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-- {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
-- module Okapi.Parser.Query.Applicative where
-- import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
-- import Data.List qualified as List
-- import Data.Text qualified as Text
-- import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text
-- import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP
-- import Web.HttpApiData qualified as Web
-- import Network.Wai qualified as Wai
-- import Network.Wai.Internal qualified as Wai
-- import Okapi.Parser.Query.Operation qualified as Operation
-- data Parser a where
-- FMap :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
-- Pure :: a -> Parser a
-- Apply :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
-- Optional :: Parser a -> Parser (Maybe a)
-- Option :: a -> Parser a -> Parser a
-- Operation :: Operation.Parser a -> Parser a
-- instance Functor Parser where
-- fmap = FMap
-- instance Applicative Parser where
-- pure = Pure
-- (<*>) = Apply
-- param :: Web.FromHttpApiData a => BS.ByteString -> Parser a
-- param = Operation . Operation.Param
-- flag :: BS.ByteString -> Parser ()
-- flag = Operation . Operation.Flag
-- optional :: Web.FromHttpApiData a => Parser a -> Parser (Maybe a)
-- optional = Optional
-- option :: Web.FromHttpApiData a => a -> Parser a -> Parser a
-- option = Option
-- eval ::
-- Parser a ->
-- Wai.Request ->
-- (Either Operation.Error a, Wai.Request)
-- eval (FMap f opX) state = case eval opX state of
-- (Left e, state') -> (Left e, state')
-- (Right x, state') -> (Right $ f x, state')
-- eval (Pure x) state = (Right x, state)
-- eval (Apply opF opX) state = case eval opF state of
-- (Right f, state') -> case eval opX state' of
-- (Right x, state'') -> (Right $ f x, state'')
-- (Left e, state'') -> (Left e, state'')
-- (Left e, state') -> (Left e, state')
-- eval (Optional op) state = case op of
-- Operation param@(Operation.Param _) -> case Operation.eval param state of
-- (Right result, state') -> (Right $ Just result, state')
-- (_, state') -> (Right Nothing, state')
-- Operation flag@(Operation.Flag _) -> case Operation.eval flag state of
-- (Right result, state') -> (Right $ Just result, state')
-- (_, state') -> (Right Nothing, state')
-- _ -> case eval op state of
-- (Right result, state') -> (Right $ Just result, state')
-- (Left err, state') -> (Left err, state')
-- eval (Option def op) state = case op of
-- Operation param@(Operation.Param _) -> case Operation.eval param state of
-- (Right result, state') -> (Right result, state')
-- (_, state') -> (Right def, state')
-- Operation flag@(Operation.Flag _) -> case Operation.eval flag state of
-- (Right result, state') -> (Right result, state')
-- (_, state') -> (Right def, state')
-- _ -> eval op state
-- eval (Operation op) state = Operation.eval op state
-- class FromQuery a where
-- parser :: Parser a
-- parse :: FromQuery a => Wai.Request -> Either Operation.Error a
-- parse req = fst $ eval parser req