mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 12:01:46 +03:00
Implement the basics for Elixir-like Plugs
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ library
@ -1,138 +1,138 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Okapi.Parser.Body where
module Okapi.Parser.Body where
import Control.Monad.Par qualified as Par
-- import Control.Monad.Par qualified as Par
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
-- import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (..))
-- import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (..))
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
-- import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.ByteString.Builder qualified as Builder
-- import Data.ByteString.Builder qualified as Builder
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LBS
-- import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LBS
import Data.List qualified as List
-- import Data.List qualified as List
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
-- import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Set.NonEmpty (NESet)
-- import Data.Set.NonEmpty (NESet)
import Data.Text qualified as Text
-- import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text
-- import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text
import GHC.Generics qualified as Generics
-- import GHC.Generics qualified as Generics
import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP
-- import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP
import Network.Wai.Parse (RequestBodyType (UrlEncoded))
-- import Network.Wai.Parse (RequestBodyType (UrlEncoded))
import Network.Wai.Parse qualified as WAI
-- import Network.Wai.Parse qualified as WAI
import Okapi.Parser
-- import Okapi.Parser
import Okapi.Parser.Body.Multipart qualified as Multipart
-- import Okapi.Parser.Body.Multipart qualified as Multipart
import Web.Cookie qualified as Web
-- import Web.Cookie qualified as Web
import Web.FormUrlEncoded qualified as Web
-- import Web.FormUrlEncoded qualified as Web
import Web.HttpApiData qualified as Web
-- import Web.HttpApiData qualified as Web
data Error
-- data Error
= JSONParseFail
-- = JSONParseFail
| URLEncodedParseFail Text.Text
-- | URLEncodedParseFail Text.Text
| URLEncodedInvalid Text.Text
-- | URLEncodedInvalid Text.Text
| NotMultipart
-- | NotMultipart
| MultipartError Multipart.Error
-- | MultipartError Multipart.Error
deriving (Eq, Show, Generics.Generic)
-- deriving (Eq, Show, Generics.Generic)
data ContentType a where
-- data ContentType a where
JSON :: Aeson.FromJSON a => ContentType a
-- JSON :: Aeson.FromJSON a => ContentType a
URLEncoded :: Web.FromForm a => ContentType a
-- URLEncoded :: Web.FromForm a => ContentType a
Multipart :: Multipart.Parser a -> ContentType a
-- Multipart :: Multipart.Parser a -> ContentType a
instance Eq (ContentType a) where
-- instance Eq (ContentType a) where
JSON == JSON = True
-- JSON == JSON = True
URLEncoded == UrlEncoded = True
-- URLEncoded == UrlEncoded = True
Multipart _ == Multipart _ = True
-- Multipart _ == Multipart _ = True
_ == _ = False
-- _ == _ = False
instance Functor ContentType
-- instance Functor ContentType
data Parser a where
-- data Parser a where
FMap :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
-- FMap :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
Pure :: a -> Parser a
-- Pure :: a -> Parser a
Apply :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
-- Apply :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
None :: Parser ()
-- None :: Parser ()
Optional :: NESet (ContentType a) -> Parser (Maybe a)
-- Optional :: NESet (ContentType a) -> Parser (Maybe a)
Required :: NESet (ContentType a) -> Parser a
-- Required :: NESet (ContentType a) -> Parser a
instance Functor Parser where
-- instance Functor Parser where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
fmap = FMap
-- fmap = FMap
instance Applicative Parser where
-- instance Applicative Parser where
pure = Pure
-- pure = Pure
(<*>) = Apply
-- (<*>) = Apply
data RequestBody
-- data RequestBody
= RequestBodyRaw LBS.ByteString
-- = RequestBodyRaw LBS.ByteString
| RequestBodyMultipart ([WAI.Param], [WAI.File LBS.ByteString])
-- | RequestBodyMultipart ([WAI.Param], [WAI.File LBS.ByteString])
eval ::
-- eval ::
Parser a ->
-- Parser a ->
RequestBody ->
-- RequestBody ->
(Result Error a, RequestBody)
-- (Result Error a, RequestBody)
eval op state = case op of
-- eval op state = case op of
FMap f opX ->
-- FMap f opX ->
case eval opX state of
-- case eval opX state of
(Fail e, state') -> (Fail e, state')
-- (Fail e, state') -> (Fail e, state')
(Ok x, state') -> (Ok $ f x, state')
-- (Ok x, state') -> (Ok $ f x, state')
Pure x -> (Ok x, state)
-- Pure x -> (Ok x, state)
Apply opF opX -> case eval opF state of
-- Apply opF opX -> case eval opF state of
(Ok f, state') -> case eval opX state' of
-- (Ok f, state') -> case eval opX state' of
(Ok x, state'') -> (Ok $ f x, state'')
-- (Ok x, state'') -> (Ok $ f x, state'')
(Fail e, state'') -> (Fail e, state'')
-- (Fail e, state'') -> (Fail e, state'')
(Fail e, state') -> (Fail e, state')
-- (Fail e, state') -> (Fail e, state')
-- None -> (Ok (), state)
-- -- None -> (Ok (), state)
JSON -> case state of
-- JSON -> case state of
RequestBodyRaw bs -> case Aeson.decode bs of
-- RequestBodyRaw bs -> case Aeson.decode bs of
Nothing -> (Fail JSONParseFail, state)
-- Nothing -> (Fail JSONParseFail, state)
Just value -> (Ok value, RequestBodyRaw mempty)
-- Just value -> (Ok value, RequestBodyRaw mempty)
RequestBodyMultipart _ -> (Fail JSONParseFail, state)
-- RequestBodyMultipart _ -> (Fail JSONParseFail, state)
URLEncoded -> case state of
-- URLEncoded -> case state of
RequestBodyRaw bs -> case Web.urlDecodeForm bs of
-- RequestBodyRaw bs -> case Web.urlDecodeForm bs of
Left err -> (Fail $ URLEncodedInvalid err, state)
-- Left err -> (Fail $ URLEncodedInvalid err, state)
Right form -> case Web.fromForm form of
-- Right form -> case Web.fromForm form of
Left err -> (Fail $ URLEncodedParseFail err, state)
-- Left err -> (Fail $ URLEncodedParseFail err, state)
Right value -> (Ok value, RequestBodyRaw mempty)
-- Right value -> (Ok value, RequestBodyRaw mempty)
RequestBodyMultipart (params, files) ->
-- RequestBodyMultipart (params, files) ->
let bsParams = map (bimap Text.decodeUtf8 Text.decodeUtf8) params
-- let bsParams = map (bimap Text.decodeUtf8 Text.decodeUtf8) params
bs = Web.urlEncodeParams bsParams
-- bs = Web.urlEncodeParams bsParams
in case Web.urlDecodeForm bs of
-- in case Web.urlDecodeForm bs of
Left err -> (Fail $ URLEncodedInvalid err, state)
-- Left err -> (Fail $ URLEncodedInvalid err, state)
Right form -> case Web.fromForm form of
-- Right form -> case Web.fromForm form of
Left err -> (Fail $ URLEncodedParseFail err, state)
-- Left err -> (Fail $ URLEncodedParseFail err, state)
Right value -> (Ok value, RequestBodyMultipart (mempty, files))
-- Right value -> (Ok value, RequestBodyMultipart (mempty, files))
Multipart parser -> case state of
-- Multipart parser -> case state of
RequestBodyRaw _ -> (Fail NotMultipart, state)
-- RequestBodyRaw _ -> (Fail NotMultipart, state)
RequestBodyMultipart parts -> case Multipart.eval parser parts of
-- RequestBodyMultipart parts -> case Multipart.eval parser parts of
(Ok value, state') -> (Ok value, RequestBodyMultipart state')
-- (Ok value, state') -> (Ok value, RequestBodyMultipart state')
(Fail err, state') -> (Fail $ MultipartError err, RequestBodyMultipart state')
-- (Fail err, state') -> (Fail $ MultipartError err, RequestBodyMultipart state')
none :: Parser ()
-- none :: Parser ()
none = None
-- none = None
json :: Aeson.FromJSON a => Parser a
-- json :: Aeson.FromJSON a => Parser a
json = JSON
-- json = JSON
urlEncoded :: Web.FromForm a => Parser a
-- urlEncoded :: Web.FromForm a => Parser a
urlEncoded = URLEncoded
-- urlEncoded = URLEncoded
multipart :: Multipart.Parser a -> Parser a
-- multipart :: Multipart.Parser a -> Parser a
multipart = Multipart
-- multipart = Multipart
class Interface a where
-- class Interface a where
parser :: NonEmpty (Parser a)
-- parser :: NonEmpty (Parser a)
-- TODO: Add optional for body
-- -- TODO: Add optional for body
countOps :: Parser a -> Int
-- countOps :: Parser a -> Int
countOps path = case path of
-- countOps path = case path of
FMap _ opX -> countOps opX
-- FMap _ opX -> countOps opX
Pure _ -> 0
-- Pure _ -> 0
Apply opF opX -> countOps opF + countOps opX
-- Apply opF opX -> countOps opF + countOps opX
JSON -> 1
-- JSON -> 1
URLEncoded -> 1
-- URLEncoded -> 1
Multipart -> undefined
-- Multipart -> undefined
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
module Okapi.Plug where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
import Data.Text
import qualified Network.Wai as WAI
data Conn = Conn {request :: WAI.Request, response :: WAI.Response}
data Error = Skipped [Text] | Halted [Text]
data Plug a where
FMap :: (a -> b) -> Plug a -> Plug b
Pure :: a -> Plug a
Apply :: Plug (a -> b) -> Plug a -> Plug b
Alt :: Plug a -> Plug a -> Plug a
Skip :: [Text] -> Plug a
Halt :: [Text] -> Plug a
instance Functor Plug where
fmap = FMap
instance Applicative Plug where
pure = Pure
(<*>) = Apply
instance Alternative Plug where
empty = Skip []
(<|>) = Alt
skip = Skip
halt = Halt
class IsRoute r
class IsQuery q
class IsBody b
class IsHeaders h
class IsResponder r
class Monad m => IOable m
data Response = Response
data Endpoint where
GET :: (IOable m, IsRoute r, IsQuery q, IsHeaders h, IsResponder res) => (r -> q -> h -> res -> m Response) -> Endpoint
POST :: (IOable m, IsRoute r, IsQuery q, IsBody b, IsHeaders h, IsResponder res) => (r -> q -> h -> b -> res -> m Response) -> Endpoint
PUT :: (IOable m, IsRoute r, IsQuery q, IsBody b, IsHeaders h, IsResponder res) => (r -> q -> h -> b -> res -> m Response) -> Endpoint
DELETE :: (IOable m, IsRoute r, IsQuery q, IsHeaders h, IsResponder res) => (r -> q -> h -> res -> m Response) -> Endpoint
get :: (IOable m, IsRoute r, IsQuery q, IsHeaders h, IsResponder res) => (r -> q -> h -> res -> m Response) -> Endpoint
get = GET
post :: (IOable m, IsRoute r, IsQuery q, IsBody b, IsHeaders h, IsResponder res) => (r -> q -> h -> b -> res -> m Response) -> Endpoint
post = POST
put :: (IOable m, IsRoute r, IsQuery q, IsBody b, IsHeaders h, IsResponder res) => (r -> q -> h -> b -> res -> m Response) -> Endpoint
put = PUT
delete :: (IOable m, IsRoute r, IsQuery q, IsHeaders h, IsResponder res) => (r -> q -> h -> res -> m Response) -> Endpoint
delete = DELETE
router :: [Endpoint] -> Plug ()
router [] = pure ()
router (h : t) = undefined
-- Filter Endpoints by method
scope :: [Text] -> Plug () -> Plug ()
scope path plug = undefined
eval :: Plug a -> Conn -> (Either Error a, Conn)
eval = undefined
@ -1,127 +1,127 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LinearTypes #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE LinearTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Okapi.Route where
module Okapi.Route where
import Control.Natural (type (~>))
-- import Control.Natural (type (~>))
import Control.Object (Object (..), (#))
-- import Control.Object (Object (..), (#))
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
-- import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (..))
-- import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (..))
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
-- import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.CaseInsensitive qualified as CI
-- import Data.CaseInsensitive qualified as CI
import Data.Function ((&))
-- import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as InsOrdHashMap
-- import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as InsOrdHashMap
import Data.Kind (Type)
-- import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.List (groupBy)
-- import Data.List (groupBy)
import Data.List qualified as List
-- import Data.List qualified as List
import Data.List.Extra qualified as List
-- import Data.List.Extra qualified as List
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
-- import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
-- import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Data.OpenApi (OpenApi (_openApiInfo))
-- import Data.OpenApi (OpenApi (_openApiInfo))
import Data.OpenApi qualified as OAPI
-- import Data.OpenApi qualified as OAPI
import Data.OpenApi.Declare qualified as OAPI
-- import Data.OpenApi.Declare qualified as OAPI
import Data.OpenApi.Internal (OpenApiSpecVersion (..), upperOpenApiSpecVersion)
-- import Data.OpenApi.Internal (OpenApiSpecVersion (..), upperOpenApiSpecVersion)
import Data.Proxy
-- import Data.Proxy
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
-- import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
import Data.Text qualified as Text
-- import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text
-- import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text
import Data.Version qualified as Version
-- import Data.Version qualified as Version
import Debug.Trace qualified as Debug
-- import Debug.Trace qualified as Debug
import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP
-- import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP
import Network.Wai qualified as WAI
-- import Network.Wai qualified as WAI
import Network.Wai.Parse qualified as WAI
-- import Network.Wai.Parse qualified as WAI
import Okapi.Parser
-- import Okapi.Parser
import Okapi.Parser.Body qualified as Body
-- import Okapi.Parser.Body qualified as Body
import Okapi.Parser.Headers qualified as Headers
-- import Okapi.Parser.Headers qualified as Headers
import Okapi.Parser.Path qualified as Path
-- import Okapi.Parser.Path qualified as Path
import Okapi.Parser.Query qualified as Query
-- import Okapi.Parser.Query qualified as Query
import Okapi.Parser.Responder qualified as Responder
-- import Okapi.Parser.Responder qualified as Responder
import Okapi.Parser.Responder.AddHeader (Response, toWaiResponse)
-- import Okapi.Parser.Responder.AddHeader (Response, toWaiResponse)
import Okapi.Parser.Security qualified as Security
-- import Okapi.Parser.Security qualified as Security
import Okapi.Parser.Security.Secure qualified as Secure
-- -- import Okapi.Parser.Security.Secure qualified as Secure
import Okapi.Request (Request)
-- import Okapi.Request (Request)
type Routes :: [Type] -> Type
-- type Routes :: [Type] -> Type
data Routes resources where
-- data Routes resources where
Nil :: Routes '[]
-- Nil :: Routes '[]
(:&) :: Path.Interface resource => Route resource -> Routes resources -> Routes (resource ': resources)
-- (:&) :: Path.Interface resource => Route resource -> Routes resources -> Routes (resource ': resources)
infixr 5 :&
-- infixr 5 :&
type Append :: forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a] -- kind signature
-- type Append :: forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a] -- kind signature
type family Append xs ys where -- header
-- type family Append xs ys where -- header
Append '[] ys = ys -- clause 1
-- Append '[] ys = ys -- clause 1
Append (x ': xs) ys = x ': Append xs ys -- clause 2
-- Append (x ': xs) ys = x ': Append xs ys -- clause 2
appendRoutes :: Routes resources1 -> Routes resources2 -> Routes (Append resources1 resources2)
-- appendRoutes :: Routes resources1 -> Routes resources2 -> Routes (Append resources1 resources2)
appendRoutes Nil pathItems = pathItems
-- appendRoutes Nil pathItems = pathItems
appendRoutes (h :& t) pathItems = h :& appendRoutes t pathItems
-- appendRoutes (h :& t) pathItems = h :& appendRoutes t pathItems
data Route resource where
-- data Route resource where
Route ::
-- Route ::
Path.Interface resource =>
-- Path.Interface resource =>
{ summary :: Maybe Text.Text,
-- { summary :: Maybe Text.Text,
description :: Maybe Text.Text,
-- description :: Maybe Text.Text,
get :: Maybe (GET m resource security query headers responder),
-- get :: Maybe (GET m resource security query headers responder),
post :: Maybe (POST m resource security query body headers responder),
-- post :: Maybe (POST m resource security query body headers responder),
put :: Maybe (PUT m resource security query body headers responder),
-- put :: Maybe (PUT m resource security query body headers responder),
delete :: Maybe (DELETE m resource security query headers responder)
-- delete :: Maybe (DELETE m resource security query headers responder)
} ->
-- } ->
Route resource
-- Route resource
data GET m resource security query headers responder where
-- data GET m resource security query headers responder where
GET ::
-- GET ::
(Monad m, Path.Interface resource, Security.Interface security, Query.Interface query, Headers.Interface headers, Responder.Interface responder) =>
-- (Monad m, Path.Interface resource, Security.Interface security, Query.Interface query, Headers.Interface headers, Responder.Interface responder) =>
{ summary :: Maybe Text.Text,
-- { summary :: Maybe Text.Text,
description :: Maybe Text.Text,
-- description :: Maybe Text.Text,
object :: Object m,
-- object :: Object m,
handler :: resource -> security -> query -> headers -> responder -> m Response
-- handler :: resource -> security -> query -> headers -> responder -> m Response
} ->
-- } ->
GET m resource security query headers responder
-- GET m resource security query headers responder
data POST m resource security query body headers responder where
-- data POST m resource security query body headers responder where
-- POST ::
(Monad m, Path.Interface resource, Security.Interface security, Query.Interface query, Body.Interface body, Headers.Interface headers, Responder.Interface responder) =>
-- (Monad m, Path.Interface resource, Security.Interface security, Query.Interface query, Body.Interface body, Headers.Interface headers, Responder.Interface responder) =>
{ summary :: Maybe Text.Text,
-- { summary :: Maybe Text.Text,
description :: Maybe Text.Text,
-- description :: Maybe Text.Text,
object :: Object m,
-- object :: Object m,
handler :: resource -> security -> query -> body -> headers -> responder -> m Response
-- handler :: resource -> security -> query -> body -> headers -> responder -> m Response
} ->
-- } ->
POST m resource security query body headers responder
-- POST m resource security query body headers responder
data PUT m resource security query body headers responder where
-- data PUT m resource security query body headers responder where
PUT ::
-- PUT ::
(Monad m, Path.Interface resource, Security.Interface security, Query.Interface query, Body.Interface body, Headers.Interface headers, Responder.Interface responder) =>
-- (Monad m, Path.Interface resource, Security.Interface security, Query.Interface query, Body.Interface body, Headers.Interface headers, Responder.Interface responder) =>
{ summary :: Maybe Text.Text,
-- { summary :: Maybe Text.Text,
description :: Maybe Text.Text,
-- description :: Maybe Text.Text,
object :: Object m,
-- object :: Object m,
handler :: resource -> security -> query -> body -> headers -> responder -> m Response
-- handler :: resource -> security -> query -> body -> headers -> responder -> m Response
} ->
-- } ->
PUT m resource security query body headers responder
-- PUT m resource security query body headers responder
data DELETE m resource security query headers responder where
-- data DELETE m resource security query headers responder where
-- DELETE ::
(Monad m, Path.Interface resource, Security.Interface security, Query.Interface query, Headers.Interface headers, Responder.Interface responder) =>
-- (Monad m, Path.Interface resource, Security.Interface security, Query.Interface query, Headers.Interface headers, Responder.Interface responder) =>
{ summary :: Maybe Text.Text,
-- { summary :: Maybe Text.Text,
description :: Maybe Text.Text,
-- description :: Maybe Text.Text,
object :: Object m,
-- object :: Object m,
handler :: resource -> security -> query -> headers -> responder -> m Response
-- handler :: resource -> security -> query -> headers -> responder -> m Response
} ->
-- } ->
DELETE m resource security query headers responder
-- DELETE m resource security query headers responder
@ -1,381 +1,381 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LinearTypes #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE LinearTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Okapi.Server where
module Okapi.Server where
import Control.Natural (type (~>))
-- import Control.Natural (type (~>))
import Control.Object (Object (..), (#))
-- import Control.Object (Object (..), (#))
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
-- import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (..))
-- import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (..))
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
-- import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.CaseInsensitive qualified as CI
-- import Data.CaseInsensitive qualified as CI
import Data.Function ((&))
-- import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as InsOrdHashMap
-- import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as InsOrdHashMap
import Data.Kind (Type)
-- import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.List (groupBy)
-- import Data.List (groupBy)
import Data.List qualified as List
-- import Data.List qualified as List
import Data.List.Extra qualified as List
-- import Data.List.Extra qualified as List
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
-- import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
-- import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Data.OpenApi (OpenApi (_openApiInfo))
-- import Data.OpenApi (OpenApi (_openApiInfo))
import Data.OpenApi qualified as OAPI
-- import Data.OpenApi qualified as OAPI
import Data.OpenApi.Declare qualified as OAPI
-- import Data.OpenApi.Declare qualified as OAPI
import Data.OpenApi.Internal (OpenApiSpecVersion (..), upperOpenApiSpecVersion)
-- import Data.OpenApi.Internal (OpenApiSpecVersion (..), upperOpenApiSpecVersion)
import Data.Proxy
-- import Data.Proxy
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
-- import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
import Data.Text qualified as Text
-- import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text
-- import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text
import Data.Version qualified as Version
-- import Data.Version qualified as Version
import Debug.Trace qualified as Debug
-- import Debug.Trace qualified as Debug
import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP
-- import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP
import Network.Wai qualified as WAI
-- import Network.Wai qualified as WAI
import Network.Wai.Parse qualified as WAI
-- import Network.Wai.Parse qualified as WAI
import Okapi.Parser
-- import Okapi.Parser
import Okapi.Parser.Body qualified as Body
-- import Okapi.Parser.Body qualified as Body
import Okapi.Parser.Headers qualified as Headers
-- import Okapi.Parser.Headers qualified as Headers
import Okapi.Parser.Path qualified as Path
-- import Okapi.Parser.Path qualified as Path
import Okapi.Parser.Query qualified as Query
-- import Okapi.Parser.Query qualified as Query
import Okapi.Parser.Responder qualified as Responder
-- import Okapi.Parser.Responder qualified as Responder
import Okapi.Parser.Responder.AddHeader (Response, toWaiResponse)
-- import Okapi.Parser.Responder.AddHeader (Response, toWaiResponse)
import Okapi.Parser.Security qualified as Security
-- import Okapi.Parser.Security qualified as Security
import Okapi.Parser.Security.Secure qualified as Secure
-- import Okapi.Parser.Security.Secure qualified as Secure
import Okapi.Request (Request)
-- import Okapi.Request (Request)
import Okapi.Route (DELETE (..), GET (..), POST (..), PUT (..), Route (..), Routes (..))
-- import Okapi.Route (DELETE (..), GET (..), POST (..), PUT (..), Route (..), Routes (..))
data Server resources = Server
-- data Server resources = Server
{ info :: OAPI.Info,
-- { info :: OAPI.Info,
url :: [Text.Text],
-- url :: [Text.Text],
description :: Maybe Text.Text,
-- description :: Maybe Text.Text,
routes :: Routes resources
-- routes :: Routes resources
-- }
toApplication :: Server resources -> WAI.Application
-- toApplication :: Server resources -> WAI.Application
toApplication Server {url, routes} request respond = do
-- toApplication Server {url, routes} request respond = do
let reqPath = List.dropPrefix url $ WAI.pathInfo request
-- let reqPath = List.dropPrefix url $ WAI.pathInfo request
reqQuery = WAI.queryString request
-- reqQuery = WAI.queryString request
reqHeaders = WAI.requestHeaders request
-- reqHeaders = WAI.requestHeaders request
reqSecurity = Secure.State reqQuery reqHeaders [] -- TODO: Get cookies out of headers here instead of empty list
-- reqSecurity = Secure.State reqQuery reqHeaders [] -- TODO: Get cookies out of headers here instead of empty list
if reqPath == WAI.pathInfo request && not (null url)
-- if reqPath == WAI.pathInfo request && not (null url)
then respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status404 mempty mempty -- TODO: If the incoming request URL doesn't have correct prefix. 404?
-- then respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status404 mempty mempty -- TODO: If the incoming request URL doesn't have correct prefix. 404?
else case getPathItemByPath reqPath routes of
-- else case getPathItemByPath reqPath routes of
None -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status404 mempty mempty
-- None -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status404 mempty mempty
Some (Route {get, post, put, delete}, resourceParam) -> case HTTP.parseMethod $ WAI.requestMethod request of
-- Some (Route {get, post, put, delete}, resourceParam) -> case HTTP.parseMethod $ WAI.requestMethod request of
Left _ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status501 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 501 Not Implemented error
-- Left _ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status501 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 501 Not Implemented error
Right reqMethod ->
-- Right reqMethod ->
case reqMethod of
-- case reqMethod of
HTTP.GET -> case get of
-- HTTP.GET -> case get of
Nothing -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status405 mempty mempty
-- Nothing -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status405 mempty mempty
Just (GET {handler, object}) ->
-- Just (GET {handler, object}) ->
case evalSecurity (sortSecurity Security.parser) reqSecurity of
-- case evalSecurity (sortSecurity Security.parser) reqSecurity of
(Ok securityParam, _) -> case (Query.eval Query.parser reqQuery, Headers.eval Headers.parser reqHeaders, Responder.eval Responder.parser ()) of
-- (Ok securityParam, _) -> case (Query.eval Query.parser reqQuery, Headers.eval Headers.parser reqHeaders, Responder.eval Responder.parser ()) of
((Ok queryParam, _), (Ok headersParam, _), (Ok responderParam, _)) -> do
-- ((Ok queryParam, _), (Ok headersParam, _), (Ok responderParam, _)) -> do
response <- object # handler resourceParam securityParam queryParam headersParam responderParam
-- response <- object # handler resourceParam securityParam queryParam headersParam responderParam
respond $ toWaiResponse response
-- respond $ toWaiResponse response
_ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status422 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 422 Unprocessable Content based on errors returned by Scripts
-- _ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status422 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 422 Unprocessable Content based on errors returned by Scripts
_ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status401 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 401 Unauthorized
-- _ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status401 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 401 Unauthorized
HTTP.POST -> case post of
-- HTTP.POST -> case post of
Nothing -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status405 mempty mempty
-- Nothing -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status405 mempty mempty
Just (POST {handler, object}) ->
-- Just (POST {handler, object}) ->
case evalSecurity (sortSecurity Security.parser) reqSecurity of
-- case evalSecurity (sortSecurity Security.parser) reqSecurity of
(Ok securityParam, _) -> case (Query.eval Query.parser reqQuery, Headers.eval Headers.parser reqHeaders, Responder.eval Responder.parser ()) of
-- (Ok securityParam, _) -> case (Query.eval Query.parser reqQuery, Headers.eval Headers.parser reqHeaders, Responder.eval Responder.parser ()) of
((Ok queryParam, _), (Ok headersParam, _), (Ok responderParam, _)) -> do
-- ((Ok queryParam, _), (Ok headersParam, _), (Ok responderParam, _)) -> do
bodyResult <- evalBody (sortBody Body.parser) request
-- bodyResult <- evalBody (sortBody Body.parser) request
case bodyResult of
-- case bodyResult of
(Ok bodyParam, _) -> do
-- (Ok bodyParam, _) -> do
response <- object # handler resourceParam securityParam queryParam bodyParam headersParam responderParam
-- response <- object # handler resourceParam securityParam queryParam bodyParam headersParam responderParam
respond $ toWaiResponse response
-- respond $ toWaiResponse response
_ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status400 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 400 for now but can be more specific depending on content-type, etc.
-- _ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status400 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 400 for now but can be more specific depending on content-type, etc.
_ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status422 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 422 Unprocessable Content based on errors returned by Scripts
-- _ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status422 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 422 Unprocessable Content based on errors returned by Scripts
_ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status401 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 401 Unauthorized
-- _ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status401 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 401 Unauthorized
HTTP.PUT -> case put of
-- HTTP.PUT -> case put of
Nothing -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status405 mempty mempty
-- Nothing -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status405 mempty mempty
Just (PUT {handler, object}) ->
-- Just (PUT {handler, object}) ->
case evalSecurity (sortSecurity Security.parser) reqSecurity of
-- case evalSecurity (sortSecurity Security.parser) reqSecurity of
(Ok securityParam, _) -> case (Query.eval Query.parser reqQuery, Headers.eval Headers.parser reqHeaders, Responder.eval Responder.parser ()) of
-- (Ok securityParam, _) -> case (Query.eval Query.parser reqQuery, Headers.eval Headers.parser reqHeaders, Responder.eval Responder.parser ()) of
((Ok queryParam, _), (Ok headersParam, _), (Ok responderParam, _)) -> do
-- ((Ok queryParam, _), (Ok headersParam, _), (Ok responderParam, _)) -> do
bodyResult <- evalBody (sortBody Body.parser) request
-- bodyResult <- evalBody (sortBody Body.parser) request
case bodyResult of
-- case bodyResult of
(Ok bodyParam, _) -> do
-- (Ok bodyParam, _) -> do
response <- object # handler resourceParam securityParam queryParam bodyParam headersParam responderParam
-- response <- object # handler resourceParam securityParam queryParam bodyParam headersParam responderParam
respond $ toWaiResponse response
-- respond $ toWaiResponse response
_ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status400 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 400 for now but can be more specific depending on content-type, etc.
-- _ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status400 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 400 for now but can be more specific depending on content-type, etc.
_ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status422 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 422 Unprocessable Content based on errors returned by Scripts
-- _ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status422 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 422 Unprocessable Content based on errors returned by Scripts
_ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status401 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 401 Unauthorized
-- _ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status401 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 401 Unauthorized
HTTP.DELETE -> case delete of
-- HTTP.DELETE -> case delete of
Nothing -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status405 mempty mempty
-- Nothing -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status405 mempty mempty
Just (DELETE {handler, object}) ->
-- Just (DELETE {handler, object}) ->
case evalSecurity (sortSecurity Security.parser) reqSecurity of
-- case evalSecurity (sortSecurity Security.parser) reqSecurity of
(Ok securityParam, _) -> case (Query.eval Query.parser reqQuery, Headers.eval Headers.parser reqHeaders, Responder.eval Responder.parser ()) of
-- (Ok securityParam, _) -> case (Query.eval Query.parser reqQuery, Headers.eval Headers.parser reqHeaders, Responder.eval Responder.parser ()) of
((Ok queryParam, _), (Ok headersParam, _), (Ok responderParam, _)) -> do
-- ((Ok queryParam, _), (Ok headersParam, _), (Ok responderParam, _)) -> do
response <- object # handler resourceParam securityParam queryParam headersParam responderParam
-- response <- object # handler resourceParam securityParam queryParam headersParam responderParam
respond $ toWaiResponse response
-- respond $ toWaiResponse response
_ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status422 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 422 Unprocessable Content based on errors returned by Scripts
-- _ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status422 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 422 Unprocessable Content based on errors returned by Scripts
_ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status401 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 401 Unauthorized
-- _ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status401 mempty mempty -- TODO: Return 401 Unauthorized
_ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status501 mempty mempty -- TODO: Implement cases for remaing Standard HTTP methods
-- _ -> respond $ WAI.responseLBS HTTP.status501 mempty mempty -- TODO: Implement cases for remaing Standard HTTP methods
data Option where
-- data Option where
None :: Option
-- None :: Option
Some :: forall resource. (Route resource, resource) -> Option
-- Some :: forall resource. (Route resource, resource) -> Option
getPathItemByPath :: [Text.Text] -> Routes resources -> Option
-- getPathItemByPath :: [Text.Text] -> Routes resources -> Option
getPathItemByPath reqPath Nil = None
-- getPathItemByPath reqPath Nil = None
getPathItemByPath reqPath (route@(Route @resource _ _ _ _ _ _) :& t) = case Path.eval (Path.parser @resource) reqPath of
-- getPathItemByPath reqPath (route@(Route @resource _ _ _ _ _ _) :& t) = case Path.eval (Path.parser @resource) reqPath of
(Ok resourceParam, _) -> Some (route, resourceParam)
-- (Ok resourceParam, _) -> Some (route, resourceParam)
_ -> getPathItemByPath reqPath t
-- _ -> getPathItemByPath reqPath t
evalBody :: NonEmpty (Body.Parser a) -> WAI.Request -> IO (Result [Body.Error] a, Body.RequestBody)
-- evalBody :: NonEmpty (Body.Parser a) -> WAI.Request -> IO (Result [Body.Error] a, Body.RequestBody)
evalBody (h :| t) request = do
-- evalBody (h :| t) request = do
state <- case WAI.getRequestBodyType request of
-- state <- case WAI.getRequestBodyType request of
Just (WAI.Multipart _boundary) -> Body.RequestBodyMultipart <$> WAI.parseRequestBodyEx WAI.defaultParseRequestBodyOptions WAI.lbsBackEnd request
-- Just (WAI.Multipart _boundary) -> Body.RequestBodyMultipart <$> WAI.parseRequestBodyEx WAI.defaultParseRequestBodyOptions WAI.lbsBackEnd request
_ -> Body.RequestBodyRaw <$> WAI.lazyRequestBody request
-- _ -> Body.RequestBodyRaw <$> WAI.lazyRequestBody request
case first (first pure) $ Body.eval h state of
-- case first (first pure) $ Body.eval h state of
(ok@(Ok _), s) -> return (ok, s)
-- (ok@(Ok _), s) -> return (ok, s)
_ -> return $ loop state t
-- _ -> return $ loop state t
-- where
loop :: Body.RequestBody -> [Body.Parser a] -> (Result [Body.Error] a, Body.RequestBody)
-- loop :: Body.RequestBody -> [Body.Parser a] -> (Result [Body.Error] a, Body.RequestBody)
loop state [] = (Fail [], state)
-- loop state [] = (Fail [], state)
loop state (h : t) = case first (first pure) $ Body.eval h state of
-- loop state (h : t) = case first (first pure) $ Body.eval h state of
(ok@(Ok _), state') -> (ok, state')
-- (ok@(Ok _), state') -> (ok, state')
_ -> loop state t
-- _ -> loop state t
sortBody :: NonEmpty (Body.Parser a) -> NonEmpty (Body.Parser a)
-- sortBody :: NonEmpty (Body.Parser a) -> NonEmpty (Body.Parser a)
sortBody = NonEmpty.sortBy comparer
-- sortBody = NonEmpty.sortBy comparer
-- where
comparer :: Body.Parser a -> Body.Parser a -> Ordering
-- comparer :: Body.Parser a -> Body.Parser a -> Ordering
comparer Body.None Body.None = EQ
-- comparer Body.None Body.None = EQ
comparer (Body.FMap _ Body.None) (Body.FMap _ Body.None) = EQ
-- comparer (Body.FMap _ Body.None) (Body.FMap _ Body.None) = EQ
comparer (Body.FMap _ Body.None) _ = GT
-- comparer (Body.FMap _ Body.None) _ = GT
comparer _ (Body.FMap _ Body.None) = LT
-- comparer _ (Body.FMap _ Body.None) = LT
comparer Body.None _body = GT
-- comparer Body.None _body = GT
comparer _body Body.None = LT
-- comparer _body Body.None = LT
evalSecurity :: NonEmpty (Security.Parser a) -> Secure.State -> (Result Security.Error a, Secure.State)
-- evalSecurity :: NonEmpty (Security.Parser a) -> Secure.State -> (Result Security.Error a, Secure.State)
evalSecurity (h :| t) state = case Security.eval h state of
-- evalSecurity (h :| t) state = case Security.eval h state of
(ok@(Ok _), s) -> (ok, s)
-- (ok@(Ok _), s) -> (ok, s)
_ -> loop state t
-- _ -> loop state t
-- where
loop :: Secure.State -> [Security.Parser a] -> (Result Security.Error a, Secure.State)
-- loop :: Secure.State -> [Security.Parser a] -> (Result Security.Error a, Secure.State)
loop state [] = (Fail $ Security.SecureError Secure.ParseFail, state)
-- loop state [] = (Fail $ Security.SecureError Secure.ParseFail, state)
loop state (h : t) = case Security.eval h state of
-- loop state (h : t) = case Security.eval h state of
(ok@(Ok _), state') -> (ok, state')
-- (ok@(Ok _), state') -> (ok, state')
_ -> loop state t
-- _ -> loop state t
sortSecurity :: NonEmpty (Security.Parser a) -> NonEmpty (Security.Parser a)
-- sortSecurity :: NonEmpty (Security.Parser a) -> NonEmpty (Security.Parser a)
sortSecurity = NonEmpty.sortBy comparer
-- sortSecurity = NonEmpty.sortBy comparer
-- where
comparer :: Security.Parser a -> Security.Parser a -> Ordering
-- comparer :: Security.Parser a -> Security.Parser a -> Ordering
comparer Security.None Security.None = EQ
-- comparer Security.None Security.None = EQ
comparer (Security.FMap _ Security.None) (Security.FMap _ Security.None) = EQ
-- comparer (Security.FMap _ Security.None) (Security.FMap _ Security.None) = EQ
comparer Security.None _ = GT
-- comparer Security.None _ = GT
comparer (Security.FMap _ Security.None) _ = GT
-- comparer (Security.FMap _ Security.None) _ = GT
comparer _ Security.None = LT
-- comparer _ Security.None = LT
comparer _ (Security.FMap _ Security.None) = LT
-- comparer _ (Security.FMap _ Security.None) = LT
toOpenAPI ::
-- toOpenAPI ::
Server resource ->
-- Server resource ->
-- OAPI.OpenApi
toOpenAPI Server {info, description, routes, url} =
-- toOpenAPI Server {info, description, routes, url} =
-- mempty
{ OAPI._openApiInfo = info,
-- { OAPI._openApiInfo = info,
OAPI._openApiServers =
-- OAPI._openApiServers =
[ OAPI.Server
-- [ OAPI.Server
(Text.intercalate "/" url)
-- (Text.intercalate "/" url)
-- description
-- mempty
-- ],
OAPI._openApiPaths = pathItemsToOpenAPIPaths routes,
-- OAPI._openApiPaths = pathItemsToOpenAPIPaths routes,
OAPI._openApiOpenapi = OpenApiSpecVersion {getVersion = Version.Version [3, 0, 3] []}
-- OAPI._openApiOpenapi = OpenApiSpecVersion {getVersion = Version.Version [3, 0, 3] []}
-- }
pathItemsToOpenAPIPaths :: Routes resources -> InsOrdHashMap.InsOrdHashMap FilePath OAPI.PathItem
-- pathItemsToOpenAPIPaths :: Routes resources -> InsOrdHashMap.InsOrdHashMap FilePath OAPI.PathItem
pathItemsToOpenAPIPaths Nil = InsOrdHashMap.fromList []
-- pathItemsToOpenAPIPaths Nil = InsOrdHashMap.fromList []
pathItemsToOpenAPIPaths (h :& t) = let (filePath, pathItem) = toOpenAPIPathItem h in InsOrdHashMap.insert filePath pathItem $ pathItemsToOpenAPIPaths t
-- pathItemsToOpenAPIPaths (h :& t) = let (filePath, pathItem) = toOpenAPIPathItem h in InsOrdHashMap.insert filePath pathItem $ pathItemsToOpenAPIPaths t
toOpenAPIPathItem :: Route resource -> (FilePath, OAPI.PathItem)
-- toOpenAPIPathItem :: Route resource -> (FilePath, OAPI.PathItem)
toOpenAPIPathItem (Route @resource summary description get post put delete) = (pathName, pathItem)
-- toOpenAPIPathItem (Route @resource summary description get post put delete) = (pathName, pathItem)
-- where
pathName :: FilePath
-- pathName :: FilePath
pathName = renderPath $ Path.parser @resource
-- pathName = renderPath $ Path.parser @resource
pathItem :: OAPI.PathItem
-- pathItem :: OAPI.PathItem
pathItem =
-- pathItem =
-- mempty
{ OAPI._pathItemSummary = summary,
-- { OAPI._pathItemSummary = summary,
OAPI._pathItemDescription = description,
-- OAPI._pathItemDescription = description,
OAPI._pathItemGet = fmap toGetOperation get,
-- OAPI._pathItemGet = fmap toGetOperation get,
OAPI._pathItemPost = fmap toPostOperation post,
-- OAPI._pathItemPost = fmap toPostOperation post,
OAPI._pathItemPut = fmap toPutOperation put,
-- OAPI._pathItemPut = fmap toPutOperation put,
OAPI._pathItemDelete = fmap toDeleteOperation delete
-- OAPI._pathItemDelete = fmap toDeleteOperation delete
-- }
toGetOperation :: GET m resource security query headers responder -> OAPI.Operation
-- toGetOperation :: GET m resource security query headers responder -> OAPI.Operation
toGetOperation (GET @_ @resource @security @query @headers @responder summary description _ _) =
-- toGetOperation (GET @_ @resource @security @query @headers @responder summary description _ _) =
-- mempty
{ OAPI._operationParameters = toParameters (Path.parser @resource, Query.parser @query, Headers.parser @headers),
-- { OAPI._operationParameters = toParameters (Path.parser @resource, Query.parser @query, Headers.parser @headers),
OAPI._operationResponses = toResponses $ Responder.parser @responder,
-- OAPI._operationResponses = toResponses $ Responder.parser @responder,
OAPI._operationSecurity = toSecurityRequirements $ Security.parser @security,
-- OAPI._operationSecurity = toSecurityRequirements $ Security.parser @security,
OAPI._operationSummary = summary,
-- OAPI._operationSummary = summary,
OAPI._operationDescription = description
-- OAPI._operationDescription = description
-- }
toPostOperation :: POST m resource security query body headers responder -> OAPI.Operation
-- toPostOperation :: POST m resource security query body headers responder -> OAPI.Operation
toPostOperation (POST @_ @resource @security @query @body @headers @responder summary description _ _) =
-- toPostOperation (POST @_ @resource @security @query @body @headers @responder summary description _ _) =
-- mempty
{ OAPI._operationParameters = toParameters (Path.parser @resource, Query.parser @query, Headers.parser @headers),
-- { OAPI._operationParameters = toParameters (Path.parser @resource, Query.parser @query, Headers.parser @headers),
OAPI._operationRequestBody = toOpenAPIRequestBody $ Body.parser @body,
-- OAPI._operationRequestBody = toOpenAPIRequestBody $ Body.parser @body,
OAPI._operationResponses = toResponses $ Responder.parser @responder,
-- OAPI._operationResponses = toResponses $ Responder.parser @responder,
OAPI._operationSecurity = toSecurityRequirements $ Security.parser @security,
-- OAPI._operationSecurity = toSecurityRequirements $ Security.parser @security,
OAPI._operationSummary = summary,
-- OAPI._operationSummary = summary,
OAPI._operationDescription = description
-- OAPI._operationDescription = description
-- }
toPutOperation :: PUT m resource security query body headers responder -> OAPI.Operation
-- toPutOperation :: PUT m resource security query body headers responder -> OAPI.Operation
toPutOperation (PUT @_ @resource @security @query @body @headers @responder summary description _ _) =
-- toPutOperation (PUT @_ @resource @security @query @body @headers @responder summary description _ _) =
-- mempty
{ OAPI._operationParameters = toParameters (Path.parser @resource, Query.parser @query, Headers.parser @headers),
-- { OAPI._operationParameters = toParameters (Path.parser @resource, Query.parser @query, Headers.parser @headers),
OAPI._operationRequestBody = toOpenAPIRequestBody $ Body.parser @body,
-- OAPI._operationRequestBody = toOpenAPIRequestBody $ Body.parser @body,
OAPI._operationResponses = toResponses $ Responder.parser @responder,
-- OAPI._operationResponses = toResponses $ Responder.parser @responder,
OAPI._operationSecurity = toSecurityRequirements $ Security.parser @security,
-- OAPI._operationSecurity = toSecurityRequirements $ Security.parser @security,
OAPI._operationSummary = summary,
-- OAPI._operationSummary = summary,
OAPI._operationDescription = description
-- OAPI._operationDescription = description
-- }
toDeleteOperation :: DELETE m resource security query headers responder -> OAPI.Operation
-- toDeleteOperation :: DELETE m resource security query headers responder -> OAPI.Operation
toDeleteOperation (DELETE @_ @resource @security @query @headers @responder summary description _ _) =
-- toDeleteOperation (DELETE @_ @resource @security @query @headers @responder summary description _ _) =
-- mempty
{ OAPI._operationParameters = toParameters (Path.parser @resource, Query.parser @query, Headers.parser @headers),
-- { OAPI._operationParameters = toParameters (Path.parser @resource, Query.parser @query, Headers.parser @headers),
OAPI._operationResponses = toResponses $ Responder.parser @responder,
-- OAPI._operationResponses = toResponses $ Responder.parser @responder,
OAPI._operationSecurity = toSecurityRequirements $ Security.parser @security,
-- OAPI._operationSecurity = toSecurityRequirements $ Security.parser @security,
OAPI._operationSummary = summary,
-- OAPI._operationSummary = summary,
OAPI._operationDescription = description
-- OAPI._operationDescription = description
-- }
toParameters :: (Path.Parser resource, Query.Parser q, Headers.Parser h) -> [OAPI.Referenced OAPI.Param]
-- toParameters :: (Path.Parser resource, Query.Parser q, Headers.Parser h) -> [OAPI.Referenced OAPI.Param]
toParameters (path, query, headers) = pathParameters path <> queryParameters query <> headersParameters headers
-- toParameters (path, query, headers) = pathParameters path <> queryParameters query <> headersParameters headers
-- where
pathParameters :: Path.Parser resource -> [OAPI.Referenced OAPI.Param]
-- pathParameters :: Path.Parser resource -> [OAPI.Referenced OAPI.Param]
pathParameters path = case path of
-- pathParameters path = case path of
Path.FMap f p -> pathParameters p
-- Path.FMap f p -> pathParameters p
Path.Pure _ -> mempty
-- Path.Pure _ -> mempty
Path.Apply pf px -> pathParameters pf <> pathParameters px
-- Path.Apply pf px -> pathParameters pf <> pathParameters px
Path.Static _ -> mempty
-- Path.Static _ -> mempty
Path.Param @p name ->
-- Path.Param @p name ->
[ OAPI.Inline $
-- [ OAPI.Inline $
-- mempty
{ OAPI._paramName = name,
-- { OAPI._paramName = name,
OAPI._paramRequired = Just True,
-- OAPI._paramRequired = Just True,
OAPI._paramIn = OAPI.ParamPath,
-- OAPI._paramIn = OAPI.ParamPath,
OAPI._paramSchema = Just $ OAPI.Inline $ OAPI._namedSchemaSchema $ OAPI.undeclare $ OAPI.declareNamedSchema @p Proxy
-- OAPI._paramSchema = Just $ OAPI.Inline $ OAPI._namedSchemaSchema $ OAPI.undeclare $ OAPI.declareNamedSchema @p Proxy
-- }
-- ]
queryParameters :: Query.Parser q -> [OAPI.Referenced OAPI.Param]
-- queryParameters :: Query.Parser q -> [OAPI.Referenced OAPI.Param]
queryParameters query = case query of
-- queryParameters query = case query of
Query.FMap f q -> queryParameters q
-- Query.FMap f q -> queryParameters q
Query.Pure _ -> mempty
-- Query.Pure _ -> mempty
Query.Apply pf px -> queryParameters pf <> queryParameters px
-- Query.Apply pf px -> queryParameters pf <> queryParameters px
Query.Param @p name ->
-- Query.Param @p name ->
[ OAPI.Inline $
-- [ OAPI.Inline $
-- mempty
{ OAPI._paramName = Text.decodeUtf8 name,
-- { OAPI._paramName = Text.decodeUtf8 name,
OAPI._paramRequired = Just True,
-- OAPI._paramRequired = Just True,
OAPI._paramIn = OAPI.ParamQuery,
-- OAPI._paramIn = OAPI.ParamQuery,
OAPI._paramSchema = Just $ OAPI.Inline $ OAPI._namedSchemaSchema $ OAPI.undeclare $ OAPI.declareNamedSchema @p Proxy
-- OAPI._paramSchema = Just $ OAPI.Inline $ OAPI._namedSchemaSchema $ OAPI.undeclare $ OAPI.declareNamedSchema @p Proxy
-- }
-- ]
Query.Flag name ->
-- Query.Flag name ->
[ OAPI.Inline $
-- [ OAPI.Inline $
-- mempty
{ OAPI._paramName = Text.decodeUtf8 name,
-- { OAPI._paramName = Text.decodeUtf8 name,
OAPI._paramRequired = Just True,
-- OAPI._paramRequired = Just True,
OAPI._paramIn = OAPI.ParamQuery,
-- OAPI._paramIn = OAPI.ParamQuery,
OAPI._paramAllowEmptyValue = Just True
-- OAPI._paramAllowEmptyValue = Just True
-- }
-- ]
Query.Optional @p query' -> case query' of
-- Query.Optional @p query' -> case query' of
Query.Param _ -> do
-- Query.Param _ -> do
param <- queryParameters query'
-- param <- queryParameters query'
pure $ fmap (\param -> param {OAPI._paramRequired = Just False}) param
-- pure $ fmap (\param -> param {OAPI._paramRequired = Just False}) param
Query.Flag _ -> do
-- Query.Flag _ -> do
param <- queryParameters query'
-- param <- queryParameters query'
pure $ fmap (\param -> param {OAPI._paramRequired = Just False}) param
-- pure $ fmap (\param -> param {OAPI._paramRequired = Just False}) param
_ -> queryParameters query'
-- _ -> queryParameters query'
Query.Option @p def query' -> case query' of
-- Query.Option @p def query' -> case query' of
Query.Param _ -> do
-- Query.Param _ -> do
param <- queryParameters query'
-- param <- queryParameters query'
pure $ fmap (\param -> param {OAPI._paramRequired = Just False, OAPI._paramSchema = fmap (fmap (\schema -> schema {OAPI._schemaDefault = Just $ Aeson.toJSON def})) param._paramSchema}) param
-- pure $ fmap (\param -> param {OAPI._paramRequired = Just False, OAPI._paramSchema = fmap (fmap (\schema -> schema {OAPI._schemaDefault = Just $ Aeson.toJSON def})) param._paramSchema}) param
_ -> queryParameters query'
-- _ -> queryParameters query'
headersParameters :: Headers.Parser h -> [OAPI.Referenced OAPI.Param]
-- headersParameters :: Headers.Parser h -> [OAPI.Referenced OAPI.Param]
headersParameters headers = case headers of
-- headersParameters headers = case headers of
Headers.FMap f h -> headersParameters h
-- Headers.FMap f h -> headersParameters h
Headers.Pure _ -> mempty
-- Headers.Pure _ -> mempty
Headers.Apply pf px -> headersParameters pf <> headersParameters px
-- Headers.Apply pf px -> headersParameters pf <> headersParameters px
Headers.Param @p name ->
-- Headers.Param @p name ->
[ OAPI.Inline $
-- [ OAPI.Inline $
-- mempty
{ OAPI._paramName = Text.decodeUtf8 $ CI.original name,
-- { OAPI._paramName = Text.decodeUtf8 $ CI.original name,
OAPI._paramRequired = Just True,
-- OAPI._paramRequired = Just True,
OAPI._paramIn = OAPI.ParamHeader,
-- OAPI._paramIn = OAPI.ParamHeader,
OAPI._paramSchema = Just $ OAPI.Inline $ OAPI._namedSchemaSchema $ OAPI.undeclare $ OAPI.declareNamedSchema @p Proxy
-- OAPI._paramSchema = Just $ OAPI.Inline $ OAPI._namedSchemaSchema $ OAPI.undeclare $ OAPI.declareNamedSchema @p Proxy
-- }
-- ]
Headers.Cookie @p name ->
-- Headers.Cookie @p name ->
[ OAPI.Inline $
-- [ OAPI.Inline $
-- mempty
{ OAPI._paramName = Text.decodeUtf8 name,
-- { OAPI._paramName = Text.decodeUtf8 name,
OAPI._paramRequired = Just True,
-- OAPI._paramRequired = Just True,
OAPI._paramIn = OAPI.ParamCookie,
-- OAPI._paramIn = OAPI.ParamCookie,
OAPI._paramSchema = Just $ OAPI.Inline $ OAPI._namedSchemaSchema $ OAPI.undeclare $ OAPI.declareNamedSchema @p Proxy
-- OAPI._paramSchema = Just $ OAPI.Inline $ OAPI._namedSchemaSchema $ OAPI.undeclare $ OAPI.declareNamedSchema @p Proxy
-- }
-- ]
Headers.Optional @p headers' -> case headers' of
-- Headers.Optional @p headers' -> case headers' of
Headers.Param _ -> do
-- Headers.Param _ -> do
param <- headersParameters headers'
-- param <- headersParameters headers'
pure $ fmap (\param -> param {OAPI._paramRequired = Just False}) param
-- pure $ fmap (\param -> param {OAPI._paramRequired = Just False}) param
Headers.Cookie _ -> do
-- Headers.Cookie _ -> do
param <- headersParameters headers'
-- param <- headersParameters headers'
pure $ fmap (\param -> param {OAPI._paramRequired = Just False}) param
-- pure $ fmap (\param -> param {OAPI._paramRequired = Just False}) param
_ -> headersParameters headers'
-- _ -> headersParameters headers'
Headers.Option @p def headers' -> case headers' of
-- Headers.Option @p def headers' -> case headers' of
Headers.Param _ -> do
-- Headers.Param _ -> do
param <- headersParameters headers'
-- param <- headersParameters headers'
pure $ fmap (\param -> param {OAPI._paramRequired = Just False, OAPI._paramSchema = fmap (fmap (\schema -> schema {OAPI._schemaDefault = Just $ Aeson.toJSON def})) param._paramSchema}) param
-- pure $ fmap (\param -> param {OAPI._paramRequired = Just False, OAPI._paramSchema = fmap (fmap (\schema -> schema {OAPI._schemaDefault = Just $ Aeson.toJSON def})) param._paramSchema}) param
Headers.Cookie _ -> do
-- Headers.Cookie _ -> do
param <- headersParameters headers'
-- param <- headersParameters headers'
pure $ fmap (\param -> param {OAPI._paramRequired = Just False, OAPI._paramSchema = fmap (fmap (\schema -> schema {OAPI._schemaDefault = Just $ Aeson.toJSON def})) param._paramSchema}) param
-- pure $ fmap (\param -> param {OAPI._paramRequired = Just False, OAPI._paramSchema = fmap (fmap (\schema -> schema {OAPI._schemaDefault = Just $ Aeson.toJSON def})) param._paramSchema}) param
_ -> headersParameters headers'
-- _ -> headersParameters headers'
toSecurityRequirements :: NonEmpty (Security.Parser s) -> [OAPI.SecurityRequirement]
-- toSecurityRequirements :: NonEmpty (Security.Parser s) -> [OAPI.SecurityRequirement]
toSecurityRequirements security = []
-- toSecurityRequirements security = []
toOpenAPIRequestBody :: NonEmpty (Body.Parser b) -> Maybe (OAPI.Referenced OAPI.RequestBody)
-- toOpenAPIRequestBody :: NonEmpty (Body.Parser b) -> Maybe (OAPI.Referenced OAPI.RequestBody)
toOpenAPIRequestBody body = Nothing
-- toOpenAPIRequestBody body = Nothing
toResponses :: Responder.Parser r -> OAPI.Responses
-- toResponses :: Responder.Parser r -> OAPI.Responses
toResponses responder = mempty
-- toResponses responder = mempty
renderPath :: Path.Parser a -> FilePath
-- renderPath :: Path.Parser a -> FilePath
renderPath path = case path of
-- renderPath path = case path of
Path.FMap f p -> renderPath p
-- Path.FMap f p -> renderPath p
Path.Pure _ -> mempty
-- Path.Pure _ -> mempty
Path.Apply pf px -> renderPath pf <> renderPath px
-- Path.Apply pf px -> renderPath pf <> renderPath px
Path.Static t -> "/" <> Text.unpack t
-- Path.Static t -> "/" <> Text.unpack t
Path.Param @p name -> "/{" <> Text.unpack name <> "}"
-- Path.Param @p name -> "/{" <> Text.unpack name <> "}"
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