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* Copyright 2019 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const ts = require('typescript');
const path = require('path');
const Documentation = require('./Documentation');
const EventEmitter = require('events');
module.exports = checkSources;
* @param {!Array<!import('../Source')>} sources
function checkSources(sources) {
// special treatment for Events.js
const classEvents = new Map();
const eventsSource = sources.find(source => source.name().startsWith('events.'));
if (eventsSource) {
const {Events} = eventsSource.filePath().endsWith('.js') ? require(eventsSource.filePath()) : require(path.join(eventsSource.filePath(), '..', '..', '..', 'lib', 'chromium', 'events.js'));
for (const [className, events] of Object.entries(Events))
classEvents.set(className, Array.from(Object.values(events)).filter(e => typeof e === 'string').map(e => Documentation.Member.createEvent(e)));
const excludeClasses = new Set([]);
const program = ts.createProgram({
options: {
allowJs: true,
target: ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext,
rootNames: sources.map(source => source.filePath())
const checker = program.getTypeChecker();
const sourceFiles = program.getSourceFiles();
/** @type {!Array<!Documentation.Class>} */
const classes = [];
/** @type {!Map<string, string>} */
const inheritance = new Map();
sourceFiles.filter(x => !x.fileName.includes('node_modules')).map(x => visit(x));
const errors = [];
const documentation = new Documentation(recreateClassesWithInheritance(classes, inheritance));
return {errors, documentation};
* @param {!Array<!Documentation.Class>} classes
* @param {!Map<string, string>} inheritance
* @return {!Array<!Documentation.Class>}
function recreateClassesWithInheritance(classes, inheritance) {
const classesByName = new Map(classes.map(cls => [cls.name, cls]));
return classes.map(cls => {
const membersMap = new Map();
for (let wp = cls; wp; wp = classesByName.get(inheritance.get(wp.name))) {
for (const member of wp.membersArray) {
// Member was overridden.
const memberId = member.kind + ':' + member.name;
if (membersMap.has(memberId))
membersMap.set(memberId, member);
return new Documentation.Class(cls.name, Array.from(membersMap.values()));
* @param {!ts.Node} node
function visit(node) {
if (ts.isClassDeclaration(node) || ts.isClassExpression(node)) {
const symbol = node.name ? checker.getSymbolAtLocation(node.name) : node.symbol;
let className = symbol.getName();
if (className === '__class') {
let parent = node;
while (parent.parent)
parent = parent.parent;
className = path.basename(parent.fileName, '.js');
if (className && !excludeClasses.has(className)) {
classes.push(serializeClass(className, symbol, node));
const parentClassName = parentClass(node);
if (parentClassName)
inheritance.set(className, parentClassName);
ts.forEachChild(node, visit);
function parentClass(classNode) {
for (const herigateClause of classNode.heritageClauses || []) {
for (const heritageType of herigateClause.types) {
const parentClassName = heritageType.expression.escapedText;
return parentClassName;
return null;
function serializeSymbol(symbol, circular = []) {
const type = checker.getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(symbol, symbol.valueDeclaration);
const name = symbol.getName();
if (symbol.valueDeclaration.dotDotDotToken) {
const innerType = serializeType(type.typeArguments[0], circular);
innerType.name = '...' + innerType.name;
return Documentation.Member.createProperty('...' + name, innerType);
return Documentation.Member.createProperty(name, serializeType(type, circular));
* @param {!ts.ObjectType} type
function isRegularObject(type) {
if (type.isIntersection())
return true;
if (!type.objectFlags)
return false;
if (!('aliasSymbol' in type))
return false;
if (type.getConstructSignatures().length)
return false;
if (type.getCallSignatures().length)
return false;
if (type.isUnion())
return false;
return true;
* @param {!ts.Type} type
* @return {!Documentation.Type}
function serializeType(type, circular = []) {
let typeName = checker.typeToString(type);
if (typeName === 'any' || typeName === '{ [x: string]: string; }')
typeName = 'Object';
const nextCircular = [typeName].concat(circular);
if (isRegularObject(type)) {
let properties = undefined;
if (!circular.includes(typeName))
properties = type.getProperties().map(property => serializeSymbol(property, nextCircular));
return new Documentation.Type('Object', properties);
if (type.isUnion() && (typeName.includes('|') || type.types.every(type => type.isStringLiteral()))) {
const types = type.types.map(type => serializeType(type, circular));
const name = types.map(type => type.name).join('|');
const properties = [].concat(...types.map(type => type.properties));
return new Documentation.Type(name.replace(/false\|true/g, 'boolean'), properties);
if (type.typeArguments) {
const properties = [];
const innerTypeNames = [];
for (const typeArgument of type.typeArguments) {
const innerType = serializeType(typeArgument, nextCircular);
if (innerType.properties)
if (innerTypeNames.length === 1 && innerTypeNames[0] === 'void')
return new Documentation.Type(type.symbol.name);
return new Documentation.Type(`${type.symbol.name}<${innerTypeNames.join(', ')}>`, properties);
return new Documentation.Type(typeName, []);
* @param {string} className
* @param {!ts.Symbol} symbol
* @return {}
function serializeClass(className, symbol, node) {
/** @type {!Array<!Documentation.Member>} */
const members = classEvents.get(className) || [];
for (const [name, member] of symbol.members || []) {
if (name.startsWith('_'))
if (EventEmitter.prototype.hasOwnProperty(name))
if (className === 'CDPSession' && name === 'send') {
// special case CDPSession.send, which has a stricter private API than the public API
members.push(Documentation.Member.createMethod('send', [
Documentation.Member.createProperty('method', new Documentation.Type('string')),
Documentation.Member.createProperty('params', new Documentation.Type('Object')),
], new Documentation.Type('Promise<Object>')));
const memberType = checker.getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(member, member.valueDeclaration);
const signature = memberType.getCallSignatures()[0];
if (signature)
members.push(serializeSignature(name, signature));
members.push(serializeProperty(name, memberType));
return new Documentation.Class(className, members);
* @param {string} name
* @param {!ts.Signature} signature
function serializeSignature(name, signature) {
const parameters = signature.parameters.map(s => serializeSymbol(s));
const returnType = serializeType(signature.getReturnType());
return Documentation.Member.createMethod(name, parameters, returnType.name !== 'void' ? returnType : null);
* @param {string} name
* @param {!ts.Type} type
function serializeProperty(name, type) {
return Documentation.Member.createProperty(name, serializeType(type));