```haskell {- Haskell Server Pages are a nice way to create server responses. You call them from your parsers like so: hsp :: FilePath -> m Response hsp rootDir = undefined main :: IO main = run id (hsp "/") Will look for `.hsp` files in the root directory and serve them according to their path relative to the root directory. home.hsp -> /home users.hsp -> /users users |- userID::Int.hsp -> /user/userID::Int |- userID::Int |- posts.hsp -> /user/userID::Int/posts |- follows.hsp -> /user/userID::Int/follows This whole module is an example HSP. -} -- /store/category::Category methodGET mbColor <- optional $ queryParam @Color "color" mbBrand <- optional $ queryParam @Brand "brand" mbMinPrice <- optional $ queryParam @Float "min_price" mbMaxPrice <- optional $ queryParam @Float "max_price" products <- select conn do each product where_ ...
case category of Shoes -><%= productName %>
<%= footer %> ```