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// vim:tabstop=2
Moses - factored hierarchical phrase-based language decoder
Copyright (C) 2009 University of Edinburgh
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "relax-parse.h"
#include "SafeGetline.h"
#include "tables-core.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace MosesTraining;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
init( argc, argv ); // initialize from switches, set flags
// loop through all sentences
int i=0;
char inBuffer[LINE_MAX_LENGTH];
while(true) {
if (i%1000 == 0) cerr << "." << flush;
if (i%10000 == 0) cerr << ":" << flush;
if (i%100000 == 0) cerr << "!" << flush;
// get line from stdin
SAFE_GETLINE( cin, inBuffer, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, '\n', __FILE__);
if (cin.eof()) break;
// process into syntax tree representation
string inBufferString = string( inBuffer );
set< string > labelCollection; // set of labels, not used
map< string, int > topLabelCollection; // count of top labels, not used
SyntaxTree tree;
ProcessAndStripXMLTags( inBufferString, tree, labelCollection, topLabelCollection, false );
vector< string > inWords = tokenize( inBufferString.c_str() );
// output tree
// cerr << "BEFORE:" << endl << tree;
ParentNodes parents = tree.Parse();
// execute selected grammar relaxation schemes
if (leftBinarizeFlag)
LeftBinarize( tree, parents );
if (rightBinarizeFlag)
RightBinarize( tree, parents );
if (SAMTLevel>0)
SAMT( tree, parents );
// output tree
// cerr << "AFTER:" << endl << tree;
store( tree, inWords );
// initialize settings from switches
void init(int argc, char* argv[])
cerr << "Parse Relaxer v1.0, written by Philipp Koehn\n";
cerr << "adds additional constituents to a parse tree\n";
if (argc < 2) {
cerr << "syntax: relax-parse < in-parse > out-parse ["
<< " --LeftBinarize | ---RightBinarize |"
<< " --SAMT 1-4 ]" << endl;
for(int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
// add constituents with binarization
if (strcmp(argv[i],"--LeftBinarize") == 0) {
leftBinarizeFlag = true;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--RightBinarize") == 0) {
rightBinarizeFlag = true;
// add constituents according to samt (Zollmann/Venugopal)
else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--SAMT") == 0) {
SAMTLevel = atoi( argv[++i] );
cerr << "using SAMT grammar, level " << SAMTLevel << endl;
// error
else {
cerr << "relax-grammar: syntax error, unknown option '" << string(argv[i]) << "'\n";
void store( SyntaxTree &tree, vector< string > &words )
// output words
for( size_t i=0; i<words.size(); i++ ) {
if (i>0) {
cout << " ";
cout << words[i];
// output tree nodes
vector< SyntaxNode* > nodes = tree.GetAllNodes();
for( size_t i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++ ) {
cout << " <tree span=\"" << nodes[i]->GetStart()
<< "-" << nodes[i]->GetEnd()
<< "\" label=\"" << nodes[i]->GetLabel()
<< "\"/>";
cout << endl;
void LeftBinarize( SyntaxTree &tree, ParentNodes &parents )
for(ParentNodes::const_iterator p = parents.begin(); p != parents.end(); p++) {
const SplitPoints &point = *p;
if (point.size() > 3) {
const vector< SyntaxNode* >& topNodes
= tree.GetNodes( point[0], point[point.size()-1]-1);
string topLabel = topNodes[0]->GetLabel();
for(size_t i=2; i<point.size()-1; i++) {
// cerr << "LeftBin " << point[0] << "-" << (point[point.size()-1]-1) << ": " << point[0] << "-" << point[i]-1 << " ^" << topLabel << endl;
tree.AddNode( point[0], point[i]-1, "^" + topLabel );
void RightBinarize( SyntaxTree &tree, ParentNodes &parents )
for(ParentNodes::const_iterator p = parents.begin(); p != parents.end(); p++) {
const SplitPoints &point = *p;
if (point.size() > 3) {
int endPoint = point[point.size()-1]-1;
const vector< SyntaxNode* >& topNodes
= tree.GetNodes( point[0], endPoint);
string topLabel = topNodes[0]->GetLabel();
for(size_t i=1; i<point.size()-2; i++) {
// cerr << "RightBin " << point[0] << "-" << (point[point.size()-1]-1) << ": " << point[i] << "-" << endPoint << " ^" << topLabel << endl;
tree.AddNode( point[i], endPoint, "^" + topLabel );
void SAMT( SyntaxTree &tree, ParentNodes &parents )
int numWords = tree.GetNumWords();
SyntaxTree newTree; // to store new nodes
// look through parents to combine children
for(ParentNodes::const_iterator p = parents.begin(); p != parents.end(); p++) {
const SplitPoints &point = *p;
// neighboring childen: DET+ADJ
if (point.size() >= 3) {
// cerr << "complex parent: ";
// for(int i=0;i<point.size();i++) cerr << point[i] << " ";
// cerr << endl;
for(size_t i = 0; i+2 < point.size(); i++) {
// cerr << "\tadding " << point[i] << ";" << point[i+1] << ";" << (point[i+2]-1) << ": " << tree.GetNodes(point[i ],point[i+1]-1)[0]->GetLabel() << "+" << tree.GetNodes(point[i+1],point[i+2]-1)[0]->GetLabel() << endl;
newTree.AddNode( point[i],point[i+2]-1,
tree.GetNodes(point[i ],point[i+1]-1)[0]->GetLabel()
+ "+" +
tree.GetNodes(point[i+1],point[i+2]-1)[0]->GetLabel() );
if (point.size() >= 4) {
int ps = point.size();
string topLabel = tree.GetNodes(point[0],point[ps-1]-1)[0]->GetLabel();
// cerr << "\tadding " << topLabel + "\\" + tree.GetNodes(point[0],point[1]-1)[0]->GetLabel() << endl;
newTree.AddNode( point[1],point[ps-1]-1,
+ "\\" +
tree.GetNodes(point[0],point[1]-1)[0]->GetLabel() );
// cerr << "\tadding " << topLabel + "/" + tree.GetNodes(point[ps-2],point[ps-1]-1)[0]->GetLabel() << endl;
newTree.AddNode( point[0],point[ps-2]-1,
+ "/" +
tree.GetNodes(point[ps-2],point[ps-1]-1)[0]->GetLabel() );
// rules for any bordering constituents...
for(int size = 2; size < numWords; size++) {
for(int start = 0; start < numWords-size+1; start++) {
int end = start+size-1;
bool done = false;
if (tree.HasNode( start,end ) || newTree.HasNode( start,end )
|| SAMTLevel <= 1) {
// if matching two adjacent parse constituents: use ++
for(int mid=start+1; mid<=end && !done; mid++) {
if (tree.HasNode(start,mid-1) && tree.HasNode(mid,end)) {
// cerr << "\tadding " << tree.GetNodes(start,mid-1)[0]->GetLabel() << "++" << tree.GetNodes(mid, end )[0]->GetLabel() << endl;
newTree.AddNode( start, end,
+ "++" +
tree.GetNodes(mid, end )[0]->GetLabel() );
done = true;
if (done) continue;
// if matching a constituent A right-minus const. B: use A//B
for(int postEnd=end+1; postEnd<numWords && !done; postEnd++) {
if (tree.HasNode(start,postEnd) && tree.HasNode(end+1,postEnd)) {
newTree.AddNode( start, end,
+ "//" +
tree.GetNodes(end+1,postEnd)[0]->GetLabel() );
done = true;
if (done) continue;
// if matching a constituent A left-minus constituent B: use A\\B
for(int preStart=start-1; preStart>=0; preStart--) {
if (tree.HasNode(preStart,end) && tree.HasNode(preStart,start-1)) {
// cerr << "\tadding " << tree.GetNodes(preStart,end )[0]->GetLabel() << "\\\\" <<tree.GetNodes(preStart,start-1)[0]->GetLabel() << endl;
newTree.AddNode( start, end,
tree.GetNodes(preStart,end )[0]->GetLabel()
+ "\\\\" +
tree.GetNodes(preStart,start-1)[0]->GetLabel() );
done = true;
if (done) continue;
// if matching three consecutive constituents, use double-plus
// SAMT Level 3, not yet implemented
// else: assign default category _FAIL
if (SAMTLevel>=4) {
newTree.AddNode( start, end, "_FAIL" );
// adding all new nodes
vector< SyntaxNode* > nodes = newTree.GetAllNodes();
for( size_t i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++ ) {
tree.AddNode( nodes[i]->GetStart(), nodes[i]->GetEnd(), nodes[i]->GetLabel());