guyaumetremblay 1a7c261db8
CLI - Add parent path naming strategy (#404)
* Add new name strategy

* Add documentation and examples

* Refactor the way to build the path
2024-01-29 15:48:27 -05:00
bin Add cli in the repo to truly become a MONOREPO 🎉 2019-03-04 17:16:50 -05:00
examples CLI - Add parent path naming strategy (#404) 2024-01-29 15:48:27 -05:00
src CLI - Add parent path naming strategy (#404) 2024-01-29 15:48:27 -05:00 Fix document path parsing for parent directory 2019-12-12 12:36:50 -05:00 Add cli in the repo to truly become a MONOREPO 🎉 2019-03-04 17:16:50 -05:00
package-lock.json Bump cli to 0.15.0 2023-12-22 10:59:23 -05:00
package.json Bump cli to 0.15.0 2023-12-22 10:59:23 -05:00 CLI - Add parent path naming strategy (#404) 2024-01-29 15:48:27 -05:00
tsconfig.json Bump cli to 0.14.2 2023-12-12 22:04:24 -05:00

Accent CLI

Version Build Status


$ npm install -g accent-cli
$ accent COMMAND
running command...
$ accent (-v|--version|version)
accent-cli/0.15.0 darwin-arm64 node-v16.19.1
$ accent --help [COMMAND]
  $ accent COMMAND


accent-cli reads from a accent.json file. The file should contain valid JSON representing the configuration of your project.


  "apiUrl": "http://your.accent.instance",
  "apiKey": "2nziVSaa8yUJxLkwoZA",
  "version": {
    "branchVersionPrefix": "release/"
  "files": [
      "format": "json",
      "source": "localization/fr/*.json",
      "target": "localization/%slug%/%document_path%.json",
      "hooks": {
        "afterSync": "touch sync-done.txt"

Document configuration

Format for the accent.json file.

  • apiUrl: The base URL of your Accent Instance
  • apiKey: Api Key to your Accent Instance
  • project: Your Project uuid

Available ENV variables. (Each variable will override accent.json variables if set)

  • ACCENT_API_KEY: The base URL of your Accent Instance
  • ACCENT_API_URL: Api Key to your Accent Instance
  • ACCENT_PROJECT: Your Project uuid

Version object configuration

  • branchVersionPrefix: The Git branch prefix use to extract the file version

Each operation section sync and addTranslations can contain the following object:

  • language: The identifier of the documents language
  • format: The format of the document
  • source: The path of the document. This can contain glob pattern (See [the node glob library] used as a dependancy (
  • target: Path of the target languages
  • namePattern: Pattern to use to save the document name in Accent.
  • hooks: List of hooks to be run

Name pattern

file (default): Use the name of the file without the extension. In the example, the document name in Accent will be Localizable.

  "files": [
      "namePattern": "file",
      "format": "strings",
      "source": "Project/Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings",
      "target": "Project/Resources/%slug%.lproj/%document_path%.strings"

fileWithSlugSuffix: Use the name of the file without the extension but also stripping the language slug in the file suffix. In the example, the document name in Accent will be Localizable.

  "files": [
      "namePattern": "fileWithSlugSuffix",
      "format": "strings",
      "source": "Project/Resources/Localizable.en.strings",
      "target": "Project/Resources/%document_path%.%slug%.strings"

parentDirectory: Use the name of the directory instead of the file name. This is useful for framework which name the file with only the language. In the example, the document name in Accent will be translations.

  "files": [
      "namePattern": "parentDirectory",
      "format": "json",
      "source": "translations/en.json",
      "target": "translations/%slug%.json"

fileWithParentDirectory: Use the path of the file in addition to the file name. This is useful if you want to keep your file i multiple nested directories, per language. Use the position of the %slug% placeholder in the target as the root of the path.

  "files": [
          "namePattern": "fileWithParentDirectory",
          "source": "translations/en/**/*.json",
          "target": "translations/%slug%/%document_path%.json",


Here is a list of available hooks. Those are self-explanatory

  • beforeSync
  • afterSync
  • beforeExport
  • afterExport


Version can be extracted from the current Git branch name.

  "version": {
    "branchVersionPrefix": "release/"

Naming a branch release/v1.0.0 will cause the sync and stats CLI commands to be invoked as if --version=1.0.0 had been specified.


accent export

Export files from Accent and write them to your local filesystem

  $ accent export

  --config=config       [default: accent.json] Path to the config file
  --order-by=index|key  [default: index] Order of the keys
  --version=version     Fetch a specific version

  $ accent export
  $ accent export --order-by=key

See code: src/commands/export.ts

accent format

Format local files from server. Exit code is 1 if there are errors.

  $ accent format

  --config=config                   [default: accent.json] Path to the config file
  --order-by=index|key|-index|-key  [default: index] Order of the keys

  $ accent format

See code: src/commands/format.ts

accent help [COMMAND]

display help for accent

  $ accent help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help


Export jipt files from Accent and write them to your local filesystem


  PSEUDOLANGUAGENAME  The pseudo language for in-place-translation-editing

  --config=config  [default: accent.json] Path to the config file

  $ accent jipt

See code: src/commands/jipt.ts

accent lint

Lint local files and display errors if any. Exit code is 1 if there are errors.

  $ accent lint

  --config=config  [default: accent.json] Path to the config file

  $ accent lint

See code: src/commands/lint.ts

accent stats

Fetch stats from the API and display them beautifully

  $ accent stats

  --check-reviewed    Exit 1 when reviewed percentage is not 100%
  --check-translated  Exit 1 when translated percentage is not 100%
  --config=config     [default: accent.json] Path to the config file
  --version=version   View stats for a specific version

  $ accent stats

See code: src/commands/stats.ts

accent sync

Sync files in Accent and write them to your local filesystem

  $ accent sync

  --add-translations                Add translations in Accent to help translators if you already have translated
                                    strings locally

  --config=config                   [default: accent.json] Path to the config file

  --dry-run                         Do not write the file from the export _after_ the operation

  --merge-type=smart|passive|force  [default: passive] Algorithm to use on existing strings when adding translation

  --order-by=index|key              [default: index] Will be used in the export call as the order of the keys

  --sync-type=smart|passive         [default: smart] Algorithm to use on existing strings when syncing the main language

  --version=version                 Sync a specific version, the tag needs to exists in Accent first

  $ accent sync
  $ accent sync --dry-run --sync-type=force
  $ accent sync --add-translations --merge-type=smart --order-key=key --version=v0.23

See code: src/commands/sync.ts

GitHub Actions

In addition to syncing the translations manually, you can add a GitHub Actions workflow to your project in order to automate the process.


name: Accent

    - cron: "0 4 * * *"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
          node-version: 16
      - run: npm install -g accent-cli
      - run: accent sync --add-translations --merge-type=passive --order-by=key
      - uses: mirego/create-pull-request@v5
          add-paths: "*.json"
          commit-message: Update translations
          committer: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
          author: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
          branch: accent
          draft: false
          delete-branch: true
          title: New translations are available to merge
          body: The translation files have been updated, feel free to merge this pull request after review.

In this example the translations will be synchronized daily at midnight eastern time. Using a pull request gives you the opportunity to review the changes before merging them in your codebase.


accent-cli is © 2019 Mirego and may be freely distributed under the New BSD license. See the file.

About Mirego

Mirego is a team of passionate people who believe that work is a place where you can innovate and have fun. Were a team of talented people who imagine and build beautiful Web and mobile applications. We come together to share ideas and change the world.

We also love open-source software and we try to give back to the community as much as we can.