
642 lines
25 KiB

* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import * as dom from './dom';
import * as frames from './frames';
import * as input from './input';
import * as js from './javascript';
import * as network from './network';
import { Screenshotter } from './screenshotter';
import { TimeoutSettings } from '../utils/timeoutSettings';
import * as types from './types';
import { BrowserContext } from './browserContext';
import { ConsoleMessage } from './console';
import * as accessibility from './accessibility';
import { FileChooser } from './fileChooser';
import { Progress, ProgressController } from './progress';
import { assert, isError } from '../utils/utils';
import { ManualPromise } from '../utils/async';
import { debugLogger } from '../utils/debugLogger';
import { SelectorInfo, Selectors } from './selectors';
import { CallMetadata, SdkObject } from './instrumentation';
import { Artifact } from './artifact';
export interface PageDelegate {
readonly rawMouse: input.RawMouse;
readonly rawKeyboard: input.RawKeyboard;
readonly rawTouchscreen: input.RawTouchscreen;
reload(): Promise<void>;
goBack(): Promise<boolean>;
goForward(): Promise<boolean>;
exposeBinding(binding: PageBinding): Promise<void>;
evaluateOnNewDocument(source: string): Promise<void>;
closePage(runBeforeUnload: boolean): Promise<void>;
pageOrError(): Promise<Page | Error>;
navigateFrame(frame: frames.Frame, url: string, referrer: string | undefined): Promise<frames.GotoResult>;
updateExtraHTTPHeaders(): Promise<void>;
setEmulatedSize(emulatedSize: types.EmulatedSize): Promise<void>;
updateEmulateMedia(): Promise<void>;
updateRequestInterception(): Promise<void>;
setFileChooserIntercepted(enabled: boolean): Promise<void>;
bringToFront(): Promise<void>;
canScreenshotOutsideViewport(): boolean;
resetViewport(): Promise<void>; // Only called if canScreenshotOutsideViewport() returns false.
setBackgroundColor(color?: { r: number; g: number; b: number; a: number; }): Promise<void>;
takeScreenshot(progress: Progress, format: string, documentRect: types.Rect | undefined, viewportRect: types.Rect | undefined, quality: number | undefined): Promise<Buffer>;
isElementHandle(remoteObject: any): boolean;
adoptElementHandle<T extends Node>(handle: dom.ElementHandle<T>, to: dom.FrameExecutionContext): Promise<dom.ElementHandle<T>>;
getContentFrame(handle: dom.ElementHandle): Promise<frames.Frame | null>; // Only called for frame owner elements.
getOwnerFrame(handle: dom.ElementHandle): Promise<string | null>; // Returns frameId.
getContentQuads(handle: dom.ElementHandle): Promise<types.Quad[] | null>;
setInputFiles(handle: dom.ElementHandle<HTMLInputElement>, files: types.FilePayload[]): Promise<void>;
getBoundingBox(handle: dom.ElementHandle): Promise<types.Rect | null>;
getFrameElement(frame: frames.Frame): Promise<dom.ElementHandle>;
scrollRectIntoViewIfNeeded(handle: dom.ElementHandle, rect?: types.Rect): Promise<'error:notvisible' | 'error:notconnected' | 'done'>;
setScreencastOptions(options: { width: number, height: number, quality: number } | null): Promise<void>;
getAccessibilityTree(needle?: dom.ElementHandle): Promise<{tree: accessibility.AXNode, needle: accessibility.AXNode | null}>;
pdf?: (options?: types.PDFOptions) => Promise<Buffer>;
coverage?: () => any;
// Work around WebKit's raf issues on Windows.
rafCountForStablePosition(): number;
// Work around Chrome's non-associated input and protocol.
inputActionEpilogue(): Promise<void>;
// Work around for asynchronously dispatched CSP errors in Firefox.
readonly cspErrorsAsynchronousForInlineScipts?: boolean;
type PageState = {
emulatedSize: { screen: types.Size, viewport: types.Size } | null;
mediaType: types.MediaType | null;
colorScheme: types.ColorScheme | null;
reducedMotion: types.ReducedMotion | null;
forcedColors: types.ForcedColors | null;
extraHTTPHeaders: types.HeadersArray | null;
export class Page extends SdkObject {
static Events = {
Close: 'close',
Crash: 'crash',
Console: 'console',
Dialog: 'dialog',
Download: 'download',
FileChooser: 'filechooser',
DOMContentLoaded: 'domcontentloaded',
// Can't use just 'error' due to node.js special treatment of error events.
// @see
PageError: 'pageerror',
FrameAttached: 'frameattached',
FrameDetached: 'framedetached',
InternalFrameNavigatedToNewDocument: 'internalframenavigatedtonewdocument',
Load: 'load',
ScreencastFrame: 'screencastframe',
Video: 'video',
WebSocket: 'websocket',
Worker: 'worker',
private _closedState: 'open' | 'closing' | 'closed' = 'open';
private _closedPromise = new ManualPromise<void>();
private _disconnected = false;
private _initialized = false;
readonly _disconnectedPromise = new ManualPromise<Error>();
readonly _crashedPromise = new ManualPromise<Error>();
readonly _browserContext: BrowserContext;
readonly keyboard: input.Keyboard;
readonly mouse: input.Mouse;
readonly touchscreen: input.Touchscreen;
readonly _timeoutSettings: TimeoutSettings;
readonly _delegate: PageDelegate;
readonly _state: PageState;
private readonly _pageBindings = new Map<string, PageBinding>();
readonly _evaluateOnNewDocumentSources: string[] = [];
readonly _screenshotter: Screenshotter;
readonly _frameManager: frames.FrameManager;
readonly accessibility: accessibility.Accessibility;
private _workers = new Map<string, Worker>();
readonly pdf: ((options?: types.PDFOptions) => Promise<Buffer>) | undefined;
readonly coverage: any;
private _clientRequestInterceptor: network.RouteHandler | undefined;
private _serverRequestInterceptor: network.RouteHandler | undefined;
_ownedContext: BrowserContext | undefined;
readonly selectors: Selectors;
_pageIsError: Error | undefined;
_video: Artifact | null = null;
_opener: Page | undefined;
constructor(delegate: PageDelegate, browserContext: BrowserContext) {
super(browserContext, 'page'); = this;
this._delegate = delegate;
this._browserContext = browserContext;
this._state = {
emulatedSize: browserContext._options.viewport ? { viewport: browserContext._options.viewport, screen: browserContext._options.screen || browserContext._options.viewport } : null,
mediaType: null,
colorScheme: browserContext._options.colorScheme !== undefined ? browserContext._options.colorScheme : 'light',
reducedMotion: browserContext._options.reducedMotion !== undefined ? browserContext._options.reducedMotion : 'no-preference',
forcedColors: browserContext._options.forcedColors !== undefined ? browserContext._options.forcedColors : 'none',
extraHTTPHeaders: null,
this.accessibility = new accessibility.Accessibility(delegate.getAccessibilityTree.bind(delegate));
this.keyboard = new input.Keyboard(delegate.rawKeyboard, this);
this.mouse = new input.Mouse(delegate.rawMouse, this);
this.touchscreen = new input.Touchscreen(delegate.rawTouchscreen, this);
this._timeoutSettings = new TimeoutSettings(browserContext._timeoutSettings);
this._screenshotter = new Screenshotter(this);
this._frameManager = new frames.FrameManager(this);
if (delegate.pdf)
this.pdf = delegate.pdf.bind(delegate);
this.coverage = delegate.coverage ? delegate.coverage() : null;
this.selectors = browserContext.selectors();
async initOpener(opener: PageDelegate | null) {
if (!opener)
const openerPage = await opener.pageOrError();
if (openerPage instanceof Page && !openerPage.isClosed())
this._opener = openerPage;
reportAsNew(error?: Error) {
if (error) {
// Initialization error could have happened because of
// context/browser closure. Just ignore the page.
if (this._browserContext.isClosingOrClosed())
this._initialized = true;
this._browserContext.emit(BrowserContext.Events.Page, this);
// I may happen that page iniatialization finishes after Close event has already been sent,
// in that case we fire another Close event to ensure that each reported Page will have
// corresponding Close event after it is reported on the context.
if (this.isClosed())
initializedOrUndefined() {
return this._initialized ? this : undefined;
async _doSlowMo() {
const slowMo = this._browserContext._browser.options.slowMo;
if (!slowMo)
await new Promise(x => setTimeout(x, slowMo));
_didClose() {
assert(this._closedState !== 'closed', 'Page closed twice');
this._closedState = 'closed';
_didCrash() {
this._crashedPromise.resolve(new Error('Page crashed'));
_didDisconnect() {
assert(!this._disconnected, 'Page disconnected twice');
this._disconnected = true;
this._disconnectedPromise.resolve(new Error('Page closed'));
async _onFileChooserOpened(handle: dom.ElementHandle) {
let multiple;
try {
multiple = await handle.evaluate(element => !!(element as HTMLInputElement).multiple);
} catch (e) {
// Frame/context may be gone during async processing. Do not throw.
if (!this.listenerCount(Page.Events.FileChooser)) {
const fileChooser = new FileChooser(this, handle, multiple);
this.emit(Page.Events.FileChooser, fileChooser);
context(): BrowserContext {
return this._browserContext;
opener(): Page | undefined {
return this._opener;
mainFrame(): frames.Frame {
return this._frameManager.mainFrame();
frames(): frames.Frame[] {
return this._frameManager.frames();
setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout: number) {
setDefaultTimeout(timeout: number) {
async exposeBinding(name: string, needsHandle: boolean, playwrightBinding: frames.FunctionWithSource, world: types.World = 'main') {
const identifier = PageBinding.identifier(name, world);
if (this._pageBindings.has(identifier))
throw new Error(`Function "${name}" has been already registered`);
if (this._browserContext._pageBindings.has(identifier))
throw new Error(`Function "${name}" has been already registered in the browser context`);
const binding = new PageBinding(name, playwrightBinding, needsHandle, world);
this._pageBindings.set(identifier, binding);
await this._delegate.exposeBinding(binding);
setExtraHTTPHeaders(headers: types.HeadersArray) {
this._state.extraHTTPHeaders = headers;
return this._delegate.updateExtraHTTPHeaders();
async _onBindingCalled(payload: string, context: dom.FrameExecutionContext) {
if (this._disconnected || this._closedState === 'closed')
await PageBinding.dispatch(this, payload, context);
_addConsoleMessage(type: string, args: js.JSHandle[], location: types.ConsoleMessageLocation, text?: string) {
const message = new ConsoleMessage(this, type, text, args, location);
const intercepted = this._frameManager.interceptConsoleMessage(message);
if (intercepted || !this.listenerCount(Page.Events.Console))
args.forEach(arg => arg.dispose());
this.emit(Page.Events.Console, message);
async reload(metadata: CallMetadata, options: types.NavigateOptions): Promise<network.Response | null> {
const controller = new ProgressController(metadata, this);
return => this.mainFrame().raceNavigationAction(async () => {
// Note: waitForNavigation may fail before we get response to reload(),
// so we should await it immediately.
const [response] = await Promise.all([
this.mainFrame()._waitForNavigation(progress, options),
await this._doSlowMo();
return response;
}), this._timeoutSettings.navigationTimeout(options));
async goBack(metadata: CallMetadata, options: types.NavigateOptions): Promise<network.Response | null> {
const controller = new ProgressController(metadata, this);
return => this.mainFrame().raceNavigationAction(async () => {
// Note: waitForNavigation may fail before we get response to goBack,
// so we should catch it immediately.
let error: Error | undefined;
const waitPromise = this.mainFrame()._waitForNavigation(progress, options).catch(e => {
error = e;
return null;
const result = await this._delegate.goBack();
if (!result)
return null;
const response = await waitPromise;
if (error)
throw error;
await this._doSlowMo();
return response;
}), this._timeoutSettings.navigationTimeout(options));
async goForward(metadata: CallMetadata, options: types.NavigateOptions): Promise<network.Response | null> {
const controller = new ProgressController(metadata, this);
return => this.mainFrame().raceNavigationAction(async () => {
// Note: waitForNavigation may fail before we get response to goForward,
// so we should catch it immediately.
let error: Error | undefined;
const waitPromise = this.mainFrame()._waitForNavigation(progress, options).catch(e => {
error = e;
return null;
const result = await this._delegate.goForward();
if (!result)
return null;
const response = await waitPromise;
if (error)
throw error;
await this._doSlowMo();
return response;
}), this._timeoutSettings.navigationTimeout(options));
async emulateMedia(options: { media?: types.MediaType | null, colorScheme?: types.ColorScheme | null, reducedMotion?: types.ReducedMotion | null, forcedColors?: types.ForcedColors | null }) {
if ( !== undefined)
this._state.mediaType =;
if (options.colorScheme !== undefined)
this._state.colorScheme = options.colorScheme;
if (options.reducedMotion !== undefined)
this._state.reducedMotion = options.reducedMotion;
if (options.forcedColors !== undefined)
this._state.forcedColors = options.forcedColors;
await this._delegate.updateEmulateMedia();
await this._doSlowMo();
async setViewportSize(viewportSize: types.Size) {
this._state.emulatedSize = { viewport: { ...viewportSize }, screen: { ...viewportSize } };
await this._delegate.setEmulatedSize(this._state.emulatedSize);
await this._doSlowMo();
viewportSize(): types.Size | null {
return this._state.emulatedSize?.viewport || null;
async bringToFront(): Promise<void> {
await this._delegate.bringToFront();
async _addInitScriptExpression(source: string) {
await this._delegate.evaluateOnNewDocument(source);
_needsRequestInterception(): boolean {
return !!this._clientRequestInterceptor || !!this._serverRequestInterceptor || !!this._browserContext._requestInterceptor;
async _setClientRequestInterceptor(handler: network.RouteHandler | undefined): Promise<void> {
this._clientRequestInterceptor = handler;
await this._delegate.updateRequestInterception();
async _setServerRequestInterceptor(handler: network.RouteHandler | undefined): Promise<void> {
this._serverRequestInterceptor = handler;
await this._delegate.updateRequestInterception();
_requestStarted(request: network.Request, routeDelegate: network.RouteDelegate) {
const route = new network.Route(request, routeDelegate);
if (this._serverRequestInterceptor) {
this._serverRequestInterceptor(route, request);
if (this._clientRequestInterceptor) {
this._clientRequestInterceptor(route, request);
if (this._browserContext._requestInterceptor) {
this._browserContext._requestInterceptor(route, request);
async screenshot(metadata: CallMetadata, options: types.ScreenshotOptions = {}): Promise<Buffer> {
const controller = new ProgressController(metadata, this);
progress => this._screenshotter.screenshotPage(progress, options),
async close(metadata: CallMetadata, options?: { runBeforeUnload?: boolean }) {
if (this._closedState === 'closed')
const runBeforeUnload = !!options && !!options.runBeforeUnload;
if (this._closedState !== 'closing') {
this._closedState = 'closing';
assert(!this._disconnected, 'Target closed');
// This might throw if the browser context containing the page closes
// while we are trying to close the page.
await this._delegate.closePage(runBeforeUnload).catch(e => debugLogger.log('error', e));
if (!runBeforeUnload)
await this._closedPromise;
if (this._ownedContext)
await this._ownedContext.close(metadata);
private _setIsError(error: Error) {
this._pageIsError = error;
if (!this._frameManager.mainFrame())
this._frameManager.frameAttached('<dummy>', null);
isClosed(): boolean {
return this._closedState === 'closed';
_addWorker(workerId: string, worker: Worker) {
this._workers.set(workerId, worker);
this.emit(Page.Events.Worker, worker);
_removeWorker(workerId: string) {
const worker = this._workers.get(workerId);
if (!worker)
worker.emit(Worker.Events.Close, worker);
_clearWorkers() {
for (const [workerId, worker] of this._workers) {
worker.emit(Worker.Events.Close, worker);
async _setFileChooserIntercepted(enabled: boolean): Promise<void> {
await this._delegate.setFileChooserIntercepted(enabled);
frameNavigatedToNewDocument(frame: frames.Frame) {
this.emit(Page.Events.InternalFrameNavigatedToNewDocument, frame);
const url = frame.url();
if (!url.startsWith('http'))
const purl = network.parsedURL(url);
if (purl)
allBindings() {
return [...this._browserContext._pageBindings.values(), ...this._pageBindings.values()];
getBinding(name: string, world: types.World) {
const identifier = PageBinding.identifier(name, world);
return this._pageBindings.get(identifier) || this._browserContext._pageBindings.get(identifier);
setScreencastOptions(options: { width: number, height: number, quality: number } | null) {
this._delegate.setScreencastOptions(options).catch(e => debugLogger.log('error', e));
firePageError(error: Error) {
this.emit(Page.Events.PageError, error);
parseSelector(selector: string, options?: types.StrictOptions): SelectorInfo {
const strict = typeof options?.strict === 'boolean' ? options.strict : !!this.context()._options.strictSelectors;
return this.selectors.parseSelector(selector, strict);
export class Worker extends SdkObject {
static Events = {
Close: 'close',
private _url: string;
private _executionContextPromise: Promise<js.ExecutionContext>;
private _executionContextCallback: (value: js.ExecutionContext) => void;
_existingExecutionContext: js.ExecutionContext | null = null;
constructor(parent: SdkObject, url: string) {
super(parent, 'worker');
this._url = url;
this._executionContextCallback = () => {};
this._executionContextPromise = new Promise(x => this._executionContextCallback = x);
_createExecutionContext(delegate: js.ExecutionContextDelegate) {
this._existingExecutionContext = new js.ExecutionContext(this, delegate);
url(): string {
return this._url;
async evaluateExpression(expression: string, isFunction: boolean | undefined, arg: any): Promise<any> {
return js.evaluateExpression(await this._executionContextPromise, true /* returnByValue */, expression, isFunction, arg);
async evaluateExpressionHandle(expression: string, isFunction: boolean | undefined, arg: any): Promise<any> {
return js.evaluateExpression(await this._executionContextPromise, false /* returnByValue */, expression, isFunction, arg);
export class PageBinding {
readonly name: string;
readonly playwrightFunction: frames.FunctionWithSource;
readonly source: string;
readonly needsHandle: boolean;
readonly world: types.World;
constructor(name: string, playwrightFunction: frames.FunctionWithSource, needsHandle: boolean, world: types.World) { = name;
this.playwrightFunction = playwrightFunction;
this.source = `(${addPageBinding.toString()})(${JSON.stringify(name)}, ${needsHandle})`;
this.needsHandle = needsHandle; = world;
static identifier(name: string, world: types.World) {
return world + ':' + name;
static async dispatch(page: Page, payload: string, context: dom.FrameExecutionContext) {
const {name, seq, args} = JSON.parse(payload);
try {
const binding = page.getBinding(name,!;
let result: any;
if (binding.needsHandle) {
const handle = await context.evaluateHandle(takeHandle, { name, seq }).catch(e => null);
result = await binding.playwrightFunction({ frame: context.frame, page, context: page._browserContext }, handle);
} else {
result = await binding.playwrightFunction({ frame: context.frame, page, context: page._browserContext }, ...args);
context.evaluate(deliverResult, { name, seq, result }).catch(e => debugLogger.log('error', e));
} catch (error) {
if (isError(error))
context.evaluate(deliverError, { name, seq, message: error.message, stack: error.stack }).catch(e => debugLogger.log('error', e));
context.evaluate(deliverErrorValue, { name, seq, error }).catch(e => debugLogger.log('error', e));
function takeHandle(arg: { name: string, seq: number }) {
const handle = (globalThis as any)[]['handles'].get(arg.seq);
(globalThis as any)[]['handles'].delete(arg.seq);
return handle;
function deliverResult(arg: { name: string, seq: number, result: any }) {
(globalThis as any)[]['callbacks'].get(arg.seq).resolve(arg.result);
(globalThis as any)[]['callbacks'].delete(arg.seq);
function deliverError(arg: { name: string, seq: number, message: string, stack: string | undefined }) {
const error = new Error(arg.message);
error.stack = arg.stack;
(globalThis as any)[]['callbacks'].get(arg.seq).reject(error);
(globalThis as any)[]['callbacks'].delete(arg.seq);
function deliverErrorValue(arg: { name: string, seq: number, error: any }) {
(globalThis as any)[]['callbacks'].get(arg.seq).reject(arg.error);
(globalThis as any)[]['callbacks'].delete(arg.seq);
function addPageBinding(bindingName: string, needsHandle: boolean) {
const binding = (globalThis as any)[bindingName];
if (binding.__installed)
(globalThis as any)[bindingName] = (...args: any[]) => {
const me = (globalThis as any)[bindingName];
if (needsHandle && args.slice(1).some(arg => arg !== undefined))
throw new Error(`exposeBindingHandle supports a single argument, ${args.length} received`);
let callbacks = me['callbacks'];
if (!callbacks) {
callbacks = new Map();
me['callbacks'] = callbacks;
const seq = (me['lastSeq'] || 0) + 1;
me['lastSeq'] = seq;
let handles = me['handles'];
if (!handles) {
handles = new Map();
me['handles'] = handles;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => callbacks.set(seq, {resolve, reject}));
if (needsHandle) {
handles.set(seq, args[0]);
binding(JSON.stringify({name: bindingName, seq}));
} else {
binding(JSON.stringify({name: bindingName, seq, args}));
return promise;
(globalThis as any)[bindingName].__installed = true;