
* Identifier of the node to highlight.
nodeId?: DOM.NodeId;
* Identifier of the backend node to highlight.
backendNodeId?: DOM.BackendNodeId;
* JavaScript object id of the node to be highlighted.
objectId?: Runtime.RemoteObjectId;
export type highlightSourceOrderReturnValue = {
* Enters the 'inspect' mode. In this mode, elements that user is hovering over are highlighted.
Backend then generates 'inspectNodeRequested' event upon element selection.
export type setInspectModeParameters = {
* Set an inspection mode.
mode: InspectMode;
* A descriptor for the highlight appearance of hovered-over nodes. May be omitted if `enabled
== false`.
highlightConfig?: HighlightConfig;
export type setInspectModeReturnValue = {
* Highlights owner element of all frames detected to be ads.
export type setShowAdHighlightsParameters = {
* True for showing ad highlights
show: boolean;
export type setShowAdHighlightsReturnValue = {
export type setPausedInDebuggerMessageParameters = {
* The message to display, also triggers resume and step over controls.
message?: string;
export type setPausedInDebuggerMessageReturnValue = {
* Requests that backend shows debug borders on layers
export type setShowDebugBordersParameters = {
* True for showing debug borders
show: boolean;
export type setShowDebugBordersReturnValue = {
* Requests that backend shows the FPS counter
export type setShowFPSCounterParameters = {
* True for showing the FPS counter
show: boolean;
export type setShowFPSCounterReturnValue = {
* Highlight multiple elements with the CSS Grid overlay.
export type setShowGridOverlaysParameters = {
* An array of node identifiers and descriptors for the highlight appearance.
gridNodeHighlightConfigs: GridNodeHighlightConfig[];
export type setShowGridOverlaysReturnValue = {
export type setShowFlexOverlaysParameters = {
* An array of node identifiers and descriptors for the highlight appearance.
flexNodeHighlightConfigs: FlexNodeHighlightConfig[];
export type setShowFlexOverlaysReturnValue = {
export type setShowScrollSnapOverlaysParameters = {
* An array of node identifiers and descriptors for the highlight appearance.
scrollSnapHighlightConfigs: ScrollSnapHighlightConfig[];
export type setShowScrollSnapOverlaysReturnValue = {
export type setShowContainerQueryOverlaysParameters = {
* An array of node identifiers and descriptors for the highlight appearance.
containerQueryHighlightConfigs: ContainerQueryHighlightConfig[];
export type setShowContainerQueryOverlaysReturnValue = {
* Requests that backend shows paint rectangles
export type setShowPaintRectsParameters = {
* True for showing paint rectangles
result: boolean;
export type setShowPaintRectsReturnValue = {
* Requests that backend shows layout shift regions
export type setShowLayoutShiftRegionsParameters = {
* True for showing layout shift regions
result: boolean;
export type setShowLayoutShiftRegionsReturnValue = {
* Requests that backend shows scroll bottleneck rects
export type setShowScrollBottleneckRectsParameters = {
* True for showing scroll bottleneck rects
show: boolean;
export type setShowScrollBottleneckRectsReturnValue = {
* Requests that backend shows hit-test borders on layers
export type setShowHitTestBordersParameters = {
* True for showing hit-test borders
show: boolean;
export type setShowHitTestBordersReturnValue = {
* Request that backend shows an overlay with web vital metrics.
export type setShowWebVitalsParameters = {
show: boolean;
export type setShowWebVitalsReturnValue = {
* Paints viewport size upon main frame resize.
export type setShowViewportSizeOnResizeParameters = {
* Whether to paint size or not.
show: boolean;
export type setShowViewportSizeOnResizeReturnValue = {
* Add a dual screen device hinge
export type setShowHingeParameters = {
* hinge data, null means hideHinge
hingeConfig?: HingeConfig;
export type setShowHingeReturnValue = {
* Actions and events related to the inspected page belong to the page domain.
export module Page {
* Unique frame identifier.
export type FrameId = string;
* Indicates whether a frame has been identified as an ad.
export type AdFrameType = "none"|"child"|"root";
export type AdFrameExplanation = "ParentIsAd"|"CreatedByAdScript"|"MatchedBlockingRule";
* Indicates whether a frame has been identified as an ad and why.
export interface AdFrameStatus {
adFrameType: AdFrameType;
explanations?: AdFrameExplanation[];
* Indicates whether the frame is a secure context and why it is the case.
export type SecureContextType = "Secure"|"SecureLocalhost"|"InsecureScheme"|"InsecureAncestor";
* Indicates whether the frame is cross-origin isolated and why it is the case.
export type CrossOriginIsolatedContextType = "Isolated"|"NotIsolated"|"NotIsolatedFeatureDisabled";
export type GatedAPIFeatures = "SharedArrayBuffers"|"SharedArrayBuffersTransferAllowed"|"PerformanceMeasureMemory"|"PerformanceProfile";
* All Permissions Policy features. This enum should match the one defined
in third_party/blink/renderer/core/permissions_policy/permissions_policy_features.json5.
export type PermissionsPolicyFeature = "accelerometer"|"ambient-light-sensor"|"attribution-reporting"|"autoplay"|"camera"|"ch-dpr"|"ch-device-memory"|"ch-downlink"|"ch-ect"|"ch-lang"|"ch-prefers-color-scheme"|"ch-rtt"|"ch-ua"|"ch-ua-arch"|"ch-ua-bitness"|"ch-ua-platform"|"ch-ua-model"|"ch-ua-mobile"|"ch-ua-full-version"|"ch-ua-platform-version"|"ch-ua-reduced"|"ch-viewport-height"|"ch-viewport-width"|"ch-width"|"clipboard-read"|"clipboard-write"|"cross-origin-isolated"|"direct-sockets"|"display-capture"|"document-domain"|"encrypted-media"|"execution-while-out-of-viewport"|"execution-while-not-rendered"|"focus-without-user-activation"|"fullscreen"|"frobulate"|"gamepad"|"geolocation"|"gyroscope"|"hid"|"idle-detection"|"interest-cohort"|"magnetometer"|"microphone"|"midi"|"otp-credentials"|"payment"|"picture-in-picture"|"publickey-credentials-get"|"screen-wake-lock"|"serial"|"shared-autofill"|"storage-access-api"|"sync-xhr"|"trust-token-redemption"|"usb"|"vertical-scroll"|"web-share"|"window-placement"|"xr-spatial-tracking";
* Reason for a permissions policy feature to be disabled.
export type PermissionsPolicyBlockReason = "Header"|"IframeAttribute";
export interface PermissionsPolicyBlockLocator {
frameId: FrameId;
blockReason: PermissionsPolicyBlockReason;
export interface PermissionsPolicyFeatureState {
feature: PermissionsPolicyFeature;
allowed: boolean;
locator?: PermissionsPolicyBlockLocator;
* Origin Trial( support.
Status for an Origin Trial token.
export type OriginTrialTokenStatus = "Success"|"NotSupported"|"Insecure"|"Expired"|"WrongOrigin"|"InvalidSignature"|"Malformed"|"WrongVersion"|"FeatureDisabled"|"TokenDisabled"|"FeatureDisabledForUser";
* Status for an Origin Trial.
export type OriginTrialStatus = "Enabled"|"ValidTokenNotProvided"|"OSNotSupported"|"TrialNotAllowed";
export type OriginTrialUsageRestriction = "None"|"Subset";
export interface OriginTrialToken {
origin: string;
matchSubDomains: boolean;
trialName: string;
expiryTime: Network.TimeSinceEpoch;
isThirdParty: boolean;
usageRestriction: OriginTrialUsageRestriction;
export interface OriginTrialTokenWithStatus {
rawTokenText: string;
* `parsedToken` is present only when the token is extractable and
parsedToken?: OriginTrialToken;
status: OriginTrialTokenStatus;
export interface OriginTrial {
trialName: string;
status: OriginTrialStatus;
tokensWithStatus: OriginTrialTokenWithStatus[];
* Information about the Frame on the page.
export interface Frame {
* Frame unique identifier.
id: FrameId;
* Parent frame identifier.
parentId?: FrameId;
* Identifier of the loader associated with this frame.
loaderId: Network.LoaderId;
* Frame's name as specified in the tag.
name?: string;
* Frame document's URL without fragment.
url: string;
* Frame document's URL fragment including the '#'.
urlFragment?: string;
* Frame document's registered domain, taking the public suffixes list into account.
Extracted from the Frame's url.
Example URLs: -> "" -> ""
domainAndRegistry: string;
* Frame document's security origin.
securityOrigin: string;
* Frame document's mimeType as determined by the browser.
mimeType: string;
* If the frame failed to load, this contains the URL that could not be loaded. Note that unlike url above, this URL may contain a fragment.
unreachableUrl?: string;
* Indicates whether this frame was tagged as an ad and why.
adFrameStatus?: AdFrameStatus;
* Indicates whether the main document is a secure context and explains why that is the case.
secureContextType: SecureContextType;
* Indicates whether this is a cross origin isolated context.
crossOriginIsolatedContextType: CrossOriginIsolatedContextType;
* Indicated which gated APIs / features are available.
gatedAPIFeatures: GatedAPIFeatures[];
* Information about the Resource on the page.
export interface FrameResource {
* Resource URL.
url: string;
* Type of this resource.
type: Network.ResourceType;
* Resource mimeType as determined by the browser.
mimeType: string;
* last-modified timestamp as reported by server.
lastModified?: Network.TimeSinceEpoch;
* Resource content size.
contentSize?: number;
* True if the resource failed to load.
failed?: boolean;
* True if the resource was canceled during loading.
canceled?: boolean;
* Information about the Frame hierarchy along with their cached resources.
export interface FrameResourceTree {
* Frame information for this tree item.
frame: Frame;
* Child frames.
childFrames?: FrameResourceTree[];
* Information about frame resources.
resources: FrameResource[];
* Information about the Frame hierarchy.
export interface FrameTree {
* Frame information for this tree item.
frame: Frame;
* Child frames.
childFrames?: FrameTree[];
* Unique script identifier.
export type ScriptIdentifier = string;
* Transition type.
export type TransitionType = "link"|"typed"|"address_bar"|"auto_bookmark"|"auto_subframe"|"manual_subframe"|"generated"|"auto_toplevel"|"form_submit"|"reload"|"keyword"|"keyword_generated"|"other";
* Navigation history entry.
export interface NavigationEntry {
* Unique id of the navigation history entry.
id: number;
* URL of the navigation history entry.
url: string;
* URL that the user typed in the url bar.
userTypedURL: string;
* Title of the navigation history entry.
title: string;
* Transition type.
transitionType: TransitionType;
* Screencast frame metadata.
export interface ScreencastFrameMetadata {
* Top offset in DIP.
offsetTop: number;
* Page scale factor.
pageScaleFactor: number;
* Device screen width in DIP.
deviceWidth: number;
* Device screen height in DIP.
deviceHeight: number;
* Position of horizontal scroll in CSS pixels.
scrollOffsetX: number;
* Position of vertical scroll in CSS pixels.
scrollOffsetY: number;
* Frame swap timestamp.
timestamp?: Network.TimeSinceEpoch;
* Javascript dialog type.
export type DialogType = "alert"|"confirm"|"prompt"|"beforeunload";
* Error while paring app manifest.
export interface AppManifestError {
* Error message.
message: string;
* If criticial, this is a non-recoverable parse error.
critical: number;
* Error line.
line: number;
* Error column.
column: number;
* Parsed app manifest properties.
export interface AppManifestParsedProperties {
* Computed scope value
scope: string;
* Layout viewport position and dimensions.
export interface LayoutViewport {
* Horizontal offset relative to the document (CSS pixels).
pageX: number;
* Vertical offset relative to the document (CSS pixels).
pageY: number;
* Width (CSS pixels), excludes scrollbar if present.
clientWidth: number;
* Height (CSS pixels), excludes scrollbar if present.
clientHeight: number;
* Visual viewport position, dimensions, and scale.
export interface VisualViewport {
* Horizontal offset relative to the layout viewport (CSS pixels).
offsetX: number;
* Vertical offset relative to the layout viewport (CSS pixels).
offsetY: number;
* Horizontal offset relative to the document (CSS pixels).
pageX: number;
* Vertical offset relative to the document (CSS pixels).
pageY: number;
* Width (CSS pixels), excludes scrollbar if present.
clientWidth: number;
* Height (CSS pixels), excludes scrollbar if present.
clientHeight: number;
* Scale relative to the ideal viewport (size at width=device-width).
scale: number;
* Page zoom factor (CSS to device independent pixels ratio).
zoom?: number;
* Viewport for capturing screenshot.
export interface Viewport {
* X offset in device independent pixels (dip).
x: number;
* Y offset in device independent pixels (dip).
y: number;
* Rectangle width in device independent pixels (dip).
width: number;
* Rectangle height in device independent pixels (dip).
height: number;
* Page scale factor.
scale: number;
* Generic font families collection.
export interface FontFamilies {
* The standard font-family.
standard?: string;
* The fixed font-family.
fixed?: string;
* The serif font-family.
serif?: string;
* The sansSerif font-family.
sansSerif?: string;
* The cursive font-family.
cursive?: string;
* The fantasy font-family.
fantasy?: string;
* The pictograph font-family.
pictograph?: string;
* Default font sizes.
export interface FontSizes {
* Default standard font size.
standard?: number;
* Default fixed font size.
fixed?: number;
export type ClientNavigationReason = "formSubmissionGet"|"formSubmissionPost"|"httpHeaderRefresh"|"scriptInitiated"|"metaTagRefresh"|"pageBlockInterstitial"|"reload"|"anchorClick";
export type ClientNavigationDisposition = "currentTab"|"newTab"|"newWindow"|"download";
export interface InstallabilityErrorArgument {
* Argument name (e.g. name:'minimum-icon-size-in-pixels').
name: string;
* Argument value (e.g. value:'64').
value: string;
* The installability error
export interface InstallabilityError {
* The error id (e.g. 'manifest-missing-suitable-icon').
errorId: string;
* The list of error arguments (e.g. {name:'minimum-icon-size-in-pixels', value:'64'}).
errorArguments: InstallabilityErrorArgument[];
* The referring-policy used for the navigation.
export type ReferrerPolicy = "noReferrer"|"noReferrerWhenDowngrade"|"origin"|"originWhenCrossOrigin"|"sameOrigin"|"strictOrigin"|"strictOriginWhenCrossOrigin"|"unsafeUrl";
* Per-script compilation cache parameters for `Page.produceCompilationCache`
export interface CompilationCacheParams {
* The URL of the script to produce a compilation cache entry for.
url: string;
* A hint to the backend whether eager compilation is recommended.
(the actual compilation mode used is upon backend discretion).
eager?: boolean;
* The type of a frameNavigated event.
export type NavigationType = "Navigation"|"BackForwardCacheRestore";
* List of not restored reasons for back-forward cache.
export type BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "NotMainFrame"|"BackForwardCacheDisabled"|"RelatedActiveContentsExist"|"HTTPStatusNotOK"|"SchemeNotHTTPOrHTTPS"|"Loading"|"WasGrantedMediaAccess"|"DisableForRenderFrameHostCalled"|"DomainNotAllowed"|"HTTPMethodNotGET"|"SubframeIsNavigating"|"Timeout"|"CacheLimit"|"JavaScriptExecution"|"RendererProcessKilled"|"RendererProcessCrashed"|"GrantedMediaStreamAccess"|"SchedulerTrackedFeatureUsed"|"ConflictingBrowsingInstance"|"CacheFlushed"|"ServiceWorkerVersionActivation"|"SessionRestored"|"ServiceWorkerPostMessage"|"EnteredBackForwardCacheBeforeServiceWorkerHostAdded"|"RenderFrameHostReused_SameSite"|"RenderFrameHostReused_CrossSite"|"ServiceWorkerClaim"|"IgnoreEventAndEvict"|"HaveInnerContents"|"TimeoutPuttingInCache"|"BackForwardCacheDisabledByLowMemory"|"BackForwardCacheDisabledByCommandLine"|"NetworkRequestDatapipeDrainedAsBytesConsumer"|"NetworkRequestRedirected"|"NetworkRequestTimeout"|"NetworkExceedsBufferLimit"|"NavigationCancelledWhileRestoring"|"NotMostRecentNavigationEntry"|"BackForwardCacheDisabledForPrerender"|"UserAgentOverrideDiffers"|"ForegroundCacheLimit"|"BrowsingInstanceNotSwapped"|"BackForwardCacheDisabledForDelegate"|"OptInUnloadHeaderNotPresent"|"UnloadHandlerExistsInSubFrame"|"ServiceWorkerUnregistration"|"CacheControlNoStore"|"CacheControlNoStoreCookieModified"|"CacheControlNoStoreHTTPOnlyCookieModified"|"NoResponseHead"|"Unknown"|"ActivationNavigationsDisallowedForBug1234857"|"WebSocket"|"WebTransport"|"WebRTC"|"MainResourceHasCacheControlNoStore"|"MainResourceHasCacheControlNoCache"|"SubresourceHasCacheControlNoStore"|"SubresourceHasCacheControlNoCache"|"ContainsPlugins"|"DocumentLoaded"|"DedicatedWorkerOrWorklet"|"OutstandingNetworkRequestOthers"|"OutstandingIndexedDBTransaction"|"RequestedNotificationsPermission"|"RequestedMIDIPermission"|"RequestedAudioCapturePermission"|"RequestedVideoCapturePermission"|"RequestedBackForwardCacheBlockedSensors"|"RequestedBackgroundWorkPermission"|"BroadcastChannel"|"IndexedDBConnection"|"WebXR"|"SharedWorker"|"WebLocks"|"WebHID"|"WebShare"|"RequestedStorageAccessGrant"|"WebNfc"|"OutstandingNetworkRequestFetch"|"OutstandingNetworkRequestXHR"|"AppBanner"|"Printing"|"WebDatabase"|"PictureInPicture"|"Portal"|"SpeechRecognizer"|"IdleManager"|"PaymentManager"|"SpeechSynthesis"|"KeyboardLock"|"WebOTPService"|"OutstandingNetworkRequestDirectSocket"|"IsolatedWorldScript"|"InjectedStyleSheet"|"ContentSecurityHandler"|"ContentWebAuthenticationAPI"|"ContentFileChooser"|"ContentSerial"|"ContentFileSystemAccess"|"ContentMediaDevicesDispatcherHost"|"ContentWebBluetooth"|"ContentWebUSB"|"ContentMediaSession"|"EmbedderPopupBlockerTabHelper"|"EmbedderSafeBrowsingTriggeredPopupBlocker"|"EmbedderSafeBrowsingThreatDetails"|"EmbedderAppBannerManager"|"EmbedderDomDistillerViewerSource"|"EmbedderDomDistillerSelfDeletingRequestDelegate"|"EmbedderOomInterventionTabHelper"|"EmbedderOfflinePage"|"EmbedderChromePasswordManagerClientBindCredentialManager"|"EmbedderPermissionRequestManager"|"EmbedderModalDialog"|"EmbedderExtensions"|"EmbedderExtensionMessaging"|"EmbedderExtensionMessagingForOpenPort"|"EmbedderExtensionSentMessageToCachedFrame";
* Types of not restored reasons for back-forward cache.
export type BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonType = "SupportPending"|"PageSupportNeeded"|"Circumstantial";
export interface BackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanation {
* Type of the reason
type: BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonType;
* Not restored reason
reason: BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason;
export type domContentEventFiredPayload = {
timestamp: Network.MonotonicTime;
* Emitted only when `page.interceptFileChooser` is enabled.
export type fileChooserOpenedPayload = {
* Id of the frame containing input node.
frameId: FrameId;
* Input node id.
backendNodeId: DOM.BackendNodeId;
* Input mode.
mode: "selectSingle"|"selectMultiple";
* Fired when frame has been attached to its parent.
export type frameAttachedPayload = {
* Id of the frame that has been attached.
frameId: FrameId;
* Parent frame identifier.
parentFrameId: FrameId;
* JavaScript stack trace of when frame was attached, only set if frame initiated from script.
stack?: Runtime.StackTrace;
* Fired when frame no longer has a scheduled navigation.
export type frameClearedScheduledNavigationPayload = {
* Id of the frame that has cleared its scheduled navigation.
frameId: FrameId;
* Fired when frame has been detached from its parent.
export type frameDetachedPayload = {
* Id of the frame that has been detached.
frameId: FrameId;
reason: "remove"|"swap";
* Fired once navigation of the frame has completed. Frame is now associated with the new loader.
export type frameNavigatedPayload = {
* Frame object.
frame: Frame;
type: NavigationType;
* Fired when opening document to write to.
export type documentOpenedPayload = {
* Frame object.
frame: Frame;
export type frameResizedPayload = void;
* Fired when a renderer-initiated navigation is requested.
Navigation may still be cancelled after the event is issued.
export type frameRequestedNavigationPayload = {
* Id of the frame that is being navigated.
frameId: FrameId;
* The reason for the navigation.
reason: ClientNavigationReason;
* The destination URL for the requested navigation.
url: string;
* The disposition for the navigation.
disposition: ClientNavigationDisposition;
* Fired when frame schedules a potential navigation.
export type frameScheduledNavigationPayload = {
* Id of the frame that has scheduled a navigation.
frameId: FrameId;
* Delay (in seconds) until the navigation is scheduled to begin. The navigation is not
guaranteed to start.
delay: number;
* The reason for the navigation.
reason: ClientNavigationReason;
* The destination URL for the scheduled navigation.
url: string;
* Fired when frame has started loading.
export type frameStartedLoadingPayload = {
* Id of the frame that has started loading.
frameId: FrameId;
* Fired when frame has stopped loading.
export type frameStoppedLoadingPayload = {
* Id of the frame that has stopped loading.
frameId: FrameId;
* Fired when page is about to start a download.
Deprecated. Use Browser.downloadWillBegin instead.
export type downloadWillBeginPayload = {
* Id of the frame that caused download to begin.
frameId: FrameId;
* Global unique identifier of the download.
guid: string;
* URL of the resource being downloaded.
url: string;
* Suggested file name of the resource (the actual name of the file saved on disk may differ).
suggestedFilename: string;
* Fired when download makes progress. Last call has |done| == true.
Deprecated. Use Browser.downloadProgress instead.
export type downloadProgressPayload = {
* Global unique identifier of the download.
guid: string;
* Total expected bytes to download.
totalBytes: number;
* Total bytes received.
receivedBytes: number;
* Download status.
state: "inProgress"|"completed"|"canceled";
* Fired when interstitial page was hidden
export type interstitialHiddenPayload = void;
* Fired when interstitial page was shown
export type interstitialShownPayload = void;
* Fired when a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload) has been
export type javascriptDialogClosedPayload = {
* Whether dialog was confirmed.
result: boolean;
* User input in case of prompt.
userInput: string;
* Fired when a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload) is about to
export type javascriptDialogOpeningPayload = {
* Frame url.
url: string;
* Message that will be displayed by the dialog.
message: string;
* Dialog type.
type: DialogType;
* True iff browser is capable showing or acting on the given dialog. When browser has no
dialog handler for given target, calling alert while Page domain is engaged will stall
the page execution. Execution can be resumed via calling Page.handleJavaScriptDialog.
hasBrowserHandler: boolean;
* Default dialog prompt.
defaultPrompt?: string;
* Fired for top level page lifecycle events such as navigation, load, paint, etc.
export type lifecycleEventPayload = {
* Id of the frame.
frameId: FrameId;
* Loader identifier. Empty string if the request is fetched from worker.
loaderId: Network.LoaderId;
name: string;
timestamp: Network.MonotonicTime;
* Fired for failed bfcache history navigations if BackForwardCache feature is enabled. Do
not assume any ordering with the Page.frameNavigated event. This event is fired only for
main-frame history navigation where the document changes (non-same-document navigations),
when bfcache navigation fails.
export type backForwardCacheNotUsedPayload = {
* The loader id for the associated navgation.
loaderId: Network.LoaderId;
* The frame id of the associated frame.
frameId: FrameId;
* Array of reasons why the page could not be cached. This must not be empty.
notRestoredExplanations: BackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanation[];
export type loadEventFiredPayload = {
timestamp: Network.MonotonicTime;
* Fired when same-document navigation happens, e.g. due to history API usage or anchor navigation.
export type navigatedWithinDocumentPayload = {
* Id of the frame.
frameId: FrameId;
* Frame's new url.
url: string;
* Compressed image data requested by the `startScreencast`.
export type screencastFramePayload = {
* Base64-encoded compressed image.
data: binary;
* Screencast frame metadata.
metadata: ScreencastFrameMetadata;
* Frame number.
sessionId: number;
* Fired when the page with currently enabled screencast was shown or hidden `.
export type screencastVisibilityChangedPayload = {
* True if the page is visible.
visible: boolean;
* Fired when a new window is going to be opened, via, link click, form submission,
export type windowOpenPayload = {
* The URL for the new window.
url: string;
* Window name.
windowName: string;
* An array of enabled window features.
windowFeatures: string[];
* Whether or not it was triggered by user gesture.
userGesture: boolean;
* Issued for every compilation cache generated. Is only available
if Page.setGenerateCompilationCache is enabled.
export type compilationCacheProducedPayload = {
url: string;
* Base64-encoded data
data: binary;
* Deprecated, please use addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument instead.
export type addScriptToEvaluateOnLoadParameters = {
scriptSource: string;
export type addScriptToEvaluateOnLoadReturnValue = {
* Identifier of the added script.
identifier: ScriptIdentifier;
* Evaluates given script in every frame upon creation (before loading frame's scripts).
export type addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocumentParameters = {
source: string;
* If specified, creates an isolated world with the given name and evaluates given script in it.
This world name will be used as the ExecutionContextDescription::name when the corresponding
event is emitted.
worldName?: string;
* Specifies whether command line API should be available to the script, defaults
to false.
includeCommandLineAPI?: boolean;
export type addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocumentReturnValue = {
* Identifier of the added script.
identifier: ScriptIdentifier;
* Brings page to front (activates tab).
export type bringToFrontParameters = {
export type bringToFrontReturnValue = {
* Capture page screenshot.
export type captureScreenshotParameters = {
* Image compression format (defaults to png).
format?: "jpeg"|"png"|"webp";
* Compression quality from range [0..100] (jpeg only).
quality?: number;
* Capture the screenshot of a given region only.
clip?: Viewport;
* Capture the screenshot from the surface, rather than the view. Defaults to true.
fromSurface?: boolean;
* Capture the screenshot beyond the viewport. Defaults to false.
captureBeyondViewport?: boolean;
export type captureScreenshotReturnValue = {
* Base64-encoded image data.
data: binary;
* Returns a snapshot of the page as a string. For MHTML format, the serialization includes
iframes, shadow DOM, external resources, and element-inline styles.
export type captureSnapshotParameters = {
* Format (defaults to mhtml).
format?: "mhtml";
export type captureSnapshotReturnValue = {
* Serialized page data.
data: string;
* Clears the overridden device metrics.
export type clearDeviceMetricsOverrideParameters = {
export type clearDeviceMetricsOverrideReturnValue = {
* Clears the overridden Device Orientation.
export type clearDeviceOrientationOverrideParameters = {
export type clearDeviceOrientationOverrideReturnValue = {
* Clears the overridden Geolocation Position and Error.
export type clearGeolocationOverrideParameters = {
export type clearGeolocationOverrideReturnValue = {
* Creates an isolated world for the given frame.
export type createIsolatedWorldParameters = {
* Id of the frame in which the isolated world should be created.
frameId: FrameId;
* An optional name which is reported in the Execution Context.
worldName?: string;
* Whether or not universal access should be granted to the isolated world. This is a powerful
option, use with caution.
grantUniveralAccess?: boolean;
export type createIsolatedWorldReturnValue = {
* Execution context of the isolated world.
executionContextId: Runtime.ExecutionContextId;
* Deletes browser cookie with given name, domain and path.
export type deleteCookieParameters = {
* Name of the cookie to remove.
cookieName: string;
* URL to match cooke domain and path.
url: string;
export type deleteCookieReturnValue = {
* Disables page domain notifications.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables page domain notifications.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
export type getAppManifestParameters = {
export type getAppManifestReturnValue = {
* Manifest location.
url: string;
errors: AppManifestError[];
* Manifest content.
data?: string;
* Parsed manifest properties
parsed?: AppManifestParsedProperties;
export type getInstallabilityErrorsParameters = {
export type getInstallabilityErrorsReturnValue = {
installabilityErrors: InstallabilityError[];
export type getManifestIconsParameters = {
export type getManifestIconsReturnValue = {
primaryIcon?: binary;
* Returns the unique (PWA) app id.
export type getAppIdParameters = {
export type getAppIdReturnValue = {
* Only returns a value if the feature flag 'WebAppEnableManifestId' is enabled
appId?: string;
* Returns all browser cookies. Depending on the backend support, will return detailed cookie
information in the `cookies` field.
export type getCookiesParameters = {
export type getCookiesReturnValue = {
* Array of cookie objects.
cookies: Network.Cookie[];
* Returns present frame tree structure.
export type getFrameTreeParameters = {
export type getFrameTreeReturnValue = {
* Present frame tree structure.
frameTree: FrameTree;
* Returns metrics relating to the layouting of the page, such as viewport bounds/scale.
export type getLayoutMetricsParameters = {
export type getLayoutMetricsReturnValue = {
* Deprecated metrics relating to the layout viewport. Can be in DP or in CSS pixels depending on the `enable-use-zoom-for-dsf` flag. Use `cssLayoutViewport` instead.
layoutViewport: LayoutViewport;
* Deprecated metrics relating to the visual viewport. Can be in DP or in CSS pixels depending on the `enable-use-zoom-for-dsf` flag. Use `cssVisualViewport` instead.
visualViewport: VisualViewport;
* Deprecated size of scrollable area. Can be in DP or in CSS pixels depending on the `enable-use-zoom-for-dsf` flag. Use `cssContentSize` instead.
contentSize: DOM.Rect;
* Metrics relating to the layout viewport in CSS pixels.
cssLayoutViewport: LayoutViewport;
* Metrics relating to the visual viewport in CSS pixels.
cssVisualViewport: VisualViewport;
* Size of scrollable area in CSS pixels.
cssContentSize: DOM.Rect;
* Returns navigation history for the current page.
export type getNavigationHistoryParameters = {
export type getNavigationHistoryReturnValue = {
* Index of the current navigation history entry.
currentIndex: number;
* Array of navigation history entries.
entries: NavigationEntry[];
* Resets navigation history for the current page.
export type resetNavigationHistoryParameters = {
export type resetNavigationHistoryReturnValue = {
* Returns content of the given resource.
export type getResourceContentParameters = {
* Frame id to get resource for.
frameId: FrameId;
* URL of the resource to get content for.
url: string;
export type getResourceContentReturnValue = {
* Resource content.
content: string;
* True, if content was served as base64.
base64Encoded: boolean;
* Returns present frame / resource tree structure.
export type getResourceTreeParameters = {
export type getResourceTreeReturnValue = {
* Present frame / resource tree structure.
frameTree: FrameResourceTree;
* Accepts or dismisses a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload).
export type handleJavaScriptDialogParameters = {
* Whether to accept or dismiss the dialog.
accept: boolean;
* The text to enter into the dialog prompt before accepting. Used only if this is a prompt
promptText?: string;
export type handleJavaScriptDialogReturnValue = {
* Navigates current page to the given URL.
export type navigateParameters = {
* URL to navigate the page to.
url: string;
* Referrer URL.
referrer?: string;
* Intended transition type.
transitionType?: TransitionType;
* Frame id to navigate, if not specified navigates the top frame.
frameId?: FrameId;
* Referrer-policy used for the navigation.
referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
export type navigateReturnValue = {
* Frame id that has navigated (or failed to navigate)
frameId: FrameId;
* Loader identifier.
loaderId?: Network.LoaderId;
* User friendly error message, present if and only if navigation has failed.
errorText?: string;
* Navigates current page to the given history entry.
export type navigateToHistoryEntryParameters = {
* Unique id of the entry to navigate to.
entryId: number;
export type navigateToHistoryEntryReturnValue = {
* Print page as PDF.
export type printToPDFParameters = {
* Paper orientation. Defaults to false.
landscape?: boolean;
* Display header and footer. Defaults to false.
displayHeaderFooter?: boolean;
* Print background graphics. Defaults to false.
printBackground?: boolean;
* Scale of the webpage rendering. Defaults to 1.
scale?: number;
* Paper width in inches. Defaults to 8.5 inches.
paperWidth?: number;
* Paper height in inches. Defaults to 11 inches.
paperHeight?: number;
* Top margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).
marginTop?: number;
* Bottom margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).
marginBottom?: number;
* Left margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).
marginLeft?: number;
* Right margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).
marginRight?: number;
* Paper ranges to print, e.g., '1-5, 8, 11-13'. Defaults to the empty string, which means
print all pages.
pageRanges?: string;
* Whether to silently ignore invalid but successfully parsed page ranges, such as '3-2'.
Defaults to false.
ignoreInvalidPageRanges?: boolean;
* HTML template for the print header. Should be valid HTML markup with following
classes used to inject printing values into them:
- `date`: formatted print date
- `title`: document title
- `url`: document location
- `pageNumber`: current page number
- `totalPages`: total pages in the document
For example, `<span class=title></span>` would generate span containing the title.
headerTemplate?: string;
* HTML template for the print footer. Should use the same format as the `headerTemplate`.
footerTemplate?: string;
* Whether or not to prefer page size as defined by css. Defaults to false,
in which case the content will be scaled to fit the paper size.
preferCSSPageSize?: boolean;
* return as stream
transferMode?: "ReturnAsBase64"|"ReturnAsStream";
export type printToPDFReturnValue = {
* Base64-encoded pdf data. Empty if |returnAsStream| is specified.
data: binary;
* A handle of the stream that holds resulting PDF data.
stream?: IO.StreamHandle;
* Reloads given page optionally ignoring the cache.
export type reloadParameters = {
* If true, browser cache is ignored (as if the user pressed Shift+refresh).
ignoreCache?: boolean;
* If set, the script will be injected into all frames of the inspected page after reload.
Argument will be ignored if reloading dataURL origin.
scriptToEvaluateOnLoad?: string;
export type reloadReturnValue = {
* Deprecated, please use removeScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument instead.
export type removeScriptToEvaluateOnLoadParameters = {
identifier: ScriptIdentifier;
export type removeScriptToEvaluateOnLoadReturnValue = {
* Removes given script from the list.
export type removeScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocumentParameters = {
identifier: ScriptIdentifier;
export type removeScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocumentReturnValue = {
* Acknowledges that a screencast frame has been received by the frontend.
export type screencastFrameAckParameters = {
* Frame number.
sessionId: number;
export type screencastFrameAckReturnValue = {
* Searches for given string in resource content.
export type searchInResourceParameters = {
* Frame id for resource to search in.
frameId: FrameId;
* URL of the resource to search in.
url: string;
* String to search for.
query: string;
* If true, search is case sensitive.
caseSensitive?: boolean;
* If true, treats string parameter as regex.
isRegex?: boolean;
export type searchInResourceReturnValue = {
* List of search matches.
result: Debugger.SearchMatch[];
* Enable Chrome's experimental ad filter on all sites.
export type setAdBlockingEnabledParameters = {
* Whether to block ads.
enabled: boolean;
export type setAdBlockingEnabledReturnValue = {
* Enable page Content Security Policy by-passing.
export type setBypassCSPParameters = {
* Whether to bypass page CSP.
enabled: boolean;
export type setBypassCSPReturnValue = {
* Get Permissions Policy state on given frame.
export type getPermissionsPolicyStateParameters = {
frameId: FrameId;
export type getPermissionsPolicyStateReturnValue = {
states: PermissionsPolicyFeatureState[];
* Get Origin Trials on given frame.
export type getOriginTrialsParameters = {
frameId: FrameId;
export type getOriginTrialsReturnValue = {
originTrials: OriginTrial[];
* Overrides the values of device screen dimensions (window.screen.width, window.screen.height,
window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, and "device-width"/"device-height"-related CSS media
query results).
export type setDeviceMetricsOverrideParameters = {
* Overriding width value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). 0 disables the override.
width: number;
* Overriding height value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). 0 disables the override.
height: number;
* Overriding device scale factor value. 0 disables the override.
deviceScaleFactor: number;
* Whether to emulate mobile device. This includes viewport meta tag, overlay scrollbars, text
autosizing and more.
mobile: boolean;
* Scale to apply to resulting view image.
scale?: number;
* Overriding screen width value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000).
screenWidth?: number;
* Overriding screen height value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000).
screenHeight?: number;
* Overriding view X position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000).
positionX?: number;
* Overriding view Y position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000).
positionY?: number;
* Do not set visible view size, rely upon explicit setVisibleSize call.
dontSetVisibleSize?: boolean;
* Screen orientation override.
screenOrientation?: Emulation.ScreenOrientation;
* The viewport dimensions and scale. If not set, the override is cleared.
viewport?: Viewport;
export type setDeviceMetricsOverrideReturnValue = {
* Overrides the Device Orientation.
export type setDeviceOrientationOverrideParameters = {
* Mock alpha
alpha: number;
* Mock beta
beta: number;
* Mock gamma
gamma: number;
export type setDeviceOrientationOverrideReturnValue = {
* Set generic font families.
export type setFontFamiliesParameters = {
* Specifies font families to set. If a font family is not specified, it won't be changed.
fontFamilies: FontFamilies;
export type setFontFamiliesReturnValue = {
* Set default font sizes.
export type setFontSizesParameters = {
* Specifies font sizes to set. If a font size is not specified, it won't be changed.
fontSizes: FontSizes;
export type setFontSizesReturnValue = {
* Sets given markup as the document's HTML.
export type setDocumentContentParameters = {
* Frame id to set HTML for.
frameId: FrameId;
* HTML content to set.
html: string;
export type setDocumentContentReturnValue = {
* Set the behavior when downloading a file.
export type setDownloadBehaviorParameters = {
* Whether to allow all or deny all download requests, or use default Chrome behavior if
available (otherwise deny).
behavior: "deny"|"allow"|"default";
* The default path to save downloaded files to. This is required if behavior is set to 'allow'
downloadPath?: string;
export type setDownloadBehaviorReturnValue = {
* Overrides the Geolocation Position or Error. Omitting any of the parameters emulates position
export type setGeolocationOverrideParameters = {
* Mock latitude
latitude?: number;
* Mock longitude
longitude?: number;
* Mock accuracy
accuracy?: number;
export type setGeolocationOverrideReturnValue = {
* Controls whether page will emit lifecycle events.
export type setLifecycleEventsEnabledParameters = {
* If true, starts emitting lifecycle events.
enabled: boolean;
export type setLifecycleEventsEnabledReturnValue = {
* Toggles mouse event-based touch event emulation.
export type setTouchEmulationEnabledParameters = {
* Whether the touch event emulation should be enabled.
enabled: boolean;
* Touch/gesture events configuration. Default: current platform.
configuration?: "mobile"|"desktop";
export type setTouchEmulationEnabledReturnValue = {
* Starts sending each frame using the `screencastFrame` event.
export type startScreencastParameters = {
* Image compression format.
format?: "jpeg"|"png";
* Compression quality from range [0..100].
quality?: number;
* Maximum screenshot width.
maxWidth?: number;
* Maximum screenshot height.
maxHeight?: number;
* Send every n-th frame.
everyNthFrame?: number;
export type startScreencastReturnValue = {
* Force the page stop all navigations and pending resource fetches.
export type stopLoadingParameters = {
export type stopLoadingReturnValue = {
* Crashes renderer on the IO thread, generates minidumps.
export type crashParameters = {
export type crashReturnValue = {
* Tries to close page, running its beforeunload hooks, if any.
export type closeParameters = {
export type closeReturnValue = {
* Tries to update the web lifecycle state of the page.
It will transition the page to the given state according to:
export type setWebLifecycleStateParameters = {
* Target lifecycle state
state: "frozen"|"active";
export type setWebLifecycleStateReturnValue = {
* Stops sending each frame in the `screencastFrame`.
export type stopScreencastParameters = {
export type stopScreencastReturnValue = {
* Forces compilation cache to be generated for every subresource script.
See also: `Page.produceCompilationCache`.
export type setProduceCompilationCacheParameters = {
enabled: boolean;
export type setProduceCompilationCacheReturnValue = {
* Requests backend to produce compilation cache for the specified scripts.
Unlike setProduceCompilationCache, this allows client to only produce cache
for specific scripts. `scripts` are appeneded to the list of scripts
for which the cache for would produced. Disabling compilation cache with
`setProduceCompilationCache` would reset all pending cache requests.
The list may also be reset during page navigation.
When script with a matching URL is encountered, the cache is optionally
produced upon backend discretion, based on internal heuristics.
See also: `Page.compilationCacheProduced`.
export type produceCompilationCacheParameters = {
scripts: CompilationCacheParams[];
export type produceCompilationCacheReturnValue = {
* Seeds compilation cache for given url. Compilation cache does not survive
cross-process navigation.
export type addCompilationCacheParameters = {
url: string;
* Base64-encoded data
data: binary;
export type addCompilationCacheReturnValue = {
* Clears seeded compilation cache.
export type clearCompilationCacheParameters = {
export type clearCompilationCacheReturnValue = {
* Generates a report for testing.
export type generateTestReportParameters = {
* Message to be displayed in the report.
message: string;
* Specifies the endpoint group to deliver the report to.
group?: string;
export type generateTestReportReturnValue = {
* Pauses page execution. Can be resumed using generic Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger.
export type waitForDebuggerParameters = {
export type waitForDebuggerReturnValue = {
* Intercept file chooser requests and transfer control to protocol clients.
When file chooser interception is enabled, native file chooser dialog is not shown.
Instead, a protocol event `Page.fileChooserOpened` is emitted.
export type setInterceptFileChooserDialogParameters = {
enabled: boolean;
export type setInterceptFileChooserDialogReturnValue = {
export module Performance {
* Run-time execution metric.
export interface Metric {
* Metric name.
name: string;
* Metric value.
value: number;
* Current values of the metrics.
export type metricsPayload = {
* Current values of the metrics.
metrics: Metric[];
* Timestamp title.
title: string;
* Disable collecting and reporting metrics.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enable collecting and reporting metrics.
export type enableParameters = {
* Time domain to use for collecting and reporting duration metrics.
timeDomain?: "timeTicks"|"threadTicks";
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Sets time domain to use for collecting and reporting duration metrics.
Note that this must be called before enabling metrics collection. Calling
this method while metrics collection is enabled returns an error.
export type setTimeDomainParameters = {
* Time domain
timeDomain: "timeTicks"|"threadTicks";
export type setTimeDomainReturnValue = {
* Retrieve current values of run-time metrics.
export type getMetricsParameters = {
export type getMetricsReturnValue = {
* Current values for run-time metrics.
metrics: Metric[];
* Reporting of performance timeline events, as specified in
export module PerformanceTimeline {
* See and largest_contentful_paint.idl
export interface LargestContentfulPaint {
renderTime: Network.TimeSinceEpoch;
loadTime: Network.TimeSinceEpoch;
* The number of pixels being painted.
size: number;
* The id attribute of the element, if available.
elementId?: string;
* The URL of the image (may be trimmed).
url?: string;
nodeId?: DOM.BackendNodeId;
export interface LayoutShiftAttribution {
previousRect: DOM.Rect;
currentRect: DOM.Rect;
nodeId?: DOM.BackendNodeId;
* See and layout_shift.idl
export interface LayoutShift {
* Score increment produced by this event.
value: number;
hadRecentInput: boolean;
lastInputTime: Network.TimeSinceEpoch;
sources: LayoutShiftAttribution[];
export interface TimelineEvent {
* Identifies the frame that this event is related to. Empty for non-frame targets.
frameId: Page.FrameId;
* The event type, as specified in
This determines which of the optional "details" fiedls is present.
type: string;
* Name may be empty depending on the type.
name: string;
* Time in seconds since Epoch, monotonically increasing within document lifetime.
time: Network.TimeSinceEpoch;
* Event duration, if applicable.
duration?: number;
lcpDetails?: LargestContentfulPaint;
layoutShiftDetails?: LayoutShift;
* Sent when a performance timeline event is added. See reportPerformanceTimeline method.
export type timelineEventAddedPayload = {
event: TimelineEvent;
* Previously buffered events would be reported before method returns.
See also: timelineEventAdded
export type enableParameters = {
* The types of event to report, as specified in
The specified filter overrides any previous filters, passing empty
filter disables recording.
Note that not all types exposed to the web platform are currently supported.
eventTypes: string[];
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Security
export module Security {
* An internal certificate ID value.
export type CertificateId = number;
* A description of mixed content (HTTP resources on HTTPS pages), as defined by
export type MixedContentType = "blockable"|"optionally-blockable"|"none";
* The security level of a page or resource.
export type SecurityState = "unknown"|"neutral"|"insecure"|"secure"|"info"|"insecure-broken";
* Details about the security state of the page certificate.
export interface CertificateSecurityState {
* Protocol name (e.g. "TLS 1.2" or "QUIC").
protocol: string;
* Key Exchange used by the connection, or the empty string if not applicable.
keyExchange: string;
* (EC)DH group used by the connection, if applicable.
keyExchangeGroup?: string;
* Cipher name.
cipher: string;
* TLS MAC. Note that AEAD ciphers do not have separate MACs.
mac?: string;
* Page certificate.
certificate: string[];
* Certificate subject name.
subjectName: string;
* Name of the issuing CA.
issuer: string;
* Certificate valid from date.
validFrom: Network.TimeSinceEpoch;
* Certificate valid to (expiration) date
validTo: Network.TimeSinceEpoch;
* The highest priority network error code, if the certificate has an error.
certificateNetworkError?: string;
* True if the certificate uses a weak signature aglorithm.
certificateHasWeakSignature: boolean;
* True if the certificate has a SHA1 signature in the chain.
certificateHasSha1Signature: boolean;
* True if modern SSL
modernSSL: boolean;
* True if the connection is using an obsolete SSL protocol.
obsoleteSslProtocol: boolean;
* True if the connection is using an obsolete SSL key exchange.
obsoleteSslKeyExchange: boolean;
* True if the connection is using an obsolete SSL cipher.
obsoleteSslCipher: boolean;
* True if the connection is using an obsolete SSL signature.
obsoleteSslSignature: boolean;
export type SafetyTipStatus = "badReputation"|"lookalike";
export interface SafetyTipInfo {
* Describes whether the page triggers any safety tips or reputation warnings. Default is unknown.
safetyTipStatus: SafetyTipStatus;
* The URL the safety tip suggested ("Did you mean?"). Only filled in for lookalike matches.
safeUrl?: string;
* Security state information about the page.
export interface VisibleSecurityState {
* The security level of the page.
securityState: SecurityState;
* Security state details about the page certificate.
certificateSecurityState?: CertificateSecurityState;
* The type of Safety Tip triggered on the page. Note that this field will be set even if the Safety Tip UI was not actually shown.
safetyTipInfo?: SafetyTipInfo;
* Array of security state issues ids.
securityStateIssueIds: string[];
* An explanation of an factor contributing to the security state.
export interface SecurityStateExplanation {
* Security state representing the severity of the factor being explained.
securityState: SecurityState;
* Title describing the type of factor.
title: string;
* Short phrase describing the type of factor.
summary: string;
* Full text explanation of the factor.
description: string;
* The type of mixed content described by the explanation.
mixedContentType: MixedContentType;
* Page certificate.
certificate: string[];
* Recommendations to fix any issues.
recommendations?: string[];
* Information about insecure content on the page.
export interface InsecureContentStatus {
* Always false.
ranMixedContent: boolean;
* Always false.
displayedMixedContent: boolean;
* Always false.
containedMixedForm: boolean;
* Always false.
ranContentWithCertErrors: boolean;
* Always false.
displayedContentWithCertErrors: boolean;
* Always set to unknown.
ranInsecureContentStyle: SecurityState;
* Always set to unknown.
displayedInsecureContentStyle: SecurityState;
* The action to take when a certificate error occurs. continue will continue processing the
request and cancel will cancel the request.
export type CertificateErrorAction = "continue"|"cancel";
* There is a certificate error. If overriding certificate errors is enabled, then it should be
handled with the `handleCertificateError` command. Note: this event does not fire if the
certificate error has been allowed internally. Only one client per target should override
certificate errors at the same time.
export type certificateErrorPayload = {
* The ID of the event.
eventId: number;
* The type of the error.
errorType: string;
* The url that was requested.
requestURL: string;
* The security state of the page changed.
export type visibleSecurityStateChangedPayload = {
* Security state information about the page.
visibleSecurityState: VisibleSecurityState;
* The security state of the page changed.
export type securityStateChangedPayload = {
* Security state.
securityState: SecurityState;
* True if the page was loaded over cryptographic transport such as HTTPS.
schemeIsCryptographic: boolean;
* List of explanations for the security state. If the overall security state is `insecure` or
`warning`, at least one corresponding explanation should be included.
explanations: SecurityStateExplanation[];
* Information about insecure content on the page.
insecureContentStatus: InsecureContentStatus;
* Overrides user-visible description of the state.
summary?: string;
* Disables tracking security state changes.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables tracking security state changes.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Enable/disable whether all certificate errors should be ignored.
export type setIgnoreCertificateErrorsParameters = {
* If true, all certificate errors will be ignored.
ignore: boolean;
export type setIgnoreCertificateErrorsReturnValue = {
* Handles a certificate error that fired a certificateError event.
export type handleCertificateErrorParameters = {
* The ID of the event.
eventId: number;
* The action to take on the certificate error.
action: CertificateErrorAction;
export type handleCertificateErrorReturnValue = {
* Enable/disable overriding certificate errors. If enabled, all certificate error events need to
be handled by the DevTools client and should be answered with `handleCertificateError` commands.
export type setOverrideCertificateErrorsParameters = {
* If true, certificate errors will be overridden.
override: boolean;
export type setOverrideCertificateErrorsReturnValue = {
export module ServiceWorker {
export type RegistrationID = string;
* ServiceWorker registration.
export interface ServiceWorkerRegistration {
registrationId: RegistrationID;
scopeURL: string;
isDeleted: boolean;
export type ServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatus = "stopped"|"starting"|"running"|"stopping";
export type ServiceWorkerVersionStatus = "new"|"installing"|"installed"|"activating"|"activated"|"redundant";
* ServiceWorker version.
export interface ServiceWorkerVersion {
versionId: string;
registrationId: RegistrationID;
scriptURL: string;
runningStatus: ServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatus;
status: ServiceWorkerVersionStatus;
* The Last-Modified header value of the main script.
scriptLastModified?: number;
* The time at which the response headers of the main script were received from the server.
For cached script it is the last time the cache entry was validated.
scriptResponseTime?: number;
controlledClients?: Target.TargetID[];
targetId?: Target.TargetID;
* ServiceWorker error message.
export interface ServiceWorkerErrorMessage {
errorMessage: string;
registrationId: RegistrationID;
versionId: string;
sourceURL: string;
lineNumber: number;
columnNumber: number;
export type workerErrorReportedPayload = {
errorMessage: ServiceWorkerErrorMessage;
export type workerRegistrationUpdatedPayload = {
registrations: ServiceWorkerRegistration[];
export type workerVersionUpdatedPayload = {
versions: ServiceWorkerVersion[];
export type deliverPushMessageParameters = {
origin: string;
registrationId: RegistrationID;
data: string;
export type deliverPushMessageReturnValue = {
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
export type dispatchSyncEventParameters = {
origin: string;
registrationId: RegistrationID;
tag: string;
lastChance: boolean;
export type dispatchSyncEventReturnValue = {
export type dispatchPeriodicSyncEventParameters = {
origin: string;
registrationId: RegistrationID;
tag: string;
export type dispatchPeriodicSyncEventReturnValue = {
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
export type inspectWorkerParameters = {
versionId: string;
export type inspectWorkerReturnValue = {
export type setForceUpdateOnPageLoadParameters = {
forceUpdateOnPageLoad: boolean;
export type setForceUpdateOnPageLoadReturnValue = {
export type skipWaitingParameters = {
scopeURL: string;
export type skipWaitingReturnValue = {
export type startWorkerParameters = {
scopeURL: string;
export type startWorkerReturnValue = {
export type stopAllWorkersParameters = {
export type stopAllWorkersReturnValue = {
export type stopWorkerParameters = {
versionId: string;
export type stopWorkerReturnValue = {
export type unregisterParameters = {
scopeURL: string;
export type unregisterReturnValue = {
export type updateRegistrationParameters = {
scopeURL: string;
export type updateRegistrationReturnValue = {
export module Storage {
* Enum of possible storage types.
export type StorageType = "appcache"|"cookies"|"file_systems"|"indexeddb"|"local_storage"|"shader_cache"|"websql"|"service_workers"|"cache_storage"|"all"|"other";
* Usage for a storage type.
export interface UsageForType {
* Name of storage type.
storageType: StorageType;
* Storage usage (bytes).
usage: number;
* Pair of issuer origin and number of available (signed, but not used) Trust
Tokens from that issuer.
export interface TrustTokens {
issuerOrigin: string;
count: number;
* A cache's contents have been modified.
export type cacheStorageContentUpdatedPayload = {
* Origin to update.
origin: string;
* Name of cache in origin.
cacheName: string;
* A cache has been added/deleted.
export type cacheStorageListUpdatedPayload = {
* Origin to update.
origin: string;
* The origin's IndexedDB object store has been modified.
export type indexedDBContentUpdatedPayload = {
* Origin to update.
origin: string;
* Database to update.
databaseName: string;
* ObjectStore to update.
objectStoreName: string;
* The origin's IndexedDB database list has been modified.
export type indexedDBListUpdatedPayload = {
* Origin to update.
origin: string;
* Clears storage for origin.
export type clearDataForOriginParameters = {
* Security origin.
origin: string;
* Comma separated list of StorageType to clear.
storageTypes: string;
export type clearDataForOriginReturnValue = {
* Returns all browser cookies.
export type getCookiesParameters = {
* Browser context to use when called on the browser endpoint.
browserContextId?: Browser.BrowserContextID;
export type getCookiesReturnValue = {
* Array of cookie objects.
cookies: Network.Cookie[];
* Sets given cookies.
export type setCookiesParameters = {
* Cookies to be set.
cookies: Network.CookieParam[];
* Browser context to use when called on the browser endpoint.
browserContextId?: Browser.BrowserContextID;
export type setCookiesReturnValue = {
* Clears cookies.
export type clearCookiesParameters = {
* Browser context to use when called on the browser endpoint.
browserContextId?: Browser.BrowserContextID;
export type clearCookiesReturnValue = {
* Returns usage and quota in bytes.
export type getUsageAndQuotaParameters = {
* Security origin.
origin: string;
export type getUsageAndQuotaReturnValue = {
* Storage usage (bytes).
usage: number;
* Storage quota (bytes).
quota: number;
* Whether or not the origin has an active storage quota override
overrideActive: boolean;
* Storage usage per type (bytes).
usageBreakdown: UsageForType[];
* Override quota for the specified origin
export type overrideQuotaForOriginParameters = {
* Security origin.
origin: string;
* The quota size (in bytes) to override the original quota with.
If this is called multiple times, the overridden quota will be equal to
the quotaSize provided in the final call. If this is called without
specifying a quotaSize, the quota will be reset to the default value for
the specified origin. If this is called multiple times with different
origins, the override will be maintained for each origin until it is
disabled (called without a quotaSize).
quotaSize?: number;
export type overrideQuotaForOriginReturnValue = {
* Registers origin to be notified when an update occurs to its cache storage list.
export type trackCacheStorageForOriginParameters = {
* Security origin.
origin: string;
export type trackCacheStorageForOriginReturnValue = {
* Registers origin to be notified when an update occurs to its IndexedDB.
export type trackIndexedDBForOriginParameters = {
* Security origin.
origin: string;
export type trackIndexedDBForOriginReturnValue = {
* Unregisters origin from receiving notifications for cache storage.
export type untrackCacheStorageForOriginParameters = {
* Security origin.
origin: string;
export type untrackCacheStorageForOriginReturnValue = {
* Unregisters origin from receiving notifications for IndexedDB.
export type untrackIndexedDBForOriginParameters = {
* Security origin.
origin: string;
export type untrackIndexedDBForOriginReturnValue = {
* Returns the number of stored Trust Tokens per issuer for the
current browsing context.
export type getTrustTokensParameters = {
export type getTrustTokensReturnValue = {
tokens: TrustTokens[];
* Removes all Trust Tokens issued by the provided issuerOrigin.
Leaves other stored data, including the issuer's Redemption Records, intact.
export type clearTrustTokensParameters = {
issuerOrigin: string;
export type clearTrustTokensReturnValue = {
* True if any tokens were deleted, false otherwise.
didDeleteTokens: boolean;
* The SystemInfo domain defines methods and events for querying low-level system information.
export module SystemInfo {
* Describes a single graphics processor (GPU).
export interface GPUDevice {
* PCI ID of the GPU vendor, if available; 0 otherwise.
vendorId: number;
* PCI ID of the GPU device, if available; 0 otherwise.
deviceId: number;
* Sub sys ID of the GPU, only available on Windows.
subSysId?: number;
* Revision of the GPU, only available on Windows.
revision?: number;
* String description of the GPU vendor, if the PCI ID is not available.
vendorString: string;
* String description of the GPU device, if the PCI ID is not available.
deviceString: string;
* String description of the GPU driver vendor.
driverVendor: string;
* String description of the GPU driver version.
driverVersion: string;
* Describes the width and height dimensions of an entity.
export interface Size {
* Width in pixels.
width: number;
* Height in pixels.
height: number;
* Describes a supported video decoding profile with its associated minimum and
maximum resolutions.
export interface VideoDecodeAcceleratorCapability {
* Video codec profile that is supported, e.g. VP9 Profile 2.
profile: string;
* Maximum video dimensions in pixels supported for this |profile|.
maxResolution: Size;
* Minimum video dimensions in pixels supported for this |profile|.
minResolution: Size;
* Describes a supported video encoding profile with its associated maximum
resolution and maximum framerate.
export interface VideoEncodeAcceleratorCapability {
* Video codec profile that is supported, e.g H264 Main.
profile: string;
* Maximum video dimensions in pixels supported for this |profile|.
maxResolution: Size;
* Maximum encoding framerate in frames per second supported for this
|profile|, as fraction's numerator and denominator, e.g. 24/1 fps,
24000/1001 fps, etc.
maxFramerateNumerator: number;
maxFramerateDenominator: number;
* YUV subsampling type of the pixels of a given image.
export type SubsamplingFormat = "yuv420"|"yuv422"|"yuv444";
* Image format of a given image.
export type ImageType = "jpeg"|"webp"|"unknown";
* Describes a supported image decoding profile with its associated minimum and
maximum resolutions and subsampling.
export interface ImageDecodeAcceleratorCapability {
* Image coded, e.g. Jpeg.
imageType: ImageType;
* Maximum supported dimensions of the image in pixels.
maxDimensions: Size;
* Minimum supported dimensions of the image in pixels.
minDimensions: Size;
* Optional array of supported subsampling formats, e.g. 4:2:0, if known.
subsamplings: SubsamplingFormat[];
* Provides information about the GPU(s) on the system.
export interface GPUInfo {
* The graphics devices on the system. Element 0 is the primary GPU.
devices: GPUDevice[];
* An optional dictionary of additional GPU related attributes.
auxAttributes?: { [key: string]: string };
* An optional dictionary of graphics features and their status.
featureStatus?: { [key: string]: string };
* An optional array of GPU driver bug workarounds.
driverBugWorkarounds: string[];
* Supported accelerated video decoding capabilities.
videoDecoding: VideoDecodeAcceleratorCapability[];
* Supported accelerated video encoding capabilities.
videoEncoding: VideoEncodeAcceleratorCapability[];
* Supported accelerated image decoding capabilities.
imageDecoding: ImageDecodeAcceleratorCapability[];
* Represents process info.
export interface ProcessInfo {
* Specifies process type.
type: string;
* Specifies process id.
id: number;
* Specifies cumulative CPU usage in seconds across all threads of the
process since the process start.
cpuTime: number;
* Returns information about the system.
export type getInfoParameters = {
export type getInfoReturnValue = {
* Information about the GPUs on the system.
gpu: GPUInfo;
* A platform-dependent description of the model of the machine. On Mac OS, this is, for
example, 'MacBookPro'. Will be the empty string if not supported.
modelName: string;
* A platform-dependent description of the version of the machine. On Mac OS, this is, for
example, '10.1'. Will be the empty string if not supported.
modelVersion: string;
* The command line string used to launch the browser. Will be the empty string if not
commandLine: string;
* Returns information about all running processes.
export type getProcessInfoParameters = {
export type getProcessInfoReturnValue = {
* An array of process info blocks.
processInfo: ProcessInfo[];
* Supports additional targets discovery and allows to attach to them.
export module Target {
export type TargetID = string;
* Unique identifier of attached debugging session.
export type SessionID = string;
export interface TargetInfo {
targetId: TargetID;
type: string;
title: string;
url: string;
* Whether the target has an attached client.
attached: boolean;
* Opener target Id
openerId?: TargetID;
* Whether the target has access to the originating window.
canAccessOpener: boolean;
* Frame id of originating window (is only set if target has an opener).
openerFrameId?: Page.FrameId;
browserContextId?: Browser.BrowserContextID;
export interface RemoteLocation {
host: string;
port: number;
* Issued when attached to target because of auto-attach or `attachToTarget` command.
export type attachedToTargetPayload = {
* Identifier assigned to the session used to send/receive messages.
sessionId: SessionID;
targetInfo: TargetInfo;
waitingForDebugger: boolean;
* Issued when detached from target for any reason (including `detachFromTarget` command). Can be
issued multiple times per target if multiple sessions have been attached to it.
export type detachedFromTargetPayload = {
* Detached session identifier.
sessionId: SessionID;
* Deprecated.
targetId?: TargetID;
* Notifies about a new protocol message received from the session (as reported in
`attachedToTarget` event).
export type receivedMessageFromTargetPayload = {
* Identifier of a session which sends a message.
sessionId: SessionID;
message: string;
* Deprecated.
targetId?: TargetID;
* Issued when a possible inspection target is created.
export type targetCreatedPayload = {
targetInfo: TargetInfo;
* Issued when a target is destroyed.
export type targetDestroyedPayload = {
targetId: TargetID;
* Issued when a target has crashed.
export type targetCrashedPayload = {
targetId: TargetID;
* Termination status type.
status: string;
* Termination error code.
errorCode: number;
* Issued when some information about a target has changed. This only happens between
`targetCreated` and `targetDestroyed`.
export type targetInfoChangedPayload = {
targetInfo: TargetInfo;
* Activates (focuses) the target.
export type activateTargetParameters = {
targetId: TargetID;
export type activateTargetReturnValue = {
* Attaches to the target with given id.
export type attachToTargetParameters = {
targetId: TargetID;
* Enables "flat" access to the session via specifying sessionId attribute in the commands.
We plan to make this the default, deprecate non-flattened mode,
and eventually retire it. See
flatten?: boolean;
export type attachToTargetReturnValue = {
* Id assigned to the session.
sessionId: SessionID;
* Attaches to the browser target, only uses flat sessionId mode.
export type attachToBrowserTargetParameters = {
export type attachToBrowserTargetReturnValue = {
* Id assigned to the session.
sessionId: SessionID;
* Closes the target. If the target is a page that gets closed too.
export type closeTargetParameters = {
targetId: TargetID;
export type closeTargetReturnValue = {
* Always set to true. If an error occurs, the response indicates protocol error.
success: boolean;
* Inject object to the target's main frame that provides a communication
channel with browser target.
Injected object will be available as `window[bindingName]`.
The object has the follwing API:
- `binding.send(json)` - a method to send messages over the remote debugging protocol
- `binding.onmessage = json => handleMessage(json)` - a callback that will be called for the protocol notifications and command responses.
export type exposeDevToolsProtocolParameters = {
targetId: TargetID;
* Binding name, 'cdp' if not specified.
bindingName?: string;
export type exposeDevToolsProtocolReturnValue = {
* Creates a new empty BrowserContext. Similar to an incognito profile but you can have more than
export type createBrowserContextParameters = {
* If specified, disposes this context when debugging session disconnects.
disposeOnDetach?: boolean;
* Proxy server, similar to the one passed to --proxy-server
proxyServer?: string;
* Proxy bypass list, similar to the one passed to --proxy-bypass-list
proxyBypassList?: string;
export type createBrowserContextReturnValue = {
* The id of the context created.
browserContextId: Browser.BrowserContextID;
* Returns all browser contexts created with `Target.createBrowserContext` method.
export type getBrowserContextsParameters = {
export type getBrowserContextsReturnValue = {
* An array of browser context ids.
browserContextIds: Browser.BrowserContextID[];
* Creates a new page.
export type createTargetParameters = {
* The initial URL the page will be navigated to. An empty string indicates about:blank.
url: string;
* Frame width in DIP (headless chrome only).
width?: number;
* Frame height in DIP (headless chrome only).
height?: number;
* The browser context to create the page in.
browserContextId?: Browser.BrowserContextID;
* Whether BeginFrames for this target will be controlled via DevTools (headless chrome only,
not supported on MacOS yet, false by default).
enableBeginFrameControl?: boolean;
* Whether to create a new Window or Tab (chrome-only, false by default).
newWindow?: boolean;
* Whether to create the target in background or foreground (chrome-only,
false by default).
background?: boolean;
export type createTargetReturnValue = {
* The id of the page opened.
targetId: TargetID;
* Detaches session with given id.
export type detachFromTargetParameters = {
* Session to detach.
sessionId?: SessionID;
* Deprecated.
targetId?: TargetID;
export type detachFromTargetReturnValue = {
* Deletes a BrowserContext. All the belonging pages will be closed without calling their
beforeunload hooks.
export type disposeBrowserContextParameters = {
browserContextId: Browser.BrowserContextID;
export type disposeBrowserContextReturnValue = {
* Returns information about a target.
export type getTargetInfoParameters = {
targetId?: TargetID;
export type getTargetInfoReturnValue = {
targetInfo: TargetInfo;
* Retrieves a list of available targets.
export type getTargetsParameters = {
export type getTargetsReturnValue = {
* The list of targets.
targetInfos: TargetInfo[];
* Sends protocol message over session with given id.
Consider using flat mode instead; see commands attachToTarget, setAutoAttach,
export type sendMessageToTargetParameters = {
message: string;
* Identifier of the session.
sessionId?: SessionID;
* Deprecated.
targetId?: TargetID;
export type sendMessageToTargetReturnValue = {
* Controls whether to automatically attach to new targets which are considered to be related to
this one. When turned on, attaches to all existing related targets as well. When turned off,
automatically detaches from all currently attached targets.
This also clears all targets added by `autoAttachRelated` from the list of targets to watch
for creation of related targets.
export type setAutoAttachParameters = {
* Whether to auto-attach to related targets.
autoAttach: boolean;
* Whether to pause new targets when attaching to them. Use `Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger`
to run paused targets.
waitForDebuggerOnStart: boolean;
* Enables "flat" access to the session via specifying sessionId attribute in the commands.
We plan to make this the default, deprecate non-flattened mode,
and eventually retire it. See
flatten?: boolean;
export type setAutoAttachReturnValue = {
* Adds the specified target to the list of targets that will be monitored for any related target
creation (such as child frames, child workers and new versions of service worker) and reported
through `attachedToTarget`. The specified target is also auto-attached.
This cancels the effect of any previous `setAutoAttach` and is also cancelled by subsequent
`setAutoAttach`. Only available at the Browser target.
export type autoAttachRelatedParameters = {
targetId: TargetID;
* Whether to pause new targets when attaching to them. Use `Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger`
to run paused targets.
waitForDebuggerOnStart: boolean;
export type autoAttachRelatedReturnValue = {
* Controls whether to discover available targets and notify via
`targetCreated/targetInfoChanged/targetDestroyed` events.
export type setDiscoverTargetsParameters = {
* Whether to discover available targets.
discover: boolean;
export type setDiscoverTargetsReturnValue = {
* Enables target discovery for the specified locations, when `setDiscoverTargets` was set to
export type setRemoteLocationsParameters = {
* List of remote locations.
locations: RemoteLocation[];
export type setRemoteLocationsReturnValue = {
* The Tethering domain defines methods and events for browser port binding.
export module Tethering {
* Informs that port was successfully bound and got a specified connection id.
export type acceptedPayload = {
* Port number that was successfully bound.
port: number;
* Connection id to be used.
connectionId: string;
* Request browser port binding.
export type bindParameters = {
* Port number to bind.
port: number;
export type bindReturnValue = {
* Request browser port unbinding.
export type unbindParameters = {
* Port number to unbind.
port: number;
export type unbindReturnValue = {
export module Tracing {
* Configuration for memory dump. Used only when "memory-infra" category is enabled.
export type MemoryDumpConfig = { [key: string]: string };
export interface TraceConfig {
* Controls how the trace buffer stores data.
recordMode?: "recordUntilFull"|"recordContinuously"|"recordAsMuchAsPossible"|"echoToConsole";
* Turns on JavaScript stack sampling.
enableSampling?: boolean;
* Turns on system tracing.
enableSystrace?: boolean;
* Turns on argument filter.
enableArgumentFilter?: boolean;
* Included category filters.
includedCategories?: string[];
* Excluded category filters.
excludedCategories?: string[];
* Configuration to synthesize the delays in tracing.
syntheticDelays?: string[];
* Configuration for memory dump triggers. Used only when "memory-infra" category is enabled.
memoryDumpConfig?: MemoryDumpConfig;
* Data format of a trace. Can be either the legacy JSON format or the
protocol buffer format. Note that the JSON format will be deprecated soon.
export type StreamFormat = "json"|"proto";
* Compression type to use for traces returned via streams.
export type StreamCompression = "none"|"gzip";
* Details exposed when memory request explicitly declared.
Keep consistent with memory_dump_request_args.h and
export type MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail = "background"|"light"|"detailed";
* Backend type to use for tracing. `chrome` uses the Chrome-integrated
tracing service and is supported on all platforms. `system` is only
supported on Chrome OS and uses the Perfetto system tracing service.
`auto` chooses `system` when the perfettoConfig provided to Tracing.start
specifies at least one non-Chrome data source; otherwise uses `chrome`.
export type TracingBackend = "auto"|"chrome"|"system";
export type bufferUsagePayload = {
* A number in range [0..1] that indicates the used size of event buffer as a fraction of its
total size.
percentFull?: number;
* An approximate number of events in the trace log.
eventCount?: number;
* A number in range [0..1] that indicates the used size of event buffer as a fraction of its
total size.
value?: number;
* Contains an bucket of collected trace events. When tracing is stopped collected events will be
send as a sequence of dataCollected events followed by tracingComplete event.
export type dataCollectedPayload = {
value: { [key: string]: string }[];
* Signals that tracing is stopped and there is no trace buffers pending flush, all data were
delivered via dataCollected events.
export type tracingCompletePayload = {
* Indicates whether some trace data is known to have been lost, e.g. because the trace ring
buffer wrapped around.
dataLossOccurred: boolean;
* A handle of the stream that holds resulting trace data.
stream?: IO.StreamHandle;
* Trace data format of returned stream.
traceFormat?: StreamFormat;
* Compression format of returned stream.
streamCompression?: StreamCompression;
* Stop trace events collection.
export type endParameters = {
export type endReturnValue = {
* Gets supported tracing categories.
export type getCategoriesParameters = {
export type getCategoriesReturnValue = {
* A list of supported tracing categories.
categories: string[];
* Record a clock sync marker in the trace.
export type recordClockSyncMarkerParameters = {
* The ID of this clock sync marker
syncId: string;
export type recordClockSyncMarkerReturnValue = {
* Request a global memory dump.
export type requestMemoryDumpParameters = {
* Enables more deterministic results by forcing garbage collection
deterministic?: boolean;
* Specifies level of details in memory dump. Defaults to "detailed".
levelOfDetail?: MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail;
export type requestMemoryDumpReturnValue = {
* GUID of the resulting global memory dump.
dumpGuid: string;
* True iff the global memory dump succeeded.
success: boolean;
* Start trace events collection.
export type startParameters = {
* Category/tag filter
categories?: string;
* Tracing options
options?: string;
* If set, the agent will issue bufferUsage events at this interval, specified in milliseconds
bufferUsageReportingInterval?: number;
* Whether to report trace events as series of dataCollected events or to save trace to a
stream (defaults to `ReportEvents`).
transferMode?: "ReportEvents"|"ReturnAsStream";
* Trace data format to use. This only applies when using `ReturnAsStream`
transfer mode (defaults to `json`).
streamFormat?: StreamFormat;
* Compression format to use. This only applies when using `ReturnAsStream`
transfer mode (defaults to `none`)
streamCompression?: StreamCompression;
traceConfig?: TraceConfig;
* Base64-encoded serialized perfetto.protos.TraceConfig protobuf message
When specified, the parameters `categories`, `options`, `traceConfig`
are ignored.
perfettoConfig?: binary;
* Backend type (defaults to `auto`)
tracingBackend?: TracingBackend;
export type startReturnValue = {
* A domain for letting clients substitute browser's network layer with client code.
export module Fetch {
* Unique request identifier.
export type RequestId = string;
* Stages of the request to handle. Request will intercept before the request is
sent. Response will intercept after the response is received (but before response
body is received).
export type RequestStage = "Request"|"Response";
export interface RequestPattern {
* Wildcards (`'*'` -> zero or more, `'?'` -> exactly one) are allowed. Escape character is
backslash. Omitting is equivalent to `"*"`.
urlPattern?: string;
* If set, only requests for matching resource types will be intercepted.
resourceType?: Network.ResourceType;
* Stage at which to begin intercepting requests. Default is Request.
requestStage?: RequestStage;
* Response HTTP header entry
export interface HeaderEntry {
name: string;
value: string;
* Authorization challenge for HTTP status code 401 or 407.
export interface AuthChallenge {
* Source of the authentication challenge.
source?: "Server"|"Proxy";
* Origin of the challenger.
origin: string;
* The authentication scheme used, such as basic or digest
scheme: string;
* The realm of the challenge. May be empty.
realm: string;
* Response to an AuthChallenge.
export interface AuthChallengeResponse {
* The decision on what to do in response to the authorization challenge. Default means
deferring to the default behavior of the net stack, which will likely either the Cancel
authentication or display a popup dialog box.
response: "Default"|"CancelAuth"|"ProvideCredentials";
* The username to provide, possibly empty. Should only be set if response is
username?: string;
* The password to provide, possibly empty. Should only be set if response is
password?: string;
* Issued when the domain is enabled and the request URL matches the
specified filter. The request is paused until the client responds
with one of continueRequest, failRequest or fulfillRequest.
The stage of the request can be determined by presence of responseErrorReason
and responseStatusCode -- the request is at the response stage if either
of these fields is present and in the request stage otherwise.
export type requestPausedPayload = {
* Each request the page makes will have a unique id.
requestId: RequestId;
* The details of the request.
request: Network.Request;
* The id of the frame that initiated the request.
frameId: Page.FrameId;
* How the requested resource will be used.
resourceType: Network.ResourceType;
* Response error if intercepted at response stage.
responseErrorReason?: Network.ErrorReason;
* Response code if intercepted at response stage.
responseStatusCode?: number;
* Response status text if intercepted at response stage.
responseStatusText?: string;
* Response headers if intercepted at the response stage.
responseHeaders?: HeaderEntry[];
* If the intercepted request had a corresponding Network.requestWillBeSent event fired for it,
then this networkId will be the same as the requestId present in the requestWillBeSent event.
networkId?: RequestId;
* Issued when the domain is enabled with handleAuthRequests set to true.
The request is paused until client responds with continueWithAuth.
export type authRequiredPayload = {
* Each request the page makes will have a unique id.
requestId: RequestId;
* The details of the request.
request: Network.Request;
* The id of the frame that initiated the request.
frameId: Page.FrameId;
* How the requested resource will be used.
resourceType: Network.ResourceType;
* Details of the Authorization Challenge encountered.
If this is set, client should respond with continueRequest that
contains AuthChallengeResponse.
authChallenge: AuthChallenge;
* Disables the fetch domain.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables issuing of requestPaused events. A request will be paused until client
calls one of failRequest, fulfillRequest or continueRequest/continueWithAuth.
export type enableParameters = {
* If specified, only requests matching any of these patterns will produce
fetchRequested event and will be paused until clients response. If not set,
all requests will be affected.
patterns?: RequestPattern[];
* If true, authRequired events will be issued and requests will be paused
expecting a call to continueWithAuth.
handleAuthRequests?: boolean;
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Causes the request to fail with specified reason.
export type failRequestParameters = {
* An id the client received in requestPaused event.
requestId: RequestId;
* Causes the request to fail with the given reason.
errorReason: Network.ErrorReason;
export type failRequestReturnValue = {
* Provides response to the request.
export type fulfillRequestParameters = {
* An id the client received in requestPaused event.
requestId: RequestId;
* An HTTP response code.
responseCode: number;
* Response headers.
responseHeaders?: HeaderEntry[];
* Alternative way of specifying response headers as a \0-separated
series of name: value pairs. Prefer the above method unless you
need to represent some non-UTF8 values that can't be transmitted
over the protocol as text.
binaryResponseHeaders?: binary;
* A response body. If absent, original response body will be used if
the request is intercepted at the response stage and empty body
will be used if the request is intercepted at the request stage.
body?: binary;
* A textual representation of responseCode.
If absent, a standard phrase matching responseCode is used.
responsePhrase?: string;
export type fulfillRequestReturnValue = {
* Continues the request, optionally modifying some of its parameters.
export type continueRequestParameters = {
* An id the client received in requestPaused event.
requestId: RequestId;
* If set, the request url will be modified in a way that's not observable by page.
url?: string;
* If set, the request method is overridden.
method?: string;
* If set, overrides the post data in the request.
postData?: binary;
* If set, overrides the request headers.
headers?: HeaderEntry[];
* If set, overrides response interception behavior for this request.
interceptResponse?: boolean;
export type continueRequestReturnValue = {
* Continues a request supplying authChallengeResponse following authRequired event.
export type continueWithAuthParameters = {
* An id the client received in authRequired event.
requestId: RequestId;
* Response to with an authChallenge.
authChallengeResponse: AuthChallengeResponse;
export type continueWithAuthReturnValue = {
* Continues loading of the paused response, optionally modifying the
response headers. If either responseCode or headers are modified, all of them
must be present.
export type continueResponseParameters = {
* An id the client received in requestPaused event.
requestId: RequestId;
* An HTTP response code. If absent, original response code will be used.
responseCode?: number;
* A textual representation of responseCode.
If absent, a standard phrase matching responseCode is used.
responsePhrase?: string;
* Response headers. If absent, original response headers will be used.
responseHeaders?: HeaderEntry[];
* Alternative way of specifying response headers as a \0-separated
series of name: value pairs. Prefer the above method unless you
need to represent some non-UTF8 values that can't be transmitted
over the protocol as text.
binaryResponseHeaders?: binary;
export type continueResponseReturnValue = {
* Causes the body of the response to be received from the server and
returned as a single string. May only be issued for a request that
is paused in the Response stage and is mutually exclusive with
takeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStream. Calling other methods that
affect the request or disabling fetch domain before body is received
results in an undefined behavior.
export type getResponseBodyParameters = {
* Identifier for the intercepted request to get body for.
requestId: RequestId;
export type getResponseBodyReturnValue = {
* Response body.
body: string;
* True, if content was sent as base64.
base64Encoded: boolean;
* Returns a handle to the stream representing the response body.
The request must be paused in the HeadersReceived stage.
Note that after this command the request can't be continued
as is -- client either needs to cancel it or to provide the
response body.
The stream only supports sequential read, will fail if the position
is specified.
This method is mutually exclusive with getResponseBody.
Calling other methods that affect the request or disabling fetch
domain before body is received results in an undefined behavior.
export type takeResponseBodyAsStreamParameters = {
requestId: RequestId;
export type takeResponseBodyAsStreamReturnValue = {
stream: IO.StreamHandle;
* This domain allows inspection of Web Audio API.
export module WebAudio {
* An unique ID for a graph object (AudioContext, AudioNode, AudioParam) in Web Audio API
export type GraphObjectId = string;
* Enum of BaseAudioContext types
export type ContextType = "realtime"|"offline";
* Enum of AudioContextState from the spec
export type ContextState = "suspended"|"running"|"closed";
* Enum of AudioNode types
export type NodeType = string;
* Enum of AudioNode::ChannelCountMode from the spec
export type ChannelCountMode = "clamped-max"|"explicit"|"max";
* Enum of AudioNode::ChannelInterpretation from the spec
export type ChannelInterpretation = "discrete"|"speakers";
* Enum of AudioParam types
export type ParamType = string;
* Enum of AudioParam::AutomationRate from the spec
export type AutomationRate = "a-rate"|"k-rate";
* Fields in AudioContext that change in real-time.
export interface ContextRealtimeData {
* The current context time in second in BaseAudioContext.
currentTime: number;
* The time spent on rendering graph divided by render quantum duration,
and multiplied by 100. 100 means the audio renderer reached the full
capacity and glitch may occur.
renderCapacity: number;
* A running mean of callback interval.
callbackIntervalMean: number;
* A running variance of callback interval.
callbackIntervalVariance: number;
* Protocol object for BaseAudioContext
export interface BaseAudioContext {
contextId: GraphObjectId;
contextType: ContextType;
contextState: ContextState;
realtimeData?: ContextRealtimeData;
* Platform-dependent callback buffer size.
callbackBufferSize: number;
* Number of output channels supported by audio hardware in use.
maxOutputChannelCount: number;
* Context sample rate.
sampleRate: number;
* Protocol object for AudioListener
export interface AudioListener {
listenerId: GraphObjectId;
contextId: GraphObjectId;
* Protocol object for AudioNode
export interface AudioNode {
nodeId: GraphObjectId;
contextId: GraphObjectId;
nodeType: NodeType;
numberOfInputs: number;
numberOfOutputs: number;
channelCount: number;
channelCountMode: ChannelCountMode;
channelInterpretation: ChannelInterpretation;
* Protocol object for AudioParam
export interface AudioParam {
paramId: GraphObjectId;
nodeId: GraphObjectId;
contextId: GraphObjectId;
paramType: ParamType;
rate: AutomationRate;
defaultValue: number;
minValue: number;
maxValue: number;
* Notifies that a new BaseAudioContext has been created.
export type contextCreatedPayload = {
context: BaseAudioContext;
* Notifies that an existing BaseAudioContext will be destroyed.
export type contextWillBeDestroyedPayload = {
contextId: GraphObjectId;
* Notifies that existing BaseAudioContext has changed some properties (id stays the same)..
export type contextChangedPayload = {
context: BaseAudioContext;
* Notifies that the construction of an AudioListener has finished.
export type audioListenerCreatedPayload = {
listener: AudioListener;
* Notifies that a new AudioListener has been created.
export type audioListenerWillBeDestroyedPayload = {
contextId: GraphObjectId;
listenerId: GraphObjectId;
* Notifies that a new AudioNode has been created.
export type audioNodeCreatedPayload = {
node: AudioNode;
* Notifies that an existing AudioNode has been destroyed.
export type audioNodeWillBeDestroyedPayload = {
contextId: GraphObjectId;
nodeId: GraphObjectId;
* Notifies that a new AudioParam has been created.
export type audioParamCreatedPayload = {
param: AudioParam;
* Notifies that an existing AudioParam has been destroyed.
export type audioParamWillBeDestroyedPayload = {
contextId: GraphObjectId;
nodeId: GraphObjectId;
paramId: GraphObjectId;
* Notifies that two AudioNodes are connected.
export type nodesConnectedPayload = {
contextId: GraphObjectId;
sourceId: GraphObjectId;
destinationId: GraphObjectId;
sourceOutputIndex?: number;
destinationInputIndex?: number;
* Notifies that AudioNodes are disconnected. The destination can be null, and it means all the outgoing connections from the source are disconnected.
export type nodesDisconnectedPayload = {
contextId: GraphObjectId;
sourceId: GraphObjectId;
destinationId: GraphObjectId;
sourceOutputIndex?: number;
destinationInputIndex?: number;
* Notifies that an AudioNode is connected to an AudioParam.
export type nodeParamConnectedPayload = {
contextId: GraphObjectId;
sourceId: GraphObjectId;
destinationId: GraphObjectId;
sourceOutputIndex?: number;
* Notifies that an AudioNode is disconnected to an AudioParam.
export type nodeParamDisconnectedPayload = {
contextId: GraphObjectId;
sourceId: GraphObjectId;
destinationId: GraphObjectId;
sourceOutputIndex?: number;
* Enables the WebAudio domain and starts sending context lifetime events.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Disables the WebAudio domain.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Fetch the realtime data from the registered contexts.
export type getRealtimeDataParameters = {
contextId: GraphObjectId;
export type getRealtimeDataReturnValue = {
realtimeData: ContextRealtimeData;
* This domain allows configuring virtual authenticators to test the WebAuthn
export module WebAuthn {
export type AuthenticatorId = string;
export type AuthenticatorProtocol = "u2f"|"ctap2";
export type Ctap2Version = "ctap2_0"|"ctap2_1";
export type AuthenticatorTransport = "usb"|"nfc"|"ble"|"cable"|"internal";
export interface VirtualAuthenticatorOptions {
protocol: AuthenticatorProtocol;
* Defaults to ctap2_0. Ignored if |protocol| == u2f.
ctap2Version?: Ctap2Version;
transport: AuthenticatorTransport;
* Defaults to false.
hasResidentKey?: boolean;
* Defaults to false.
hasUserVerification?: boolean;
* If set to true, the authenticator will support the largeBlob extension.
Defaults to false.
hasLargeBlob?: boolean;
* If set to true, the authenticator will support the credBlob extension.
Defaults to false.
hasCredBlob?: boolean;
* If set to true, tests of user presence will succeed immediately.
Otherwise, they will not be resolved. Defaults to true.
automaticPresenceSimulation?: boolean;
* Sets whether User Verification succeeds or fails for an authenticator.
Defaults to false.
isUserVerified?: boolean;
export interface Credential {
credentialId: binary;
isResidentCredential: boolean;
* Relying Party ID the credential is scoped to. Must be set when adding a
rpId?: string;
* The ECDSA P-256 private key in PKCS#8 format.
privateKey: binary;
* An opaque byte sequence with a maximum size of 64 bytes mapping the
credential to a specific user.
userHandle?: binary;
* Signature counter. This is incremented by one for each successful
signCount: number;
* The large blob associated with the credential.
largeBlob?: binary;
* Enable the WebAuthn domain and start intercepting credential storage and
retrieval with a virtual authenticator.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Disable the WebAuthn domain.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Creates and adds a virtual authenticator.
export type addVirtualAuthenticatorParameters = {
options: VirtualAuthenticatorOptions;
export type addVirtualAuthenticatorReturnValue = {
authenticatorId: AuthenticatorId;
* Removes the given authenticator.
export type removeVirtualAuthenticatorParameters = {
authenticatorId: AuthenticatorId;
export type removeVirtualAuthenticatorReturnValue = {
* Adds the credential to the specified authenticator.
export type addCredentialParameters = {
authenticatorId: AuthenticatorId;
credential: Credential;
export type addCredentialReturnValue = {
* Returns a single credential stored in the given virtual authenticator that
matches the credential ID.
export type getCredentialParameters = {
authenticatorId: AuthenticatorId;
credentialId: binary;
export type getCredentialReturnValue = {
credential: Credential;
* Returns all the credentials stored in the given virtual authenticator.
export type getCredentialsParameters = {
authenticatorId: AuthenticatorId;
export type getCredentialsReturnValue = {
credentials: Credential[];
* Removes a credential from the authenticator.
export type removeCredentialParameters = {
authenticatorId: AuthenticatorId;
credentialId: binary;
export type removeCredentialReturnValue = {
* Clears all the credentials from the specified device.
export type clearCredentialsParameters = {
authenticatorId: AuthenticatorId;
export type clearCredentialsReturnValue = {
* Sets whether User Verification succeeds or fails for an authenticator.
The default is true.
export type setUserVerifiedParameters = {
authenticatorId: AuthenticatorId;
isUserVerified: boolean;
export type setUserVerifiedReturnValue = {
* Sets whether tests of user presence will succeed immediately (if true) or fail to resolve (if false) for an authenticator.
The default is true.
export type setAutomaticPresenceSimulationParameters = {
authenticatorId: AuthenticatorId;
enabled: boolean;
export type setAutomaticPresenceSimulationReturnValue = {
* This domain allows detailed inspection of media elements
export module Media {
* Players will get an ID that is unique within the agent context.
export type PlayerId = string;
export type Timestamp = number;
* Have one type per entry in MediaLogRecord::Type
Corresponds to kMessage
export interface PlayerMessage {
* Keep in sync with MediaLogMessageLevel
We are currently keeping the message level 'error' separate from the
PlayerError type because right now they represent different things,
this one being a DVLOG(ERROR) style log message that gets printed
based on what log level is selected in the UI, and the other is a
representation of a media::PipelineStatus object. Soon however we're
going to be moving away from using PipelineStatus for errors and
introducing a new error type which should hopefully let us integrate
the error log level into the PlayerError type.
level: "error"|"warning"|"info"|"debug";
message: string;
* Corresponds to kMediaPropertyChange
export interface PlayerProperty {
name: string;
value: string;
* Corresponds to kMediaEventTriggered
export interface PlayerEvent {
timestamp: Timestamp;
value: string;
* Corresponds to kMediaError
export interface PlayerError {
type: "pipeline_error"|"media_error";
* When this switches to using media::Status instead of PipelineStatus
we can remove "errorCode" and replace it with the fields from
a Status instance. This also seems like a duplicate of the error
level enum - there is a todo bug to have that level removed and
use this instead. (
errorCode: string;
* This can be called multiple times, and can be used to set / override /
remove player properties. A null propValue indicates removal.
export type playerPropertiesChangedPayload = {
playerId: PlayerId;
properties: PlayerProperty[];
* Send events as a list, allowing them to be batched on the browser for less
congestion. If batched, events must ALWAYS be in chronological order.
export type playerEventsAddedPayload = {
playerId: PlayerId;
events: PlayerEvent[];
* Send a list of any messages that need to be delivered.
export type playerMessagesLoggedPayload = {
playerId: PlayerId;
messages: PlayerMessage[];
* Send a list of any errors that need to be delivered.
export type playerErrorsRaisedPayload = {
playerId: PlayerId;
errors: PlayerError[];
* Called whenever a player is created, or when a new agent joins and receives
a list of active players. If an agent is restored, it will receive the full
list of player ids and all events again.
export type playersCreatedPayload = {
players: PlayerId[];
* Enables the Media domain
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Disables the Media domain.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* This domain is deprecated - use Runtime or Log instead.
export module Console {
* Console message.
export interface ConsoleMessage {
* Message source.
source: "xml"|"javascript"|"network"|"console-api"|"storage"|"appcache"|"rendering"|"security"|"other"|"deprecation"|"worker";
* Message severity.
level: "log"|"warning"|"error"|"debug"|"info";
* Message text.
text: string;
* URL of the message origin.
url?: string;
* Line number in the resource that generated this message (1-based).
line?: number;
* Column number in the resource that generated this message (1-based).
column?: number;
* Issued when new console message is added.
export type messageAddedPayload = {
* Console message that has been added.
message: ConsoleMessage;
* Does nothing.
export type clearMessagesParameters = {
export type clearMessagesReturnValue = {
* Disables console domain, prevents further console messages from being reported to the client.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables console domain, sends the messages collected so far to the client by means of the
`messageAdded` notification.
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Debugger domain exposes JavaScript debugging capabilities. It allows setting and removing
breakpoints, stepping through execution, exploring stack traces, etc.
export module Debugger {
* Breakpoint identifier.
export type BreakpointId = string;
* Call frame identifier.
export type CallFrameId = string;
* Location in the source code.
export interface Location {
* Script identifier as reported in the `Debugger.scriptParsed`.
scriptId: Runtime.ScriptId;
* Line number in the script (0-based).
lineNumber: number;
* Column number in the script (0-based).
columnNumber?: number;
* Location in the source code.
export interface ScriptPosition {
lineNumber: number;
columnNumber: number;
* Location range within one script.
export interface LocationRange {
scriptId: Runtime.ScriptId;
start: ScriptPosition;
end: ScriptPosition;
* JavaScript call frame. Array of call frames form the call stack.
export interface CallFrame {
* Call frame identifier. This identifier is only valid while the virtual machine is paused.
callFrameId: CallFrameId;
* Name of the JavaScript function called on this call frame.
functionName: string;
* Location in the source code.
functionLocation?: Location;
* Location in the source code.
location: Location;
* JavaScript script name or url.
url: string;
* Scope chain for this call frame.
scopeChain: Scope[];
* `this` object for this call frame.
this: Runtime.RemoteObject;
* The value being returned, if the function is at return point.
returnValue?: Runtime.RemoteObject;
* Scope description.
export interface Scope {
* Scope type.
type: "global"|"local"|"with"|"closure"|"catch"|"block"|"script"|"eval"|"module"|"wasm-expression-stack";
* Object representing the scope. For `global` and `with` scopes it represents the actual
object; for the rest of the scopes, it is artificial transient object enumerating scope
variables as its properties.
object: Runtime.RemoteObject;
name?: string;
* Location in the source code where scope starts
startLocation?: Location;
* Location in the source code where scope ends
endLocation?: Location;
* Search match for resource.
export interface SearchMatch {
* Line number in resource content.
lineNumber: number;
* Line with match content.
lineContent: string;
export interface BreakLocation {
* Script identifier as reported in the `Debugger.scriptParsed`.
scriptId: Runtime.ScriptId;
* Line number in the script (0-based).
lineNumber: number;
* Column number in the script (0-based).
columnNumber?: number;
type?: "debuggerStatement"|"call"|"return";
* Enum of possible script languages.
export type ScriptLanguage = "JavaScript"|"WebAssembly";
* Debug symbols available for a wasm script.
export interface DebugSymbols {
* Type of the debug symbols.
type: "None"|"SourceMap"|"EmbeddedDWARF"|"ExternalDWARF";
* URL of the external symbol source.
externalURL?: string;
* Fired when breakpoint is resolved to an actual script and location.
export type breakpointResolvedPayload = {
* Breakpoint unique identifier.
breakpointId: BreakpointId;
* Actual breakpoint location.
location: Location;
* Fired when the virtual machine stopped on breakpoint or exception or any other stop criteria.
export type pausedPayload = {
* Call stack the virtual machine stopped on.
callFrames: CallFrame[];
* Pause reason.
reason: "ambiguous"|"assert"|"CSPViolation"|"debugCommand"|"DOM"|"EventListener"|"exception"|"instrumentation"|"OOM"|"other"|"promiseRejection"|"XHR";
* Object containing break-specific auxiliary properties.
data?: { [key: string]: string };
* Hit breakpoints IDs
hitBreakpoints?: string[];
* Async stack trace, if any.
asyncStackTrace?: Runtime.StackTrace;
* Async stack trace, if any.
asyncStackTraceId?: Runtime.StackTraceId;
* Never present, will be removed.
asyncCallStackTraceId?: Runtime.StackTraceId;
* Fired when the virtual machine resumed execution.
export type resumedPayload = void;
* Fired when virtual machine fails to parse the script.
export type scriptFailedToParsePayload = {
* Identifier of the script parsed.
scriptId: Runtime.ScriptId;
* URL or name of the script parsed (if any).
url: string;
* Line offset of the script within the resource with given URL (for script tags).
startLine: number;
* Column offset of the script within the resource with given URL.
startColumn: number;
* Last line of the script.
endLine: number;
* Length of the last line of the script.
endColumn: number;
* Specifies script creation context.
executionContextId: Runtime.ExecutionContextId;
* Content hash of the script.
hash: string;
* Embedder-specific auxiliary data.
executionContextAuxData?: { [key: string]: string };
* URL of source map associated with script (if any).
sourceMapURL?: string;
* True, if this script has sourceURL.
hasSourceURL?: boolean;
* True, if this script is ES6 module.
isModule?: boolean;
* This script length.
length?: number;
* JavaScript top stack frame of where the script parsed event was triggered if available.
stackTrace?: Runtime.StackTrace;
* If the scriptLanguage is WebAssembly, the code section offset in the module.
codeOffset?: number;
* The language of the script.
scriptLanguage?: Debugger.ScriptLanguage;
* The name the embedder supplied for this script.
embedderName?: string;
* Fired when virtual machine parses script. This event is also fired for all known and uncollected
scripts upon enabling debugger.
export type scriptParsedPayload = {
* Identifier of the script parsed.
scriptId: Runtime.ScriptId;
* URL or name of the script parsed (if any).
url: string;
* Line offset of the script within the resource with given URL (for script tags).
startLine: number;
* Column offset of the script within the resource with given URL.
startColumn: number;
* Last line of the script.
endLine: number;
* Length of the last line of the script.
endColumn: number;
* Specifies script creation context.
executionContextId: Runtime.ExecutionContextId;
* Content hash of the script.
hash: string;
* Embedder-specific auxiliary data.
executionContextAuxData?: { [key: string]: string };
* True, if this script is generated as a result of the live edit operation.
isLiveEdit?: boolean;
* URL of source map associated with script (if any).
sourceMapURL?: string;
* True, if this script has sourceURL.
hasSourceURL?: boolean;
* True, if this script is ES6 module.
isModule?: boolean;
* This script length.
length?: number;
* JavaScript top stack frame of where the script parsed event was triggered if available.
stackTrace?: Runtime.StackTrace;
* If the scriptLanguage is WebAssembly, the code section offset in the module.
codeOffset?: number;
* The language of the script.
scriptLanguage?: Debugger.ScriptLanguage;
* If the scriptLanguage is WebASsembly, the source of debug symbols for the module.
debugSymbols?: Debugger.DebugSymbols;
* The name the embedder supplied for this script.
embedderName?: string;
* Continues execution until specific location is reached.
export type continueToLocationParameters = {
* Location to continue to.
location: Location;
targetCallFrames?: "any"|"current";
export type continueToLocationReturnValue = {
* Disables debugger for given page.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Enables debugger for the given page. Clients should not assume that the debugging has been
enabled until the result for this command is received.
export type enableParameters = {
* The maximum size in bytes of collected scripts (not referenced by other heap objects)
the debugger can hold. Puts no limit if parameter is omitted.
maxScriptsCacheSize?: number;
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Unique identifier of the debugger.
debuggerId: Runtime.UniqueDebuggerId;
* Evaluates expression on a given call frame.
export type evaluateOnCallFrameParameters = {
* Call frame identifier to evaluate on.
callFrameId: CallFrameId;
* Expression to evaluate.
expression: string;
* String object group name to put result into (allows rapid releasing resulting object handles
using `releaseObjectGroup`).
objectGroup?: string;
* Specifies whether command line API should be available to the evaluated expression, defaults
to false.
includeCommandLineAPI?: boolean;
* In silent mode exceptions thrown during evaluation are not reported and do not pause
execution. Overrides `setPauseOnException` state.
silent?: boolean;
* Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object that should be sent by value.
returnByValue?: boolean;
* Whether preview should be generated for the result.
generatePreview?: boolean;
* Whether to throw an exception if side effect cannot be ruled out during evaluation.
throwOnSideEffect?: boolean;
* Terminate execution after timing out (number of milliseconds).
timeout?: Runtime.TimeDelta;
export type evaluateOnCallFrameReturnValue = {
* Object wrapper for the evaluation result.
result: Runtime.RemoteObject;
* Exception details.
exceptionDetails?: Runtime.ExceptionDetails;
* Returns possible locations for breakpoint. scriptId in start and end range locations should be
the same.
export type getPossibleBreakpointsParameters = {
* Start of range to search possible breakpoint locations in.
start: Location;
* End of range to search possible breakpoint locations in (excluding). When not specified, end
of scripts is used as end of range.
end?: Location;
* Only consider locations which are in the same (non-nested) function as start.
restrictToFunction?: boolean;
export type getPossibleBreakpointsReturnValue = {
* List of the possible breakpoint locations.
locations: BreakLocation[];
* Returns source for the script with given id.
export type getScriptSourceParameters = {
* Id of the script to get source for.
scriptId: Runtime.ScriptId;
export type getScriptSourceReturnValue = {
* Script source (empty in case of Wasm bytecode).
scriptSource: string;
* Wasm bytecode.
bytecode?: binary;
* This command is deprecated. Use getScriptSource instead.
export type getWasmBytecodeParameters = {
* Id of the Wasm script to get source for.
scriptId: Runtime.ScriptId;
export type getWasmBytecodeReturnValue = {
* Script source.
bytecode: binary;
* Returns stack trace with given `stackTraceId`.
export type getStackTraceParameters = {
stackTraceId: Runtime.StackTraceId;
export type getStackTraceReturnValue = {
stackTrace: Runtime.StackTrace;
* Stops on the next JavaScript statement.
export type pauseParameters = {
export type pauseReturnValue = {
export type pauseOnAsyncCallParameters = {
* Debugger will pause when async call with given stack trace is started.
parentStackTraceId: Runtime.StackTraceId;
export type pauseOnAsyncCallReturnValue = {
* Removes JavaScript breakpoint.
export type removeBreakpointParameters = {
breakpointId: BreakpointId;
export type removeBreakpointReturnValue = {
* Restarts particular call frame from the beginning.
export type restartFrameParameters = {
* Call frame identifier to evaluate on.
callFrameId: CallFrameId;
export type restartFrameReturnValue = {
* New stack trace.
callFrames: CallFrame[];
* Async stack trace, if any.
asyncStackTrace?: Runtime.StackTrace;
* Async stack trace, if any.
asyncStackTraceId?: Runtime.StackTraceId;
* Resumes JavaScript execution.
export type resumeParameters = {
* Set to true to terminate execution upon resuming execution. In contrast
to Runtime.terminateExecution, this will allows to execute further
JavaScript (i.e. via evaluation) until execution of the paused code
is actually resumed, at which point termination is triggered.
If execution is currently not paused, this parameter has no effect.
terminateOnResume?: boolean;
export type resumeReturnValue = {
* Searches for given string in script content.
export type searchInContentParameters = {
* Id of the script to search in.
scriptId: Runtime.ScriptId;
* String to search for.
query: string;
* If true, search is case sensitive.
caseSensitive?: boolean;
* If true, treats string parameter as regex.
isRegex?: boolean;
export type searchInContentReturnValue = {
* List of search matches.
result: SearchMatch[];
* Enables or disables async call stacks tracking.
export type setAsyncCallStackDepthParameters = {
* Maximum depth of async call stacks. Setting to `0` will effectively disable collecting async
call stacks (default).
maxDepth: number;
export type setAsyncCallStackDepthReturnValue = {
* Replace previous blackbox patterns with passed ones. Forces backend to skip stepping/pausing in
scripts with url matching one of the patterns. VM will try to leave blackboxed script by
performing 'step in' several times, finally resorting to 'step out' if unsuccessful.
export type setBlackboxPatternsParameters = {
* Array of regexps that will be used to check script url for blackbox state.
patterns: string[];
export type setBlackboxPatternsReturnValue = {
* Makes backend skip steps in the script in blackboxed ranges. VM will try leave blacklisted
scripts by performing 'step in' several times, finally resorting to 'step out' if unsuccessful.
Positions array contains positions where blackbox state is changed. First interval isn't
blackboxed. Array should be sorted.
export type setBlackboxedRangesParameters = {
* Id of the script.
scriptId: Runtime.ScriptId;
positions: ScriptPosition[];
export type setBlackboxedRangesReturnValue = {
* Sets JavaScript breakpoint at a given location.
export type setBreakpointParameters = {
* Location to set breakpoint in.
location: Location;
* Expression to use as a breakpoint condition. When specified, debugger will only stop on the
breakpoint if this expression evaluates to true.
condition?: string;
export type setBreakpointReturnValue = {
* Id of the created breakpoint for further reference.
breakpointId: BreakpointId;
* Location this breakpoint resolved into.
actualLocation: Location;
* Sets instrumentation breakpoint.
export type setInstrumentationBreakpointParameters = {
* Instrumentation name.
instrumentation: "beforeScriptExecution"|"beforeScriptWithSourceMapExecution";
export type setInstrumentationBreakpointReturnValue = {
* Id of the created breakpoint for further reference.
breakpointId: BreakpointId;
* Sets JavaScript breakpoint at given location specified either by URL or URL regex. Once this
command is issued, all existing parsed scripts will have breakpoints resolved and returned in
`locations` property. Further matching script parsing will result in subsequent
`breakpointResolved` events issued. This logical breakpoint will survive page reloads.
export type setBreakpointByUrlParameters = {
* Line number to set breakpoint at.
lineNumber: number;
* URL of the resources to set breakpoint on.
url?: string;
* Regex pattern for the URLs of the resources to set breakpoints on. Either `url` or
`urlRegex` must be specified.
urlRegex?: string;
* Script hash of the resources to set breakpoint on.
scriptHash?: string;
* Offset in the line to set breakpoint at.
columnNumber?: number;
* Expression to use as a breakpoint condition. When specified, debugger will only stop on the
breakpoint if this expression evaluates to true.
condition?: string;
export type setBreakpointByUrlReturnValue = {
* Id of the created breakpoint for further reference.
breakpointId: BreakpointId;
* List of the locations this breakpoint resolved into upon addition.
locations: Location[];
* Sets JavaScript breakpoint before each call to the given function.
If another function was created from the same source as a given one,
calling it will also trigger the breakpoint.
export type setBreakpointOnFunctionCallParameters = {
* Function object id.
objectId: Runtime.RemoteObjectId;
* Expression to use as a breakpoint condition. When specified, debugger will
stop on the breakpoint if this expression evaluates to true.
condition?: string;
export type setBreakpointOnFunctionCallReturnValue = {
* Id of the created breakpoint for further reference.
breakpointId: BreakpointId;
* Activates / deactivates all breakpoints on the page.
export type setBreakpointsActiveParameters = {
* New value for breakpoints active state.
active: boolean;
export type setBreakpointsActiveReturnValue = {
* Defines pause on exceptions state. Can be set to stop on all exceptions, uncaught exceptions or
no exceptions. Initial pause on exceptions state is `none`.
export type setPauseOnExceptionsParameters = {
* Pause on exceptions mode.
state: "none"|"uncaught"|"all";
export type setPauseOnExceptionsReturnValue = {
* Changes return value in top frame. Available only at return break position.
export type setReturnValueParameters = {
* New return value.
newValue: Runtime.CallArgument;
export type setReturnValueReturnValue = {
* Edits JavaScript source live.
export type setScriptSourceParameters = {
* Id of the script to edit.
scriptId: Runtime.ScriptId;
* New content of the script.
scriptSource: string;
* If true the change will not actually be applied. Dry run may be used to get result
description without actually modifying the code.
dryRun?: boolean;
export type setScriptSourceReturnValue = {
* New stack trace in case editing has happened while VM was stopped.
callFrames?: CallFrame[];
* Whether current call stack was modified after applying the changes.
stackChanged?: boolean;
* Async stack trace, if any.
asyncStackTrace?: Runtime.StackTrace;
* Async stack trace, if any.
asyncStackTraceId?: Runtime.StackTraceId;
* Exception details if any.
exceptionDetails?: Runtime.ExceptionDetails;
* Makes page not interrupt on any pauses (breakpoint, exception, dom exception etc).
export type setSkipAllPausesParameters = {
* New value for skip pauses state.
skip: boolean;
export type setSkipAllPausesReturnValue = {
* Changes value of variable in a callframe. Object-based scopes are not supported and must be
mutated manually.
export type setVariableValueParameters = {
* 0-based number of scope as was listed in scope chain. Only 'local', 'closure' and 'catch'
scope types are allowed. Other scopes could be manipulated manually.
scopeNumber: number;
* Variable name.
variableName: string;
* New variable value.
newValue: Runtime.CallArgument;
* Id of callframe that holds variable.
callFrameId: CallFrameId;
export type setVariableValueReturnValue = {
* Steps into the function call.
export type stepIntoParameters = {
* Debugger will pause on the execution of the first async task which was scheduled
before next pause.
breakOnAsyncCall?: boolean;
* The skipList specifies location ranges that should be skipped on step into.
skipList?: LocationRange[];
export type stepIntoReturnValue = {
* Steps out of the function call.
export type stepOutParameters = {
export type stepOutReturnValue = {
* Steps over the statement.
export type stepOverParameters = {
* The skipList specifies location ranges that should be skipped on step over.
skipList?: LocationRange[];
export type stepOverReturnValue = {
export module HeapProfiler {
* Heap snapshot object id.
export type HeapSnapshotObjectId = string;
* Sampling Heap Profile node. Holds callsite information, allocation statistics and child nodes.
export interface SamplingHeapProfileNode {
* Function location.
callFrame: Runtime.CallFrame;
* Allocations size in bytes for the node excluding children.
selfSize: number;
* Node id. Ids are unique across all profiles collected between startSampling and stopSampling.
id: number;
* Child nodes.
children: SamplingHeapProfileNode[];
* A single sample from a sampling profile.
export interface SamplingHeapProfileSample {
* Allocation size in bytes attributed to the sample.
size: number;
* Id of the corresponding profile tree node.
nodeId: number;
* Time-ordered sample ordinal number. It is unique across all profiles retrieved
between startSampling and stopSampling.
ordinal: number;
* Sampling profile.
export interface SamplingHeapProfile {
head: SamplingHeapProfileNode;
samples: SamplingHeapProfileSample[];
export type addHeapSnapshotChunkPayload = {
chunk: string;
* If heap objects tracking has been started then backend may send update for one or more fragments
export type heapStatsUpdatePayload = {
* An array of triplets. Each triplet describes a fragment. The first integer is the fragment
index, the second integer is a total count of objects for the fragment, the third integer is
a total size of the objects for the fragment.
statsUpdate: number[];
* If heap objects tracking has been started then backend regularly sends a current value for last
seen object id and corresponding timestamp. If the were changes in the heap since last event
then one or more heapStatsUpdate events will be sent before a new lastSeenObjectId event.
export type lastSeenObjectIdPayload = {
lastSeenObjectId: number;
timestamp: number;
export type reportHeapSnapshotProgressPayload = {
done: number;
total: number;
finished?: boolean;
export type resetProfilesPayload = void;
* Enables console to refer to the node with given id via $x (see Command Line API for more details
$x functions).
export type addInspectedHeapObjectParameters = {
* Heap snapshot object id to be accessible by means of $x command line API.
heapObjectId: HeapSnapshotObjectId;
export type addInspectedHeapObjectReturnValue = {
export type collectGarbageParameters = {
export type collectGarbageReturnValue = {
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
export type getHeapObjectIdParameters = {
* Identifier of the object to get heap object id for.
objectId: Runtime.RemoteObjectId;
export type getHeapObjectIdReturnValue = {
* Id of the heap snapshot object corresponding to the passed remote object id.
heapSnapshotObjectId: HeapSnapshotObjectId;
export type getObjectByHeapObjectIdParameters = {
objectId: HeapSnapshotObjectId;
* Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects.
objectGroup?: string;
export type getObjectByHeapObjectIdReturnValue = {
* Evaluation result.
result: Runtime.RemoteObject;
export type getSamplingProfileParameters = {
export type getSamplingProfileReturnValue = {
* Return the sampling profile being collected.
profile: SamplingHeapProfile;
export type startSamplingParameters = {
* Average sample interval in bytes. Poisson distribution is used for the intervals. The
default value is 32768 bytes.
samplingInterval?: number;
export type startSamplingReturnValue = {
export type startTrackingHeapObjectsParameters = {
trackAllocations?: boolean;
export type startTrackingHeapObjectsReturnValue = {
export type stopSamplingParameters = {
export type stopSamplingReturnValue = {
* Recorded sampling heap profile.
profile: SamplingHeapProfile;
export type stopTrackingHeapObjectsParameters = {
* If true 'reportHeapSnapshotProgress' events will be generated while snapshot is being taken
when the tracking is stopped.
reportProgress?: boolean;
treatGlobalObjectsAsRoots?: boolean;
* If true, numerical values are included in the snapshot
captureNumericValue?: boolean;
export type stopTrackingHeapObjectsReturnValue = {
export type takeHeapSnapshotParameters = {
* If true 'reportHeapSnapshotProgress' events will be generated while snapshot is being taken.
reportProgress?: boolean;
* If true, a raw snapshot without artificial roots will be generated
treatGlobalObjectsAsRoots?: boolean;
* If true, numerical values are included in the snapshot
captureNumericValue?: boolean;
export type takeHeapSnapshotReturnValue = {
export module Profiler {
* Profile node. Holds callsite information, execution statistics and child nodes.
export interface ProfileNode {
* Unique id of the node.
id: number;
* Function location.
callFrame: Runtime.CallFrame;
* Number of samples where this node was on top of the call stack.
hitCount?: number;
* Child node ids.
children?: number[];
* The reason of being not optimized. The function may be deoptimized or marked as don't
deoptReason?: string;
* An array of source position ticks.
positionTicks?: PositionTickInfo[];
* Profile.
export interface Profile {
* The list of profile nodes. First item is the root node.
nodes: ProfileNode[];
* Profiling start timestamp in microseconds.
startTime: number;
* Profiling end timestamp in microseconds.
endTime: number;
* Ids of samples top nodes.
samples?: number[];
* Time intervals between adjacent samples in microseconds. The first delta is relative to the
profile startTime.
timeDeltas?: number[];
* Specifies a number of samples attributed to a certain source position.
export interface PositionTickInfo {
* Source line number (1-based).
line: number;
* Number of samples attributed to the source line.
ticks: number;
* Coverage data for a source range.
export interface CoverageRange {
* JavaScript script source offset for the range start.
startOffset: number;
* JavaScript script source offset for the range end.
endOffset: number;
* Collected execution count of the source range.
count: number;
* Coverage data for a JavaScript function.
export interface FunctionCoverage {
* JavaScript function name.
functionName: string;
* Source ranges inside the function with coverage data.
ranges: CoverageRange[];
* Whether coverage data for this function has block granularity.
isBlockCoverage: boolean;
* Coverage data for a JavaScript script.
export interface ScriptCoverage {
* JavaScript script id.
scriptId: Runtime.ScriptId;
* JavaScript script name or url.
url: string;
* Functions contained in the script that has coverage data.
functions: FunctionCoverage[];
* Describes a type collected during runtime.
export interface TypeObject {
* Name of a type collected with type profiling.
name: string;
* Source offset and types for a parameter or return value.
export interface TypeProfileEntry {
* Source offset of the parameter or end of function for return values.
offset: number;
* The types for this parameter or return value.
types: TypeObject[];
* Type profile data collected during runtime for a JavaScript script.
export interface ScriptTypeProfile {
* JavaScript script id.
scriptId: Runtime.ScriptId;
* JavaScript script name or url.
url: string;
* Type profile entries for parameters and return values of the functions in the script.
entries: TypeProfileEntry[];
export type consoleProfileFinishedPayload = {
id: string;
* Location of console.profileEnd().
location: Debugger.Location;
profile: Profile;
* Profile title passed as an argument to console.profile().
title?: string;
* Sent when new profile recording is started using console.profile() call.
export type consoleProfileStartedPayload = {
id: string;
* Location of console.profile().
location: Debugger.Location;
* Profile title passed as an argument to console.profile().
title?: string;
* Reports coverage delta since the last poll (either from an event like this, or from
`takePreciseCoverage` for the current isolate. May only be sent if precise code
coverage has been started. This event can be trigged by the embedder to, for example,
trigger collection of coverage data immediately at a certain point in time.
export type preciseCoverageDeltaUpdatePayload = {
* Monotonically increasing time (in seconds) when the coverage update was taken in the backend.
timestamp: number;
* Identifier for distinguishing coverage events.
occasion: string;
* Coverage data for the current isolate.
result: ScriptCoverage[];
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Collect coverage data for the current isolate. The coverage data may be incomplete due to
garbage collection.
export type getBestEffortCoverageParameters = {
export type getBestEffortCoverageReturnValue = {
* Coverage data for the current isolate.
result: ScriptCoverage[];
* Changes CPU profiler sampling interval. Must be called before CPU profiles recording started.
export type setSamplingIntervalParameters = {
* New sampling interval in microseconds.
interval: number;
export type setSamplingIntervalReturnValue = {
export type startParameters = {
export type startReturnValue = {
* Enable precise code coverage. Coverage data for JavaScript executed before enabling precise code
coverage may be incomplete. Enabling prevents running optimized code and resets execution
export type startPreciseCoverageParameters = {
* Collect accurate call counts beyond simple 'covered' or 'not covered'.
callCount?: boolean;
* Collect block-based coverage.
detailed?: boolean;
* Allow the backend to send updates on its own initiative
allowTriggeredUpdates?: boolean;
export type startPreciseCoverageReturnValue = {
* Monotonically increasing time (in seconds) when the coverage update was taken in the backend.
timestamp: number;
* Enable type profile.
export type startTypeProfileParameters = {
export type startTypeProfileReturnValue = {
export type stopParameters = {
export type stopReturnValue = {
* Recorded profile.
profile: Profile;
* Disable precise code coverage. Disabling releases unnecessary execution count records and allows
executing optimized code.
export type stopPreciseCoverageParameters = {
export type stopPreciseCoverageReturnValue = {
* Disable type profile. Disabling releases type profile data collected so far.
export type stopTypeProfileParameters = {
export type stopTypeProfileReturnValue = {
* Collect coverage data for the current isolate, and resets execution counters. Precise code
coverage needs to have started.
export type takePreciseCoverageParameters = {
export type takePreciseCoverageReturnValue = {
* Coverage data for the current isolate.
result: ScriptCoverage[];
* Monotonically increasing time (in seconds) when the coverage update was taken in the backend.
timestamp: number;
* Collect type profile.
export type takeTypeProfileParameters = {
export type takeTypeProfileReturnValue = {
* Type profile for all scripts since startTypeProfile() was turned on.
result: ScriptTypeProfile[];
* Runtime domain exposes JavaScript runtime by means of remote evaluation and mirror objects.
Evaluation results are returned as mirror object that expose object type, string representation
and unique identifier that can be used for further object reference. Original objects are
maintained in memory unless they are either explicitly released or are released along with the
other objects in their object group.
export module Runtime {
* Unique script identifier.
export type ScriptId = string;
* Unique object identifier.
export type RemoteObjectId = string;
* Primitive value which cannot be JSON-stringified. Includes values `-0`, `NaN`, `Infinity`,
`-Infinity`, and bigint literals.
export type UnserializableValue = string;
* Mirror object referencing original JavaScript object.
export interface RemoteObject {
* Object type.
type: "object"|"function"|"undefined"|"string"|"number"|"boolean"|"symbol"|"bigint";
* Object subtype hint. Specified for `object` type values only.
NOTE: If you change anything here, make sure to also update
`subtype` in `ObjectPreview` and `PropertyPreview` below.
subtype?: "array"|"null"|"node"|"regexp"|"date"|"map"|"set"|"weakmap"|"weakset"|"iterator"|"generator"|"error"|"proxy"|"promise"|"typedarray"|"arraybuffer"|"dataview"|"webassemblymemory"|"wasmvalue";
* Object class (constructor) name. Specified for `object` type values only.
className?: string;
* Remote object value in case of primitive values or JSON values (if it was requested).
value?: any;
* Primitive value which can not be JSON-stringified does not have `value`, but gets this
unserializableValue?: UnserializableValue;
* String representation of the object.
description?: string;
* Unique object identifier (for non-primitive values).
objectId?: RemoteObjectId;
* Preview containing abbreviated property values. Specified for `object` type values only.
preview?: ObjectPreview;
customPreview?: CustomPreview;
export interface CustomPreview {
* The JSON-stringified result of formatter.header(object, config) call.
It contains json ML array that represents RemoteObject.
header: string;
* If formatter returns true as a result of formatter.hasBody call then bodyGetterId will
contain RemoteObjectId for the function that returns result of formatter.body(object, config) call.
The result value is json ML array.
bodyGetterId?: RemoteObjectId;
* Object containing abbreviated remote object value.
export interface ObjectPreview {
* Object type.
type: "object"|"function"|"undefined"|"string"|"number"|"boolean"|"symbol"|"bigint";
* Object subtype hint. Specified for `object` type values only.
subtype?: "array"|"null"|"node"|"regexp"|"date"|"map"|"set"|"weakmap"|"weakset"|"iterator"|"generator"|"error"|"proxy"|"promise"|"typedarray"|"arraybuffer"|"dataview"|"webassemblymemory"|"wasmvalue";
* String representation of the object.
description?: string;
* True iff some of the properties or entries of the original object did not fit.
overflow: boolean;
* List of the properties.
properties: PropertyPreview[];
* List of the entries. Specified for `map` and `set` subtype values only.
entries?: EntryPreview[];
export interface PropertyPreview {
* Property name.
name: string;
* Object type. Accessor means that the property itself is an accessor property.
type: "object"|"function"|"undefined"|"string"|"number"|"boolean"|"symbol"|"accessor"|"bigint";
* User-friendly property value string.
value?: string;
* Nested value preview.
valuePreview?: ObjectPreview;
* Object subtype hint. Specified for `object` type values only.
subtype?: "array"|"null"|"node"|"regexp"|"date"|"map"|"set"|"weakmap"|"weakset"|"iterator"|"generator"|"error"|"proxy"|"promise"|"typedarray"|"arraybuffer"|"dataview"|"webassemblymemory"|"wasmvalue";
export interface EntryPreview {
* Preview of the key. Specified for map-like collection entries.
key?: ObjectPreview;
* Preview of the value.
value: ObjectPreview;
* Object property descriptor.
export interface PropertyDescriptor {
* Property name or symbol description.
name: string;
* The value associated with the property.
value?: RemoteObject;
* True if the value associated with the property may be changed (data descriptors only).
writable?: boolean;
* A function which serves as a getter for the property, or `undefined` if there is no getter
(accessor descriptors only).
get?: RemoteObject;
* A function which serves as a setter for the property, or `undefined` if there is no setter
(accessor descriptors only).
set?: RemoteObject;
* True if the type of this property descriptor may be changed and if the property may be
deleted from the corresponding object.
configurable: boolean;
* True if this property shows up during enumeration of the properties on the corresponding
enumerable: boolean;
* True if the result was thrown during the evaluation.
wasThrown?: boolean;
* True if the property is owned for the object.
isOwn?: boolean;
* Property symbol object, if the property is of the `symbol` type.
symbol?: RemoteObject;
* Object internal property descriptor. This property isn't normally visible in JavaScript code.
export interface InternalPropertyDescriptor {
* Conventional property name.
name: string;
* The value associated with the property.
value?: RemoteObject;
* Object private field descriptor.
export interface PrivatePropertyDescriptor {
* Private property name.
name: string;
* The value associated with the private property.
value?: RemoteObject;
* A function which serves as a getter for the private property,
or `undefined` if there is no getter (accessor descriptors only).
get?: RemoteObject;
* A function which serves as a setter for the private property,
or `undefined` if there is no setter (accessor descriptors only).
set?: RemoteObject;
* Represents function call argument. Either remote object id `objectId`, primitive `value`,
unserializable primitive value or neither of (for undefined) them should be specified.
export interface CallArgument {
* Primitive value or serializable javascript object.
value?: any;
* Primitive value which can not be JSON-stringified.
unserializableValue?: UnserializableValue;
* Remote object handle.
objectId?: RemoteObjectId;
* Id of an execution context.
export type ExecutionContextId = number;
* Description of an isolated world.
export interface ExecutionContextDescription {
* Unique id of the execution context. It can be used to specify in which execution context
script evaluation should be performed.
id: ExecutionContextId;
* Execution context origin.
origin: string;
* Human readable name describing given context.
name: string;
* A system-unique execution context identifier. Unlike the id, this is unique across
multiple processes, so can be reliably used to identify specific context while backend
performs a cross-process navigation.
uniqueId: string;
* Embedder-specific auxiliary data.
auxData?: { [key: string]: string };
* Detailed information about exception (or error) that was thrown during script compilation or
export interface ExceptionDetails {
* Exception id.
exceptionId: number;
* Exception text, which should be used together with exception object when available.
text: string;
* Line number of the exception location (0-based).
lineNumber: number;
* Column number of the exception location (0-based).
columnNumber: number;
* Script ID of the exception location.
scriptId?: ScriptId;
* URL of the exception location, to be used when the script was not reported.
url?: string;
* JavaScript stack trace if available.
stackTrace?: StackTrace;
* Exception object if available.
exception?: RemoteObject;
* Identifier of the context where exception happened.
executionContextId?: ExecutionContextId;
* Dictionary with entries of meta data that the client associated
with this exception, such as information about associated network
requests, etc.
exceptionMetaData?: { [key: string]: string };
* Number of milliseconds since epoch.
export type Timestamp = number;
* Number of milliseconds.
export type TimeDelta = number;
* Stack entry for runtime errors and assertions.
export interface CallFrame {
* JavaScript function name.
functionName: string;
* JavaScript script id.
scriptId: ScriptId;
* JavaScript script name or url.
url: string;
* JavaScript script line number (0-based).
lineNumber: number;
* JavaScript script column number (0-based).
columnNumber: number;
* Call frames for assertions or error messages.
export interface StackTrace {
* String label of this stack trace. For async traces this may be a name of the function that
initiated the async call.
description?: string;
* JavaScript function name.
callFrames: CallFrame[];
* Asynchronous JavaScript stack trace that preceded this stack, if available.
parent?: StackTrace;
* Asynchronous JavaScript stack trace that preceded this stack, if available.
parentId?: StackTraceId;
* Unique identifier of current debugger.
export type UniqueDebuggerId = string;
* If `debuggerId` is set stack trace comes from another debugger and can be resolved there. This
allows to track cross-debugger calls. See `Runtime.StackTrace` and `Debugger.paused` for usages.
export interface StackTraceId {
id: string;
debuggerId?: UniqueDebuggerId;
* Notification is issued every time when binding is called.
export type bindingCalledPayload = {
name: string;
payload: string;
* Identifier of the context where the call was made.
executionContextId: ExecutionContextId;
* Issued when console API was called.
export type consoleAPICalledPayload = {
* Type of the call.
type: "log"|"debug"|"info"|"error"|"warning"|"dir"|"dirxml"|"table"|"trace"|"clear"|"startGroup"|"startGroupCollapsed"|"endGroup"|"assert"|"profile"|"profileEnd"|"count"|"timeEnd";
* Call arguments.
args: RemoteObject[];
* Identifier of the context where the call was made.
executionContextId: ExecutionContextId;
* Call timestamp.
timestamp: Timestamp;
* Stack trace captured when the call was made. The async stack chain is automatically reported for
the following call types: `assert`, `error`, `trace`, `warning`. For other types the async call
chain can be retrieved using `Debugger.getStackTrace` and `stackTrace.parentId` field.
stackTrace?: StackTrace;
* Console context descriptor for calls on non-default console context (not console.*):
'anonymous#unique-logger-id' for call on unnamed context, 'name#unique-logger-id' for call
on named context.
context?: string;
* Issued when unhandled exception was revoked.
export type exceptionRevokedPayload = {
* Reason describing why exception was revoked.
reason: string;
* The id of revoked exception, as reported in `exceptionThrown`.
exceptionId: number;
* Issued when exception was thrown and unhandled.
export type exceptionThrownPayload = {
* Timestamp of the exception.
timestamp: Timestamp;
exceptionDetails: ExceptionDetails;
* Issued when new execution context is created.
export type executionContextCreatedPayload = {
* A newly created execution context.
context: ExecutionContextDescription;
* Issued when execution context is destroyed.
export type executionContextDestroyedPayload = {
* Id of the destroyed context
executionContextId: ExecutionContextId;
* Issued when all executionContexts were cleared in browser
export type executionContextsClearedPayload = void;
* Issued when object should be inspected (for example, as a result of inspect() command line API
export type inspectRequestedPayload = {
object: RemoteObject;
hints: { [key: string]: string };
* Identifier of the context where the call was made.
executionContextId?: ExecutionContextId;
* Add handler to promise with given promise object id.
export type awaitPromiseParameters = {
* Identifier of the promise.
promiseObjectId: RemoteObjectId;
* Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object that should be sent by value.
returnByValue?: boolean;
* Whether preview should be generated for the result.
generatePreview?: boolean;
export type awaitPromiseReturnValue = {
* Promise result. Will contain rejected value if promise was rejected.
result: RemoteObject;
* Exception details if stack strace is available.
exceptionDetails?: ExceptionDetails;
* Calls function with given declaration on the given object. Object group of the result is
inherited from the target object.
export type callFunctionOnParameters = {
* Declaration of the function to call.
functionDeclaration: string;
* Identifier of the object to call function on. Either objectId or executionContextId should
be specified.
objectId?: RemoteObjectId;
* Call arguments. All call arguments must belong to the same JavaScript world as the target
arguments?: CallArgument[];
* In silent mode exceptions thrown during evaluation are not reported and do not pause
execution. Overrides `setPauseOnException` state.
silent?: boolean;
* Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object which should be sent by value.
returnByValue?: boolean;
* Whether preview should be generated for the result.
generatePreview?: boolean;
* Whether execution should be treated as initiated by user in the UI.
userGesture?: boolean;
* Whether execution should `await` for resulting value and return once awaited promise is
awaitPromise?: boolean;
* Specifies execution context which global object will be used to call function on. Either
executionContextId or objectId should be specified.
executionContextId?: ExecutionContextId;
* Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects. If objectGroup is not
specified and objectId is, objectGroup will be inherited from object.
objectGroup?: string;
* Whether to throw an exception if side effect cannot be ruled out during evaluation.
throwOnSideEffect?: boolean;
export type callFunctionOnReturnValue = {
* Call result.
result: RemoteObject;
* Exception details.
exceptionDetails?: ExceptionDetails;
* Compiles expression.
export type compileScriptParameters = {
* Expression to compile.
expression: string;
* Source url to be set for the script.
sourceURL: string;
* Specifies whether the compiled script should be persisted.
persistScript: boolean;
* Specifies in which execution context to perform script run. If the parameter is omitted the
evaluation will be performed in the context of the inspected page.
executionContextId?: ExecutionContextId;
export type compileScriptReturnValue = {
* Id of the script.
scriptId?: ScriptId;
* Exception details.
exceptionDetails?: ExceptionDetails;
* Disables reporting of execution contexts creation.
export type disableParameters = {
export type disableReturnValue = {
* Discards collected exceptions and console API calls.
export type discardConsoleEntriesParameters = {
export type discardConsoleEntriesReturnValue = {
* Enables reporting of execution contexts creation by means of `executionContextCreated` event.
When the reporting gets enabled the event will be sent immediately for each existing execution
export type enableParameters = {
export type enableReturnValue = {
* Evaluates expression on global object.
export type evaluateParameters = {
* Expression to evaluate.
expression: string;
* Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects.
objectGroup?: string;
* Determines whether Command Line API should be available during the evaluation.
includeCommandLineAPI?: boolean;
* In silent mode exceptions thrown during evaluation are not reported and do not pause
execution. Overrides `setPauseOnException` state.
silent?: boolean;
* Specifies in which execution context to perform evaluation. If the parameter is omitted the
evaluation will be performed in the context of the inspected page.
This is mutually exclusive with `uniqueContextId`, which offers an
alternative way to identify the execution context that is more reliable
in a multi-process environment.
contextId?: ExecutionContextId;
* Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object that should be sent by value.
returnByValue?: boolean;
* Whether preview should be generated for the result.
generatePreview?: boolean;
* Whether execution should be treated as initiated by user in the UI.
userGesture?: boolean;
* Whether execution should `await` for resulting value and return once awaited promise is
awaitPromise?: boolean;
* Whether to throw an exception if side effect cannot be ruled out during evaluation.
This implies `disableBreaks` below.
throwOnSideEffect?: boolean;
* Terminate execution after timing out (number of milliseconds).
timeout?: TimeDelta;
* Disable breakpoints during execution.
disableBreaks?: boolean;
* Setting this flag to true enables `let` re-declaration and top-level `await`.
Note that `let` variables can only be re-declared if they originate from
`replMode` themselves.
replMode?: boolean;
* The Content Security Policy (CSP) for the target might block 'unsafe-eval'
which includes eval(), Function(), setTimeout() and setInterval()
when called with non-callable arguments. This flag bypasses CSP for this
evaluation and allows unsafe-eval. Defaults to true.
allowUnsafeEvalBlockedByCSP?: boolean;
* An alternative way to specify the execution context to evaluate in.
Compared to contextId that may be reused across processes, this is guaranteed to be
system-unique, so it can be used to prevent accidental evaluation of the expression
in context different than intended (e.g. as a result of navigation across process
This is mutually exclusive with `contextId`.
uniqueContextId?: string;
export type evaluateReturnValue = {
* Evaluation result.
result: RemoteObject;
* Exception details.
exceptionDetails?: ExceptionDetails;
* Returns the isolate id.
export type getIsolateIdParameters = {
export type getIsolateIdReturnValue = {
* The isolate id.
id: string;
* Returns the JavaScript heap usage.
It is the total usage of the corresponding isolate not scoped to a particular Runtime.
export type getHeapUsageParameters = {
export type getHeapUsageReturnValue = {
* Used heap size in bytes.
usedSize: number;
* Allocated heap size in bytes.
totalSize: number;
* Returns properties of a given object. Object group of the result is inherited from the target
export type getPropertiesParameters = {
* Identifier of the object to return properties for.
objectId: RemoteObjectId;
* If true, returns properties belonging only to the element itself, not to its prototype
ownProperties?: boolean;
* If true, returns accessor properties (with getter/setter) only; internal properties are not
returned either.
accessorPropertiesOnly?: boolean;
* Whether preview should be generated for the results.
generatePreview?: boolean;
* If true, returns non-indexed properties only.
nonIndexedPropertiesOnly?: boolean;
export type getPropertiesReturnValue = {
* Object properties.
result: PropertyDescriptor[];
* Internal object properties (only of the element itself).
internalProperties?: InternalPropertyDescriptor[];
* Object private properties.
privateProperties?: PrivatePropertyDescriptor[];
* Exception details.
exceptionDetails?: ExceptionDetails;
* Returns all let, const and class variables from global scope.
export type globalLexicalScopeNamesParameters = {
* Specifies in which execution context to lookup global scope variables.
executionContextId?: ExecutionContextId;
export type globalLexicalScopeNamesReturnValue = {
names: string[];
export type queryObjectsParameters = {
* Identifier of the prototype to return objects for.
prototypeObjectId: RemoteObjectId;
* Symbolic group name that can be used to release the results.
objectGroup?: string;
export type queryObjectsReturnValue = {
* Array with objects.
objects: RemoteObject;
* Releases remote object with given id.
export type releaseObjectParameters = {
* Identifier of the object to release.
objectId: RemoteObjectId;
export type releaseObjectReturnValue = {
* Releases all remote objects that belong to a given group.
export type releaseObjectGroupParameters = {
* Symbolic object group name.
objectGroup: string;
export type releaseObjectGroupReturnValue = {
* Tells inspected instance to run if it was waiting for debugger to attach.
export type runIfWaitingForDebuggerParameters = {
export type runIfWaitingForDebuggerReturnValue = {
* Runs script with given id in a given context.
export type runScriptParameters = {
* Id of the script to run.
scriptId: ScriptId;
* Specifies in which execution context to perform script run. If the parameter is omitted the
evaluation will be performed in the context of the inspected page.
executionContextId?: ExecutionContextId;
* Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects.
objectGroup?: string;
* In silent mode exceptions thrown during evaluation are not reported and do not pause
execution. Overrides `setPauseOnException` state.
silent?: boolean;
* Determines whether Command Line API should be available during the evaluation.
includeCommandLineAPI?: boolean;
* Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object which should be sent by value.
returnByValue?: boolean;
* Whether preview should be generated for the result.
generatePreview?: boolean;
* Whether execution should `await` for resulting value and return once awaited promise is
awaitPromise?: boolean;
export type runScriptReturnValue = {
* Run result.
result: RemoteObject;
* Exception details.
exceptionDetails?: ExceptionDetails;
* Enables or disables async call stacks tracking.
export type setAsyncCallStackDepthParameters = {
* Maximum depth of async call stacks. Setting to `0` will effectively disable collecting async
call stacks (default).
maxDepth: number;
export type setAsyncCallStackDepthReturnValue = {
export type setCustomObjectFormatterEnabledParameters = {
enabled: boolean;
export type setCustomObjectFormatterEnabledReturnValue = {
export type setMaxCallStackSizeToCaptureParameters = {
size: number;
export type setMaxCallStackSizeToCaptureReturnValue = {
* Terminate current or next JavaScript execution.
Will cancel the termination when the outer-most script execution ends.
export type terminateExecutionParameters = {
export type terminateExecutionReturnValue = {
* If executionContextId is empty, adds binding with the given name on the
global objects of all inspected contexts, including those created later,
bindings survive reloads.
Binding function takes exactly one argument, this argument should be string,
in case of any other input, function throws an exception.
Each binding function call produces Runtime.bindingCalled notification.
export type addBindingParameters = {
name: string;
* If specified, the binding would only be exposed to the specified
execution context. If omitted and `executionContextName` is not set,
the binding is exposed to all execution contexts of the target.
This parameter is mutually exclusive with `executionContextName`.
Deprecated in favor of `executionContextName` due to an unclear use case
and bugs in implementation ( `executionContextId` will be
removed in the future.
executionContextId?: ExecutionContextId;
* If specified, the binding is exposed to the executionContext with
matching name, even for contexts created after the binding is added.
See also `` and `worldName` parameter to
This parameter is mutually exclusive with `executionContextId`.
executionContextName?: string;
export type addBindingReturnValue = {
* This method does not remove binding function from global object but
unsubscribes current runtime agent from Runtime.bindingCalled notifications.
export type removeBindingParameters = {
name: string;
export type removeBindingReturnValue = {
* This domain is deprecated.
export module Schema {
* Description of the protocol domain.
export interface Domain {
* Domain name.
name: string;
* Domain version.
version: string;
* Returns supported domains.
export type getDomainsParameters = {
export type getDomainsReturnValue = {
* List of supported domains.
domains: Domain[];
export interface Events {
"Animation.animationCanceled": Animation.animationCanceledPayload;
"Animation.animationCreated": Animation.animationCreatedPayload;
"Animation.animationStarted": Animation.animationStartedPayload;
"ApplicationCache.applicationCacheStatusUpdated": ApplicationCache.applicationCacheStatusUpdatedPayload;
"ApplicationCache.networkStateUpdated": ApplicationCache.networkStateUpdatedPayload;
"Audits.issueAdded": Audits.issueAddedPayload;
"BackgroundService.recordingStateChanged": BackgroundService.recordingStateChangedPayload;
"BackgroundService.backgroundServiceEventReceived": BackgroundService.backgroundServiceEventReceivedPayload;
"Browser.downloadWillBegin": Browser.downloadWillBeginPayload;
"Browser.downloadProgress": Browser.downloadProgressPayload;
"CSS.fontsUpdated": CSS.fontsUpdatedPayload;
"CSS.mediaQueryResultChanged": CSS.mediaQueryResultChangedPayload;
"CSS.styleSheetAdded": CSS.styleSheetAddedPayload;
"CSS.styleSheetChanged": CSS.styleSheetChangedPayload;
"CSS.styleSheetRemoved": CSS.styleSheetRemovedPayload;
"Cast.sinksUpdated": Cast.sinksUpdatedPayload;
"Cast.issueUpdated": Cast.issueUpdatedPayload;
"DOM.attributeModified": DOM.attributeModifiedPayload;
"DOM.attributeRemoved": DOM.attributeRemovedPayload;
"DOM.characterDataModified": DOM.characterDataModifiedPayload;
"DOM.childNodeCountUpdated": DOM.childNodeCountUpdatedPayload;
"DOM.childNodeInserted": DOM.childNodeInsertedPayload;
"DOM.childNodeRemoved": DOM.childNodeRemovedPayload;
"DOM.distributedNodesUpdated": DOM.distributedNodesUpdatedPayload;
"DOM.documentUpdated": DOM.documentUpdatedPayload;
"DOM.inlineStyleInvalidated": DOM.inlineStyleInvalidatedPayload;
"DOM.pseudoElementAdded": DOM.pseudoElementAddedPayload;
"DOM.pseudoElementRemoved": DOM.pseudoElementRemovedPayload;
"DOM.setChildNodes": DOM.setChildNodesPayload;
"DOM.shadowRootPopped": DOM.shadowRootPoppedPayload;
"DOM.shadowRootPushed": DOM.shadowRootPushedPayload;
"DOMStorage.domStorageItemAdded": DOMStorage.domStorageItemAddedPayload;
"DOMStorage.domStorageItemRemoved": DOMStorage.domStorageItemRemovedPayload;
"DOMStorage.domStorageItemUpdated": DOMStorage.domStorageItemUpdatedPayload;
"DOMStorage.domStorageItemsCleared": DOMStorage.domStorageItemsClearedPayload;
"Database.addDatabase": Database.addDatabasePayload;
"Emulation.virtualTimeBudgetExpired": Emulation.virtualTimeBudgetExpiredPayload;
"HeadlessExperimental.needsBeginFramesChanged": HeadlessExperimental.needsBeginFramesChangedPayload;
"Input.dragIntercepted": Input.dragInterceptedPayload;
"Inspector.detached": Inspector.detachedPayload;
"Inspector.targetCrashed": Inspector.targetCrashedPayload;
"Inspector.targetReloadedAfterCrash": Inspector.targetReloadedAfterCrashPayload;
"LayerTree.layerPainted": LayerTree.layerPaintedPayload;
"LayerTree.layerTreeDidChange": LayerTree.layerTreeDidChangePayload;
"Log.entryAdded": Log.entryAddedPayload;
"Network.dataReceived": Network.dataReceivedPayload;
"Network.eventSourceMessageReceived": Network.eventSourceMessageReceivedPayload;
"Network.loadingFailed": Network.loadingFailedPayload;
"Network.loadingFinished": Network.loadingFinishedPayload;
"Network.requestIntercepted": Network.requestInterceptedPayload;
"Network.requestServedFromCache": Network.requestServedFromCachePayload;
"Network.requestWillBeSent": Network.requestWillBeSentPayload;
"Network.resourceChangedPriority": Network.resourceChangedPriorityPayload;
"Network.signedExchangeReceived": Network.signedExchangeReceivedPayload;
"Network.responseReceived": Network.responseReceivedPayload;
"Network.webSocketClosed": Network.webSocketClosedPayload;
"Network.webSocketCreated": Network.webSocketCreatedPayload;
"Network.webSocketFrameError": Network.webSocketFrameErrorPayload;
"Network.webSocketFrameReceived": Network.webSocketFrameReceivedPayload;
"Network.webSocketFrameSent": Network.webSocketFrameSentPayload;
"Network.webSocketHandshakeResponseReceived": Network.webSocketHandshakeResponseReceivedPayload;
"Network.webSocketWillSendHandshakeRequest": Network.webSocketWillSendHandshakeRequestPayload;
"Network.webTransportCreated": Network.webTransportCreatedPayload;
"Network.webTransportConnectionEstablished": Network.webTransportConnectionEstablishedPayload;
"Network.webTransportClosed": Network.webTransportClosedPayload;
"Network.requestWillBeSentExtraInfo": Network.requestWillBeSentExtraInfoPayload;
"Network.responseReceivedExtraInfo": Network.responseReceivedExtraInfoPayload;
"Network.trustTokenOperationDone": Network.trustTokenOperationDonePayload;
"Network.subresourceWebBundleMetadataReceived": Network.subresourceWebBundleMetadataReceivedPayload;
"Network.subresourceWebBundleMetadataError": Network.subresourceWebBundleMetadataErrorPayload;
"Network.subresourceWebBundleInnerResponseParsed": Network.subresourceWebBundleInnerResponseParsedPayload;
"Network.subresourceWebBundleInnerResponseError": Network.subresourceWebBundleInnerResponseErrorPayload;
"Network.reportingApiReportAdded": Network.reportingApiReportAddedPayload;
"Overlay.inspectNodeRequested": Overlay.inspectNodeRequestedPayload;
"Overlay.nodeHighlightRequested": Overlay.nodeHighlightRequestedPayload;
"Overlay.screenshotRequested": Overlay.screenshotRequestedPayload;
"Overlay.inspectModeCanceled": Overlay.inspectModeCanceledPayload;
"Page.domContentEventFired": Page.domContentEventFiredPayload;
"Page.fileChooserOpened": Page.fileChooserOpenedPayload;
"Page.frameAttached": Page.frameAttachedPayload;
"Page.frameClearedScheduledNavigation": Page.frameClearedScheduledNavigationPayload;
"Page.frameDetached": Page.frameDetachedPayload;
"Page.frameNavigated": Page.frameNavigatedPayload;
"Page.documentOpened": Page.documentOpenedPayload;
"Page.frameResized": Page.frameResizedPayload;
"Page.frameRequestedNavigation": Page.frameRequestedNavigationPayload;
"Page.frameScheduledNavigation": Page.frameScheduledNavigationPayload;
"Page.frameStartedLoading": Page.frameStartedLoadingPayload;
"Page.frameStoppedLoading": Page.frameStoppedLoadingPayload;
"Page.downloadWillBegin": Page.downloadWillBeginPayload;
"Page.downloadProgress": Page.downloadProgressPayload;
"Page.interstitialHidden": Page.interstitialHiddenPayload;
"Page.interstitialShown": Page.interstitialShownPayload;
"Page.javascriptDialogClosed": Page.javascriptDialogClosedPayload;
"Page.javascriptDialogOpening": Page.javascriptDialogOpeningPayload;
"Page.lifecycleEvent": Page.lifecycleEventPayload;
"Page.backForwardCacheNotUsed": Page.backForwardCacheNotUsedPayload;
"Page.loadEventFired": Page.loadEventFiredPayload;
"Page.navigatedWithinDocument": Page.navigatedWithinDocumentPayload;
"Page.screencastFrame": Page.screencastFramePayload;
"Page.screencastVisibilityChanged": Page.screencastVisibilityChangedPayload;
"Page.windowOpen": Page.windowOpenPayload;
"Page.compilationCacheProduced": Page.compilationCacheProducedPayload;
"Performance.metrics": Performance.metricsPayload;
"PerformanceTimeline.timelineEventAdded": PerformanceTimeline.timelineEventAddedPayload;
"Security.certificateError": Security.certificateErrorPayload;
"Security.visibleSecurityStateChanged": Security.visibleSecurityStateChangedPayload;
"Security.securityStateChanged": Security.securityStateChangedPayload;
"ServiceWorker.workerErrorReported": ServiceWorker.workerErrorReportedPayload;
"ServiceWorker.workerRegistrationUpdated": ServiceWorker.workerRegistrationUpdatedPayload;
"ServiceWorker.workerVersionUpdated": ServiceWorker.workerVersionUpdatedPayload;
"Storage.cacheStorageContentUpdated": Storage.cacheStorageContentUpdatedPayload;
"Storage.cacheStorageListUpdated": Storage.cacheStorageListUpdatedPayload;
"Storage.indexedDBContentUpdated": Storage.indexedDBContentUpdatedPayload;
"Storage.indexedDBListUpdated": Storage.indexedDBListUpdatedPayload;
"Target.attachedToTarget": Target.attachedToTargetPayload;
"Target.detachedFromTarget": Target.detachedFromTargetPayload;
"Target.receivedMessageFromTarget": Target.receivedMessageFromTargetPayload;
"Target.targetCreated": Target.targetCreatedPayload;
"Target.targetDestroyed": Target.targetDestroyedPayload;
"Target.targetCrashed": Target.targetCrashedPayload;
"Target.targetInfoChanged": Target.targetInfoChangedPayload;
"Tethering.accepted": Tethering.acceptedPayload;
"Tracing.bufferUsage": Tracing.bufferUsagePayload;
"Tracing.dataCollected": Tracing.dataCollectedPayload;
"Tracing.tracingComplete": Tracing.tracingCompletePayload;
"Fetch.requestPaused": Fetch.requestPausedPayload;
"Fetch.authRequired": Fetch.authRequiredPayload;
"WebAudio.contextCreated": WebAudio.contextCreatedPayload;
"WebAudio.contextWillBeDestroyed": WebAudio.contextWillBeDestroyedPayload;
"WebAudio.contextChanged": WebAudio.contextChangedPayload;
"WebAudio.audioListenerCreated": WebAudio.audioListenerCreatedPayload;
"WebAudio.audioListenerWillBeDestroyed": WebAudio.audioListenerWillBeDestroyedPayload;
"WebAudio.audioNodeCreated": WebAudio.audioNodeCreatedPayload;
"WebAudio.audioNodeWillBeDestroyed": WebAudio.audioNodeWillBeDestroyedPayload;
"WebAudio.audioParamCreated": WebAudio.audioParamCreatedPayload;
"WebAudio.audioParamWillBeDestroyed": WebAudio.audioParamWillBeDestroyedPayload;
"WebAudio.nodesConnected": WebAudio.nodesConnectedPayload;
"WebAudio.nodesDisconnected": WebAudio.nodesDisconnectedPayload;
"WebAudio.nodeParamConnected": WebAudio.nodeParamConnectedPayload;
"WebAudio.nodeParamDisconnected": WebAudio.nodeParamDisconnectedPayload;
"Media.playerPropertiesChanged": Media.playerPropertiesChangedPayload;
"Media.playerEventsAdded": Media.playerEventsAddedPayload;
"Media.playerMessagesLogged": Media.playerMessagesLoggedPayload;
"Media.playerErrorsRaised": Media.playerErrorsRaisedPayload;
"Media.playersCreated": Media.playersCreatedPayload;
"Console.messageAdded": Console.messageAddedPayload;
"Debugger.breakpointResolved": Debugger.breakpointResolvedPayload;
"Debugger.paused": Debugger.pausedPayload;
"Debugger.resumed": Debugger.resumedPayload;
"Debugger.scriptFailedToParse": Debugger.scriptFailedToParsePayload;
"Debugger.scriptParsed": Debugger.scriptParsedPayload;
"HeapProfiler.addHeapSnapshotChunk": HeapProfiler.addHeapSnapshotChunkPayload;
"HeapProfiler.heapStatsUpdate": HeapProfiler.heapStatsUpdatePayload;
"HeapProfiler.lastSeenObjectId": HeapProfiler.lastSeenObjectIdPayload;
"HeapProfiler.reportHeapSnapshotProgress": HeapProfiler.reportHeapSnapshotProgressPayload;
"HeapProfiler.resetProfiles": HeapProfiler.resetProfilesPayload;
"Profiler.consoleProfileFinished": Profiler.consoleProfileFinishedPayload;
"Profiler.consoleProfileStarted": Profiler.consoleProfileStartedPayload;
"Profiler.preciseCoverageDeltaUpdate": Profiler.preciseCoverageDeltaUpdatePayload;
"Runtime.bindingCalled": Runtime.bindingCalledPayload;
"Runtime.consoleAPICalled": Runtime.consoleAPICalledPayload;
"Runtime.exceptionRevoked": Runtime.exceptionRevokedPayload;
"Runtime.exceptionThrown": Runtime.exceptionThrownPayload;
"Runtime.executionContextCreated": Runtime.executionContextCreatedPayload;
"Runtime.executionContextDestroyed": Runtime.executionContextDestroyedPayload;
"Runtime.executionContextsCleared": Runtime.executionContextsClearedPayload;
"Runtime.inspectRequested": Runtime.inspectRequestedPayload;
export interface CommandParameters {
"Accessibility.disable": Accessibility.disableParameters;
"Accessibility.enable": Accessibility.enableParameters;
"Accessibility.getPartialAXTree": Accessibility.getPartialAXTreeParameters;
"Accessibility.getFullAXTree": Accessibility.getFullAXTreeParameters;
"Accessibility.getChildAXNodes": Accessibility.getChildAXNodesParameters;
"Accessibility.queryAXTree": Accessibility.queryAXTreeParameters;
"Animation.disable": Animation.disableParameters;
"Animation.enable": Animation.enableParameters;
"Animation.getCurrentTime": Animation.getCurrentTimeParameters;
"Animation.getPlaybackRate": Animation.getPlaybackRateParameters;
"Animation.releaseAnimations": Animation.releaseAnimationsParameters;
"Animation.resolveAnimation": Animation.resolveAnimationParameters;
"Animation.seekAnimations": Animation.seekAnimationsParameters;
"Animation.setPaused": Animation.setPausedParameters;
"Animation.setPlaybackRate": Animation.setPlaybackRateParameters;
"Animation.setTiming": Animation.setTimingParameters;
"ApplicationCache.enable": ApplicationCache.enableParameters;
"ApplicationCache.getApplicationCacheForFrame": ApplicationCache.getApplicationCacheForFrameParameters;
"ApplicationCache.getFramesWithManifests": ApplicationCache.getFramesWithManifestsParameters;
"ApplicationCache.getManifestForFrame": ApplicationCache.getManifestForFrameParameters;
"Audits.getEncodedResponse": Audits.getEncodedResponseParameters;
"Audits.disable": Audits.disableParameters;
"Audits.enable": Audits.enableParameters;
"Audits.checkContrast": Audits.checkContrastParameters;
"BackgroundService.startObserving": BackgroundService.startObservingParameters;
"BackgroundService.stopObserving": BackgroundService.stopObservingParameters;
"BackgroundService.setRecording": BackgroundService.setRecordingParameters;
"BackgroundService.clearEvents": BackgroundService.clearEventsParameters;
"Browser.setPermission": Browser.setPermissionParameters;
"Browser.grantPermissions": Browser.grantPermissionsParameters;
"Browser.resetPermissions": Browser.resetPermissionsParameters;
"Browser.setDownloadBehavior": Browser.setDownloadBehaviorParameters;
"Browser.cancelDownload": Browser.cancelDownloadParameters;
"Browser.close": Browser.closeParameters;
"Browser.crash": Browser.crashParameters;
"Browser.crashGpuProcess": Browser.crashGpuProcessParameters;
"Browser.getVersion": Browser.getVersionParameters;
"Browser.getBrowserCommandLine": Browser.getBrowserCommandLineParameters;
"Browser.getHistograms": Browser.getHistogramsParameters;
"Browser.getHistogram": Browser.getHistogramParameters;
"Browser.getWindowBounds": Browser.getWindowBoundsParameters;
"Browser.getWindowForTarget": Browser.getWindowForTargetParameters;
"Browser.setWindowBounds": Browser.setWindowBoundsParameters;
"Browser.setDockTile": Browser.setDockTileParameters;
"Browser.executeBrowserCommand": Browser.executeBrowserCommandParameters;
"CSS.addRule": CSS.addRuleParameters;
"CSS.collectClassNames": CSS.collectClassNamesParameters;
"CSS.createStyleSheet": CSS.createStyleSheetParameters;
"CSS.disable": CSS.disableParameters;
"CSS.enable": CSS.enableParameters;
"CSS.forcePseudoState": CSS.forcePseudoStateParameters;
"CSS.getBackgroundColors": CSS.getBackgroundColorsParameters;
"CSS.getComputedStyleForNode": CSS.getComputedStyleForNodeParameters;
"CSS.getInlineStylesForNode": CSS.getInlineStylesForNodeParameters;
"CSS.getMatchedStylesForNode": CSS.getMatchedStylesForNodeParameters;
"CSS.getMediaQueries": CSS.getMediaQueriesParameters;
"CSS.getPlatformFontsForNode": CSS.getPlatformFontsForNodeParameters;
"CSS.getStyleSheetText": CSS.getStyleSheetTextParameters;
"CSS.trackComputedStyleUpdates": CSS.trackComputedStyleUpdatesParameters;
"CSS.takeComputedStyleUpdates": CSS.takeComputedStyleUpdatesParameters;
"CSS.setEffectivePropertyValueForNode": CSS.setEffectivePropertyValueForNodeParameters;
"CSS.setKeyframeKey": CSS.setKeyframeKeyParameters;
"CSS.setMediaText": CSS.setMediaTextParameters;
"CSS.setContainerQueryText": CSS.setContainerQueryTextParameters;
"CSS.setRuleSelector": CSS.setRuleSelectorParameters;
"CSS.setStyleSheetText": CSS.setStyleSheetTextParameters;
"CSS.setStyleTexts": CSS.setStyleTextsParameters;
"CSS.startRuleUsageTracking": CSS.startRuleUsageTrackingParameters;
"CSS.stopRuleUsageTracking": CSS.stopRuleUsageTrackingParameters;
"CSS.takeCoverageDelta": CSS.takeCoverageDeltaParameters;
"CSS.setLocalFontsEnabled": CSS.setLocalFontsEnabledParameters;
"CacheStorage.deleteCache": CacheStorage.deleteCacheParameters;
"CacheStorage.deleteEntry": CacheStorage.deleteEntryParameters;
"CacheStorage.requestCacheNames": CacheStorage.requestCacheNamesParameters;
"CacheStorage.requestCachedResponse": CacheStorage.requestCachedResponseParameters;
"CacheStorage.requestEntries": CacheStorage.requestEntriesParameters;
"Cast.enable": Cast.enableParameters;
"Cast.disable": Cast.disableParameters;
"Cast.setSinkToUse": Cast.setSinkToUseParameters;
"Cast.startTabMirroring": Cast.startTabMirroringParameters;
"Cast.stopCasting": Cast.stopCastingParameters;
"DOM.collectClassNamesFromSubtree": DOM.collectClassNamesFromSubtreeParameters;
"DOM.copyTo": DOM.copyToParameters;
"DOM.describeNode": DOM.describeNodeParameters;
"DOM.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded": DOM.scrollIntoViewIfNeededParameters;
"DOM.disable": DOM.disableParameters;
"DOM.discardSearchResults": DOM.discardSearchResultsParameters;
"DOM.enable": DOM.enableParameters;
"DOM.focus": DOM.focusParameters;
"DOM.getAttributes": DOM.getAttributesParameters;
"DOM.getBoxModel": DOM.getBoxModelParameters;
"DOM.getContentQuads": DOM.getContentQuadsParameters;
"DOM.getDocument": DOM.getDocumentParameters;
"DOM.getFlattenedDocument": DOM.getFlattenedDocumentParameters;
"DOM.getNodesForSubtreeByStyle": DOM.getNodesForSubtreeByStyleParameters;
"DOM.getNodeForLocation": DOM.getNodeForLocationParameters;
"DOM.getOuterHTML": DOM.getOuterHTMLParameters;
"DOM.getRelayoutBoundary": DOM.getRelayoutBoundaryParameters;
"DOM.getSearchResults": DOM.getSearchResultsParameters;
"DOM.hideHighlight": DOM.hideHighlightParameters;
"DOM.highlightNode": DOM.highlightNodeParameters;
"DOM.highlightRect": DOM.highlightRectParameters;
"DOM.markUndoableState": DOM.markUndoableStateParameters;
"DOM.moveTo": DOM.moveToParameters;
"DOM.performSearch": DOM.performSearchParameters;
"DOM.pushNodeByPathToFrontend": DOM.pushNodeByPathToFrontendParameters;
"DOM.pushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend": DOM.pushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendParameters;
"DOM.querySelector": DOM.querySelectorParameters;
"DOM.querySelectorAll": DOM.querySelectorAllParameters;
"DOM.redo": DOM.redoParameters;
"DOM.removeAttribute": DOM.removeAttributeParameters;
"DOM.removeNode": DOM.removeNodeParameters;
"DOM.requestChildNodes": DOM.requestChildNodesParameters;
"DOM.requestNode": DOM.requestNodeParameters;
"DOM.resolveNode": DOM.resolveNodeParameters;
"DOM.setAttributeValue": DOM.setAttributeValueParameters;
"DOM.setAttributesAsText": DOM.setAttributesAsTextParameters;
"DOM.setFileInputFiles": DOM.setFileInputFilesParameters;
"DOM.setNodeStackTracesEnabled": DOM.setNodeStackTracesEnabledParameters;
"DOM.getNodeStackTraces": DOM.getNodeStackTracesParameters;
"DOM.getFileInfo": DOM.getFileInfoParameters;
"DOM.setInspectedNode": DOM.setInspectedNodeParameters;
"DOM.setNodeName": DOM.setNodeNameParameters;
"DOM.setNodeValue": DOM.setNodeValueParameters;
"DOM.setOuterHTML": DOM.setOuterHTMLParameters;
"DOM.undo": DOM.undoParameters;
"DOM.getFrameOwner": DOM.getFrameOwnerParameters;
"DOM.getContainerForNode": DOM.getContainerForNodeParameters;
"DOM.getQueryingDescendantsForContainer": DOM.getQueryingDescendantsForContainerParameters;
"DOMDebugger.getEventListeners": DOMDebugger.getEventListenersParameters;
"DOMDebugger.removeDOMBreakpoint": DOMDebugger.removeDOMBreakpointParameters;
"DOMDebugger.removeEventListenerBreakpoint": DOMDebugger.removeEventListenerBreakpointParameters;
"DOMDebugger.removeInstrumentationBreakpoint": DOMDebugger.removeInstrumentationBreakpointParameters;
"DOMDebugger.removeXHRBreakpoint": DOMDebugger.removeXHRBreakpointParameters;
"DOMDebugger.setBreakOnCSPViolation": DOMDebugger.setBreakOnCSPViolationParameters;
"DOMDebugger.setDOMBreakpoint": DOMDebugger.setDOMBreakpointParameters;
"DOMDebugger.setEventListenerBreakpoint": DOMDebugger.setEventListenerBreakpointParameters;
"DOMDebugger.setInstrumentationBreakpoint": DOMDebugger.setInstrumentationBreakpointParameters;
"DOMDebugger.setXHRBreakpoint": DOMDebugger.setXHRBreakpointParameters;
"DOMSnapshot.disable": DOMSnapshot.disableParameters;
"DOMSnapshot.enable": DOMSnapshot.enableParameters;
"DOMSnapshot.getSnapshot": DOMSnapshot.getSnapshotParameters;
"DOMSnapshot.captureSnapshot": DOMSnapshot.captureSnapshotParameters;
"DOMStorage.clear": DOMStorage.clearParameters;
"DOMStorage.disable": DOMStorage.disableParameters;
"DOMStorage.enable": DOMStorage.enableParameters;
"DOMStorage.getDOMStorageItems": DOMStorage.getDOMStorageItemsParameters;
"DOMStorage.removeDOMStorageItem": DOMStorage.removeDOMStorageItemParameters;
"DOMStorage.setDOMStorageItem": DOMStorage.setDOMStorageItemParameters;
"Database.disable": Database.disableParameters;
"Database.enable": Database.enableParameters;
"Database.executeSQL": Database.executeSQLParameters;
"Database.getDatabaseTableNames": Database.getDatabaseTableNamesParameters;
"DeviceOrientation.clearDeviceOrientationOverride": DeviceOrientation.clearDeviceOrientationOverrideParameters;
"DeviceOrientation.setDeviceOrientationOverride": DeviceOrientation.setDeviceOrientationOverrideParameters;
"Emulation.canEmulate": Emulation.canEmulateParameters;
"Emulation.clearDeviceMetricsOverride": Emulation.clearDeviceMetricsOverrideParameters;
"Emulation.clearGeolocationOverride": Emulation.clearGeolocationOverrideParameters;
"Emulation.resetPageScaleFactor": Emulation.resetPageScaleFactorParameters;
"Emulation.setFocusEmulationEnabled": Emulation.setFocusEmulationEnabledParameters;
"Emulation.setCPUThrottlingRate": Emulation.setCPUThrottlingRateParameters;
"Emulation.setDefaultBackgroundColorOverride": Emulation.setDefaultBackgroundColorOverrideParameters;
"Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride": Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverrideParameters;
"Emulation.setScrollbarsHidden": Emulation.setScrollbarsHiddenParameters;
"Emulation.setDocumentCookieDisabled": Emulation.setDocumentCookieDisabledParameters;
"Emulation.setEmitTouchEventsForMouse": Emulation.setEmitTouchEventsForMouseParameters;
"Emulation.setEmulatedMedia": Emulation.setEmulatedMediaParameters;
"Emulation.setEmulatedVisionDeficiency": Emulation.setEmulatedVisionDeficiencyParameters;
"Emulation.setGeolocationOverride": Emulation.setGeolocationOverrideParameters;
"Emulation.setIdleOverride": Emulation.setIdleOverrideParameters;
"Emulation.clearIdleOverride": Emulation.clearIdleOverrideParameters;
"Emulation.setNavigatorOverrides": Emulation.setNavigatorOverridesParameters;
"Emulation.setPageScaleFactor": Emulation.setPageScaleFactorParameters;
"Emulation.setScriptExecutionDisabled": Emulation.setScriptExecutionDisabledParameters;
"Emulation.setTouchEmulationEnabled": Emulation.setTouchEmulationEnabledParameters;
"Emulation.setVirtualTimePolicy": Emulation.setVirtualTimePolicyParameters;
"Emulation.setLocaleOverride": Emulation.setLocaleOverrideParameters;
"Emulation.setTimezoneOverride": Emulation.setTimezoneOverrideParameters;
"Emulation.setVisibleSize": Emulation.setVisibleSizeParameters;
"Emulation.setDisabledImageTypes": Emulation.setDisabledImageTypesParameters;
"Emulation.setUserAgentOverride": Emulation.setUserAgentOverrideParameters;
"HeadlessExperimental.beginFrame": HeadlessExperimental.beginFrameParameters;
"HeadlessExperimental.disable": HeadlessExperimental.disableParameters;
"HeadlessExperimental.enable": HeadlessExperimental.enableParameters;
"IO.close": IO.closeParameters;
"": IO.readParameters;
"IO.resolveBlob": IO.resolveBlobParameters;
"IndexedDB.clearObjectStore": IndexedDB.clearObjectStoreParameters;
"IndexedDB.deleteDatabase": IndexedDB.deleteDatabaseParameters;
"IndexedDB.deleteObjectStoreEntries": IndexedDB.deleteObjectStoreEntriesParameters;
"IndexedDB.disable": IndexedDB.disableParameters;
"IndexedDB.enable": IndexedDB.enableParameters;
"IndexedDB.requestData": IndexedDB.requestDataParameters;
"IndexedDB.getMetadata": IndexedDB.getMetadataParameters;
"IndexedDB.requestDatabase": IndexedDB.requestDatabaseParameters;
"IndexedDB.requestDatabaseNames": IndexedDB.requestDatabaseNamesParameters;
"Input.dispatchDragEvent": Input.dispatchDragEventParameters;
"Input.dispatchKeyEvent": Input.dispatchKeyEventParameters;
"Input.insertText": Input.insertTextParameters;
"Input.imeSetComposition": Input.imeSetCompositionParameters;
"Input.dispatchMouseEvent": Input.dispatchMouseEventParameters;
"Input.dispatchTouchEvent": Input.dispatchTouchEventParameters;
"Input.emulateTouchFromMouseEvent": Input.emulateTouchFromMouseEventParameters;
"Input.setIgnoreInputEvents": Input.setIgnoreInputEventsParameters;
"Input.setInterceptDrags": Input.setInterceptDragsParameters;
"Input.synthesizePinchGesture": Input.synthesizePinchGestureParameters;
"Input.synthesizeScrollGesture": Input.synthesizeScrollGestureParameters;
"Input.synthesizeTapGesture": Input.synthesizeTapGestureParameters;
"Inspector.disable": Inspector.disableParameters;
"Inspector.enable": Inspector.enableParameters;
"LayerTree.compositingReasons": LayerTree.compositingReasonsParameters;
"LayerTree.disable": LayerTree.disableParameters;
"LayerTree.enable": LayerTree.enableParameters;
"LayerTree.loadSnapshot": LayerTree.loadSnapshotParameters;
"LayerTree.makeSnapshot": LayerTree.makeSnapshotParameters;
"LayerTree.profileSnapshot": LayerTree.profileSnapshotParameters;
"LayerTree.releaseSnapshot": LayerTree.releaseSnapshotParameters;
"LayerTree.replaySnapshot": LayerTree.replaySnapshotParameters;
"LayerTree.snapshotCommandLog": LayerTree.snapshotCommandLogParameters;
"Log.clear": Log.clearParameters;
"Log.disable": Log.disableParameters;
"Log.enable": Log.enableParameters;
"Log.startViolationsReport": Log.startViolationsReportParameters;
"Log.stopViolationsReport": Log.stopViolationsReportParameters;
"Memory.getDOMCounters": Memory.getDOMCountersParameters;
"Memory.prepareForLeakDetection": Memory.prepareForLeakDetectionParameters;
"Memory.forciblyPurgeJavaScriptMemory": Memory.forciblyPurgeJavaScriptMemoryParameters;
"Memory.setPressureNotificationsSuppressed": Memory.setPressureNotificationsSuppressedParameters;
"Memory.simulatePressureNotification": Memory.simulatePressureNotificationParameters;
"Memory.startSampling": Memory.startSamplingParameters;
"Memory.stopSampling": Memory.stopSamplingParameters;
"Memory.getAllTimeSamplingProfile": Memory.getAllTimeSamplingProfileParameters;
"Memory.getBrowserSamplingProfile": Memory.getBrowserSamplingProfileParameters;
"Memory.getSamplingProfile": Memory.getSamplingProfileParameters;
"Network.setAcceptedEncodings": Network.setAcceptedEncodingsParameters;
"Network.clearAcceptedEncodingsOverride": Network.clearAcceptedEncodingsOverrideParameters;
"Network.canClearBrowserCache": Network.canClearBrowserCacheParameters;
"Network.canClearBrowserCookies": Network.canClearBrowserCookiesParameters;
"Network.canEmulateNetworkConditions": Network.canEmulateNetworkConditionsParameters;
"Network.clearBrowserCache": Network.clearBrowserCacheParameters;
"Network.clearBrowserCookies": Network.clearBrowserCookiesParameters;
"Network.continueInterceptedRequest": Network.continueInterceptedRequestParameters;
"Network.deleteCookies": Network.deleteCookiesParameters;
"Network.disable": Network.disableParameters;
"Network.emulateNetworkConditions": Network.emulateNetworkConditionsParameters;
"Network.enable": Network.enableParameters;
"Network.getAllCookies": Network.getAllCookiesParameters;
"Network.getCertificate": Network.getCertificateParameters;
"Network.getCookies": Network.getCookiesParameters;
"Network.getResponseBody": Network.getResponseBodyParameters;
"Network.getRequestPostData": Network.getRequestPostDataParameters;
"Network.getResponseBodyForInterception": Network.getResponseBodyForInterceptionParameters;
"Network.takeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStream": Network.takeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStreamParameters;
"Network.replayXHR": Network.replayXHRParameters;
"Network.searchInResponseBody": Network.searchInResponseBodyParameters;
"Network.setBlockedURLs": Network.setBlockedURLsParameters;
"Network.setBypassServiceWorker": Network.setBypassServiceWorkerParameters;
"Network.setCacheDisabled": Network.setCacheDisabledParameters;
"Network.setCookie": Network.setCookieParameters;
"Network.setCookies": Network.setCookiesParameters;
"Network.setExtraHTTPHeaders": Network.setExtraHTTPHeadersParameters;
"Network.setAttachDebugStack": Network.setAttachDebugStackParameters;
"Network.setRequestInterception": Network.setRequestInterceptionParameters;
"Network.setUserAgentOverride": Network.setUserAgentOverrideParameters;
"Network.getSecurityIsolationStatus": Network.getSecurityIsolationStatusParameters;
"Network.enableReportingApi": Network.enableReportingApiParameters;
"Network.loadNetworkResource": Network.loadNetworkResourceParameters;
"Overlay.disable": Overlay.disableParameters;
"Overlay.enable": Overlay.enableParameters;
"Overlay.getHighlightObjectForTest": Overlay.getHighlightObjectForTestParameters;
"Overlay.getGridHighlightObjectsForTest": Overlay.getGridHighlightObjectsForTestParameters;
"Overlay.getSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTest": Overlay.getSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTestParameters;
"Overlay.hideHighlight": Overlay.hideHighlightParameters;
"Overlay.highlightFrame": Overlay.highlightFrameParameters;
"Overlay.highlightNode": Overlay.highlightNodeParameters;
"Overlay.highlightQuad": Overlay.highlightQuadParameters;
"Overlay.highlightRect": Overlay.highlightRectParameters;
"Overlay.highlightSourceOrder": Overlay.highlightSourceOrderParameters;
"Overlay.setInspectMode": Overlay.setInspectModeParameters;
"Overlay.setShowAdHighlights": Overlay.setShowAdHighlightsParameters;
"Overlay.setPausedInDebuggerMessage": Overlay.setPausedInDebuggerMessageParameters;
"Overlay.setShowDebugBorders": Overlay.setShowDebugBordersParameters;
"Overlay.setShowFPSCounter": Overlay.setShowFPSCounterParameters;
"Overlay.setShowGridOverlays": Overlay.setShowGridOverlaysParameters;
"Overlay.setShowFlexOverlays": Overlay.setShowFlexOverlaysParameters;
"Overlay.setShowScrollSnapOverlays": Overlay.setShowScrollSnapOverlaysParameters;
"Overlay.setShowContainerQueryOverlays": Overlay.setShowContainerQueryOverlaysParameters;
"Overlay.setShowPaintRects": Overlay.setShowPaintRectsParameters;
"Overlay.setShowLayoutShiftRegions": Overlay.setShowLayoutShiftRegionsParameters;
"Overlay.setShowScrollBottleneckRects": Overlay.setShowScrollBottleneckRectsParameters;
"Overlay.setShowHitTestBorders": Overlay.setShowHitTestBordersParameters;
"Overlay.setShowWebVitals": Overlay.setShowWebVitalsParameters;
"Overlay.setShowViewportSizeOnResize": Overlay.setShowViewportSizeOnResizeParameters;
"Overlay.setShowHinge": Overlay.setShowHingeParameters;
"Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnLoad": Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnLoadParameters;
"Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument": Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocumentParameters;
"Page.bringToFront": Page.bringToFrontParameters;
"Page.captureScreenshot": Page.captureScreenshotParameters;
"Page.captureSnapshot": Page.captureSnapshotParameters;
"Page.clearDeviceMetricsOverride": Page.clearDeviceMetricsOverrideParameters;
"Page.clearDeviceOrientationOverride": Page.clearDeviceOrientationOverrideParameters;
"Page.clearGeolocationOverride": Page.clearGeolocationOverrideParameters;
"Page.createIsolatedWorld": Page.createIsolatedWorldParameters;
"Page.deleteCookie": Page.deleteCookieParameters;
"Page.disable": Page.disableParameters;
"Page.enable": Page.enableParameters;
"Page.getAppManifest": Page.getAppManifestParameters;
"Page.getInstallabilityErrors": Page.getInstallabilityErrorsParameters;
"Page.getManifestIcons": Page.getManifestIconsParameters;
"Page.getAppId": Page.getAppIdParameters;
"Page.getCookies": Page.getCookiesParameters;
"Page.getFrameTree": Page.getFrameTreeParameters;
"Page.getLayoutMetrics": Page.getLayoutMetricsParameters;
"Page.getNavigationHistory": Page.getNavigationHistoryParameters;
"Page.resetNavigationHistory": Page.resetNavigationHistoryParameters;
"Page.getResourceContent": Page.getResourceContentParameters;
"Page.getResourceTree": Page.getResourceTreeParameters;
"Page.handleJavaScriptDialog": Page.handleJavaScriptDialogParameters;
"Page.navigate": Page.navigateParameters;
"Page.navigateToHistoryEntry": Page.navigateToHistoryEntryParameters;
"Page.printToPDF": Page.printToPDFParameters;
"Page.reload": Page.reloadParameters;
"Page.removeScriptToEvaluateOnLoad": Page.removeScriptToEvaluateOnLoadParameters;
"Page.removeScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument": Page.removeScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocumentParameters;
"Page.screencastFrameAck": Page.screencastFrameAckParameters;
"Page.searchInResource": Page.searchInResourceParameters;
"Page.setAdBlockingEnabled": Page.setAdBlockingEnabledParameters;
"Page.setBypassCSP": Page.setBypassCSPParameters;
"Page.getPermissionsPolicyState": Page.getPermissionsPolicyStateParameters;
"Page.getOriginTrials": Page.getOriginTrialsParameters;
"Page.setDeviceMetricsOverride": Page.setDeviceMetricsOverrideParameters;
"Page.setDeviceOrientationOverride": Page.setDeviceOrientationOverrideParameters;
"Page.setFontFamilies": Page.setFontFamiliesParameters;
"Page.setFontSizes": Page.setFontSizesParameters;
"Page.setDocumentContent": Page.setDocumentContentParameters;
"Page.setDownloadBehavior": Page.setDownloadBehaviorParameters;
"Page.setGeolocationOverride": Page.setGeolocationOverrideParameters;
"Page.setLifecycleEventsEnabled": Page.setLifecycleEventsEnabledParameters;
"Page.setTouchEmulationEnabled": Page.setTouchEmulationEnabledParameters;
"Page.startScreencast": Page.startScreencastParameters;
"Page.stopLoading": Page.stopLoadingParameters;
"Page.crash": Page.crashParameters;
"Page.close": Page.closeParameters;
"Page.setWebLifecycleState": Page.setWebLifecycleStateParameters;
"Page.stopScreencast": Page.stopScreencastParameters;
"Page.setProduceCompilationCache": Page.setProduceCompilationCacheParameters;
"Page.produceCompilationCache": Page.produceCompilationCacheParameters;
"Page.addCompilationCache": Page.addCompilationCacheParameters;
"Page.clearCompilationCache": Page.clearCompilationCacheParameters;
"Page.generateTestReport": Page.generateTestReportParameters;
"Page.waitForDebugger": Page.waitForDebuggerParameters;
"Page.setInterceptFileChooserDialog": Page.setInterceptFileChooserDialogParameters;
"Performance.disable": Performance.disableParameters;
"Performance.enable": Performance.enableParameters;
"Performance.setTimeDomain": Performance.setTimeDomainParameters;
"Performance.getMetrics": Performance.getMetricsParameters;
"PerformanceTimeline.enable": PerformanceTimeline.enableParameters;
"Security.disable": Security.disableParameters;
"Security.enable": Security.enableParameters;
"Security.setIgnoreCertificateErrors": Security.setIgnoreCertificateErrorsParameters;
"Security.handleCertificateError": Security.handleCertificateErrorParameters;
"Security.setOverrideCertificateErrors": Security.setOverrideCertificateErrorsParameters;
"ServiceWorker.deliverPushMessage": ServiceWorker.deliverPushMessageParameters;
"ServiceWorker.disable": ServiceWorker.disableParameters;
"ServiceWorker.dispatchSyncEvent": ServiceWorker.dispatchSyncEventParameters;
"ServiceWorker.dispatchPeriodicSyncEvent": ServiceWorker.dispatchPeriodicSyncEventParameters;
"ServiceWorker.enable": ServiceWorker.enableParameters;
"ServiceWorker.inspectWorker": ServiceWorker.inspectWorkerParameters;
"ServiceWorker.setForceUpdateOnPageLoad": ServiceWorker.setForceUpdateOnPageLoadParameters;
"ServiceWorker.skipWaiting": ServiceWorker.skipWaitingParameters;
"ServiceWorker.startWorker": ServiceWorker.startWorkerParameters;
"ServiceWorker.stopAllWorkers": ServiceWorker.stopAllWorkersParameters;
"ServiceWorker.stopWorker": ServiceWorker.stopWorkerParameters;
"ServiceWorker.unregister": ServiceWorker.unregisterParameters;
"ServiceWorker.updateRegistration": ServiceWorker.updateRegistrationParameters;
"Storage.clearDataForOrigin": Storage.clearDataForOriginParameters;
"Storage.getCookies": Storage.getCookiesParameters;
"Storage.setCookies": Storage.setCookiesParameters;
"Storage.clearCookies": Storage.clearCookiesParameters;
"Storage.getUsageAndQuota": Storage.getUsageAndQuotaParameters;
"Storage.overrideQuotaForOrigin": Storage.overrideQuotaForOriginParameters;
"Storage.trackCacheStorageForOrigin": Storage.trackCacheStorageForOriginParameters;
"Storage.trackIndexedDBForOrigin": Storage.trackIndexedDBForOriginParameters;
"Storage.untrackCacheStorageForOrigin": Storage.untrackCacheStorageForOriginParameters;
"Storage.untrackIndexedDBForOrigin": Storage.untrackIndexedDBForOriginParameters;
"Storage.getTrustTokens": Storage.getTrustTokensParameters;
"Storage.clearTrustTokens": Storage.clearTrustTokensParameters;
"SystemInfo.getInfo": SystemInfo.getInfoParameters;
"SystemInfo.getProcessInfo": SystemInfo.getProcessInfoParameters;
"Target.activateTarget": Target.activateTargetParameters;
"Target.attachToTarget": Target.attachToTargetParameters;
"Target.attachToBrowserTarget": Target.attachToBrowserTargetParameters;
"Target.closeTarget": Target.closeTargetParameters;
"Target.exposeDevToolsProtocol": Target.exposeDevToolsProtocolParameters;
"Target.createBrowserContext": Target.createBrowserContextParameters;
"Target.getBrowserContexts": Target.getBrowserContextsParameters;
"Target.createTarget": Target.createTargetParameters;
"Target.detachFromTarget": Target.detachFromTargetParameters;
"Target.disposeBrowserContext": Target.disposeBrowserContextParameters;
"Target.getTargetInfo": Target.getTargetInfoParameters;
"Target.getTargets": Target.getTargetsParameters;
"Target.sendMessageToTarget": Target.sendMessageToTargetParameters;
"Target.setAutoAttach": Target.setAutoAttachParameters;
"Target.autoAttachRelated": Target.autoAttachRelatedParameters;
"Target.setDiscoverTargets": Target.setDiscoverTargetsParameters;
"Target.setRemoteLocations": Target.setRemoteLocationsParameters;
"Tethering.bind": Tethering.bindParameters;
"Tethering.unbind": Tethering.unbindParameters;
"Tracing.end": Tracing.endParameters;
"Tracing.getCategories": Tracing.getCategoriesParameters;
"Tracing.recordClockSyncMarker": Tracing.recordClockSyncMarkerParameters;
"Tracing.requestMemoryDump": Tracing.requestMemoryDumpParameters;
"Tracing.start": Tracing.startParameters;
"Fetch.disable": Fetch.disableParameters;
"Fetch.enable": Fetch.enableParameters;
"Fetch.failRequest": Fetch.failRequestParameters;
"Fetch.fulfillRequest": Fetch.fulfillRequestParameters;
"Fetch.continueRequest": Fetch.continueRequestParameters;
"Fetch.continueWithAuth": Fetch.continueWithAuthParameters;
"Fetch.continueResponse": Fetch.continueResponseParameters;
"Fetch.getResponseBody": Fetch.getResponseBodyParameters;
"Fetch.takeResponseBodyAsStream": Fetch.takeResponseBodyAsStreamParameters;
"WebAudio.enable": WebAudio.enableParameters;
"WebAudio.disable": WebAudio.disableParameters;
"WebAudio.getRealtimeData": WebAudio.getRealtimeDataParameters;
"WebAuthn.enable": WebAuthn.enableParameters;
"WebAuthn.disable": WebAuthn.disableParameters;
"WebAuthn.addVirtualAuthenticator": WebAuthn.addVirtualAuthenticatorParameters;
"WebAuthn.removeVirtualAuthenticator": WebAuthn.removeVirtualAuthenticatorParameters;
"WebAuthn.addCredential": WebAuthn.addCredentialParameters;
"WebAuthn.getCredential": WebAuthn.getCredentialParameters;
"WebAuthn.getCredentials": WebAuthn.getCredentialsParameters;
"WebAuthn.removeCredential": WebAuthn.removeCredentialParameters;
"WebAuthn.clearCredentials": WebAuthn.clearCredentialsParameters;
"WebAuthn.setUserVerified": WebAuthn.setUserVerifiedParameters;
"WebAuthn.setAutomaticPresenceSimulation": WebAuthn.setAutomaticPresenceSimulationParameters;
"Media.enable": Media.enableParameters;
"Media.disable": Media.disableParameters;
"Console.clearMessages": Console.clearMessagesParameters;
"Console.disable": Console.disableParameters;
"Console.enable": Console.enableParameters;
"Debugger.continueToLocation": Debugger.continueToLocationParameters;
"Debugger.disable": Debugger.disableParameters;
"Debugger.enable": Debugger.enableParameters;
"Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame": Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrameParameters;
"Debugger.getPossibleBreakpoints": Debugger.getPossibleBreakpointsParameters;
"Debugger.getScriptSource": Debugger.getScriptSourceParameters;
"Debugger.getWasmBytecode": Debugger.getWasmBytecodeParameters;
"Debugger.getStackTrace": Debugger.getStackTraceParameters;
"Debugger.pause": Debugger.pauseParameters;
"Debugger.pauseOnAsyncCall": Debugger.pauseOnAsyncCallParameters;
"Debugger.removeBreakpoint": Debugger.removeBreakpointParameters;
"Debugger.restartFrame": Debugger.restartFrameParameters;
"Debugger.resume": Debugger.resumeParameters;
"Debugger.searchInContent": Debugger.searchInContentParameters;
"Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepth": Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepthParameters;
"Debugger.setBlackboxPatterns": Debugger.setBlackboxPatternsParameters;
"Debugger.setBlackboxedRanges": Debugger.setBlackboxedRangesParameters;
"Debugger.setBreakpoint": Debugger.setBreakpointParameters;
"Debugger.setInstrumentationBreakpoint": Debugger.setInstrumentationBreakpointParameters;
"Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl": Debugger.setBreakpointByUrlParameters;
"Debugger.setBreakpointOnFunctionCall": Debugger.setBreakpointOnFunctionCallParameters;
"Debugger.setBreakpointsActive": Debugger.setBreakpointsActiveParameters;
"Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions": Debugger.setPauseOnExceptionsParameters;
"Debugger.setReturnValue": Debugger.setReturnValueParameters;
"Debugger.setScriptSource": Debugger.setScriptSourceParameters;
"Debugger.setSkipAllPauses": Debugger.setSkipAllPausesParameters;
"Debugger.setVariableValue": Debugger.setVariableValueParameters;
"Debugger.stepInto": Debugger.stepIntoParameters;
"Debugger.stepOut": Debugger.stepOutParameters;
"Debugger.stepOver": Debugger.stepOverParameters;
"HeapProfiler.addInspectedHeapObject": HeapProfiler.addInspectedHeapObjectParameters;
"HeapProfiler.collectGarbage": HeapProfiler.collectGarbageParameters;
"HeapProfiler.disable": HeapProfiler.disableParameters;
"HeapProfiler.enable": HeapProfiler.enableParameters;
"HeapProfiler.getHeapObjectId": HeapProfiler.getHeapObjectIdParameters;
"HeapProfiler.getObjectByHeapObjectId": HeapProfiler.getObjectByHeapObjectIdParameters;
"HeapProfiler.getSamplingProfile": HeapProfiler.getSamplingProfileParameters;
"HeapProfiler.startSampling": HeapProfiler.startSamplingParameters;
"HeapProfiler.startTrackingHeapObjects": HeapProfiler.startTrackingHeapObjectsParameters;
"HeapProfiler.stopSampling": HeapProfiler.stopSamplingParameters;
"HeapProfiler.stopTrackingHeapObjects": HeapProfiler.stopTrackingHeapObjectsParameters;
"HeapProfiler.takeHeapSnapshot": HeapProfiler.takeHeapSnapshotParameters;
"Profiler.disable": Profiler.disableParameters;
"Profiler.enable": Profiler.enableParameters;
"Profiler.getBestEffortCoverage": Profiler.getBestEffortCoverageParameters;
"Profiler.setSamplingInterval": Profiler.setSamplingIntervalParameters;
"Profiler.start": Profiler.startParameters;
"Profiler.startPreciseCoverage": Profiler.startPreciseCoverageParameters;
"Profiler.startTypeProfile": Profiler.startTypeProfileParameters;
"Profiler.stop": Profiler.stopParameters;
"Profiler.stopPreciseCoverage": Profiler.stopPreciseCoverageParameters;
"Profiler.stopTypeProfile": Profiler.stopTypeProfileParameters;
"Profiler.takePreciseCoverage": Profiler.takePreciseCoverageParameters;
"Profiler.takeTypeProfile": Profiler.takeTypeProfileParameters;
"Runtime.awaitPromise": Runtime.awaitPromiseParameters;
"Runtime.callFunctionOn": Runtime.callFunctionOnParameters;
"Runtime.compileScript": Runtime.compileScriptParameters;
"Runtime.disable": Runtime.disableParameters;
"Runtime.discardConsoleEntries": Runtime.discardConsoleEntriesParameters;
"Runtime.enable": Runtime.enableParameters;
"Runtime.evaluate": Runtime.evaluateParameters;
"Runtime.getIsolateId": Runtime.getIsolateIdParameters;
"Runtime.getHeapUsage": Runtime.getHeapUsageParameters;
"Runtime.getProperties": Runtime.getPropertiesParameters;
"Runtime.globalLexicalScopeNames": Runtime.globalLexicalScopeNamesParameters;
"Runtime.queryObjects": Runtime.queryObjectsParameters;
"Runtime.releaseObject": Runtime.releaseObjectParameters;
"Runtime.releaseObjectGroup": Runtime.releaseObjectGroupParameters;
"Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger": Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebuggerParameters;
"Runtime.runScript": Runtime.runScriptParameters;
"Runtime.setAsyncCallStackDepth": Runtime.setAsyncCallStackDepthParameters;
"Runtime.setCustomObjectFormatterEnabled": Runtime.setCustomObjectFormatterEnabledParameters;
"Runtime.setMaxCallStackSizeToCapture": Runtime.setMaxCallStackSizeToCaptureParameters;
"Runtime.terminateExecution": Runtime.terminateExecutionParameters;
"Runtime.addBinding": Runtime.addBindingParameters;
"Runtime.removeBinding": Runtime.removeBindingParameters;
"Schema.getDomains": Schema.getDomainsParameters;
export interface CommandReturnValues {
"Accessibility.disable": Accessibility.disableReturnValue;
"Accessibility.enable": Accessibility.enableReturnValue;
"Accessibility.getPartialAXTree": Accessibility.getPartialAXTreeReturnValue;
"Accessibility.getFullAXTree": Accessibility.getFullAXTreeReturnValue;
"Accessibility.getChildAXNodes": Accessibility.getChildAXNodesReturnValue;
"Accessibility.queryAXTree": Accessibility.queryAXTreeReturnValue;
"Animation.disable": Animation.disableReturnValue;
"Animation.enable": Animation.enableReturnValue;
"Animation.getCurrentTime": Animation.getCurrentTimeReturnValue;
"Animation.getPlaybackRate": Animation.getPlaybackRateReturnValue;
"Animation.releaseAnimations": Animation.releaseAnimationsReturnValue;
"Animation.resolveAnimation": Animation.resolveAnimationReturnValue;
"Animation.seekAnimations": Animation.seekAnimationsReturnValue;
"Animation.setPaused": Animation.setPausedReturnValue;
"Animation.setPlaybackRate": Animation.setPlaybackRateReturnValue;
"Animation.setTiming": Animation.setTimingReturnValue;
"ApplicationCache.enable": ApplicationCache.enableReturnValue;
"ApplicationCache.getApplicationCacheForFrame": ApplicationCache.getApplicationCacheForFrameReturnValue;
"ApplicationCache.getFramesWithManifests": ApplicationCache.getFramesWithManifestsReturnValue;
"ApplicationCache.getManifestForFrame": ApplicationCache.getManifestForFrameReturnValue;
"Audits.getEncodedResponse": Audits.getEncodedResponseReturnValue;
"Audits.disable": Audits.disableReturnValue;
"Audits.enable": Audits.enableReturnValue;
"Audits.checkContrast": Audits.checkContrastReturnValue;
"BackgroundService.startObserving": BackgroundService.startObservingReturnValue;
"BackgroundService.stopObserving": BackgroundService.stopObservingReturnValue;
"BackgroundService.setRecording": BackgroundService.setRecordingReturnValue;
"BackgroundService.clearEvents": BackgroundService.clearEventsReturnValue;
"Browser.setPermission": Browser.setPermissionReturnValue;
"Browser.grantPermissions": Browser.grantPermissionsReturnValue;
"Browser.resetPermissions": Browser.resetPermissionsReturnValue;
"Browser.setDownloadBehavior": Browser.setDownloadBehaviorReturnValue;
"Browser.cancelDownload": Browser.cancelDownloadReturnValue;
"Browser.close": Browser.closeReturnValue;
"Browser.crash": Browser.crashReturnValue;
"Browser.crashGpuProcess": Browser.crashGpuProcessReturnValue;
"Browser.getVersion": Browser.getVersionReturnValue;
"Browser.getBrowserCommandLine": Browser.getBrowserCommandLineReturnValue;
"Browser.getHistograms": Browser.getHistogramsReturnValue;
"Browser.getHistogram": Browser.getHistogramReturnValue;
"Browser.getWindowBounds": Browser.getWindowBoundsReturnValue;
"Browser.getWindowForTarget": Browser.getWindowForTargetReturnValue;
"Browser.setWindowBounds": Browser.setWindowBoundsReturnValue;
"Browser.setDockTile": Browser.setDockTileReturnValue;
"Browser.executeBrowserCommand": Browser.executeBrowserCommandReturnValue;
"CSS.addRule": CSS.addRuleReturnValue;
"CSS.collectClassNames": CSS.collectClassNamesReturnValue;
"CSS.createStyleSheet": CSS.createStyleSheetReturnValue;
"CSS.disable": CSS.disableReturnValue;
"CSS.enable": CSS.enableReturnValue;
"CSS.forcePseudoState": CSS.forcePseudoStateReturnValue;
"CSS.getBackgroundColors": CSS.getBackgroundColorsReturnValue;
"CSS.getComputedStyleForNode": CSS.getComputedStyleForNodeReturnValue;
"CSS.getInlineStylesForNode": CSS.getInlineStylesForNodeReturnValue;
"CSS.getMatchedStylesForNode": CSS.getMatchedStylesForNodeReturnValue;
"CSS.getMediaQueries": CSS.getMediaQueriesReturnValue;
"CSS.getPlatformFontsForNode": CSS.getPlatformFontsForNodeReturnValue;
"CSS.getStyleSheetText": CSS.getStyleSheetTextReturnValue;
"CSS.trackComputedStyleUpdates": CSS.trackComputedStyleUpdatesReturnValue;
"CSS.takeComputedStyleUpdates": CSS.takeComputedStyleUpdatesReturnValue;
"CSS.setEffectivePropertyValueForNode": CSS.setEffectivePropertyValueForNodeReturnValue;
"CSS.setKeyframeKey": CSS.setKeyframeKeyReturnValue;
"CSS.setMediaText": CSS.setMediaTextReturnValue;
"CSS.setContainerQueryText": CSS.setContainerQueryTextReturnValue;
"CSS.setRuleSelector": CSS.setRuleSelectorReturnValue;
"CSS.setStyleSheetText": CSS.setStyleSheetTextReturnValue;
"CSS.setStyleTexts": CSS.setStyleTextsReturnValue;
"CSS.startRuleUsageTracking": CSS.startRuleUsageTrackingReturnValue;
"CSS.stopRuleUsageTracking": CSS.stopRuleUsageTrackingReturnValue;
"CSS.takeCoverageDelta": CSS.takeCoverageDeltaReturnValue;
"CSS.setLocalFontsEnabled": CSS.setLocalFontsEnabledReturnValue;
"CacheStorage.deleteCache": CacheStorage.deleteCacheReturnValue;
"CacheStorage.deleteEntry": CacheStorage.deleteEntryReturnValue;
"CacheStorage.requestCacheNames": CacheStorage.requestCacheNamesReturnValue;
"CacheStorage.requestCachedResponse": CacheStorage.requestCachedResponseReturnValue;
"CacheStorage.requestEntries": CacheStorage.requestEntriesReturnValue;
"Cast.enable": Cast.enableReturnValue;
"Cast.disable": Cast.disableReturnValue;
"Cast.setSinkToUse": Cast.setSinkToUseReturnValue;
"Cast.startTabMirroring": Cast.startTabMirroringReturnValue;
"Cast.stopCasting": Cast.stopCastingReturnValue;
"DOM.collectClassNamesFromSubtree": DOM.collectClassNamesFromSubtreeReturnValue;
"DOM.copyTo": DOM.copyToReturnValue;
"DOM.describeNode": DOM.describeNodeReturnValue;
"DOM.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded": DOM.scrollIntoViewIfNeededReturnValue;
"DOM.disable": DOM.disableReturnValue;
"DOM.discardSearchResults": DOM.discardSearchResultsReturnValue;
"DOM.enable": DOM.enableReturnValue;
"DOM.focus": DOM.focusReturnValue;
"DOM.getAttributes": DOM.getAttributesReturnValue;
"DOM.getBoxModel": DOM.getBoxModelReturnValue;
"DOM.getContentQuads": DOM.getContentQuadsReturnValue;
"DOM.getDocument": DOM.getDocumentReturnValue;
"DOM.getFlattenedDocument": DOM.getFlattenedDocumentReturnValue;
"DOM.getNodesForSubtreeByStyle": DOM.getNodesForSubtreeByStyleReturnValue;
"DOM.getNodeForLocation": DOM.getNodeForLocationReturnValue;
"DOM.getOuterHTML": DOM.getOuterHTMLReturnValue;
"DOM.getRelayoutBoundary": DOM.getRelayoutBoundaryReturnValue;
"DOM.getSearchResults": DOM.getSearchResultsReturnValue;
"DOM.hideHighlight": DOM.hideHighlightReturnValue;
"DOM.highlightNode": DOM.highlightNodeReturnValue;
"DOM.highlightRect": DOM.highlightRectReturnValue;
"DOM.markUndoableState": DOM.markUndoableStateReturnValue;
"DOM.moveTo": DOM.moveToReturnValue;
"DOM.performSearch": DOM.performSearchReturnValue;
"DOM.pushNodeByPathToFrontend": DOM.pushNodeByPathToFrontendReturnValue;
"DOM.pushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend": DOM.pushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendReturnValue;
"DOM.querySelector": DOM.querySelectorReturnValue;
"DOM.querySelectorAll": DOM.querySelectorAllReturnValue;
"DOM.redo": DOM.redoReturnValue;
"DOM.removeAttribute": DOM.removeAttributeReturnValue;
"DOM.removeNode": DOM.removeNodeReturnValue;
"DOM.requestChildNodes": DOM.requestChildNodesReturnValue;
"DOM.requestNode": DOM.requestNodeReturnValue;
"DOM.resolveNode": DOM.resolveNodeReturnValue;
"DOM.setAttributeValue": DOM.setAttributeValueReturnValue;
"DOM.setAttributesAsText": DOM.setAttributesAsTextReturnValue;
"DOM.setFileInputFiles": DOM.setFileInputFilesReturnValue;
"DOM.setNodeStackTracesEnabled": DOM.setNodeStackTracesEnabledReturnValue;
"DOM.getNodeStackTraces": DOM.getNodeStackTracesReturnValue;
"DOM.getFileInfo": DOM.getFileInfoReturnValue;
"DOM.setInspectedNode": DOM.setInspectedNodeReturnValue;
"DOM.setNodeName": DOM.setNodeNameReturnValue;
"DOM.setNodeValue": DOM.setNodeValueReturnValue;
"DOM.setOuterHTML": DOM.setOuterHTMLReturnValue;
"DOM.undo": DOM.undoReturnValue;
"DOM.getFrameOwner": DOM.getFrameOwnerReturnValue;
"DOM.getContainerForNode": DOM.getContainerForNodeReturnValue;
"DOM.getQueryingDescendantsForContainer": DOM.getQueryingDescendantsForContainerReturnValue;
"DOMDebugger.getEventListeners": DOMDebugger.getEventListenersReturnValue;
"DOMDebugger.removeDOMBreakpoint": DOMDebugger.removeDOMBreakpointReturnValue;
"DOMDebugger.removeEventListenerBreakpoint": DOMDebugger.removeEventListenerBreakpointReturnValue;
"DOMDebugger.removeInstrumentationBreakpoint": DOMDebugger.removeInstrumentationBreakpointReturnValue;
"DOMDebugger.removeXHRBreakpoint": DOMDebugger.removeXHRBreakpointReturnValue;
"DOMDebugger.setBreakOnCSPViolation": DOMDebugger.setBreakOnCSPViolationReturnValue;
"DOMDebugger.setDOMBreakpoint": DOMDebugger.setDOMBreakpointReturnValue;
"DOMDebugger.setEventListenerBreakpoint": DOMDebugger.setEventListenerBreakpointReturnValue;
"DOMDebugger.setInstrumentationBreakpoint": DOMDebugger.setInstrumentationBreakpointReturnValue;
"DOMDebugger.setXHRBreakpoint": DOMDebugger.setXHRBreakpointReturnValue;
"DOMSnapshot.disable": DOMSnapshot.disableReturnValue;
"DOMSnapshot.enable": DOMSnapshot.enableReturnValue;
"DOMSnapshot.getSnapshot": DOMSnapshot.getSnapshotReturnValue;
"DOMSnapshot.captureSnapshot": DOMSnapshot.captureSnapshotReturnValue;
"DOMStorage.clear": DOMStorage.clearReturnValue;
"DOMStorage.disable": DOMStorage.disableReturnValue;
"DOMStorage.enable": DOMStorage.enableReturnValue;
"DOMStorage.getDOMStorageItems": DOMStorage.getDOMStorageItemsReturnValue;
"DOMStorage.removeDOMStorageItem": DOMStorage.removeDOMStorageItemReturnValue;
"DOMStorage.setDOMStorageItem": DOMStorage.setDOMStorageItemReturnValue;
"Database.disable": Database.disableReturnValue;
"Database.enable": Database.enableReturnValue;
"Database.executeSQL": Database.executeSQLReturnValue;
"Database.getDatabaseTableNames": Database.getDatabaseTableNamesReturnValue;
"DeviceOrientation.clearDeviceOrientationOverride": DeviceOrientation.clearDeviceOrientationOverrideReturnValue;
"DeviceOrientation.setDeviceOrientationOverride": DeviceOrientation.setDeviceOrientationOverrideReturnValue;
"Emulation.canEmulate": Emulation.canEmulateReturnValue;
"Emulation.clearDeviceMetricsOverride": Emulation.clearDeviceMetricsOverrideReturnValue;
"Emulation.clearGeolocationOverride": Emulation.clearGeolocationOverrideReturnValue;
"Emulation.resetPageScaleFactor": Emulation.resetPageScaleFactorReturnValue;
"Emulation.setFocusEmulationEnabled": Emulation.setFocusEmulationEnabledReturnValue;
"Emulation.setCPUThrottlingRate": Emulation.setCPUThrottlingRateReturnValue;
"Emulation.setDefaultBackgroundColorOverride": Emulation.setDefaultBackgroundColorOverrideReturnValue;
"Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride": Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverrideReturnValue;
"Emulation.setScrollbarsHidden": Emulation.setScrollbarsHiddenReturnValue;
"Emulation.setDocumentCookieDisabled": Emulation.setDocumentCookieDisabledReturnValue;
"Emulation.setEmitTouchEventsForMouse": Emulation.setEmitTouchEventsForMouseReturnValue;
"Emulation.setEmulatedMedia": Emulation.setEmulatedMediaReturnValue;
"Emulation.setEmulatedVisionDeficiency": Emulation.setEmulatedVisionDeficiencyReturnValue;
"Emulation.setGeolocationOverride": Emulation.setGeolocationOverrideReturnValue;
"Emulation.setIdleOverride": Emulation.setIdleOverrideReturnValue;
"Emulation.clearIdleOverride": Emulation.clearIdleOverrideReturnValue;
"Emulation.setNavigatorOverrides": Emulation.setNavigatorOverridesReturnValue;
"Emulation.setPageScaleFactor": Emulation.setPageScaleFactorReturnValue;
"Emulation.setScriptExecutionDisabled": Emulation.setScriptExecutionDisabledReturnValue;
"Emulation.setTouchEmulationEnabled": Emulation.setTouchEmulationEnabledReturnValue;
"Emulation.setVirtualTimePolicy": Emulation.setVirtualTimePolicyReturnValue;
"Emulation.setLocaleOverride": Emulation.setLocaleOverrideReturnValue;
"Emulation.setTimezoneOverride": Emulation.setTimezoneOverrideReturnValue;
"Emulation.setVisibleSize": Emulation.setVisibleSizeReturnValue;
"Emulation.setDisabledImageTypes": Emulation.setDisabledImageTypesReturnValue;
"Emulation.setUserAgentOverride": Emulation.setUserAgentOverrideReturnValue;
"HeadlessExperimental.beginFrame": HeadlessExperimental.beginFrameReturnValue;
"HeadlessExperimental.disable": HeadlessExperimental.disableReturnValue;
"HeadlessExperimental.enable": HeadlessExperimental.enableReturnValue;
"IO.close": IO.closeReturnValue;
"": IO.readReturnValue;
"IO.resolveBlob": IO.resolveBlobReturnValue;
"IndexedDB.clearObjectStore": IndexedDB.clearObjectStoreReturnValue;
"IndexedDB.deleteDatabase": IndexedDB.deleteDatabaseReturnValue;
"IndexedDB.deleteObjectStoreEntries": IndexedDB.deleteObjectStoreEntriesReturnValue;
"IndexedDB.disable": IndexedDB.disableReturnValue;
"IndexedDB.enable": IndexedDB.enableReturnValue;
"IndexedDB.requestData": IndexedDB.requestDataReturnValue;
"IndexedDB.getMetadata": IndexedDB.getMetadataReturnValue;
"IndexedDB.requestDatabase": IndexedDB.requestDatabaseReturnValue;
"IndexedDB.requestDatabaseNames": IndexedDB.requestDatabaseNamesReturnValue;
"Input.dispatchDragEvent": Input.dispatchDragEventReturnValue;
"Input.dispatchKeyEvent": Input.dispatchKeyEventReturnValue;
"Input.insertText": Input.insertTextReturnValue;
"Input.imeSetComposition": Input.imeSetCompositionReturnValue;
"Input.dispatchMouseEvent": Input.dispatchMouseEventReturnValue;
"Input.dispatchTouchEvent": Input.dispatchTouchEventReturnValue;
"Input.emulateTouchFromMouseEvent": Input.emulateTouchFromMouseEventReturnValue;
"Input.setIgnoreInputEvents": Input.setIgnoreInputEventsReturnValue;
"Input.setInterceptDrags": Input.setInterceptDragsReturnValue;
"Input.synthesizePinchGesture": Input.synthesizePinchGestureReturnValue;
"Input.synthesizeScrollGesture": Input.synthesizeScrollGestureReturnValue;
"Input.synthesizeTapGesture": Input.synthesizeTapGestureReturnValue;
"Inspector.disable": Inspector.disableReturnValue;
"Inspector.enable": Inspector.enableReturnValue;
"LayerTree.compositingReasons": LayerTree.compositingReasonsReturnValue;
"LayerTree.disable": LayerTree.disableReturnValue;
"LayerTree.enable": LayerTree.enableReturnValue;
"LayerTree.loadSnapshot": LayerTree.loadSnapshotReturnValue;
"LayerTree.makeSnapshot": LayerTree.makeSnapshotReturnValue;
"LayerTree.profileSnapshot": LayerTree.profileSnapshotReturnValue;
"LayerTree.releaseSnapshot": LayerTree.releaseSnapshotReturnValue;
"LayerTree.replaySnapshot": LayerTree.replaySnapshotReturnValue;
"LayerTree.snapshotCommandLog": LayerTree.snapshotCommandLogReturnValue;
"Log.clear": Log.clearReturnValue;
"Log.disable": Log.disableReturnValue;
"Log.enable": Log.enableReturnValue;
"Log.startViolationsReport": Log.startViolationsReportReturnValue;
"Log.stopViolationsReport": Log.stopViolationsReportReturnValue;
"Memory.getDOMCounters": Memory.getDOMCountersReturnValue;
"Memory.prepareForLeakDetection": Memory.prepareForLeakDetectionReturnValue;
"Memory.forciblyPurgeJavaScriptMemory": Memory.forciblyPurgeJavaScriptMemoryReturnValue;
"Memory.setPressureNotificationsSuppressed": Memory.setPressureNotificationsSuppressedReturnValue;
"Memory.simulatePressureNotification": Memory.simulatePressureNotificationReturnValue;
"Memory.startSampling": Memory.startSamplingReturnValue;
"Memory.stopSampling": Memory.stopSamplingReturnValue;
"Memory.getAllTimeSamplingProfile": Memory.getAllTimeSamplingProfileReturnValue;
"Memory.getBrowserSamplingProfile": Memory.getBrowserSamplingProfileReturnValue;
"Memory.getSamplingProfile": Memory.getSamplingProfileReturnValue;
"Network.setAcceptedEncodings": Network.setAcceptedEncodingsReturnValue;
"Network.clearAcceptedEncodingsOverride": Network.clearAcceptedEncodingsOverrideReturnValue;
"Network.canClearBrowserCache": Network.canClearBrowserCacheReturnValue;
"Network.canClearBrowserCookies": Network.canClearBrowserCookiesReturnValue;
"Network.canEmulateNetworkConditions": Network.canEmulateNetworkConditionsReturnValue;
"Network.clearBrowserCache": Network.clearBrowserCacheReturnValue;
"Network.clearBrowserCookies": Network.clearBrowserCookiesReturnValue;
"Network.continueInterceptedRequest": Network.continueInterceptedRequestReturnValue;
"Network.deleteCookies": Network.deleteCookiesReturnValue;
"Network.disable": Network.disableReturnValue;
"Network.emulateNetworkConditions": Network.emulateNetworkConditionsReturnValue;
"Network.enable": Network.enableReturnValue;
"Network.getAllCookies": Network.getAllCookiesReturnValue;
"Network.getCertificate": Network.getCertificateReturnValue;
"Network.getCookies": Network.getCookiesReturnValue;
"Network.getResponseBody": Network.getResponseBodyReturnValue;
"Network.getRequestPostData": Network.getRequestPostDataReturnValue;
"Network.getResponseBodyForInterception": Network.getResponseBodyForInterceptionReturnValue;
"Network.takeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStream": Network.takeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStreamReturnValue;
"Network.replayXHR": Network.replayXHRReturnValue;
"Network.searchInResponseBody": Network.searchInResponseBodyReturnValue;
"Network.setBlockedURLs": Network.setBlockedURLsReturnValue;
"Network.setBypassServiceWorker": Network.setBypassServiceWorkerReturnValue;
"Network.setCacheDisabled": Network.setCacheDisabledReturnValue;
"Network.setCookie": Network.setCookieReturnValue;
"Network.setCookies": Network.setCookiesReturnValue;
"Network.setExtraHTTPHeaders": Network.setExtraHTTPHeadersReturnValue;
"Network.setAttachDebugStack": Network.setAttachDebugStackReturnValue;
"Network.setRequestInterception": Network.setRequestInterceptionReturnValue;
"Network.setUserAgentOverride": Network.setUserAgentOverrideReturnValue;
"Network.getSecurityIsolationStatus": Network.getSecurityIsolationStatusReturnValue;
"Network.enableReportingApi": Network.enableReportingApiReturnValue;
"Network.loadNetworkResource": Network.loadNetworkResourceReturnValue;
"Overlay.disable": Overlay.disableReturnValue;
"Overlay.enable": Overlay.enableReturnValue;
"Overlay.getHighlightObjectForTest": Overlay.getHighlightObjectForTestReturnValue;
"Overlay.getGridHighlightObjectsForTest": Overlay.getGridHighlightObjectsForTestReturnValue;
"Overlay.getSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTest": Overlay.getSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTestReturnValue;
"Overlay.hideHighlight": Overlay.hideHighlightReturnValue;
"Overlay.highlightFrame": Overlay.highlightFrameReturnValue;
"Overlay.highlightNode": Overlay.highlightNodeReturnValue;
"Overlay.highlightQuad": Overlay.highlightQuadReturnValue;
"Overlay.highlightRect": Overlay.highlightRectReturnValue;
"Overlay.highlightSourceOrder": Overlay.highlightSourceOrderReturnValue;
"Overlay.setInspectMode": Overlay.setInspectModeReturnValue;
"Overlay.setShowAdHighlights": Overlay.setShowAdHighlightsReturnValue;
"Overlay.setPausedInDebuggerMessage": Overlay.setPausedInDebuggerMessageReturnValue;
"Overlay.setShowDebugBorders": Overlay.setShowDebugBordersReturnValue;
"Overlay.setShowFPSCounter": Overlay.setShowFPSCounterReturnValue;
"Overlay.setShowGridOverlays": Overlay.setShowGridOverlaysReturnValue;
"Overlay.setShowFlexOverlays": Overlay.setShowFlexOverlaysReturnValue;
"Overlay.setShowScrollSnapOverlays": Overlay.setShowScrollSnapOverlaysReturnValue;
"Overlay.setShowContainerQueryOverlays": Overlay.setShowContainerQueryOverlaysReturnValue;
"Overlay.setShowPaintRects": Overlay.setShowPaintRectsReturnValue;
"Overlay.setShowLayoutShiftRegions": Overlay.setShowLayoutShiftRegionsReturnValue;
"Overlay.setShowScrollBottleneckRects": Overlay.setShowScrollBottleneckRectsReturnValue;
"Overlay.setShowHitTestBorders": Overlay.setShowHitTestBordersReturnValue;
"Overlay.setShowWebVitals": Overlay.setShowWebVitalsReturnValue;
"Overlay.setShowViewportSizeOnResize": Overlay.setShowViewportSizeOnResizeReturnValue;
"Overlay.setShowHinge": Overlay.setShowHingeReturnValue;
"Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnLoad": Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnLoadReturnValue;
"Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument": Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocumentReturnValue;
"Page.bringToFront": Page.bringToFrontReturnValue;
"Page.captureScreenshot": Page.captureScreenshotReturnValue;
"Page.captureSnapshot": Page.captureSnapshotReturnValue;
"Page.clearDeviceMetricsOverride": Page.clearDeviceMetricsOverrideReturnValue;
"Page.clearDeviceOrientationOverride": Page.clearDeviceOrientationOverrideReturnValue;
"Page.clearGeolocationOverride": Page.clearGeolocationOverrideReturnValue;
"Page.createIsolatedWorld": Page.createIsolatedWorldReturnValue;
"Page.deleteCookie": Page.deleteCookieReturnValue;
"Page.disable": Page.disableReturnValue;
"Page.enable": Page.enableReturnValue;
"Page.getAppManifest": Page.getAppManifestReturnValue;
"Page.getInstallabilityErrors": Page.getInstallabilityErrorsReturnValue;
"Page.getManifestIcons": Page.getManifestIconsReturnValue;
"Page.getAppId": Page.getAppIdReturnValue;
"Page.getCookies": Page.getCookiesReturnValue;
"Page.getFrameTree": Page.getFrameTreeReturnValue;
"Page.getLayoutMetrics": Page.getLayoutMetricsReturnValue;
"Page.getNavigationHistory": Page.getNavigationHistoryReturnValue;
"Page.resetNavigationHistory": Page.resetNavigationHistoryReturnValue;
"Page.getResourceContent": Page.getResourceContentReturnValue;
"Page.getResourceTree": Page.getResourceTreeReturnValue;
"Page.handleJavaScriptDialog": Page.handleJavaScriptDialogReturnValue;
"Page.navigate": Page.navigateReturnValue;
"Page.navigateToHistoryEntry": Page.navigateToHistoryEntryReturnValue;
"Page.printToPDF": Page.printToPDFReturnValue;
"Page.reload": Page.reloadReturnValue;
"Page.removeScriptToEvaluateOnLoad": Page.removeScriptToEvaluateOnLoadReturnValue;
"Page.removeScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument": Page.removeScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocumentReturnValue;
"Page.screencastFrameAck": Page.screencastFrameAckReturnValue;
"Page.searchInResource": Page.searchInResourceReturnValue;
"Page.setAdBlockingEnabled": Page.setAdBlockingEnabledReturnValue;
"Page.setBypassCSP": Page.setBypassCSPReturnValue;
"Page.getPermissionsPolicyState": Page.getPermissionsPolicyStateReturnValue;
"Page.getOriginTrials": Page.getOriginTrialsReturnValue;
"Page.setDeviceMetricsOverride": Page.setDeviceMetricsOverrideReturnValue;
"Page.setDeviceOrientationOverride": Page.setDeviceOrientationOverrideReturnValue;
"Page.setFontFamilies": Page.setFontFamiliesReturnValue;
"Page.setFontSizes": Page.setFontSizesReturnValue;
"Page.setDocumentContent": Page.setDocumentContentReturnValue;
"Page.setDownloadBehavior": Page.setDownloadBehaviorReturnValue;
"Page.setGeolocationOverride": Page.setGeolocationOverrideReturnValue;
"Page.setLifecycleEventsEnabled": Page.setLifecycleEventsEnabledReturnValue;
"Page.setTouchEmulationEnabled": Page.setTouchEmulationEnabledReturnValue;
"Page.startScreencast": Page.startScreencastReturnValue;
"Page.stopLoading": Page.stopLoadingReturnValue;
"Page.crash": Page.crashReturnValue;
"Page.close": Page.closeReturnValue;
"Page.setWebLifecycleState": Page.setWebLifecycleStateReturnValue;
"Page.stopScreencast": Page.stopScreencastReturnValue;
"Page.setProduceCompilationCache": Page.setProduceCompilationCacheReturnValue;
"Page.produceCompilationCache": Page.produceCompilationCacheReturnValue;
"Page.addCompilationCache": Page.addCompilationCacheReturnValue;
"Page.clearCompilationCache": Page.clearCompilationCacheReturnValue;
"Page.generateTestReport": Page.generateTestReportReturnValue;
"Page.waitForDebugger": Page.waitForDebuggerReturnValue;
"Page.setInterceptFileChooserDialog": Page.setInterceptFileChooserDialogReturnValue;
"Performance.disable": Performance.disableReturnValue;
"Performance.enable": Performance.enableReturnValue;
"Performance.setTimeDomain": Performance.setTimeDomainReturnValue;
"Performance.getMetrics": Performance.getMetricsReturnValue;
"PerformanceTimeline.enable": PerformanceTimeline.enableReturnValue;
"Security.disable": Security.disableReturnValue;
"Security.enable": Security.enableReturnValue;
"Security.setIgnoreCertificateErrors": Security.setIgnoreCertificateErrorsReturnValue;
"Security.handleCertificateError": Security.handleCertificateErrorReturnValue;
"Security.setOverrideCertificateErrors": Security.setOverrideCertificateErrorsReturnValue;
"ServiceWorker.deliverPushMessage": ServiceWorker.deliverPushMessageReturnValue;
"ServiceWorker.disable": ServiceWorker.disableReturnValue;
"ServiceWorker.dispatchSyncEvent": ServiceWorker.dispatchSyncEventReturnValue;
"ServiceWorker.dispatchPeriodicSyncEvent": ServiceWorker.dispatchPeriodicSyncEventReturnValue;
"ServiceWorker.enable": ServiceWorker.enableReturnValue;
"ServiceWorker.inspectWorker": ServiceWorker.inspectWorkerReturnValue;
"ServiceWorker.setForceUpdateOnPageLoad": ServiceWorker.setForceUpdateOnPageLoadReturnValue;
"ServiceWorker.skipWaiting": ServiceWorker.skipWaitingReturnValue;
"ServiceWorker.startWorker": ServiceWorker.startWorkerReturnValue;
"ServiceWorker.stopAllWorkers": ServiceWorker.stopAllWorkersReturnValue;
"ServiceWorker.stopWorker": ServiceWorker.stopWorkerReturnValue;
"ServiceWorker.unregister": ServiceWorker.unregisterReturnValue;
"ServiceWorker.updateRegistration": ServiceWorker.updateRegistrationReturnValue;
"Storage.clearDataForOrigin": Storage.clearDataForOriginReturnValue;
"Storage.getCookies": Storage.getCookiesReturnValue;
"Storage.setCookies": Storage.setCookiesReturnValue;
"Storage.clearCookies": Storage.clearCookiesReturnValue;
"Storage.getUsageAndQuota": Storage.getUsageAndQuotaReturnValue;
"Storage.overrideQuotaForOrigin": Storage.overrideQuotaForOriginReturnValue;
"Storage.trackCacheStorageForOrigin": Storage.trackCacheStorageForOriginReturnValue;
"Storage.trackIndexedDBForOrigin": Storage.trackIndexedDBForOriginReturnValue;
"Storage.untrackCacheStorageForOrigin": Storage.untrackCacheStorageForOriginReturnValue;
"Storage.untrackIndexedDBForOrigin": Storage.untrackIndexedDBForOriginReturnValue;
"Storage.getTrustTokens": Storage.getTrustTokensReturnValue;
"Storage.clearTrustTokens": Storage.clearTrustTokensReturnValue;
"SystemInfo.getInfo": SystemInfo.getInfoReturnValue;
"SystemInfo.getProcessInfo": SystemInfo.getProcessInfoReturnValue;
"Target.activateTarget": Target.activateTargetReturnValue;
"Target.attachToTarget": Target.attachToTargetReturnValue;
"Target.attachToBrowserTarget": Target.attachToBrowserTargetReturnValue;
"Target.closeTarget": Target.closeTargetReturnValue;
"Target.exposeDevToolsProtocol": Target.exposeDevToolsProtocolReturnValue;
"Target.createBrowserContext": Target.createBrowserContextReturnValue;
"Target.getBrowserContexts": Target.getBrowserContextsReturnValue;
"Target.createTarget": Target.createTargetReturnValue;
"Target.detachFromTarget": Target.detachFromTargetReturnValue;
"Target.disposeBrowserContext": Target.disposeBrowserContextReturnValue;
"Target.getTargetInfo": Target.getTargetInfoReturnValue;
"Target.getTargets": Target.getTargetsReturnValue;
"Target.sendMessageToTarget": Target.sendMessageToTargetReturnValue;
"Target.setAutoAttach": Target.setAutoAttachReturnValue;
"Target.autoAttachRelated": Target.autoAttachRelatedReturnValue;
"Target.setDiscoverTargets": Target.setDiscoverTargetsReturnValue;
"Target.setRemoteLocations": Target.setRemoteLocationsReturnValue;
"Tethering.bind": Tethering.bindReturnValue;
"Tethering.unbind": Tethering.unbindReturnValue;
"Tracing.end": Tracing.endReturnValue;
"Tracing.getCategories": Tracing.getCategoriesReturnValue;
"Tracing.recordClockSyncMarker": Tracing.recordClockSyncMarkerReturnValue;
"Tracing.requestMemoryDump": Tracing.requestMemoryDumpReturnValue;
"Tracing.start": Tracing.startReturnValue;
"Fetch.disable": Fetch.disableReturnValue;
"Fetch.enable": Fetch.enableReturnValue;
"Fetch.failRequest": Fetch.failRequestReturnValue;
"Fetch.fulfillRequest": Fetch.fulfillRequestReturnValue;
"Fetch.continueRequest": Fetch.continueRequestReturnValue;
"Fetch.continueWithAuth": Fetch.continueWithAuthReturnValue;
"Fetch.continueResponse": Fetch.continueResponseReturnValue;
"Fetch.getResponseBody": Fetch.getResponseBodyReturnValue;
"Fetch.takeResponseBodyAsStream": Fetch.takeResponseBodyAsStreamReturnValue;
"WebAudio.enable": WebAudio.enableReturnValue;
"WebAudio.disable": WebAudio.disableReturnValue;
"WebAudio.getRealtimeData": WebAudio.getRealtimeDataReturnValue;
"WebAuthn.enable": WebAuthn.enableReturnValue;
"WebAuthn.disable": WebAuthn.disableReturnValue;
"WebAuthn.addVirtualAuthenticator": WebAuthn.addVirtualAuthenticatorReturnValue;
"WebAuthn.removeVirtualAuthenticator": WebAuthn.removeVirtualAuthenticatorReturnValue;
"WebAuthn.addCredential": WebAuthn.addCredentialReturnValue;
"WebAuthn.getCredential": WebAuthn.getCredentialReturnValue;
"WebAuthn.getCredentials": WebAuthn.getCredentialsReturnValue;
"WebAuthn.removeCredential": WebAuthn.removeCredentialReturnValue;
"WebAuthn.clearCredentials": WebAuthn.clearCredentialsReturnValue;
"WebAuthn.setUserVerified": WebAuthn.setUserVerifiedReturnValue;
"WebAuthn.setAutomaticPresenceSimulation": WebAuthn.setAutomaticPresenceSimulationReturnValue;
"Media.enable": Media.enableReturnValue;
"Media.disable": Media.disableReturnValue;
"Console.clearMessages": Console.clearMessagesReturnValue;
"Console.disable": Console.disableReturnValue;
"Console.enable": Console.enableReturnValue;
"Debugger.continueToLocation": Debugger.continueToLocationReturnValue;
"Debugger.disable": Debugger.disableReturnValue;
"Debugger.enable": Debugger.enableReturnValue;
"Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame": Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrameReturnValue;
"Debugger.getPossibleBreakpoints": Debugger.getPossibleBreakpointsReturnValue;
"Debugger.getScriptSource": Debugger.getScriptSourceReturnValue;
"Debugger.getWasmBytecode": Debugger.getWasmBytecodeReturnValue;
"Debugger.getStackTrace": Debugger.getStackTraceReturnValue;
"Debugger.pause": Debugger.pauseReturnValue;
"Debugger.pauseOnAsyncCall": Debugger.pauseOnAsyncCallReturnValue;
"Debugger.removeBreakpoint": Debugger.removeBreakpointReturnValue;
"Debugger.restartFrame": Debugger.restartFrameReturnValue;
"Debugger.resume": Debugger.resumeReturnValue;
"Debugger.searchInContent": Debugger.searchInContentReturnValue;
"Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepth": Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepthReturnValue;
"Debugger.setBlackboxPatterns": Debugger.setBlackboxPatternsReturnValue;
"Debugger.setBlackboxedRanges": Debugger.setBlackboxedRangesReturnValue;
"Debugger.setBreakpoint": Debugger.setBreakpointReturnValue;
"Debugger.setInstrumentationBreakpoint": Debugger.setInstrumentationBreakpointReturnValue;
"Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl": Debugger.setBreakpointByUrlReturnValue;
"Debugger.setBreakpointOnFunctionCall": Debugger.setBreakpointOnFunctionCallReturnValue;
"Debugger.setBreakpointsActive": Debugger.setBreakpointsActiveReturnValue;
"Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions": Debugger.setPauseOnExceptionsReturnValue;
"Debugger.setReturnValue": Debugger.setReturnValueReturnValue;
"Debugger.setScriptSource": Debugger.setScriptSourceReturnValue;
"Debugger.setSkipAllPauses": Debugger.setSkipAllPausesReturnValue;
"Debugger.setVariableValue": Debugger.setVariableValueReturnValue;
"Debugger.stepInto": Debugger.stepIntoReturnValue;
"Debugger.stepOut": Debugger.stepOutReturnValue;
"Debugger.stepOver": Debugger.stepOverReturnValue;
"HeapProfiler.addInspectedHeapObject": HeapProfiler.addInspectedHeapObjectReturnValue;
"HeapProfiler.collectGarbage": HeapProfiler.collectGarbageReturnValue;
"HeapProfiler.disable": HeapProfiler.disableReturnValue;
"HeapProfiler.enable": HeapProfiler.enableReturnValue;
"HeapProfiler.getHeapObjectId": HeapProfiler.getHeapObjectIdReturnValue;
"HeapProfiler.getObjectByHeapObjectId": HeapProfiler.getObjectByHeapObjectIdReturnValue;
"HeapProfiler.getSamplingProfile": HeapProfiler.getSamplingProfileReturnValue;
"HeapProfiler.startSampling": HeapProfiler.startSamplingReturnValue;
"HeapProfiler.startTrackingHeapObjects": HeapProfiler.startTrackingHeapObjectsReturnValue;
"HeapProfiler.stopSampling": HeapProfiler.stopSamplingReturnValue;
"HeapProfiler.stopTrackingHeapObjects": HeapProfiler.stopTrackingHeapObjectsReturnValue;
"HeapProfiler.takeHeapSnapshot": HeapProfiler.takeHeapSnapshotReturnValue;
"Profiler.disable": Profiler.disableReturnValue;
"Profiler.enable": Profiler.enableReturnValue;
"Profiler.getBestEffortCoverage": Profiler.getBestEffortCoverageReturnValue;
"Profiler.setSamplingInterval": Profiler.setSamplingIntervalReturnValue;
"Profiler.start": Profiler.startReturnValue;
"Profiler.startPreciseCoverage": Profiler.startPreciseCoverageReturnValue;
"Profiler.startTypeProfile": Profiler.startTypeProfileReturnValue;
"Profiler.stop": Profiler.stopReturnValue;
"Profiler.stopPreciseCoverage": Profiler.stopPreciseCoverageReturnValue;
"Profiler.stopTypeProfile": Profiler.stopTypeProfileReturnValue;
"Profiler.takePreciseCoverage": Profiler.takePreciseCoverageReturnValue;
"Profiler.takeTypeProfile": Profiler.takeTypeProfileReturnValue;
"Runtime.awaitPromise": Runtime.awaitPromiseReturnValue;
"Runtime.callFunctionOn": Runtime.callFunctionOnReturnValue;
"Runtime.compileScript": Runtime.compileScriptReturnValue;
"Runtime.disable": Runtime.disableReturnValue;
"Runtime.discardConsoleEntries": Runtime.discardConsoleEntriesReturnValue;
"Runtime.enable": Runtime.enableReturnValue;
"Runtime.evaluate": Runtime.evaluateReturnValue;
"Runtime.getIsolateId": Runtime.getIsolateIdReturnValue;
"Runtime.getHeapUsage": Runtime.getHeapUsageReturnValue;
"Runtime.getProperties": Runtime.getPropertiesReturnValue;
"Runtime.globalLexicalScopeNames": Runtime.globalLexicalScopeNamesReturnValue;
"Runtime.queryObjects": Runtime.queryObjectsReturnValue;
"Runtime.releaseObject": Runtime.releaseObjectReturnValue;
"Runtime.releaseObjectGroup": Runtime.releaseObjectGroupReturnValue;
"Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger": Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebuggerReturnValue;
"Runtime.runScript": Runtime.runScriptReturnValue;
"Runtime.setAsyncCallStackDepth": Runtime.setAsyncCallStackDepthReturnValue;
"Runtime.setCustomObjectFormatterEnabled": Runtime.setCustomObjectFormatterEnabledReturnValue;
"Runtime.setMaxCallStackSizeToCapture": Runtime.setMaxCallStackSizeToCaptureReturnValue;
"Runtime.terminateExecution": Runtime.terminateExecutionReturnValue;
"Runtime.addBinding": Runtime.addBindingReturnValue;
"Runtime.removeBinding": Runtime.removeBindingReturnValue;
"Schema.getDomains": Schema.getDomainsReturnValue;